
From: Hazel Joy Turing


For you

My dearest

You are the man tht could make me cry

not by hurting me , but making me so

happy tht i could not control my tears . .

baby u are the man tht could i spend

some moment of my life with and never

have a second of silence ORKO ILOVEYOU


WAY OF IMAGINABLE!!!! :'( baby you are

the man i have been dreaming of

everything about you fits so perfect orko

even u judge me by the thing tht i could

never do . its ok wid me why do affect for

tht if tht is not true the only true is

ILOVEYOU !!!!! sorry for all mistakes tht

i've done :( missing u so much ♥

truly yours

hazel joy

one day i caught myself smiling for no

reason ...

then i realized i was thinking of you :( I will

love you until the day my heart stops

beating. . and u knw what each night i lay

my head under my pillow and crying

because i miss you so mch all i have ever

done is Loving you i drive myself crazy,

thinking about you. . .

deep in . . I CANT LIVE WITHOUT YOU :( i miss

you so much i will never going to forgetwhat

we shared together

I have found u through FB..n

i started loving FB since d day

u accepted my friend

request...thankx 4 accepting

me as a frnd and later for

filling my life wid lots n lots of


--> from best . . [i love this

also love the person who said

tht :D]



the day we met is the day i will never forget , over and

over again, i replayour chat conversation you are so

amazing YOU DRIVE ME CRAZY ! you make me feel so

happy and complete ,if i hadnt met you .I guess i'd still

be searching for someone like you,.

You have the key of my heart and one day when we

meet . we willnever , ever be apart! alas! i can finally

kiss your tender warm lips , feel your gentle hands ,

look into those soft brown eyes, and feel your warm

embrace take care always still love u Orko Rahman ♥

plss forgive me to turn my wrongs into correct and i

will promise tht this is the last and i will never ever

void your love for me promise plss giv me another

chance mahal ko ♥ I Love You ♥

till the rest of my life :)

Loading my heart♥

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Always loving you so much ,

Hazel Joy Turing (acell angel)

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