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MY LEGAL LYNCHING, Indictment # 17-02-1050 By Edward “NJWEEDMAN” Forchion

(All images with blue borders are hyperlinked)

(Pictured: NJWEEDMAN, Assistant prosecutors John Boyle, Stephanie Katz, Mercer County Prosecutor Angelo Onofri, Trenton Police Department, Trenton Officer Herb Flowers and Uncle Sam with special appearance by Trenton Police RAT )

The New Battle of Trenton. This present day story takes place in historic Trenton, NJ location of the first American victory in the war of independence. Now Edward “NJWEEDMAN” Forchion fights for the inalienable rights gained ultimatedly by that battle.

This is the true life saga of Edward “NJWEEDMAN” Forchion an american dissident jailed inviolation of the 8

th amendments right to “no excessive bail” on a pretext claim of “witness tampering” and false claim that

he WILL “obstruct justice” by corrupt Trenton NJ police officers and a overzealous Prosecutor. Who all are defendants in Forchion’s Federal civil rights lawsuit filed months before these false charges were filed in state court in retaliation for his filing of federal lawsuit.

This 21st century trial freedom fighter utilizes unique digital defenses, jury nullification and the power of the people to openly resist the Governments persecution prosecution of himself. As a JURY NULLIFICATION advocate William Penn is a hero of Forchions and not since the Penn trial has so many basic rights been so tested.

Forchion’s case is reminisant of the Peter Zenger trial of 1732 were Government officials were also determined to silence a citizen and close his business. Zenger was a publisher who criticized Government officials. Forchion published his criticizism of Government officials. Zenger was political imprisoned, Mr Forchion is now a “political prisoner” who also refuses to capitulate, cooperate or be convicted. (FOLLOW)

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For decades in America, bigmouthed Negros were handled by white authorities by lynching. The Emmitt Till Lynching and the publicity surrounding that 1955 case in Mississippi pretty much ended actual lynching’s. Today summary executions are illegal, even though we still have police shootings of unarmed black-men…authorities instead resort to other methods today, like Colin Kaepernick’s “blackballing in the NFL” or Edward Forchion’s “legal lynching in a NJ court of law”. Thousands of Blackmen are legally lynched in our nations courtrooms every year, most get no publicity and just ended up as another statistic in AmeriKKka’s unjust criminal justice system. I’m determined not to be just another case, I want the world to see, LIKE Emmitt Till mother having an open casket I want an open trial.

Like most lynchings of the past, many were started in courts of law on trumped up charges with the Judge on board for the outcome. My Legal lynching is no different. “Good thing it’s 2017 and not 1917 or I would actually be lynched from a tree”. 50-100 years ago I would have simply been marched out to a tree and lynched, today I’ve been marched into the Mercer County Correctional Center and HUNG in limbo on bogus charges but the intent and the effect is the same – A legal Lynching!


I believe I’m like the victim ROBERT HALL in SCREWS v. UNITED STATES, 89 LED 1495, 325 US 91. Hall was an outspoken Blackman (like myself) who was victimized by Ga. county Sheriff Screws because he was “outspoken”. HALL was killed by SCREWS, depriving him of his constitutional rights to life and liberty. (SEE: ATTACHED SCREWS)

I’ve been victimized by Trenton City law enforcement (Lt Gonzales/Detective Ward) and the Mercer County Prosecutor Angelo Onofri. While I haven’t been killed like Hall I’ve likewise been deprived of numerous U.S. Constitutional rights and held in jail with “NO BAIL” a violation

of 8th amendment. I am the VICTIM.

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Cast of tyrants: Mercer County Assistant Prosecutor Stephanie Katz led the lynching charge with her lackey, John Boyle; Katz “under color of state law” filed 2 bogus “witness tampering” indictments against me to railroad me into prison, and ruin my business. Edward “Heftybag” Heyburn started out as my attorney, and then switched side’s mid-trial and Judge Massi allowed this. Judge Massi like lynching Judges in decades past has aligned himself with the lynchers. Judge Massi has openly sided with Katz and participated in denying me a fair trial, making rulings that essentially left me hanging defenseless – “LEGALLY LYNCHED”.

By Judge Massi’s orders:

I wasn’t allowed to tell the truth – REALLY!

I wasn’t allowed to talk about the “corrupt” Trenton Police Officers, who setup me up in an illegal entrapment case, RES GESTEA

I wasn’t allowed to tell the chronology of the case, for instance I wasn’t allowed to tell my jury that the POLICE hired a RAT to set me up for them (ENTRAPMENT), to retaliate against ME for filing a lawsuit against them. The TRENTON POLICE DEPARTMENT and City of Trenton.

I wasn’t allowed to state my intentions; specifically I was not allowed to talk about my lawyer Edward “Heftybag” Heyburn creating the legal strategy of outing the witness to

fight my case. Which the Prosecutor then deliberately misconstrued as witness tampering. MENS REA

The most egregious ruling thou was Judge Massi allowing “Heftybag” to switch sides and become an agent of the Prosecution giving the prosecution all of the client attorney defense’s and legal documents pre-trial. (Sept 6th order) This is unheard of in the American justice system!

In America we are taught that you have the RIGHT to a fair trial. My trial was held October 17 – Nov 9th 2017 before Mercer County Superior Court Judge Massi. The state contention that I received a “fair trial” is a joke, but despite this I still wasn’t convicted.

I was acquitted on one charge and a hung jury on the other which I regard as a victory; as I prepare for my retrial. “I kicked their ass’s Pro-Se the first time. I have no doubt I will again, this time I’m sure there will be even more public scrutiny”. This is truly a modern day legal lynching, and like lynching’s in the past people are watching. I look forward this this retrial. I want the people to see, I want the world to see. I want to teach Jury Nullification to the masses.

This trial will be on the INTERNET world-wide, THE PRESS HAS COVERED THIS TRIAL & will cover RETRIAL -


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It looks like I will suffer another UNFAIR POLITICAL TRIAL after my NOT GUILTY verdict on Bogus 2nd degree charges and hung jury on Bogus 3rd degree charge November 9th, 2016.

The sore loser Mrs. Katz has vindictively decided to re-try me sometime in 2018 on the BOGUS 3rd degree “witness tampering” charge.

I consider this another attempt at LEGALLY LYNCHING me, even thou I believe a jury of my peers will once again save me from this political persecution by again “not finding me guilty”. A jury has the power to veto the Governments persecution prosecution simply by utilizing JURY NULLIFICATION and voting their conscience. I have openly encouraged this for 20 years and believe my jurors knew this about me and utilized it in first trial

and I believe my next jury will do so as well. #NJcantget12 – I followed my online Jury Nullification guide


For decades I utilized my first amendment right of FREE SPEECH to openly advocate ending the state of New Jersey’s racist war on pot. From 8/2/2014 – 4/27/2016 I used my Column “PASSING THE JOINT” ( in THE TRENTONIAN Newspaper to criticize state/city politicians, Government policies and Law Enforcement. I became Public Enemy #420


In early 2016 The City of Trenton’s Police Department began illegally harassing me and my business for staying open after 11pm, fraudulently (issuing 23 tickets). Staying open after11pm was legal for a business in Business Zone. Captain Gonzales just couldn’t read see: city statue 146-22! #NOCHICKENWINGSAFTER11pm


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The police harassment was totally unjustified the police used a phoney claim that “NJWEEDMANS JOINT” and “LIBERTY BELL TEMPLE III” had to close at 11pm, I refused because I could read; clearly City statue 146-22 said 11pm for residential zoned businesses. “NJWeedmans Joint” is located in a business Zone and the LBT3 is a religious organization not subject to hours of operation regulations. Thus I was not subject to the 11pm closure the police tried to invoke, and this got Lt./Captain Gonzales pissed when I refused to comply with his illegal orders. The police were trying to harass me out of business because they didn’t like me, what I said or what I stood for…….I videotaped a lot of what the police were doing because I was filming a REALITY SHOW – the police wandered into my reality show “THE JOINT” and I made clips of them harassing me and my patrons, some of these clips I posted online (YouTube) SEE:

UPDATE: On Feb 6, 2018 Trenton Municipal Judge Williams dismissed 13 146-22(a) hours of operation tickets. Vindicating me, and putting into the PUBLIC fact that police were always wrong. “JUDGE DISMISSES 13 TICKETS AGAINST NJWEEDMAN”

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IMPORTANT DATES FOR MY JURORS TO KNOW (with) PRESS HYPERLINKS On March 8th, 2016 I filed a (religious) federal civil rights lawsuit (3:16-CV-01339pgs) against the City of Trenton and its CORRUPT POLICE DEPARTMENT for its harassment and targeting of me.

INRETALIATION: On March 10th, 2016 Police Detective Yolanda Ward hired (Zxx M. Lxxxxxx) THE RAT, and initiated a criminal investigation to illegally entrap me in a crime. (

On April 1st Capt. Gonzales filed a false affidavit; falsely claiming we were in violation of hours of operation statute and being a public nuisance.

On April 27th, 2016 I was arrested by TRENTON POLICE, based on THE RAT’s lies.

On May 13th 2016 I was arrested for cyber-bullying Ofc Flowers (I called him pedophile)

On August 1st, 2016 the police had my WEEDMOBILE crushed, and delivery car sold.

On August 1st 2016 Heyburn files a 2nd lawsuit – Police acted like “KLU KLUX KLAN”

August 5th 2016 Indicted on 11 marijuana related charges.

August 19th 2016 Mercer Co., prosecutor motions Judge Massi to keep secret “CI”

Sept 19th 2016 City Clerk illegally revokes business license by order of police.

Sept 26th 2016 City Clerk admits license was revoked in error and city zoning officer admits NJWEEDMANS JOINT is in a business zone and not subject to 11pm closure.

Oct 3rd 2016 THE RAT is added to lawsuit and served soon afterwards.

RETALIATION – “under color of law”

I filed a Federal Lawsuit against The Trenton Police department and they retaliated by creating a crime too arrest me for – using an illegal ENTRAPMENT scheme, with RAT-FINK.

DERIVATIVE ENTRAPMENT: “Entrapment in which the Government uses

a private person, acting either as an agent of the government or as an unwitting

participant, to induce the subject of the entrapment to commit a crime”.

When I was actually arrested on April 27th, 2016 I suspected the TRENTON PD had hired A RAT and directed him to illegally ENTRAP me in a bogus crime as retaliation for my filing federal lawsuit against them. I knew it was a setup and cover-up of their illegal harassment of me and my TEMPLE. I immediately began my defense by seeking info on THE RAT. There is nothing illegal about this.

WHAT I LEARNED: I was SETUP (ENTRAPPED) by Detective YOLANDA WARD and her team. On 4/27/16 I was arrested on trumped up marijuana charges, based on the word of her hired: RAT. A lawyer named Edward Heyburn then contacted me wanting to represent me PRO BONO, in this marijuana case (Indictment #16-08-677). I accepted his offer. (This was the worst mistake of my life). The Mercer Co. Prosecutor (Mrs. Katz) then filed a motion to protect the identity of THE RAT 8/19/16. Edward “Heftybag” Heyburn and I viewed this as a violation of my 6th amends Right(s) to confront my accuser, present a defense, to a fair trial and due process. We opposed it -

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After the police raid of April 27th many people thought my business was closed. So on May 7th I began standing outside holding a sign that said “we are open – Fuck the police”. The police didn’t like it and on May 10th sent officer Herbert Flowers

to shut me up. To me this was clearly “free speech” and just an advertisement gimmick on my part but the Police wanted me to stop. When I refused to shut up or put my sign away Officer Flowers begun to insult me and I responded by calling him a “pedophile” based on information I previously knew about him. Three days later May 13th 2016 I was arrested and charged with “cyber-bullying” this 300lb Trenton “BLUE THUG” and later indicted for this! To me it was just another incident of police harassment of me, for my Federal lawsuit.


As a legal strategy “Heyburn” created a plan to OUT the witness in an effort to call him (THE RAT) as our witness for our defense of ENTRAPMENT, he added THE RATS name our lawsuit. Heyburn said, “Once THE RAT was public knowledge it would render the state’s motion MOOT, it wasn’t signed by the judge yet”. I gloated & openly laughed at the prosecution and her star witness - The State (later) called it “Witness Tampering 2c:28-5(a)-1”. HEYBURN at the time claimed STATE vs MILLIGAN, justified this strategy. Likewise I exercised my free speech, to openly complain about the police tactics and named THE RAT. Between 8/2016 and 2/2017 my lawyer HEYBURN and I sought the public’s help in identifying my accuser (RAT), once identified; we sought info and once gained - we publicized that info online to gain more. Which included the RATS criminal activity, his living conditions, his addictions, & his personal info. Heyburn coordinated & pre-approved the posts. NOTHING ABOUT THAT IS ILLEGAL its free-speech.

Yet, on Feb 23rd, 2017 Judge Massi signed the prosecutors requested protective order (5 months late). I was indicted for “witness tampering 2c:28-5a(1)” on Feb 28th, 2017 [In violation of the EX POST FACTO clause of the US Constitution] for doing what was our legal strategy. Nothing “we” did between August and Feb was in violation of any order, to be charged after the fact is unconstitutional. Additionally, I was the only one charged with witness tampering for HEYBURNS legal strategy. This indicting of me ONLY (for openly investigating my RAT) is a clear violation of a citizens 6th amendment right to face his accuser, & selective prosecution (14th amend equal protection) for not indicting HEYBURN as well if this was a valid charge. And clearly this was a VIOLATION OF MY 6TH AMENDMENT RIGHT.

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DEFENDANT. (6th amendment violation)

I have a 6th amendment right to present a defense, and to face my accuser, in this case the assistant Prosecutor Stephanie Katz refused to reveal the accuser and charged me for preparing a defense and finding out who THE RAT “my accuser” was! In all criminal

prosecutions,………. to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory

process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his

defense.- ADDITIONALLY: “A fundamental premise of the rights to compulsory process (“the right to present a defense”) and to a fair trial is that the defense be able to investigate the charges so as to prepare to call or confront material witnesses. THE STATE CANNOT HIDE WITNESSES – It is a familiar proposition that the state cannot hide witnesses from the defense or otherwise make them inaccessible. Thus the prosecutor may not tell witnesses to not talk to the defense attorney or investigators” GREGORY v US, 369 F 2.d 185 (DC 1966)”

I gloated at the Prosecutor Mrs. Katz with press releases describing and naming her RAT and via emails. In videos I posted on my Facebook page I called her a BITCH and in a news article (I called her a slut) in describing the cyber-bullying charges. This is why I believe she was personally mad at me. But being mad and creating false charges to have some arrested is in itself a crime under color of law. BUT that’s what happened:

On March 3rd 2017 I was arrested, detained and my current prosecution begun. I’ve unjustly been prosecuted for invoking my right to confront my accuser and seeking the public’s help in identifying him (which is legal) and investigating his past and the reasons why he would RAT to the police about me. I simply demanded that my right to face my accuser be honored which pissed off the prosecution. The states entire indictment is a deliberate false narrative.

What I did isn’t illegal. It is my Right to confront – to test the “CI’s” credibility. “……….it is part of a criminal defendant’s constitutional right to confrontation, a defendant may attack a prosecution witness’s credibility by revealing possible biases, prejudices, or ulterior motives as they relate to the issues in the case”. State v. Harris, 316 N.J. Super, 384, 397 (App. Div. 1998).

Nothing “we” did meets the legal definition of 2c:28-5 witness tampering: TAMPERING: a person commits an offense if, believing that an official proceeding or investigation is pending or about to be instituted or has been instituted, he knowingly engages in conduct which a reasonable person would believe would cause a witness or informant to:

(1)-Testify or inform falsely; (2)-Withhold any testimony, information, document or thing; (3)- Elude legal process summoning him to testify or supply evidence; (4)-Absent himself from proceeding or investigation to which he has been legally summoned; (5)-Otherwise obstruct, delay, prevent or impede and official proceeding or investigation

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I viewed my arrest on March 3rd as another attempt by law enforcement to close my restaurant – NJWeedmans Joint & Liberty Bell Temple III; as well as to silence me. State politicians are creating a multibillion dollar (WHITE ONLY) industry – I call them Caucasian Cannabis Corporations and my public rants demanding inclusion for People Of Color were not wanted. Politicians like Senator Lesniack and Mercer County Prosecutor Onofri moved to shut me up. The state has used the BAIL REFORM ACT which I call the DRED SCOTT ACT of New Jersey to accomplish this.



This “witness tampering” case is about me exposing the City of Trenton’s police department’s RAT, (which is not illegal) who is the state’s star witness against me in their entrapment case. Just google “who is NJWeedmans Rat”, nothing put on the internet goes away. Mr Edward “HEFTYBAG” Heyburn’s strategy of rendering the states “MOTION MOOT” was successful. This pre-trial

jailing is punishment the state can’t get with a jury.

You see: The State of NJ uses RATS extensively to prosecute others. Many times these RATS are slimmy people who are lying for various reasons, many times they’ve traded their own criminal activity to the state for information on others, and plenty of times these RATS just create false information to trade to willing law enforcement. Rats are used by the state to create crimes and entrap citizens in crimes the police created. The Rats are rewarded with arrests. On Jan 25th, 2017 the state Attorney General issued a new “URBAN” directive, and I was its first high profile target. THE STATE is attempting to use me and my freedom as a public example to stop EXPOSING their RATS. (People who Run And Tell Shit). This directive was supposed to stop people from intimidating others from testifying in court, what I was doing was the exact opposite, I wanted the RAT to testify. (GOOGLE: NJ’s abusive use of confidential informants)

ANGELO ONOFRI, Mercer County Prosecutor

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cash/or leniency for their own crimes. “SCUMBAGS” The state “CI” rat system is a violation of the 6th amendment right to confront your accuser and I attacked this unconstitutional system.

These rats are often unreliable and biased for numerous reasons, so the STATE conceals their identities from the (public) defendants and calls them “CI’s – (confidential informants) in violation of the 6th amendment right to face ones accuser.


The Mercer County prosecutor Mrs. Katz on March 7th, 2017 falsely claimed I’d OBSTRUCT JUSTICE and Judge Warshaw rubber stamped her false assertions and false narrative that I engaged in witness tampering. Judge Warshaw ruled I was a danger to the community (BULLSHIT) and I’ve been detained at the MERCER COUNTY CORRECTIONAL CENTER ever since.

Like a coward after I was arrested & detained on these bogus witness tampering charges “HEFTYBAG” perjured himself (May 9th & 15th) by claiming he didn’t know anything about this. Even though I presented to the court, the prosecution and the press numerous emails between Heyburn and myself exposing the fact that not only did HEYBURN know everything. I showed the court he was the creator of this “strategy to out the CI”, which the Prosecution later misconstrued as an attempt to get the RAT not to testify! To me they showed to the court I had “NO MENS REA - ” The court biasedly ignored it. NO MENS REA – In order to prove that a

person is guilty of a crime, the prosecution must prove each and every element of a crime charged beyond a reasonable doubt. Generally, the prosecution must prove both a guilty act (Actus Reus) and a guilty state of mind (mens rea) in order to prove the crime. If injury is caused by accident, there is no crime because the actor lacks the requisite state of mental culpability. For this reason, the prosecution must prove that the defendant engaged in a criminal act and that he did so with a criminal intent.


Knowing all this (HEYBURNS STRADEGY), Judge Massi in my trial (Oct-Nov 2017) ruled I was not allowed to tell my jurors this. Yet with his judicial blessing he allowed the Prosecution to maliously and vindictively prosecute me using a clearly false narrative. I received a CONSTITUTIONALLY UNFAIR TRIAL, but I was not convicted. For a Pro Se defendant this is a victory against the Goliath of Government! My jurors rejected this persecution prosecution. It truly made me feel like the David of Weed and I look forward to a re-trial.

PRE-TRIAL - Judge Massi unfairly ruled that I couldn’t tell my JURY my “CONTENTION of the CHARGES”, he ruled I couldn’t tell my jury the truth about the chronology of the events leading up to these BOGUS charges (RES GESTEA), I couldn’t tell my jury anything about the preceding charges, nor could I tell them about the complicity of my lawyer EDWARD HEYBURN in outing the witness or the Selective Prosecution of me only – MY TRIAL WAS UNFAIR.


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The state has used the Bail Reform Act to hold me in jail with “NO BAIL”, in violation of my 8th amend right. This jailing to me is nothing but a malious attempt to ruin me, my business and to punish me pre-conviction. I personally don’t think the state could ever get any conviction, now the state’s bogus 3rd degree witness tampering case is so BOGUS there is no way the state can get 12 jurors to accept this as a crime worthy of conviction. #NJcantget12 vindictively the state continues to claim: I’m going to OBSTRUCT JUSTICE. This is why they want me to remain jailed pre-(RE)-trial. THIS IS REALLY what they claim, like the movie The Minority Report they claim I WILL commit obstruction of justice, so I’m being held for a claimed future crime. This should outrage every American, this should have the ACLU fired up but it’s not so. The ACLU helped craft this law…ugh!


I have always maintained my innocence and nothing I did was

“witness tampering” BUT what MRS KATZ clearly did the day before trial

absolutely was “witness tampering”. A simple reading of the 10/31

TRIAL TRANSCRIPT (pages 151-164) will show that Mrs. Katz talked to

the witness on 10/30 and:

(1)- She told “WITNESS” how to avoid testifying by not coming to court on 10/31; (2)- Withhold testimony and information; (3)- How to avoid legal process by not complying with subpoena on 10/31; (4)- How to absent himself from proceeding on 10/31/17; (5)- How to “obstruct, delay, prevent and impede” my trial

So I want my jurors to know that the only entity that engaged in

“WITNESS TAMPERING” was the Mercer County Prosecutors Office which 1st tried to conceal (MY ACCUSER) the CI in pre-trial motions and then during the trial (Oct 30th 2017) told THE RAT (CI – “ZML”) – “not to

come to court” on Oct 31st, not to testify and how to avoid subpoena!

That is textbook witness tampering its clear Mrs. Katz engaged in “WITNESS TAMPERING”, not me! Judge Massi clearly ignored this during the trial as he has ignored all the prosecutions misconduct. Somebody should file charges against her for “witness tampering”.

Stephanie Katz, Mercer Co., Asst Prosecutor


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I can only think I am really a POLITICAL PRISONER of the State of NJ, jailed to silence me, jailed to ruin my business, jailed to teach me the lesson, the lesson being you’re “Just Another Nigger.”

TO MY FUTUURE JURORS: I ONLY NEED 1 JUROR to get a HUNG jury but I want all 12 of you to actually find me NOT GUILTY – End the Governments Legal Lynching, stop this persecution prosecution and send me back home, back to my family and symbolically back to my business.





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TO READ MORE ABOUT THE AUTHOR – (visit his website: www.NJWEEDMAN.COM, Forchion has been a cannabis legalization and Jury

Nullification advocate since his Nov 24th, 1997 arrest for marijuana. This first arrest propelled him into activism and public view. In the last 20 years since that first arrest plenty of stories have been written about NJWeedman, 2 million have been to his website and he is known-world-wide. He constantly advanced Jury Nullification as a way to end the RACIST war on drugs in general and cannabis prohibition specifically. In doing so he became PUBLIC ENENY #420 (title of his 2st book), and constantly made people aware of the Politics of Pot (title of his second book) and created a successful

gimmick for media attention by calling himself “NJWEEDMAN”. Im broke but NJweedman has gotten millions of dollars’ worth of publicity!

IMPORTANT: “FOR PUBLICLY SAYING THIS I ANGERED LOCAL WHITE POLITICANS” and this is the reason no politician or local lawyer is stepping up to help me. I was one of the only voices calling for inclusion of POC’s (persons of color) in this new multi-billion dollar cannabis industry and the white state politicians, cannabis business investors and law enforcement wanted me shut up. Michelle Alexander (Author of THE NEW JIM CROM) is right.

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SCREWS v. UNITED STATES, 89 LED 1495, 325 US 91

This case involves a shocking and revolting episode in law enforcement. Petitioner Screws was

sheriff of Baker County, Georgia. He enlisted the assistance of petitioner Jones, a policeman, and

petitioner Kelley, a special deputy, in arresting Robert Hall, a citizen of the United States and of Georgia.

The arrest was made late at night at Hall's home on a warrant charging Hall with theft of a tire. Hall, a

young negro about thirty years of age, was handcuffed and taken by car to the court house. As Hall

alighted from the car at the court house square, the three petitioners began beating him with their fists

and with a solid-bar blackjack about eight inches long and weighing two pounds. They claimed Hall had

reached for a gun and had used insulting language as he alighted from the car. But after Hall, still

handcuffed, had been knocked to the ground they continued to beat him from fifteen to thirty minutes

until he was unconscious. Hall was then dragged feet first through the court house yard into the jail and

thrown upon the floor dying. An ambulance was called and Hall was removed to a hospital where he

died within the hour and without regaining consciousness. There was evidence that Screws held a

grudge against Hall and had threatened to "get" him.

An indictment was returned against petitioners ( SCREWS ) one count charging a violation of 20

of the Criminal Code, 18 USCA 52, 7 FCA title 18, 52 and another charging a conspiracy to violate 20

contrary to 37 of the Criminal Code, 18 USCA 88, 7 FCA title 18, 88. Section 20 provides:

"Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects, or causes to be

subjected, any inhabitant of any State, Territory, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or

immunities secured or protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States, or to different punishments,

pains, or penalties, on account of such inhabitant being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are

prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined not more than $1,000, or imprisoned not more than one

year, or both."

The indictment charged that petitioners, acting under color of the laws of Georgia, "willfully"

caused Hall to be deprived of "rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected" to him by the

Fourteenth Amendment-the right not to be deprived of life without due process of law; the right to be

tried, upon the charge on which he was arrested, by due process of law and if found guilty to be

punished in accordance with the laws of Georgia; that is to say that petitioners "unlawfully and

wrongfully did assault, strike and beat the said Robert Hall about the head with human fists and a

blackjack causing injuries" to Hall "which were the proximate and immediate cause of his death." A like

charge was made in the conspiracy count.

I’ve been denied these RIGHTS:

1st amendment right to free speech

6th amendment right to a defense/prepare a defense

7th amendment right to a fair trial

8th amendment right to bail

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