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Page 1: My forefathers

My Forefather

By Maximiliano M. Bernardez

Page 2: My forefathers

This is a PowerPoint where I will show you some information about my forefathers, for instance where they come, and why they come here. First you´ll see information about may father and Finally about my mother..

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My father's family came from two different places, his mother came

from Elba Island – Italy and his father Orense - Spain.

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Orense – Spain Elba Island - Italy

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From my father´s mother, Alice, her parents came from Italy to here because they had had a big discussion with her great-uncles, it had been for some lands, so my great grandfathers decided come to Argentina to start a new life on year 1820.

And from my father´s father, Miguel Angel, his parents had decided come here becuase they had had many problems with the war in Spain , so for save their lives, they had decided to start a new life in our country.

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And my mother's family came from Argentina, her mother came from Corrientes – Corrientes and her father Concepcion del Uruguay - Entre


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Corrientes - Argentina Entre Rios - Argentina

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From the my mother´s great parents I don´t have a lot information about them, but I just can say that They had lived in Argentina all their lives and that my grandparents met in Buenos Aires and after that, they married and had two sons and two daughters, that one of them is my mom Cecilia.

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