Page 1: m;v vqiik, MAKCH ni, SLS - Library of,x!lv.Nl(. i.e. m;v vqiik, Tt.iiuv, MAKCH ni, imt. SLS NR. JAMES KINGAX'S DEATH

, x!lv.Nl(. i.e. m;v vqiik, Tt.iiuv, MAKCH ni, imt. SLSNR. JAMES KINGAX'S DEATH.


Thr I'fM mul lt..ii- - nl i il i(or' Lire -

t'.on.oon i.cxi mar is.- - i ii -- t r tnnnif1 .1. til 111. it mi mt the II mix t lull il full ml

111 ii li .iiii Track in " Bran-awl!- .,

Mr. JamiM Ktngnn, nno f tho moat Influ-tntl-

miim wrtoi t j. Prod-io- a Rtrcliaiuia, ttoII ith iff iol h a briik r. Masai Qoultl H.

Tii rp k Co.. on Friday last, aal down mood ly

for a I inin M an tti n altar bruahUu hiti Mhi s, w nl out, layina Uial he would w.ikin. i uv.i it i was k ii iwn i i" larfolf Ion ; l

Urd.nnJ i iif ivy loiir by t! fall In tho prl hi

til tli ii ! Uil . I'll'. Ii" !m I tii IMpUUtlon 'if I "

ii ...... of di ri an l had nl- -

Way fulfltliJ hit r U to Ilia lettor. Tinti"i .1 iv :i - ; r- - ill I m ii it'' Mr.Klnu furtun wu

lout mi 1 .. ,;. II' V

rclvi i Ilk 'in - .mi dur. I Ulnaher that lurwaa rulnod nn I thnl ah' n I not

it i mi t ii a- II a 1:1

pr .ln tiff" t upinth" iv.i in Ei"hnBt", Ini as hlo drill of KitiK.inl' I ivii. i Ii ' li " b '

IBB Kv.-r- mi ll

"'. t III" II '! V iv Hint Ii Ik tH tin' itd( n i i i . wii oiniud h i ii a ovarwioiufhlbualn at rat -

li it b - fr n :: i i, M w Branawlek,, . u .ii) - i i Hndlna of a ly

cm Ih'i truck. ol Iho I r nlal Railroad,Bar Welforil. Proi rtynnd papora found nn

Lift Hit; l iuim thai it waa thacorpaJam- - Klnusn. Death nl hlaiiwnot nt

doroua IhbI had him n ha Bed

uii .r tli i i in d i. im !. i. Moor. Da li

goiiiil i P rtlnnd nn t tliiro ombarkwl f r

. rp ul : o8 in i navlan H

l,,i i .i - .. I at M fax an I pur hna n

i i L'.iij I h In b

(otitiJ half way bftwe nthni point and Halifax.Tim ii ik " lit P.' in Bx'iiuuwa II ...i dal

hiUf-niiu- it ivii T'l .r, nnd Uio mantban i .

t hatu"aw llust'i. ;i iilatira than, with

j S I V

, .i taituiOi

i. .;!:.' .i in 111 ill. I. Ii

I on) "f tli hi'uvloat deal - inKeo-Ti- l ; .'1 :. watJhad hi lurna in

j . . nl and In rvorjt be Vta ii pi " r .u ' lid Ihe atreet.

T irk .. Mr. Kltiipin'ii lothlnfl, i

(triii II ii t' i Coi i

t ill, U linn. li Ui


i Mr. 'In), hi. : lii'li in - nn lvd in ii. - It i

Mi u .'. - i i . mi i .. : d ; r v Bruuwi k

Mr K .. iv, nn 1 v '. The Inl M n '

i I

t,ii.i in : Uil i. nt. Tli p ry I; tli .' h.

Klnwai wi. i hud i" i i wn In - ,


1l t'.l '

pfnblllilu tilllt !. W.i.- - -- ...'.. Ih'k''' I t .tl. .

i.r i. nil -body on l ie tin k ' run nveruyth'Mi ttrniii. 'Jl.i ui:

e hntw '

'I i...ot tl - t'. -- i, ' in; ul ilnwn townrutlie, i t llirmt tin u emfrniii ' i to ear. K liKilll! - in to hnyebni ll li I.I ilnwn ii Ii hliul t'. l, IIII u

I II' Iii- i- k, in

lin n, ii 'Uglily Miturati ' WW dropped Int. i

tli. holii nui v hii ' m I. Th tourlpu ki i ku" i .m waa n3 win fnun I near Hi

Ipnt Tii" iwu '.it- - Ini'l linn taken fri.uu hleraon, mid were lyins "n in i Two

enittr p H'tt. tlxKika f indwiththma,770 In Kiild, iim.K ul buKiiind liol u

t uit Wilt' not"e, proli lly ov 'rlin ke mi ... I ii i - ;. i

I ii Mi u k by thit ii ..ii'.tl t'i trit'.'k. uiily one it.

arnie i lirokotii Uneariuhnathreo iiin.ii..jhuUKi i I Ir.iin ,i knife whuedfetl im .I' " i'l t'i" in.. ii. y found 'li hie ! - "I'iiiwii. .. Cull Stat gold and lea ll uliin ' una linn urren y.

Thi ... a i iv.-- inl.1 tlonal eonflrmatinn inII r.lny. tj binpnriur Mr. Kliiann "'lmuu dauuiuWrol1'iiritli'H r.r rii.t.'.l Kt it i n I other If ud- - a il i

l Wi r ! li A I ivei li "I I" Wall -- tr '.Tl i" ;.itl" i ;. i !'...! i. Ii.. . I ban - "ii

- L They warn naiHum' (III tmndaaa lillwl rive Unt. ri.tnt i ., 8.68 - n la, W.U h,ti nn1. front 25.07U In Il5.679i iu.iu".v.iI" lit I'm'. ! J.el 5 ur "' l.t. i on- - " hhj numl ' I Slt'.'ito to U1h i i,

I'.fi i"'i '. ija.spil, Wo.'isJ. . . ".

A rum i v - ui . uii i. ii nt j pi' IucoItok ray.- -t i.i it ui Mr. KuiB.iii i old drawn 9i,tin i. ii,-- - a lite, li iu llrowu III " rajr. Co., all till : r .it.itiv ! lllol III'.. '.it. a nitiunor thai kiitli, itml dairi t i i inn 'ii liv I' .' Mr. Klnti I. nl ii"'' Ira' i

Bur nui n- - - it .' - ii nt Ihelr liuua ili. . i... iinin aa ti .i. ..i i ' ua with tl

firm, hut "In Hum had liul npluutrmi their - r it n ' .. II- - i. i

not rop: tie r- '! ji it it ly. Ti. '! iKera ilm uuliwhom Hr, klutfun operal I - lintl lie' lai

I tnaralua rurnianed by hltn wi m . i

I Hint ii. ii" wore put up utter tli - dmtin lis. 11 ll M'tli U rili'U .'. I., ii. i. IiI .. I k i lila private un I ... ihiliivytth r. LVrn E"hntwe !' !. Hi I !

Hi re .it "li" k- - hnd I"' 'ti radii' il toHiaiut :' i. It ia luierri ! from th' I . aMr. Iuiii. il o u h! porauu

i W'ii i.. iinywli 't i' !." Hi tun.' elllfa) ma nad tli fa i that no .ill n muiii ii

in I ,. ' ... i'i . i i.. . a. - '. . .: ,

II..' . . i. .l I ui l .! m ..111!, I..,-.- II ill

I i.

- :. I. i'. Mi ,iI


II ,i fifed to lliln I Hi II

thaiTi". .

' wlwHifra Ii.' '"i'l In Mr. Kin '

p u - I ... Ih .1 l' t:juri i n Ilia repllt iti li -- i.l. Upl'l . ll

iinin low ntfurnn III Irauaa-' 1. I'i, i (wen n" 'rtalll'J tli.l iOurryln 10," " ih ' hi ihi ' .. .JO.IMkl ' in L'hl uao, h i il- - i. '

who iir u li liitorni Ina In hia lard ap'i

I3u ' i. .s tiling la kn wu n ' tii.

Aah" .i ... lintl : in In ifit I I i.l.. I - Ik ii I'.l'll 1

I'll 'i. i. Ill' ,':...'f



fall nn i. ;o. I rutadonthe nfi I

ui.'' I..

tu Ii l .... im ih a ii .vyu M ol ay r i liHi. ' i. iiirii"la wui'n mii'ln nt, jI' i'Ih" ii Mr. 1(1 nil a ii a -- t Iflrnelyun tiI i' ' hnhl u nn t a l"i i"- - a in . li I

i' niioii ii in ainut li ' 1. Froiu thaiHHJ Ill I io end of th" t'i ar ti." iirii " nn Hi

"i ii i iiuproviHi, 'I'll" proimullliv ui Jvi- -

I 'l W.I - HI llL'lll I'I I. III,". Vil"ll tii"la- .1 ll'i Mi. K in un eloaed nui I aeotiti 1. '.'ina' nt I" -- ' I160.00U !it. II"'.iiii iitnrnawd in pork, ana proBiud by (u

Itiipri .. nt in it. To rouny apoeuliiiom th"in ini h.'uni o prornlji'iiii after ti h

(fi .' in. i peW yenr. On h nni di.i in(an Mr, Kin.: ui inual have aeon nla f

, finaora at Uio nil j ol' '' lay. It waa i uouah lokethlniei'ii.y.

. Mr, h i. '.in .,ii.hii',l in a'o.'ks ocaaalonally.1 k r iya that hla loaaea on aUi' ka lorll" i ' in not M.UOU, II" alio

a, v apaeulMad la notion, '"it 1. , Wfnult" , nt rii t. in a kurtw In tha Ex liunaa.

hiiia ii 'ji i ru i Tiwtj a n " ape mini t- ?r" h i lime I ni Ineaa and ratinaueu,? ' ly k' iniii id. approa'balile m. u

H k nn one .ia !:- - Iiualnaaa iwrnh- -

Kir'!' '" "v. Ha waa ulwuya wlllluu to4i.iu ...uu," ttlid to lUUiiialJ Ii.culs ho

etpreaaad hla optnlotui freely M t th'1 pro-- ii id tin market", bul On ''i""i were ailo

i0 iiiaeovi r houata ( What ho waa dolnn to loilojl hint liiteiliitehlty or ptofll ihly.

Mr.Xlnaan'eianilly rami lonawen rv nappy.Ali' Ut four your no ho married an Indiannpo'la lady, win hlni 111 llr- -l hlld uilv nWo k in t.. re hti departure, up - ld ntarriiuioho had lienn n motubor of Iho Traveller wnleh In- - waa very muen llkoil. Ait rniniarrlaato he oanaed wholly to freajuanl 'luoBiand -- p"iit hi leisure hnura in the aoi'ietyothlswiV' 'i'ii" nnwa "f hi doatn hna not ytI. ."ii rnmniunleHtei " har,

Nr. .Ions. N. II.. Mai h 15, --The Inqueal onthe bodi ..f Jamec Klnaan waa rraumeit titWeldford bwlay. Tin wilm-ae- a oxnnilneilWeru DaYldann. idlinbir tho traini. 'tween 'I' i'ii i'. nnd M inetofl on Monday ;

Mo., re. lu tor of th" Pullman ear.I."i. in Moii ionnndQuehie,Liittrell, Super-mt- .

mi i.t .a "i" Int. rnutlonal Rallwny. and pr,Dolierty. Ii id- - ovliluneo ahoweil Ihnl .I- -;

inn .1 a t .i airurutefy. He 'in."! unenay andmi"" ot out oj tie train with hi vnlla.

Conqu i r Mnore -- aid th" .1 iiaeii man layIn Ilia berth pari ol tin time With hla lothea mi.ttiiil oi l thai he wii very nervuua.

Iir. Dolierty a fldenee uoaerllaal 1 "man na followai "Abpul "i f' "i a inuhea inheiaht. Willi developed, fulrlv proportioned,i Ir, whlakora, nnd mouetttehn brownsfoiiiut rUhi arm brokon Ijetwi-e- n th"

h all i mi l "liiow. ii rntner fraerureilo'ind ui ti,.. rtiriit wrlal n eul npparently ramiehy aalnirp Inatrumenti found two lUnttarcttUion ih left wrlat

t f, nn t'v . -- imilar "lit "ii th" lnl'li' of thenun. just h low the hen. I of the tlhow, Di" eutaWarn iibolll t' i"" nnd a quarter in 'hif lonf. 'nilnone d. -- p nouwn totoueh th" irteri or OJopdv L'la: found nn abraalon on the akin ot thei u i"k: the pint nn i drawera weralorn over th" al'raaloni and a little ! IM - on t'm outalde of Hi., pant. 'J

wori no "nt "ii the ahlrt or coal to d

with the euti on tn. arm. There waaeoni hr. hi bl.KM "ii loth ahiru narIlia thro ', xhe head Waa nearly " t dfrom the Uily Ly n i.iiiiu(l".l nnd tornWound. Tli eplnnl eolumn . eomwntelya 'pi.r.ittd t nl. i mot of th" ftuaelea oltn n k were aey r d by foreo Ir .mI'm. lie ll'i it h'l be ii ait by 10010 Rharp In'utrument, eommenelns from under tini ft e: r. nn i extandinn to tli" rlnhiear, Tli- - wimipip- waa badly monali I;could n il neiTtainif eul throuuh pr it aw to Ihol, avy foi'i 'pi aafnaTontnnn k I am ma actual-ly poaltlve Whether it wa .lit by ii t.'"iirpinatrum nt. aathotlironl wna aoh 'avlly brula-a- lM I i effaei' nil true of any "lit ; eonalderHint the brulata ou the neek and aplnu would

an.-- in- -' ait de th. tn. .'i,i.-- Inftho throat probui ly in : a .

ri. ii i: ok WAR ?

raaiitaaittaapla Afltntrd Dtataaareti i i oin- -lei III Itll.-li.- li tl'.t..t.llllill-- .

LoKOOX, March 16, Tho lYmea' Purl- - il"- -

bateb em: " Oreat mtltutlon uniueationnbtyprevail ill I ' tltaul'n ipl Th i" nil of M.

a r i in i w ir with Rnaala aem dominantluuomith fit- -- I i! mandaof Iho populnee.Grave eomplieatlona are npproh'inded." A

Vianna irr mdenl aayai " Montenorro uia nil" hi been nueb. n cotoet biiroir. t r oltboRiPMlan i" Iteythal It t aurprialnjr tholittle dlap taltl a ab n iw 'a ' lo abate har.sua,- r I .'. a in ox it auapl in that aha

ik '....i ordered to atand Hun. Thla auapielonmay, however, las unfounded. From nil a;-- i

ai". ii nppearathal tit' Mmteneiirlna eon-ald-

their d maipia not only aa luatttted by

their milii try auoewia, bul even aa nn lntto, toHint It would requlr outaldeM .uro. pnrtleu"lurlyonthui irt of h i i. to n. ik them abateMi ir t r i 'tial na, M nti ueirro'a hoi Una i a'nni-- : i. t. th Toior-'- . 1," r ei'ivi' I a ual iuth illl - ir. In a war, while her yield-lii- ir

would bo i I" eralily curtalu aymptom thatlb.- - ,i .n - p a

T'i M 3V " Th lEnill h pr 'p- -

ii ."it for a yotir'a rvapip' niayh" recard aahuvittit fall a lothesr mil. Runaln believedH .i -- a li .i p! n would neeeaaltal ompa 1 1

apply ; ni If Turkey did not turn Ihepro-hatluanr- y

; rlod to aeeount Germany nndOther I ov - have nowiah to nn e.-r- -

m 'in wn. h mlafhl inv .lv n joint expedition toTurkei in a v in'- - time. O m. Mnatlofl unaruet n friendly ruenptlou in lt rlin. whleh nnreiyomr l l on tint th via I aition ( Chrlatlnni ia ninaiderod a neeaalty In Oertnnny raWell a In Hilaala. " " tj 'altir '"' "" '"'that 0 ri.utny t . proaerve the .UImTIi f theihr Emp i t, w "ild I avor lo p iraua

'.. i eoni ilntly with Ituaaia.or. at anynt". ti r .'inn Iran naalatllia Turk.'iin th" et ml of war. Oerninny w iu 1.

moreover, ondonvor to malulaln tiep. f the eonllnnl ahouldwar In Turkey

naue, and In or ir to laater a.'ure tin obi tWould I', it In -- it t i to do liu that llu- - ia w.ia tltial "ii l. half .! Etiropi'. and aho Wotil I

atrive to in luee the iah.r powern to take a liknview, ii ruiany. while utinouii"jnjt thla polh'y,deelinea to undortuka any ubaoluterelative to the future, th monao na aba drawii .t I. v" r.n,1 'n i poliejra v" ii I "ii inhe for - "ii." Tn" ',' ii-'- "on.--' b r pen.

i aalon omph iv me- ui i.i lii. 1 '.' " 1' a -. 'i'i i.i'. -- a nil t I' .r:

,.ud Vieniin . pi--- ;i n ..f Enuland won I

in iter and .. p .th wui he .. n."The eorr ; .nlmt of I lie It aayas "AI

t' ituih the (oranuiiiai nmyhj alhrht.y lna"iti-rat- "

In lelaila, there an lat no doubt of lu en-or-

eoyr" iti"aa, Itapiienra, Prhaa ll -- ia.irto put an end to th" pr- - 'nt nn li iai ,, , .'' n- "ii hla u il eouraa na to d elnrain ' 'i- il. Iluaal in pi ipoaltiona. a a be- -.

. lie. re I on ol An itritt final reply.


It i preavnl atlva t'.'3 Dlaeavera naaaa DavloMaW .i. Wk-l- HI , lie ll.i.Tr.ol.

Waahikutok, March 15. Thoro i troubleamong ti. M iln p ilttielana arowluii out of thepubliahed atiitameni that Morrillla iudt lited for hla appointment na Colleetor(,'usloina port ii. l i . Senator Dlnluo mi l

I'. 'i i "i iiva llulonn I ll" id. who. neeordludH intor in iln . enlbnl upon Hie rresident on

M ail v nti I i 'an inl d Mr. N irrlll'a apolutnient, un I wi - naaured Unit it would h nm 1".

'i v :i Hi iln ' own atalenn nt. I' i. ov

; , a that In Ihe mid ' -t Wn k I! inni"I. , Fl e ler inaultiil on v, th Mr.

Jlonill's ll'i lid '. e.ilhal Ulion III" i'l si itlittd told ' or : i.e the ex-S- e r l 11 w n li".

' I .11 1! t iraltlp. Tii" IV. lent- ...I ;t ,i : n ; lilni i aure t. mak" ihit pi m, uud that I." rear' H I ihiti Mr.

i . t, i a .t a ilrat-'-'lll- for Innmh . ''h l .1 ot th" il 'i y in a I Itertvlii .. i, i r" ed hei' i! fr an It - n-

' itivo VVIil .1 !' I'VV'). W ' i Pa Ih) li kt: V.'h I:I : Molt: ,r fjlajll '. 'i'ii b tt r

li. ,....

,.:'!,.i.i tt 1 v I I I l l i l i ;;.

.,' ir. of - --... o in r. r Diiini w. rkl iiii .1, .. A ' oi.

; i: in., i '..', Mai h r 1. nppoli -.

i,,u r to I' viau the Hi'Via I Wi'dtitoa la i. ml.i rtune. 'J:." Iln-lao- tul - h..." I I l mi:.i "i' .y already, uud to net nnoth rin ciiip'iUllI -- I work mi them t ally loo bad.! i. w '! kn iwn Hi "l I''- ' law- - '"' ' '" '"

is b iiniiiy mm rl i r p - by the m inw i.i illhally not up the iP'Vlaed Htulul n.lllidr the mi r a inawhUii warn made ex- -

i. d at! ipiejon in ...!.i. ry in onue' lionih rewitli, In iiniiiy lualnipa.-- a the qruiiunnteiiti ft!: Iniv w.i oompP'tely ehiilii"d

by the oinh aloii or addition ol worda, andr 'liter I ' .i r wna poularred upon

I'ouita and i o utl "ill 'era thnn Conur"aa .orintended III y ll -- il Imve. 1' waa hop" I IhnlRome ri'Ulll p nl :i I p on taking lawy rin i'l.t i. iippolut' i fortlie Important workoj

i" tiun I.. "ir a i, Every lawyer li .iiifr ii hna no 'APaelly nr adaptabilityI..-H- , oi 1;, nnd - II," i'I ,:..! I J bup. mi him wiii be praetiually thrown away.

KncaiirMvlMej to lha llniNUd Bullroad Men.

Tii"L"Kihiiui"of N iwJeraoy i ntlypaaanda In. ptuvUim far itm buuoMliata paynianl by UiaraMlvar oi Unt Kaw J r.. j pi alral Riillra at .a tin' evardaaaraxi i ' a awpl lyaaa, Runaialiai letHaijUU a ruinarhavlag laTB i .i 1. t ibalUta itorii mil bead noltlvriuoiiij iiiu payment, aaaaloi Ai.iivti i. lu niakuauuttliaUiill ni li ti. i'tiaii'-- i lha Itieoi.ii na an unlerilln-ci- .1 tu tin riaiaivar, lha Rt.irahiatltfr.. nil ..tin r liarwu. u inn ri'at In diuw onw v li Hie

iViallM.a Ul llei liW allUUiil llt .. iUi.


UADR " IJISfJ ii- OF rnh: ftMTRICT ofCOLVMUIA iir mil. UATttS,

Tka Trat tawaraMtaa .r tha Appalafaat- -ivit Bervtaa BawtHnaa Dlatariad WlU

II, in, i, rill. Vole KM the t .nini iniilloli t

Wasiiimiton. March ij. Tho nominationid rod Doofltaaa to ba Harahal of th.. Dlatrlolot Columbia la a aop th" noirro Oerbaruaea.Th" fuinimanl "f the promlaaa mad" in Bouth.era Domoerata before and alnoe Bayea wn uie- -

nlly made Prealdenl win n Hitate th" pratieni abudonnwl by iho Bepnbllean party ofit boaatod iruardlaiMhlp of the wind of thenation ; In BOO ll WM ti nry tOilWrlfl out twoor three aonaplououa neajro polltlalani in Wnah-Imrb-

nnd aho them poaltioni of Home Importaneo, In order that the "Id abolitionaentlmenl at the North mhiht not bahooked b" Mtverely by thi new Bouthero

polloyofthe party. Fred DouvlnM la betterknown at the North than ka la to the Southernneffrooa. Indeed the groat aaaa f the btaekaaoiitt. ,,f th" Potomac have nevr heard of tli" few who have know him mora aa "ti"otti mmlaaloner of the iwlndllng Fr -

man'a Bntlttia Bank than aathe eloquent oratoroftfieirown race who oontrlbuted ao Innrelytonwnkeii Northern lyinpi thy for the poorawvaaat tin- - Smith. Hut before even thi a..p waathrown to N Ttheru abolition a iitinient a

i.- -i ii t underatnndlnit waahatl with Dounlamthat he wn - m t to elnlm the nnelenl prvrogntlvoof tho "lib", that "f atandlna bilde the Pryal-ibn- t

ai r.n atate an well na.n another publleomialona an t preaont nil vlaltlnu Mranirera..1 -- ' ntiuiah "I nnd othorWIa" to tho Oii.--Miurlatrate, Fr an time wh, i I the memory "iDie n aahlnatoniiin rutin th not to the mntrnry,tii Marahal "f th" DiatrM "f i ..iiiniinu hnKtep eonelderad .ai""! th" houaohold nffleera.of the Pnatidont, th" Lord High liamwrlnin "fthe Kupubllenn pourt. This hoi it lama toneaeeoribalto rred DiiUBlaaa.prainblyoutof

tothufoellnjraof trie lot -- mv drlvi -- axp leti d to Sock t .the w i,a llipaao lo patth .ir renpeeta to n Bepubllend lr"aiil ut.nndfeei Ive nt In hand- - th" ofll. a Irom whleh Hi"Utnornnl plantation darkeya and ihlevtnii car-pet datKcera are to be driven, Itleesldtl dthlaarrniiaemant l antlafnetory t fred Dounlna.rrml, bk" the averaire polltielnn, h ia in oyo onthe main ehanee, and wua wllllnil t" i ireoothohonor roejutalto for tii" ak" ol thoaubatantialomolnmenta.

In a olvil aervlee point of view Doual ma - BP--

piiiiiti.ieiit i another InalAO ot t i" ItlltrK'al.lo iv n in th" praetiee "I put lieu re-

former from the do trill" thny f'p.l oialypr. a li. H id hla Fraudulener went d to makenatrlklna; example ol hie seal in btduill of elvllnorviee reform he would lime mndeutai. rnil-llpa- ,

who baa boon time out "f mind the work-ing marahal, the luooesaorHharpo, I'nillii.a i mi old eltiaen ot ihln-- t

li. a thoroughly hon t man r.n I u Very com-petent ' fll""r. II" l"i- -. lor lo, tin many renran rlortn d all the atrletly ial tint - 'I theMar!... I. and I ex. . .Imar. popll nrwitll Ih"f nirt .in I membara of the Imr. nn i hla upiMilnt-i- n

nt would have been a graceful r"ignltionolaervieea faithfully perform ilaawell aa aatrik-in- g

evideneu of the alu irilyol tii" Preahl ntaiirofeaalona a'eit i v Buryleu reform,It m tru- - that 1'hililp hna nlwuyaI a a ! mo rat. but then ho I

Houthern born.nnd waa loyal t' th ire mtil Into utipl"aaillltn'a. A- - pemo rntleH'na-tor- e

nave taken the KTound that the rn-- utougbttosele.1 Ui innatitutionnl ndvlaera uu- -

ii ,. i. d io fn tlousi ;! -- a ion on tip ir part.ul- - to be priaiumed Hint th") willpuraue tii"an mtraeln r gnrd tohla liouaeipiid atraliit- -

i:, ii'.--. Truly. tbiaia nn er.l ") r ii"illatlonwin Houthern Denioerntie vol" to

lUtlrm i. hla nmn'a ui p ilntmenl - nn "HIwin (i. a" 'onling to euatotn, in ik"- - him meat 'f..I oereinonh a at the White Houao. We shall aiatwh ti.- -i thla la really th" era ol generid g.-.- d

I r w .I'e a: l. nt i .! i! Voti - Di .aghuweann 't be vonllrmed,

mors urrtCMTia m wastkd.The it aal al sal aa.'l'tm ,.i in. Trenail i nl

It, i... ,,n 111,- li... .1 r.Uno

WASRXXinoiii alarcb 19 Tho now Ad-

ministration la likely to have Ita full ahore olInvostlgatlona before long. Thoro la a rumorthi evi uing thai Assistant Reorotary ! theTreasury Conaul i danierously mixed up InIhe frauds r ntly dlaeovered In tho paymentot hack registered I aid mt-- r ! on forged let-

ters of attorney, and by the purohase of ekiimaoutright At tho lima one or two arrest woremill- uu I th" lu-di- " w i broken up.Ii looked extremely difficult lor sueh athing t" be going on without Conunt's kn

Hhernian - reiairtedPi have Informa-tion that wlU make an luvetlgatl n ie joaaury.Churgoa nguinsl Indian l 'oimnissiuui r John i .

Smith have I u laid I. f,.i" Ciirl N IturJI by.inn Taylor, ageni for th" Ciierokobaud in N -- rtii Cnrollna. Carl Kami, do-- i

r t btnisell uimbli lo at! n l lo them utpresent, mi l d th" r eonalderntlonnut. I the nftairs ot th" department arcmore tattled, Tho pe'iili-atio- i ini" loth"i at in. 'I suppll - and t i th" ni inngcim ntand disburi ne nt of th. luiid Ixdonging lo tn"i h "i ikee Indiana, the general ehurgoa beingoiruptlon uud ui 'oiup, Lu y. Bmlth baa so

far born a good reputation, nni ll red loreform th" bur. ml. V. IC.Qnvenor Is to lie the

ii. iurk of III" department, but Ii" b.i- - "i"ii..nt that I.e launxlousto g4 ut the iiou.1 ol t

BurotiU, nn I il ri'HSoll i'.",' exist I n

pr in.: Ih"" charge I' ""I rid "I Hmlth.Tl.i- - Bppollltlnenl "f til'-- v l.oi . ll made.wlllI... taken ly nil W. Loula t pie na Ihe high al. vlduu " of th" ! ieriiiluution of th" Admillla-trai- l

ai t" Inuugurnl roul Civil Herviev reform,for Oroavcnor baa an unviable repul t. .niwoug his old uequnlutulieea lor high notion.a ti "aid to mi pecuniary Iran, i itlon.

tlOTUEU AU li.VSI nil i.ll ll It.

suit un. i Altegnlloas .r y in theVvUger Pusslty .r i,,ri.i.

Mr-- . Nancy Voddor, ti yoar of ngOi ofAstoria, una aued Mi. Mim 0. Vormilye, heryouugesi hiid. for money remitted to her whleha - iv- - wo taken by hot duughti rand nppll d

t . h i owu uao. ihe en w ' b l ire iu IgeI...W1' ir" yesterday n a in itlon on behalf "IMr, Vermllye to stay ail proceed lugs, Bheauys thut bar mother r rniir.. 'onatnnilittentlon, nnd ihnl she gnvn bur considerablesums ol money, nnd thai utter alp wii uuirrled; Ur. Vermllye. I" .' bpillier. Man II. Voilder,nnd Wiliinni 11. 'i n ti k,herbrol!iconspired together t" tnko th" mother to Mr.Vud I i - In u.". li prel ii" ot a vlall, to pre- -

vent her ir.'in iniiklng lurthor gift. Tin oldl. i.ii ..I ra. Yoriullye aava, by r a- - n of aickn as.a. I weiikn ..f I. la unuh i . mnii'ig" In rown liualn a, nnd nvera further in..i tiii 'ilt lanot really her niotlior'a, bui ibat "i tii' - .' eon- -aplri a a -- ii" v - Ite in.

o.i half nl M -. V- - id t in I T' a Ey i.'.Dr. M I'eillth Clym milk nl davil Ihnl MlVedd' r Is imi mnntnlly lilaeiia al. nn I Ihnl for aP r ai of per ago aha i tub lllg tit. nni li"ih mi. fully able 1 1 tnko euro of prop' rty,

Mm- - li. Vaddor, AloXilu r M. V- Id. .. flBMi. Ten Eyek mak". uUlduvlU duuyiug t.."el. iii;

Ju Lawrence di ttled the nppll lutl n, llluuttua ouarge itre disproved.

M'OtUII HTRKRT'M uorror.One Family Pauperised! nad " it-.- Deprtveg

Ol Hif l'..1.'..,lTl," Hi" In Ludlow atreol "il Sue lay ni-l-

i -i i it iw . lamllle utterly destli , At N ..

ji. in a no.:" room, amok igrl no l by tii" lire,Philip Qousky la loutlipid to hi b d, having

fatally Inhaled Ihe smoke nui boul iufrom th' burning bulldiug. Ho for--i

rly earned hla rani by taking cnr-- i "f thel.'ueiu.'Ut, while hla wife waalic uipl ruhla'dIn ""t f.i I nu t clothing for li: pnirnud ll"'ihreu cblMrcu. II t lung worn weak h ifora,but fin D tho lire ah" ha blej ut tllu I un) I volaim ina given whnl (oo.lnlic l ould gel to Iterjhllilr ii and hlishi(nd,

aril I I.' vile. v. do nn I Hi., bul.. , lr ai,hnve moved fr 'in No. 'JI t i N ... I Ludlowir -- I. Lnvllpi - apod viil. u I'hlfd luroilgh

0 selltilo in thu roof, Oll-- i urn. wna an badlyburned Hull .1 la Uanleaa, Th" liUln Uliviil.sixyi nr old. who w.i - thiiiiuht lo ho umieut"d, billwho revived iii DellevilH lioapltnl, - I am. In laidumb, Uu th" other ond il the i'". m thewreleliuii louennuil lu which Ii" - aufturiug,monna th" ITltle Ettlo, winem uu I nriniWere burned when aha Stretched them out vvh.lanor father wui earryiug her lb rough ihu Qauiea.LuviiiJ ia very poor.

un. in. a lliillurN fur'r.'i h una ii. Tunlaon waa formerly a auperln- -

laaluBl na WIIUSBI A a gruaar lb appUvd lar.i k k tii', a. i un smnteynti'nt, ' fssjii lokl IbsBl UislTumoi'a aucuiuil aril, aavtral Ibuawail ilullar. uinritiiiii.un kuviI i i" Ml .I iiiiagi . l'o( ataii.ter. lisiap .,i.", waaUiat wlia if mm wa urlvilstfaa. Taiipjauui.uini J ysnlii i "i !.''

For Invalid, the ("hat 'iiu Lii"iiroe ilan laI ara rii"'. liaiui, ui ii.iiuictiiiu .Kim b Hsikjari

Kgw VuiV-- 4J.

M all' ' oysters arc li st. uud MMl bMslhun anytuu.1 111 market Ban I .a k ,'...l. 41 llsrruO It lfr

Who killed Johu OaOiat ml -- A it'.

Bogr r.-e- A t ,..

J t i v aw il.. I, ' d a remarkable og f pop.ui.ii in', ia. IntrialMcliiti i.ii'' oi im: tail il sial 'rbili aitylaa lu lioya', and children's eluthliig u al ara

Bt w. llovi'l. ami di'vlduUly ah'gunt tBieiu Umiusrv tl"'a:. t, a ia- - i.l i' a - an .i mil ia.' n I ii. urn aprttiK uv.--r

li k- - nrf sab ' le.l in H..11-- . nn yroBob " u

Imiij tin , ai. budasat mni- - .a wi' 0 e' Biislsnd lothi,gtutliali iu4 rrouslt wuratsda. irUiotai atrlM rs.gaairea, bio sud bbaik ubavlou, klstd sail vbauk vsaaiUwrai, A,' ao.

li..).' aa l pbildraB'a israianta. eaoihlnlBl Isrta Bd

rtyui, ni in tterini fit elstl 'at Irus vain.' H'gvra, Baal apo .11 17 BroadtrsVi atlUt kranabo, m Brooklyn sadBltbaoft ar lha raaasalavd tot lha beat... 1. 1 ana lows! im a, ana an.' tuv peyalAi iilalbb 1. "Ba efa city AJf.


A Branlty Ntretaf tkea iirtirr thai Mi iout.nnd Bnmpte ertB a it. ...m,i,,.i

WAflBlMOToifi Ifarch 15. No Bottthoraoibare entertntni dovM that Hayes intnnds toremove tho Moral troops from th" BtatC

Bona oa in Columbia mi l Mew Orlaani within afortnbyht Beproaentatlva Southern men havebeen enlHU nt the Whit" Hon" all day. Lamarnnd Qordon this evening; Pim liba k and peunof Louisiana thla mornlufi and othora equallywell known. All will nway with the MUMImpreaalon, Plnehbaok dhMnaaad th- - Hitua-tlo- n

at lenftk with Bayaa, told him thaiNi holla hud the inppOfl ot nil the Demo-

crats of tho State and a r.pc. bibleahnre of the Bopublloxna, while Packardhad nothlnil at hll back but the troopa, nnd It

would be an net of cruelty bj th lored raceit If to attempt b. r. Iintiit" him In th- - pOBttfonnn. I authority that he claimed. At th" itloaa ,,f aloiur conversation, Hnye liitimut d to I'm h-

k that Packard oughl by this time under-stand that the rodornl powei uld not longerbp ii- -' to support Inin in hla pretension.Hayes WM ao explicit, so d' Unit" In his deter-mination to net promptly, thnl Plnnnbnei hastartoilfor New Orleans to i.e in nt th.. crash,ana iiunii m of tie' Republican party mLouisiana when Packard got s to tin. wall. Wnr- -

moth iii a ib wn pn a n a unlikeerrnnil. J. It. Eustls started thi evening, nndIt plain thnl nil th" I.. ,u i urn iiin here moatof all Kelloga.feel that the ll.-h- t Is over, andt.iat Nlehollanna won,

What Is true nl Ijotilsl Bats equally trnikfSouth Cnni'ina uud Ih" Southerner who wTitI., the Who., ibni- - t rotur I with a nm- -forma unit of Hay-s'- s determination. It I

slid thi HVcnlng tliiit despatehan have boonsent to-- . lav to Hninpt ai and Xtcholut asuiim-- forwritb n UUBrunPaaiol llnor ability to kai'pthepoaeis These will start Irom Columbia midNew Orleans this rvon ng.and on tholr arrivalhere, th" s iiat" having ndlournod, It l expect-ed that the order dlrottlngthe troopa to retirewill laj nlv a "ii Bundny nr M ..i lav n ixt.

lu spH of tn rtnlnty in h w-- 'i Informedmen foci In regard to Hayes's Intention, it I aeurioua elreuinatanee thnl no ib a- - nhaai t

been L a In . by hi- - Cabinet, u i has ihe South-ern qui sti'.n been dlaeussed In detail nt anyCabinet ni"i tiiu;. s inn ,'. Key. and Thompsonmuke no - t t of their wn feellugn, but theCahinel a n Cnldnet. ba said nothing, .i 8e

whonn portbnio tank' him uiiu-uiil- tv

inl nt I ti: d" -' m when It com s.anidthis cveiilni; t'.at II. iv - linil not yet reached aformal or llnal doeialoll. II" was n it likely to( a- a w k II


eeratnrjr Blant'a UiavrrMic wltb Caaasdi .... . . Baglaae P. Idantty Brepptd

Anew phaae "t the Blunt-Bodbj- Imbrogllo wa .I 'm ip" l yesterday by th"

of Ih" following ei it spondob " batween the amiable Sivretary oi the Mew forkI'li.-- ii wrd end tii" Comulssloncra . f pit .t ofN w J. : av :

I 'I I'l I l..ll,l "I I'""" .M el i'li.-t-- If - ar.V las. Mai li lu t

Qsanaars a t it r ia- - it a r ivH on thelie nn i net at Ni'W V.ifk. whu ni Iwliall alpic Aitiiiml et Ilia fcia.a Brat nnw al HunptnaHoa.1. ens nta to sUna Ikv .1..U t.. wlrvl .in au .. rail

Tti. v Vefk i"t- - axim " t a t"' i ' i 1' ranca( a t'i. un hnraN ni Tiaapkhio ::.'. si o n ia

A. Ihe a- i ntay nsaj Im . .iK ia.-.- her... aa.1 it amaklIs ailiiMihU) tu liava a ciiarurn iai an till. out ainiauMil Ilia iirl i4l.a., will ye l klial i. u i in aiti ji.l atifftfivrtliv arrjp, in al meat wtttith c.: tie N s J. i ry I'll in ... ilan .an ilaui tn tiicm

V u. a vir r. i. rttallr,oi ii i Blust, - cratsry.

T,. tit. Board ei PMaU s .. i. . .

urn. i ',. ' i . ll OSS .r i'lier. ,

Jasaat ' iti Mar t.'.P. oi si la ratily to ycui aaiauna'atiun ul lha pah

la. I .'ai lutriu a il i i iat. artot ultanai aithilia saw i.r..v all ;..tiii. i h.i i ot lie aiantna thaiy..aiikla.viito I. a aid lariiaveakint mi Ina'sia i. r lhaiiiimii a. t lie- laeonvi-n- arviai . tbTaial fr.anN.u V'.rk.atv nam ia. in .. a t, : in.. un t . It 1 iiliktaavilla, I. ni ii ia toctaatcuin It sa nn .01. ii..rn.. i.a lhav. uvia ixriiuiu Uf . rl ia tin- 1lt.UU1iUl.Uad vlatur., ttia astaurittasi taa kartdanra loaal ajavery

.ol.vlit. ii., raSalna "i ttiat In ana, at sai i ira aBir taa Bet't lajuat aliuva Tw. iuii atrcat, 11 tbo wa.taruf.',..r.-.- ui.- Kurt rlvr, UU. sugUea lialaa ii,.- ireiu1, 1. 1. in n a 01 .111. in i. rr, 1....0., i itli i l. iiiv

i s .a. r ler o ..1 tl. Ui . t l at . Iraly,II IV Mil 1 .. 1...

To Mi .1. w Hum laetsUr) saw I rk Pllut I'laiitaU.I.

1111. i, Ni w Vosa Pilot l'iiaat..tnai . ,

N.w Vol . Mari li

flttmtsrs I hsvr In si lii :.. t. ri .,1... Anall... ..i.e. rwrlitit atns't. Nerth rlvvr. lor thi if1.11 in 110 araf. and to tnftina yuu Uial !.y dtrvi'ti nia

till. i Un Hvm " ptloi ar IBMracieaiu anchorvvmi'I in iii. .... at duaild tboy ha va duty,

v.. ur vary raapi , liutly.10. W" llirm, a. eri ov

T" iii.' Board 't re u ' I BaaMr. N' koi. President ol ih. N"iv .1. raey hoard

..f I'ii,, a,, sold yesterday thut, uponthoree ptby hi board of Mr. Iflui.t'- - oiumiinlcatloii.thcyBUppiaval, of eotiis". lb it the s"Te"tlon of nmisirlng ground for this Oe t by thi New YorkCommissliineni ha I been sanction ,1 b) Cnpt,Tinl. r. th- - Ciiptain "f tho Port, who has solecontr a ... thai brunch ol harbor polity, but thatafterward lurning that this was nut tii" i.i t.tin v dropp "I Iln- subict.

Tli I'ltlKilln "( tin- I' at had 1111 int 'I vl WWltllth" Consul-Oeiicr- and Imlriil UoutakofT,

an I it wna dntided that th ll - t. wni heon - "f only three veaeei.- -, shall au'.'liorvlTtli. Battery.

;. 11 tun ; IXVKMTIO iriov.TW I'l. v Ian. lor ,...! TOO Toll, lit.- -

Knrae Taikan M'ttbwttl RaaMlaullutt.At tin' King- - Count)' SujH t v us' inn -- ti-

gntion Into the alleged nbu i I ivht Walt"r,a patient of the Flntbuh In-i- n v' Tl, Who

died, us her brother charge, "f imurieathere. Dr. Jam . A. Dlanchurd, the

Bupcrlutcndont, taatllled that there were 0113

patient in th" Barium, with bul two physiciantonttond them. There wro but Iw nurt..' tonward, although there wore ' ni rutlenl inSon ' H ,l -- -- oill1' VI I ll III Tl II .1,",",,- -were never examined aa to their lltnea b.rth.ipoatllon. Th u.'v- -r Jen strait ju k 1.iin.exeepl by. rdera. TheDiwtorr ifusail.ti

to answer iiipvttlonsiMito hi own tit n -lor tile plB I Ji "ii "d Hup' nil lei1 10. Hesaid thnl hi diploma wa answer enough. II"ndllllltcil that III' had never brulndia.una - until In' waa appoint."! Buperilll lid. nt.In. .1. II. Weltllng. Aaalsl ml Pliyalelaii,lllso r"fll''d t" UII- -' V . l"-- '. tl tOll 'll- -

in" iii- - ooinpetoncy, II" ns rted that MissWalti hnd r v I tii" li. -- t nib ittlon, Jh.Mnrgiir. t Power, the nursen u- - dol lll-t- ri nt-- !iiig Mis Walt r, swore thnl there bud been 110iildreutmeiit. Win 11 trueal ft alter eullud to uuher, be w.i intoxleuted.

1 1:111 TtXU 1 '' ' "I l it.

Tho BIobI Brmarkubls ot til lha Rreral tlx.klhllluai in Ih Ulppaalram.

I'.very s at iu Qilmore'l II I "' '" n WM:. i lart uvoulix, tin ...a- "i 111 ini. 1.1. , n ni

lu Hr P, Wiiin, Br. Kdwayd h- on .. . it. a

Thmnp'on. Mt i B. .' ini- - n - b i Brank. and Hi 11

I. iiw. ii'. ti i: Ba Bill'i'iik.'railf"ratrol, whluh wsowonhy It. iiTlaiiaie. ii i'i i I.'. .' Mai ' AB Hi. wnMr Bi ini . 11' " 'I lo Uial li l;' a rhoiapi a t' i uB4ain.l na. horse

ill.. . . wn. I" .In II 11: i vi .' I 'Y ,,i l

j 111 Hi. tti ' 1..- -. -- a. .11 1: an a lha Mi a I nl in2 ill N. al at-- li tie' M ia n l in il nit, llnrii,-- aa.altiu,.. iln Unit. :. ' . ii . ' It. svltf .1

In tl... t'uiirtli ia"' w." ,, bill) I "rii uw Ba ik.-- ";Billy Purler wuM Hit Ural host ia " riivAMi

Vlti' iiili "in. nn, all in itil trutii r. w.a.. h nhifili,.,! Ivliiii s'.iia.,- - - in rlII. an. r. i.l '.' .'"'i. a."' '" riiuilll'h, t.

.' I. Il iCI 1' " I'OI IU'' "' " - ..... .'.

i. ii; K. .01, '. ,:i. ria r.l r ia " i" o n. aII.11 I n H, prln fl.' ' n, lot

i. aai Ibiiii-lii- ".nni- - IT'i,lrl t. .... in. mi. I.' -i " '.mi., i. ' --'

iirin, al.. .... i iikitewii. il, rjn.a .- -Il,.rji. ri--i ei.lil JI, pri t I. all B.a.i., r, na m I

,,. 1 1.1. rros'tl I rlnia p ' i.'.ii. Vruuti i.ii "ll. n n.r l .' ' '. irl. i ,''. MvltMv.... 11. .'. ., 1. W

'Hi.. 1. 1. tun .' 1'altbrulloa i si. Palrtt k' . liu .

The Kxoi'Utlve Committee of the Kuilits ofsi Patrick ho.' cinniUiti I Utrtr PMiural r tin-

at i' k'a I'd Th tlatef tuual auilI. .; . 1 .a Hie illDual - a. hiUawii

ft, i.l Rr,r,.Tiiu t mi,. I" ah liird rmantiii. liny we reii'tirata rbo Hub, Panliil liuuulii'rl)

il ia. .1. S. w V., i M I'llI 1'ttilaii.t U'diai "U lei" ii II" B. .1: r Tilly

'ia.. I, t'li rl' - A 1, nII in, ih.ii in Am. in n t'onuariillar Kelly7 fj, s .iir narwi I' I'lsjlilaiia Tl,,, Bi el '' ''.nni . iliib

hiu Puinet laailin the Stan "i Boa Vurk Ubirkwii N Poll' rII. w'uuian ai U. Kvlit

I'uIIIbb Hiimii Mlacr' WtHWiLixaBaam, Pa., March 15. Charlee i,

uu.1,1 klaaoBlrscI 'e Bits coal tor lb racalvara ol11,.. a ..uii an t Wllkaslisrra roinpaay. bu raductd III

iniiK i, asm - ii" a I" ' "nl Thf aiuk ri have Muiiia aw.ak 1111. w'll liel t la i tilK la mall iw la proa'al11. .not lie- r.alu. lien lie . " "'k l"t a lllsrsstt'tiloan Mr I'arrlHi that Pit') .fiallka paid lur Ifiah sorlib lint latlorUdon Mia) wiii yruuauly NtiBUl tuUia a n


BatCKBB ti' inns iv tiii: tiVFTALOVQLLBCTVRHUtP I t s.s.

Leavtan no Ptoailaga r,.r mther Bart. ren.tun, r Ana.,ilv Bat t illlna iiio.nat liman nad t .uum BaplaaaMon

WAaniNiiTiiN. Hnroh 11. Mr. Ounkllng ro- -

mniiis muster of the IttUBtlOB, Haves' oapitU- -

IbIIob to the senior Senator bus I n for sonicduys n mutter of fa.'t. To-da- y be BM hi it mut-

ter ot record. A reapaetable delegation fromliiiftitio culled on him to sk the reap-pointment ot Collector Danlola, Dnnlala maybe remamberod a u atrong Oonkllng man, onhand at Cincinnati and every State Conventionwhere lorvt mid be done tor Oonkllng orCornell, for f air year past, during whl h timehe ba. held Ih" Coll. '.101811111. Last Februaryhe orttleiaed tim Boetonl Commlaatoa billpr.tty severely, nnd tho morning afterthe eieetornl eonnl wn oomplatad hissuoeeeaor waa ponflrmed and Qranl algnad hiscommission, tho vacancy nid urriiif: untiltill Week. Til" ll"!' "lit loll Sllow d wllllttll"r ird of the department prove, thai Hand-I-

had been a good offleer, and n- - hi- - removal wasi'ii.. solely to nver-- B illeitudefor Hayes's electionami counting in i.y the Prealdenl "I the Senate,r have him roltutateo, and chargedMajor Tyler, Oonkllng new appointee, withknowing nothing abouj HufT.iio ami rnpraaant-im- r

nothing but the llathewe Interest In Rrlemty, Mith'W being known us u

thick ami th'n Conk Irng map, payeaheanl delegation widl through. nk. I af. w questions, which ahowod hi familiaiiywith 11 use. ami then gave hi anawar. II"said la auhatnncc that he waa awareof the fu 1

that Daniels waa a faithful ofneor in whom bofault wits tound I who deferred lo i' rein-stated, but he wns forced to draw tin- line soma-wher- e

mil he had l term i ne, 1.. uw it ut noonMnrcht. The acts ..r hi nrtaleoeaaor beforothat date ho should not review "r rovlaf. nndbard iw II Boomed in tins ease Major Taylorshou' li ild until Ii" himself gBV entIM lot ii

own r 'luoviU .

tti .ar.- this rmtapokn, deelBlon sratlei halfns i Important ease in whleh Conkllngdim - d ..f the patronage In New lorks.mi"in. .nil.- - oh ml, and l. it ti" pickings for Kvarta,rent'.n.or anyiaKly else onxloui lo try theirhandaal distributing patronage, and it laihe more important i auae Haye ronenesiiwith his evs ..pen. Home kindly friondwhohn and know New xork hna explainedhow Fisii" wi nt and Pnyna wcnl In 111 iWS.n.lli was .11 le.l l.t AlblllV. .ii, anfound f a A. It fori: II; how "II at Bate viaresigned to make a vacancy and wns apnolmI., llil It, win l - rt I a reward Clint McDoUgnllgot. With sundry 'tier .,.. all which Haveshn prion nin d " highly uniuatlflnbl ." but h i

has ips'lded i" moleal not I th"m. end Ihew N wlnrkerab re to pb'k up oiH ca through

Wheeler, loan-- , or ronton, l av gen-hom-

The hud named Im- - dlscovepsl Hint II i to.early lo Is'gln en attack nn Oonkllng. nnd hicalled "ii h r. i tri Sherman lo asaure him thaianowspni r r arl thai Penton wu trying hi ,

-1 Mi arp out end Merrill In waa a calumny.He hnd no wish to Inb'rferu w.thth reform ofth-- vj .... , , n wh. h Im I.i' w I n t th"' -

rotary was bent bv pressing ehiim.The Secretary said he wa iinxlotia for retorin.and a Ii "I.l fel w lo k d ti in r III t yuaand ku iw ll: her in ui kn w he was l .:..

ruRi tan i'f"M u; vis.

Air. Hayes r... Itu.y artib alher aoksssa (aBevta in.. Dlplsasail t.i-- i.

WAamSo toKi March i ". Tlinn' Is tho boatnuthnrlty f"i r p atlngthe assertions alreadymade, that Hnyiai do.--s not proaio lo revl' th"llsl ..f foreign Bpp ni n' nt proeent Thosettlement "f the Southern question BUd theopening of the policy of the ii "v A. lulnll 'ra-tion upyall hli time mid attention, and hehas noii" to dovot I to these additional ii it t ir :

nor is it naoeaaary. now thut it appear to becertain thai the senate will be hook iu binweeks tor un extra eialon. At least that was

taken al the Cablmdlu nearly twotboumnd oiu be-come a ant. nnd in dealing oi the BplKllntllUIp..w. r ll iv - Im a Is t vol.. hints It to

the latin. IiiiomhI com-uu-- -,

ais. ll.. nnnoun ,i to-- d iv his pur-p..- .

,,i Inbindlng t" arrive, thromrh hie. nsi nn . mil advisor, ut th character andBttnliimenls of every mah whom heuptsnnl in tl as of tflcsti va .in 'lea, withoutpaying much atl"nl to retaymnicndiitious,To o' t.iin tun" to do i n- -, inlluu upon ia... v

will probably bo et"li.eil through sixin. mils bv p i unit ins' th pr o U ilieUUlhonUt hold over. All th: w li pr ilaibiy form a purl..f th" civil service ref inn tlial Kvarta andh r.: are but"iitiu. mi l '.a ir d 'taus were tiolprepared :u time for t!..- - aftern an'a seaalon.


till',. rtm. 11. in Hi t Uuol I:...,' '. ,".'. ,1 N.., inTIB Old ni, i .u.

WAauiKOTOB, Uari-- IS, --Tuonipaon, ticnewBeeretary ol th Navy, give falrpromlteat start of reforming aome of tbo evils of thepast. He called together the chief of bur. uuP.-- . lay. and wh B ho had the menwhan Bobeaon eongrntutatod yesterday, "tibeing able (or the ttitur t' ny, " I, too. idolowith liol."- - ,:i in th" N ivy !' partineiit." hegavthem soma exll iBiell plalu tulkiug. Tlion.p- - ntold hia subordiutit - t".it Ii" found u stittcnfatTalmin whi"n the chl"f of burcnu bauii tn ntrni r-- nnd niauag d all the busin '.H" propoa .1 !. i, hla wu r 'tury and shouldsiii the entire sysb ntof couimct an i ex- -pendlturc lun. -- "If. Tin '" a w.a k he anal t.. nnet bi chief aulsirtllnate ofll'Hira in aformal eouleron f whleh minute would bokept, and at whl h th policy uudconduct "f th" department won! budetermined. Thi ey.'nfng Thompson I, adnn Int rveov with WbltthornA, Chairiuiin"i iheConimlli a Naval vlfiiir in a i.-- tii, .1- 1- an. I i; in - a. - exoeuttoney. nnu io--

morning Thontiaion and ttbltthorne areP. a" over tl vldcnce taken together, andWnltthoru" is t cxphilu the ground and ion- -

ol hi i" it.riii id of the navy yard, heal known for

th.. fur:, ii are ho suppll d liol. s ai nl theof tii,. Oovcrniucnt, wua diamiasud y

I the new Se 'rotary.

A I hi. iu" lallier Bkol Brag.CntoApo. M ir h is --si phen s. Jono, odllor

ei tiie I., '.., 'A,, ,', il it, oi i.'7 ratth svaiina,SablH daad in kliuftl oUll. ..n by llr W i

Ilka, who iminadtakd ysvi hiuialfup. Nr. Junta llvrilwltti iu- - iieniiv at at 1't. iri,,.. ui . - ra yrsri eld "itrt'filll.'it wi .1,11:1 Pi Plku slid hi. wife hSVl I. .III. ,11.Illtf i.i Mr ' uii - ' :' Una t l lll-- f Without luailui.iii .nit it I. uraits'd Uii may bsva laesttl Ii ul

li- - ISke uii,..-I- I .1 vi. ,i M llll'Oll III wile, oi,iinslui'ii.) a I'oalvt'lcii to Unit rneet i nil liyki'i Hflake I'uullriaa igiand'a .lory, hut ilia Irliiiiil.ul Ilma.iitiir di-- Inn tlial lu aaaliu'aiiiilili ul' ill. all. ., ,1 rriiuiAU iMirtUt. inv .' o.' iilrlitialtU Tin biIhii I., ... i i ,1 , v ill in ai In Pike w a. likal lolia-- rtioinsi Court Uualti rnoou withoui i all

Pwaaeager Bute Advaned,Tho Ulehigun Central lluilroud ndvun ed lis

butihid itansi'twr ratal to tits Baal i:. w

in.-- .in iroBtHlilraKo to athunyorTruy, ilBi lokt'Whi Buaton illn ol, f.l n. Burton vis a

nil i,... (til; to Phlloil l.ltl, II .". lo li ,.i' ai r anM .i.lul.i.1. ii. 917 i II 'i..-- : ':.. Ut ." Tli- aitlfllli. f'i mi lie- tunnel Ir.uii i 'a- Pi BeW yelk.At Hi i,i , .all i a .ti tli. Ihli', ivuiim, Baillllier,' illai l Hi 1" an V w V ' ut rul hi thi. ait . ' adav. Ilia ... ut. - 'i'l Hull lii. 1. r r nr. tu


I.i a .. ti. ni lit ipurboll l .i.l i ar .1 i i,., ryalit. botli w avs.

A t t.i.1' ie in Kvt ! pablre.I', in. ohd. March 15, lleturn from nil but one

uwn in lha tea 'lot, ..I' pirtriai . .. Hi ' u

Bi.puiilii'an, aiet J,.u. Pvma rut. lii.TTu t

ii an a hi . Ihwb Baloii-Hiav- c t'hpiiey. Rcpulilit in BT,

ami Mar. y. pcuiuvritt, lo la.l )v.u I Una toalri'I I ihe .allien-l- a l I'" ' Will In A tie Vuk Iriinuir pri'vaiit that Baton baa i la i hoi ut111. ii. il sutliiilllttaklli. He' l'l."i.' Ink vl tie il.lllitwi.i . ahuul in

An. uu Bnnaam Wend,llABTronn, Mulch IB. Aurtlu Uunhum, one

III Hi. hi ' kll a lie ll al lla- Stale. Slid le ad "I III. thill..1 Atl-l- Pill 'nun A I ", arifll hi I' I. .ill'- - ol tin., in.nn in. nl. .nn A lo ui Bu I'orki dlad UtiiiBlll. aiii Tli.ii,.

.I V B.I TRA tWBUtOtt,

Th Cahlaet iiooum IhM th afaw i',"nr...i..,ii Aa.eml.lw In .funs.

WmBINOTOK, March IS. Am tu th"nnd conxultation Baoaaaary to put the

Administration in motion, and famlllarlxe theHeer. tarle with th" OBeml pulley and liit' ii- -

t "ii of their ehief, have upled the time atCabin el meeting to tin- - Bxclualon of prettyUnab everything else. To-tln- for Inatnnoa,the meeting wuh largely devoted to 11

illeulon of the chanip'S BeoeMBry inthe staff of Iho several department, nndthe rules whl.h ahoiild li used Inmaking new anpolntmant nn i ravtalng Neither foreign appointment, th" ap-pointment of nn Aaaoelalq Juatlcn. nor othermportanl matt rs. wer" dlBCUSBod In dotal),

Tne iipp itntmonl to the Supremo Bench wnadlanuesfil bylh" President Willi ireiitle-niiu- i

oalling on bun. ittid tin Indication pointto the lutpoliitnient of Southern man. Anothertopic iiaiei to-d- Wna th" extra session,and the Cabinet enroo pretty nnaninionaly to thoconclusion that on could not 1... avoided,much n tie y Were nnxlous t 'scape it. Devenapnpporteil the Advo 'ato ftcnat d'a opinion tl

yeaterday. which wns rend with ona "fhi own. taking the aama ground and reaaonlngfrom BomoWhat broader pramlacBt No cnaear,'. lo Baaume the responsibility ofpr ling, and In time ,,f beans, to paythe army without due wnrritnt of law. Eventl'" Southern Senators, while lis nnXloUS as anyto get along without mi extra aeaali in.axprossedtliomaotvos at nn Informal conference ywardayevening u unwilling t untonanoa aueh atapt A' i'i" Lahlnnt meeting to-- . lav Hayes ex-p- r

s himself, on the whole, of fhs opinionthat an etr.'. wa- - n unary, and onewill probobli' be enlied in the imiutuot dune,somewhere from tho lat 10 tile 15th.

Tin: oitio SJCy.l TORSUIP,

Mr. Bhaalei Bff nilkaavi Ramliuiteg In the.l.ttnt Caaeti.

OOblTBBVSi Uarch 19. The Joint enncua ofRepublicans lo nominate a candidal tor DnltodSt it's Senator ti su d John Sherman tonlghi nominated Stanley htatthnwa, In the daythe Oght greatly Intenitflsd, and Taft' friendboastod that their candidate would certainly beth" winner. Katthews' letters to Chamber-lain nnd Packard W'-r- ma I" t Ii ut

a oomblned onslaught on him and atologrnnifrom Edwin Oowlea, the adttor of the c, ve-la-

I., ,t'ii; pronotincing him in lympnthywith th" White laangnara of ihe South,wna circulated. All thi wa Intended to helpTaft, tun whan the vte waa taken Itwas apparent that hi adherent wore tirt tobreak ranks, while th.. Ourfhdd Influ'U'c.which had Howl no! font reprciiiatlvi "llinn throughout, Mattll w- nam" was pi"-- s

lit d ill "II - by B '111 ' Hal - "f I' ll 'Innutl,Tali' by s nutor J.thnston of Voungstown,s "I: I'.ar:-"- - by ll. pi nt'.tlvo Dglevl" ..iHprfngfl 'Id, lb wlnnd'a bv Id pie- - nlatlve Dun-fa- n

ot Mount tin. nd nn Lawronc - by 1. i r -

ntntive i. w ol Log nnty. No ..ti: rnume wore presented. The Ural hatlotatoodi

Matdu Wi Uowlnd, : i Tj:i, li. aballAhstvar. Biban i.'tl. . '

-- na Bstkl Hattbawa, :i7. Iluartant, SO l lair, 7.-' ,l, a .a r. 7. 1. iw .'. a

a. .a Ballot a ink. .. ii. Uowland, tOt Tan, a.Shi iiui i ,. 7 Lawrcnci . I.

This gave Matthew n bar ' taaiorlty. T'i" re-sult, h iWevcr, wa- - r e;v I with lotto cheers,ai. I Matthews' nomination wuaatouoouiuduunanimous.

RKPl I'l 17OA Mil: III tROttS I.

A t asdtgat IWr the LlcMteaantaBovrenieraldlgBkowla ni- - PaHy'a ii.tmi.

Tim commltteo nppolntod by ilm bond-holder- a

of the State of North Carol Inn to visitthai State and end avor t t bring about a settle-ment of the bouiU, now nin" ye.n s in default,report 1 yesterday. Ti. 'y found lb "111 "is otthe Oovei nm nt an I tli" people, even th mer-chant, npath 'ti" a I t the paym nt of lb" .It l.t.Th" i pi" ai " to t poor, they said, nnd eann t

ihe under an Increase of taxation, Qov. V aneepj Ineilnia to b.. in in- - mniiltal, bul. on thewhole, in- i wiillnd t ' aid iu nuy reaaonabloplan lor a Th poor whit, andn majority .t the nugro nr" repudl-mor-

mil th" liepuliltcan cijndldate forLieuionnnt-Un- t rnor in the hii eunvusonnly d'S'lnr'ij lor repudl lion, but wna mux-Ble- d

by In- - friend hit r olio of two pubibis h". Tiie ticwap ipefs g. n' Tully or" ueutrnl on tho subject, but wh r nn opinion

it - n Im -t always i ir rcpudiutlou.On' newspaper op iilynt ra ihnl tho KlnP i

legally nnd moralli Blaiolvml trom ludi hi "in10 meu who born nrma ngalnct ornidtul inthe war thu' ruin" ) her, Th intuit! hovjtlial tiie Ueglsluturo may npi int a commissi nii voiiler a ih laaidhoidiir. nnd r commend en11 meal payment ol the s: it del t.

.if n ull HVIIBomUCR'H PLAN,

nitCdie IB Ho' 11 Unilitm It- Itn- I. IC'lumtugBaard i. r t io Bit r.

Tiie Brooklyn Ahlorm n nut yesterday forit. i Brat Utua lu puransBcr ul yt.i.. ur Bchruadar'a , all lerit a. rn a i.u.'a...'. to lai h vi 'mill uu orsaaliMllcn olp..' board th-- aw . st l.anVciadby Uu ahtaUoa olp i a. am nt t'i- .i i nt. Kiel u u iiubtli lucBiberswarain t'i. ir wsta iu " . leak. Tie' rk-r- Bidiop, aa. nut atin . ,i, k. u ii t, whan a at for, basstd that hohad not bvanofltiiatly nnUBad ra the tu cttng. sail wa. ie Head larr--n-

In Buvnr'. a.., ail .v II. w.i. t. aa .ptdluartk..,i ,. .,:..! i.. ,.,'1 tha roll fhara wsanu

It. Ill, rail, a :.' . at, aa.t lie i I. Illfl Uo lUorUUItin1 Haii-- a.i'ei.i iiw., ii.-- arc to anal .i. .tu in. In.l ie 1. 1. a. i . vi .1 that iiiaj will am nrarar IIireaklna ilia .1. u.ii... k. Tin.' Ileum, rat. have cluoiaii...., sua! Phttiliif, gurtlin, ll ai. leu. uraidH'i',

Pa.ia mat Baalim Uil i,.. it ... u iii 'int. . i.i ih- prepuw.l BavP'tal toutuiU.loa. Bhiaikl lha BeiuibUi ia.ciaia'at to spiHilut a 'ak. uuni' r, tha two u .'tinea willniavl an. I t ie ua s nil. t tali u riu Bi'i'iilillraii. araIn luiid a .'.nit a. tn iil.'til I' l. ..ia ...'ii. . 'ia p. inla'rata bavo inirai'.l t ilrop ihu iiiiiu ul Botsot Blaah a.Ihelr I'Alkitdaitl at He' lie xl in., i.ii.. ..i.l lin 11. a


Bomtaattoai i it.e ielgeat.Wash t not. in. M r 15. Tile l'r- I tit Sept

bf lollo-AT- It .iiiul il Eta fo t ll I. .1.i II...: II

wii I., i I inn i it., in-i- tli.!.' ia- Variitoin:Julia r I.i. Uiui - lit-t- rl lAtloilirj ferNurtl

ii hl.trli il - v n ' i uii a . Ati in . i. - uttiera li.-i- ri t of Alabama: Pliillp II, Aa'liin Jti.ti. i' su,riaii.' t'..iiri, Tt rrlinrv a I't.ihiI. II .b r. I', ' A.- ie. s, r.n ,:.m,i. Ill ,iaLin n iti , a. ci.t i' i in. ...u- - ia', Bvbru ..

ThaConair) II To.XTAintM ITOB, Mar ll IS, l'r. ii '. S " .'

I..,.' "i .rtV Unit ll. IV, , lll, jirt'li tu rt'lllllill IU Uio l ..nil.iru'l.t i Bka'apt a lurt'Utn spiiolutau at

A Blilrtalak with ihe Bullread Bang,

Wllt'll Juilli Kelly wa- - e '" I 'd Ir in .'.-- 's I

. I'.'

Bare. arrv.U'it btm. an1 ara. attacki'tl h) ih "Haiti a. I

lidiiil, i.t lliraa i t,, at lihi an,,, kt a Inm a..,. ,,.

anil Inn. hi. iisil lub t .lirvil. mil it. Mtiri li) tio ti lu. r, lad urri li.i.ily l.i'ii m.l driven

l. 111. I.. t I'lOtl Sai - 11.' ...... .1 ...I 111, 1,'

airvo. Tl.o. ne ii Wt'f arra.tidt

Tilt- - Knlle In Ihe Meet . n:li W ai I.

t)fl! a r peycry heard n mm in I'iily-fourt- h'.,.ihiiuu olio kilhid III lilt' aii.'Uitiiii at WI. Win...i .it'll, mill la. .i.ii .tl well I'l "'!. ran

a ii lain ana ..ti la o a i. uu it triotl I" kill lain,. s I'alli . a u - tnltnil ll: l'l'..nil..'. riailll Willi a

i: ii In III. band na . ani-l- i. ul.., i. I an, hud ii'iUMtt I oa' iln I'ouua liiaB to alci'ii 111

tl., kolUw,

The 11. Ill I. .11. leal . lit Hit.

Tl ' Coroner' .".ry In Ihe case "f Churl(loiters, who. MB I'u- In. i.l ii Vit lie. v.,!'., friuil tilHint anil .ti iiif Brooklyn t'ity Hu.iiial, lntliash u v

e1 lb aura., ccu.urrd tha hiwi'lul maiioatiniaat. y'h'itill, .nr tlilttUlltl III I'll,;, I.e .. . "111. ,' nl Iter nlnai.i .. in, In I. a Mia i. Hi.' i. ii imale. ll'i. In 110. nan Iln' liar .ui Ii liull' . a. nllltl t ellUUt V 10 lilS l "UU' t nl: M lla t. I' i Ui ii'. Ill lin il i aiv

Th Palh "i on Uld Blvsr 1'aptaln.Cupt. Is..n C. Smith il ! In Ilia son's bouse

-- I!,.. it. ,. I' "I ll .. 'I- - I" I 'I",iaiililrr In in '."k. u. ami niu-l- 'r ol naboaUoUIho Uii riivr, lit aaail hi) anv.

Tin' I'oaa.yl vaalu Baaatersalp,itABBtant'nn, Mnr"b 19. The Pemoorittlc

II,, all.. , nl I'l. la'l.l.t I .all U. UlU aVI'lUlU II llllluiliil '.;,.' Ila A. II. Iiui nl I I.l U voUUt) liu llill.ilOl il. I IN a o a

nieppluB 0,11 oflb Upon BoitrdiJay Oould, William It d i n. mi l Henry liol.

iloii reiuiii sial. In (lo s'S Vera nis'ii 11,1.0 .1ii 'iaa) Ii t uialerahsal thai Un- - U lira

iluiinar) in ia a' liaiiw t tu. t i lu tie' tot . h. 111141

iim- Mar tar Malrea Wbb.rrederi' l. Hammond found an iufanl atmoal

irao'ti lo .h .III nil tile Ml at b i.l l.'l'l atr.'.'l ve.1. 1.1. r.i. 1. 1. io iia i. mum waa a uioiliar'a prsyviit, bii im: .a..' miaul a.- in 0.1 i'i a

Aui-- 10.- -. v.......SoHBSBOTADVi Mai' h 15. Mrs. M.iry Ibin-h.ii- i

ni UMUVUM tlitnl L.t mailt l IBI .."I "1 I ! I'vai.



BnltlaMf Wllllnma'a i t riliilllv Mot Ilrnry rill-I-

4 ontrltril tn iUr IIiiIijiihI MlMtttf mill Ovi her ( uulltlfiuu nntl uh

H- iiiy FttUefi ft vtnn on trial In thCottli nf IcMlonB, H.,..K)ii, vt'sttT.liir. I"r otitBiinut JBIOMy oil futm i ii l in t tri'tn ll IbVJ Wilii.iiii. n IMfUMf

!:int .ii'in ritvf) htln nt Ml r Mill jjfft y Upl-t- i

NMIfl ' tit at lit' Wii lu r (oti-l- IM UlM IN bwl HtM htl j

ib in Iii CI ;ul H nn I hi I bfMglll hr n m- !l

MfN from him nAItu Mill tu R Ml tier nil Kit- NWVtf "Iia 1nil I rui". na hf WM ihnBl Id purohin I lot Of Im l, I

tlM ti'Uinimv ihoWvd thai VrtllM FiiIItwhj nlur lodflllfl hi Mtl IMUM Nftlf MTVi Who loUl hlM ol H t j

m WlltUuiav iif n kt ti Rbuul hit tamed ihnl ttM wm Iliving at'.ii iwr hMbAnd Dtingln Ohtrk-rtoo- , MM tintIht hMMBd wn n ihOft iii. tii. "i'ii ul iv wiMil 0dbttftMafl fftOt. Mr IflltMtM t. aurj. Ml Mtl ""Iwtxt fcoBirt Hawmondi nni lota no that iio no oi tOtiHIbrttl In. n hi nr n tmv, iltd tlmt hi lin'l i'iin- DAObI

lo make DM an mv 'Mbittd tomlVlAbtti Y"ii ' lio

.i k"ti in' in t tthittuv rftilid r n.tnif wur, nnJ ln tiaMM hi WM my c tj'in M MlibH my hojhiMl to MipOfftil, niii l Ii" wir n nhoit. htftih num. n ptoMMRl

iB.'f. biuI I Midi lDftti hlM' hti loM NM tnf hll-bon-

iiu i mM iy him tu bvI bii di Monoy i hod, h ho

wnt fotOfl 0 hii a mil tin nmn Mid dat tu; a

fWlOJ t hui'.il .1 hOOM on It to Miki u All li kOf) I ")him $11.00, iiii dim eoaM mIm." Tin- tnax- w.iOdJuOliOtl until lo diy to MMMl tliv tl- ti ncc.

KlaJOiOtOjl ht0te (Hi Ml Pull l U n liny.Ar'um nt wuh bMird JwA Tnitt. in

BroohlyB. yts4rdoy oo thi roiorii o4 Dm ofdor M Mioil

iia whj tht-h- PiirkViMitttil AlllinM olioiiidn lin- iwjoiMjd it in poylMj oil momoi t tho loMotjroiMBak on st Pitlich'l Di) Th-- ' euittMl fr Ihji Oitlli- ih r, HMhiJ TfiJ 00f- - hvld lyAiMTdllHJ 10 tin COM

ttlMlttoi It wna NliWnilta diVgM Wit iOOh i00jrMMnj our int. nti l inr chortuhli atata. Tin poof jplmuifDV r. 'ii in i with to in in otMr n Unrmin lMIhOlinOdl i.illilltl t1i. riant I. i'ii 111111.-- OIM WM BlOfOni-- to miikf ui " li-- Wm lit I. iii illn in thon "HI I it-

li k - iMjIiJIic Moiniiu fw parodva liad Im n ii.conUitav 'l In Kow rh ! tht win- dftiiin-itin- ton .. nni ilia uu-jtt- l ' ' Uial th- - H .... i.t ionin KiM 'kl ii wn Loin, run by i Ihffa moll t"r pohii- -

il nurMBNi The oi.l.-- Wia upj I by lh coiitntl luftl.i nUu MombOriM tin- lir itnl (, Uii- mari Ifwiii viiivd Ui ncui thu Hftpcbm Jm notaon s


Mnri l.i:: WHIm iiI i r nmny.II irta Benholm, tt ii rwbK M rii M v or, ttl4

nn Ihi 19th ! Daci Win r, ..uu $l.9DUln i MVlnaTil ank. Andmw Hvnholw elolmt ' UjIMm frlMloMtMati. ii . h r huabondi Ihi ifrotinJ Ih it thny hod eohibii- i ii tt ti r i.n Rirrmonl tt Uvi or, httalmml owl 'iiit.Th I'n' lb nialrntor t'- rlalm n',..! tl li.Mt Huliat .1. hi ill .1 IM Ml. IllH,

n lion tin. Ui lure lid ti uii, i.i iti ftainti ul IIWna a lt prm '. Iiowfvti Ihnl th. . IIvm

hiiai.Htt i.t. ui'i'. thi u. ii Dm w woa no rluviK a ofai. i tfoprt-- vol ..!.... 1..- 1'. i ;iiili',.ltViii:

(tn w .... un Hf ! . st. u.-- . tin- if ...i W'HiUu'ibiMriiM. ui! : vnUited tu admlniaui In rfM

x tho OoW CnchMMiO hllh ICMlfl

Tl 0 ''l Kr fhnnaTo bi - r- f rrod to aiho .nit' ii !nv tit 1 tl conatttuttui obottohliri Ihi

Km !. nt. u tub .:i.t, mi. boa Iwvn tit hf) r Willi ommlUoi ituin tht rttock Rxehonaio Tims i r.xfh rii j- io .ti; ' ioW mi r May t. intilt ii Rkfli i. ..I tm in-- , whitii ii baa I' t run Ihri uyVora, bail brnlwi'a mni biva Iim prlvlkn Vt, ,i ' i i in ri i uri t .'. .i v. ..i. in m "t .1 ti. yi i.. upMtuli t n ii with t;,. ii. w t, ii nl tfRrokvra, which ninio ifulil i i n i I in ton. m,It Un . Id brok n pt Iba h.i.-,- m tin m ;. !.v

i.i- Ih Ktull Will bilht WttMJlhx ui vi Uu- :Jbat; tl itli ! .

hnll tho City Hi i Mmvt nt tho Sptlli IAI-- ' ru;:in C iVrillH I" ola1 l I tli1 OotuninQ

li :in- ii -. r i.i ra '''iti. .ii 'i. nyiiiii Ihi wiadmn r im. '

blnutiM with Uii euttiiM duwi ui teMheyo Mtorloi inI llwrl ion lu ' ti. i ll ispenMi, ittJ eolUoi upoi y

Hw ioord f a, rt. ntn nt ( IrattalVr i'n- - Mrnird ttiiui aUtm mi unt mm inlatd batatii ra n want tuHlcivnl tut

v- rt ..! ttioti tt. in. it iiii.f i ti r in.- -- I.Till .' ;i alaou .. Uio lafM i Ut 111;lltatblll tfflVO UiaJ HoU I ul KtluroU aUauluti I ttHm ttm i ui lii'rtta) by th. .ij 'ori in- uu it .i i ui i'n. ruawiattoni ww MfeffotttiUi AUi rtuajtt'i Law Ctmmlltani.

DtMwi'hlon r Dwytr1! Miit.ii.Mr?. M r Dwyor hppearoi bnfori Juattcti

yinrin yt M COMplallMil igalttal Wi pifOMM ' i '

Willi tllaturbed her Itnabatttl liilaahii RyMwUni In HuttuWitrot t vti W ilnealj i n.tu Tho? tallM Iwlocanlly inI. ,.,.!, an' -- il kiinw it v la Irlth inatlco fMurrjvaakrd Mt Uwyrr aiuwi-- i ii tlial u hail llvvtl

ii :i iriii Ivhwn rfia iirtntint-r- nl oIiai h w .h roii.i nal lb ilmi W I UiMn, Wlrni t al .tnoin a. i

alttiH tli. Itipt Inl l i t. Juatlt Muri iv tn rit. in an nl "I n oU. aind pill u mtu u.ij.rII.u buJ iiui i KiMiniltiod ii liouthi '

HOHMa ai. tl atoalo.try in th" oW f th Attor mtnti I

to ell- it fttiy .i I nti aal on tlmt tin ro h.i bot ti n MiMli ll roi .. Uontn tlm i nta oi ait ot tin- A aloe pntpoity " 'riiIhu Mnonia hava oil alonaj Ibm n dcraoudlnaj uiptcttinjun in Mi Nutria WUhlili'l Wal iatati ofllIhorriiorti-- r woaliiiiiriiiaid tint thu daclliM in lhivnll

hi iii i ii. . I hiuaa b.ia tn .n Iroiu t li In Blk) ti ri rut n i.h ft yt .tr i rate a, at. l w fl butt aal mivtrngi oi jtvBtr ' A;.' hi t.i-- i nt . ,i tt ii b nl luat b;l nrat-itaa- buutaj fur .'. that rtinliWiurfOTuloVti

'I hnl Mll iJ.", Purajrd I ht t k.Tii- - riii n Truol Company, whloh phld Ihi. back puri oritur t haw boon drown by lh N w

V..rk Ut Itiaur hi nliy, boa n .. l.t' Iho l itt. rn wj wtUi iN i i fhti oetion of tho Uitoa

fi i iHnp ui bUi t I. .i ih rumor. hh-- liovfl broaiuurrtiit fii atniB dnya . t if Hi lltlgaUtm had b Bit. ofHi.- Ultol .ii i). irt.'i i

I' Ul IHI .U rUlllllUa nltK ll ol thi. in luuat Aitltu tul,.'- -'

umi I fb.

Vm. W -i r ol 513 Wuot Korty-lirt- h tlrod,whttliiid Uvod wlUt hla wUi Ann fui iioorly hail a ositatnr-- woa boforo Juaint HirrayyoatBrdoytUUiolMriff

abaadoniH fit lit tabl that hi wAi hai thfvatenotltu pour hialllU4 irut into hlni wbllv wa oakp, inthoi b wotil l roibor loron int 1:.. SurUi rivi r tbnu awiUi h.i. Thu Juttlcu ro'iulvud Uiui u pny hla tvUo WmWll k

MuU lu JhaMOliOaat

Vi if. lilt, rol Vtwiir c all U ntoutto ttOftoi. in- - IUat ry "i n. i n Una ,i v. tunia ttiniivtl ,

: An i," iiii tft thUi'ii'l h- roiinoatacoM iii,i ' : - ,ii h lt uj muatt'Ol n tit nl.- anIt .i.t ni. m In i ; in acini tu him llit-l-

i un tt t nti in in lui-t- an b ih t. nn otiy vuuu mi.i.i.i n uoitu i . ..ut- it lu intuiuai tuitun ii Auwitt .

hlnro PrfteloiMlttita ui Htilton lt m4M i nnti ! thu l V, I.. Htm wxtxU

i i.ii in m4

aa. t:. pruimi'ty to nuk ti.i

h ::iu 1. nui ufiho (oomoii-- Ratront.I: -- - : . El r ni Hi irriitn u "f

'i'ii ci'tit'Li'ti v. i. aL-- v Trlaltfin. '.ir I I - 1! I I l!i tt th fl v.

Ordi-ra- d lu tu lu tt-.i-

T!f W - ' i Ii iv Iir : ' 1' dlon C nia

riu afuhn Puru Hudi " ttorilvortK v r Mtlirrtiiof tho SVw v r nlpnl

l: tti l ... ni miiii t .1 di. j,:.n r... . .i.,..

out hot UAI1 0 i'tll it'ii.C-- ! T, linrfiw -- t lar tk tUlaT Wtinuufi loutiai

Jui j J M, H UOI f t '"I V,

Ej ri n Tli J rn T,Citff

hit ii-i- i 'n "I IITil Mr ft ilyauiHttJ

iiuuo ' llll IV Will iniitulti-- i int i. 1. ....

Th" luH r wnt'l-- " 111" ' in Hi" Si. Ni hna!l ... 11. 1..: I UkbUkUvll i.. Uil .ll

tlW t I. ,.sij- ...

'h.t 1 dual it 11 i'i wlio lio-- rooitlvoi-- to atrlkiyunU't-li- it work ia tin . in; hav m 4

i. .1 tu tin ituinftud oi JC .1 lay.plilliti liny or a oh I lor, ot tha i nmotiln

fi in .i ii r.i 1.1. it ii way .vvatviduv, ood ibit akull lia K'i' aii l hi bai a i'i H n

dipt. A. M. ngffnrUiin, ihiimbloii wlitA iti ' liin. id in 1" ' 1. . 1 ... in i. 1. . ..1 iyIlllllUtOi in it. .ni ii iim e( Ult I'Vi'lllliK

AiODofllr. ISUuituitl n Ifl iuvr1attvet, kit hla I1111111 ni W. in .i.n ii. tu

iiubbi I'ji.t , nn hoi imt bvoii " " .i

Rrnoii Kti;ii' iirul ntlu'ri in,l Krri'l Erbah 11 i i if it' .im' nn n hrbhard ndnn' tin- bul Bfia nn iwt'Ht oiiuitii'r oliiiiiB, iiiioiiiIN nn- hif iltl III ' hll l" "I 'ii lla ironi I'i.tii. i.ii--- i Mill ab la 0 suit ul llu1 .u ni ii:.

.i l v lu ii'' ui prupoi 'i uiklii an tirooun ulJt uroiHiM nt In I hii I'ily nn I tal a

in nn. ill i t Ul- ft""' It la ut ,. wuh lit 01 hi rtiill (tVB in. hot in iltOllli Ur, tllleil with in, n a t idea mk liu n to it thrai oi a alJa Tint i ia a

0 wmaluii tvlfii on tti nht .inn. aim V withan witli Ihi-- tt.-- y lnk- tha hall I JulUl il

i a to im lurniid, to inin at over I run iuo a tel (ptayura iii thouaand uullari tn laiiiurad lot ihopurpuati Mt i t aarf Urainl, ul iu He iwi tUvat, ufiuliwU-- Ul Utla UcW uUiiuUt. cnaTJiuiiaa

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