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Music Magazine

Construction InDesign


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STEP 1My first step on Indesign was to creating a first layer and then adding a text which was going to be used as my masthead, I decided to do it on here because it has a wide range of fonts and tools which can make the size and shape of the text different to match the title of my magazine.

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STEP 2After using various different tools, I decided to create a font which match the words steps, I done this by using different font sizes to make it resemble a staircase. I also used the tool which allowed me to make the letters closer.

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STEP 3After working on the font sizes, I had imported and placed the background on a new layer on the front page of my magazine, and as the background was black I needed to change the colour of the text. I change it white as I think it would have a greater effect and would fit in with the colours of my house style.

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STEP 4Then I added some more text on my front cover using a text layer, this was as my top strip, I change the colour of the text to white so it would stand out from the black background.When I finished putting on my text I added the edited central image and placed it on a separate layer, I used the tool which allowed me to stretch the image to a certain size so all the group could be at the center. This tool was useful because it made it easy for me to make it look like a mainstream magazine because I could stretch the image slightly over the masthead.

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After applying the image, put the logo on the magazine using the same technique of placing the saved png file on a new layer. When on InDesign I changed the size and rotated it to the most suitable place.

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STEP 6Here, the front cover was looking more realistic when I added the featured articles and extra pieces of text. I put them on there using separate layers and then changes colours using the swatches, I chose the colours of white, blue and grey as there were the colours of my house style and that theme ran through my magazine. I also added extra details such as the barcode which I chose off the internet, saved and put it on my placed it on the new layer on the front cover of the magazine.

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STEP 7After finishing my front cover I went onto my contents page, here the image which I edited in Photoshop and saved it as a png so it would have a clear background. I then placed it on to the second page I’d made on InDesign, and resized the image so that I would fit perfectly.Also I put the grey background which I had made on Photoshop and placed it on a new layer.

When I finishing placing the images I decided to work on what type of font and text I wanted as my title on the contents page. I wanted it to be a similar theme as on my front cover, this meant I used different font sizes to create a step illusion.

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STEP 8When it came to doing my double page spread, I had to write an article, which I typed up on Microsoft word. Then, when I added columns and onto the page I copied and pasted small amounts of text at a time so it wouldn’t fill the columns up properly.

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STEP 9After putting on the article I started on placing the image that I had to editing together on Photoshop, I used it as a main image as well as a background.

I added the names of the artists using the font Stencil StD because I felt it had a military feel which matched with the name impact.For the title of my article Behind the Music I used the font Poplar STD as I used this for my Masthead to keep a running theme throughout the magazine. I also used a symbol for the I’s by using the font Ravvi.

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STEP 10On the contents page I wanted to change the style of the font so by using effects I was able to create an outer glow. By putting the spread of the glow to the largest I was able to make an effect which resembled a glitter effect, this relates to other accepts of my magazine as the microphone logo has a similar effect.

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STEP 11After I’d finished the title I moved on to writing my featured articles and regular articles. For this I had to write a small description underneath each article and added numbers next to each piece of text. For the numbers I used a black colour font and a blue outline to make it stand out while incorporating the blue to link it with the rest of the magazine.

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STEP 12 Now that I completed my contents page, I started on the double page spread article again because I needed to fill out more space without increasing the font size. Having to come up with a solution I took a short, catching and memorable quote and enlarged it. I used a bold, stand out font which also fills up quite a lot of space which was Stencil StD .

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STEP 13 Also, to fill out space I put the intro in a larger font as well as adding a blue outline, I done this to show the theme of house styles through the whole magazine. In addition to what I did I made the questions a bold and darker shade of black this made the text look larger.

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STEP 15The size was increased and place strategically so that a larger amount of space would be taken up by the text, the less empty space meant that I was conforming to codes and convention. On the name impact I increased the size and made colour brighter and bolder and included the blue outline to include a small amounts of blue on the double page spread.

I also increased the size and changed the outline of the to make it clearer for the reader that the text isn't part of the interview,

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