
Akmulin Stepan Alekseevich

Coach Luxury Kyokushin Karate

Master of Sports of Russia

Judge of first category

The 2nd dan black belt

My first coach


The first time I went to the training to Stepan Alexeyevich in 2008. Since I have decided to go for sports.

I was studying discipline, physical exercise, work in pairs. I finally understood the value of karate and since I have practiced Stepan Alexeyevich.

And when I moved to Chelyabinsk, I did’t stop their workouts.

This presentation is devoting to my first coach in karate Akmulin Stepan Alexeyevich. And I will tell now about him and his sports club.

How Stepan became the coach Akmulin Alekseevich Stepan began his training

Kyokushin karate in city Ufa in 1990. He is one of the first people from Asha went to another city for trainings.

Akmulin Stepan had a well physical preparation (before used to practicate a judo, boxing and athletic gymnastics) and he has successfully passed the exams at 10 and 9 kyu to Khrenov Yuri Pavlovich (1 dan, Moscow) in 16 March 1991.

Akmulin Stepan is actively searched hall for club “Kyokushin Karate” in September 1991. And he found out.

Akmulin Stepan applied documents for registration of a new sports club. Club has been called "Kyokushin" and was registered in October 1991.

Success comes with endurance and tenacity Akmulin Stepan conducted intense and

hard training. Success does not have to wait long, and his first disciple is Ganiev Igor became the champion of Bashkiria Championship in May of 1992 in October.

Akmulin Stepan won 1st place in the Championship of Bashkiria among men and performed the standard Candidate Master of Sports of Russia in January 1996.

And then, finally, in May 1997, the Championship of Russia among young men in the city of Astrakhan his student Resetnicov Andrew becomes the silver medalist Russia.

Labor always pay off All is the time, the coach of club

"Kyokushin" worked with the full understanding and sport committee of city Asha.

Akmulin Stepan got the basement of 5-storey house for success in the education of athletes in September 1997. It was a success, and finally, the club will have their own hall!

Black Belt Akmulin Stepan successfully passed the

exams on black belt 1st dan in December 18, 1999.

Rasstegaev Anton becomes the Champion of Russia in the Russian Championship for the first time graduate of the club in May 2001 in Moscow. And given the highest category of the coach-teacher to his coach Akmulin Stepan.

Pupils successfully participated in competitions 2003-2006 years.

Akmulin Stepan successfully passed the examination for black belt 2nd dan in January 5, 2006

The club is 20 years old yet Akmulin Stepan awarded the state sign "Excellence in

Physical Culture and Sports of Russia" On the anniversary tournament (10 years of the club) in 2001.

Athletes club successfully tested on the belt and perform sports categories, participate in trainings conducted by leading athletes and coaches Kyokushin Russian Federation.

In 2011, the club was 20 years old yet. During this time, more than 2,500 boys and girls passed the school of healthy lifestyles, tempering force of will and the character. It was prepared by a large number of athletes mass categories, 29 candidates for master of sports of Russia. Among them are the winners of the municipal, district, provincial, national and regional tournaments, winners and champions of the Urals, Russian and international tournaments, the Open Championship in Germany, the Open Championship of Europe.

Students of the club are honorably fulfil their patriotic duty to the Motherland, and urged serve in elite special forces and airborne troops, border and internal troops.

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