Page 1: My Eureka Moment: My Journey Towards Being Learner Centered

Road Trip

690 km in 2 days

In searchof warmth

In Search

Of answers

My Two week Learning Journey:

(in 10 stops)

4 Gals,1 GuyEdmonton

to CalgaryOr how I had an Eureka moment

Page 2: My Eureka Moment: My Journey Towards Being Learner Centered

1st Stop: EDES 440 – Curriculum Integration

“True teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross; then, having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create their own.”

― Nikos Kazantzakis, (used by a 4th year education student on her midpoint feedback card)

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2nd Stop: The office of Dr.Nellis

“The Real Voyage of discovery consists not of seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes” ***Marcel Proust

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3rd Stop: The Twitterverse

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4th Stop: 4th year Exit Interviews/

Superintendent’s Symposium

“Are we preparing students to write tests for life, or are we preparing them FOR the tests of life” ***Art Costsa

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5th Stop: Michael Strembitsky School, EPSB

“It’s not change itself that takes time. Sometimes, it is having the courage to make the decision to change that really takes the time” Lisa Wright, Principal, Michael Strembitsky School

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6th Stop: Launch of M.Ed Program,

City University, Seattle

“One student, one teacher, one pen and one book can change the world. Education is the only solution. Education first.”      ~ Malala Yousafzai (as used by the President of CITY University in his opening)

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7th Stop: The Two Sisters (Daily Five/Literacy Café)

“In order to build stamina for readers, we need our practices to be ‘student-driven, differentiated and with lots and lots of choices”, ***The Two Sisters, Literacy Café/Daily Five

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8th Stop: Revisiting Inspiring Education: RED Deer

Public Central Office Team

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn."

***Alvin Toffler

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9th Stop: The Centre for Teaching and Learning

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10th Stop: Associate Vice President Presentation: Dr. Nancy


“Leading and Learning go hand in hand”

“Purposeful reflection and creative action”

“Do nothing or completely transform ourselves…..there are many pathways to choose”

“The only limits are the ones we place on ourselves”

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…and one more stop before bedtime

….…kind of like learning

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Let the journey to being a “learner-centered” institution begin

Think of looking for something that’s right in front of you. As you look around, you often see what you expect to see, but can miss the thing that’s right in front of your eyes. How many times have you looked for keys or something similar. You may look in the same place many times and not see them. However, when you truly see, they suddenly appear for you. ***James McGhee

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