Page 1: Music genre questionnaire result analysis

Music Genre Questionnaire Result Analysis

In total I asked 20 people to answer my questionnaire print out, I made sure the selection of people were a mixture of male and female and also ranging in age groups. By doing this it meant I was able to gain a fair understanding of the public’s preferences regarding music genre and how age and gender correlate to the type of music people prefer.

This research task will be helpful for me as the genre of music video I have chosen is indie rock; I would like to find out the target audience for the genre so that I can aim specifically at them.

Question 1 Analysis

The first question asked whether the respondent was female or male, 13 of the 20 people I asked were female making the 7 remaining people male.

Question 2 Analysis

The next question asked what ask the respondent was. The results showed that most people were aged between 16-20 answered the questionnaire.

Page 2: Music genre questionnaire result analysis

Question 3 Analysis

The third question asked what genre of music the respondent prefers. This question will help me pick a song from the variety I have researched meaning it will be based off what most people enjoy listening to. The results showed that there was an equivalent popularity among the indie rock, pop and r’n’b genres.

Question 4 Analysis

The last question asks what feature the respondent looks for when watching music videos, the most popular answer was mise en scene meaning when making my own music video I will make sure to take into account all the props, background and additions within the frame. Another equally important feature that the 20 people said found essential was the storyline. Because of this I will make sure to perfect the narrative before filming and make sure that this is effectively portrayed through film imagery.

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