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THE GREEN WAVEOctober 2015, No 44

Autumn is synonymous with a whirlwind of Green Marine activities. The advisory committees and working groups meet to put the final touches on the updated performance indicators in time for publication in the annual self-evaluation guides. The secretariat has doubled its efforts to recruit and train new verifiers. Planning for the next annual conference is already well under way. There are a number of events involving Green Marine’s participation taking place throughout North America, and the organization is strengthening its online presence. It’s safe to say no one here is bored!


QSL and its 12 subsidiaries are joining Green Marine. Alrea-dy participating in the environmental program through its Northern Stevedoring division in Sept-Îles since 2012, QSL will now benchmark the environmental performance of a number of its other terminals including those located in Quebec City.For almost 40 years QSL has operated marine terminals and

a world-class loadmaster to provide tailored solutions for the handling of various types of cargo. Thanks to its expansive network extending from Eas-tern Canada towards the heart of the North American continent, as well as to the Caribbean, QSL offers a complete array of services to expertly handle cargo from the time it first arrives at the terminal to its loading, storage, and reloading onto ships, trains or trucks. QSL has more than 1,300 employees working at its head office in Quebec as well as some 30 port terminals.In Quebec City, QSL operates the l’Anse au Foulon sector where a brand-new terminal dedicated to wood pellets was opened in 2014, as well as the Estuary terminal that specializes in unloading bulk cement. The St-Laurent Stevedo-ring division in the Beauport sector of the Port of Quebec operates a solid bulk deep-water terminal with a 15-metre depth at low tide to accommodate ships weighing upwards of 175,000 deadweight tonnes. QSL is now planning to gradually integrate all of its terminals, located in five Canadian provinces and two American states, into the Green Marine program.

A NEW SUPPORTER OF GREEN MARINEThe Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is a not-for-profit NGO with a mission to protect the abundantly bio-diverse habitat and natural corridors in southern Quebec. NCC is actively involved with safeguarding the St. Lawrence River eco-system by conserving more than 3,800 hectares (9,390 acres) of natural habitat on the waterway’s shorelines and islands. NCC fulfils an important role by acquiring, overseeing, restoring and improving ecologically vital properties.

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EcoLogix Group has been helping clients to achieve challenging environmental, organizational and other project-related goals since 2001. The firm specializes in finding solutions to address concerns regarding a project’s impacts. It engages stakeholders in a collaborative way that results in the greater satisfaction of all parties while saving time and money. EcoLogix welcomes the chance to help clients align fiscal, timetable and other project requirements with meaningful public engagement and opportunities for envi-ronmental improvement. The firm has been particularly successful in resolving conflicts related to air, land, water and energy impacts, thereby helping its clients to maintain their social licence to operate.

The Marine Exchange of Puget Sound is a member-based not-for-profit orga-nization that provides comprehensive commercial vessel movement information services to its membership around the clock. It facilitates safe, secure, efficient and environmentally responsible marine operations. The primary role is to pro-

vide a steady channel of communication and vessel arrival times to its membership. It tracks vessels, moni-toring their movements from approximately 15 days prior to their arrival in Puget Sound or Grays Harbor. The monitoring data is used to create reports that are disseminated to members on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. The Marine Exchange also provides administrative assistance to several not-for-profit safety, security and response organizations.

Green Marine has signed a nine-month contract with Transport Canada to provide in-sight on the issues and potential solutions to underwater noise generated by shipping and its affect on marine life. To meet the terms of the contract, Green Marine has hired Véronique Nolet as Project Manager – Marine Habitat. While temporarily replacing the organization’s program manager last fall, she laid out the foundations for some of Green Marine’s future environmental performance indicators. She also set up a working group to focus on the underwater noise issue and five meetings have been held to date. A graduate of the Université du Québec à Rimouski, she has been working for 10 years as a marine biologist, primarily for the Réseau d’observation des mammifères marins (ROMM), a non-profit organization dedicated to observing marine mammals to improve conservation strategies. In addition to the creation of new Green Marine environmental performance indicators, the work for Trans-port Canada will provide detailed information about underwater noise, including the various techniques for measurement, its impacts on marine life, internationally accepted mitigation measures and their effective-ness, current and expected regulations and/or guidelines pertaining to underwater noise, as well as existing and pending research for addressing the identified issues.


Eco-Forma offers environmentally friendly products that when used pro-actively will prevent the formation of ice on metal structures to im-prove safety while reducing corrosion. The company aims to reduce the costs and impacts associated with ice-prevention/removal by showing clients how to simply manage the use of its effective products that na-turally have a lower environmental footprint.

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Green Marine is delighted to hold its next GreenTech conference where it all began for the environ-mental program in October 2007. Our ninth annual conference will take place at the Hilton Québec, in Québec City.


Call for speakers

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SILVER• Shipping Federation of

Canada• Neptune Terminals• Seaspan ULC• Montreal Gateway Terminals

Partnership • CTMA Group

BRONZE• Oceanex


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Port Metro Vancouver and the Chamber of Shipping of British Columbia are hosting a complimentary Lunch and Learn information workshop on the motivations and objectives of the Enhancing Cetacean Habitat and Observation (ECHO) Program. This essential program will serve as a model for the preservation of the endangered Southern Resident Killer Whale and other marine mammals in coastal waters. It will also underline the marine industry’s commitment to responsible, collaborative and sustainable development. Date: October 22, 2015. To register, email: [email protected].

With SOx and NOx limits now set for Emission Control Areas (ECAs) and globally within the next few years, the maritime industry is facing an exciting but challenging time as it takes action to reduce emissions and improve the sustainability of

ships.The 8th Integer Emissions Summit & DEF Forum USA taking place October 27-29 in Chicago will provide key marine insights, including the industry’s progress in meeting newly implemented limits on SOx emissions, the implications of IMO Tier III NOx targets, and the latest information regarding advanced emissions control techno-logies to ensure strategies are both compliant and profitable.Green Marine members receive a 20% discount on the ticket price. Use coupon code Green15.




Port Metro Vancouver is committed to being recognized as a world class Gateway by efficiently and sustainably connecting Canada with the global economy, inspi-ring support from its tenants and from communities locally and across the nation. As part of this vision, Port Metro Vancouver is inviting its tenants to participate in the

Climate Smart program: helping its tenants to reduce energy, fuel and waste, along with associated costs.With generous support from Port Metro Vancouver, tenants have the opportunity to become Climate Smart certified at a significant discount and join in a tailored small-group program on October 20th. More information can be found online. Climate Smart trains up key staff within businesses to measure and reduce carbon emissions with a business-case approach. The program includes small-group training sessions, one-on-one advising from Climate Smart’s greenhouse gas management experts, customized reporting and analysis along with access to web-based software. Climate Smart fits well within Green Marine’s Greenhouse Gases and air emissions performance indicators: par-ticipation in Climate Smart helps businesses to be eligible for Level 3 and contributes to fulfilling Level 4 and 5 requirements. Green Marine West Coast Program Manager, Eleanor Kirtley, will be one of the guest speakers for the Climate Smart session to be held on December 3rd, 2015.


To learn more & register:

(604) 254-6283 [email protected]

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The AAPA Annual Convention and Expo continues to be the largest membership mee-ting of the year. The 2015 convention in Miami, November 2-4, 2015, will represent the 104th in the history of the American Association of Port Authorities.For the third consecutive year, Green Marine will take part as an exhi-bitor at this annual gathering of the North American port community.The convention includes technical and policy committee meetings, as well as business sessions and social networking possibilities for port professionals and others in the marine transportation industry. This year, more than 500 people are expected to attend.


Join Green Marine representatives at North America’s first conference on green ship technologies on November 17-18, 2015, at the National Conference Center in Washington, DC. Green Marine representatives will be present

as conference speakers and exhibitors. The conference theme is ‘Har-monizing global industry regulations and promoting sustainability in shipping.’ Join more than 250 others at this largest green ship technology gathering to take place in the United States. Learn the operational best

practices for Vessel General Permit management and compliance; ensure that you’re up to date with U.S. Coast Guard and IMO ballast water treatment system type approvals and testing requirements; and, discover what the experience of ship owners has been in terms of installing and operating SOx and NOx abatement technologies. Quote VIP code FKT2946GMNL to receive the 20% discount being offered to Green Marine members.


With the first LNG vessel deployments in North Ame-rica now under way, maritime operations are looking at natural gas as the most cost-effective means to

meet ECA compliance regulations in North American and European coastal waters. Take part in the HHP Summit in Dallas this October 27-29th to learn how this clean-burning fuel is revolutionizing high horsepower applica-tions, including marine, rail, mining, drilling, pressure pumping, and stationary power generation. The summit offers marine-focused educational sessions on classifications and engines, LNG bunkering and fuel supply, end-user case studies, as well as a sprawling exposition hall with hands-on equipment displays and key networking opportunities.






More than 225 technical papers and presentations from the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME) and the 20 other organizing societies will be featured at the 5th World Maritime Technology Confe-rence, including panels on ballast water and the human factor in the maritime industry. Green Marine will at-tend this event.

• November 3-7, 2015• Rhode Island Convention Centre & Omni Hotel, Providence, RI• The SNAME Maritime Convention is incorporated with the triennial WMTC 2015


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Congratulations to: Terragon Environmental Technologies, winner of The One to Watch Award at the Ship Efficiency Awards 2015 for its Micro Auto Gasification System (MAGS): The award recognizes the potential of a commercially viable concept, technology or project that can lead to significantly improving maritime energy efficiency and sustainability.

The Carbon War Room, winner of The Outstanding Contribution to Ship Efficiency Award: This prize cele-brates an outstanding contribution towards improving the maritime industry’s energy efficiency or reducing its environmental impact through research or training/education.(The Ship Efficiency Awards Ceremony was held on September 9, 2015, in London.)

And last but not least, congratulations to our co-nominee, DNV-GL, recipient of the Lloyd’s List Global Awards 2015 in the Environment category: The award honours a company that has done the most to reduce pollu-tion from maritime sources. (The Lloyd’s List Global Awards winners were announced during a gala ceremony on October 1st, in London.)

This year’s theme is: COMPETITIVE. PROGRESSIVE. SEAMLESS. Your Cargo on the Move with HwyH2O showcases the Seaway network’s innovation. Delegates will hear from industry leaders on commodity updates, Seaway-specific trends and system-wide infrastructure in-vestments. The conference will feature case studies explaining how HwyH2O can compete with other gateways and provide a seamless transportation option to customers: delivering on time, with value and savings. The two-day event concludes with a networking session to enable delegates to connect with the key marine transportation executives and other

industry leaders in attendance. • November 18-19, 2015• Hilton Toronto Airport Hotel & Suites



The Carbon War Room (CWR) is prepared to provide up to $200,000 in funding to support an energy efficiency retrofit on a ship. CWR has issued a request for proposals (RFP) from ship owners and charterers. The grant will finance the installation of continuous monitoring equip-ment as part of a multi-technology retrofit on a single vessel. The deadline for applications is October 19, 2015. This opportunity to install a fuel-monitoring system is clearly a project for Green Marine par-ticipants! Get all the details in the RFP.





SODES is offering Quebec university students two scholarships worth $1,500 each for studies or research pertaining to the maritime industry. Details are available on line and the deadline is Octo-ber 16, 2015.


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Port Everglades received its first Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification for its Cruise Terminal 4, which had undergone many energy-efficient improvements as as part of an expansion and complete renovation earlier this year. Construction features that made the terminal eligible for LEED certification include:

• The use of recycled concrete and asphalt in the building’s construction• Energy-efficient lighting inside and out, as well as natural lighting within

the terminal• Energy-efficient air-conditioning and windows• Remote-controlled lighting and air-conditioning systems as part of the

port’s overall energy management program• Use of regional materials manufactured within 500 miles (805 kilometres)

of the portIn addition to the LEED certification improvements the port installed eco-friendly solar/wind-powered lighting in the Terminal 4 parking lot.


The Western Canada Marine Response Corporation (WCMRC)’s new $4.5 million G.M. Penman, a 65-foot Ocean Class Oil Spill Response Vessel (OSRV), is only the fifth vessel of its kind with its sister ships operating in Santa Barbara to provide service to offshore production platforms near the California coast.

The OSRVs are smaller, faster and more cost-effective than older unsheltered wa-ter vessels. The G.M. Penman improves WCMRC’s capacity for open-water rapid response and night-time operations.The G.M. Penman has a top speed of 26 knots when travelling to an incident. Once at the scene, the boom arms can be deployed within minutes. Two onboard Lamor skimming brushes have a combined skimming capacity of 32.8 tonnes per hour. It is the first vessel in WCMRC’s fleet that can operate non-stop for multiple

days in open water before having to be resupplied.The G.M. Penman joins WCMRC’s fleet of 32 spill response vessels. It will conduct sea trials in Vancouver, B.C., for the foreseeable future until it is deployed to one of WCMRC’s satellite response bases on the West Coast.


PortsToronto will continue its commitment to environmental sustainability by signing a new three-year agree-ment that will have Bullfrog Power® provide green electricity for all of PortsToronto’s operations, including the Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport. The agreement retains the status of PortsToronto and Billy Bishop Airport as the only port authority and airport in Canada to be powered entirely by renewable energy across all operations and facilities, including the airport’s new 260-metre (853-foot) pedestrian tunnel. In 2013 PortsToronto reduced emissions by an estimated 17% using clean energy derived exclusively from a mix of certified wind power and low-impact hydroelectricity.PortsToronto is also in the process of removing up to 40,000 tonnes of debris and sediment from the mouth of the Don River with the goal of stopping the flow of unwanted materials into Toronto’s Harbour and preventing any future flooding. The Leslie Street Spit features three Confined Disposal Facility called “cells” to properly and safely contain dredged material. Once each cell is filled to capacity, PortsToronto seals it with a layer of soil and clay and the Toronto Region and Conservation Authority (TRCA) uses the area to build new wetland habitat for fish, birds and other wildlife.


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More than 2,700 people boarded AML Cruises’ Cavalier Maxim to enjoy guided tours of Montreal’s port facilities on September 12th as part of the fourth Port in the City Day organized by the Montreal Port Authority.The event attracted 500 more participants than last year. During this year’s tour, participants were able to get a close-up look at the various facilities involved in the port’s operations and learn how goods make their way from overseas to local store shelves.


The Port of Halifax held its annual public tour on September 20 in partnership with Murphy’s, Ambassatours and Irving to provide boat tours to members of the public. The tour aims to provide the public with additional information about the port, in-cluding the vital connection between the Port of Halifax and the larger community. People are brought up to date on the considerable investment and development that has taken place in recent years.

For example, Richmond Terminals Pier 9C was refurbished and is now taking large/heavy-lift project cargo. The Irving Shipyard, which is now building the next generation of Canadian warships, is located directly beside Richmond Terminals. Visitors were very interested in the activities at each of these locations and how they complement each other.


The Port of Cleveland has sold its first load of Cuyahoga River sediment to a construction company. Great Lakes Construction Co. purchased 6,890 cubic yards (the equivalent of 300 dump-truck loads) of sediment from the port and its partner, the Kurtz Bros. Inc. landscaping company. The material will be used by the Ohio Department of Transportation in the Lakeland Boulevard/I-90 Replacement Project in Euclid.This sale represents a big step forward in the port’s overarching plan to creatively and efficiently manage river sedi-ment, according to the Port’s president and CEO, William Friedman, who says it allows the port to ‘’turn sediment from waste into a useful product while also reducing public expense and advancing green, sustainable practices.”


Filled Sluiceway – end of June Dewatering Trough – end of July Harvested Material stacked for load-out. Mid August

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A $13.5-million project at the Port of Quebec will facilitate buying and installing shore-power infrastructure at the port’s Pointe-à-Carcy terminal. The project is anticipated to eliminate thousands of tonnes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at the port annually.The Port of Montreal has an $11-million project to install a shore-power connection for cruise ships at the Alexan-dra Pier and a four-connection shore-power system for wintering ships. A total of 2,800 tonnes of GHG will be avoided as a result.Funding is being provided for both ports by the Canadian Shore Power Technology for Ports Program, the Green Fund, the Quebec Ministry of Sustainable Development, the Environment and the Fight against Climate Change, and by each port authority.Shore power is a highly effective way to reduce marine diesel air emissions. It improves local air quality by ena-bling ships to shut down their engines and plug into an electrical grid for the power required while docked.


The installation of shore-power facilities for container vessels at two Port Metro Vancouver (PMV) container ter-minals will reduce both air emissions and noise. The $12-million project is being funded equally by Transport Canada’s Shore Power Technology for Ports Program, and PVM.Shore power will be installed at a berth for the Deltaport terminal operated by Global Container Terminal (also a Green Marine participant) and a berth for DP World Vancouver’s Centerm container terminal. Each ship plugged into shore power is estimated to avoid producing 75 tonnes of GHG per docking. Both shore-power installations are expected to be operating by March 31, 2017.PMV was the first port in Canada to implement shore power for cruise ships and has avoided producing 11,000 tonnes of GHG since 2009 as a result.



Share your green initiatives with us and we will spread the news on our website and in The Green Wave. Simply forward information and picture to Green Marine’s

communications manager: [email protected]

Both the Hamilton Port Authority and Marine Atlantic exercised best com-munication practices in September by showcasing their Green Marine cer-tification. They are each reinforcing their commitment to the program by using their company newsletters to explain Green Marine and relate their performance results to their employees, partners and customers. Read more by clicking on the images.


Visit HAMILTONPORT.CA for the latest news, photos & events from the Port of Hamilton.P RTP A R T N E RSu


er |



[email protected] for submissions or comments.

Get credit for reducing your environmental footprint!Find out more by contacting Marilyn Baxter - [email protected] Hamilton Port Authority is a founding member of Green Marine.

Team Up to Clean Up: Hamilton Port Partners showed their community pride during the Port’s annual Team Up to Clean Up day recently. Teams fanned out to several locations on port property and throughout the North End, collecting 149 bags of garbage, and 49 bags of recycling.

Participating companies included: Alfa Paper, Bitumar, Chapel Steel, CityKidz, Fluke Transport, Hamilton Port Authority, Hamilton Halton Brant Regional Tourism Association, Joseph Haulage, Lafarge, Lakeshore Sand, McAsphalt, McKeil Marine, Rankin Construction, REfficient/evereone, Richardson International, Webtan Mechanicals, Westway, Yellowline Asphalt.

Green Marine News: HPA is pleased to announce that it has achieved Green Marine Level 3 in all categories, recognizing consistent performance in the areas of: reducing greenhouse gases, spill prevention, community impacts, and environmental leadership.

Two HPA tenants have joined Green Marine in recent months. Congratulations to Yellowline Asphalt and Richardson International for making this important commitment. Green Marine is a North America-wide environmental certification program for the marine industry that aims to exceed regulatory standards for performance in air, water, and on land. HPA encourages all port partners to consider joining Green Marine as a way to showcase your environmental efforts. Contact Marilyn Baxter for more information. [email protected]

Golf Tournament: Thank you to all players and sponsors of the 2015 HPA charity golf tournament. Thanks to your generosity, $20,000 was raised for the Mission to Seafarers, Liberty for Youth and Ladybird Animal Sanctuary.

Greenhouse Growing: Many thanks to Windchaser Carrier Logistics for contributing transportation services and several days of hard work to transport the materials needed to build the North Hamilton Community Health Centre’s new learning greenhouse. Stay tuned for more news about this exciting project.

RBG Donation: HPA is pleased to support the redevelopment of the Rock Garden at the Royal Botanical Gardens, with a leading donation of $30,000. HPA’s donation will be matched by David Braley and Nancy Gordon. The new and improved Rock Garden is due to open in May 2016.

Barn Raising: Shout out to Port Partners Richardson International for their $100,000 contribution to build a new home for the Niagara Agricultural Society.

Community News!

Being Green

Golf Tournament Champions: Riggs Engineering

Clean Up Crew

Welcome New Port Partners!

Marine Atlantic Strait Talk monthly internal newsletter - September 2015

Hamilton Port Authority Port Partners News-letter - Summer-Fall 2015

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Véronique Nolet, Green Marine’s project manager for marine habitat, stepped into her other shoes as the assis-tant director of the Marine Mammal Observation Network for a special voyage at sea in September. She boarded CSL’s Salarium bulk carrier for the journey between Quebec City and Halifax to raise the crew’s awareness about the whales inhabiting in the St. Lawrence River. She also captured… some amazing pictures!



Green Marine takes flight on social media!

Follow us on Twitter @GMarine_AVerte

Green Marine is well represented on board CSL’s vessels!

Passing through Canso Locks Strait of Canso

Know of others who may be interested in Green Marine’s newsletter? Please send us their email address at [email protected]

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SHIPOWNERS• Algoma Central Corporation• Atlantic Towing Limited• BC Ferries• Canada Steamship Lines• Canfornav• Cogema• Croisières AML• CSL Americas• CSL Australia• CSL Europe• CTMA Group• Fednav Limited• Desgagnés• Lower Lakes Towing Limited• Marine Atlantic Inc.• McAsphalt Marine Transportation Ltd. • McKeil Marine• North Arm Transportation• Ocean Group• Oceanex• Owen Sound Transportation Company• Reformar• Seaspan ULC• SMIT• Société des Traversiers du Québec• SVITZER Canada• TBS Shipping Management Inc.

PORTS & SEAWAY• Bécancour Waterfront Industrial Park• Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority• Duluth Seaway Port Authority• Greater Victoria Harbour Authority• Halifax Port Authority• Hamilton Port Authority• Illinois International Port District• Montréal Port Authority• Nanaimo Port Authority• Port Everglades• Port Metro Vancouver• Port of Gulfport (Mississippi State Port Authority)• Port of Indiana - Burns Harbor• Port of Longview• Port of Milwaukee• Port of Monroe• Port of New Orleans• Port of Seattle• Port of Valleyfield

• Prince Rupert Port Authority• Québec Port Authority• Saint John Port authority, NB• Saguenay Port Authority• Sept-Îles Port Authority• St. John’s Port Authority, NL• St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corp.• St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corp.• Thunder Bay Port Authority• Toronto Port Authority• Trois-Rivières Port Authority• Windsor Port Authority

TERMINALS & SHIPYARDS• BC Ferries• Bunge of Canada• Ceres Terminals Inc.• Empire Stevedoring Company Limited (Montreal)• Federal Marine Terminals• Fraser Surrey Docks• GCT Global Container Terminals Inc.• Groupe Desgagnés (Relais Nordik Sept-Îles)• IOC (Iron Ore Company, Sept-Îles)• Logistec Corporation• Marine Atlantic Inc. • Maher Terminals Holding Corp.• Marine Recycling Corporation• McAsphalt Industries Limited • Montreal Gateway Terminals Partnership• Neptune Terminals• Norcan Petroleum Group• Northern Stevedoring • Ocean Industries (shipyard)• Pacific Coast Terminals• Pinnacle Renewable Energy (Westview Terminal)• Porlier Express• QSL• Richardson International• Ridley Terminals Inc.• Rio Tinto Alcan (Port-Alfred)• Seaspan ULC (shipyards)• Squamish Terminals• Sterling Marine Fuels (Windsor Terminal)• Termont Montreal • Tidal Coast Terminals Ltd.• Valero (Jean-Gauvin Refinery)• Valleytank• Valport• Westridge Terminal (Kinder Morgan Canada)• Westshore Terminals• Yellowline Asphalt Products Ltd.

• American Association of Port Authorities• American Great Lakes Ports Association• Association of Canadian Port Authorities • BC Marine Terminal Operators Association• Canadian Ferry Operators Association• Canadian Marine Pilots Association• Canadian Shipowners Association• Chamber of Marine Commerce• Chamber of Shipping of British Columbia

• Council of Marine Carriers• International Ship-Owners Alliance of Canada• North American Marine Environment Protection Association • Ontario Marine Transportation Forum• Shipping Federation of Canada• St. Lawrence Economic Development Council• St. Lawrence Shipoperators• U.S. Great Lakes Shipping Association• Washington Maritime Federation



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GOVERNMENTS• Environment Canada • Fisheries and Oceans Canada• Ministère de l’Énergie et des

Ressources naturelles du Québec• Ministère des Transports du

Québec• Ministère du Développement

durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte aux Changements Climatiques du Québec

• Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec

• Ministry of Transportation of Ontario

• Puget Sound Clean Air Agency• Transport CanadaMUNICIPALITIES• Board of Harbor Commissioners of

the City of Milwaukee• City of Bécancour• City of Calixa-Lavallée• City of Contrecoeur • City of Longueuil• City of Matane

• City of Montréal• City of Montréal-Est• City of Port-Cartier• City of Québec• City of Saint-Amable• City of Sept-Îles• City of Varennes• Communauté métropolitaine

de Québec• Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities

Initiative• Marguerite-D’Youville MRC

ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS AND NGOs• Carbon War Room• Ducks Unlimited Canada• Georgia Strait Alliance• Georgian Bay Forever• International Secretariat for Water• Les Amis de la vallée du

Saint-Laurent• Nature Conservancy of Canada• Nature Québec• One Drop

• Pacific Salmon Foundation• Réseau d’observation de

mammifères marins (ROMM)• Sedna Foundation• Stratégies Saint-Laurent • World Wildlife Fund Canada

RESEARCH, EDUCATION & CONSERVATION • Center of Excellence for Marine

Manufacturing & Technology• CPEQ• EcoMaris• Great Lakes Maritime Research

Institute• Northwest Community College• Ocean Networks Canada• Promotion Saguenay• Seattle Aquarium• Société de promotion économique

de Rimouski• St. Lawrence River Institute of

Environmental Sciences• Technopole Maritime du Québec• Vancouver Aquarium


• ABB Turbocharging• Abate Energy Group• American Chemical Technologies• Bell Marine & Mill Supply• Britmar Power• CKS Energy Solutions• Conflow Technologies• Drew Marine• Eco-Forma Inc.• Ecospray Technologies S.R.L.• Envirolin Canada• Environmental Solutions Inc.• Filtramax• Hermont Marine• InnovMarine Inc.• International Paint• Ionada• Marine and Offshore Canada• Marine Clean Ltd.• Moran Coastal & Ocean Resources,

Inc.• MSi3D• OpDAQ Systems• Pronova Systems Inc.• RBM HoldSolutions• RSC Bio Solutions• Schneider Electric• Scott’s Marine Interiors• Seagulf Marine Industries Inc.• S.I.G.E.I.M Inc.

• Techsol Marine• Terragon Environmental Technologies• Thordon Bearings Inc. • Total Marine Solutions Inc.• True North Marine• Urgence Marine Inc.• Uson Marine AB • VapCor Inc.• Vickers Oil• Wärtsilä Canada


• American Bureau of Shipping• DNV-GL• Lloyd’s Register Marine North

America• Canadian International Bureau of

Shipping• Rightship Americas

SHIPPERS, LOGISTICS & SHIP MANAGERS • Aluminerie Alouette• K+S Windsor Salt Ltd. • Quickload CEF• V.Ships Canada Inc.

PILOTAGE • Atlantic Pilotage Authority• Corporation des pilotes du St-Laurent

Central• Corporation of Lower St. Lawrence Pilots• Great Lakes Pilotage Authority• Laurentian Pilotage Authority

• Pacific Pilotage Authority• Puget Sound Pilots

ENERGY COMPANIES • BG Group• Gaz Metro• Pacific Northwest LNG• Stolt LNGaz


• Concept Naval• EcoLogix Group• Envirochem• Glosten• Groupe-Conseil Génipur inc.• Hemmera • Moffatt & Nichol• PESCA Environnement• Roche• SNC-Lavalin Environment• Ventus Development Services Inc.• WSP Canada

R&D, RESPONSE, TRAINING & COOPERATIVE • Human Resources Sectorial Committee

of the Maritime Industry (CSMOIM)• Georgian College’s Great Lakes Interna-

tional Marine Training Centre• Marine Exchange of Puget Sound• Maritime Innovation• Western Canada Marine Response

Corporation (WCMRC)

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