Page 1: · my find aa njiprpiriativ e pupila w^ere she Is as she here had. A2«L -Miss-the bpost^vfestival

OL. x x . Xv». r 3rANASSAS, \-A., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER .JSri914.



'^TRORTS FROM - P M T R I ^ ^ '


B; Chicken Farm Operated '.Vith Great Success N=ar

Culpeper. in the piiultry business. The wln-at is not threshed but fed in the strdw so that it furnishes plenty oi' litter and forces the birds t'! take a lot of exercise. The oats are t h r e s h e d and

,. , 1 , . sprouted before being fed. Dur-\ irt., has made a decided .success, . „^„_ , ,^ .^„_ ._„ . . ' : . . , , , ,

--—_— " >• ' injr the-winter eol'n IS fed much of producing eggs lor a laucv • u • • <.i. j • ,„ , , ' . f u I . i heavier than during the summer

rarni which Mr. Bict-^ "~ '? it when he first startecl Portion* of Letter front. Mrt.

Kasehagen't Sister Reveal

z::^.:^rsr\;^i^\,:^^ TO SCHOOL AGAIN

BY W, M. BKOWN, (Field Agent Southern lCa)l«a> i

Mr. -F. A. BicliiKtl, of Inlet ,

Trouble* in Barcelona

The interesting letter ft'hich follows was written to Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Kasehagen by.Mrs. ^,^ ,j,,

ton St. Noble, of Barcelona, Opain.—Mrs. Qi. Nobta lias been , , , , I Wheat constitutes the bulk of the T*'"" " " ; ?> ^"^''^ •**'

em equipment and j ^ s t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^.^^ Q ^ ^ ^ the guest of Mrs. Kasehagen on as much business principle to his j ^ ^^ pretty'liberally for the several occasions and will be re­work as any banker. It ^ • 11 be , ^ ^ ^ . ^ / membered by ^many frie«fe of of interest to those who have; ^.^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ the family. The Mf. Harrell started into the poultry business ^^^^ ^^ chickens. The oats are -f«<l««ntly mentioned is Mr. Cor-on a smail scale to read some- . j • Vu • u . nehus V. Harrell the son of Mr ,_:__ _ , j ,>_. • sprouted in the incubator room "'^""° '• "a"cii, uie »on w air.

t t t n w ^ t*» « w t h o ^ in " s g ^ V h e r T t h T t e i g p ^ t u r e remSi^ ' "^ ""^- ^^'^'^^ ^- " " W l l . - ^ ' Ucernejarm^" for Mr Bick-,^^^, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ ^ -Catiett. farmer tewi, r«mtente. nel sorted with SIX dozen Plym-^f^^^ they have started s p r o u t - i £ ^^T^^ * ^ ^ « 1 in Ai^erica outh Rock hens 10 years ago this •„» . .„ ,„•' _„ j u ,. « • L »ast week October. Now the business has j Z l ! L ^ ' ^ " ^ * ^ " i ^ "«=^^ grown to such proportions that^.'^^^^^^^^^^^"""^^ "^'^ ,^^ -—r„ „ t . . . K L ^ ^ A :.u I ncwapapeis aptead over the This makes the grouts

The extracts follow: * IVY TOWERS. GOMIS 6$,

BAECELONA, August 23, igi-L

J T „ . H

a company has been formed with, _ „ - _ Mr. Bicknell and Mr. W. "M. i^ Connabje.

During the second year M . Bicknell secured three ^ttingsj^^^^^t^g^^^^g^Jl^^^^yP^g^^

more tender than if the ight was ^ j T „• j r ..^,^itt^ + -™ u u ^ My dear Lillian and Leo {permitted to reach the swouts. i ? _ j - ^ i.i- , j.^ x. - ^ • I am sending j?t)u this letter by • j They are fed when the sprouts

of White Leghorn eggs from whichgjie rnifH ^y^pfy p""*^"

-These pruveJ 16 fa<5 such great layers and used so much less feed that the other breed 'v fts dis-breed was (

[ling is nu|ted' carded and nothing i^ raided ex cept the white k^homs. It is Mr. Bicknell's advice to keep one and »nty rtiff^ft^ on one farm Give ah the a t t e i \ i ^ to develop­ing a tot^supcsi^biids of tbis breed and keefp records df the hen's laying capKcHy. W ^ oat

.the iB^oior ^oes; l a d ia « ^ e w years you can have all fhe bkxls

v^roducing more than double t i e average m^<u'&(^i{» otudittxid. by the aveMti hep> Qet good hens to start witlv4, flpd make

_ J J | a i bouMSi-vuk^ri foivls

take crereiw am! give a -feH-, jjireU-balanced-rmiion. These are

long. Tho incubalxiiii Me aiart^fiffie

for America via the "Infanta Is-»hel," a Spanish ahip clmiVeftid

lbtere«ting ImpreMions of Euro­pean Trip, Shortened by

S u t e of War.

another exciting time in getting through the customs, being searched, etc., for concealed fire arms as we might be Germau

'« '"•_" ' 'spies.' At five next morning our

(Continued from last week)" i P*''*'' ^ f ' ^ '•"'" Ponlarlier to - ^ . . iraris with a large crowd of other Lucerne, Switzerland. tourists

The impressions left by the Hon« tL crawd^maited-at

Manatsa* High and Grad

Schools O p e n With Good


If happy faces and c At one of the little sta- greetings are any indic-ati f

odifiS U f p r ^ / l ' ! ! ' ™ * " * ^ * ^ for several h o u r ^ i n . holiday is over.surely the

traveled through the lovely Swiss valleys to Moi<treux, Interlaken


rto-stndy aner

g ia in -mof aii^ high SCIIOUIB faavB rvdiiv

been spread that the t r a i a ^ u l d „„ . T - . not be able to carry us all and ^ Lueerne-R ,s no wonder j every one was accordingly afraid Switzerland IS so tourist haunted I to leave the gates. The train l o ^ . L T ' J ^ 1 ' " ' ? dehghtfullfi^lly drew in the station, and - •- - » ^.. « . . : contrasts, from the glorious snow though there was a terrific time, Play makes Jack a dull covered mountam pgaks to the' • " - • • ••


^ l y l a k e s anff sniiirng valleys j ^ ^ I ^ ^ ^ ; 7 m i o ^ " wThad to^ «> work « a k « - t h a t individuiil

like well-keptparks, with beauti ful groups of evergreens here and there, and stretches of rich­est-gre«r-grasr~dotted"Wtt!rtJle picturesque little houses be­tween. The fine roads are in perfect order, sot a weed is to be s e ^ , and even 'the swift moan

—^"u Hicuuawia «tre aiancQ cne . u A • » i. o^^^-j ^^ w~- ci I -.^ ^-L. ^ oy the Amencan consul to con-second w,eekmFebruarr«> that: : , „ , „ „ H ^ „ - H , . „ „ , - , , „ , the chicks can bo tak<» off in March and April, pieferably' ? r ^ ° : ^ ^ / ^ ' ***^, ^ ^ Ma«h. The c L d W system ^ l ' ^ " scenes of this temble Ea-„ » ^ „n.,^.>*i„, IX T>-1 ti, iropean war. I am sure you will used altogether on Mr. Bicknell's vJ^Tiv^ ^»=™;= i,«.* i«»^ J L * ^ • <?«*«. T^^ :. , I I •._' ootii t » pieBsed^aiut interested m farm— The luuubator capacity i • xt a ^^, • ^ wiu h^ ini.»H»«H ».^«4nrv^^.Kli "taking Mr Harrell's acquaint. will be iticf^atwri to 8.400:for the! "'*'^'"'^ Tl' T^'' " •IIT'*'!!;^ coming season. " T £ wiU rivei'"^' ^°^ b e s i d ^ e will b^abte

" to give you the general aspect of plenty c h i c 1 8 fOT the liurgej??.* * . .o__4_- _ j * . . ^^^ brooder house of 66 h o v e r s ^ l j ^ ' ' ' ^ . *" Spmr rega«tog-th,8

give several thousand to supply i < ^ ' ^ ' ^ !'*"'=^ l i Z ^ S f L ^ ^ L " - '""-" ^^ -«"«="- v^'""*. ConUnuedon Eigfcth1p«ge rinany busiBcosoo and brcaluBK ^ oThistonc anS Byronic rCTowii;

^ ^ ^ ^imlnensecpmj»ames. Qoite a lot of people I know

AvtcwaetMle PuBde,

are caking this opporpiiucy~of reaching America, all Americans, though, as. the ship is eatifidy

Things seem very dark in Spain ^'*^ "hlinilTtflrifltiu ttnthaoiagm *^ nresent and we art. W at all a f e y ^higga that Mr. BfekneH

has done. The bumness of " L u c e r n e

Farm" is to prodiH^ fancy t ^ l e eggs for the NeTf^oric trade. During the pfaX year 120.800 eggs have b ^ i ' z a p p e d at an average price of 32 cents per dozen: During the amuneir the price dropped a little below this but in the winter season as high as 65 cents pier dosen was real­ized Every egg is carefully and th^occupantsw«% generous finjrliah papers are 12 days late.) deimed and packed!^ Mr. ^Bick-with smiles. The prtte was However, they have in * vary nell himself. Each dosoi e%B awarded Mr. Thboias W. Lion's »*><* stock and a gooduaoaatof must average 20 ounces and must tar, which was a mass of golden be of uhiform size. No egg is [rod. kept longer than Uie second day

valleys are' all <v>fifinod pr^pfrly

in their b^ds by stone embank ments to prevent any feckless straying.—Thff little towns are spotless with the-windowsof the houses overflowing with brilliant­ly blooming geraniums, and even far up (m the nrountains, many of the litUe chalets have thelf window boxes and gardens of bright flowers^

At Montreux on Lake Geneva, we visUed the Castle of Chilk>n,

ahuddeied at its dungeons, and

gloomy fcaidal fortress jnto the bright s u n i i s ^ again: From

,f, a C r ' ^r^'^^M «ws u^ , „ w b«k„ uuLbtftweeB FtKhc^lmd (jeimany •9/iih almort all Eunnw appaKPfly

crowded train for Paris was just leaving the depot as ours drew in. It stopped a few momenta,. Jiow

to be congratulated, on the en­thusiastic opening that both en­joyed on Monday morning. M it is true that "All work and ao

bSir." it * »^^^ iiiiw^ nil piay arw

ever, and we had another frantic rush for tickets and a place on the Paris train which was crowded ah-eady with soldiers as well as

an ignorant boy. So, on learning intent, pupils of all ages and siaes assembled to add to their store of knowledge! The chf er

» . •k.'vn.^ >*«*i«a uvivuv-AO OO VTCII OO «=*

tourists, but we nryanagt^ tn get °^ ^^^ Q° ^ The schools nevey ^,^tftd-teWd^frHthwr-n'J.Ly|^|uwiiiHl wilh HMUHI |IIIIIIIIUII In iii-next morning in Paris.

We had only one day in the great-French capital. This,was a bittei disappuiiAmeut, especM ly to some of the ladies of j h e party who not only wuited tb^ee the sights of the city, bqtwanted eveio mote to get ia Pauris IJiat A part of our. one day was spent in driving around the ei^y <all the places of public interest were closed.) and the rest in getting fiew-^!sspgfto_fflade_out French Mlnist^s. livery where there were con^>ames of sotdiera

weie nM u> jrBt aifr^rf ^ l ^ | • ^ ; j,aa,fa pf v4miii^ers with the tri*cokM» of France at their head.' Next nwNning we

took the forEn«*'

late that night Eatfjnaogt mopft"

and enthusiasm of the teachers Memed to reflect in t^e faces of the scholars, and surely it found lodgment- in the heart and mind

gard to numbers as well as spirit and intention. Already there are are nwre than 250 enrolled in the grammar school,and g2 in tho hifi^ school The new teachers in both ftohools recdved a kind welcome and were made to feel at home. Those who have passed from our midst are not forgotten and win be raoembered with k>ve and respect many ,a day. We extend ear kindest wishes to our dear Miss Taytor who, after years of success in our graded * •dutols. has taikoi tvito horself a piuUMar and gtmc to 6th(^ fields to teach. We waft to Miss ^ A . the, enthosastie te«cser-<ff--tbe—

. tjUr 'CffectioittbB renaemberaiwes and hope she m y find aa njiprpiriative pupila w^ere she Is as she had here. A2«L -Miss-

the bpost^vfestival opened yes--*^'^® tjrat she jvilLapt join in the terday. Many of the business **"" *Jso, as she ha"* her forces houses and residences were deco- nsobilized. However, she hasn't rated, and welcome was warmly called for reservists yet, and we given the jrisitan who flock^ to *™ trusting she will remain neii-town to enjoy the occasion. t * ^ Royston and his lnY>ther

The festivfties were inaugu- *«* *«ry busy, yet unpaid bills rated'v by aji;autfflB<^Hfe-fwrade J ^ ^ f^^ cashed ahd^ arranged by Chairman C. J. «> th«y > « already feeling the Meetze. The entriesjwere mainly effects of the war strain. (We decorated in red. white and blue, cannot get any reliable news an^ ^ ^ « e ^ »«*«. «s no Eqghsh,

An exe^eot crowd gathered before bang shipped, thereby I at Eastern •auditoriBS - fw- the enabling tJie eeBftmisaiwt^oien in New York to guarantee to his purchaser a strictly ftetAi egg.

nrrorania yesterday aftei-nwu

cash lahand. Boyston's pater and mater ar«

the noddle of S witzertand. We don't know when they will be able tb get awav, V^f havo

JLtid Burht. ^^ some very distressed mes-TK-fti..i«^^> • i -i. * .L. sages- from them.—Boystbo rhe farmers institute was the . j ^ . . . .

There is always a good denind center of attraction this morning »»«« < io"^5^^ *» see some of person who produces this Und-of produce will always get the very best price and will have no trouble in .flndiiig a market.

TVro thousand bens were kept last year aiKl^this number will be increased to tour thousand this coming winter or fall.. When asked what his im>fit per hen > morrow. f^'T^sv^ ^*v\ Mr Br ifP 'Hf ' r ~ '

under (hedirectioa of Dr. HovEi U. Hoop, is to be hetd this afto'- Mr. Hirt, of New York, and

Canadian eoootgr. " Fertepc-^iKr

.won. in additk» to the program JTl' ^ , ^ ' ' ' J ^ ^ J ^ J ^ r ^ * ~ « n S - ^ " opP< by > » ^ ^ i n w f from tSTllad- "^*°* "** ^'"^-P"""**"* ol thiafto get through France, clifte attraetioDs. The parade of ^^ZTi^ S ^ l chiWren is a feature.

Afternoon and evening ioTUAueetnttitinuf

that his hens netted him $1.50 lunch with 'la mnet pvwy day, j ^ - j , L. each; Thus when he Tias four land on Sundays we've been going

Battdl, too. Yes­terday afternoon he took Fiske

^'^' on for tennis. B^e i S . g o C a t l i to Yale to fiaish his senior

yew-. Royston seems ^to cotton with the American chaps and I

jomiQg m. We came on at once to Lucerne which is nearer the frootier, and have had to stay b ^ a s idl trains Uirough to G&c-oaaay or fVahce have stepped running. Thousands of Ameri­can aod E n i ^ h tourists have be«|n <aught i s Ltueme and we have had an exciting time with all sorts of rumors coimng in and

ing we^^^nved at Southampto?* The boat wuted for sosoe time

• Continnwi on Jsaghth !*»(«


Aleuadr ia Dimkk

At Grac* iC E. O H R I L

French or German papers |re to be h§d. Some of ottr partiy were The first annual meeting of

an^tibas to send cablegrams, bo^ we wege faiM that no private messages could be sent for awhile on .account:of the, govemment use of the eable& The budoLat firat^ "'**ir^ *'^ '^nh ««"• «>*p*« checks or belters of credit, but this was ualy.f<nrm fewdaySiimd now we are having no trouble.

Our trip tfaruugh western Ger-

thosiastic tiffotqrfaoat. Hrs. A.


K Cockey, of Akxaadrn, pre-sided. ^

have to be given op, and we are now waiting" for an oi^ortmaty

__ ^ ^ ^ or we may.liave ^ g<»- bade t« Itaitand sail fromoneof'UwUaliaa piMta.

Washi ng tun, Dr C , SeptMSbfer 7 , 1 9 i i

'As my letttf was about to be

the Womaa's Missknary Society of the new Aletandria dotrict, Methodist E p i s e o p a 1 Cfanroh. Souths was hefct Sniwiay aiwi Monday in Manawas at Grace Church. IHie attendance Sras

Blmily-Johason will always have a wazaa phwe in oar esteem, not only as a teadier, bat also a e a friend evo- ready to "lend ay hand" in all the sodal functions connected with tiie school. So

^ progress is written on every efiPbrt - "" r*att success~'uiusl follow. ' MTK

Ldutin,. tile supervising ^ n d - ' pal of the gramflsar school, was in the midst of her large family shedding around her as usual a ftapp3r-«flueuce and bcapeakta^ faithfulness iqad good wmrk f be aceomplisbMi hi all g r a d « . And to capr the climax we have

baekrfnMir the war." safe and full of hapi^ experiences, our

—-—a • ^x...... . ^ beloved Miss Eogenia.• who no gooa «K1 the mten»t w«i e n ^ ^ j ^ ^ sh^iTwith us f r ^

time to time her interesting hap­penings.

The folk)wing program- was

Grace Church, preaehed an in­spiring mt.siuonary sennonat the opening SCTvioe Sanday aioming. Arauki by MnL'fc Fraidt Patdef atobteatured the meetiBg. ~

Il ie |N-inc^al spoJra* of Uie other sessaoBS was Mus Wilson, a miasiaBair from the Soaan §OBd Wilson Sdiool. Song Kiang,

given at the ^>ening of the high school and Katened to with much interest by tht mamj stodenta and teaehers:< V

i(!~wurir ^^rina:—Ou QuiidajF afteiiiuHi hi grow8~grw>gCT|g«°^^tfaH' ^ « tralna wfeW Wh-

™ fh*«. ««i- ».^ - u Araerieaa every day. Indeed w e j " « « •K*"* to Paris, and we de-

imS.ot a«:k. b. 1«» •«c«n.iS:^«™ije1^iir\^ ^.'"•"•'>T« '».*«^H''«' "'^"-^^ «»«« tlKMisand hens averaging thisji

of $6,000 from his hens, hi ad-*see this Inlanu Isabel off. dition to the bens there are fed George is coming back to lunch

- on the farm a carioad of cattte'with Royston. every year; besides the offspring i The gardener from the Tiwre of thedn^mares , and a number (Ivy Towers) hj^ just brought of hogs. - ;me a half-boshd of blackberries. HOW THEIHENS ARE CARED FOR. One of the maids and myself go

There are bous^ acconruxiating up every two days for the eggs.

if this war doesn't rain us t*"**** Prance to Eagjaad. a s we hope to soon. I am coming 1 ^ e shUts might be sailing again in the eariy sj>ring if the war|f">*n the English ports, and the finishes in time. My plans were! G«rman auH^ hail aut j e l guUen to come in November but Royston! in^" France. ( At the evening service Mrs. cannot leave BOW on account of ^ "^ **"^ * ^ * **» ^ ^ n>°» Knowlea, of Washington, gave a being a contrabandof war. His: Lu<^«»« ^ P*"^ a triptl»tordi-1 sumtoary of the work of the I ^'nn«; age would make him liable to be I otinly ^tMkes eight boon by eX-, the Woman's Missienary Soci taken prisoner of war. Besides. P * ^ ^ ^ the frontier wejeties, and Miss Waters related

«h« mumited Chlaae^iaarsBg <exUbited curios, t h e tittle ehiki res tooifpart in i n exercise, in which MM UtUe girl impersonated a Chinese <hikL Master Marvin Rice recited and Httie ^ ' ^ ^ r-T Wffir tang

Opeaan prajw.. . . .Dr. H. U Qnariea Cbovv—"Staad i ^ Staad op far

Adifa cM- 'KcabiWT".. n s : ocnOQI

Addre— "The Spirit ot Tree Cosr-

Srti—1 OiowM X •UfftJty mad Athletics" "

Prof. C H. Yarboroagh domag. tau$Ti».Uia» Baresia Osboora

The grammar school assembled just at 12 o'ck>ck in recognition of the request of the State Super-iiiieialeiiu aud

the business needs him. He may j **"?S **^ ****' 'Swiss immey some of her experieoees ia mis-1 20ft hens. Each house is pro- flowers, Iruit, etc, ,and iaddeat-^Tided with roosting pdr«, trap ally to see if the Towers are still i^^v^"^ ^ © " ^ " ^ T i f he d ^ * < > ^ »<* be tiUten for railroad | sionary life.

nests and scratching pen. tc- there. But we sUy at our apart- j ^ „ -^-^ ^^ j ^ ^ ^^^ ,^^ ^ fare into France. A few of the. The auxiliaries reported at the getner w i t h ^ lot J^hich^ is well meats because we are nght down fiekl or active service. Lil, I t«rty had SOBW English goM Monday rooming session and the provided^ wrth shade. The Tot Is tewh and j a a KTOSS the street can sympathiie wifh Mamma'whiwh was curnBrt Biyt)ft%re but' delegates lbbTt"'part in a general enclosed with net wire five feet from George (his windows look now. I-know how th*.ymugt the rest of us liad-an excited discusskjn The c o n v e n t i o n

Yet none of uf. here can ^^^ * ^ keepers to

lmrirK)'!y * irh all Virginia schools sang very h e a r t i l y "The Star-Spangied

Mrs. Larkin expjawud briefly the special c*u.-€ of the request and alluded to the the

i great gathering ktefc^ Aiv'embled in Baltimore to ceieirhte '.r.,. birth of the Star-Spangled Ba.-

hieh. Mr. Bicknell saya he has into oursV. We are just around never had any trouble with hens the corner from the American P.iingover this wire. and one tiricK away fr..m

n'Uo-* r^fm »nd com conso-. the British.

grve as outline of the with an

new work by Mrs .

(.rerma [«irtP f-


In th.nk. . _. LninK or liiK aaythmg elae. " French money in exchange for" Prinlvip, of Washington, and ed-:denUv Lhey are il

I h e BritishGoawil-GenaraLhaa Swiss.. iinaUy we got together ucational features. : -Washington I

rdme •n 1

I 'iil-r-i

Page 2: · my find aa njiprpiriativ e pupila w^ere she Is as she here had. A2«L -Miss-the bpost^vfestival

W« kaep ou njui'i i.umber. I^nx). I't-tLi«*i

t«lk. Bnek, Ltoora. Hki6, Bliada. sajjo^r.

t. Door and Wiadow IVMDM, PUOU

Oii», VLMUIBU, iiimjuB. Umiipi mini ifl tlai!'

of Baildpra' n«r<iwu«, ttod sn> prefarad i.

SH order* }nr a a r ne aboK ggtio*

We ^uanatee pric«s b» {>• M { low as any ia aU caae*. |

Lett » , ^.S- i\

Ltimber in Carhn>j

gyMMtf.!. This veil known milling

institution, recently re-built and set in first class condi-

., tC BOW W i u g uptjfti by a igiltei uf of Ml-3'gaig' penenc€. The Flour being made at this mill, Fancy apd Straight gradei is giving sat­isfaction wherever ose^ irad 15 rapidly atli^ictiHg new da-eSmers. It is mad€*oif-thf very best wh-_at and guaran­teed pure a id healtihy. '^nn, Middlings and aiher feed tar sale. Water, ground Meal, made of No. 1 corn, conBtaat— iy on'salerand la sewmd 160 none. All wders j»romptly filled and delivered to neui>> merchants if desired. -

XT tKTtic gressB g e o T30 vXre Tutu receive imopt att^KA.

?raim A D O M 3 S

rxflirrm MANASiSAS.VA.


MOTOII CAR E^FtCtCfiCr 18 largely • qatmtitm of tite mkm «f tk* repair waam. A adjwted nerer b« Y<qpidrad or ovextaAol ^ ta>k<r«. ^

* S K U S A B O U T T I "



Oar repair-servicetB qaaA aBdeffiocBl tMTMW >Terv owe of lyT "> expert. Kto «teiaf«-=B All w«%^ • -free. L



(ki?ersity •( Frosa—ct, U«r. Mttfciwt. LogJBMriii


OpUagc. Send far f t t l n g i .



From September 21st to September 26tli, hclusiye lflAJE5TtC-IWKaS-AREWADE-ffi-JttL-5TZE5 AND STYLES

Sa^$&00 As a Gpeciul indacement dcB-iug our idemaostzatKyii V A E ^ tai\, with every

MAJESTIC { lANGSaoU (prices ahvayE the same) we will give free eoe han<|E<Kiie set of ware as ilfaietrKted here or a tpecmi 'set ^

A i U m K U M WARE. 3E>ery piece of das ware~4s the best of its kind. Not a piece tiiat is

BOt needed kt erery tdt^eia. It essM^ peai5% be bocw^ for ieas tbaa >M*- " M W « » is m e^t«*b*t«. . r QBT stare. DON'T FAIt. T n SlOi: IT:

CMdreii Souv^or Day = 1 0 0 - - TANGO HOOPS CDCir— i

„ . , ^ ^ . ? r ^ , ^ ^ ^ J * * ^ Sirls «*o la-esent to THE MAJESTIC &AMGE SALESMAN at oar stwre, between -3 and S p. as. TUESDAY w i i t t ^ "u*?"^* to A e faUowiag qBestJoaa. wW reeesre a •'TANGO HOOP Sov-

1—y^**^ range is yoar mother now using? 2—Do jan kaow anyooe needjo^^new rmi^e* Who?

D WWc6 Slian It Be? t

,0 YOU intead to eoctini^Jriiornig, barning valnabAe faei mad destrpy-iac fai^i-paoed food witb tbaSr^B'wttiMierouiiL Mo've. '

Yoa KNOar t i n t ^ d atove eata^ip a lot «f f a d «ac^ jeax. YOB E K a W yoa J w n t zwbfe io g e t f i ^ H tm^t!ke\jmit lig^ m £aet. ** a hatak of bread e>ety«mce ia a • M t — y a a k a a v i t tmm

S w p a a d tUok and ficare. Wodda't it pa>.yoM to b n j a i d o d I witfc a Kyiitstiua

•¥1 A i i f I F tun


3 - W ( ^ ^)oaM t b e ^ ; S £ A T j i i U & S T l C S l i f G E bo W;.

" ^ SI.OO ARTICLE FRgE The ooe givin> neatest and best answer to tbe iaA qnestioo was sdeet

any f LO© article from oor stock, in addition to t!Je SOCTvENIR. Doa't be cascaaraged if y«a az« aec one e f t ^ " " ^ i rn TI Tnnim M M

Sffovenir. Y o o w i t t g « t a MAJESTIC P U Z Z I ^ CAX&. ^nrnfrtihii f m 3 the boys and girls. — ~ . ™ - » n r ^

toy-aiDCBea tibeaU a s « e I l ^ t ^ y o t D « . Tbe fioae daaees forwai^ he«-tates and retarrts to tOt operator, d n u b e a , i f s r n a t . aad wiU be the tafr o i t i e town. ^ ^

Be sore to hare yoar answers readr to band i s at i AjFTgBNnnW^hggw^fli S. TW«nrt t, .„ ill r stere TUESDAY

WISE Y X J g e t a i

) U «bake DO mistake ia bcjf <h TME REjMJTATIOW a A yaanBiLighbuns.

the GREAT MAJE.STIC-i ts the range ih yeaaBii.ighbun's.-'nieii, toti. it's made

r i | * t a o f o f the right kind of material-MALLEABLE AND ^AL iRON'-'iiveteG ^Q^vtberpnTtKaity s ir t%^—tffied wfCh pufC -parta beiae: aistlesble can't break—baa a movable resenwir aad

that doesn't warp- that ' s why the MAJESTIC ases so £ t ^ f o c i JBSt right every day is tbe year (browns bread iusf r i ^ ^ *B over

at torumgK beato 15 galions of water wtSe breakfast is cooking— IMopoiy handled lasts a bfetiBiev and costs practicaUy nottnng for repairs. '

Daa't bay tbe raage yon expect to last a bfetinc ' 'uiHii|ghl aaaeai j" "" be sore to be disappointed^Cxnte to oar store dorioc desKawtratiaB

Qie (atEAT l t A J E S T I C ^ h » « its a a a y «adusi«» f e a t v c a • b y tba MA IgSTtC is

&>ecia l All daring this werit a specs the MAJESTIC FACTX^Y

_m_ "ALL ABOUT RA3«1ES'_'^ J f f i r r c m l b e beat jcange on earth at W f price.

1 demondzatac A e c t wiH be glad t* ahaw

CMe,irrMbltWl.B^«ril)( EIM.:CAT10N iM-s m KNOWING THINGS-KNOW why the oven of a

range is heated-KNOW how the w«t«- is beated—HOW tiie ton is heatE>d - W H Y tbe MAJESTIC oses so Uttle fuel-K}*OW bow • T ^ J ^ Z

0 \ f B l O O r » ehaaae to TDSOm TglB<H) jUiwa by f t mhb tfadwa

Overlodc &e Date, l l u s is a Special hr YcHnr Friends and Neighbors



• : — • " : - • * .

Page 3: · my find aa njiprpiriativ e pupila w^ere she Is as she here had. A2«L -Miss-the bpost^vfestival


. 'EliUiKI. LVtiiY PfcliJAY A^^ iK.SOClN BY


" r-




>jeci wr,i>h cKHibiiet>> many of us have ill utti-'j-l, oui ieu Lavti dweh upoa in eon-

~ ' ''' '" 1^''^ ~ '—Men talk of dihiikiii^ vr "haling-" Wtolfe ha-i lioiis. They "have no use for" Fi-eiiek- or Ger-: inaxis or Riisslans or Eiigiish. li is a fwiish feel-' ing. If you have had the fortune to get ac-"



-,•'1' ' V , ' " ^ ' - * " " ' ^ ' inM.rtiui,»„cl l^^enU-ftv. C^nUfor

f.b.^..fao,^,r»aiut,„..,.,.,..., ..„,„.,, ,««»^^.quiuiiied wiih ptT^ons ofdifferejit nationalities

MANASSAS. VA., FjtuJAv, St-n r.MbER 18.1914.


iyou have found tliem fine and delightful. Oc-j easionally you ha\"e come on a disagreeable one.! : Every nation, even our own, has'such. Sut thel

^_ jchances are that our foreign acquaintanoe is! Henry Sienkiewicz, author of "Quo"V*adis," at | ™=® ' honest, sympathetic and a geed feUow. |

seventy yensTrf sge hae been takerr pi ijjimer tjy) ^ ^ «•»» ^n^m^fsiiter akk?^ the oceaawwiklj ihe Austrian^; am] .icnt Ui Cm-i))X S<.i rr. r,|not be so different if TOU only knpw him \hJ ui note in letters and art have gone to the front trouble is that you dcm't Youjump a lot of dis-as pnvaies or petty officers with the British.; *^'***'^ quaifti^ t o g e ^ r and laJoel them by These are patriots i n the truest sense. Ii another ^ " ^ natic«ial name aod then denounce ti» aa-sense, they are taking unwarranted liberties with 11'*" . . • the world tt) which they belong. j _You may not like certain governmental policies

Osefiil writers, artists, poets, singers, actors— those men of high peaceful profession whose ser­vices to the world are immeasuraWy greater in their own lines than they possibly could be in war— wheal .thgyyentuje to j»n 1 iat shra, bj j^tem^iy and effectually imprisoned by th«r countries.

afiroaJ ^ o u l t : ^ prc^rly cCject tb liBeraJ or reactionaiy traits in the men in rtratroh But it holds true today as it did in the time of Edmund Rxrke, that it is imposfflbfe ib draw ah Indict­ment against a whole pt^p^ _—_ _

They sh(Hild be locked up in comfortable quarters.

YouVe Strong and Wdl— That's f^sasant

You liope to Remam So-^ That's Natural

You May Be IXsappomted— That's Possil4.

You need Protection Now— JOiat'aLEiddfiiit.

Sfarf a ^«nYingf ArTount axuigs tVWk Thj^'^Wkdom.

You Want the Bc^ &uik—-> That's Proper.



with competent attendants, with writing paper I *****-SeP*«»*>«^ The vacation season is over. ^ ^ .r^ ^ „ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . . , . , . . . ^^^^^;^ The teng of autumn is a h ^ y in the air, fc Js

tame for wotk, tor c^aable, earnest, ctMistnKtive work. The nati<«i demands the Ibest there is in ev«y BiDgie one of Jts sons and dau^tenL We have re^xmsi^ties of as unosual kind. The

and paints, piaaoe and orehestral instruments. They shouid be set to singing and piajing and painting and writings of WKT, ff tK»y TT . ^ ^

something, but certaiidy not one of them wtsild «ouBt fw B«»e than one coamaon sokSer witii a gim ^ the fitmt, while any <me of than would ^«®LfOTa.^CTisand,ten thMisand, men in the TTOrid of Mters asd art Henc^ tiicy should be fonaWy r^sbataed when they dare to ride a loss of th&i tatents to that worMjvhkkijsa^^ght to claim the £ist affii highest servke

Lock him op, that geBkisgQa& m a i l H h e » apnt,tn the fmnt HP WHI nniy iri^t^rff^ with t iy pi-art i<<jQi i^imr, /rf fftnff ftlforr *g »« ^ n ghnot, fitijt- who^ loss wouldn't be a y gitaaterk^ than the - ^ ! ^ erf a Kxqg at- *wBt:. HiewwW I&Jafcfcl (Jar men who can do things, aad regrettat^ kng c« ipen WIM) can kill men they^ve never mat and s^alhst whom they have no

uphea^aLin airope^^Bjiaoed aew hnrrtena upcm our^ioulders. We must beer them for tiie bene­fit w-maslsnd. If we apquttrouiud vvu w<eU the task wiB bring us both honor and profit We

mm .hav« had aperiod <rf (kfxcaacm; l i is behindna W e » e tiie mily staUe 6»te in an ovotumed woiid. Chir jKoblems are great, and for-Asa woric is tiie only sotrcnt It is time for w i ^ fw earnest siogie-s^adecl, productive Iidbar for totl that detnanas our brains, and our tisWBa^^^ tiiat, rigli^aBdcaiiably done, n a ^ save a woa d, %,.t;iie.pkile

—BiduiK»)d "nmes-Di^atdi. gnevance.

ooiy baqrwotk^iOfi: Heae the fd^iity at iabcv njgyer ao' ondied, the

AMERICA'S ANSVrax TO EUROPE While the cannon w»%.naiii^ in Fiance and

Austria and I ^ n s ^ yest^id^, that nmocoit <^ timist^'Sea^^tary Biyan succeeded in wbeediii^ the^flEplomaac r^KCBestalzves otf Great &itain.

tivo, hi^ful fciboF that cacfades thongfal cfTtt dse never ao aeaie. 1 ^ tine^farwa-fcj—€^|


I <;isii o^^ MffllONS


France, d a and QiBa into s^^iii^ peace tre^ ies whidi provide for reference of istem^ioisd disputes to trih»mafa_t^t will try rea^brfcge 4here is a resort to iie swmiand whi<^ jestaUi^ the principle of a year's mosatMimn before the dedacBti(« of war. Of course^ tiie cynical and the WQfkify will' smile the oBtoBiaiy mmie of sup^iiH- wisdcMB, bat reiyQy, it se^ns to w , those ppare jdrtH arp • pretty ggod aagper tx»ti»se cannon. T b ^ give aasuraace that the peace sentimoit of the worid is not dead or even aleep-

WILSOiTS STArai A i T R O ^ D Freadent WIISOB'S det^nanatioa -to make no

s^ the present ooBHUg caaqx^gn will meet with general approval It ia in fcnwpi^ too, with h s losttreomduet since he e ^ » e d ^ White House, which has exhSiited a degree of undeviatiag devotion to the duties <^ the ^ e e ,

i; ts^BBeat WBptmsiaiitf for seeii^ that no^ann diall oorae to the repofafic dueo^ngra^ jtf tj^

most watchful altesriioB OB the part of its execu­tive bead, iHiidi has sddohibeefi&naled. Some-

Hmne pe iq^ ai^i»t Ifew York Asarp&rs.


ipg, aBOt&arat ieapt two of titefae^iere^s^ the presKit war are qpiite willing to avMd an-oth^. If socfa treaties had existed astois^all

I^>£ODd^ftf]^ tlung BKKte, too," than the fear that the pubfie business m^;ht saSer throqgh aay diveisioB of his time or aaer^ to the donands-of. a political

carapa^ is to be seal imdttlyii^ theJPr^ideBfs *U Uuu. leUlB mite

of natiflpal policy having ao r «t?fflm dHtairter, lie wiafaeB to exietciae upoo the whole p e t ^ ^

%ot the heMl of A^party, and the is not falnrfated to proaote t l »

c n l ^ N e w York FtaBt

the powCTs epgigpi la'flie aealhtcUve'cbnte^ now gmng <«, the war migfat have beoi delayed long-cnoQgh to give.them ail a rhanfetceool off.' What these t3«aties <k> is to strei^ftben intema-tional obligations to preaove the peace and to! IfflCLE SAM WEEDS WO HELP build up a pubhc sentOM^ which no natioa^will ] la time the Umtod States will adjust itself to Hgttly disregvd. WenrtiMrtfaiak the Dove of it^Dewcc»£Sboa. ~l%e^utedStat«ac~ ^ ' Peace is gcdi^ to be oae of the aaost popolar <rf I'' '''*^ It is the only eoantzythat can. our domesticated biids^and that he will not &il * " ** pn*»«8d, we shall s ee the Aaaerican

a victimtothehartLiaariysocrftaaaafomeriy. ^ " ^ " " ^ ^ r ^ " ^ -BatoiBore Sua. out of eooanercial embarrassmoit _ Let not the Southern fanner think lamaetf

attumy iB a t tifertBi uyag eimuHBOmwa: f Every industry in Amoican is affected aad nine


.and neighbors.—Gehmbia State

We are impatieat hacsaae we have to wait '„ ^a , wheth^ in Masachusetta, Ohio ur" Moo-three or four days to hear tteresuk<rf the great tana, is eonfnmted with aerioas p r o b i ^ But battle in Eun^e. We are a spoiled people. Our it is c^tainly not a tiaie for deapazr. The

%cestors had to wait flflOtatlB to hear of t h e ; ^ ™ ^ ^atea is today, of aH the wurki, the! great battles. In our Mexican war it was weeks ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * * ^ P*°* •"•*«« ' ^ ™ ^ ^ Vff^re this eoantfy heyd results.* Even HI the cnii war news traveled with what wouid seem to

U5 tww to be unbearable sbwness. «"e should NfrT sPAPFK account. say tnat the <,«TOan war a- i-Asi restrain our impatience nf-waiiay? uritii i.Td r.a- f(.r;.ned nimseif apair?: possi&le defeat m :-t -Tjrn * h. arc :,.iir, :ne£>a::r- g-et Lnrough w,::. ^ijvi.- . ./c. :- H^ ought, fl^


• -Tv". \ ' .^r

n n n n

Page 4: · my find aa njiprpiriativ e pupila w^ere she Is as she here had. A2«L -Miss-the bpost^vfestival

«HEfi!8felL Wm^-

HTHE MANASSAS JOUrLNAL, i-KiUAY, SILI^I L M B t ^ K l « j l » i 4 _ -,.;:: _._,..,..

— The board of supervisors is to be in session TharaJ^,TSep-jf„;ro Manassas: ttnsber 24. made in

-Mr. n. M Pins, who is snf- Rev. ^.

.M^ . V v i i A B O U T PEOPLE VVE i1r li 1 III y ' ' . I — 1 •- •—

morning, was laigfly attt;rKkfdj Mr.s. Chair. H. Adams, Sunday'aftt?rftoon at Woodbine] ton, was a town visitor Tuesday. Baptist Church, about eight miles i j^jgg

fnterment was the cemetery there.

L Qtiarlfts rnndurtpd fVring from a miW ease of typhoid fever, i£ recovering rapidly.

—Mr, J. fe. Evans has been awarded, the contract for building the dwelling of Mr. C. N. Comp-ton on Quarry street.

—Dr. C. R. C. Johnson will serve as mayor in the absence of Mayor W. Hill Brown, who left yesterday on a northern trip.

—The election next Tqesday, for or against state-wide prohibi­tion, is to be held in the Newman liOJiUiiiK oi. Maiu aueel, uwai tiie

jthe eervicea. -

—Major Robert U. Paterson, snfgeon U. S. A., sailed on Mon­day from New York on the Re^ Cross ship in charge of 130 nurses and SO surgeons, whom he will station at five European ports at the seat of war. Major Paterson

Mai'ie Leachman has re-i turned from a visit to Miss Peggy I Fred in Washington.

Mra. Albert Roaeberry and children, of Orange, were gueats this week of Mrs. Ada Davis.

Miss Frances Spies has re­turned from a visit to friends at Maurertown and Tom's Brook.

Miss Minnie Garrison, of Meetze, was a guest of Mrs. I.

KNOW^ Mrs: R. W. Merchant and little

of Cii(- chant, of Klctirnund are spending the week with .Mrs. Merchant's daughter, Mrs. Henry Camper, • of West street. i

Master Allison A. Hooff, Jr., and Maater John Bowling tiooff;

is a nephew of Mrs. R T. H. jM. Donohoe one day last week. IJodge.

— Mrs. Alice B. Jordan died last week in Bridgeport, N. J. She wa« before her marriage Mi«a Rrawnpr nf this fminty

have returned from Maryland, where they spent several months with their grandniother, Mrs. Mittie Bowling. (

Mr. Gordon H. Ligbtner, a graduate of Manassas High School and principal of Green­wich High School for the term of


—The exhibit of Girls' Canning Club^work as announced in last week's paper, wffl b6 held ih the M. T. r hnilHinp, Fn.iaj, , September 25,

— Dr, Henrin U. Roop is to preach Sanday morning at 11 o'clock at the Presbyterian Church. His subject is to be "Moral Sensiftflityr^

—The study class of the Wo­man's Misfflonary Sbciety of the Presbyterian churdh met Tues­day afternoon at Roblay Cottage

mother of Mrs. Mae Pauline Sparks, the temperance lecturer who died two weeks before.

-^v.'T. D. D. Cfirk leaves this week to accept a call to Boyce, Clarke county, where he will be in charge of th^ past >r-ates of Millwood, Bethel, Rock­land and Mountain Baptist Churches. His family is to re­main here for the present Mr. Claric has acquired a wide circle of friends during his ten gears' residence here, and hil departure is a aniiiYrft nf nrpnpra} i-py»tf»

She wa« airamrtrof-Mrer-Cr E. JMre. j . B . T. Thornton hist week. Nash, of Mantissas, and the

j 191^14, has entered the yniyer-Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Vl right, of sity of Virgrinia.

Richmond were giiesta this week j j ^ ^ Q ^ ^enrich, of Ashe-of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Camper. ^jUe, N. C. spent Sunday with

Dr. H. M. Clarkson, of Hay-i Mr. Wenrieh's relatives here and marttoti wan a gaaat Qf JHdga and j it no™ "i'^iting Vr_l??yj»tff. M''

—Rev. J: F. Burks will am-duct services &t 'Trinity Episcopal

and at S t Atme's Church. Nokes-ville, at 11 a. ro. . J

- M r . F. E. Ransdell has gath^ ered fif^ barr^s 6t apples on his piaee sootfa of town. The trees u«-4ullv One twig Hbore foar applcB weighing aboat o ^ half pound «^ch. - - — _ •^_

—Rev. J. Royall Co«*e, c leA of the BrmOwme^itm^ist board, annouoces that the achor Is of his distri^ will «pen for the fail term Mimday atwirBiniflai nine o'clock. .' ' ' > \_

-Miss Nancy Waters, the littJe daughter of Mr. and M Waters, oeieorated her sixth birthdasP-Wednesday afternoon

—On account of the momentous decision to be made in Vii^nia on the 2ad iustaiil. Sept 13 was chosen as Virginia T^nperance Sunday in place of the usual 'World's Tempmmce Sunday"

observance in November; I ts at thie Mamunaa Baptist Church fOBsisted of a most impressive

CAeicistiB were in charge pf-tfae Sunday Schod, bat took the

of tiie ( u s t o m u ^ o'ck)dc service. A good ec^ec-&0Q was' taken f<H- the eaose. The text of the sermon hy the prstor Kev. t t Lu <4narlefc,-i>. I}., 'wa8.^TsaTra 9430:. "gladLjJje tfaraie of iniquity l a v e feltew-

Mrs. H. D. Wenrich has re­turned from a several weeks' visit CO h^r son in AshevllIe7N. C."

Dorsey, of Berryville, were week­end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lewis.

Mr. and Mrs. \ . W. Kase-hagen and Master Jimmie Kase^ hagen spent Tuesday in Wash­ington.

Mrs. R Weir Waters and.littie son. Weir, Jr., of Culpeper, are spending the week with rela-tivco hero.——• •


. Mrs. Pitts, of Elk Hill, is visit-ing her son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and 'Mrs. D. M. Pitts, of Main street

Mrs. Mr. and William 11. BrownyOf-Hiqfmatk^ leave. Oc-tober 1 to ^Niiid the winter in Wadiington.


Md:, afto- a visit to relati7<a in tins vicinity^ ^ *

Mrs. A. M. Fetzer, of Wash'-ington. was a guest this week of Mr. and Mti. L. B7 WilKaWrt. of

with thee w ^ h frametii

Preseott avenue. -Misses Annie and'Suale Jida:S^

of Waohingtoh, are viaitigg their mischief hy aJawt**

The 20th annual reunion of LarkintOB, near town.

Mjis. W. P. Laikiu, at

and Mrs. lobert Webo-, of WasKingtoti, D. C.

Mrs. Harry Brooke Griffith and infant son, Robert Brooke

guests of Miss OtheUo Williams. Mrs. Griflith will ber^nembered as Miss Nellie Fetzer. frnmerly of Mana,ssas. - ^ _

Rev. O. W. Anderholt and fam­ily, accompanied by Mr*. H. D. Wenrich, left yesterday by auto to visit Mrs. J. C. Gregory, of Fredericksburg, formerly of this place. They will motM* from Fredericksburg to Culpeper;

Un. L. W. -JCasefaageiJ i ^ Master Jimmy Kaaehagea^ leave in a few doyn to viwt

^acqiiainte^ wTEh our Bank'Acconnlr" P lan- learn the details and actual working of this systematic method for pcptecting your income. When you khow what the plan is like make a note of your objections to it; ask yourself in what way it will retard your progress or harm your present chance of success. On the other side of the page make a note of the advantages, there are many of them but note these four: the safety of your money; better know­ledge of correct business habits; closer association with thrifty peo-pliJ: increase of iirediL Nuw as a conservative, practical man who wants to get ahead put the matter squarely up to your better judg­ment. Your account will he ap-

Kasehagen's mother, Mn. Hig-S^nbotham. in Montvale. Tbev expect to. spend tiie winter with MIS. Kaaehagen'» rdatives is Qiicago.

Mr. and Mrs. William Paiker - froBL-th4*ir

^fbri^d-tear^ —T* Wa»iBL*a tooQier, Mrs. T. O. Tayk», earli^ in the wedc, and are nSw at hoffie to thieir friends at their country home tiear Aldie. ^"tlh"'" raanty. ^ —_ ;

Mrd. John A. Wuxl has tuiij|#^iuiii- htiaf yiait: o*hea^ HMMfier; Mrs. Moon, in Scotts-vilk'," Anymarift -county. —sae was accompanied by her little

M- i»i—*.-**. .i^^ .dauyhujre, Mi»H» Carey ! l ! f ^ . ^ f S ! * o T ^ r ^ t M a r y a y l e t t who spent thesum-

jmer with thetr grandmother. j Mr. J. W. Applegate of the i firm of Appli^tej£ Son, con-tractors for the town water sys-

The cfaiidren always pietures-with a p s t y - ^ tiie fnTt)j|y hom^ on Main street

—Miss Sara Donohoe. daughter of Mrs. L M. Donohoe. and who was graduated last spring fronn

MoshyV cofiimand. Ctmfed^iite yeiterans, is to be held Thursday and Friday, Sept^aber 24 and .25 at Charlottesville, tipon an t-T

Mnnassas High Scluxd. left Fri-dny for Meetze, Pauquier county, where she will teacfa in Uie pub­lic school. . • It

-Mr. J. W. Conarf, of Ha -ris/<nburg, has about ccmipleted a finely equipped dbiry barn far Messrs. J. M. Kline and J. J. C<)nner on ^«rold CMincr estate near town. MT.JLUBB ia So be in charge.

- The case Of Mrs. B. F. Iden, Jr., against the Washin^ton-S<Hithem Railway company was dismissed by agreement Monday morning in &e Alexaodria'circuit court. Judge J. B. T. Tborpton presiding. ^ '

—THE JocBNJtiTexhibtted in its windows tbis^wiMk/aB

bpre thirty-eigfat Mnm^ma. It was raised at "Lehtoop Hall " by MIS. Mary CwUMtr, fltother^ Mr. E. .R. Conner.

—The fifteen-year-old nephew of Mr. JliltoiL fiaUioa. of the Bristow n e i g h b o f h o r r d ; was kicked in the head Tlfanday rooming by a ranit. His tnte was badly bruised hot his condi-tiao is aet eoiUMknd serioaa.

-Tuewiay, Mrs. H. L.' Willis and Mra^-West wood-StrtetooB. Superintendent (^ the Woman's Missionary Uniod. PMMHK AU-sociatioa. represented the Wo-Hi

inviution of that city extended

I Whitaer^ and Mr. Samuel Wbit-I acre, of Fairfax Courthouse, wero TJanassas viatars Mondajy.: -

at the last reuaicHi. Boyd Smjtb is conunanda'and Edward Shack-lett of Deieplane, adjutant. An elaborate pn^ram has been fH-e-pared by John B. Stiange Cantp No. 14. Confederate Veterans, and the United Daughters of the Confederacy for the two days the camp.wiB be in session.- A-

£ S mu t w^ f^r^^^i-^res ofe/the finrt 'night T S e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ * * " * ^ " * * " ^ second day a barbecue and joUi- *"*****'-fieadoD will be hrid~at Jeff^son F u k and at night a big b«l1.

—An ministars of the Go^sel are urged by tiie Co-Operative Edocati<» AaMctitfaon to preach in the month of September al Mf. IHd Mw. K &. Smith havB •oimnw nm the impt<ri-»^^n of jUSt rCtUIPed frODI a tXiP. tO

Eight per cant of tlOP. mewiute of age in Vusiiua are.illitavte AndJo-frety community -is to be foond a number of iteraata who fail to give the public achoc^ {»<nper support At this time when the schools are cq>ening what wooM-be more appro^iate than for the min^/»r to impresa-upon hie copgregatiofi~tIg ^ad­vantage* of an education andtc tiie claims of the public schools. The Co-operative BiHiealion^As^ sociation frotn its Richmond of­fice will be glad to furnish any minister in the state with brief but pertinent data on' pat>lic ed­ucation.

mans Missionary Society of Ma-na&aas Baptist Church at the!

«f meeting of 'Gro^ Three" Potomac's W. M. U. Sohp Ipful. j erjoyable and well worth while ir rrery feSpSft WMlh*lneetirigf tnat the innovation of the groupt p.-lived a splendid success. The,._ :; -I; ng of "uroup Two" was i ;.: ;u .it Fail6.Cburch the same

M >s Susan Hutchison in .. ;ince. I

Notice i$ hereby civea t h a t tke WMlenicned

~t&ire ham apuuiiitii^ acorts for BirdMll Mas-oractaraif Company of «Tiadlllwil,1aiiiii».fbr~ the sale of the c^e-

«( hid>ygiiHnit fm, V«.

beea visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. JP. .Larkin. _retumed SundiK to her home in Washington.

Misses Theresa Milnes and Orma Brown and Messrs. Hilton Evans and Raymond Davis were Baltiamre visitors last we^ .

Miss EleaB<Hr Jones of Smith-jsbn,~'W. VaT, wiH speod^tiie wto-

. Mr.. Hany Sanders, of Hay-market, was JL town visiter tfaiir week. Mr. Banders leaves next week to tpesA the winter in nmrida.

Washington and Baltimore, wbov ^^fea^yeara t ^ t o o F i o tiw StarSp^ftfecT S ^ . »"5f^fflw*aspiK,Efc, and:

Bannebedrimtion. ' Mt^ A. W. Sinclair and. Mrs;

& H. Nash have returned from Baltimore, where titey ^tended the Star Spani^ed Banner een-ten n ial' cdebraUou.

Mrs, £ppa Bryant and tvro

have returned from la ten days visit to her brother. Mr. Hany Koanta. in Baltinwtre.

Bev and Mra J F.

tran, left yesterday in his ma­chine for-his home in &«dfbrd. Pa. He was accompanied by Mayor W.Hill ^ w n and Mr. J.I-Randall. Mr. Brown will return via Niagara Falls.

Mr. Edwin F. Cudlipp, jan employee of the New York Her­ald, lias been vtsitii^btt fatiier>

yille. He was accompanied home by his son and daughter, Misa E(H«h and Master Edwin (^odlip^ Jr.. whor^Knt stMSe tune visiting their gruidparenta.

Lieut Geo. Carr "Round and Mrs. Round have returned from a northern trip. They wa« in DetBoit fm the G. A. R. encamp­ment and also visited lyMHtOTT Ontario. Mrs. ^taend^ gtttiraad hom , points in Michigan. Buf-

Baltimore, where they attended the Star-S{>angled Banner'ede-bration: ''^ '"•'

Mrs. B. G. Buckingham and children, Jittle Miss Virginia and Master Thomas Buddngfaam. of Essex. Mont^amvad Sunday to spend a short time with Mrs. Buckingham's par^ts. Mr. and

Buckingham's mother, Mrs. L M Donohoe^—fcittie Mias Vir­ginia will reoain with her grand-moth^, Mrs. Dea«4>oe, and at­tend school here.

atdds to the pleasui^es of the day's out ing;

besides, taking th^n is clean, educational fan.

With eyeryXodak or Brtwynie por-

chaaed—a free, year's subscrii^km' to ''Kodakery," a nKmthly aaagaxine fcM-the amatenr i^iotogritpher. ,

Doweirs Pharmacy THF. RFifAfj «rrini^F'

Td|iple School of Music MANASSAS, VA.


Special Piano Course for young-beginners from five to nine years of age. Qasees in Piano, Hannony, Ear Tnuning, aistxaj of Music. . Teach«- Traimbg class for ptano sto-dfffitiB whi> —-— *" * -^ - ^ *

thdr young d a i ^ t e r , Misa Mai^ iau DiiAs, who spi month in Front Royal, have re-

^tlnmed to the rectory.

Miss Gladys Sanders, of Buck-NOW w tke tiKM to plan eo tke Ml

prainngaadsprmyiim;a^.tlieardun)a. j land, who is teaching under Missj ' •^ f » *^ "«>* to piece ovdcn for' Hopkins at the Temple School of I J ^ ' °"=*'*^ pUnUng* Music, is CTwnding a short time! *"• J^-^ «P"y •»<» 'w" appi* and

street •pple and peach tr»«i-


pnie winners. ' Messrs. George D. Adam.soD.of, ^ S P worHt wuT -^°" '^ esumat* ;

-rMarsassas. ami Hubert H. .Moon.; ^ rnr. iTake'vocTVrcK 's' MT* '^' ; of Barke. niaduates of Manassas" — ^ ^ r H.irh School, left Tuesday for Bureau of Foreatera, Tree Sur-l;naca. N. Y.. to enter Cornell geooa and Orchardiats _ University. ,1920 F—«'., - •"•.. ""..> .r . .r. r '

Pure Distilled Ice r-newicepiantTBHow in operation and we fumlsV

ice in any quantity. Alf orders will receive prompt and careful attention^and tJelivery made in a courte:;_ ous manner. Our plant I r equipped witrairmoaerrT machinery and has a capacity of -ten tons a day. Visitors are invited to inspect our sanitary method nf matnntr ira Thnnlring thn p i ]i< (v^ Unfff pafi^n age and solidtinc- a continuance, we are,

Respectfully ^ u r s ,

D a w Brothers Ice and Dealers in Coal and Wood Ml

Page 5: · my find aa njiprpiriativ e pupila w^ere she Is as she here had. A2«L -Miss-the bpost^vfestival

1 r H E J I A N A S S A : ; J O U R N A L . FRi'D.W •^KPZE^'lli^'l 18.' •'U. r^^

FORMAL FAIT Autumn Millinery and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear

Wednesday and Thursday, September 23-24, 1914



r -•-—••••-1-

i .

^ f o ' ' • f e '


N u t **''*i '^*' '»««?,*V»W« to c'^re for want* of milady in the way of iier wearing apparcL From feet to head w e can take care of yofirTTiIF . t o r e ,

have been entirely remodeled to make room for our Millinery D e p a r t m e n t So let' , talk hat . . T h e mo. t intere.t ing d e v e l o p ^ n t in miUinery rtyle. for faU i . " p a fftreng tendency toward iarg^r «h*net Th^ m,./.ri»v »f th^ m»^>U K > ; » ^ .I^ k . P . ^ . ^^^-g y are of tha . a U w typa. wHh il iahtly f—^:^ u - ; . , . ^ -

U r g e crown. . T h e »marte.t . t y l e . a r e o f b U c k velvet. Simplicity of trimming o n h a t . of th i . type i . the k e y n ^ ^ of ^ e i r ^ ^ k f ^ ^ the mora M U M r ^ t i ^ ^ ^ ^ w e are . h a w i n g a variety of smaUer . h a p c . - t h e HnaU velvet turban being paramount. You are cordially invited to be p r e ^ n t , whether o r n o t you buy. S O M E PEJITINENT C O M M E N T p N LADIES' S U I T S . - F i r . t Every weU d^e«ed per«,n will have to have a new « i i t th i . . e a . o n . a . there h a . b e « i a decided rn^ingr in them hrnm whnt prnmiird la hf m A o r l coat year h a . now been . w i t c h ^ l around iowccmtofextFemm^mgtkr-^^ yoii w m f S t y T fiT* ' . S ? ™ * r " " ° " » Redingote model, with pUun .kirt and a k o a very . tyU.h miUtary de.ign—aU color , shown. O o r f 10.00 number i* a beauty. So let u . tak^ t h e ll* out of your autumn buymg. Buy here and be right. -

S f t C l A L . — A n extraordinary opportunity to buy Childiren'. Coat . . One lot o( 2 5 jurt received that w e r e bought at a bargain. ^

A great . b o w i n g of Ladies' and ChiMroi' . Sweaters . , •.: A beautiful line <rf Ladies' Waisto, with the "Diyine Sarah" collar and n e w soiart vest effects , $ 1 0 0 -Sole a g e n t , for American Lady and Afladam Lyra CorMts, $ 1 . 0 0 to $5 .00 .

A SPLENDID S H O W I N G OF SHOES.^^^esent ing th* newest and most authentic modeU for fall and wint«- wear. T h e La France for Ladies—see these shoes and learn h o w luxuriously you can be .hod at a m o d e . t price, r. Smith' . Sterling S h o e , for Ladie i—Me these popular priced shoes at $ 2 . 5 0 a n d $ 3 . 0 0 and you wiU wonder how w e do it—every pair warranted. = Walkin Shoes for ChiIdren-7-buy theM . h o « . for the school chUdrea and your chiUrea's riioe troubles wiD b e set­tled—warranted to wear. _ _ .; _^ . -

H E I > S f OR H O U S E KEEPERS.—Beiiatiful AxnutUter and Crcx R u g s ^ A n Amazing Line of B l a n k s and Comforts—A W i d e R a n g e of Styles in L»ce CurtaiaiL '

DRESS G O O D S A N D A C C E S S O R I E S . - W e a r e showing aU the .yery latest creations in Ser i e s , Crepes, Gabordiiws, Skirtings, Silks a n d Dress MtSbmkii >

. IF Y O U C A ^ r ^ BE HERE W R ^ S A M P L E S . ^ - -


« AT THE PLACE WHERE YQUiWl] mwm*'%m>'t¥ ^ a H k i * LM_

TRAGIC DEATH Ernest Galleher, of Waahington, i SINGER COMING.

BUSlNESHOCAtS Mrs. Minnie Waters Whedbee, wife of Mr. Thomas B. Whedbee, _ d e^ yesterday afternoon a t t h e j ^ ^^ hoine'at Bradd^i fe ighte

wCTe recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Hutchison.

Mr. W. P. Meade ha^eturned

TJdi yei-sity ^ ospSfali ~al~ Charr after a visit of jsome weeks with»M»Od inflicted: ^j is^,^^ DePaawr-.^ twubei 22. Mine. KtWtif h while handling a revolver last Sunday morning at the family borne riear Manassas. The bullet entered her body just below the hcxirt. She was taken imme-diatciy to Charlottesville, but medical skill could not effect a recovery. She was about forty ieat-^old. ' l>«o plans for thefaftwirf-aie

_jet arranged. -"; -Mrs. W^tedbee was a daughter

Mr. G. P- Disosway. of Statep Island, who recently rented the home of Rev. W. W. Gilliss near Hay market, has taken possesskm of same and will soon be joined by Mrs. Dtsosway and their tittle daughter, Virginia,

Mr. and Mrs. S: Lawrence are guests of Jl j - iMl . \rs. "W. M. Sho^Doaker at & i r home, "Wts-

Iterham." M.

of Mr. ILW. ilerchant, of Wch "rnond, fuim^rljl uf Manassas. Her husband and three chibiren survive.


RiMT M .^ FAg4«» jg aptrntfiny

this week w ^ f i n e s d a i n l j p ^ ^ county. •- -

Ifus^Hartfaa Carter left last Saturdax_JJBt Frwhtirirtbiigg,-


Mr. J<^m G. Crane launched his bo«it Saturday. This boat has b^en under ctmstniction the past stonroer and is a marvel of iMauty. We nil join Mr. Crane Cisraln wishing him many pli


where she will attoid the State Nornjfl.

Miss Francis Grinnao, of l^yis Church, is a guest this wedc (rf Miss Frances E. White.

Mr. Woodson H ncock has re­turned to Philadelphia after a Dtey of some yocks at -^Shiriey^

Mr. Marion Hutchison spent tlie w e ^ end tt his home here.

Mrs. A. L. M. FuHer and Miss Jean Fuller have retomed to Baltirn<H« after a stay of two moniba at " V a d e Croft" ^

The people of Haymarket are much interested in a recital to be given by Mme. Adeie Krde-gerin the Parish Hall at Hay-market on Tuesday e r r i n g , S ^

THE GREAT MAJESTIC Waitt, fur Sml» sad mwc atlaasoai adTcr

UiMiBti « a b« MiUkkwl'MdcT A i l >wad u «t * • rata a f a r * caal* m itaafM-tha-fir*

.•«arHia.«hn» « a ^ « iip« f IB iitiiiiii • A<T»>tii ••—11 far tU« caiaau

acaii t4 —tiT •'cimA nUmr • visiting Miss Hdneken, of Mill Park, and has kindly consented to sing for the bemeS^ortbe Red Cross^tociety.

Mme.-Krueger has been sing­ing in New York and the large W^tern-«it ieajn «rand^^op«^ j-o. s a l e . - ! ^ liitle farmj and concert for a number of | just oQt of corporation -excep-y«irs. She 13 a smger of great, ti^nal value. Apply to Journal personal charm and this.recital Q^^e. 9-18if will givejkhe

For Sale. — 0 :ie fefood sow, fe w shoats and Brown Leghorn cock­erels, thoroughbreds. G. D. Brandt, Manassas. Va, 9 18 tf

ity j( rare opportunity to hear such high class music. '^Sr.—

One Day Special Sale—Satur-f^ay;—between 2 and "5 p. m.


sat t n i s on the faistaric Pntnmae.

N. J., a tiaititig bet majlmw, Mr. Crane, for a few weeks.

The sixteenth annual sessfim of Eastern C o l l i e wiU opra Tuesday. September 29.

The registratioD of day(i0CaI> students is set for Tuesday, 9 to 12 m., a n d ^ t o A p. nt^ The iirst faculty naeetingwilt be held at 7-flOu- '"• —'• —

On WednesdnyTroin 9 to 12 m, 2 to 4 pL m.. entnnce ex-

amiaations and regntration of

-On^^ursday evening. Sept 10. Mr. G. E. Sutton visited Johns Hoi^ins -fao^tal_at,. Baltinaore, where his giebsr-m-ivif. Miss Wigglesworth has reeoitly been under an operytioa. Mr. Sutton reports b«r doing as well as could be expected.

Mrs. W. G. Busbey last week visited her brother. Mr. Goraey, who has been confined in the boepitidat Fredericksburg with typhioid fever for the past three weeks. He is improving steadily.

The people of Cherry Hill were greatly grieved over the sudden riftsth.of Gladys Hirki, daughter JTha

Special low price lor eiectnc tix-tures on ord«3 received befwe Saturday, 5 p. m. 40 and 10 per cent from list in P« logues, bearing the name ivijcra, witifout the nam?, speeiaLprice. Westingbouse Mazda Lamps, 2Sc each in (»nnectioD with comf^te JnstaHad&S. U^ A. P^erseo. It

bMrdiag students wiQ ocoo'. l l ie-pablic opening exerciaes

of the cottege will be held Wed­nesday evening at 7:30. In ad­dition to short addresses, there will be numbers by the directors of the pianoforte, vocal and ex-prssrioa departments. The DHob: lie b OKMt cordially inviiUM t»


Applfs. - For the nevt two week8,rwE~Wi!i sell apples at the orchard at the foUowing prieaa

N a 1 picked apples—50 cents per busbd. J. B. Jofansrai. Ckmr Hill Farm. 9-18 2t-*

Wood sawing done on short notice; also oakand pine wood for sale, delivered in any quanity. Prices rifi^t Phone M-write G. B. Shnemsker, Msnssw,Vs .^ i .3 t . '

Rftr <g.i -St~''^ ^tt\»~w^ ved five cars Sooth wast

Virginia stock cattle. If yoal need any, o iaceyov order guide.

lE. R. Conner, l 8^28-tf

student at the EpisoHwl H ^ ~Scli.'>o{. Alexandria, spent the ,week end with Mrs. a a S.


n . - ! r.-JJlJiL 1 ForSate . -No .6Kjng separa-to watch for tanfcer7.^32,g^ A^Halterman, Nokes-

/ ui _-i. • o ' Mr and Mrs. John Hicks, Mr. George^Gamble, wlio_ is a j ^bo died suddenly on September

1. Little Miss Gladys was thir­teen years old aad had been ill of typhoid fever. Miss Gladys I awd

wiUka*» at every

be ohtaiwr*! and wfll bay every vote which can be bewght

Beware of attack* p n b

' * ' ^ - ville, Va. 9-11-tf

For Rent —Nice farm near Ma-ns'wiiB Apply to Bryan Gordon. M. L C. Building. 9-18-ir

was very popularwtth tae young- 'gtbrf rfwring the la«t week aif Li ' r oib' htfe for an'

l o f t h ^

?Clark.son. Admiral and Mrs. Wittiamson' er_peopte of this cwnmuni^ as; the

and Ittelr'gtindsoh, Mr.Xarval 1 well as with Tier elders, arid aJlf Hail, whtr^pent l t e surofner at; extend their profound sympathy 1 State. The late p<^licatiaa mf

Shirley.'have returned to An-! to the parents. snch attacks shoald be sofficaeat ti»r<<> - - ' ^>^- A. ^Ston^ has beert con- prsef tn rriH J fmk mimdfd maa

J lr,_ and .Mr?- R^gi^^McAM^fined to her residence several that they caa be satirfactorily a. d chi iren were recent guests days Ly sickne^ss. She is attend- answered. 0! Mr?. McAll's Doother, Mrs. P. ed by a trained nurse. Miss.^bell. Hca<lquarter> Committee. i,ommi L. Burweii. i and her many friends wish her a Anti-Sak>aa Leagve «f Virginia. Evans. 1

mi »r9r^

- • " n ^ " - •w'\f>

S. Buckley xnd W. H. Hoffmaji; derk» — C. L. LjTin arx) Howmrd Hhislrp.

Potomac-Jodfres-W. W. Ab*l, R. A. SandfTS and J. R. P'irk: cJ«rks— Frank McIntP«r and JOR. Sisdon.

TB- ©f EJ«fU<W>—J R. C. Jacr>bs. J. C Colvin, Jr.,

H. ^ R. • R?c^rr.r=J^ Y a . , S e p ^ ' l ^ t 1 9 l 4 . ' B . W Starke ami R. E. Simpson


This wonderful cake will be baked in a MAJESTIC RANGE- AIRTIGHT OVEN at oar store in the morning of

_the above #entiooed-4ate, and at about 3:30 in the aftemoMi 25 ladies wfll stand 00 two planks 12 feet kng jiaced on the cake, and crush it flat It will then rjse to itsnatoral h e i ^ about five minutes afterwards, then be cot and served to aM

This is a fine layer cake stx inches high, bv 17 inrfyw by B laches, jelly"B^weenench layer, and kriiy on top.

Tfi^nzidpanng|nBS«Bt to ttHscakennSe iaet that i t ^ bak«d m an airtight av^i. aT.T. i i a j i g g r t r p a w ^ g o».»« are po^eetly a i r t i ^ t ;


September 21st to 26th, Indutive Also remember the factof$ will give yog

ABSOLUTELY FREE cpe set of ware well wwth $8.00 s i t h your onier for a Ma-

jestic Range givgp during



Page 6: · my find aa njiprpiriativ e pupila w^ere she Is as she here had. A2«L -Miss-the bpost^vfestival

pay the railr<,ad fare of the crim-' ^ ^ inal and of the officer who will

t i — i r i a w M f M jya, Xift^

A f t e c e n t .

i n c W i u t t h e S»*jt^ P a y i

A c u M t W t ^ i t C o s t s .

IffH a"

7 srUiSrd Tiiin on t h

A f w days *go in the village I P^"!^"^*:^, e way to the

iPeopJe W e K n o w , a n d

W « W i l l Prof i t by H e a r i n g

A b o u t H e m .

01 Braiichvilje county, tEerv was an which cost of the liquor traffic

is a fair example of the i to a

comraunitjr An able-bodied man got liquor

from OTie of the "wet" towits of "TirsfSm*, which exercise the Bacred right of "lodal self-gov-^rninent" to have open saloons. and tosfaip intoxicants into "dry" counties. Having: filled himself with the intoxicant, which the State of Virs iaia licensed the liquor dealer to sell, and from the sale of which intoxicant, the

Southampton ', ^^[^^- "^^^ " ^ ' s family will; 6ccunence"^^** ^ eamings^for the severali

years he is in the peniteiitiary. | The sergeant will never be as strong and as effieieotas he was before he was shot by the man changed by- intoneating liquor into a craved brute.

The above ia one single exan>-

Thi« w b -tuir -l] »•> ent. It look iilace in Maiia-.-.ii> _ Not in sotm- faraway p,in>-. You are askt-d to. llT»e ti).•rtl,- it Asked to b»-lifv<. a citiit-n'g word; To conhnri a C!ti«en's stat^rrient Any article that « ««iorstxl a t IkoiBe 1* more wortfav of confidence Than one yo i know nothinj; about. M'Jo'ned fcjr-wninaawD people. I:

^ ^ • ^ e BUY



Telegraph and Tele-

phone Poles and Piling

for which we pay caah. jWe have entirely reni(.Jeied the v^tt-.-'junm uf t -r iate P* Mulholland on Centre . Ut-et and will est b . i i i our


WiUiam Foote. prop, wail paper store Wu»rry St.. Mana««as, Va., «,V8- ••!

P»€ o f w h a t t h e " w e t " c i t i e s do tt^ *^ scarcely any trouble «,th my f^M. *U^ ^.. » _ J ^ : , ""il'»<int;y»since Doan'sKidijeyPiliB cured for t h e c o u n t y , a n d a f e e b l e a t - "»* The endorsement I gave before tempt to estimate the cost of the I t':!iL'"*^iF°°i ^J^"^ Z^" '^'''" saloon fi^f^ r j . °^ "^ "" '"•• y**" "«i ""*«""• Si?^ <**» -they are ju«t as represented.

pi t i ful i s t h e r e v e n u e ^"^y ™" ""'y r e f l a t e the action of f wic r e v e n u e my k»df»eyB, but acted as a tonic.- An­

other of my family alao had fioe neoita frotn this remedy "

Ball 's Bread

Siato,' If It had received the wh<Je coat af the liquor, could not have received over $2.00, the man b^an to pile up a bill of

the revenue received by the ^ate sinks into instgrnifigance.

First, the man went home, and uistaid .of carrying food Ima •Nothing and pie^ure, he carried a mind crazed with liquor and bexan to beat his wife and chil­dren in ao savage and brutal a fashion that they cried 4>r helBi»_ and the town sergeant wis sum-(DCHiaed to arrest him.

—First.-£aet of the figiior fdl ypCB hi» fawily. badly .beaten and S8^t of CDC eye of ope child , - . c«sn paid out for criminal expen-tfaoogfat to have been deatn^ed. ^ ^ t * at the loss saffer«d by Wasjhere any coinf<»t to t h e ' S ! """n^nity..»»d these fami-^ ; - i - : v 4. .. .^^ '"'=1168 concerned is ta^ij, many

^aoea greater than tlie direct cost to the tazpiyersL —SiduooiHl Viixinian.

How eompared with the coat of the State in dollars and tents in '" rriiMiMi fljiponsea; aeeaod: Ttm^ PriceJdc atiiliiaaUr«- TL>-v;; ijqjr cost to the community caused by *^ ^°^ * kHfaiey remedy-get Doan's the withdrawal of an able-bodied * »'*™y Piu»-the aame that Mr. Foot* man from the tabor of th<» com- i ' Foster--itiHwn Co., Prvpt munity to put him in the penf- j ^"'''• . N. Y. 9-18-21

community by reason of the im­paired efficiency of the citizen with a shattered thigh bone-^ r t h : ^ e cost in bruised and beaten bodies of the man's fam­ily, and their loss for years of l*e wages of the father; fijth: nie b^vy cost to the sergeant of a shattered body of nervous Bhock, of raihoad and hospital "»»^and of impaired efficiency, and toe cost to his family result­ing fBBOi these Uiings.

fattPot clearly evident to any enswrfe man, thar not only does

Lhe SiaiH kise hftivily in acSd

Better Than Erar Get it at your gro­cer's. Accept n o other. We guar­antee it both in QUANTITY and QUALITY .-. Lat us do your baking.

present business in these attractive quarrers

About September 1st

This change will reduce our annual e.xpenbes by a co- - d-erabie amount, which we plan to give our costomers in the way of lower prices. We will have no fresh meal lur the p r ^ n t , but Crfll on us for anything in a full <ine of staple "Hi fan«y groc«>ri>i, Feeds, -sak «nd smoiced toeatselc

Two Carloads of j '^^•Buiilgiesa-ii!

rrices hm (45J0 tt $I«JM

We have juat received one car­load of Bhie Ribbon Buggies, and one carload of the faraoos Haydodcs—each iMde of the

J very best naatmai^«atlabler — fEopedf-bowgfct in the white wuod mq

_ any comfort „ beatoi faauly that the State got some tr^Bg revenue from the sale of the laegaar «jie father drank?

Secwid.—The sergeant i nwi to arraat thia nmri, «n/< ha ^ agfgtad arrest and got his i&otgun and shot the oflScei ia the thigh. » f e^ tering the bone. The sergea^ was carried to a NfHrfaBc hoapttal, where he amflt reaMJm for


- O H P. Mimicilland Stan^llifanassas, V«L

a . L . JOWUOM.

_ScB8t»iMa's N O T E . —Vote yhiwkey out forthe boys' aakw. for DO dnmkarcb can ;f^^ te^^—JSnER-gSS^-liie that there be no broken h^r*M>^ mwawa aod^cnroted ebihkcn. ^ ^ at hMt it bteOi fike a »»P«ft and adngetk See aa

^ad^ . '* Thop be sareto ptayaxid wte * 'J — ^' ™" *• " K't '^J ••WJW W w 6

fy »«ffje-widft iinihihttion.-Ai time, and his Tieg a left han, it -will always De a weak and ^ ^ e ^ tive-1 " ^.

Se«»nd cost of the liqom-: Th^ |

fare Ui

painted as per oar instructiaaa.

Also aQ lands of



ILK. W.liM.M. v . .

W M J / J m l L L U K Ry Advarlii.«Lm Qtfuhu ^ — A T



It will be worth your wMeto inspect oor stock.

1 * * ^ liOflfnl ft Li. MaMwat, VaT

wHii 1 gWd jjMudp.

Ph<me 'St write foi' pvtictdaca

DONT BE DECEIVED t X M p Goods. Yon Get No More

Tlwa You Payfer-Gold k Geld

^ ffc« YM i ^ Ae M s Waje as Jepec^el „

NorfoUc, the oo^ of sutgieal o^ eration, the be^Hta! cfauges for many days, and bad to give op a good sound linA Jar a weak one.

.LIL f SaveFeitflfaerBfils

^ e stirgettti's faofuly weie

of the shooting aad-to4M! rated from the father, the (inad-winner of the family.

"Third: Tbe intezkated man was put in jail to await hn trial, and will be i w a r ^ at the ex­pense of the coonty ontS "his trial. In tbe maa«itiw»o ha y n be taken out of UwiTankaitf the latx)rers of the Statsr and mf&

^ S ? lodH^tioM am that prices of asrbbxer tlie oonim^ oemaa vll l be m ach bjfher Uiantwj*!, owiae to the &ct Vut the BnppJy of fertiii«sr ina-tenato will be Urgrfrent csffonae-eoaaVof the EnropeM *«r. ' This whonld cange fcrmera n e i j wlieie Iw pnt k a d in crops that will aave ferti-l^^fblllg. Kot.iiiagwiU.^gfftiBtirtfa,. thaa Cnmasm Ooxer. ItTirBHSBS^ t»i»»HT one tfce bwt 8oil-impi«»r-g » t h « i e > B be pat la, and wbemv«r « » « w w n . It prea lai^gely imetemni. e c y efcQni ,cottoaaadtobaeeo.

WehK^lMeoiad iwrn fibedal aim. pBee ofCiimflon Gfcver tfaaa waseoc-peeted and wJH be able to nf l ^ nuMh man lea WMsatidpeted.




H.D. WENRICH, i;^^j^^io^^

aietftw ^ f c a o f m y ijiw • e~a acL—r

Manasssis I tak<> pjpasnrp m nnfionijcing loUkt puMic tiat 1 have

In effect Jan. 18; IMi.

n d atf ant gmnal^a^

* T H t a d f r i l i i i i r t i ^ 'm^t

gqyg; timt abort vOtK wafc ftr

0!- do any otbe^Jchid <rf work to | ^^ l » - M K i n n >b crMM profit the ciMBfliBn . D n i ] ^ 4 ^ J l L ^ ' * ' * 5 r , ® **^*S» hi? confinem«jt m jail thei«::^^ • ' "-i j g . j ^ j i — ^ _ - ^ _ _ ^ N . .

of his board the time of

• to ifANASSASasCalMn

TO C. ftO. No BifhiiKi^.


B«kstPdeePaiiiftrGM-fry ftdwt ii Eicfaiee fcr

given my plant a thorough overhauling and am now in

whidi Jows fr6ftiourweU 18 as clear a s c r i S a l ^

^ ice fit to pface brfore fte moat i a ^ i d i o ^ ^ ^ ^

^ _ ^ ^ JE. JL CXMRNWEli. "' :

Ha. n i — E i e ^ t Snadu ' • " - ' * — ^ — — — - ' - 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 ,

No. «—Iktly tbimgk tnia, i t ^ g ' »ffl ««oy tt If •!!•—• on fc^

No. its—£i)oeptSaMtt,4:i5 n. m. lor W* i i«1aB aad Loeal

Ho. 17—Eae«pt Soadsv. IOMI i«gla tp Wknenoa. 6:li p.«u

So. I S - D u l ; loe.1. 5:14 p So. 41—Outy duoBgli tarn, U:«5 >. -

<«»toIa l«CpMHanen&M ^ a a Ateaadm u d to tib> •

r p M > i . t w ^ A i l i , i , h i « L _ ^ . HOSTSBOOirD.

Ko 16-^£aapt Sudi^, kxal froa War



rf 'juire asaistaiiee munity.

Fourth. The aiaa wiD be tried , :n the court Tbe feas ^ wit-n«t8e»,- of jorara, and of aO die court of5ce«.cierk. sheriff, Cora- ^^^ monweahh's attonwy and tone >*• i m ^ of thejudgawJBall b e a e t a « e | 5 j * * - * ^

it ^ w s many of Bich's £ai£i<ns fur men, women aad chUdren and yoa can boy from it with every soiaoce of satij^Ktaaa.

jtokes mwe good brftad tn t\^ n y han —


& Riches SOB^

GBO. D. BAKEB I * A w ^ j

Yfl« Ufa MCBim Wif gm^y P«Uf Po&iffl.

lafa liver Ptts soothiagiy and effeetiveiy asasta Baton in her moat jJeBcate and scSooBtaA<rf thuming affoha

•t Onags »itti c. a a. Uaa BMad ad£«rdaaa«iQe.

•••4:M p > . . r n » i W M f>4diato poiats

No. 44—Ouir *iiroafii> tiaia •MM tod WaiiLafika. S : ^ ^ «

Ka. JS—Cud; t k r o ^ trm, o

i S T ^ n ^ **i*"**S "^ « - T«k ••-*• ^ • . ^»V oa 1 ^ . Reeavaa rnaiiii twa didr ««»p« fiaadn, st O I M M hi

opdmaixikrare. Ateohitely pur? and un-doctored—never bleached. Famed for its goodness. Try a sack.


All the


eanaot afford to overload

So. a?— W S p. m

"K^han. 4-4» p m. •HtaL W«ia aad 1

body without Majoring the J ^ * V j j J * « y«» ••**•« to the, ^ ^ , ^ ^ ,

> our stomach and expect to keep w l ^ . ^ ^ Tbeirability tocupej —P»rto<o» v: . — , . . - neadaehe. duaiaeas. indifeatwo' ''«-*-D~

!*oiii.nBut'«p--Vo n S - I W y i o o a i . » : l « « . » No.14—Duty e a e i ^ T l_ b

to WaiAiMloa. » - . ^ a . . I ^ locai traja h w a > Bar-

in a h«}thv #y»w<,>in« v-^ T l ^ "wooani evils soch as j a . . . to «..h n^« :!« p « ma healthy eoodtion ^ <» may drowaaess. lack of ambrtiQnand Tr«-^« 21-, a? « j 13,. jret temporary relief from string- xa^Aai "deprwsion havT^^-J-' 7 ^ * ^ u,>. n.,.. s«.» .ad is. errt * , « » wted, ov^afinadate. 't>.em a ml^^Tr^^lTi^^ ' lU-'^c^:^ but senous reaction follows- years. Pna. aa»rU<> ^. * / i " * ^ *^ R*^T.T

.• iro.ved. the hver becomes slug- sreowal store 2i<- nZn^ H r AKLuea-Pa^ A., ^ri. and is unaWe to throw off its each box. Plk M i 5 ^ ^ ' i F l ^ ^ 5 ^ - - ' ^ A ^ .

a^aa of the coanty

L A N S B 6 B G H ifc BSO. S*,, i»|.«,D.C.



J, P6f*ULAR 'OL1>eST


Tbe Earopean war is aore to drea good.«t, anH ra fooda wnr ^rUT. •ttent^jB to these iteoM. Oar _ _ win give your orden pnaapt attntioB

impurities, without regular and Company. Inc.. RJchmood..Vi H L BISBOP Vmmez^r Aant

for the genuine Oliver ^ w s ' and Repairs.

W. C Wagener

•canaty of wool _ J f W fail diaw We direct particalar

OMfl arder derks ~ —— • I Ma|«» ai^fcCTllJOn I

mg black; ^-in. wide. W o S S ? ^ S ^ f W * ^ *^^<^-cial price a yard ^ ^ T . . _ "**" 5 0 c

gt«ranteed:worthSlOO. O u ^ ^ i S t S f f y J T 7 5 c Chiffon BroadcWh*, with a beautilui r . «,. , .

permanent finu^. guaranteed -' r-ot-proS "t.-^ .^.^^v •;-"' ^ rfady for tbe needle: ail the new/oio^' Tn f " *'"''''''' t.i^k; re^lar|1.5C. value. sSf^'^'^^^;^"^

Get Ready! This is the season to k>ok over your needs for Wire, Rubber Roofin^^ Poultry Netting,! Nails, Plows aad How Re-^uwr ^uildeiH' HAwiware,! ^v-oir,;;^^^*^;;" T**^ * * ^ ''^^ firm, double


Page 7: · my find aa njiprpiriativ e pupila w^ere she Is as she here had. A2«L -Miss-the bpost^vfestival

FALFA,, ! Hay Crop




j Wedne«day, September 1 6 , 1 9 1 4

I " ' - '

\ a-ijo-i.-ii i \Ve-.t -• j M ,L i . B i l l

:' nr tin th^ preaiiKMi, far ca^b, ;•" f'r parrfi of land, wirf, aU

:;•- t!;ereon, lyiuj.; and being •'• '-SE >UtM-l, il] tbt- J tiwu of M » -.:J r Wiiiiiujj Motility, VirgtniA, Uir- Uiidr- of Sijiuuon, Chapiu^oi

'•: aiid W cir Aiitjy, mid runuiufi • i-M ttud aJieT s i a v feet aud «iib ti i Ciiapouin 2ivi fisM. t<eing a loi *i »iKl »-here the lat^ Lout« ' It iJ 81 tht timt ol Ijer dralli l-ciiy h»s a nice dweliicjj llien'on.

' i -^



ALFALFA "GOLD" BRANO ' Jltt iony, brMUchinc n>ot8 ptmi-trat^ fftr

fi ' lL, l>«sll and crowtl (tee rBrtIi tAif« ^-ny ftj><l Umt, BDd tbuB eottHliiBte » ffi«aol^<--

'hubMoiier. Tlieue beeooke &B ini»eB*e uftv-

via t* dee>7 KBd HtMnMe ttie vast rgm-i-lolr u( ferUUztas Mattw beUw tke rl*w, l<i be draws • * • > fegr atkar «>•*• far y t a n lu (oine,'*

Arfirtta -Berd mrwB daitiia Augmt or 5i'li-tt.:itx;r will yield loar to s l i eutUutrK BCki M.nuii. i: leduent cuttUiKai tiilckes out tlie r: Ik and luukes It •tooTotrt and grow off

^Ufilfa rank» IUKb« than Tlnoothy In l i i x i i j ; v«lue. In imt. It mieht be termed i'V\h fi.rn and Lay, a s ^ t Is almost a (H'!!J-

djtip value of AlfaUa hay at $20 per ton, against Timotby bay at $12 per ton.

'J t is, with the fact that Alfalfa will easUj . eld, on goodi laud, 6 to 16 tons of splcu-uid Lay peax y^'itr, shows what a Taluab' tioji St is. Laud* In the Western Stut n t'.mx are well set In Alfalfa Bell readily ut tr'.m SlOO to f-MU per acre. The atreage of Ali-.'-iii is tnereaEing very largely all over tlif.MidiMf KTiri Ronlham Btatoiij aa» tmtm-»rs are fast tieginntne to reallie what a 1 ilnahlo ciap i« i>—AUuUa will wiLlwa Mid do Weil on any good loamy, well-(iralned soil, bnt tti» land must be weB a s d tiiorougUy preipilfM tor tiCflt letultg. —

It should never be used for ituitare; i t Is too valuable a s a bay producer to rlBk injury from stock. A beavy applicatioB of lime Is of decided beoettt—2,(M0 to SXXW iwnDds per acre. Alfalfa 1« nsuaBy »own broadcast at tlie r»te of 20 to 30 po inds to tlje acre. Onr Alfalfa aeed is the Uehest grade, BtTon£ germinating seed of the beat and cleanest <jujnity poeulble to preenre.

We affer A a c r l c a a Dry I.aa« Jitm I n i gated A l f U * J^«i._J»olrMia<l Braatt S'aBcy, W.I8 per oeat. pare^

If yarn waat the lieat field Meda.*( « i y fcind,^awaya Ijaalat o a reMlas '»-'y^i—

lilt name li;iviiig a batb room, etc., ready to be oonnec;ed lo the town water isvsloni Same can W iu»i«i:led by ajtpiying to either of the



KFILOH. Aoctiooeer. H-ltSt

I'OSTCUSDMENT—The above aale has bieen coniinued from W edueadaj, hJeptember 1(\ ii»I4, to Moarfay, Oocobar 5 , 1*14, at 12 o ciotk noon, t.ourt I>»y. on the preBiiaea.

FOR SALE Very DesiraUe Fmtm at 128

Acras in Fairfax Couatr.

JuBt Auioss Ball'B Funi, on the west side of the road leadinp: to Ball Run PostoflBce About three-fourths \iBAee coltivatioa, bal­ance in woods. Fn- paitieulara see tenai^ Wm. Danean, w ad-tiresri— •—•»-

8 - 1 4 * -

QEO. G. H A I U m , — leg P street, N. W.,

' Washington. U ' t r

Cmaaea, Cow P e a s , Winter Tetch, Timethy S!e«l, H e * CJtrvCT; trnmson q o v e r . At-sj-ke. Bed Top or Eerds Grass, Oi>ebard Grans. Winter Oat%.TaU Jlead Oats Kraut,, Mmet, P e m a n e a t Pastnre Mixtnre, Dwarf Essex Bape. a B Tariedea ot Tnrnlp Seed, luelodtns C o v Hoxa. Sostbem Serea Ton, Y ^ o w Glob^ e t c ; Cabbage, Kalei, Sa in-at*, Winter Kadisk. i f j w o r t o a d ^fer-cbant does a o t .BC^ B e l ^ ^ M ' s StgCrap

^* ma


Eastern Col e MANASSAS^^^JL-


Having detennined to devote our t ime to thff RPHI E e t a t e j a d

solicit all property f w ^ d e jupd r&(ra«s^ tlioee 1 ^ property to fist tlie eain€|_9Jtli us iHtHniitiy.

Will iiililiili te leal CaM^wiai d ami


Our Art Needlework Store

NeWStock Of 1-},I!/IJOroll;? and l - a u -tiful deM^ns of Wail I'a-* per to .'house i'yf,i:: at WOU'S WALL PAPER HOLS£. Ji,5iill p a y . , o u to exam­ine stock and prices be­fore placiD^-^iiiir order.


Ready With the New I hings for FaH and Winter

W e want f o u to kamr of f l iese n e w ideas and ofter

IhcfiCLiMf s p e c n b to m a k e it an object for yoiL to send

ford ieBi . b i addition ^

>yE WILL GIVE FREE T o aB w i w c y p this a d y e i t i i e i m t a a d order either o f the articles.

One Ball Four-Strand Embroidery Cotton T H A T SELLS R E G U L A R L Y A T lOc

St: ^— ^ • • " P " * **^""*^ ^-'•»«, "^mirH t « « x e e l l < m t m i a ] i t y f^ntin«>Tifi^| tub­ing . S ize 36x45 inches. Special, pair ....^... ^...'......^ . . . L . . . . . . . ^0&

Staiiq>ed Ni fht Gowns , kimono Style, s tamped on exce l lent quality namsook. S p e a a l , e a c h . : ., . . , . . . : . , : , , . . . . . . , „ . _ . . , . _

AB Liaen S t a m p e d CeoteriHeces« s ize 3 6 inches; s imple n e w des igns , . m ^ f e ^ t e t , bBtterfly,or Frenph l m r ^ « ^ ; p m ' ~ - ^


l&^i inch i^ftarfa in m^h, M^ Art Store

O U L I N a M A R T I N C O " N


Wa&hington's Leading Store

—Fnr China, Qhu,

^ S i l v e r w^rn Elf. ^ r aupremacy in the tMvmmg

l ines kuts been t'eeo|:tii»ed for y a a n . Dependable qaaht i e s , e z e i o a i T « h

l o w e s t priced for T H E B E g T .

S taHni ( Sfl»w»»«r» Fuwat PWtod W a t * H i r k - G r a ^ C a t f w y

T a U a C U a a Ric^ C o t G b a a T o i h t Sata ' Braaa C k j A ^ I


P a d o r l

-BaHi SMT A c


1216 F S t and 1214-18 G St . - W A S H I N G T O N . D. C


Marvel Flour i^nce William, Parity and toiler b r a n ^ Groceries and Provi-_ BJons. A.U kinds of Ground Fc^d. gratus aTHr-^agy7~^frone'-yaBF"

' T)rders—Goods delivered at Yimir Poor. Highest price paid—farr Coantry Prodaee io eixchsnge for ^DOilE r::-:_._ ^ =::=:;

The RitM CoBege fardie Tr of YooDg Pesfrie

Splendid now hniMmga Cot-lege and Universi^ Trained Teachers. Offers superior degree coorses ia^ t ^ Arts a«rtl Sdeaces, Literature, Pedagogy, Music, Ex­pression, Business and Domestic Science.—A4ao <ixceffent Pn^g^ ratory Department, faliy equal tf> any ttandand High SahooL Specif aitentioo given^backward boys and gi i ls . Satoidiy Art Class. Night O o m a e r e i a l Courses. •

grass grown where ose does flow: Bny the celebrated Bfagnesiam Lime,from Leesburg Ldme Co., the lime that has »eeR sdd in Loudoun &f>d Fairfax for the past

The way to mak<> f ayn blaH<^ nf

twenty-five y duced them

•s, and out pro-and the reason

i t contains Hi«-Oxideof Iron inrig^t

tn Cairimn Carfannate, the United States AgrJcaf^ a

tnral Departinttrt in Year-'Book laOL, v^Lge 161. autte UStt Hag-nesiuai is abst^ut^dy neoessacy to {daat «rrowth and ootUng <eise wSl take its pbce. Send mtJkrs to W. T- llMMBassoTi. Manyisas, Va., erdwect tdas«»mHiae^wir}~ tsvs'Pramiit attention

Fdr rate and other iaionnatioir inquire of » .

•mi. 6.1»4tn.

fL lU iL 1 .

FOR SALE Very Des irable

. 0 « t o l H o n e JiMt

le^btfg^liBe Co., he. B. V . W H T T E T

T h e plaoe conTains aboi^ three acres of land acd large ten-room house with number of outbuild­ings. There is an orchard, good I garden, containing strawbOTy,-rhiibarb and a&piuagus beds, and a bored w ^ over a hund^wd

-4eet -4eef» of good soft water.

MRS. W. H. W. MORAN • i t D I E l L SOOTHE. (

. fnai ieat ^ 3B0.E W i a n X L D

I E . • _ i Til*


^im NATIONAL BiM, fir^ Tm^-f


rticir: noB.oo< i*as.a«


Fam ladiBerj. •pecial boUetiK, jiMt i — l i . WliaB ftboat tbe advsatacM

QUeruiSsr '^Bj

Diffl far Owwi ia Cot-n. BtakOrifintarx.

faatbe aa4 Steaa i A t r i C M FM4 Fcadat Aaer icu Stsci Fsact Pivts,

T b e atoden d e v e t o p m e B t i

-TsrmrwTnar W« vfli UVe ptrmman ia Biailii« thii SpMial BaMctta npon mq' ^•0ti*p pnce* OS anv f a pHaanq aired. Write oft.

TH IIPUIEIT 130 L i b i a SL,

qiAlP HSHaASMI 149


We make a specialty of s o c k worii and guarantee sattsfae^ tioa. AppuntaMnts an sbott niaUae. - Fbr; call pn or write

Harman's Studio

Bring or send your Kodak Worir-

Seelhe ISharantee and Price Ticket on the Sleeve



Not only a first-cast " saviiae—Iwit a saving in - o p - k e ^ as welL "Wljen

you put Smoot mate­rials into yoer bnOding y<>y are natag t i c b«st t s be itaST

^tee that. rista fioaa

I I t 4

knoTT . 'Wht^ker yea ^[BalitT or not, yon can pat k down as a ter-taiaty ikat what eosK-i firoK our yards and K U I is ah«»lutely right


« l l C T O R ~ _. , ^ , HAItrtTW

1 • f , f MCUl <. I PF>^ - ^ a.^EX. J l

! • n GL.-V.^ ~Tl ART -T^.-rr-f ir ~er tc Bl! ^T«i»e»» ir.-UTTi^: hrooj>*o»4 the ra»«ed :>laic |

E X E C U T O R S ' N O T I C E All pemimi kaTtnM^MUU* xpainw t i »

aie t -mine Scfcaitt ir.l^Wa.'e pre."eii ir. rhr nwienucnea a ooi'^, flaly aathariralaii \ll r,lai«* fine tiie aaxi doiyiirBt abovM he

; P H 4 prrwifaJr W

•» i4 4t

\ i.lP.V'(tMB. THOKSTOX riAV;t:s.


. A a a c M h e t i e * Admi i iHtcred f w fmht )t» E x t r a c t i o n o f T e e t h .


IL L C. Buikiing. MaTmayas. Vs.

ij ererr Satsri l . . a v„naaT tn«) Wa-',,B,.i. IR. p r »r,,i iMai.lna, \ i . . .,r. ;#> v> i >,ir*er 4^ JVU aafn».-.i.tT;Ta. -SoaenMk, 'yai jewmi a»d

.aJ."rBifcli»i »u;i .iw a.,*. « n . i l e ^ j u oaat t Tw»aar fr. r>«.im i4»Je af aaie Ntr .i»r :. kOL. IT.,, 'f M, saie /ron; HaryiKurtiM^ -••n>en«ef. Warrant-w ».n.] ,r,terwK-djate ata IK** %r, ..1 (eianflrta w d Waahine'nfi K t r r Sitardav aad ?>urxi»v for <l«itaLlM ;n!or-i-xitfa. sci>e<iL <*. e t c . c.-iasult Ai^r--^ - i - v r » W e ^ U r r . . \ « inan i i,,u,-ra ^gMii. Wa«»iiiBgtoii, D C ti Jc; S ,

CIDER MAKING My new hydraulic cider mill will

be in operation Tuesday. July 14, ;aad will run every Ttiesdajf and. Friday.dunnjr the «seasoTi.


Manassas Transfer Ca,. W S. ATHET, F ptj riM^T

»wr>Hipi„i y t

Page 8: · my find aa njiprpiriativ e pupila w^ere she Is as she here had. A2«L -Miss-the bpost^vfestival


I n --._ ' •! .H . ,,L

a l l in f i - i . in; ii.

I!, t c rt] . .".V s'>»-;

j,ncv^ of ^

^ i t ' r FrL 1

!• thii ' fc. u\ I > : ' a ^rifely slet'iiing-,

\'. .•,!•. •.!,• I I I ! . - h . j (juifliy v.'av(-.

rtTi""-' -'_ i'lViilUTjt', wi' l i jvr |>!a<>

You c'ln nevi-'- be f,'i;;;utt<c,

Ygur kind and Iwvtrg t' vv, Although four montt)» ha\e rolled away

SiBC« you pMsseJ 11 ni our view, Our hearts stiil loiij^ ti<r you todaj.

The dearest one wt; knew.

We- sbajl nu'c'i, bi: u t shall miss him, TSere will be one viicant chair,

We shall linj^r to caresg him. While wc Ijreatjii; our eveuiog- fica^^^r.

True ihe^ it, 11 us wre-aths of ^lorv Evermore will deck hi* brow,

But this soothes the anguish only.

t?,p 'T<-rnarnTTor tTav-Mlij eluflT'. L- 't \i-,\r o.CKX") day-old fhick<.

iand orders were received for six th I i^and mo-f th;it could not be

•<:irnwht*d. Ten cvnt-*>ach tnrr-Ceived for ihf^e chicks, vvbich

'• I gives a fairly go<>d profit. j The young chicks are placed in ' the hovers of the brooder hojs^


Sweepihg; over our heart strings now.

Sleep loJa>-, cA, eji^ly falien In the green and narrow bed.

Thoughts are in our hearts forever, And mingle with the tear* we shed.

Uh, for grace our h«art« ta softan, ' Tweti B« LOW! « l IfUgOl !» We alaa forget too oi'ien

What a friend w i h^vie above. ^ Written by his fond and loving friend,

Bristow, Va. DORA V. LANGYHER.


"wTiereTHey" are fed a commer-c'a! 1e<"d for at least two weeks

A little dry chopned straw is placed m the brooders and it ir not necessar.v to clean this om nnder one month or six weekt for the manure drie? v:£Ey .eoon. At the ery^ of two weeks they can- ba yut on a dry ma»h; tije^

'//V ""RiZES.

Oct5-0^7^8-g>^i ATTEND AND ^ I ^ BE HAPPY


Continued Frum First Page outside the harix.-:-, and finaHy a pilot came on Ixiard and took us in. We heard afterwards he was eu»affl|f i\\k biat over ike mines in the harbor.

Thertj were only two and a half precious days in England instead of the Biiie om trip ralltHi for.

Purina dry mash is used on "Lu ctMW Faun."—When they are a littl« older sprouted oats can be jrfvem and some beef scrap sbould be fed. After the weather get ' a little warmer, the chicks can be permitted to go outside of thf

pens fw sun and air. Give plenty of th" r ighikmd-of feed «nd grve it t c the chicks reffularly. Much de pends <»i jjrater. Thiey should always have all the ^ood clean ynt^r »hat thfy can drink

As soon as' the roosters ar? large enough for broilers thej* are soki to the market at the nearest town of Culpeper. Th Ij crV prna do nfth demand hinrV

We drove throut,'h the most in-terestiog parts of London, and found the city very quiet. Next morning a few. of us managed to iind time to go to Westminster Abbey^ and gnf fi sperial guide •ghow church, whieh^—wi^ i t* menu-1 i ments and tpmba of £ilglaod!» iIIustrious dead, is^a perfect epi-tome of her history. OiTOar way to Livorpori^ we had UutHi jirew=' ous hours a t saw JthsdEKl^tsJL iOBoe, bis tomb in Holy t r in i ty Choreh, and had a drive acroaa the lavf^Y Warwickshire eountfy to Anne Hathaway'B cottage >t Shottoi'y,







$150 SHOW-HPRS: Brnr i n n i roiiiinimiu




Bylldlng P»cfc»d With Wontfarfut and Boautiful Oisvlaya

F I R E W O R K S E V E R Y N I G H T "EmiPTlON_o»MT.VESUyiU S*'-'Bfl M BAROMEWTaffLlgaK"











• n u i * ^ AND w o N s a u n i L F e ^ n j e T ^ m e S FSOM TBE B M S



prices as broiters so as miich car /W realized from them there as could be had from shipping to i Philadelphia or any other marke*. •

While Mr. iftckneU and M-.i , ^ „ ^ , CJonnaWe have " been makinlf j i^'-. ami uw-«>iit.''


n of tiie C a w i i t i a i ^ T k e ? e » p l M r T « l i , » , '

lifU. Hank. &t Mft£ass&s. i A b , .

money fnmt d ie chicken?, the chickens have been making the farm rich £rom Uie l a i ^ quan­tities oC^asnure tha t have been

» » - thiwugh - t b e - grwrtr b e g i n H g lOB tjeeinaade ncK M HiaTtemper crops orf every "^a-rimV are" grew H. '~ .' '

There is money in t he poultry boaness. It nauBfe-have careful attenti<» and iiave b u s i n e s s XBCSBISKB Hpfwleg. . »f "IS—BH necessary tiwrt a pefsea-statf in on a small aeale for t he re are so •aany things UmlHWgtlgleMTte? from experiinice. : ^

which is A perfect fafe of 16th Century E n ^ a a d handed down to our own Uroe. i

Next day, ^ e ^ l i i . oar partyi«<*«5 <>° * » * sailed for America from l iver-1 *P*^ ' '"^ «*> o ®"" Sunday n igh t

•' Jetsoift Grid«-, of Rock

(iOTES FROM ApEN Meeting at .Aden U. BL Church

good stteadance

. . , i2*8.7ZI 85 d i . . ts. secured aftd unse .ured . - , , 4.7;if> i

U. 5. f^ncils tio»ecur^ctrcul«t*on 30.000 00 u. < f oD.i« \o K^«r« u. S- Dn'<«-t» i.oeo OOl Rir.U^. A. cuiit>4aH. etc. • tu.^cx Uiari

> ' « • • « ' . . . . ' : . . . . : leo 00 B i S l n r e hooM, f i m l t a r e mad Artorea li.BOO 00 Oaivr rvffnl )LKK:^W O A ued 897 '4* Dae fr. in NSBonol UsnliB »not u S e r r e

-J—-•--'_ " 1 n PB TSuefrt'm .«t«t« jind Prtratc Bxnkt .ind

u w s B u k a

ncr^tp In ^T'XrtHL Ccscrve c:t;£_-._ . . . . ^ %> ^1i M

< •r*'^-Tft?,-n^o!Sw . . . . . rr,'9S7 «

lataMafflilfe 2 . t76J

ite.iia . . . . be;' Vaiibnal Bcnka

W.l !. ~ '-.'ntttt' fT^/t^rr^ii Uii'il- r4T:

. 7X4)0

TH if

~jftfir... .:

RodemptiaB fond wttb U. S. 71-4 M per e n t . <tf <!ircBteM>


Tulal. ' . . . aeW.Wi iV U A J U U T l n

^aui i iJ^tock paid in

UtMrrvMed proiitai le« i

aC.flM ttl

aad :. U UJO.

Chi SztturdajT, Sept. 19tlv Qne-JMilf dozen Cups and Saticers Ooe^iajf dozen Bnmer'i^idjeB 1 Lai^e Meat Platter

1 Medium iSappy I-SmaU Meat Platttt ^ 2 V^etable rfeh^

^Strsr pool on one of die English lines. -The ship went much out of y . i - i ^ " ^ ' * ^ coont^: is viat ing ber

way to the nwtfa to avdd the German warships repented lu be coming up fmm the West Indica. The voyage was aecordinyly rough and eoW with severaTrlPf^ wings, heavyjogsoff the NewfoandUnd coasc.

— I n spite of

Mrs.-J. P . Smith has gone ~ Rockingham tO' v m t Iriemfec

-dw- many eAeite=-ments caused 'by the war, the trip for the most has been. de^ Hghtful. the only trouble being the kiss of swne of the j o o m ^ , and the thought of tte misfor-

father. Rev. thi^ placg.

^ . BrilL at

FTnyd Rriil HHnf s hiwk rhnt measured 54 inches from tip to


-fSE-• Rev, Mr. MM wifl tXsn coBitreocB Wednesday.' Confer­ence convenes a t Westempbrt, Md.

Mrs. Eldmon^bjsjriaiiti^ Mn^. tunes and sqSetim now gmng on. Jas. Arhaia' iw t a t t p n ^ n y m e e t J ^ ' in the coontnes of onhampy ing at Aden. Europe. May the war by its own Rev. Mr. Brill will iH-each his terrible momoitara sora eome to last sermon for the conference a speedy dose. year at Buckhall. Sunday, Sep-

fc».-QmeBMt. ftember 20. at 8 OL m. B,




Rescrred for taxaa Nati««i«] BaiM( 6fltp« vatMtmauimg.. T>'.T- to othor Naticn-I B a n k s . . . ; . .

fndivM^sal 6c»^jmt» tai^jttct to check.'..

Certif .«-i . lj l«tk« U->itedS<atn deoosi t i


Tot js l . .•» ' ti/ i'iri/i^ut. f'Oft


UCBMl 79

of the I. U. R A Y M O N D RATC^jm:, Cathier Mumrn n,tf^ ^ "...wl. .1.. -.r. 1» t .» . .> ifcfi ifcj-abo\*f ata^Mnent ta tr^a^ tu Ifae best «f my k a o v l -i J a « a i>»lii»fi •

G. K A T l f O N D E - V T C U F F B : . CAsafEL SufaacrH^etl and awora to bc fav^ ipa^K iBih dmx


- ly'naircT-Arrarc^ St^tury Pyfitic


A. w. suici.Aai. J A S . E . Si t i . soK. E. H . H O B S .

Director •.

iUiMrt mt d u CM£dU:aa af ' i i a a a — a t a t I t a a a t w r . «iMa. at t k ClaM af B M

nGSOUXCES. uacsi^ HTid Diacourtrs Ovrtdtaft--^. €ecTjr«* And unaewrai^^^.

yTt;r~tj>a»j6fi U. S. Ijsnda tv afs.-n c Portal Saartgs f'rcmiaTi*'•.:^ U. S r«fl3id« ...^ Bond* S«-uri»!««. f t c .latfcer 1 h ^

C , - , ( . | ^ ,

It-'nicinv kopne* f o m n u i * aait luctttrai

af Vh^

t>.eM u ia.^a2 «

Ott>«.- Ueal Evraip o a i ' t lt.Z9C <«7 r>a« f-orr N:ttk>n«l Banks .Inot rcaetvc

15*^ T>l

vom Si.ilP fw* Aankii aad Gwtkara, Treat CnmiiartWat aaii a*»-' n^^ Haikn ..

I>Mi ',r^tn i».upn'Vfd r*e«3vo j Ceiitr.J Reacr¥e cities

rki t ia anil laiiM H i t ilii Notra of cK-her N»ia>!a! Baaka ypMTiatuC fper till wmj. "Mil nil ••«

eeiw» '..' Ijiff'd MOf*^ iie**rrv i> Sm^k, rtr.-

S;«eie «W.S»3 « L-zal - tevi ier natea. 9 6 «



ie4eir|.taoit fond a :ui U. S. T. ii per ecBt. a t ei>es!ativn>..

I T a t a i . . . . . LIASIUTtB

C«lk:ta' ft:ock i>aid in. .«...


2T\^:<^-T proftfs, ki a x o . ra»d . bocjt: Bar.l: Dotaa ouoa

Dur u> o«h<n- KaCiora. £«:.kf Thx I'' 5Uaw a»^ T ^ v a i e

Kt:.^»rs i iinkiabAA lit »hi . . . . . I IndiriduaJ ileporjta subject to

Xir^tmr^ certjrcatr« «f ih.>naft Crr i f^ . cherk^ .

{ufb:^ aSJ^iuSJuiiwiuii

vkxmvt IMS> 00


isA.oeo («

" "UtJ t,ac7 m

t M w m 4uwe.

My stock consistsof the latest iitjrles in MiUinery, Notkxis and

LA ess 1 nnunin^ Thanking my friends and the public generally for their past favors, and asking a continaance of same,! am, Y ^ regretfully, - - . - - -

(12 at; U St

wyLi^aOo wiu Buy Pounds Sugar Pounds Country Meat

1 Peck Meal 1 Pound Arbucldes' Coffee 1 P«;k Potato^ 1 Can Best Syrup 1 Can Pink Salmon i Dozen i^est Potomac H ^ r i i ^ 1 Pound Paekage Bread Soda

-Com 3 Cans Tomatoes 2 Large Mackerel 5 Pounds Salt

"1-16 Sack Table Bdl Flour 2 Pounds Rice 1 C a n F i s h Rofi 1 Pound Best Cheese 6 Cakes Soap, Any Kind

We sell for cash, wkich giv^ you an opnortunity to get ful! ^alue __. ,j cent spent You pay for ^hat you get ana not' for wtet the other fellow got and failed to pay for. „__1 ._ 1

As a special feature for this date, we are offering with every 45.00 pnryhHse ' a ^f nf on<»wripr waK>j fnngit t t ing r.f fi qiinrf pi«narTVO lfM4l«>—Aarrpn-^ ^ a i R e p a n , 4-quart utilitj"pan and a 4-quart &rfce pan for onfy 80 cents. This set can not be purchased for less tfaan $].SO. •

We carry a-complete line of Five and TCT_^at G<»d8, and all the latest .muaie.—^ ^ -— -. .-.-.:__ .

We are ^en t s for the Olivet; Typewritw, and'can gtye you terms that will

The Bve smd Ten Cent Store ^AND SANilARY JiKOCERY^-^—

. j p K a W - l M J a . _ rcaar-cnur awai 'i k-ociwwad.

•n«F~ •^•jmti

t<26JK7.n To'al.

L WE«fTWT>ot»Ht-T<:H»»oii. CaaMaraf Ifci akuia a a m ^ bank, do iiuiLBliiiT • ' s a r > ^ t die abaraa m i i M M i l ia D a e to tke hast of lav knoarladrt * • *


and a m n t » 1 i i f t r e tnc Uiia r r a d i * Hi. .. '


L f *na> i f l

Mrs. R. J...^amson C. E NAKH J. R Hn«MiAKK«

All the ,.cTii 01 in'} cour.t\

Bethel High School. Occoqiisn etatiiet. began the aessiwi M^n-day vpith an enrollment of 16 pupils :n the high school d* •-mfrt . 13 in the (grammar =.' 1 and 16 ir. the pr'^nary.

The high school, Mr. Ric' ', C. Ha\don, of Mana^-^ai, \i:' '.

, pal. has scholars fr.m Oec;x> ; - J Dvfr.r'iies. Minnievilie, 'Jh "—-Hill and Err»or\' '>apel " '

mod, and Building.M^terial_ . .;&^a.f ^g^.^S^"]-:-' VKvr. ~ ' - -

Q F ALL K I N D S . 1.^0^..,^^,,^^ ^ j , , ^ , , „ ,^ r S T I M A T E S F U R N I S H E D . charpp of Ms? L v .M?. H k.

A « - . v . It , ; V n..<M, Street _ i cock, of .\gnewvuie. ,s pr.m.ry

:iGet The Jounufs Brkes ua Job Work

Henry K. Field & Co., bodber, % i ^ s , Laths, Do^, Sa^

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