  • 1. Music Video Coursework Progression

2. Blog 3. Throughout the course so far I have neglected myblog and a lot of things I have completed, I havent uploaded to my blog. Im currently in the process of bringing my blog up to date with any documents I have yet to post, doing more production logs and changing past uploads into different forms of multi-media to get the best possible mark in that respect. As I have the Blogger App on my phone, I find it much easier to upload straight from there so some of my posts are done this way which include pictures. 4. All Research Tasks Planning tasks left to complete:filming/editing schedule planning for digipak alterations made along the way. Some of which already completed I will be changing into different formats e.g. feedback into a video Drafting documents uploaded e.g. Drafts of poster, animatic etc. Posted other random bits and bobs to help such as a 1950s hair and makeup styling tutorial video from Youtube and written about it and hair trial images to refer back to whilst recreating the real thing 5. Concepts 6. Concepts A music video which follows the story and shows the contrast of the life of a performer from the 50s to today Basic Idea: Kodaline- Love Like This (Acoustic) Set in the 50s Two people getting ready to perform: male and female Enhanced mise-en-scene so the audience is aware of the 1950s time period Sepia colour overlay added to the footage to give it an authentic, old look Majority of video shows them transforming into these 50s performers They then perform a routine- completely slowed to fit the pace of the music End shots of an old woman sat on her own in a modern house watching the television- on this it shows part of their performance then a shot of a photo frame with the television in the background of the two characters ties it all together to tell the audience that she is watching herself back but her partner is no 7. The main element I will have to focus on for my music video is allof the overall styling and props as this is what will inform the audience of the time period. Because of this, I have done extra research into the sort of clothing those in the 50s wore, the hairstyles, makeup and even the type of dancing which will then help me to choreograph a routine the characters can perform towards the end of the video 8. Poster 9. Next steps.. Throughout this week I will be working to completelyfinish my blog in regards to productions posts being up to date, all changed to different multi-media formats, all planning finished etc. This will then lead me on nicely to begin my actual filming before October half term. This Wednesday, I plan to do a test shoot: I will take photos of the shots (create a second story board with real images) and also create some footage that I can then post to my blog as testing/experimenting. As I want the lighting to be quite heavy within my music video this will be the perfect time to experiment with the lights so I can get them just how I would like whilst shooting so I wont have to mess around with this wasting time on the day.

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