Page 1: Music Video Analysis

Music Video AnalysisFor this PowerPoint, I have focused on music videos and how they are effective, I have analysed some

music videos within digipack analysis PowerPoint's, but in preparation for making a music video I need to look closer in terms of lighting, editing and camera

shots also.

Page 2: Music Video Analysis

Kanye West- Love Lockdown

Lock lockdown is a song about loving somebody but not enough to want to stay with them and wanting to leave that person but cant because of the love and wanting to escape but instead keeps the love locked down secret. In the video, there are many white walls to show how the video is modern but by West being dressed all in white shows how he blends in linking to what he is doing by keeping secret about his feelings. There is a strong beat and this links into the native dancing and people dressed ethnically to show a link and how he feels lost in contrast to them. Some shots are upside down to show how the emotions are not normal, the uniqueness of the video allows it to be eccentric fitting in with his unusual CD covers and fashion accessories such as the glasses. The camera then zooms out from West looking alone at the end of the video.

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Madonna- Hung Up

This video is within the genre of pop and dance, as part of Madonna’s comeback, her music has become more fast paced. In the video it depicts people dancing from different ethnic backgrounds and places showing how it is everywhere throughout the world. The editing cuts from Madonna to the group of people on the streets dancing creating a dance where they appear to work together to the same track. On Madonna there are low angles to show how she is more powerful and dominating whilst dancing. Later in the video, people at work begin to dance showing humour, the final scenes also show Madonna walking through a night scene where she walks to the beat building the suspense. When the music slows then the cameras also go on slow motion conveying dancing more clearer until it finally becomes fast paced again.

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Britney Spears- Piece of Me

This video depicts Spears singing about the paparazzi. ‘I'm Mrs. Oh my God that Britney's Shameless ’ and about the pressures of always being watched despite where she is due to her profession. In the video, there are many shots of flashing lights or different coloured lights behind her as part of the mise en scene to show how she is always under the spotlight and not in a typical environment. There is also high angles over the paparazzi whilst they are taking pictures, this creates the impression that she is better than them and that they are looked down on, but there is so many of them to show the power they have. The editing becomes quicker during the chorus for the pace of the music. There are different shots on Britney from Medium close ups to eye levels showing how she is being watched from everywhere.

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La Roux- In for the Kill

This song is about ‘going in for the kill’ for another person from the current relationship and therefore there is specific lighting colours of blues and reds conveying La Roux in a nightlife scene whilst driving the car showing how there is danger within what she in doing. Whilst in the car there are various camera movements and shots to fit in with the music reinforced by the editing. It helps to make the video interesting as well with a fast paced editing, as well there is different lighting creating the impression of smoke at times and how she cannot see clearly at times probably conveying her mental state when angry with emotions.

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Black eyed peas- I gotta feeling

The beginning of this video shows peoples going out in the nightlife, there are various camera shots at various compositions and angles to show that nothing is planned and organised the feeling is that the night will be good all interlinking with the lyrics. The singers including Fergie are all getting ready separately and people can easily relate to the procedures such as putting make up on and therefore the song is more realistic and feel good. In the middle of the video there is also scenes with billboards saying ‘life is beautiful’ which is arty to use quick cuts to scenes such as this. It all interlinks together creating a unique video of not just one place. When the chorus comes, all the scenes become faster to create an upbeat song and there are times which are slow motion to show how each moment in life is valuable overall giving a positive outlook to the audience.

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Jay Z, Rihanna, Kanye West- Run this town

This video is very dark and gloomy setting a negative atmosphere to the viewers. There are various people dressed for a fight clapping pieces of wood together showing they want authority but it is creating a place of danger and war, Rihanna sings about wondering who will run the town whilst the rap in the song versus set a realistic impression. There is smoke and fire within the background setting as well as a purposely made explosion to show the threat against life. There is also scenes of walking underground to show how there's danger there as well creating an unsafe atmosphere. There is also the mentioning of breaking rules and how there is a lot of conflict. There are many unsteady camera movements to show the need to get out of the area and many high and low angles to show who is in authority which is confusing to reflect the question ‘who's going to run this town tonight?’

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Little Boots- Remedy

There remains a space futurism impression throughout due to the clothing and the mise en scene, the electronics in the song are depicted as well by Little Boots using the keyboard showing how she is musical in other areas other than singing. The quick clips to the patterns is confusing setting the image of the mental state of the person who has been poisoned. There are also camera shots of her face to show the emotion and to draw the audience who are watching in. In one scene there is smoke whilst she is spinning on a plate, this interlinks with the CD cover whilst being professional and imaginative and also conveying ideas of being in the sky also linking with the space theory. The triangle shape is also in her hair which interlinks with the CD covers and promotional products which she sells. The lighting also flashes to the beat of the music which is due to the editing being quick for a fast paced song.

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Lady Gaga- Poker Face

This video is based on having a poker face and gambling, this also refers to money and therefore in many scenes Lady Gaga is seen outside of a mansion by the pool to fit in with the lyrics. Her fashion is also extremely eccentric helping to make herself recognised, this is also a characteristic seen within the digipacks helping to promote her and her music. There are many medium close ups to show the lack of emotion other than her make up which is striking and bold, this gives the impression of betrayal and wealth within this video. Before the chorus, the editing picks up in areas flashing between scene to scene to build up the suspense, it often cuts from a medium close up to a long shot to show the body language and setting and also pans to show where Lady Gaga goes increasing the tension alongside the music.

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