Page 1: NACHIMUTHU POL YTECHNIC COLLEGE - · them. Lami’ s theorem - statement - experimental verification of parallelogram law of forces and Lami’ s theorem . Simple Machines




( Autonomous – ISO 9001 – 2000 Certified Institution )



2008 - 2009 onwards

Page 2: NACHIMUTHU POL YTECHNIC COLLEGE - · them. Lami’ s theorem - statement - experimental verification of parallelogram law of forces and Lami’ s theorem . Simple Machines


S.No Code No. Course Name Examinations marks

TimeCred Int Ext Max (Hrs)

1 0101 English - I 3 25 75 100 3

2 0102 Basics of Computer Science – I 4 25 75 100 3

3 0103 Mathematics – I 7 25 75 100 3

4 0104 Applied Physics – I 3 25 75 100 3

5 0105 Applied Chemistry – I 3 25 75 100 3

6 0106 Technical Drawing – I 4 25 75 100 3

7 0107 Applied Physics Practical – I 1 25 75 100 3

8 0108 Applied Chemistry Practical – I 1 25 75 100 3

9 0109 Workshop Practice – I 1.5 25 75 100 3

10 0110 English Communication 1 25 75 100 3Practical – I

Total 28.5


First Year Diploma in Engineering

First Term

For a pass a minimum o 30 marks and 38 marks for theory and practical subjects respectively in the end semester examination isrequired and also a minimum of 40% and 50 % for theory and practical respectively with both internal and external put together.

S.No Code No. Course Name Examinations marks

TimeCred Int Ext Max (Hrs)

1 0111 English - II 3 25 75 100 3

2 0112 Basics of Computer Science – II 4 25 75 100 3

3 0113 Mathematics – II 7 25 75 100 3

4 0114 Applied Physics – II 3 25 75 100 3

5 0115 Applied Chemistry – II 3 25 75 100 3

6 0116 Technical Drawing – II 4 25 75 100 3

7 0117 Applied Physics Practical – II 1 25 75 100 3

8 0118 Applied Chemistry Practical – II 1 25 75 100 3

9 0119 Workshop Practice – II 1.5 25 75 100 3

10 0120 English Communication 1 25 75 100 3Practical – II

Total 28.5


First Year Diploma in Engineering

First Term

For a pass a minimum o 30 marks and 38 marks for theory and practical subjects respectively in the end semester examination isrequired and also a minimum of 40% and 50 % for theory and practical respectively with both internal and external put together.

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Course : 0101 ENGLISH – I


The students

1.0 Use English effectively in preparing and presenting technical reports1.1 Acquire and use appropriate vocabulary to communicate efficiently by using appropriate words, sentence patterns etc.1.2 Form grammatically correct and idiomatically relevant English accurately.1.3 Interact effectively with others in every possible situation ( Personal and Professional)1.4 React to unforeseen situations1.5 Familiarize with reading and react, interpreting and preparing graphics, technical writings and acquire oral sensibility.


2.0 Use English for effective written communication2.1 Prepare technical reports2.2 Write letters ( Business and Professional ) and prepare applications for jobs with curriculum vitae / Resume.Reading

3.0 Comprehend the central idea of technical writings.3.1 Read to understand the content3.2 Acquire efficiency in different reading techniques.3.3 Read aloud the relevant topics the role of word order in English etc.3.4 Know the specific functions of structural words.3.5 Use dictionaries for

1. Meanings2. Pronunciations and3. Collocation

3.6 Appreciate the use of concise and clear expressions for effective technical communication.

Prose1. The last letter to Indra2. The man who saved pumpels drop3. Education for new India4. All about a dogGrammer1. Parts of Speech2. Fuctional Units3. Active Voice & Passive Voice4. Direct Speech into Indirect speech5. Degrees of Comparision6. Trasformation of Sentences

(Affirmative and Nagative, Interrogative to Assertive)7. Articles8. Prepositions

Composition1. Conversion of Graphics

(Tabular Column, Piechart, Graph)2. Comprehension3. Letter Writing

(Business Letters - Calling for and Giving Quotations, Placing Orders, Application for Jobs)4. Dialogue Writing

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UNIT – I (12 hrs )

1.1 Introduction to computers – history of computers – generation of computers – basic computer concepts – data representation - input andoutput devices – computer memory. ( 7 hrs )

1.2 CPU – application and system software – computer languages – computer and communications – number systems ( 5 hrs )

UNIT – II ( 10 hrs )

2.1 Introduction to windows - advantages – working with windows – desktop – start menu - starting an application ( 5 hrs )

2.2 Dialog box – customizing windows – control panel – using applications in windows – windows explorer. ( 5 hrs )

UNIT – III ( 10 hrs )

3.1 Computer communication – modems – computer network – network applications. ( 5 hrs )3.2 Internet advantages - getting connected – world wide web – internet explorer – searching for information – E.mail ( 5 hrs )

UNIT – IV ( 10 hrs )

4.1 HTML – an introduction – HTML tags – structure of HTML document – lists creating links – tables – frames – forms ( 5 hrs )

4.2 Hosting web page – designing web pages – creating a web site ( 5 hrs )

UNIT V ( 10 hrs )

Flow chart – fundamental control structures – sequencing – two-way – multiway branching – iteration – pseudo code –creating a program-introduction to operating system ( 10 hrs )


1.1 Determinants : expansion of determinants upto third order only – problems involving properties of determinants – solution of simultaneousequations using Crammer’s rule. [ 4 hrs ]

1.2 Matrices : inverse of a matrix upto 3x3 only – solution of simultaneous equations using matrix inverses. [ 4 hrs ]

1.3 Rank of the matrix : upto 3x4 order only. (simple problems) [ 4 hrs ]

1.4 Permutations and combinations : definitions – values of nPr and nCr ( without proof ) simple and direct problems [ 4 hrs ]


2.1 Binomial Theorem : For a positive integral index only ( finding general term, middle term, co- efficient of xk, term independent of x )[ 4 hrs ]

2.2 Vectors : Addition, subtraction, de-composition of vectors in three mutually perpendicular direction – scalar and vector products – angle between twovectors – unit vector perpendicular to two vectors – area of triangle and parallelogram. [ 4 hrs ]

2.3 Application of vectors : applications to mechanics – work done, moment, scalar triple product with geometrical interpretation – coplanar vectors,vector triple product. [ 4 hrs]

2.4 Trigonometry : Compound angles. Expansions of sin ( A ± B), Cos ( A ± B), Tan ( A ± B) - ( without proof ) Trignometrical ratios of multiple angles– problems involving the above expansions. [ 4 hrs ]

UNIT – III3.1 Sum and product formulae : related problems [ 4 hrs ]

3.2 Identities : simple problems only [ 4 hrs ]

3.3 Properties of triangles : sine formula, cosine formula, projection formula and Napier formula ( with proof ) – problems [ 4 hrs ]

3.4 Properties of triangle,Half angle formula-Area of triangle(with proof)Sin ( A/2 ) = (s-b) ( s- c ) , Cos ( A/2 ) = s ( s –a )

bc bc

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∆ = abc / 4 R, ∆= ½ bc sinA, ∆ = s ( s –a ) ( s- b ) ( s-c)

r = ∆/s, r1 =∆ / ( s-a), r

2 =∆ / ( s-b), r

3 =∆ / ( s-c)-(with proof)

- Simple problems [ 4 hrs ]4.1 Calculus Limits - standard results

Limit xn -an = n an-1, Limit sinθ = 1x g a x - a , θ g 0 θ ( θ - is radians )

( without proof ) (4 hrs)

4.2 Differentiation : Definition - differentiation of sinx, cosx, tanx, secx, cosecx, cotx, xn, logx, eax, u±v, kv+c, uv, uvw, u/v,( only results ). Problems using the above results. (4 hrs)

4.3 Differentiation of function of functions - inverse trigonometric functions - implicit functions. (4 hrs)

4.4 Successive differentiation and formation of differential equations upto second order only. ( 4 hrs)

UNIT V5.1 Rate of change, velocity and acceleration (4 hrs)

5.2 Tangents and normals (4 hrs)

5.3 Maxima and Minima ( single variable only ) - direct problems (4hrs)

5.4 Definition of curvature - finding radius of curvature using r = (1+y12)3/2 / y2 ( 4 hrs)

Reference Books:1. Mathematics – Higher Secondary First Year – Tamil Nadu Text Book Corporation.2. Mathematics – Higher Secondary Second year – Tamil Nadu Text Book Corporation.3. Engineering Mathematics – Dr. M. K. Venkataraman, National Publishing Co, Chennai.4. Engineering Mathematics – Dr. P. Kandasamy & Others,S.Chand & Co., Ltd., New Delhi.



Fundamental quantities: Length, Mass, Time.Derived quantities: Area, Volume, Velocity, Acceleration, Momentum, Force, Impulse, Work, Power and Energy.

S.I. Units: S.I. units of base and supplementary units - dimensional formula. (No problems)

1.2.STATICS 5 Hrs.

Concurrent forces: Definitions of scalar and vector - examples - resolution of a vector into two rectangular components - parallelogram law offorces - statement - derivation of expressions for magnitude and direction of the resultant of two forces acting at a point with an acute angle betweenthem. Lami’s theorem - statement - experimental verification of parallelogram law of forces and Lami’s theorem .

Simple Machines - Definition of mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and Efficiency. Screw jack - Description - derivation of expression for themechanical advantage.

Fluids - Expression for Pressure - Pressure measurement - Open tube monometer (U-tube) - Bernoulli’s theorem & equation - Venturimeter. (Simple problems asked).UNIT -II 7 Hrs2. PROPERTIES OF MATTER2.1. Elasticity 3 Hrs.

Definitions of linear stress and linear strain - statement of Hooke’s law - Definitions of Young’s modulus, Bulk modulus and rigidity modulus.Experimental verification of Young’s modulus by uniform bending.

Torsion pendulum to find moment of inertia of a disc and rigidity modulus of the wire by using symmetrical masses (Experiment)- Problems

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2.2. VISCOSITY 2 Hrs

Definitions of Streamline and turbulent motions. Definitions of co-efficient of viscosity - experimental comparison of viscosities of two liquids.

Terminal velocity - Derivation of Stoke’s formula for coefficient of viscosity of highly viscous liquid by dimensional method. Stoke’s experiment todetermine co-efficient of viscosity. (No problem)


Definitions of surface tension and angle of contact. Derivation of the formula for surface tension of a liquid by capillary rise method - Experimentto determine surface tension of water. - Problems



3.1. Projectile Motion 4 Hrs.

Definition of a projectile - Definition of angle of projection - Trajectory - Time of flight and range - derivation of the formula for maximum height,time of flight and range - expression for maximum range. Derivation of equation to show that the path of the projectile is a parabola. - Problems

3.2. Circular motion 2 Hrs.

Definition of circular motion and angular velocity - relation between linear velocity and angular velocity. Definition of normal acceleration -derivation for normal acceleration - Definition of centripetal force - definition of centrifugal force. - Problems

3.3. Application of circular motion 2 Hrs.

Banking up of curved tracks - Definition of angle of banking - Banking of curved railway tracks - Derivation of the equation tan θ = v²/ rg- Problems


4. DYNAMICS - II4.1. Simple Harmonic Motion 1 Hr.

Definition of simple harmonic motion - Derivation of velocity, acceleration and period of a body executing simple harmonic motion. (Noproblem)

4.2.Rotational Motion of Rigid bodies 4 Hrs.

Definitions of moment of inertia of a particle and a rigid body - definition of radius of gyration - derivation of kinetic energy of a rigid bodyrotating about an axis - definition of angular momentum - derivation of expression for angular momentum - law of conservation of angular momentum. (Noproblem)

4.3. Satellite Motion 2 Hrs.Satellite - Kepler’s laws - Escape velocity - expression for escape velocity - Expression for orbital velocity of satellite. (No problem)

UNIT - V 7 Hrs

5.Light 7 Hrs.Optical instruments - Principle of sextant - sextant - elevation of building and height - Spectrometer - description - derivation of the expression

for the refractive index of the material of the prism using angle of minimum deviation - laser principle - Ruby Laser - construction and working - use.- Problems

0105 – APPLIED CHEMISTRY – ITotal Hrs : 48 hrs 3 hrs per week


1.1 Molecular mass – mole – definition – Avagadro’s hypothesis – application of Avagadro hypothesis – relationship between molecular mass andvapour density – gram molecular volume – definition of Avagadro number – problems. ( 3 hrs )

1.2 Equivalent mass - definition – determination of equivalent mass - oxide method ( direct and indirect method ) – chloride method (alkali metalsonly ) –problems based on the above two methods - oxidation and reduction – oxidising agents – reducing agents – definition – examples -electronic concept of oxidation and reduction. ( 5 hrs )

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2.1 Technology of water – hard and soft water – disadvantages of hard water –types of hardness – carbonate and non-carbonate hardness – methodsof expressing hardness - mgms / lit and ppm – Estimation of total hardness by EDTA method– simple problems – softening of hard waterby (i) Ion – exchange method (ii) Reverse osmosis process - purification of drinking water (i) sedimentation (ii) filtration (iii) sterilization( physical and chemical methods ). Boiler feed water – disadvantages of using hard water in boilers - scale formation - corrosion - causticembrittlement – foaming and priming – remidial measures. ( 4 hrs )

2.2 Pollution - water pollution – common water pollutants – micro organisms –algae – industrial effluents and sewage – problems caused by waterpollutants and their control – disposal of sewage – effluents – definition – problem caused by untreated effluents – treatment of effluents – airpollution – common air pollutants ( So

2, H

2S, HF, CO, No

2 , dust ) - their harmful effects – control of air pollution – green house effect – ozone

layer depletion . (3 hrs )


3.1 Electrochemistry – types of conductors - metallic conductor - semi conductor-electrolytic conductors - examples. Difference between metallicconductors and electrolytic conductors – mechanism of electrolysis- cathodic and anodic reactions - industrial applications of electrolysis -electro plating ( chromium plating ) ( 3 hrs )

3.2 Colloids – differences between true solution and colloidal solutions – classification of colloids based on dispersed phase and dispersionmedium – differences between lyophobic colloids and lyophilic colloids – properties - 1) Tyndall effect (ii) Brownian movement (iii) electrophoresis (iv) coagulation – industrial applications of colloids (1) smoke precipitation - cottrells method (2) purification of drinking water(3) cleaning action of soap (4) tanning (5) sewage disposal ( 4 hrs )


4.1 Catalysis - definition - positive and negative catalysts - types – homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis – catalyst promoters – cata-lyst poisons – characteristics of a catalyst – industrial application. ( 2 hrs )

4.2 Glass – raw materials – manufacture of glass – annealing – composition and specific uses of soda lime glass – flint glass and pyrex glass( 1 hr )

4.3 Lubricants – definition – characteristics – classifications – solid - semi solid - liquid lubricants ( 2 hrs )


Definition – adulteration of food stuff - pepper, ghee, butter, edible oil – coffee powder – tea dust – chilli powder – adulteration - simpletest for adulteration – health hazards. ( 2 hrs )


5.1 Refractories - definition – classification with examples – requirement of a good refractory – uses of the following refractories (i) silica (ii) fireclay (iii) alumina (iv) magnesia ( 2hrs )

5.2 Plastics – types differences between thermo plastics - and thermo setting plastics - mechanical properties – specific uses of (i) bakelite (ii)polythene (iii) urea formalde hyde (iv) Nylon (v) PVC and (vi)polystyrene.-Advantages of Plastics

( 3 hrs )5.3 Rubber – natural rubber – preparation from latex – defects of natural rubber –compounding of rubber – ingredients and their function -

vulcanisation – purpose - synthetic rubber – Buna-s, thiokol, neoprene ( preparation and specific uses only). ( 2 hrs )Reference Books1. Engineering Chemistry by Jain & Jain, Dhanpet Rai publishing company2. A Text book of Engineering Chemistry by S.S. Dara, S. chand & company.3. Principles of physical chemistry by B.R. Puri & Sharma, S. Nagia & Co



1.1 Importance of engineering drawings as a graphic communication - drawing practice as per BIS Code - List of equipment: drawing boards, minidrafter, the compass, protractor, dividers, drawing sheets etc.

1.2 Importance of legible lettering and numbering-single stroke Capital letters- general procedure for lettering and numbering-height of letters-guidelines.

1.3 Dimensioning – need for dimensioning - terms and notations as per BIS -dimensioning line, extension line and leader line - Methods ofdimensioning- unidirectional and aligned methods – Arrangement of dimensioning - dimension of common features – dimensioning rules.


2.1 Basic geometrical constructions – to bisect a lines, arc, angle, divide a line into number of equal parts, construction of square, pentagon, hexagon-various methods.

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2.2 Scales –Importance of scales – Representation fraction – Types of Scales- Enlarging scales Reducing scales – Plain scale- Diagonal scale -Scale ofchords.


Geometrical Curves: Definition, construction of Involute, Archimedian spiral, Helix (right circular cylinder)- Cycloid- Epicycloids – Hypocy-cloids-Applications.


Definition of Conics – Focus, Directrix, Eccentricity -Construction of Parabola, Hyperbola& Ellipse – Different methods. Drawing tangent &normal.


Definition- systems of orthographic projections – first angle –third angle projections- symbols of projections. Conversion of pictorial view inorthographic views (first angle projections only)-Exercise.

REFERENCE BOOKS :1. Engineering Drawing by Gopalakrishnan. K.R. Vol. I & Vol. II2. Engineering Graphics by K. Venugopal


1.Screw gauge To find the volume of the glass plate and thickness of the wire.

2.Vernier caliper To find volume of solid cylinder hollow cylinder.

3. Concurrent Forces To verify the parallelogram law of forces and Lami’s theorem.

4. Torsion Pendulum To find the rigidity modulus of the thin wire and moment of inertia of the disc by using symmetrical masses.

5. Simple pendulum - Determination of ‘g’

6. Surface tension - Capillary rise. To find the surface tension of a liquid by capillary rise method.

7. Co-efficient of viscosity Stoke’s method. To find the Co-efficient of viscosity of highly viscous liquid.

8. Comparison of Co-efficient of viscosities of two liquids by capillary flow method. (Assuming densities of liquid)

9. Young’s modulus - Uniform bending method.

10. Spectrometer - ITo find the angle of the given prism(A).

11. Spectrometer - IITo find the angle of minimum deviation (D) and to calculate the refractive index(µ) of the material of the given prism. (Using ‘A’ value in Spectrometer- I experiment)

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0108 - APPLIED CHEMISTRY PRACTICAL –ITotal Hrs : 26 2 Hrs / weekQualitative analysis:

Study of the reactions of the following radicals leading to the qualitative analysis of simple salt soluble in water or in dilute acids.

Acid Radicals:

Carbonate, Sulphate, Chloride & Nitrate.

Basic Radicals:

Lead, Copper, Ferrous iron, Aluminium, Zinc, Manganese, Barium, Calcium, Magnesium & Ammonium. Student may be allowed to nalyse

atleast eight salts covering both the radicals.

0109 - WORKSHOP PRACTICE – I ( Sheet metal & Carpentry)DETAILED SYLLABUS

Total Hrs : 39 3Hrs/Week


v Introduction to sheetmetal tools and their uses.v Methods of marking, cutting , hemming, seaming, punching.v Development of simple surfaces.v Fabrication of simple articles.v Soldering process.


1. Hemming2. Seaming3. Cylinder4. Tray5. Hopper6. Dust pan


v Introduction of hand tools and wood workiing machines.v Types of jointsv Wood categories and grain structure.v Hand saw cutting, chisel cutting.v Wood turning – handlev Pattern making – cube & flange.

EXERCISES1. Planning and check up2. Half Lap joint3. “T” Halving joint4. Dove Tail joint5. “T” Mortise joint6. Pattern making – Cube.

0110 English Communication Practical I(Detailed Syllabus)


1. Speech sounds – vowels, consonants – semi vowels – vowels and consonants in different positions in words – consonant clusters– in different positions-minimal pairs between similar speech sounds-conditional sentences-word accent-features connectedspeech.

2. Sentences – assertive, interrogative – exclamatory and conditional sentences-sentence structures.PRACTICAL – I

1.0 Pronunciation

1.1 Marking the stress marks of the correct syllable in words.

1.2 Pronouncing any ten words with accent on the correct syallable (only primary accent and not the secondary ones insisted and considered for

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1.3 Reading out any five sentences that incorporates the desired speech – sounds atleast in two words in each one of them

1.4 Marking the one correctly for any two sentences.



2.1 Articulation words

Articulation words beginning with two consonants-three consonants, h /m / and /n /-articulation words with /p/b/ and /t/d/ as the finalelements / k / t / d / f / v / as the final elements-articulating words with /o / s / z / and /m/as final elements – articulation words ending up with twoconsonants-three consonants – four consonants – articulating words with tonic syllables.

2.2 Marking the stress shift in derivatives2.3 Marking rules for accentual patterns2.4 Marking stress in compounds


3.0 TONES IN CONNECTED SPEECH 6 pds3.1 Dividing the tone groups3.2 Locating the nuclear word for placing the nuclear accent3.3 Using the falling tone, rising, tone and the falling – rising tone3.4 Using rules in connected speech


4.0 SENTENCE FORMATION 6 pds4.1 Forming sentences as per directions4.2 Applying rules for forming sentences4.3 Substituting one functional block for the other4.4 Using the table of syntax patterns through the functional units supplied.


5.0 FRAMING QUESTIONS 6 pds5.1 Identifying the functional units in question sentences.5.2 Substituting different functional units one in place of the other5.3 Constructing questions with the units given5.4 Framing questions for the statements ( responses) given

ENGLISH SYLLABUSCourse : 0111 English – II



The students

1.0 Use English effectively in preparing and presenting technical reports1.1 Acquire and use appropriate vocabulary to communicate efficiently by using

appropriate words, sentence patterns etc.1.2 Form grammatically correct and idiomatically relevant English accurately.1.3 Interact effectively with others in every possible situation ( personal and professional)1.4 React to unforeseen situations1.5 Familiarize with reading and react, interpreting and preparing graphics, technical writings and acquire oral sensibility.


2.0 Use English for effective written communication2.1 Prepare technical reports2.2 Write letters ( Business and professional ) and prepare applications for jobs with curriculum vitae / resume.

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3.0 Comprehend the central idea of technical writings.

3.1 Read to understand the content

3.2 Acquire efficiency in different reading techniques.

3.3 Read aloud the relevant topics the role of word order in English etc.

3.4 Know the specific functions of structural words.

3.5 Use dictionaries for

1. Meanings2. Pronunciations and3. Collocation

3.6 Appreciate the use of concise and clear expressions for effective technical communication.Grammer : (Non Textual)


1.1 Elements of C language – C character set – C constants – C variables – operators – library functions - Hierarchy of arithmetic operators – datatype conversions – arithmetic statements. ( 7 hrs )

1.2 Writing ‘C’ programs – simple C programs - input and output functions – scanf() – printf() functions. ( 5 hrs )

UNIT – II ( 10 hrs )

2.1 Control structure – if structure – if else structure – nested if -else statements – switch structure. ( 5 hrs )2.2 Loop structure – while structure – do – while structure – for loop structure – nested loop – break and continue statement. ( 5 hrs )

UNIT – III ( 10 hrs )

3.1 Array and structures – rules for subscripted variable – array declaration – array processing and printing. ( 5 hrs )3.2 Multi dimensional arrays – initialization – reading and writing two dimensional array structures – simple programs. ( 5 hrs )

UNIT – IV ( 10 hrs )

4.1 Functions – naming a function – function declaration – parameter passing – passing arrays as parameters. ( 5 hrs )4.2 Passing multi dimensional arrays as parameter – passing structure as parameter – recursion – library functions. ( 5 hrs )

UNIT – V ( 10 hrs )Files – unix file modes – opening, closing and creating files – reading and writing files – random access.


UNIT – IIntergration

1.1 Integration as reverse process of differentiation - integration by substitution - integrals of the form.∫(f(x))n f ′(x) dx, n ≠ -1∫f(x) / f (x), ∫f(xn) xn-1dx, ∫f{f(x)} f ’ (x) dx , ∫f(ax+b)dx n ≠ -1

[ 4 hrs ]

1.2 Integrals of the form∫dx/a2±x2), ∫dx/(x2-a2) dx/√a2-x2 [ 4 hrs ]

1.3 Definite integrals

∫x Sin nx dx, ∫x cosnx dx, ∫log x dx, ∫xn logx dx, ∫xn ean dx

1.4 Integration by parts and Bernoulli’s form to evaluate [ 4 hrs ]

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UNIT – IIApplication of Integration

2.1 Area - volume - direct problems, area of circle, volume of cone and sphere mean value and RMS values - simple problems only. [ 4 hrs ]

2.2 Solution of differential equations - variable separable. [ 4 hrs ]2.3 Solution of linear differential equations - direct problems. [ 4 hrs ]

2.4 Second order differential equations with constant co - efficients [ 4 hrs ]


3.1 Definition - real and imaginary parts, conjugates, modulus and amplitude form - multiplication and division of complex numbers (geometrical proofnot necessary) [ 4 hrs ]

3.2 Argand diagram - collinear points, four points forming square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram only. [ 4 hrs ]

3.3 De’Moivre’s theorem (statement only) - Problems [ 4 hrs ]

3.4 Straight lines : Point of intersection of straight lines - angle between two lines - parallel and perpendicular lines - finding orthocentre of a triangle only.[ 4 hrs ]


4.1 Pair of straight lines through origin : ax2+2hxy+by

2=0 expressed in the form (y-m

1x) (y-m


Derivation of tan θ = ± √2 h2-ab . Condition for the lines to be coincident and perpendicular related problems. ( 4 hrs )a+b

4.2 Pair of straight lines General equation of the second degree ax2+2hxy+by

2+2gx+2fy+c=0, to represent a pair of straight lines

Condition a h gh b f = 0 (Statement only)g f c Problem related to the above result (4 hrs)

4.3 Circles: Equation of circles - given centre and radius, equation of circles described on the line joining (x1,y

1) and (x


2) as diameter - derivation.

Equation of circles through three non-collinear points. General equation of circle - finding centre and radius - concentric circles. (4 hrs)

4.4 Circles : Equation of tangents - finding the length of tangent (with proof) and related problems. Contact of circles - orthogonal circles - derivationof the condition 2g g

1 + 2f f

2 = C

1 + C

2 direct problems. ( 4 hrs)


Statistics5.1 Random variable:

Introduction to probability (not for examination) - random variable - expalnation of random variable with examples - probability distribution -mathematical expectations (discrete random variable only) - problems. (4 hrs)

5.2 Binomial Distribution.Definition of Binomial distribution

statements only. Expressions for mean, variance and standard deviation - simple problems only. (4 hrs)

5.3 Poission DistributionDefinition of Poission DistributionStatement only. Expressions for mean, variance and standard deviation. Some examples for poisson distribution and problems. (4hrs)

5.4 Curve fitting : Curve fitting - using the method of least squares - fitting of straight line only. (4 hrs)

Reference Books:1. Mathematics – Higher Secondary First Year – Tamil Nadu Text Book Corporation.2. Mathematics – Higher Secondary Second year – Tamil Nadu Text Book Corporation.3. Engineering Mathematics – Dr. M. K. Venkataraman, National Publishing Co, Chennai.4. Engineering Mathematics – Dr. P. Kandasamy & Others,S.Chand & Co., Ltd., New Delhi.

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UNIT - I (7 Hrs)

1. HEAT -I


Transfer of heat - Definitions of conduction, convection and radiation - coefficient of thermal conductivity - Definition and unit - classificationof materials as good and poor thermal conductors, their application - Radiation - Properties of thermal radiation. (No problems).

1.2 KINETIC THEORY OF GASES 2 Hrs.Postulates - Derivation of Pressure of a gas - Relation between pressure and Kinetic energy - deduction of Boyle is law and charle’s law from the

equation P=1/3mnc2- statement of first law of thermodynamics.


Definitions of specific heat of capacity of a solid, liquid, gas - Specific heat capacity of a gas at constant volume - Specific heat capacity of a gasat constant pressure - derivation of the relation between Cp and C

V (Mayer’s relation), calculation of R using PV=RT. (Direct and simple problems may

be asked)

UNIT - II (7Hrs)2.HEAT - II


Explanations of isothermal and adiabatic changes - Effect of pressure on boiling point. (Direct and simple problems may be asked)


Critical temperature, critical pressure and critical volume - Cascade process of liquefaction of gases - Critical temperature - Temperature ofinversion - Joule - Thompson effect - Linde’s process of liquefaction of gases. (No problems).

UNIT - III (7 Hrs)



Definitions of pole strength, magnetic moment(m) - magnetic induction(B), Intensity of magnetic field(H) - Permeability(µ) - Intensity ofmagnetization(M) and Hysteresis - experiment to draw hysteresis loop - definitions of retentivity, coercivity and saturation - selection of magneticmaterials for permanent and temporary magnets.(Direct and simple problems may be asked)

3.2 SOUND 3 Hrs

Definitions of longitudinal waves, transverse waves, progressive waves, stationary waves, wavelength - frequency and velocity - laws ofvibration in stretched strings - resonance - Sonometer - experiment to determine the frequency of a tuning fork.(Direct and simple problems may be asked)

ACOUSTICS OF BUILDINGS - reverberation - reverberation time - echo - coefficient of absorption of sound energy.

UNIT - IV (7 Hrs)


4.1 ELECRICAL CIRCUITS 3 Hrs.Ohm’s law - laws of resistances - Resistivity - Kirchoff’s laws Statement and explanation - Wheatstone’s bridge (Direct and simple problemsmay be asked) - potentiometer - comparison of resistances. Super conductivity (introduction only).

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Force on a current carrying straight conductor - Fleming’s left hand rule - torque on a rectangular coil carrying current placed in a magnetic field- moving coil galvanometer - conversion of galvanometer into voltmeter and ammeter.(Direct and simple problems may be asked)

UNIT - V (8Hrs)



Joule’s law of heating effect - determination of specific heat capacity of liquid.Applications: Working principle of fuse wire and heating element. (No problems)


Faraday’s laws of electrolysis - definition of electro chemical equivalent (e.c.e) of an element. Applications: Electroplating - Experiment todetermine e.c.e of copper. (Direct and simple problems may be asked)


Definition of capacitance of a capacitor - capacitors in series and capacitors in parallel - (Direct and simple problems may be asked)


Semi-conductors - Doping - P type and N - type semi-conductors - PN junction - Half wave and Full wave rectifiers. Logic gates - OR, AND & NOTgates - Combination of gates - NOR and NAND gates.(No problems)

REFERENCE BOOKS1. Physics - Restnick and Haliday Wisley Toppan Publishers2. Electricity and Magnetism - Srivastara S.Chand Publishers3. A text Book of Heat - J.B. Rajam S.Chand Publishers4. Engineering Physics - B.L. Theraja S.Chand Publishers


Total Hrs : 48 3 Hrs / week


1.1. Solutions

Solutions – solution – solute – solvent – definitions – methods of expressing the concentration of a solution. Percentage by weight – molarity– molality – normality – mole fraction – simple problems based on the above concepts. ( 4 hrs)

1.2 Dilute Solutions

Dilute solutions – colligative properties1. Relative lowering of vapour pressure – derivation of

P0 – P = M1 x W

2- problems

P0 M2 X W


2. Elevation of boiling point - derivation of

∆ Tb = Kb W2 x 1000 - problems

W1 M


3. Depression of freezing point – derivation of

∆Tf = Kf W2 x 1000 - problems

W1 M


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4. Osmosis – osmotic pressure – definitions – measurement of osmotic pressure by Berkeley’s and Hartley’s method. ( 4 hrs )

UNIT – II : ACIDS, BASES AND PH and Fuels2.1 Acids, Bases and PH

Acids and bases - Lowry – Bronsted concept - explanation with examples. Conjugate acids and bases – Lewis concept – explanation withexamples.

PH – definition – simple problems on pH. pOH definition - relationship between pH and pOH buffer solutions – acidic and basicbuffers – Ionic product of water – Industrial applications of pH. (4 hrs )

2.2 FUELSFuels - definition – classification of fuels – calorie - British thermal unit – solid fuels - wood - coal - varieties of coal - peat – lignite -

Bituminous coal – Anthracite coal - composition and uses – liquid fuels petroleum products – refining of petroleum - alcohol and benzene as liquidfuels – cracking ( concept only ) – gaseous fuels - water gas – producer gas – LPG and gobar gas – advantages of gaseous fuels over other fuels –comparative account on solid, liquid and gaseous fuels. ( 3 hrs )


3.1 Corrosion

Corrosion – definition – chemical corrosion – electrochemical theory of corrosion – formation of galvanic cells – concentration cells – stresscell - factors which influence the rate of corrosion. ( 2hrs)3.2 Prevention of corrosion

Prevention of corrosion by modifying the metallic properties by alloying ,by modifying the environment – surface coatings- galvanisation -anodisation and electroplating – cathodic protection - sacrificial protection - impressed voltage method. ( 3hrs)

3.3 Paints and varnishesPaints - definition - components of a paint and their functions - varnishes - types of varnishes – preparation – differences between paints

and varnishes. (2 hrs )


4.1 Metallurgy

Metallurgy - general principles - definitions of the following terms - minerals – ores – gangue – flux – slag. Methods of concentration of ores,roasting – calcination – smelting – refining – metallurgy of iron – manufacture of steel by Bessemer process – heat treatment of steel. Annealing –hardening and tempering. ( 4 hrs )

4.2 Alloys

Alloys – definition – purpose of alloying - ferrous and non ferrous alloys – composition - properties and uses of ferrous alloys - stainlesssteel – chrome steel – vanadium steel and tungsten steel – non ferrous alloys - brass – bronze – solder – duralumin. ( 2 hrs )4.3 Powder Metallurgy

Powder metalurgy definition - powder production process1) atomization 2) reduction – application of powder metallurgy ( 1 hr )

Unit - V : LIME , CEMENT, ABRASIVES AND ADHESIVES5.1 Lime and cement

Lime – manufacture of hydraulic lime by continuous vertical kiln process – properties – slaking – plasticity and setting.Cement - raw materials – constitution of Portland cement – manufacture by wet process – setting and curing of cement with chemical

reactions. ( 3 hrs )

5.2 AbrasivesAbrasives – definition - classification - hardness in Moh’s scale - natural abrasives – diamond - corundum – emery – garnet – synthetic abrasives

– carborundum – boron carbide – manufacture and uses. ( 2 hrs )

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5.3 AdhesivesAdhesives – definition - requirements of good adhesives - natural adhesives – shellac – starch – asphalt – synthetic adhesives – thermoplastic

resin – cellulose nitrate – PVC, thermosetting resin – phenol formaldehyde and urea formaldehyde. ( 2 hrs)Reference Books1. Engineering Chemistry by M.M. Uppal & S.C. Bhatia2. Text Book of Physical Chemistry by P.L. Soni, Sultan chand & Bros.3. Numeric problems inchemistry by Kapoor, Tata Mcglaw Hill



Projection of simple solid placed in the first quadrant – cube – cylinder-cone- prisms- pyramids- Given positions

i) Axis Perpendicular to one plane and parallel to the other planeii) Axis parallel to the both the principle planesiii) Axis parallel to one plane and inclined to the other

iv) Axis inclined to both planes.


Need for sectional view- Section plane-Section plane line- representation of materials as per BIS code. Hatching – Section & true shape ofsection- Simple solids - cube, cylinder - cone- prism-pyramids-when section plane is

i). Parallel to one and perpendicular to the other planeii). Perpendicular to one plane and inclined to the other.


Introduction - Isometric axes - Isometric scales- Isometric views- Isometric projections - Methods of drawing Isometric views – Isometric viewsof basic solids – Conversion of orthographic views into isometric view-Exercises.


Need for preparing development - with reference to sheet metal work – Methods of development – Basic development of solids –Developmentof frustum of solids- Lateral surfaces of truncated solids – Development of tray, funnel, rectangular pipe, elbow pipe, T-pipe.


Auto CAD- advantages- AutoCAD fundamentals – to draw 2D geopmetrical figures using line, circle, arc, polygon, ellipse, rectangle - erase andother editing commands.(theory questions only will be asked in the examinations)


1. Engineering Drawing by Gopalakrishnan. K.R. Vol. I & Vol. II

2. Engineering Graphics by K. Venugopal



1. Newton’s law of coolingTo find out the specific heat capacity of a liquid.

2.. Deflection magnetometer - Tan-ATo compare the magnetic moments of two given magnets by equal distance and null deflection method using Tan-A position.

3. SonometerTo find the frequency of the tuning fork.

4. Ohm’s LawTo verify the laws of resistances.

5. Metre bridgeTo find the resistance of a given wire.

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6. PotentiometerTo compare given two resistances.

7. PotentiometerTo compare the EMFs of two cells.

8. Joule’s calorimeterTo find out the specific heat capacity of given liquid (measure mass using digital balance)

9. Copper voltameterTo find the E.C.E. of copper (measure mass using digital balance)

10. Logic gates (OR & AND) To construct OR & AND logic gates using diodes and verify their Truth table.

11. Logic gates (NOT, NOR and NAND) To construct NOT, NOR and NAND logic gates using diodes and verify their truth table.


Total Hrs. : 26 2 Hrs/ week

a) Acidimetry and Alkalimetry

1. Estimation of hydrochloric acid2. Estimation of sulphuric acid3. Estimation of sodium carbonate4. Estimation of sodium hydroxide5. Comparison of strength of two acids6. Comparison of strengths of two bases

b) Permanganimetry

1. Estimation of ferrous ammonium sulphate2. Estimation of ferrous sulphate3. Comparison of strengths of two ferrous sulphate solutions.4. Comparison of strengths of two potassium permanganate solutions.

c) Water Analysis

1. Estimation of total hardness of the given water sample using EDTA solution.


Total Hrs : 39 3Hrs/Week


v Introduce hand tools instruments.v Marking and Punching.v Hacksaw cutting.v Fitting to dimensions.v Matting two parts.v Precision filing.v Drilling & Tapping.


1. Filing to Square.2. “L” Matting3. “T” Matting4. “V” Mating5. Half Round Matting

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6. Drilling & Tapping

Note : 4mm thick piece is sufficient to perform the above type of practicals. Except Drilling & Tapping exercise (10mm)


v Introduction to safety in wiring.v Introduction of hand tools and power tools.v Types of standard wiresv Types of switches.v Colour codesv Purpose of earthingv Circuit diagram using BIS symbols.v Units of current, Voltage,resistance and power consumption & power rate calculation.


1. Wiring single lamp controlled by a switch and provide 3 pin wall socket.2. Wiring for two lamps independently controlled by two switches.3. staircase wiring4. dim and bright connections5. Flurescent lamp wiring6. study the circuit of the following devices and draw the circuit uisng BIS symbols.

· Mixie· Iron box· Wet grinder· Fan



Use of thought – fillers – conjuncets – clauses – verbless clauses – concise word – pictures compounding – blends – clipping –acronyms.Exposure to mass media – self exposure –guided exposure to news items in newspapers and from either radio or TV

Reacting to situational contexts – greeting on meetings – on farewell – daily routine / about self and others – about proposal and responding – in the classroom – in the library – at the office – at railway station and at the theaters – with the neighbour , relatives and visiting guests – shopping - at the banks –during cultural programme – with the doctor – during travel – inviting – accepting or declining – over phones –request and refusals through questions –catecheism –conversation during viva voce, interviews expressing one’s own self.

Guided exposure to great thoughts – proverbs –recording useful and supportive materials.



1.1 Using appropriate thought –fillers to the ideas(any five sentence)1.2 Using appropriate conjunct to the ideas (any five sentence)1.3.1 Using Phrases to build up as sentences.1.3.2 Using clauses to build up as sentences1.3.3 Using concise word-pictures to elaborate them as sentences.1.4 Elaborating gists into sentences.

PRACTICAL – 11 5pds

2.0 UNRAVELLING CAPTIONS AND ENRICHING VOCABULARY2.1 Understanding the role and functions of the structural words.2.2 Using telegraphese to understand the communicative potential of the content-words.2.3 Enriching vocabulary making use of

(i) Composing words(ii) Affixes(iii) Derivative prefixes and suffixes(iv) Idioms and(v) The dictionary

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2.4 Using journalese and word-order to decode cryptic messages.


3.0 EXPOSURE TO GREAT THOUGHTS AND IMITATING THEM3.1 Imitating thoughts by saying aloud to formulate the patterns of the sentences.3.2 Reading aloud rhymes/poems and appreciating the Rhyme in them.3.3 Analysing the thought provoking thoughts for the salient features such as

(i) The thought – content(ii) Way of expression(iii) Choice of words(iv) Figures of speech employed(v) Assonance/alliteration(vi) Rhyme/Rhythm

3.4 Saying any five of the great thoughts that influenced the students or reciting any poem/rhyme that runs to atleast 10 linesand summarizing/paraphrasing them.


4. (USING TONGUE-MODULATORS, TWISTER, POEMS/RHYMES CONDITIONERS, etc.4.1 Reading out sets of rhyming words in phrases.4.2 Reading out tongue-twisters/modulators.4.3 Reading out poem/rhymes at the elementary level (desirably) poems with simple words on simpler themes)4.4 Reading out tongue-conditioners.



5.1 Understanding the What’s How’s and When’s for the (selective list of) situational contexts identified to be useful to enable the leamerfacilitate his/her instantaneous participation in dialogues / conversations.

5.2 Listening to the pre-recorded cassettes being played back to answer information questions, yes or no questions and inferentialquestions on the situational context focussed.

5.3 Understanding and appreciating what is what, what is when and how in the postulate of the situational context chosen for evaluation.5.4 Answering prompting (aphoristic) questions, lead / explorative questions on the postulate of the situational context for surmise.

PRACTICAL VI 5pds6.0 Interview modules, drafting curriculum vitae6.1 Presenting mock interviews6.2 Preparing bio-data

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Time : 3 hrs Max. Marks : 75

I. Write an essay on any one of the following in about 250 words [ 10 marks ]a) Why does the story teller consider the ‘Lunatic’ the greatest benefactor the town of pumpelsdrop had ever known ?b) How does Rajaji analyse the problems confronting the educationists in New India ?c) How did A.G.Gardiner convince the conductor that he had to mix the rules with a little goodwill and good temper ?

II. Answer any five of the following in three sentences each : [ 5 x 3 = 15 marks ]

i) Why does Nehru stress the importance of action ?ii) How is the present age different from the past ?iii) How does the stranger’s order affect the economic activity of Pumpelsdrop?iv) Why does the author call the lunatic the greatest benefactor of Pumpelsdrop ?v) Explain the place of hard work and moral instruction in a scheme of How does education become the training for leadership ?vii) What is the advice of Rajaji to students ?viii) What is the reason for the argument between the sealsskin lady and the conductor ?ix) Was the conductor right in his argument ? Give your views.

III. Explain any two of the following with reference to the context [ 2x5 = 10 marks ]

a) He spent these two years in prison in philosophic and literary work.b) The town buzzed with activity and pleasurable enjoyment.c) That the youth of today are the citizen of tomorrow is the trite saying.d) They are not a whip put in your hand to scourge your passengers with, but an

authority for an emergency.

IV. a ) Complete the following dialogue. [ 5 marks ]Principal interviewing a candidate for a teaching post

Principal : Mr. Raj _____________________________________________________ ?Candidate: I did my M.A in English literature from Delhi UniversityPrincipal : ____________________________________________________________ ?Candidate: My hobbies are _____________________________________________Principal : Do you _____________________________________________________ ?Candidate: No. 1 have no previous teaching experience.Principal : ____________________________________________________________ ?Candidate: I do admit handling children is not an easy job. But I am ____________Principal : Well ________________________________________ tomorrow at 9 AMCandidate: ____________________________________________________________

IV. b) Draft a letter to the personnel officer of a company acknowledging the receipt ofan appointment order for a position.

OrWrite a letter to the Manager of a company calling quotations for supply of some electrical accessories. [ 5 marks ]

IV. c) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below :[ 10 marks ]

Often students who are very fond of reading books are labelled by their comrades as bibliomaniacs. Those disparagements generally comefrom the mouths of students who consider themselves as being ‘gamsters’. Boys who shine in athletics in the playing of some games – particularlycricket, consider that games field a better or nobler arena for their activities and the expenditure of their energies than the class room or reading desks.The idea is born out of inferiority complex inherent in the games minded students who actually envy their fellows who shine academically. Academichonours have a glamour which is unique.

It is not to be denied that the playing of games is a worthy activity. It is worthy in the sense that the team spirit can be engendered in theindividual only if we learnt to participate in the playing of games. It is also true that the player does much for society and for his country on the playingfield. It is true that the feeling of cooperation can be cultivated in a person only through group activity. But studies should not be sacrificed in order

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that students devote their time only to the playing of games. It is observed that those boys who become obsessed with the playing particularly ofcricket begin to ignore then studies and then their academic ability suffers as it must.

Let each type of activity have its own place in our daily round and then alone will the balanced division of interest produce the individualwith a proper perspective of things. Then will we have the student who is both academically good and who can hold his own on the games field.That is the personality that we want our educational system to produce.


1. What according to the author is the main goal of education ?2. State the handicap arising out of our over involvement in games.3. Why are academically sound students called bibliomaniacs ?4. What are the two qualities acquired through playing games ?5. Suggest a suitable title for the passage.

IV. d) Study the following pie chart carefully and convert the contents into a passage of about 150 words. [ 5 marks ]

A survey to find out the trends of teenagers in spending their leisure.

1. Entertainment watching movies, serials on TVS.2. Enlightenment reading comics and GK books3. Chatting4. Watching sports programmes on TV5. Hobbies6. playing

Questions :

i) What does the pie chart denote ?ii) How do the teenagers spend most of their time ?iii) Do they give importance to sports ?iv) Comment on the attitude of youngsters from your observation of the pie chart.

IV. e ) Answer any ten of the following : [ 10 x 1 ½ = 15 marks ]

Analyse the following sentences in terms of parts of speech :

1. The best things are always the cheapest.2. Someone pulled the bell violently.

Analyse the following sentences in terms of functional units.

3. The examination is the most bitter form of compulsion.4. The little dog blinked at the lights.

Change the following sentences into other voice :

5. He cunningly produced a most beautiful necklace.6. The optimism of the jeweller was shared by the furrier.

Change into indirect speech :

7. “I’ ve got my rules” said the conductor to me.8. He said to the dealer, “ I have just had a big order for barbed wire from the lunatic asylum”.

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Change into other degree of comparison :

9. Idleness is the greatest crime in India today.10. Admiring the beauties of the sky is easier than plunging into action.11. People avoid action ( change into negative sentence without changing the meaning )12. What a mountain of letters I have written ! ( change into assertive form )13. It was his moment of triumph ( change into negative sentence without changing the meaning )

Fill in the blanks with suitable articles :

14. Next morning ___ jeweller’s wife hastened to ____ furrier’s and bought ___ fine mink fur coat.

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions :

15. The inhabitants ____ Pumpels drop found themselves released ___ the years ___ depression and self - suppression.



Time : 3 hrs Max. Marks : 75

I. Write an essay on ANYONE of the following in about 250 words : [ 10 ]

a) What according to Nehru should be the approach to the study of history and why does he stress the importance of action ?b) How did the lunatic save Pumpelsdrop from economic set back ?c) How did the passengers react when the conductor stopped the bus ?

II. Answer any five of the following in three sentences each [15]

i) How is the present age different from the past ?ii) Why does Nehru stress the importance of action ?iii) Describe Pumpelsdrop.iv) How does sudden prosperity surge through Pumpelsdrop ?v) How does education become the training for leadership ?vi) What are the views of Rajaji about examinations ?vii) What is the reason for the arguement between the sealskin lady and the conductor ?viii) Was the conductor right in his argument? Give your views.ix) What is the advice of Rajaji to students ?

III. Explain any two of the following with reference to the context : [10]

a) They are just fleeting glimpses of our long past.b) Business has been so good that he could afford to keep them.c) And it is not infact too great a burden.d) He had won his victory, but felt that he would like to justify himself to somebody.

IV. a) Complete the following dialogue : [5]

Ravi and Shankar discussing their weekend plan.

Ravi : ________________________________________________________Shankar : I don’t have any special planRavi : ________________________________________________________Shankar : That sounds nice but I ______________________________________Ravi : I’ll come to your house and request your parents to allow you to join the picnic.Shankar : ________________________________________________________Ravi : Anytime in the evening.Shankar : ________________________________________________________Ravi : ________________________________________________________Shankar : ________________________________________________________Ravi : ________________________________________________________

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IV. b) Write a letter to the Manager of a company calling quotations for supply of some electrical accessories.


Draft a letter to the Personnel Officer of a company acknowledging the receipt of an appointment order for a position. [ 5]

IV. c) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below : [10]

It may surprise many people that a thing like worry can be a killer. This has been proved by all medical researches that worry is a major causeof heart ailments, blood pressure, rheumatism, ulcers, dermatological problems, asthma and many other psychosomatic diseases. Dr Alexiscarrel a NobelPrize winner in medicine said “Businessmen who do not know how to fight worry die young”, but so do a lot of homemakers, lawyers and ordinaryclerks who do not control this evil.

There are several causes of worries. The fast paced complicated life style that most people are leading today contributes largely to ouranxieties. Shortages, fears, competitions and dissatisfaction - everything adds to the burden on our minds. Some of these factors may be uncontrolled butmost of them are within our control.

Plato, the Greek philosopher had foreseen this need as far back as 400 B.C. He had said, “the greatest mistake physicians make is that theyattempt to cure the body without attempting to cure the mind. Mind and body are one and should not be treated separately. This was the basis thatlaid the foundation of the modern psychosomatic treatment. As children we have heard the famous quotation, “ A healthy mind in a healthy body”. Onehas just to alter the saying a little to fit in the modern times - “A healthy body depends on a healthy mind”. Emotions like futility, frustration, anxiety,worry, fear, despair etc. are negative emotions. These affect much our mental as well as physical health. Worry, especially creates a very high degree oftension. Many a time we find ourselves unable to concentrate due to worries. Only a cool and worriless mind functions normally and to its capacity.


1. What according to medical researches does worry cause ?2. State the modern cause of worry.3. Mention some negative emotions.4. How do negative emotions affect us ?5. What does the psychosomatic treatment presuppose ?

IV. d) Study the following chart and convert the contents into a passage of about 150 words. [ 5]

1. What does the chart indicate ?2. What do the X and Y axes represent ?3. Mention the various factors responsible for the success of a person.4. Compare the success rate of the younger generation with that of the older.

IV. e) Answer any TEN of the following : [15]

Analyse the following sentences in terms of parts of speech :

1. On the morning of Christmas eve, the car dealer arose cheerfully.2. I have given you many quotations.

Analyse the following sentences in terms of functional units such as S, V, O, C, etc.

3. Action is the end of thought.4. The ordinary course of life becomes dull at times..

Hardwork Talent Honesty Luck Contact Money

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Change the following sentences into other voice :

5. The jeweller’s wife has bought fine mink fur coat.6. What is necessary must be done.Change into indirect speech :

7. He said, “ He was completely mad and his family paid a very large sum for his keep”.8. The woman said, “I won’t go on the top in such weather”.

Change into other degree of comparison :

9. The greatest crime in India today is idleness.10. The examination is the most bitter form of compulsion.11. Rules are necessary things ( change into negative sentence without changing the meaning )12. You should remember your obligation of leadership. ( change into negative sentence without changing the meaning )

13. What a mountain of letters I have written ! ( change into assertive form )14. Fill in the blanks with suitable articles.

—— Proprietor of —— Pumplesdrop motor business had never had dealings with —— great family before.

15. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions :

The law — love is a practical code —life, as out dear departed leader so strenuously sought — teach us.



NOTE: 1.Answer any three divisions from each question.2.All questions carry equal marks. ( 15*1=15)

I a. Who proposed the five units system for a computer?. b. How negative number is represented in sign bit extension?. c. Convert(0.3750)10 into binary. d. What are the components of CPU?. e. Compare hardware & software.

II a. Define desktop. b. What are folders?. c. Write any two advantages of windows. d. What is the use of ‘add new hardware’ option in controlpanel?. e. Name any two dialogue boxes.

III a. Define modem. b. What are the two types of network?. c. How will you open IE?. d. What is meant by surfing?. e. How will you attach files in e-mail?.

IV a. What is a HTML tag?. b. What are the three types oflists?. c. What is meant by cellspacing in tables?. d. Website is a collection of __________________. e. What are the tools used to host the website?.

V a. Draw the symbol for read data. b. What is a pseudocode?. c. Define operating system. d. Write the pseudocode for interchanging the values of A & B. e. What is an iteration?.

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NOTE: 1.Answer any two divisions from each question. 2.All questions carry equal marks.

(5*12=60)I a. Write notes on generation of computer. b. Compare highlevel,lowlevel & assembly languages. c. Discuss about construction & working principle of harddisk. d. Explain the working principle of LASER printer.

II a. What is mouse?.what are its advantages?. b. Write notes on the commonly used icons on the desktop. c. What is controlpanel?.describe all icons in it. d. What are the different ways of starting an application?.explain.

III a. Define network.explain the LAN system with the components involved in it. b. Discuss about the two types of networks. c. What is internet?.what are its advantages?. d. Give the steps for sending an email.

IV a. What are the tools required to create a HTML document?. b. Explain the structure of HTML document. c. Write a HTML program to create a table with 2 rows & 3 columns. d. What are the menu controls?.how do you create one?.explain.

V a. What is a flowchart?.draw a flowchart to find smaller of two numbers. b. Draw a flowchart for multiway branching. c. What are the types of iteration?.explain. d. Write the pseudocode for finding the factorial of a number.



NOTE: 1.Answer any three divisions from each question. 2.All questions carry equal marks. (15*1=15)I a. What is a bit?. b. Give the expansion of CPU. c. Name any two input & output devices. d. The information received through the keyboard is converted into____

& stored in computer memory. e. (AE)16=(?)10.

II a. What happens when ‘empty recycle bin’ is clicked?. b. What do you mean by customizing windows?. c. Name any two icons in control panel. d. How to create a folder in windows?. e. What is the use of windows explorer?.

III a. How will you define internet?. b. What is meant for 1).org 2) .edu?. c. What is a LAN?. d. What is WWW?. e. Define networks?.IV a. Write an unpaired tag?. b. Mention any four HTML tag?. c. What are the tags used to create HTML frame?. d. How will you split a frame into two columns?. e. What are the attributes associated with table?. V a. What are the two types of fundamental control structures?. b. What is the use of connector symbol?.

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c. Define two way branching?. d. Define flowchart?. e. Write an algorithm to add two numbers?.


NOTE:1.Answer any two divisions from each question. 2.All questions carry equal marks.

(5*12=60)I a. Explain the functions of CPU?. b. Distinguish between source program and object program.write down the role of

compilers, interpreters & assemblers. c. Explain about the basic computer concepts?. d. 1.Convert (27.9)10 into binary?.

2.Convert (532.48)8 into decimal?.

II a. explain taskbar with neat diagram?. b. What do you understand about customizing windows?. Explain c. Explain about the functions of windows?. d. Explain about the dialogbox?.

III a. Define network topology .explain?. b. Explain briefly five of the buttons of the explorer tool bar?. c. What are the applications of network? explain in detail?. d. Explain about outlook express?.

IV a. How will you create the following frame?.

COURSE OFFEREDmechanical engg

XYZ POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE Automobile enggcivil enggelectrical engg

b. Explain the rules for creating a webpage?. c. What is an anchor tag? how links are created?. d. How will you creat a HTML document?.

V a. Explain the two fundamental control structure?. b. Mention the symbols used in a flowchart with their meanings?. c. Check whether the given number is prime or not using pseudocode?. d. Explain the different types of operating system?.

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Time : 3 hrs Max. Marks : 75

N.B : 1) Answer any 15 questions 2) All questions carry equal marks 15 X 1 = 15Ia. Prove that 1 a b+c

1 b c+a = 01 c a+b

b. Find the inverse of 5 -32 2

c.How many four digit odd numbers can be formed out of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.d. How many teams consisting of 6 players can be formed out of 12 players.

e. Find the rank of 1 2 32 4 6-1 5 2

IIa. Find the 5th term in the expansion of [ x2 + 1 ]12

xb. If a = i + 2j - 3k, b = i - 2j + k find a .b

c. Find the value of [ i+j, j+k, k+i ]d. If tan A=1/2 and tan B = 1/3 find tan ( A+B)e. Simplify 1 - tan215

1+tan2 15

IIIa.Simplify cos 350 + cos 850 + cos 1550

b. If A+B+C = 1800 prove that cos A+B = sin C

2 2c. In any triangle ABC, prove that a (sin B - sin C) + b (sin C - sin A) + C (sin A - sin B) = 0d.Prove that ∆ = 1 bc sin A 2e. In any triangle ABC, prove that

1 + 1 + 1 = 1bc ca ab 2Rr

IVa. Evaluate Limit sin 6x

x →0 sin 3xb. Find dy, when y = sin ( 3x + 4 ) dx

c. Find dy, if y = √tan-1 x

dxd. Find dy, if xy = C2

dxe. If y = e-4x find d2y


V.a. If S = 4t - 5t2 +2t3 find the velocity after 3 secs.b. The area of a circle of radius r is A. Show that dA = 2r π dr

dt dtc. Find the slope of the normal to the curve y2 = 8x at (2, 4)d. Find the minimum value of x2-10xe. Find the radius of curvature for the curve y=x2 at (1,1)


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Part -B

N.B1.Answer any two division from each question 2.All questions carry equal marks 5x2x6=60

Ia. Solve by using Cramer’s rule 4x+3y-z = 2x-2y+5z= 33x+4y+2z =6

b. Find the inverse of 3 -2 -3 -4 1 -1 

2 0 1

c. There are 6 books on mathematics, 3 on physics and 2 on chemistry. In how manyways can these be placed on a shelf if the books on the same subject are to be together.

d. Find the rank of the matrix

-2 1 1 11 -2 1 11 1 -2 1

II.a. Find the term independent of x in the expansion of x2 - 1 10


b. Find the unit vector perpendicular to the vectors -i +j+2k and -4i+3j-2k. Also find the sineof the angle between the vectors.

c. Find the work done by the force 4i + 3j +2k which displaces the particle from the point

2i +3j+7k to the point 6i+5j+8k.

d. If A +B = 450, prove that ( 1+tan A) (1+tan B) = 2. Hence find tan 22½0


a.Prove that (cos A+cos B)2+(sin A-sin B)2= 4 cos2 A+B 2b.If A+B+C=1800 prove that cos 2A + cos2B - cos 2C = 1- 4sin Asin Bcos Cc.In any triangle ABC prove that, tan B-C = b-c cot A 2 b+c 2

d. Prove that ( r1 - r ) ( r

2 + r

3 ) = a2

IV.a. Find dy/dx if

i) y = x3 cos x log x ii) y = 1 + 1 + log x 3x2 sec x

b. Find dy / dx ifi) y = log ( sec x + tan x ) ii) y = cos ( 2x2 + 3 )

c. Find dy /dx ifi) y = sin-1 2x ii) x2 + y2 = 2xy


d. If y = cos x, prove that x d2y + 2 dy + xy = 0 x dx2 dx

Va. The volume of a sphere is increasing at the rate of 2 C / sec. Find the rate at which its surface area is increasing when the radius is 3 cm.b.Find the equation of tangent and normal to the curve y=2-3x+4x2 at (1,3)

c. Find the maximum and minimum values of the function 2x3 - 3x2 - 36x + 10

d. Find the radius of curvature for the curve y=8x2 at (1/2, 2)

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Time : 3 hrs Max. Marks : 75N.B : 1) Answer any 15 questions 2) All questions carry equal marks

Part - AIa. Find x if 1 2 3

5 -1 -2 = 02 x 6

b. Find the inverse of 2 34 5

c. In how many ways 7 books be arranged in a shelf ?

d. Find the value of ‘r’, if 20Cr=20C


e. Find the rank of the matrix 3 2 0 2 1 6 1 9 1

IIa.Find the 4th term in the expansion of [ x2 + 2 ]12

xb. Find m so that the vectors mi + 2j + 3k and -i + 3j -4k are perpendicular.c. Find the value of [ i, j, k ]d. Simplify cos 700 cos 100 + sin 700 sin 100

e. Prove that tan ( 450 + A ) = 1 + tan A 1 - tan A


a. Simplify sin 780 - sin 180 + cos 1320

b. If A + B + C = 1800, prove that tan A+B = cot c 2 2

c. In any ∆ABC prove that ∆= 2R2 sin A sin B sin Cd. If a=3,b=4,c=5 are three sides of a triangle, find se. Prove that r

1, r

2 r

3 = rs2


a. Evaluate : Limit x10 - 1 x→1 x-1

b. Find dy, when y = e4x+5

dxc. Find dy, if y = sin-1 x dxd. Find dy, if x2 + y2 = a2

dxe. If y = x log x find d2y



a. Find the initial velocity of the body whose distance time relation is S = 8 cos2t + 4 sint.b. the area of a square plate of side x is A show that dA = 2 dx

dt dtc. Find the slope of the tangent at (1, -2 ) on the curve y = x4 - 3x2

d. State the condition for y = f(x) to be maximum at x = a

e. Find the radius of curvature of the circle x2 + y2 = 16

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Part - B

N.B1.Answer any two division from each question 2.All questions carry equal marks 5x2x6=60

I.a. Show that 1 b+c b2 + c2

1 c+a c2 + a2 = ( a-b) (b-c) (c-a) 1 a+b a2+b2

b. Find the inverse of 1 2 -1 3 8 2 4 9 - 1

c. Out of 6 men and 5 ladies a committee of 7 is to be formed. In how many ways can this be done if the committee is to have majority of men ?

d. Find the rank of the matrix 3 1 1 8 -1 1 -2 -5

1 1 1 6II.

a. Find the co-efficient of x11 in x + 2 13 x2

b. Find the area of the triangle formed by the points whose position vectors are 2i + 3j + 4k, 3i + 4j + 2k, 4i + 2j + 3k.

c. If a = i +j, b = j + k, c = k + i find ( a x b ) x c

d. If A+B+C = 1800, prove that tan A + tan B + tan C = tan A tan B tan C


a. Prove that cos 200 cos 400 cos 800 = 1/8b. If A+B+C = 1800, prove that sin 2A + sin2B + sin 2C = 4 sin A sin B sin Cc. In any triangle ABC prove that cos A = b2 + c2 - a2

2bc d. Prove that ( r

1-r) (r

2-r) (r

3-r) = 4Rr2

IV.a. Find dy / dx of the following :

i. y = 1 + 1 + 7 ii. y = x cos x 3x2 4x cos x (2x+1)

b. Find dy/dxi. y = sin ( x log x ) ii. y = sin2x cos x

c. Find dy /dxi. y = cos-1 1-x2 ii. x2 sin y = c


d. If y = x2 cos x, prove that x2y2 - 4xy

1 + (x2+6) y = 0

Va. The distance travelled by a particle along a straight line is given by S = 2t3 + 3t2 - 72t +1. Find the acceleration when the velocity vanishes.

Find also the initial velocity.

b. Find the equation of the tangent and normal to the curve y = 6 + x - x2 at ( 2,4 )

c. Find the maxima and minima values of 2x3-15x2+36x+7

d. Find the radius of curvature for the curve y = x2+5x+1at the point (-2,-1)

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0104: APPLIED PHYSICS - ITime: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 75

PART - A (15 × 1 = 15)

Note: Answer ALL questions choosing ANY THREE divisions from each question.

I. a) Write the dimensional formula for power.b) State two examples for scalar quantity.c) State parallelogram law of forces.d) Define velocity ratio of a simple machine.e) State Bernouli’s theorem.

II. a) Define young’s modulus.b) Define coefficient of viscosity of a liquid.c) Define terminal velocity.d) Define surface tension of a liquid.e) Define streamline motion.

III. a) Define range of a projectile.b) Define angular velocity.c) Define centripetal force.d) Define normal acceleration.e) Define angle of banking.

IV. a) Define simple harmonic motion.b) Define moment of inertia of a particle.c) State law of conservation of angular momentum.d) What is a satellite?e) State any two Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.

V. a) What are the uses of the Sextant?b) Define refractive index.c) What is meant by angle of minimum deviation?

d) What is the principle of LASER? e) State any two uses of LASER.

PART - B (5 × 12 = 60)

NOTE: 1) Answer ALL questions choosing ANY TWO Divisions from each question. 2) ALL questions carry equal marks.

I. a) Describe how parallelogram law of forces is verified in the laboratory.

b) Derive an expression for the magnitude and direction of the resultant of two forces acting at a point.

c) Describe a screw jack with a neat sketch and derive an expression for its mechanical advantage.

d) Find the resultant of two forces 4 N and 3 N acting at a point right angles to each other. Also find the angle made by the resultant with the first force.

II. a) Describe an experiment to find the rigidity modulus of the wire by using Torsional pendulum.

b) Describe an experiment to compare the coefficient of viscosities of two liquids.

c) Derive Stoke’s formula for coefficient of viscosity of highly viscous liquid by dimensional method.

d) In a surface tension experiment the rise of water in the capillary tube is 5 cm. If the diameter of the capillary tube is 0.6 mm. Calculate the

Surface tension of water. (Density of water = 1000 Kg m-³ , g = 9.81 ms-²)

III. a) Prove that the path of a projectile is a parabola.

b) Derive an expression for centripetal force.

c) Derive an expression for i) range ii) time of flight of a projectile.

d) A scooter rider negotiates a curve of 100 m radius on a level road with a speed of 72 Kmph. Calculate the angle of banking he should make

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to avoid falling.

IV. a) Derive an expression for the velocity and acceleration of a body executing SHM.

b) Derive an expression for the kinetic energy of the rotating rigid body about an axis.

c) Derive an expression for orbital velocity of satellite.

d) If the radius of the earth is 6400 Km and g = 9.81 ms-², find the escape velocity on the earth surface.

V. a) Explain sextant with a neat sketch. How the height of the building is find out using sextant.

b) If the angle of glass prism is 60° and angle of minimum deviation is 40°. Find the refractive index.

c) Explain the working of Ruby laser with a neat diagram.

d) Derive an expression for the refractive index of the material of the prism when it is in the minimum deviation position.




Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 75

PART - A (15 × 1 = 15)

Note: Answer ALL questions choosing ANY THREE divisions from each question.

I. a) Derive dimensional formula for Impulse and Work.b) What is a vector quantity? Give any two examples.c) State Lami’s theorem.d) Define Velocity ratio of a simple machine.e) What is Efficiency?

II. a) What is Young’s modulus?b) What is Turbulent motion?c) Define terminal velocity.d) Define Surface tension.e) State Hooke’s law.

III. a) What is Trajectory?b) What is range of a Projectile?c) Define angular velocity.d) What is centripetal force?e) Define angle of banking.

IV. a) Define simple harmonic motion.b) What is angular momentum?c) State Kepler’s first law of planetary motion.d) Define Escape velocity.e) Define radius of gyration.

V. a) State the principle used in Sextant.b) Give any two parts of Spectrometer.c) Narrate the principle of LASER.d) Give any two uses of LASER.e) Define Refractive index.

PART - B (5 × 12 = 60)

NOTE: 1) Answer ALL questions choosing ANY TWO Divisions from each question. 2) ALL questions carry equal marks.

I. a) Explain how a vector can be resolved into two rectangular components.b) Experimentally verify parallelogram law of forces and draw suitable figures.c) Define mechanical advantage, Velocity ratio and Efficiency of a simple machine.d) With a neat sketch explain Screw jack and derive an expression for its mechanical advantage.

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II a) Verify experimentally Young’s modulus by uniform bending method.b) Describe an experiment to determine the moment of inertia of a disc and rigidity modulus of a wire using torsion pendulum.c) Derive Stoke’s formula for the Co-efficient of viscosity of a highly viscous liquid.d) A capillary tube of radius 3.5 × 10-³m is dipped vertically inside a liquid of density 1000 Kg m-³. The rise of liquid in the tube is 4.2 cm. calculate the surface tension of liquid.

III. a) Derive Expressions for the maximum height, time of flight and range of a Projectile.b) Prove that the path of a projectile is a parabola.c) Derive expressions for the normal acceleration and centripetal force of a body executing uniform circular motion.d) A circular railway track of radius 300 m is banked at an angle 10°. Find the safe speed of train.

IV. a) Derive expressions for the velocity, acceleration and period of a particle executing simple harmonic motion.b) Derive an expression for the kinetic energy of a rigid body rotating about an axis.c) Derive an expression for the Orbital velocity of a satellite of earth.

d) Find the escape velocity of a body from earth. Radius of earth is 6370 × 10³ m. and acceleration due to gravity 9.81 m s-².V. a) Describe the sextant with neat sketch and explain how it is used to find the Height of a building.

b) The angle of a prism is 60° and the refractive index of the material is 1.512. Calculate the angle of minimum deviationc) Derive the relation µ = Sin (A + D )/2

————————— Sin A/2

d) Explain the principle and uses of LASER




Time:3hrs Max.marks:75PART-A

NOTE: 1)Answer any three divisions from each question. 2)All questions carry equal marks.

(15*1=15)I a. State avogadro’s hypothesis. b. What is the volume of 1 mole of oxygen at STP. c. Define equivalent mass of an element . d. Why hydrogen , oxygen & chlorine are chosen as reference elements to determine the equivalent mass. e. Indirect chloride method is useful to find out the equivalent masses of two alkali metals .what are they?.

II a. Give reasons for the hardness of water b. Give the expansion of EDTA. c. What is meant by sterilization of water?. d. Define pollution. e. Name the poisonous gas present in automobile exhaust smoke.

III a. How conductors are classified?. b. Give two examples for semiconductors. c. Name the anode , cathode and conducting medium used in the plating of copper with silver. d. Sky appears blue.why?. e. State hardy-schluze law.

IV a. What is a catalyst poison?. b. Name the catalyst used in the hydrogenation of vegetable oils. c. What is meant by fining of glass?. d. Give two examples for solid lubricants. e. Name the adulterants present in edible oils.

V a. How refractories are classified?. b. Give the general uses of refractories. c. What are plastics?. how are they classified?. d. Give the formulae of isoprene unit.

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e. What is meant by vulcanization of rubber?.PART-B

NOTE: 1) Answer any two divisions from each question. 2) All questions carry equal marks. (5*12=60)

I a. Prove that molecular mass of a gas=2* vapour density of the gas.b. Define avogadro number. calculate the number of molecules present in 5.5 gms of carbon dioxide.c. How will you determine the equivalent mass of potassium?.d. 2.6 gms of a metal was dissolved in con.nitric acid & the nitrate formed on ignition produced 3.1 Gms of oxide of the metal. Calculate the

equivalent mass of metal.

II a. Explain EDTA method to find out the total hardness in water.b. Describe ion exchange process of softening hard water.c. In a hardness estimation 100 ml of water sample consumed 7.5ml of .02M EDTA .calculate the total hardness of the water sample.d. What are the problems caused by effluents. How these problems are controlled?.

III a. Explain electrolysis with reference to sodium chloride. b. Give the difference between metallic conduction & electrolytic conduction. c. Explain 1) tyndall effect 2)Brownian movement d. Mention the Industrial applications of colloids.

IV a. Explain homogeneous & heterogeneous catalysis. b. Describe the manufacture of glass. c. Give the essential requirements of lubricants. d. Name the adulterants in the following food stuffs 1)coffee 2)pepper 3)ghee. Give their harmful effects

V a. Give the essential requirements of refractories.b. Tabulate the differences between the two types of plastics.c. Name some important plastics. Give their uses.

d. Explain compounding of rubber.



MODEL QUESTION PAPER- IITime:3hrs Max.marks:75


NOTE: 1) Answer any three divisions from each question. 2) All questions carry equal marks. (15*1=15)

I a. Define molecular formula.b. What is the relationship between molecular mass & vapour density of a gas.c. Give the number of molecules present in 1 mole of carbon dioxide.d. The equivalent mass of sodium is 23. what is its gram equivalent mass?.e. What is the equivalent mass of the metal if 10gms of the metal combines with

4gms of oxygen.

II a. Mention the disadvantages of hard water.b. What is meant by boiler scale?.c. Define osmosis.d. Give reasons for water pollution.e. What are algae?.

III a. What are electrolytes?.b. What happens when current is passed through hydrochloric acid solution?.c. Define colloids.d. What is tyndal effect?.e. Give two examples for lyophobic sols.

IV a. What are catalyst promoters?.b. Write an example for homogeneous catalysis reaction?.c. What is meant by annealing of glass?.d. What are the three types of lubricants?.e. Mention the advantages of grease as lubricant.

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V a. Write the uses of fire clay.b. What is a polymer?.c. Give two examples for thermoplastics.d. Name the acid used for the coagulation of rubber from latex.e. Give the formula of isoprene unit.


NOTE: 1) Answer any two divisions from each question. 2) All questions carry equal marks. (5*12=60)

I a. Prove that 1 mole of any gas occupies 22.4 liters at STP.b. Which of the following occupies less volume at STP 1)4 gms of oxygen 2) 2.5 gms of carbon dioxide.c. Explain the electronic concept of oxidation & reduction with examples.d. 0.2487 gm of chloride of a metal on treatment with silver nitrate produced 0.4783 gm of silver chloride. Assuming the equivalent mass of

silver & chlorine. calculate the equivalent mass of the metal.

II a. Explain the purification of water for drinking purposes.b. Explain the desalination of sea water.c. 100 ml of hard water sample consumed 8.5 ml of 0.01M EDTA in a hard water titration. The same 100 ml of hard water after boiling for half

an hour consumed 6.2 ml of 0.01M EDTA. Calculate the carbonate & non carbonate hardness in mgms/lit.d. What are the major sources of air pollution?. Give the problems caused by them & explain the methods of control.

III a. What are the different types of conductors?. give two examples to each type. b. What is meant by electroplating ?. how a spoon made of copper is coated with silver?. c. Tabulate the differences between colloidal solution & true solution. d. What are lyophobic & lyophilic sols?. Give the difference between them.

IV a. Explain the industrial applications of catalysts. b. What are the different varieties of glasses?. Explain their manufacture & uses. c. Give the adulterants to the following food stuffs & give tests to identify these adulterants 1)tea dust 2)pepper 3)chilli powder . also explain

the harmful effects of these adulterants. d. Explain the characteristics of catalysts.

V a. Name some important refractories. Give their uses. b. Explain the mechanical properties of plastics. c. Give the prepration & uses of some important synthetic rubbers. d. Mention the uses of 1)PVC 2)Polythene 3)Nylon 4)Bakelite.



Time: 3 hrs. Marks: 75PART – A (15 x 1 = 15)

Note: Answer all questions choosing ANY THREE divisions from each question. All questions carry equal marksI

a) State the different grades of pencils & their applications.b) What is the dimension of the A2 size-drawing sheet?c) Name the two types of lettering?d) ___________ &___________ Methods of dimensioning.e) ___________ is the BIS code for dimensioning.

IIa) What is a regular polygon?b) List them a polygonc) What are the types of scales?d) What is meant by representative fraction?e) Reducing scales should be used in preparation of building drawings

[True / False].III

a) Define Involute.b) What is a cycloid?c) State the use of s Archimedian spirald) What is a Epicycloids?

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e) State the applications of the Helix.

IVa) What is meant by conic section?b) Name any two methods of construction of ellipse.c) The fixed point of conic is known as ___________d) The eccentricity of ellipse is ___________

e) What are the applications of parabola?

Va) What is meant by orthographic Projections?b) In first angle projections, the object is kept at ___________ quadrantc) Name the two systems of projections.d) Two views are sufficient for showing details of any object [True / False]e) The symbol for first angle projection is___________


I. a). Write the following to 7mm height vertical capital letters in the free hand “Technical drawing is the language of Engineers”. (5)

b). Read the dimensioned drawing shown in fig 1. Redraw it to full size and dimension it as per Indian standards. (5)


c). Write the following to 5mm height vertical capital letters in the free hand “Drawing is better communication method for engineers”. (5)

d). Read the dimensioned drawing shown in fig 2. Redraw it to full size and dimension it as per Indian standards. (5)

II a). Construct a regular pentagon of side 30 mm. (10)


b). Construct a diagonal scale of RF=3:100 showing meters, decimeters and centimeter to measure upto 5 meters.

Indicate a length of 3.69 on it (10)

III a). Draw a helix of pitch 80mm on a cylinder of 35mm diameter for two revolutions of the Cylinder. (10)


b) A coin dia. 40mm rolls along the straight line without slipping. Draw locus on the coin.

Draw tangent and normal at any point on the curve. (10)

IV a). Draw an ellipse having major axis 110 mm and minor axis 70 mm. Draw a tangent & normal at any point. (10)


b). Draw a hyberbola when the eccentricity is 3/2 and the distance of the focus from directrix is 50mm.. (10)

V a). Draw the front view, top view & side view of the object given in Fig.3 (20)


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b). Draw the front view, top view & side view of the object given in Fig.4 (20)0106 : TECHNICAL DRAWING - I


Time: 3 hrs. Marks: 75

PART – A (15 x 1 =15)

Note: Answer all questions choosing ANY THREE divisions from each question. All questions carry equal marks


a) Mention some advantages of mini drafter.

b) What are the various sizes of drawing sheets ?

c) What is BIS Code used for lettering?

d) Name the lines for dimensioning

e) Sketch the various methods for dimensioning circles?


a) What is a polygon?

b) When a polygon has equal sides & equal angles is known as ___________

c) What is the need for preparing scales?

d) What is meant by Scale of chords?

e) What is full size scale?


a) State engineering applications of involute curve.

b) Define Helix.

c) Define Lead or pitch of the helix?

d) What is meant by convolution of spiral?

e) Name the different types of cycloidal curves.


a) Mention any four conic section obtained.

b) State the uses of ellipse

c) Name the methods for constructing parabola

d) Eccentriciy of ellipse is ___________

e) State the application of parabola.


a) In orthographic projection the observer imagine to look the object at ___________ distance

b) To understand a solid ,the orthographic projection must have atleast ___________ views.

c) In first angle projections method the ___________is kept between the ___________ &___________

d) The shape & size of the projection obtained by the first & third angle projection are the same : True / False

e) Name the two systems of orthographic projection.


I. a) Write the following to 5mm height vertical capital letters in the free hand “AutoCAD is used for 2D Drafting & 3D Modeling”. (5)

b) Read the dimensioned drawing shown in fig 1. Redraw it to full size and dimension it as per Indian standards. (5)


c). Write the following to 10mm height vertical capital letters in the free hand “A good student realizes the importance of neat & attractive lettering”.


d) Read the dimensioned drawing shown in fig 2. Redraw it to full size and dimension it as per Indian standards. (5)

II a) Construct a regular hexagon of side 30 mm. (10)(OR)

b) The distance between Chennai & madurai is 400 Km It is represented by a distance of 8 cm in a railway map Find RF & construct Diagonal scale

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to read km. Show on it the distance of 543km on it. (10)

III a). Draw an archimedian spiral of two convolutions the greatest & smallest radii being 80mm & 10mm respectively.. Draw a tangent & normal at

any point on the curve (10)


b). A Circle 50mm diameter rolls on the circumference of the another circle of 150mm diameter and outside it. Trace the locus of a point on the

circumference of the rolling circle for one complete revolution. (10)

IV a). The profile of a car reflector is in the form of a parabola. The rim diameter is 100mmand maximum depth 50mm.

Draw the parabola. (10)

(OR) b). Construct a hyperbola, when the distance of focus from the directrix is 60mm & eccentricity is 4/3.Draw a tangent & normal

at any point on the curve (10)

V a). Draw the front view,top view & side view of the object given in Fig.3 (20)


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b). Draw the front view,top view & side view of the object given in Fig.4 (20)NACHIMUTHU POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, POLLACHI




Time : 3 Hrs Max. Marks : 7515x4 = 60

I. Answer the following : (Written)1. List out the vowels and diphthongs giving an example for each2. Write down the consonants giving an example for each3. i) Define syllables and stress.

ii) Mark the stress mark on the correct syllable in the following words.

i) Boon ii) Upwards iii) Moment iv) reduce

v) observe iv) Discipline vii) Prejudice

viii) Suspicion

4. What are consonant clusters? Mark the stress in the following derivativesi) Academy ii) Mystify iii) justice

iv) Charisma

5. What are affixes? give a couple examples.6. Mark the stress on the correct syllables in the following affixes.

i) Aristocratic ii) Simplicity

iii) Confidential iv) Hilarious

7. Divide the following sentences into tone groupsi) Yes. The Taj Mahal is in Agraii) Not knowing these facts, he miscalculated the enemy’s strength.iii) Immediately on his arrival, there arose a great shout of joyiv) When the day dawned, we found the way

8. Place the nuclear accent correctly in the following sentences :i) I find it difficult to understandii) That ‘s a ridiculous suggestioniii) Ask him to hang on a minuteiv) The whole audience laughed at this remark.

9. a) List out at least six important features responsible for the intelligibility being lost in connected speech.b) Mark the tones in the following sentences:

i) My phone number is two, three, seven, nine, one, two.

ii) I should send it in before it is too late

iii) It’s a lovely day, isn’t it?

iv) It’s a nice flat but it is too small for us.

10. a) What are the various kinds of sentences? Illustrate with examples

b) Construct sentences in the following patterns.

i) SVC ii) SVOA iii) SVIODO iv) SVOC

11. a) Form an assertive sentence and transform it into negative.

b) Convert the following sentence into declarative:

Who can predict our future?

c) Frame an exclamatory sentence.

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d) Form a question sentence for request.12.. a) Rewrite the following as per instructions given in brackets.

i) It is beautiful (Change the subject complement unit into its superlative degree of form)

ii) A pair of gloves ——————(has/have) been found in the hall. (Choose the correct form of the verb)

iii) That he will come is unlikely (Begin the sentence with ‘IT’)iv) They day dawned and the traveller left the inn (change into complex sentence)b) Read the following table and make at least four sentences

Loves tired

Teaches clever Easily

Rana Is French Always

Learns Books Well

reads playing

13. a) Identify the functional units in the following questions.

i) What is fraternity?

ii) Have you heard the news?

iii) Can’t you help me?

iv) What would you like to read novels or poems?

b) What are the different kinds of questions? Illustrate with examples?

14 Replace the original functional units in the following sentences with the alternatives given in the brackets.

i) What are you? (Replace the complement unit from the second person with the third person masculine singular making necessarychanges in the process).

ii) What is the cost of this pen? (Change the number in the question and make necessary changes in the process).

iii) Do you wish to fly like birds?(Change the yes or no question into the rhetoric).

iv) Do you need money? (Replace the object from the nominal form into the appropriate pronominal form).

15. Construct questions as per the directions with the help of the units supplied.

a) i)An Auxiliary verb + a subject in the form of a pronoun + complement?

ii) Time referring adjunct + auxiliary verb + subject + main verb

iii) Auxiliary verb + a subject in the form of a gerund + complement

iv) who + verb + subject

b)Form questions for the responses given

i) Iam coming from paris.

ii) They will not buy such cheap things.

iii)The Nile flows in Egypt

iv) Yes. The dog is in the kennel.


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Read an unknown passage of about 300 words with proper pronunciation, intonation and stress on the appropriate syllable





[Time : 3 Hrs] [Max Marks ; 75]

I. Answer the Following : (Written ) [15*4 = 60]

1. Write down the list of vowel sounds giving an example for each.2. List out the consonant sounds giving an example for each.3. Define syllable and stress.

Give a couple of examples for mono syllabic, disyllabic, trisyllabic words.

4. Mark the stress on proper syllables:i) reserve ii) Suppose iii) Passengers iv) expensive v) recommended

vi) aristocrat vii) anniversary viii) tax-free

5. a) Define Consonant clustersb) Mark the stress in the following derivatives:

i) Politics ii) refract iii) responsible iv) defend

6. Mark the stress in the following affixes and compound words

i) generation ii) confidential iii) incredible iv) house warming

7. a) Define intonation

b) Give a couple of examples for various tones

8. Divide the following sentences in to tone groups

a) I) Neither a lender nor a borrower be

II) Life is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing

III) God is in his heaven and all is right with the world.

IV) All things great and small, the Lord God made them all

b) Place nuclear accent in the following sentences correctly :

i) Was your brief case expensive?

ii) You ought to do something about it

iii) I am not going to put up with it

iv) I have bought a new record player

9. a) Mention any four features responsible for the intelligibility being lost in connected speech

b) Mark the tones in the following sentences.i) It looked good but it was notii) Don’t be too sure!iii) That’s the end of the dramaiv) He is not good in singing

10. a) What are the various kinds of sentences? Illustrate with examplesb) I) form an assertive sentence and transform it into negative

ii) Frame an exclamatory sentenceiii) Are dreams a road to self discovery? (Convert it into declarative)iv) Form a question sentence for request

11. Construct sentences in the following patterns :a) i) S+V+SC

ii) Dummy subject +V+Ciii) S+V+O+OC

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iv) S+V+IO+DOb) Rewrite the following sentences as per instructions given in brackets.

i) She is older than me (Replace the adjective in the sentence with senior)ii) A lot of time (has /have) been wasted (Choose the correct form of the verb)

iii) Why he did it is not known (Begin the sentence with it)

iv) He admitted his innocence (Change into complex sentence)

12. Read the following table and make as many sentences as possible

13. What are the different kinds of

a. Questions ? Illustrate with examples for eachb. Identify the functional units in the following questions

i) Why is the Taj very famous?ii) Do you read novels?iii) Don’t you like tea?iv) Wile you meet the minister next week?v)

14 Replace the original functional units in the following sentences with the alternatives given in the brackets :

i) Who is she ? (Replace the complement unit from the third person with the second person)

ii) Don’t you have your motherland?

(Change the rhetoric into a yes or no question)

iii) Do you like flowers? (Replace the object from the nominal from into the pronominal form)iv) He brought the evil on himself (Replace the subject from the third person with the second person)

15 Construct questions as per the directiona) With the help of the unit suppliedi) What + Verb + a Subject in the form of pronoun

ii) Place referring adjunet+anx.Verb+Subject+Main Verbiii) Whose + Subject +anx.Verb+adj?iv) Why+anx.Verb+subject+complement?

b) Form questions for the responses given :

i) Yes, Childern carry heavy bags to school

ii) No, I am not tired

iii) They saw a herd of elephants at Thekkadi

v) No, it may not rain today


Read an unknown passage of about 300 words with proper pronunciation, intonation and stress on the proper syllabus (15)

his friend




the file









in anger


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ENGLISH - IITime : 3 hrs Max. Marks : 75

I. Write an essay on ANYONE of the following in about 250 words[1x10=10 marks ]

a) Examine the title “No man is an Island”.b) Bring out the element of humour in “Third Thoughts”c) Narrate the story “Crime and Punishment”.

II. Answer any five of the following in three sentences each : [5x3 = 15 marks ]i) What are the tests by which we may judge whether a particular type of government is good or bad ?ii) Consider order safety and health as important aspects of civilization.iii) Why is a war in the modern age particularly dangerous ?iv) How did the boy exploit the weakness of the teacher ?v) Give an account of the meeting of the teacher and the Why did E.V.Lucas wish to present half of his profit to the dealer ?’vii) What made E.V.Lucas bargain with his own soul ?viii) What are the views of Jefferson on equality ?ix) Why is it difficult to define democracy ?

III. Explain any two of the following with reference to the context. [2x5 = 10 marks ]a) Somebody has described the people of time as possessing the powers of gods and the minds of school children.b) But today it is the Oasis which is spreading over the desert.c) He had to pretend that he agreed with them, while his own private view was that he was in charge of a little gorilla.d) It’s a great disadvantage to have stupid parents.

IV. a) Complete the following dialogue( Between a customer and the Bank Manager) [5]

Customer : _________________________________________________.Bank Manager : Yes Come in. What can I do for you.Customer : _________________________________________________Bank Manager : O.K. you can invest it in Fixed Deposit.Customer : _________________________________________________Bank Manager : Interest rate differs according to period of investment. For how long

do you invest ?Customer : For a period of 2 years. Sir.Bank Manager : _________________________________________________Customer : What is his name ? where is he seated?Bank Manager : _________________________________________________Customer : Thank you so much sir.

IV. b). You are asked to find out the reasons why the products manufactured and marketed by your company have not been moving with yourcustomers. Ask the chair person of the three member committee, present your findings in a market report in the proper format with a note ofdissent if any. ( 10 marks).

IV.c). Confirm an order over telephone for 500 pocket calculators for your college. ( 5 marks)

IV. d). Read the following table carefully and convert it into a passage. ( 5 marks)Land marks in space programme.

Date Satellite Function Launched by Result

March 191975 Arya Bhatta Scientific India SuccessfulJune 171979 Bhaskara Earth Observation India SuccessfulAug.101979 Rohini Earth Observation India UnsuccessfulJune 191981 Apple Communication India SuccessfulMarch 171988 IRSIA Remote Sensing India Successful

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Questions :

1. List out the satellites given in the chart.2. Which satellite failed in its function ?3. Name the satellite launched for Communication.4. What was Rohini’s function?5 .Which was the first satellite launched by India?

IV. E. Answer Any TEN of the following: (10 x 1 1/2 = 15 marks)

Fill in the blanks with the correct tense forms of verbs in brackets.

1. I ___________ (will) ________ (suggest) to Educationists that less stress should be ____________ (lay) on examinations and more on opportunitiesfor study and assimilation.

2. Why ___________(put) a premium on ineptitude? No, a present of, say, ten pounds at the most_______ (will) more than adequately _________(meet) the case.

Rewrite the following sentences converting the infinitive into gerund.

3. To bring up a healthy citizen requires a lot of efforts.4. It is necessary to keep up the spirits of the boy.

Match the synonyms correctly.

A B5. Vigorous Filled with surprise.

Dreadful dejectedSulky infinite knowledgeDespondent bad temperedOmniscience fearfulAghast strong

Complete the following sentences

6. Despite his difficulties __________________.7. Unless I wear glasses _________________.

Rewrite the following sentences correcting the mistakes.

8. What I have done?9. He is not a man of Principals.10. He did not work hard. He failed in the examination. ( Use ‘if’ condition to connect the sentences )11. The crowd enjoys the magician’s tricks. ( Add a suitable question tag )

Rewrite the sentences into other form of expression without any change in the meaning:

12. They usually closed the shop at 6.00pm.13. United we stand, divided we fall.

Add suitable negative prefixes.

14. (i) Formal (ii) Sense (iii) Respect

Add suitable suffixes to change their parts of speech:

15. (i) Combine (ii) Divide (iii) True.

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Time : 3 Hrs Max.Marks : 75

I. Write an essay on ANYONE of the following in about 250 words (1x10=10marks)

a) What according to C.E.M. Joad is true civilization?b) Explain the views on equality and democracy as put forward in the dialogue between Jack and Anne.c) Narrate the story “Crime and Punishment”

II. Answer any five of the following in three sentences each : ( 5 x 3 = 15 marks).

i) What should people do to avoid the extinction of the human species?

ii) How does Minoo Masani distinguish between the two main forms of government?

iii) How has civilization spread and made the world one?

iv) What are the attempts of the teacher to quieten the boy?

v) What are the views of the parents on methods of teaching?

vi) What made E.V. Lucas bargain with his own soul?

vii) Why did E.V. Lucas wish to present half of his profit to the dealer?

viii) Why is it difficult to define democracy?

ix) Write about the democracy in Athens.

III. Explain Any TWO of the following with reference to the context. (2x5=10marks)

a) They don’t think noble ends can be achieved by foul methods.

b) Thus in disputes between man and man right has taken the place of might.

c) The teacher hunched up in a corner and obeyed.

d) It would be only fair to give him half.

IV). a). Complete the following dialogue: [ Between the tailor and a Customer ]

Tailor : _______________________________________________________?Customer: I want a Wollen suit made.Tailor : _______________________________________________________.Customer : Ok. Show me the designs so that I can make my selection.Tailor : This colour will suit you more sir.Customer : _______________________________________________________.Tailor : May I take your measurements, sir.Customer : _______________________________________________________.Tailor : About two weeks sir.Customer : _______________________________________________________.Tailor : Thank you sir.

IV. b). You are the head of a team of five members to make a survey and suggest a project for installation of a Water Treatment plant in your town.Draft a report of your findings to an appropriate authority. (10 marks)

IV).c). Write an application for the post of supervisor in M/s. Lakshmi Mills, Coimbatore ( 5marks)

IV).d). Read the following table carefully and covert it into a passage. ( 5marks)

Area, Population and average density of population in five countries.

Rank with regard to area Country Area in Sq.Km. Population in millions Average density of population per

1. Russia 24402000 279.0 122. Canada 9,976000 25.4 33. China 9597000 1060.0 1104. U.S.A. 9373000 239.3 265. Australia 7687000 15.8 2

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Questions :

1. Which is the most populated country?2. Why is Australia ranked last in the list?3. What do you observe while comparing China’s average density of population per with that of the other countries put together? 4. Compare and contrast Canada and USA. 5. What will happen in China, if population increases further?

Answer Any TEN of the Following : ( 10 x 1 1/2 = 15 marks )

IV.e. Fill in the blanks with the correct tense forms of verbs in brackets:

6. And poor Mr. Man in the street____________________(feel) dreadfully__________(puzzle) and ___________ (wonder) which to choose.7. At this moment father and mother ___________ (emerge) from the house. The teacher __________ ( struggle) up to his feet upwardly. He was

still _________ (pant) badly.Rewrite the following sentences converting the infinitive into gerunds :

8. To close the lessons was his wish.9. It is a strain to tell the story again.

Match the synonyms correctly :

A B5. Appal neatly

primly eat up greedilydevour fill with fearquixotic ruinouslydisastrously latentpotential peculiar

Complete the following sentences :

6. Often we are upset ___________________7. Think before ________________________.

Rewrite the following sentences correcting the mistakes :

8. The dog is a faithful animal.9. The rise and fall of the waves are due to the moon.10. You must have the driving licence. Otherwise you will not be permitted to drive the vehicle. ( connect the sentences using ‘unless’ )11. Very few students responded in his class. ( Add a suitable question tag )

Rewrite the sentences into other form of expression without any change in the meaning.

12. To avoid punishment you must apologise.13. A lion is seldom trusted

Add suitable negative prefixes.

14(i). Direct; (ii).real; (iii).approve.Add suitable suffixes to change their parts of speech :15. (i) former (ii) value (iii) desire.

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NOTE: 1. Answer any three divisions from each question. 2. All questions carry equal marks. (15*1=15)

I a. Who developed & whom published c language?. b. State whether -2.8e-2.8 is valid or not?. c. What are the data type modifiers?. d. Define an output function with general format?. e. What is the difference between pow() & exp()?.

II a. What are the four types of control structure?. b. Write the syntax for if ... else. c. Draw the flow diagram of nested if. d. Write the rules for nested loop. e. What is the use of control & break statements?.

III a. What is an array?. b. Structure is an array of ________________. c. How will you declare multidimensional array?. d. Write a statement in c to declare a character array of size 5?. e. Define nested structure?.

IV a. Define function?. b. Mention any two library functions?. c. How will you call a function?. d. What are the four types of function?. e. Define void function.

V a. Define file. b. What are the modes in which you can open a file?. c. Write the syntax for close a file. d. What are three types of file access?. e. What is meant by “fseek(fd,mL,o)”?.


NOTE: 1. Answer any two divisions from each question. 2. All questions carry equal marks. (5*12=60)

I a. Explain various types of constants in c. b. Explain the following

1. short-hand assignment operator.2. logical operator.

c. Explain formatted input using Scanf() with suitable example. d. What is library function ?. explain the functions in “ctype.h”.

II a. Explain switch statement with example. b. Explain additional features of for loop with suitable example. c. Write a program to find the greatest of three numbers using IF statement. d. Explain the importance of CONTINUE statement.

III a. Explain initialization & declaration of one dimensional array. b. Write a program to explain reading & writing of 2D array. c. Write a program to multiply two matrices. d. What is structure?. Explain its definition with example.

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IV a. How will you name & declare a function?. b. What is recursion?. Explain with an example. c. Explain the following library functions

1. is digit() 2.strcat() 3.atoi() d. Explain passing one dimensional array as parameters with example.

V a. Explain UNIX operating modes. b. Explain the following 1.creat() c. What is random access file?. Explain with an example. d. How will you read & write a file?.





NOTE: 1. Answer any three divisions from each question. 2. All questions carry equal marks. (15*1=15)

I a. ‘C’ language is derived from _______________. b. Give the hierarchy of arithmetic operators in C . c. What is the use of ‘get char()’ function?. d. What are the rules for variable?. e. Define an expression.

II a. List the various loop structures in C. b. Write down the need of UNCONDITIONAL GOTO statement. c. Give the syntax of SWITCH statement. d. Draw the flow diagram of FOR loop. e. Differentiate DO..WHILE & WHILE loop.

III a. What is meant by structure in C?. b. How will you declare one dimensional array?. c. Write the rules for subscripted variable?. d. Compare arrays & structures. e. Write a program to write an array.

IV a. Write the syntax for function declaration. b. Write a program to find factorial of 5. c. Define parameter passing. d. What are the two functions available in C for reading writing a character?. e. what is recursive function?.

V a. What are the modes associated with file?. b. Define random access file . c. How will you protect a file?. d. Write the general format of control bit. e. Write the syntax for create().


NOTE: 1. Answer any two divisions from each question. 2. All questions carry equal marks. (5*12=60)

I a. Explain the structure of C.

b. Explain the following library functions

1. strcpy() 2. floor() 3. is upper().

c. Explain declaration & initialization of variable.

d. Write the features of C.

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II a. Write a program to print your name & address 5 times.

b. Explain NESTED IF . . . ELSE.

c. Explain any one looping statement.

d. Write a program to solve quadratic equation.

III a. Explain how will you declare & initialize 2D array?.

b. Define array. explain .

c. How will you declare & initialize a structure?. Explain.

d. Write a program to find sum & average of N numbers.

IV a. Define function. Explain how will you define function?.

b. Explain the predefined function in header file “stdlib.h”.

c. Write a program to sort N numbers using function.

d. Explain passing multi dimensional array as parameter with an example.

V a. Define file. how will you open & close it?.

b. Write a program for random access file.

c. What are the two types of files?. Explain control bits.

d. Explain the following

1. read() 2. write().


Time : 3 hrs Max. Marks : 75N.B : 1) Answer any 15 questions 2) All questions carry equal marks

I.a. Evaluate : ∫ tan2 x dxb. Evaluate : 1 ∫ dx

9 + x2

c. Evaluate : ∫ √1 + sin 2x dxd. Evaluate : ∫ x cos 2x dxe. Evaluate :

0 4∫ x2 +2 dx


a. Find the R.M.S. value of √4 - x2 from x = 0 to x = 2b. Find the area bounded by the curve y = x2, the x - axis, between x = 0, and x = 1c. Solve x dy = y

dxe.find the integrating factor for dy + 2y= x dx xd. Solve ( D2 - 36 ) y = 0

III.a. Find the real and imaginary parts of 1 - i

1 + ib. Find the modulus and amplitude of 1 +√3 i

2 2c. Find the value of cos 4θ + i sin 4θ

sin 2θ + i sin 2θd. Solve x3 - 1 = 0e. Find the point of intersection of the lines 3x + 4y - 13 = 0 and 2x - 7y + 1 = 0

IVa. Show that the equation 4x2 - 12 xy + 9 y2 = 0 representes a pair of parallel straight lines.b. Find the value of a when a x2 -6xy+ y2 + 18x - 6 y + 8 = 0 represents a pair of parallel straight linesc. Find the equation of the circle described on the line joining the points ( 4,1 ) and ( -2,7 ) as diameter.d. Find the centre and radius of the circle x2 + y2 - 22x - 4y + 25 = 0e. Prove that the circles x2 + y2 + 2x + 4y + 1 = 0 and x2 + y2 - 5x - 14 y - 34 = 0 cut orthogonally.

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a. Define discrete random variable.b. The random variable x has the following distribution.

x 1 2 3 ρ(x) 1/6 4/6 1/6 Find E (x)

c. In a Binomial distribution mean and variable are 4 and 8/3 find ‘ρ’ and ‘n’d. If x has a poisson distribution and ρ(x=0) = ρ(x=1) find λ . e. Write down the normal equations for the best fit of the line y = ax + b


N.B1.Answer any two division from each question 2.All questions carry equal marks 5x2x6=60

Ia. Integrate the following i. sin x ii. sec 2 ( log x )

1 - sinx x

b. Integrate the following i. 1 ii. 1(x+2)2 + 32 x2 - 8

c. Evaluate i. ∫ cos3x dx ii. ∫ √2x + 3 dx

d. Evaluate i. ∫ x log x dx ii. ∫ x2 cos 2x dx

II.a. Find the volume of a sphere of radius ‘r’ by integration method.b. Solve ( 1+x2) sec 2 y dy = 2x tany dyc. Solve cos x dy + 4y sin x = sin 2x

dxd. Solve ( D2 - 7D + 6 ) y = e2x

IIIa. Find the real and imaginary parts of ( 1+ i ) ( 2 + i )

( 1 + 4i )b. Prove that the points represented by the complex numbers 2 - 2i , 8+4i, 5+7i, -1+i form a rectangle.

c. Prove that cosθ + i sinθ = 1sin θ - i cosθ

d.Find the orthocentre of a triangle whose vertices are (5, -2), (1,2 ) and (1,4 )


a. Find the seperate equations of straight lines and the angle between the pair of straight lines given by 6x2 -xy- y2 =0b. If ax2 + 3xy - 2y2 - 5x + 5y +c = 0 represents two perpendicular lines, find the value of ‘a’ and ‘c’c. Obtain the equation of the circle passing through (1, 2), (-2,-4) and (-1, 3 )d. Show that the circles x2 + y2 - 4x + 6y + 8 = 0 and x2 + y2 - 10x - 6y + 14 = 0 touch each other.


TERM - IITime : 3 hrs Max. Marks : 75

N.B : 1) Answer any 15 questions 2) All questions carry equal marks

Ia. Evaluate ∫ Sin2x dxb. Evaluate ∫ dx


c. Evaluate ∫ x cos 4x dxd. Evaluate ∫ x log x dxe. Evaluate ∫ Cos2x dx





[ [

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a. Find the mean value of x2 between x = 0 and x = 2b. Find the volume of solid of revolution of y2 = x between x=0 and x=4 about the x axis.c. Solve sec x dy = sec y dx.d. Find the integrating factor of dy + y tan x = sec

dxe. Solve ( D2-16 )y = 0


a.Find the real and imaginary parts of 3 3 + 4i

b. Find the modulus and amplitude of 1 - 3 i

c. Using Demoivers thoerm simplify (cosθ + i sinθ )3

cos θ - i sinθd. Solve x4 - 1 = 0e. Find p , when the straight lines px + 3y = 6 and 2x-3y = 0 are perpendicular.


a. Find the angle between the pair of straight lines 3x2 - 7xy - 3y2 = 0b. Find the combined equation of the pair of straight lines 3x + y + 4 = 0 andx + 2y + 5 = 0c. Find the equation of the circle with centre ( 4, 3) and radius 5 units.d. Find the length of the tangent drawn from ( 2,5 ) to the circle x2 + y2 + x + y + 1 = 0e. Write down the condition for two circles x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 and x2 + y2 + 2 g

1x + 2f

1y +c

1=0 to cut orthogonally.


a. The probability distribution of a random variable x isx 0 1 2 3

ρ(X=x) 3k 1/3 2k 1/2 find k

b. The mean of a binomial distribution = 7, standard deviation 6, is it possible ?c. Eight coins are tossed simultaneously, find the probability of getting six heads.

d. In a poisson distribution if ρ( x=1 ) = 0.25, ρ(x=2) = 0.375 find its mean .

e. Give two examples for poission distribution

Part - B

N.B1.Answer any two division from each question 2.All questions carry equal marks 5x2x6=60

I.a. Integrate the following

i. Sin2x cos x ii. 2x - 3 x2 - 3x + 2

b. Integratei. 1 ii. 1 9x2 - 4 (x+1)2 - 9

c. Evaluate

i. ( 2x + 3 )2 dx ii. cos2 x 1 - sinx

d. Evaluatei. x2 cos x dx ii. x2 ex dx


a. Find the area of the region bounded by the curve y=x2+x,the x-axis and the ordinates x=0,x=6b. Solve ( 1+x2 ) dy = 2x cot y


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c. Solve dy + y cot x = 4x cosec x dxd. Solve ( D2 - 7D + 12 ) y = e5x

III.a. Find the modulus and ampliude of 5-2i


b. Show that the complex number 1, -1, i, 3 form a equalateral triangle in Argand Diagram.c. Solve x5 + 1 = 0d. Find the equationof the line through (2,3 ) and perpendicular to the line joining (3,5 ) and ( -1, 4 )

IV.a. The slope of one of the lines ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 is twice that of the other prove that 8h2 = 9 abb. Find the value of ‘k’ so that the lines 2x2 - 7xy + 3y2 + 5x - 5y + k = 0 may represents two straight lines. Find the angle between them.c. Find the equation of the circle through the point (5,4) and concentric with the circle x2 + y2 - 8x + 12y + 15 = 0d. Show that (4,1)lies on the circle x2 + y2 - 2x + 16 - 15 = 0.find the equation of tangent at the point diametrically opposite to(4,1)on the circle.

V.a. A random variable x has the following probability distribution.

x 1 2 3 4 5 6 p( X=x) 0 k 2k 3k 4k 5k

find E ( x )

b. For a binomial distribution, the mean is 6 and the standard deviation is √2. Write all the terms of the distribution.c. If 2% of the product manufactured by a company are defective find the probability that 2 or more of itsproducts in a sample of 100 are defective?d. Fit a straight line using the data by the method of least squares

x 0 1 2 3 4y 1 1 3 4 6




Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 75

PART - A (15 × 1 = 15)

Note: Answer ALL questions choosing ANY THREE divisions from Each question.

I. a) What is meant by conduction?b) State First law of thermodynamics.c) Define specific heat capacity of a solid.d) State Boyle’s law.e) Define mean free path of a molecule.

II. a) Define isothermal change.b) Define critical temperature.c) What is meant by temperature of inversion?d) State Joule’s Thomson effect.e) Define boiling point of a liquid.

III. a) Define intensity of magnetic field.b) Define permeability.c) Define coercivity.d) Define stationary wave.c) Define wave length of a wave.

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IV. a) State Ohm’s law. b) State the laws of resistance. c) Define resistivity. d) State Fleming’s left hand rule. e) What is shunt?

V. a) State Faraday’s second law of electrolysis.b) Define capacitance of a capacitor.c) Write truth table for AND gate.d) What is a semiconductor?e) What is meant by extrinsic semiconductor?

PART - B (5 × 12 = 60)

NOTE: 1) Answer ALL questions choosing ANY TWO Divisions from each question. 2) ALL questions carry equal marks.

I. a) Derive an expression for the pressure of a gas based on kinetic theory of gases. b) Deduce Boyle’s law and Charle’s law from the equation for pressure of the gas. c) Derive the Mayer’s relation Cp - Cv = R. d) Calculate the value of R from the relation PV = RT.

II. a) Explain isothermal change.b) Explain how air is liquefied by Linde’s process.c) Describe cascade process of liquefying Oxygen.d) Air at a pressure of 5 atmosphere is compressed to half of its original volume under isothermal process. Calculate the resultingpressure of air.

III. a) Describe an experiment to draw the hysteresis loop of a specimen.b) Describe an experiment to determine the frequency of a tuning for using sonometer.c) Write a short note on acoustics of buildings.d) The length, breadth and thickness of a bar magnet are 3 cm, 2 cm and 1 cm respectively. Calculate the intensity of magnetization, if themagnetic Moment is 6 × 10 ?6 Am².

IV. a) Obtain the condition for balancing the Wheatstone’s bridge using Kirchoff’s laws. b) Derive an expression for the Torque on a rectangular coil carrying current placed in uniform magnetic field. c) How will you convert a galvanometer into i) am ammeter and ii) a voltmeter? d) Four resistances 3.6 Ù, 1.2 Ù, 9.6 Ù and 2.6 Ù respectively are connected so as to form a wheatstone’s bridge. Calculate the resistance in

series with 2.6 Ù resistance so as to balance the bridge.

V. a) Describe an experiment to determine the electro chemical equivalent of Copper. b) Explain how the P N junction diode acts as a rectifier? c) Derive an expression for the equivalent capacitance of three capacitors when they are connected in series. d) Show that when four equal capacitance are connected in parallel, the system has sixteen times the capacitance of that obtained when they

are joined in series.




Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 75

PART - A (15 × 1 = 15)

Note: Answer ALL questions choosing ANY THREE divisions from Each question.

I. a)What are the three methods of heat transfer?b) Define coefficient of thermal conductivity.c) Define radiation.d) What is mean free path?e) Define specific heat capacity of a gas at constant volume.

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II. a) What is meant by an adiabatic change?b) What is the difference between gas and vapour?c) Define critical volume.d) What is temperature of inversion?e) What is Joule-Thomson effect?

III. a) Define Pole strength of a magnet.b) Define retentivity.c) Define longitudinal wave.d) What is meant by resonance?e) Define coefficient of absorption of sound energy?

IV. a) State Ohm’s law.b) Define specific resistance.c) State Kirchoff’s laws.d) State Fleming’s left hand rule.e) How will you convert a galvanometer into voltmeter?

V. a) State Faraday’s laws of electrolysis.b) What is electroplating?c) Define capacitance of a capacitor.d) What is meant by doping?e) What is an AND gate?

PART - B (5 × 12 = 60)

NOTE: 1) Answer ALL questions choosing ANY TWO Divisions from each question. 2) ALL questions carry equal marks.

I. a) State any six postulates of kinetic theory of gases.b) Derive the relation between pressure and kinetic energy from the pressure of a gas.c) Derive Cp - Cv = R for a perfect gas.d) air at 5 atmosphere is suddenly compressed to half its volume. Find the resulting pressure. (ã = 1.4)

II. a) Write a note on isothermal change and adiabatic change.b) Describe with a neat sketch, the cascade process of liquefaction of oxygen.c) Describe Linde’s process of liquefaction of air with a neat diagram.d) Air at a pressure of 0.75 m of mercury and volume of 1 litre is compressed to a pressure of 1.5 m of mercury under isothermal process. Calculate the resulting volume.

III. a) Explain how hyteresis loop is useful for the selection of materials forPermanent magnets and temporary magnets.

b) Describe how the frequency of a tuning fork is determined using sonometer. c) Write a note on acoustics of buildings. d) The length, breadth and thickness of a magnet are 150 mm, 20 mm and 10 mm respectively. Calculate the intensity of magnetization if

its Magnetic moment is 9 × 10?³ Am²

IV. a) Derive the condition for balancing a Wheatstone’s bridge using Kirchoff’s laws. b) Describe the construction and working of a moving coil galvanometer.

c) Explain how a galvanometer is converted into i) an ammeter ii) a voltmeter. d) A thin wire of diameter 0.6 mm has a resistance of 5 ohm. If the length of

the wire is 75 cm, calculate the specific resistance of the wire.

V. a) Describe an experiment to determine the e.c.e of copper.b) Explain junction diode with forward bias and reverse bias.c) Explain the working of full wave rectifier.d) Explain AND and OR gates with their truth table.

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MODEL QUESTION PAPER-ITime-3 hrs Max.marks-75


NOTE: 1) Answer any three divisions from each question. 2) All questions carry equal marks.(15*1=15)

I a. Define molarity of a solution b. The mole fraction of a solute in a solution is 0.25. what is the mole fraction of the solvent ?. c. What is a dilute solution?. d. What are colligative properties?. e. Define boiling point of a liquid.

II a. Define PH of a solution. b. Give reason for following 1)hydrochloric acid is called as an as an acid 2)water is called as a base. c. Give the relationship between PH and POH. d. What are the different varieties of coal?. e. Give the main components of LPG.III a. Define chemical corrosion. b. Name the factors that influence the rate of corrosion. c. What is meant by stress corrosion?. d. Name the two types of varnishes. e. Give the differences between paints & varnishes.

IV a. What are ores?. b. Define roasting. c. Give the composition of stainless steel. d. Name the three varieties of iron. e. What are ferrous alloys?.

V a. What is lime?. b. Give the composition of cement. c. Name the examples for thermoplastic resins. d. How abrasives are classified?. e. What is meant by norbide?.


NOTE: 1) Answer any two divisions from each question. 2) All questions carry equal marks. (5*12=60)

I a. Define normality of a solution . calculate the mass of sodium hydroxiderequired

to prepare 100ml of 0.1N solution. b. Calculate the boiling point of a solution of 8 gms of sodium hydroxide in

100gms of water. Ebullioscopic constant for water is 0.52. c. Derive the mathematical expression to determine the molecular mass of a

solute by ebullioscopic method. d. Explain Berkeley’s & Hartley’s method to determine the osmotic pressure.

II a. Explain Lowry – Bronsted theory of acids & bases. b. Calculate the hydrogen ion concentration of a solution whose PH is 4.85. c. Explain the refining of petroleum. d. What are the advantages of gaseous fuels over solid & liquid fuels?.

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III a. Explain differential aeration theory of corrosion. Give at least two examples.b. What is meant by galvanization?. Give the different methods of galvanization.

c. Explain cathodic protection. d. What are the two types of varnishes?. How are they prepared?.

IV a. Explain the various methods for the concentration of ores. b. Describe the manufacture of steel by Bessemer process. c. Give the composition & uses of brasss, bronze, solder & duralumin. d. Give the applications of powder metallurgy.

V a. Explain the manufacture of hydraulic lime by continuous vertical kilnprocess.

b. Explain setting of cement & curing of cement. c. Name some important natural abrasives & explain their abrasive uses. d. Mention the requirements of a good adhesive.



MODEL QUESTION PAPER-IITime-3 hrs Max.marks-75


NOTE: 1) Answer any three divisions from each question. 2) All questions carry equal marks. (15*1=15)

I a. What is a solute and a solvent?. b. Define molality of a solution. c. Define vapour pressure of a liquid. d. The boiling point of an aqueous solution is 100.2050c. what is the elevation in boiling point?. e. Define ebullioscopic constant.

II a. What is buffer solution?. b. What are conjugate acids?. c. Define ionic product of water. d. What is meant by cracking?. e. Give the classification of fuels.

III a. Define corrosion. b. What is meant by galvanisation?. c. What are the types of varnishes?. d. What is a paint?. e. In an iron wire netted fence corrosion occurs where wires cross.why?

IV a. What are minerals?. b. Define calcination. c. Give the composition of gun metal & bell metal. d. Define powder metallurgy. e. Give the purpose of alloying.

V a. Why gypsum is added to cement?. b. Write notes on moh’s scale of hardness. c. Give the characteristics of abrasives. d. Give any two examples for natural adhesives. e. What is meant by lime mortar?.

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NOTE: 1) Answer any two divisions from each question. 2) All questions carry equal marks. (5*12=60)

I a. Define molarity of a solution. 4.9 gms of sulphuric is dissolved in enough water to give 125 ml of solution. Calculate the molarity of the solution. b. Define mole fraction of a solute. 18 gms of glucose is dissolved in 178.2 gms of water. Calculate the mole fractions of both solute & solvent. c. State Raoult’s law of lowering of vapour pressure & derive the mathematical expression to find out the molecular mass of a solute in a dilute solution. d. 5 gms of a substance in 100 gms of water produced a depression of freezing

point by 0.930c. If the cryoscopic constant is 1.86. calculate molecular mass of the substance.

II a. Explain lewis concept of acids & bases. How it is an improvement over Lowry- Bronsted theory?. b. Give the industrial applications of PH. c. Name the different varieties of coal. Explain. d. Give the preparation, properties & uses of water gas & producer gas.

III a. Explain corrosion by the formation of galvanic cells. b. Explain anodisation. c. Name the components of a paint. Give their functions. d. Explain the prevention of corrosion by modifying the environment.

IV a. Describe the extraction of iron from its ores. b. Explain the various heat treatement process of steel. c. Name some ferrous alloys. Give their composition & uses. d. Give any two methods to produce metal powders.

V a. Explain the manufacture of cement by wet process. b. Give the properties of lime. c. What is carborundum?. Give its preparation, properties & uses. d. Name any two thermosetting resins. Explain their adhesive actions.





Time: 3 hrs. Markss: 75


Note: 1). Answer all questions choosing ANY THREE divisions from each question. 2). All questions carry equal marks. (15 x 1 = 15)

I. a) Give examples for solids of revolutions

b) When the axis of the solid is perpendicular to VP the front view shows the true ________ & ________.

c) What is meant by projection of solids?

d) When the axis of the solid is perpendicular to HP its ________ view reveals the true shape of base.

e) Pyramids has two ends True / False.

II. a) Sectional views are drawn to indicate the details of the ______ parts.

b) What is Section plane?

c) What is section line?

d) What is BIS code used for representing various materials in section?

e) What is the purpose of sectional view?

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III. a) In an isometric view, a circle appears as an ________.

b) Name the two methods of drawing isometric views.

c) What is isometric drawing?

d) What are the applications of pictorial drawing?

e) When is offset method used in drawing isometric projection?

IV. a) Two methods of developments of objects are (i)________ (ii)________.

b) What are the practical applications of development of surfaces?

c) What is development of surface?

d) Mention the application of parallel line method.

e) Mention the application of radial line method.

V a) What is AutoCAD?

b). What are requirements for AutoCAD?

c). ________ command is used to start new drawing.

d). What are the various methods used for drawing a circle?

e). ________ command is used to draw lines


I a) A cube of side 40mm resting on HP on one of its edges with its faces containing the resting edge equally inclined to HP and two vertical faces parallelto VP.Draw its projections. (10)


b) A cylinder of base diameter 40mm & axis length 70mm is resting base on HP with its axis inclined at 50º to HP and parallel to VP.Draw itsprojections. (10)

II. a) A cube of 40mm side rests on the ground on one of its faces with a vertical face inclined at 30º to V.P. A section plane cuts it parallel to the V.Pand 10mm away from the axis. Draw its plan and sectional elevation. (15)


b) A cylinder of 40mm diameter and 60mm height is resting on its base in H.P. It is cut by a section plane perpendicular to V.P and inclined at 45ºto H.P and passes through a point on the axis at a height of 45mm from the base. Draw the elevation, sectional plan and true shape of thesection. (15)

III. a) Draw the isometric view of the object shown in Fig. (15)

(OR)b) Draw the isometric view of the object shown in Fig 2. (15)

IV. a) Draw the development of a object as shown in Fig 3 (10)


a) Draw the development of a object as shown in Fig 4 (10)

V. a) Write AutoCAD command to draw a circle of diameter 50 mm (5)

b) Write AutoCAD command to draw a rectangle having corners (7,10) and (13,14) (5)


c) What is the use of mirror command & explain it. (5)

d) What is the use of offset command & explain it. (5)


c) What is the use of mirror command & explain it. (5)

d) What is the use of offset command & explain it. (5)

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Time: 3 hrs. Marks: 75

PART – A (15 x 1 = 15)

Note: 1). Answer all questions choosing ANY THREE divisions from each question. 2). All questions carry equal marks.

I. a) What is prism?

When the axis of solids is inclined to HP it may be parallel or perpendicular to

VP True/False

c) Projection of sphere is always ________ .

b) What is vertex or apex?

c) What is a pyramid?

II. a) What is the purpose of sectioning an object in drawing ?

c) What is IS code ofconversion for representing various materials in section?

d) What is cutting plane?

e) There are _______ number of various possible ways a solid can be cut by a section plane

f) What is the true section?

III. a) ________ & ________ methods are used in drawing isometric views

b) What is the shape of circle in Isometric projection?

c) What is an isometric projection?

d) Draw a circle in Isometric view approximately

e) How a sphere is drawn in Isometric view, Sketch an example?

IV. a) Two methods of developments of objects are (i)________ (ii)________.

b) Development of a cube will have________ equal square of side?

c) What is the practical application of development of surface?

d) What will be the development of cylinder of diameter d and height h?.

e) What is meant by development of lateral surfaces?

V a) What is the use of tool bar in AutoCAD?

b) ________ command is used to save the current drawing

c) ________ command is used to draw lines

d) Mention any two methods to draw arc.

e) How will you erase all objects in a drawing.

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I a) Draw the projections of a hexagonal prism of base side 30mm and height 70mm long resting on the ground with one of its longer edgesand its axes parallel to both planes. (10)


b) A hexagonal pyramid is 30mm base edge and axis 75mm long when it lies with one of its triangular faces on the ground and its base atrught angles to the VP.Draw the plan & elevation of a pyramid. (10)

II. a) A cylinder of base diameter 40mm & height 80mm is resting on the ground, keeping its axis parallel to both HP & VP.A cutting planeperpendicular to HP and parallel to VP cuts the cylinder at a distance of 18mm away from the axis .Draw the plan & sectionalelevation. (15)


b). A cone of base diameter 40mm & height 70mm is resting on its base on the ground. It is cut by a plane perpendicular to VP and inclined30º to the H.P passes through a point in the axis 40mm from the base. Draw the front view, Sectional top view & true shape of thesection (15)

III. a) Draw the isometric view of the object shown in Fig. 1 (15)(OR)

b) Draw the isometric view of the object shown in Fig 2. (15)

IV. a) Draw the development of the shown in Fig 3. (10)(OR)

b) Draw the development of the object shown in Fig 4 (10)

V. a) What is the purpose of Zoom Command ? (5)

b) What is the use of Break Command ? (5)


c) Write AutoCAD commands to draw pentagon of side 40mm (5)

d) Write AutoCAD commands to draw fillet of radius 10 mm (5)

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0120 - English Communication Practical – IIModel Question Paper – I

Time : 3 hrs Max.Marks : 75

I. Answer the following (written)

I a) Use appropriate thought fillers to the following :i) _____________it may rain tonightii) _____________Keep it upiii) _____________don’t speak filthy wordsiv) _____________I don’t believe as you do.

c) Use appropriate conjuncts to the following :i) _____________I punished himii) _____________water boils at 100°Ciii) _____________he is an efficient tutoriv) _____________I haven’t seen him since then

2 a) Use the following phrases to build up sentences :i) in time ii) at the eleventh hour iii) at day break iv) at this very moment

b) Use the following clauses to build up sentences :i) due to my wavering mindii) in spite of his povertyiii) if found fitiv) listening to his suffering

3. a) Use the following concise word pictures to form meaningful sentences:i) air-conditioner ii) butcherii) comet iv) gadgets

c) Elaborate the following gists into meaningful sentences :i) North Indian rivers-perennial – utilized for irrigation-production of electricityii) Most politicians – selfish – corruptiii) Felling trees-equal-handicapping our treasureiv) Developed countries – pay equal attention – sanitation and water supply.

4. a) Guess and write the modification of meaning that gets attached to the nuclear content words by the use of the marginal / structuralwords.i) a patriotii) the patriotiii) any patriotiv) how merciless Othello was!

b) Draft a telegram to your brother abroad to convey the background below :

Your friend’s sister’s marriage is arranged. He is in financial crisis. Only one week is there ahead for the marriage. You have no money inyour hands. Request your brother aboard to send Rs. 50,000 at once in order to help your friend.

5 a) Find out the possible meanings for the following :

i) imposter ii) teetotaler iii) hydrophobia iv) epicure

b) Find out the meanings of the following blocks in journalese :

i) Bihar lawyers boycott

ii) Ceasefire between LTTE and army in Sri Lanka

iii) Fifteen killed several injured in Kashmir

iv) Opposition walk out in Lok Sabha over price hike

7. Write identical sentences in the following pattern to clothe your own thoughts.

i) Charity beings at homeii) service to people is service to godiii) life is no a bed of rosesiv) Treachery is worse than a serpent’s tooth

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8. Read the following poem and analyse the salient features such as *the nature of thought content * The way of expression * The choice ofwords rhyme/rhythm *the figure of speech if any * assonance / alliteration if any

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high over vales and hills

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host of golden daffodils,

Beside the lake, beneth the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

9. a) Read the following proverb and answer the questions given below :

“A rolling stone gathers no moss”

i) What message does the proverb convey?

ii) What is the sentence pattern?

iii) What are the salient features such as thought / style or any other aspect by which you have been influenced?

b) Read the following epigram and give your critical appreciation

“Self conquest is the greatest of victories (Plato)

10. a) Write the appropriate nouns for the following verbs :

i) feed ii) admit iii) conquer iv) resolve

v) try vi) enter vii) retire viii) provide

c) Form compound words choosing any two words from columns A & B


i) bread top

ii) day mate

iii) live hole

iv) Arrow break

v) Spinal stuff

vi) hill cord

vii) play stock

viii) key head

ORAL PRACTICE – 25 marks

II. Read out the following poem, pronouncing the words correctly [5]

Vital spark of heavenly flame!

Quit, O quit this mortal flame :

Trembling, hoping, ling’ring, flying

O the pain, the bliss of dying!

Cease, fond nature, cease thy strife.

And let me languish into life.

Hark! they whisper; angels say,

Sister spirit, come away!

What is this, absorbs me quite ?

Steals my senses, shuts my sight,

Drowns my spirits, draws my breath ?

Tell me, my soul, can this be death ?

The world recedes; it disappears !

Heaven opens on my eyes ! my ears

With sounds seraphic ring !

Lend, lend your wings ! I mount! I fly !

O Grave! Where is thy victory ?

O Death! Where is thy sting?

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2. a) Read out the following sets of rhyming words in phrases : [5]

i) Old John, with white hair

Does laugh away care

ii) Fashioned so purely

Fragilely, surely

iii) A rider bound on bound

Until he reached the mound

iv) A living child

Upon the lonesome wild

Read out the following tongue modulators :

i) ravenous nature

ii) bookish and foolish

iii) falling bridges

iv) wild wizards

v) straining brain

vi) forsaken merman

vii) jealous and zealous

viii) lively life

3. a) Read out the following tongues twisters : [5]

i) Don’t tell me such a tale about the monkey’s tail

ii) Sad was the hour, no shade there, bad was the day, no bird here

iii) Full of fears and tears, she withered away in solitude

iv) Don’t be rash enough to dash and smash anything and everything.

v) Ring, sing and bring joy to all

vi) A girl caught in a gale, turned pale and lost her last breath.

vii) Sitting on a sweat – soaked bed, he ate a sweet – coated bread

viii) Intrepid soldiers of the Rajput regiment

b) Read out the following tongue conditioners :

i) We should fight for our rights as fight is might

ii) Believe and persevere and the victory will be yours

iii) Gandhiji abhorred status and served all his life against its ugly manifestations.

iv) No one can foretell the nature of the afternoon from the fire of the morning sun.

v) One’s suffering turns out one a perfect and complete personality.

vi) A great many animals in the zoo have perished as result of severe attacks of rinderpest, a contagious viral disease.

vii) We are not here to play, to dream and to drift, we have hard work to do and loads to lift, shun not the struggle, it is God’s gift.

viii) He has squandered his fortune, alienated his friends and ruined his health by his recklessness and extravagance.

4. Text of the dialogue to be played back from the pre-recorded cassette :

Vijay : What my friend! You seen to be so pensive today! What are you ruminating over ?

Vignesh : Just now I read in the newspaper that corruption charges are leveled against some of the prime leaders of our country. It’ssickening to think about these politicians. I just can’t help comparing Indian today and India fifty years ago.

Vijay : Come on, give vent to your feeling and ideas freely.

Vignesh : Think of the British rule in India. Then the people were united and rose up to the occasion without any selfish motives. Ourleaders like Gandhiji, Patel and Subash Chandra Bose led the people in the right path and achieved freedom for our countrywithout blood and knife. How many hardships they underwent!

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Vijay : Of course! It’s because of their selfless sacrifiees, we are breathing the air of freedom today. Our leaders thought that indepen-dence would develop not only the country but also the people in it.

Vignesh : Exactly, When India was declared free on August 15th 1947, how jubilant we were! What was the dream of the people then? Theyimagined that India would reach the height of prosperity and everyone would get everything in plenty. They expected that ourministers would be loyal honest, trust worthy and live and die for the sake of the country. But what’s happening here?

Vijay : What to do? Today everything is politicized. All our leaders are power mongers. They want to come to power not to develop thecountry in anyway bu to achieve their personal ends and make money for themselves. They are corrupt.!

Vignesh : Yes. They neither think about the welfare of the country nor about the people. All their plans are directed towards grabbing votesby hook or crook. It is the people who send them to Parliament but they are befooled and cheated in many ways. Even the fewwelfare schemes do not really reach the masses.

Vijay : Powerful medias such as cinema, television, radio and newspapers should come to the aid of the people. Unless the peoplerise up to the occasion and put an end to this present trend, there is no remedy for this evil.

Vignesh : What you say is correct. People should be taught to elect the right persons. Then I’m sure that prosperity and progress willbe at the door step of our country.

Vijay : True! People are misled by several parties and partymen. At this hour of need it is the duty of the youngsters to eradicate thewide spread illiteracy and create awareness among the people. If such steps are taken, then I’m sure, we can soon bring abouta clean government.

Vignesh : I do agree with you. Let’s hope that our ideas are converted into realities soon.


1. Did you listen to the playback ?

2. Do you understand the background ?

3. Can you recapitulate the theme of the dialogue ?

4. Who are the speakers ?

5. Do you agree with Vijay’s views ?

6. Do you agree with idea of Vignesh ?

7. Do these speakers analyse the prevailing trend of the country properly ?

8. What makes Vignesh compare India. Today with India, fifty years ago ?

9. What was the attitude of the Indians during the British rule here ?

10. List out the names of a few popular leaders who fought for our freedom.

11. How were they able to gain freedom ?

12. When did India achieve independence ?

13. What was the pleasant dream of the people then ?

14. What is the present state in India ?

15. Who is responsible for shattering the dreams of the people ?

16. Who should come forward to remedy this evil ?

The Guide : Did you go through the entire conversation ?

The Student : ____________________________________

The Guide : Do you support the views of Vijay and Vignesh ?

The Student : ____________________________________

The Guide : If ‘Yes’, why ? if ‘No’ why ?

The Student : ____________________________________

The Guide : Do you wish to offer your views on this topic ?

The Student : ____________________________________

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