Download - Music 101


M101, Spring 2014

Re. our First Quiz (20 November)

1) Please confine your reviews to Chapters 1-10, with an emphasis on the main elements of the musical art(s) described in the text and the key point vocabularies at the beginning of each chapter.

2) The subcategories for each of these (and their corresponding vocabularies) will be important, of course, throughout the remainder of the semester.

3) Continue to refine your listening skills concerning (above) numbers 1 & 2, with the aim of being able to identify as clearly as possible what the listening examples presented to you will ask for (again, especially with regard to our musical elements and categories that we have emphasized in class). In some cases we may ask for specific identification, in others you may rather have to choose between alternatives. The short questions at the ends of each chapter and those following specific examples are helpful.

4) Important listening examples: CD1, Cut #s1,6, 51 / CD2, Cut #s 1, 9, 45 / CD3 # 9 / CD4, Cut #s 35, 56, plus others demonstrated/discussed in class.

5) Review your notes, since there are a number of topics that we discussed in class not covered in detail early on in the text (i.e., influences descending from Antiquity, later figures such as Guido dArezzo, Hildegard, Scott Joplin, Charles Ives, etc. )

See You Thursday !

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