
MUSEUM ARCHIVIST Index lO Volumes 6 through 10 (1992- 1996}


Vohune 6/1 !February 1992\

11rom lhc Kathleen Hnrtr 111. 11 Mu.Kurn Archives Section Mlnutc.s, jp.2J

Ouuuth Commlto:c Updale. TheiUI Rlnll'u<y {p,4J Mu- A1ctiiYCS Scaioa. cu,.,. ,_.., • .., Rcpon and~ Year

l'lu ICallllca lht1Z (p.5)

Ca.lllot w..- (G.S. ~) (p.SI

Cn.._,t A...m.d Gccy Gl'llC. (p.61 Frotr and Socklcc Goikry An:bivcs R«el•e Snwd>.oni&n Gr>DL

Colleen He....,.y (p.6)

Clobtcn Receives A.n:hives 0""'· Job Pollina Announced. (p.61 Archivist Sought for New Archives Proar~m 11 Nelson-Atkins MuJCum of An. (p.7]

Amoo C&ncr A.ppoi:als An:blv!M (p. 7] N.,... from 1bc Fn>aL [p.8J

Arthrva ol Amcriau An Now oe W.'l [p.l)

M-A1ctiiYCS !as<it=. (p.l)

Old Soltb<idce Vi1J1rc Raan:b ................ (p.9)

Wonh R.tadJna: NaOoml TIWL (p.91 Wonh R<o<IU.,: lmoxlric New Orluru CollcWc>n. (p.9)

Wonh R<:adloa: Cleveland MUJ<Uin or An. lp.9) Muteum News Archives lssuc. tp.91 Arthlvlsu llxohange Jobs. Mea Klinkow [p. IOJ

Mu""'m Arollives and Libnries Ill TCJCU. JohD Ndisoa [p.IOJ Albony '-tt'sNew An:bivcs l'toai'IUII. SII<J)Il Dru<fius (p.IJ)

Do II Now lltlbcrilw> Later. A ltcK&Idl l'rocodo=O>lleDd'• ,._ cloou..., Amlmsls. Muwlt, l..ooaJ [p.IS]

~ lbc Resoomioo or lbc F.W. Uo,d Wn&l>t Heme and Soldoo. Mca!Oiatow [p.I1J

An:hlvu or 1M Clevcbnd Museum or An. VltJlnla Krumholz (p.20) From d1e Edicor's Desk. Deborah Wy!M [p.lll

volume 612 <September 19921

Prom dlt Chair. Kathleen llam (p.l)

l'rom the Ediu>r's Desk. Deboroh W~dle (p.lj AM• uu It l.iJrui>Ds Mea 11 MM Deh>roh WyDe [pJj M._. An:bmsls M«1 io -.a!, (p.J)

Ca.ll ro< IIWIUIIDoa: Olpaic: Fcca llxloa..;.,. (pJ)

Mu- or FUIC ArU, -· An:bt'CJ Updut. (p.4) Na11oaol O.U.ry <>[An Publislla An:hiiKNIII OWde. (p.5) New AASUI Ttcbnic:ol L<1Re1. (p.S(

ASC Arthlves Brocbure orr !boP""· Krbolnc Haalund {p.S( Mu~urn Al'thives Institute. (p.6J

N<loon-Ail<IO$ Museum Appolllll Arelalv!Jo. (p.61 Projcco ArchivU.Iob as die Clolslal. (p. 7)

Sm••-lao Vidmbiuory Col'- OpeN. (p.7J

Ardlo••A~UrpPrctt-or~ ~. ~Wy ElizabediRuwcU (p.1)

The M- or~-An An:b• ... ....,....,., 111o Arst 111n:c Yean. lttdoel Wilcl (p.8)

The NIIPRC and Tribal Arthavcs, Me. Klln~ow (p.9)

Time Oocs Quietly: The Mall< Lau Cb'I'PC.,. Oral u-....,ry ProJ«I Mea Klinlcow (p.IO)

The WilliamS. Licbertnlln Pu.peq •1 the Museum of Modern An Archives. Apphia lAo (p. l l)

fiunctions of Museums and tho Muioe:um of Scienec, Bo.smn. Carolyn KWahy (p.ll)

Docu-...iac M.......,. u !-"""' It u Purveyors or CUI01n:, -.. Popas" Sl>«iaa ,., ..... _ Alia IIIia (p.l()

Volume 7/l <Fd>nwy !993!

Fn:on the Chair. Krislllx u.,Jund [p.l)

MUJC:um An:bivu Stction: Cur~nc. Actlvaciea &. Three Yur Pbn. Kri!line 11"81und [p.J)

Mfnuces or the 1992 mcc1lna. Mulle\1111 Archives Section, SAA. S•1san GltM (p.4)

Chair's Rcpon: Oouuth Commiaot Then:sa RW Peroy (p.S)

AudiO<> Sov,lll for M....,m An:bo;., M&llUIL (p.6)

~- An:bivcs ~1· MIYJCIIC Dooids (p,1) DIIP Gaal Develops D: ......,. SUWps.--


NliPRC FWids Pllibddpluo An AUwu R...,rds ProjccL [p.9) MUSC\Im or Mcclcm An R«clvcs GIODL Rona Roob (p.9)

NEll Supporu Brooklyn Mui<UID Projecl, Deborah Wythe (p,IOJ New NHPRC Plan And GllldcllrtcJ, (I>· 101 SIICI'Changc-aolnsliru,., Po..Senoc O.ckmln (p.IOJ New Arolllv$ in Clevebnd. (p.ll)

N<W1 fi'o111 Ill< Zoo. Soe•c Jolwoa (p.ll)

M....,.. An:bivcs l!lsdanc Schodulod (p.ll) N~-Sill!' N.,., (p Ill Bndly- D<m>il'-'"· DoqJu ll.alk< [p.l2)

Dncrty- f'booosrapbs o( Frodenck Stcbr. S1wtoo Uhlu (p.U) from Ill< IJ1 Box: lhbcoek Oollcncs (p.ll)

Rcauua,. and An:Mvisu Trtdc Views at NEMAIMA.M AnMI>l M«dng. Debnrih Wylbc (p. l2)

Mlt.rllltne Libraries Group Hold• AI'U1UII Conte renee. Fred CatabrcuJI Jp. l3)

ZooloJICII Puts and Aquariums. Stc•c Johnson (p.IJ) 0111 llulory 11 NEMAIMMM AMio&l M-. P=ly llok-o-. (p.l4) M ...... il>lbe .Sews. (p.141 AASUI Tcdioial Lcalkt. (p.l4)

~ lnfomwioa. (p.IS}

NaOOOOI Al>duopolo&ICII Ar<bl•cs Oulolc$hod. (p.l5) llclp ror R<:cord! M>n~&<n. (p,ISJ

Mysdc Seapon Olllllisrory Guide, Fred Calab,.ua [p. l5)

1l1o Archivist's nightm.ilro, or lho M)'IICry or Provenance and Order, )p.16)

Albsny lruliruoe Altllivesllsllbllshed wllll NHI'RC Flmdma. (p.I7J N~·Aikim Updale. a.o<L Boll (p.l1) ~laJaua ~ il!umirmc-OO'kx:t"Y' atlbc Ubeny M.-...1 M-c,-.- Roccn (p. Ill

MyiU< Seaport~-AlOrld ood A Cdcl>nDoa. Fn:d C11abmsa )p.l9)

RcxJrchU., the Ufe or Walker E"nt. ll<hnda Radlbone [p.20)

Museum Arduvisr Index, p.l

Volumeer Vigneues: Colorado Springs Pioneers Museum. Sharron

Uhler (p.21)

Rell«:lions of a volunteer at the Academy of Narural Sciences or

Philadelphia . Ka~n Stevens [p.22J

Volunteering at the Art lnstilute of Cl\icago. John Smith [p.23]

Volunturs at the Smithsonian Jnstirurion Archives Cemer, National

Museum of History. RobertS. Harding [p.24l

Volume 7/2 (September 1993)

From the Chair: Mu~m Archives and tJ1e lntemet. Kristine Haglund

[p. l)

From !he Editor's Desk. Wythe [p.2)

From the Program Commiuee.: New Orleans ~nd Beyond. Maureen

Melwn [p.J]

Don't Miss Il! Museum Archives Section Meets in New Orleans. [p.3l

NHPRC Issues New Gu;de.lines. (p.3] NHPRC Grants for Fiscal Year 1993. (p.4]

American Association of Museums AIUlual Meetings: 1993 &. 1994. [p.4)

Symposium on Archives in NaruraJ Histocy Collections. Alan Bai.n


Cleveland Museum of An Hosts ARMA Seminar. (p.S] People and PJaces in the News. (p.S)

Museum of Fine Art.s. Houston To Move Archives 10 New Facility.

[p.SJ Attorney Gertera1 Looks at Mu,seum Records in New York Sta1e. [p.S)

New England Museum Association Annual Meeting. {p.6}

RequeSl for lnfonnation: Lucy Wilson Collection. (p.6]

WeMCr·Gun Foundation Publishes Repon. l.p.6] \ An lnstirute of Chicago Celebrates liS Ceoteunia.l widl a New

Publieation. [p.6)

Smidlsonian lnstirution Archives Publishes Annual Repon. (p.6J

Nelson·Atkins Update. Chuck Hill{p.7)

The Sumner McKnight Crosby Papers at the Cloisters. Elaine M.

McCluskey (p.7]

The Freer OaUery of An Archives and the Reopening of the Gallery. Colleen Hel'lnesse.y [p.8]

Softwa,rc: Repon: Subjc:cl Access to finding Aids in Museum Arehi..,e.s. Maygene Daniels (p.9)

Archaoologieal CUration aod Collections Management. Marc Kodack

(p. IO)

Archaeological Curation and Colloctions ManagtmetH. Michael K. Trimble [p.IO)

Preservation Council Fonned. Mary Elizabeth Ruwell (p. J2)

Volume 8/1 {february 1994\

From tbe Chair. Kristine Haglund [p.l]

Minutes of the Museum Archives Section Soc-iety of American Arehi\fiSts. SU.san OleM (p.2]

Repon of the Museum Archives Section to the Society of American

Archiviscs: J·Yea.r Plan. Kristine Haglund £p.5) P·rogtam Conuniuee Repon_: May We Help You? Fted Calabrena {p.6]

OuLTtach Coouniuee Seeks Volunteers for Speakers' Bureau. Judy

Turner [p.7)

From dle Editor's Desk: Wimer Freeze Up Slows Museum Archivists.

Dobornh Wytl1e [p. 7)

Report and Persorul Rc:nc:G:tions from Central E.urope ClDOC Meeting, Ljubljana, Sfo..,et\ia. Alan Bain (p.7]

Archives Issues explored at ARLISJNA CONFERENCE. Stephen

Bloom (p.9j Archives Issues e~plored at ARLISINA CONFERENCE. Trudi

Oliveui [p.9j

Museum Archives Session Proposed for 1994 AAM Meeting. [p.lO)

MCN and ClDOC Meetings To be Held In Washinston. [p. IO)

Briefly Noted: Top Secret Museum. (p.lll Pennsylvania Academy Archives Affected by Renovations. Cheryl

Leibold [p.IIJ

Toledo Museum Pn:p:ues (or NHPAC Grant. (p, I J)

Something New: An Uncommon Vision. {p. t 1)

Nclson·Atlcins Staff News. Cltuck HHI [p.llj

Archives of American An Acquires Trustee Association Records.


AMJS Project Stalled. [p, 12)

Request for information: Records Management in Museum Archives. [p. l2)

Request for ln(onnation: Museum Publications. Laura Gntedel (p.J3]

COPAR Srudies Anlhropolog;cat Arcllives. [p, 13]

OSV Offers Fellowship. (p.l3) 1994 Museum Archives lnstitute. ('p. l4j

Nelson-Atkins Update. Cbuck Hill [p, 14)

The State or Museum Archives. Anita Weber (p. 14] Do We Really Want to Do Titis? Staning a Records Management

Program in a Museum Arehives. Joey Kuhlman (p, 16]

Museum Records Management aod Arc:hh•es: A Survey of lhe Fied.l.

Barom E. AU$ttn (p.l8) loin SAA-Help Yourself & Help A Friend!. [p .22)

Volume 812 (Seplember 1994)

From the Chair. Kristine Haglund [p.l) From d\e Editor's Soapbox. Wylhe (p.2)

From me Chair: Indy and More. Fred Calabreua [p.3)

Evaluation on Agenda at Section Meeting. Scou Cline [p.3] Are.hives on a Shoestring at AAM. Pennington Aldslr.lnd {p.41

NHPRC Announces ltccent ftceords Product~ and New Records

O<Jnts. [p.4]

Walker An Center Re«ives Funds for Archives. (p.5)

A New NH.PRC Grant Project: .Pueblo Grnnde Museum Arcbive$.

Holly Young [p.S)

Proeessins Project at Old Sturbridge Village. Theresa Rini Percy [p.SI New York State Award.$ Grants. (p.6)

Smi1.hsonian Arcllives Names Director. Alan Bain (p.6]

Kathleen Robinson Joins Smithsonian. Alan Bain (p.6] John Smith appointed Warhol Museum Archivist. (p.6]

Name Authority Project at Archives of American Art. [p.6] CO PAR Surveys Anthropological Records. [p.6]

t994 Museum Artbives Instinne. Theresa Rini Percy [p.7]

MCN and CIMJ Propose CHIO projt:<>t, [p,7J SLA Announces Natural History Library Listserv. Judy Turner [p.7)

AMIS UPdate. [p.8)

Museum Archi'o'C:$ Lisu.crv. (p.8)

Photo History Listserv. [p.8)

Museum Archivist Todex, p.2

Denver Museum of Namrnl History Library and Archives Report on 1993. [p.9]

Request for infonnation: Archives and Research on C\lban Biodiversity. Rodol(o Ver-t Lima [p.9)

Request for infonnation: Stewart CuHn Records Sought. (p.9]

Requt:.St for inform:ttion: Trains :tnd Planes. [p.9]

NelsOn· Aikins Update. Chuck Hill [p.IO] First Steps for an Archives: Toledo Museum Surveys Records. Julie

A. McMaster [p.IO]

Archives in the Raw: A Brief Look at the Genesis or the Museum or Science and lndusll)''s Archive-$. Laura H. Graedel (p. l2}

Eakins update. Cheryl Leibold [p.l4]

Museum Atebjves and Some [ntem:niooal Atehival Concepts. William

w. Mo<S [p. t5] An Archivist's Ad\·entures on the lntemet, or Oh, What a Tangled

Web We Weave. Dennis Moser [p. l5]

Volume 9/1 (Februarv 19951

From the Chair. Mau!WlMehon [p.l]

Museum Archjves Section Annual Meeting. Willow PoweT$ (p.2]

Museum Archives Section Annual Meeting. Joey Kuhlman [p.2) Proposed Bylaws Change. Deborah Wythe [p.3]

From the Editor's Desk. Deborah Wythe (p.4]

From the Program Chair. fred Calabretta [p.S) Outreach Committee. Judy Turner [p.S)

Publications Comminc:e. John Smith fp.5J Ouueaeb Committee Seeks Volunteers. [p.6)

Texas Association of Museums Annual Meeting. [p.6}

Midwes1 Museum Conferenc.e held in Chicago. Laum (i('aedel (p.6)

' faJI '94 Meeting Midwest Archives Conference. Judy 'l'umer (p.6]

SPNHC to niCe< in Toronto. (p.7]

Shelburne Museum (0 Initiate Archival Program, Seeking Archivist. [p.7]

Arizon:~...SOnora Dcsen Museum Ho$1.$ Meeting on Property Rights.

[p.7] 1995 Museum Archi.,.es Institute. (p.8)

New Archives Brochure from Nclson·Atkins Museum. l,p.SJ Smithsoniao Online Catalog Now Av!ilabte on Internet. [p.S) News From lhe Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. [p.S)

SIIA Publishes Ust of Listservs. (p.SJ Brooklyn Museum Libraries&: Archives Featured in Memberihip

mailing. [p.9] AIC Appoints New Archivist. [p.9} Scholar Seek$ \V'mdmiJJ Documentation. [p.9)

News from tbe Academy of Sciences. (p.9} AAHCM names Director of Collections. Karen Buchholz [p.9)

OSV to Panicipa.te in IMS Preservation Project. Theresa Rini Percy


Council for lhe Preservation of Anthropological Records. (p.IO}

Woodstock Anists Association. [p.IO)

News from NHPRC. [p.lO] UK Museu.nls Publish Policy Statemem on Archives. [p.lOJ

National Anthropological Ao:hives. [p. IO] DMNH Photo Archives Available. (p.ll]

Request fo r ln(onnalion: (ieQiogy of Venezuela. [p.ll]

Archives of American Art Publishes Guide, Announces Acquisitions. [p.ll]

ASC Publishes Guidelines. (p.l l]

Publiutions Received: Imaging. [p. J ll Nelson-Atkins Update. Chuck Hill [p.12J

The Strange and Unusual Revealed. (p.l2J

The Walker An Center Archive$: Beginnings. Jill Veuer (p.l3]

NHPRC Project at Amon Carter. Paula Stewa.n [p.14) Entemational Report: JobaMesburg:, South Africa; Archives for the

People: S<curing an Arcllival Heri. [p.l5) Wor\:-ing With the MaMA Archjves on Dorothy Miller's 'Americans"

Series. Lynn Ztlevansky [p.l 6]

Volume 9/2 {September 1995)

Note front dle Chair. Maureen Melton (p.l]

From lhe Program Chair. Fred Calabr<tta (p.31

RLG Mee.tings at SAA Annual Meeting. [p.4]

NHPRC Announces- Museum Records Products. [p.4] NHPRC Deadlines Approach. [p.41 freshwater Rtsearch Pioneer's Papers in Academy's Archives. [p.S]

IMS Conducts Intern« Survey. [p.S]

Smithsoni>n Archives Publishes Annual Report. [p.S]

Archives Luncheon at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Jeanie M.

James [p.S] Wadsworth Atheneum Hoses New England ~bivis&s. (p.6)

Call for Papers on Ornl History. [p.6] News from the Pioneers Museum. [p.6]

New Web Site for Art Museums. [p.6]

Book Review: lnugi.og Guide. Mo Sue Pai.Jner (p.7) Amon caner Museum R«truct\lres. Paula. Stewan [p.S] Nelson-Atkins Museum Closes Archives Program. (p.S]

Intellectual Prope.ny RightS Subject of Round Table. Willow Powers (p.9]

Sixth Floor Museum DocumeniS Kennedy l..e&aey. Gary Mack: (p.9]

COPAR Holds Wot1<shops. [p.9]

SAA Executive VisitS Museum Archives. Deborah Wythe (p. IO}

Study 1"our or Northern Ireland. Barbara W. File (p.lO]

Museum Archives in Aust.o"'alia. Bruce Smith [p.ll] New Resoucees on Brooklyn Anists at The Brooklyn Museum.

Oebomh Wythe (p. l 31

Volume lOll (February 1996)

From the Chair. ~bureen Melton (p.t)

Museum Archives Section Annual Meeting. Willow Powers (p.2]

Prom the Editor's Desk. Paula Stewart (p.3) Publications CM'IM.ittee Report. John Smith (p.3]

Program Commiuee Report. Fred Calabretta [p.4J

The Outreac·h Outlook. Judy Turner [p.4)

Video Pre$ervation Round Table Sd1edulcd. [p.6] Texas Assocat:i.on of Museums Sets Agenda for Annual Meeting. (p.6]

Denver Museum .E.x.h.ibition Highlights Archives & Library

CollcctiollS. Kristine Haglund [p.6] Archives ol American Art Filming Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. An

SChool Records. (p.6J Sruart Hired as Mf,\. Houston. Archivist. lp.7]

Oral History Exhibit :n Myscic Se:tport. f red Calabrcua [p.7)

Museum Archivisr!ndex, p.3

Preservation Leaflet Available in Spanish. (p.7] Ringling Archives Publi.shes Guide. [p.71 NHPRC G,..n,. Announced. (p.7] Tile Archives Exhibition Program at d1e Philbrook Museum of An.

Tim Young fp.8) Woodstock Artists Assoc:iatiun Undertakes Rehousing Project. [p.8]

SAA Appoinanents Conuninee Seeks Nominations. [p.9}

Bylaws of the Museum Arc~ives Section (918/1995 revision). (p. l01

Volume 10/2 (September 1996)

From the Chair. Maureen Melton (p. J]

From lh~ Editor's Desk. Paula Su.~n [p.2]

From lh~ Progran~ Committee Chair. Fred Calabretta (p.3]

Arch.ives of Americ.:~,n Art Receives Gr:a1tts. [p.3) New Microfilm Available frorn Archives of American An. [p.3}

NHPRC Reco1nme•lds 63 Grants. fp.4]

NHPRC Seeks Host Institution. (p.4] NHPRC Announces Recoros Projects ProduclS. [p.4J

New Edition of Dri<isb Archives Guido Published. !p.S1

Repon from tlle Natural History Museum, London. John Thac:laay

[p.S1 Walker An Center Archives Update. Jill Vetter (p.6]

An Arcl1ivisu Experience. Cla.n:ce Martin [p.6]

Saving Time: The Archives or the Andy Warhol Museum. John Smilb

!p.71 Database for CUiin Archiva1 CoUec.tion Developed. Deborah Wythe



Ahlstrand. Pennington. Archives on a Shoestring at AAM (812]

Austen, Barbara E. Museum Records Management and Arthives: A

Survey or the Field (8111 B.aekman, Prudence. DH:P Grant Develops Documentary Str.ttegies

[7111 Staff Change at lnstirute (7/1)

Bain. Alan. Oocumeoting Mu$Cums a.s Institutions & as Purveyors of Culluo:: Records, Paper> & Special Collec<ioos (612}

Symposium on Atchives in Narural Hisrory Collections (712)

Rt.port and Personal Reflecdons from Central Europe CIDOC

Meeting. Ljubljan."l, Slovenia (8/ 1) Kathleen Robinson Joins Smithsonian [8n)

Smithsonian Archives Names Director (8J2J Bloom. Stephen. Arehives Issues e.xplored at ARLIS/NA Conference

(8/1 J Buc.hholt, Karen. AAHCM names Director of CoUeetions [9/ 1]

Calabretta, Fred. Mystic Seaport Museum Archi\·es and A Celebration

(7111 Maritime Libraries Group Holds Annual Conference t7/ IJ

Mystic Soapon Oral His<ory Guide (7/11

Program Committee Report May We Help You? (8/IJ From d•e Program Chair: Indy and More (812]

From the Progrom Cha;r (9/11

J!'rom the Program Chair (912] Program Conunittee Report (10/1)

Oral His.tory Exhibit at Mystie Scapon [10/l] From dte Program Committee Chair [1012}

Cline, Seou. Evaluation on A&enda at Section Meeting (8n)

Daniels. Maygene. Museum Archives 9ibliognphy (1/lj

SoftW3rt Repon: Subject Access to Finding Aids in Museum

Arebives {712)

Orexelius. Sh~ryl. Albany Insrirute's New Archives Program (6/1]

F'de, Barbara W. Srudy Tour of Northern Ireland (9121

Glenn, Susan. Minutes of d\e 1992 meeting. Museum Archives

Section, SM (7/11 Mjnutes of dle Museum Archives Section Soc::iety of American Archh•ists {8/ 1 ).

(jraedet, Lnura. Request for Inform.uion: Museum Public:Hions (8/1}

Archives in the Raw: A Brief Look at the Genesis of the Museum of

Science and industry's Archives. [8n]

Midwe$L Museum Conference held in Cbicogo (9/t)

Haglund. Kristine. ASC Aretlives Brochure off the Press [6n) From the Chair [7/11 Museu:m Archives Section: Current Activities & 'Three Year Plan

(7/11 From the Chair: Museum Archives and me Internet (712J From !he Cha;r [8/11

Repon of lhe Museum Archive$ Section to the Society of American

ArchivistS: 3-Year Plan (8/1]

from the Chair (8/2}

Denver Museum Exhibition Highlights Archives & Library

Collections (10/11 H aller, Douglas. BrieOy noted: Oeuoitlnstitute f7/l)

Harding, Robert S. Volunteers at the Smithsonian Institution Arcbives Center, NationaJ Museum of American HistOry [7/1]

Hartt. Kathleco. MU$eum Archives Section. CUrrent Activity Report

and Three Year Plan ( 61 t 1 Prom the Chair [6/lJ Prom the Chai< [6121

Hennessey, Colleen. Freer and Sadder Ga.Uery Aethivcs Receive Smithsonian G~>n< (61 1 1 The Freer Gallery of Art Archives and the Reopening of lhe Gallery


Hill. Chuck. Neison·M<ins Upda« [7/11

Nelson-M<ins Update (712)

Nelson-Atkins Update (8/ll

Nelson-Atkins Smff News [8/1]

Netson-A!ltins Upda<e (8121

Nelsoo·A!l.ins Upda<e (9/1] Holewa, Penny. Oral History at NEMAIMAAM AonuaJ Meeting [7/1]

James, Jeanie M. Archives Luneheon at The Metropolitan Museum of

Art [9n)

Johnson, Steve. News from the Zoo (7/1) Zoolog;cal Pa<ks and Aquariums 17111

Kirdahy, Carolyn. FUnctions of Museums and the Museum o£ Science, Dos10n (612)

Museum Archivist Index, p.4

Khntow. Meg. Archivisu E.xehlngc. JOb$ (6/t] Ooeumcaung the Reswr:ation of the F'nnk Uoyd Wri,glu Hom~: and Studio 16111 T-ime Goc.s Quickly: The Mille Lac.s Chippewa Oml History Projecc

[6121 The NHPRC a.nd Tribal Archives (612)

Kodact, Marc. Atcb1eo1ogital Curadon and CoUcctions Managemenl

(7/ll Krumholz. VirJini>. Arcbivc.s or d>e Clevei&Dd M_.., or An [611) Kuhlm.n, Joey. Do We Really Wam 01 Do This7 Stutin; • R«ord$

M .... tmtQI Program in 1 M.....,m Ardliv .. [81!J

MUS<Wll AD:bives S<etion Annual Me<lin& [9/11 Leibold, Cheryl. l'enruylvanla 1\eademy Ardlives 1\trec:ted by

Renovations {8/ 1] EAkin< up<la<c [8/l]

Uma, Rodolfo Vera. Requesl for lnfomlltion: Archives and Research on Cuban Biodiversil)' [8/l]

Loo, 1\ppbla. The Wmiam S. Uebennan Pipers II d>e Museum of Modem An An:bh·es 16121

Lo,.,., Muine H. Do It Now_, Thani.AI<r. A R.scareb

Pn>ccdut< oo lleGefit R.scardlers lOd Ardlivists [6/1] MKk. Gary. Sil<dl Aoor MU1<um Doeumcms KeMCdy Legaey [9/ll Martin, Cllrece. All An:hivlsts El<pcricnec [lOll) MeCiuskey, Elaine M. The Sutnn<r McKniaht Cro<by Papers at the

Cloi!tcrs (7121 McMaster, Julie A. First S(eps for an Archives: Toledo Museum

Surveys Record$[8/l} Melton. Maureen. From die Program Commhtee: New Orleans and

Beyood(7llJ F10m d>e Chair [911] No,. r.,.,. d>e Chair [9121 From d>e Chili [10/1}

From the Chair [lOll} Moser, Dennis. An Archivisc's Advenruru on che Internet, orOh.

WbM a Tangled Web We Weave (8/'l) Mon. WUibun W. Museum Arthivcs and Sontc lmemational An:b.ival

Con«p<s [8/2}

Nc:Uson. John. Museum Archives and Ubrarics In inas (6/1) OJivctti, Trudi. Archiv-es lssueJ cxptored at AllUSINA Conftre:nec


Pllmcr. Mo Sue. Book Review: I=Jin& Guide [912] Pcn:y. Ther= Rini au ..... c~~ Commi- upc~a .. (6/IJ

Cbalr's Repon: Ouaueh Commi .. e (7/1} ProuS<In& ProjectatOia Swrt>rid;e Vlllaac (8/2)

1994 Museum Archives lll$lifutc (8fl) OSV ID Panicipate in ~iS Prese~:rva1ion Project (9/1)

Powctt. Willow. Museum Arehlves Soc.clon AnnLJa.l Meeting [9111 lnt<lle<Nal Property RigbiS Subje<:t o( Round Table (9/2) Museum AJ<bives Section AMual Me<lln& (lOIII

Rathbone, Belioda. R.scardlins d>e Ltfo of Walker Evaos (711} RObmson. Kl:tbl-eeo: sec Ruu

Roacrs. Cyndlia. Museum Records iltumirutc. ma-p collection at cbe Lil>erty Memoriol Museum (711}

Roob, Rllrc. Museum of Modem An Receives Grant l7/l)

Ru..-.11, M.ary El<zsbe<h. AreblvisU & And>n>poiOJisu U11< Pn:scrvacion of Aruhropolosia.l Record [612) Prc:SCrvation Council Fonncd (712)

Smid1, Bruce. Museum Arc:hlve$ln Auscmlia [9/2] Slllith. John. Volunteering ll.t the An Institute or Chicago [1/1]

Publications Comminee ('9/1) l'ublicadons Commiuee Rqlon (10/1) Savin& Tune: The Ardlives of the Andy Warllol Museum (lOll}

Stcveos. Kama. R.e.11eaions of a volunecc.r at &be Academy or NaamJ S.icoe<s or Pbil..tdpbi> 1711 1

Stewart, Paula. NIIPRC Ptoje<lac Amon c.- (911] Amon carter Museum Restructur<J [912J From d>e Ediwr's Desk (10/1} From Ute EditOr's O..k (lOili

n\3c:k:l'1.y, Jobn. R.epon from the Nncurul History Mwcucn, London [lOll}

Triotble, Michael K. ArdtaoologicaJ Cuntdon and Collc:ctions Manaaemem (7/2}

1\tmcr. Judy. Ouaueh Commluoe Seda Vol""""'rs for Spcal<m' Bureau (8/1] SU. Atutouna:s N1111r>l II'ISIIIry Litnuy Lislserv (812] Fall '94 Meeting Midwes< Ardllves Coruem1ee (911] Ouaueb Commit= (9/1} The Outn:a<h Outlook (10/1}

Uhtef. Sharron. Volunteer Vigncnes: Colomdo Springs Pioneers Museum (7/1 J Brieny noted: Pl\otograp~s of Frederick Stohr [7/1]

Veucr,JUL The Walker An Center Ardllves: Beginciogs [9/1] Wall3:r An Center Arehives Upcla,. 110121

Weber, 1\lUta. 1bc Sole of MuO<Um Archives (&11]

Wild, Racbel. The MUSCWII of Modem An Archives Program: 1bc

f'IIS< Tht<e Years (6/2)

Wythe. Dc:bor>h. From d>e Editor's Dc:sk (6/1] An:hivists & l ibrarWIS Mee111 AAM (612] From the Editor's Desk (6/21

Registrars and Archivists Views 11 NEMAJMAAM Annuli Meeting (7/1} NEll Suppons Brooklyn Museum Projea [711)

From d>e Editor's Desk (7/l} From d>e E<fuor's Dc:sk: Winter Freeze Up Slows Museum Atduvisu [811]

from the Edilors So>pbo• [8121 From the Edi10r's O..k [9/11 Proposed Bylaws Chan&e (9/11 SM Executive Vi.siu Mu$t\lm Atchives [9/2] New Resources on Brooklyn Anists at n1o Brooklyn Mu$C.unt [9/lj Database for Culin 1\n:hival Colle<tlon Developed [lOll}

Youns. Holly. II New NHPRC Gro.nt Projeet: Pueblo Grande Museum Arcbives (812}

YOUn&. Tom. The Ardlives lilhibltion Prosrun 11 the Pllllbrook MUS<Umof An (10/1}

~l<vansl;y, LyM. WO<king With d>e MoMA 1\rcbM:s on Dorothy MUkr's 'Amcri<am' Series 19111

Museum Archivist lndcx, p.S


"-triaa Awri>•""' of M- (AA.\f)

Amerb.n Assoc&31.10n or MUKUrru An~.r M«una.s: 1993 & t9').C (712)

A~hlves oa a Sboostnn; 11 MM (8/lJ

Aldllvbu& Ubn,.... Meet It Mhi(612J Muta~m Archives Ses.oon Proj)Ofed for 1994 AAM M«<ina (S/1)

American Associaoion for Soau: & Loealllisool)l (MSUI) AASUI Technioal L<all« (711)

........,. or N-.J s..:nces. l'luboldpb..

Fmhar- ""'-"• I'>P<n "'Aacleuoy"1 Aldb•cs {9/ll Plul.odelphia (7111

Rdlccllons of 1 voluncecr at cbc Academy or Natural Sciences or Acldcmy of Scieoe<s. Plulad<lphio

w .... , from d>c Academy ofSc,.-. [9/1)

Afro·Aoucrican Rio<orical•nd Culnn•l Mui<Um AAIICM names Dir«IOr ofCollecolons [9111

A/bony lru1iuloe of Hislory & An

Albuy las<ioso: AlduYa Emblnhod •lib I>"H~ f'oadioc (711) AJbolut!nsoiam:"s New Aldli><J l'n>s,.. (6/1) DIIP (1...,. Develops Oocumcncary Stntqies (711) Soatr Clw>&• u IAstituu: (711)

American As• · ,;., for Scs"' & LocoJ H-.y New AASUI TO<hnieaJ Lcafieo (612)

Amon Cantr Museum

Amon Csncr Appohus Archivi$1(6/1) Amon Canu Museum Reswauru (9121 NHPRC Pn:Jjca 1t Amoo Canu [9111

Aady Wadlol Musoum

lobo Smllh oppoi!IICd Walbol Mu1<11m Ardlivw (8121

S.•UII Tuoc: Tho Atdllvcsoflloc lwly W&Jbol ~- (IOOJ Alduves or Amcnou ""

An:tuv .. or Am<nc:a.o "" ~'"" T~ Alsoc:iadon -. [8/IJ

Ar~.ttlvq of American An Fllmlna Mu~eurn of Fine Aru, Boston. An School R«onls (lOili

An:hlves of American An No• on RUN (6/IJ

Archives of American Art Pubhshct Guide, AMOUnoc.s Acquisitions [911)

Ardu•es of American An ReccoVc> Gruau {100) N- A-.;,y ..._. u Atdli>e1 of Amcncu An (112! New ~bctofillo Available ftom An:hl>es of Amcricao An {100)

Anzona-$ooon. Desert Mu~m

Arizo111·Sonor> Dean Mwcum lfosoa Motlin& on ProP<<IY RiJjlu (911)

An Ubt~nu S..ieoy (ARUSINA)

i\rehlvesbsucs ••plor<d •• AIU.IS/Ni\ CONFEIUlNCE (8/l] An ltutiNOo of Chi<aao

AJC Ajlpoioos N.,. An:hirisl (9/1)

Afduy ... ~ Jobo (6/1] An l.lboOQite of CbiQ,ao Cdebra~tlo Cc:ncc.nmaJ •ltCb 1 New Publuuon (7n)

VoluR~Ccnac., d>c An lnstitu1< of Clllcqo (7111 "-~of S)'S1<1111ic$ Collectaon<tASC)

ASC Ard1tve:s Brochu~ off cbt Pre,, (f,tl:J

ASC l'ltbhsllcs Guodc'-t(9!IJ llol>oock Glllcrico

From d>c In Bo>o B..bcoc~ O.llcnu (711) Brooklyn ~1useum

Brooklyn Museum Ubt~ries & Archives Fatured In Memhcnhlp maUq (911 I Call for loformaoon· OIJ•mc Form E.dwbilion (612) D•oahuc for COlin An:hivtl Collecllon Developed (10121 NEll SUppons Brooklyn MIIS<tlm Projecl (7111

New ~ 011 Brook!) a Anuu u"Jbo Brootlya t.IGICUIII (9121 ._ f<lr "'*"-- Sacwan Coha R«onns s..p. (1121 SM Eacco.ti-<e V"tiiU MuiCUm An:hives [9121

crooc Rcpon and Penonal ReOecllons from Cc1IU>l Europe CIDOC Me...,.. l.jublj>na. Sl•••lll• 11111

Clevc.Wid Museum of An

Archives of the Cleveland Museum or An [6/1] Cleveland Musoum of 1\n ltosa ARMA Seminar (7121

W- Radio&: Clncbad Mweuow of An (6/1] Clncland M.-m of N.wnl Hislory

New An:lurisl in Cleveland (711)

Clobom R=nes An:hi•cs o ...... lob ~'ostia& A_..,.,.,. 16/11 Project Aft:lli>W Job u d>c Cloisscrs (6121

Tho Sumner McKnlaho Crosby Papers •• the Cloisoers (7121 Sprin.g.s l)lonecn Mu$CUIH

DrieAy ......S: 1'1looo&r>phs of Frederick Su:hr (711) News from d>c l'ooftccn MltSCUm (9/ll

Vol..-r V"ogaoacs: Colorado Sp_, p_,. MUOCWD (7/IJ Councb for Ill< Pn:scrvallon of 1\nthropoio&lal R«onls (COPAR)

COPAR Holds Wo~ [9121 COPAR SIDdlcs Anlhropolop:>l AlduYa (811)

COPAR Stuvqs Aadln>poioaleaJ R«on!s [812) Council for dtc Pn:scrvttlon of Anthropoforical R«on!s [911)

Cr.nbrook Euueaoion>J Communhy Crsnbrook A- Ocuy Grvu (6/IJ

Dc:nver Museum of N•cul'lllfiuory

Oc-.n~cr Mu.srom E.Uuturion Hilhll&hb Arthivcs & Ubrary Collccoons (lOll J

De••" Moscwn of N..,rsl H1110ry ~and An:l>ives R<pon on 1991 (112)

D~t:m ,_ An:h,... Avoibblc (9111 Ocorolt In""""'

Bricny ......S: Ocoroio lnsolruu: (7111 Fraal. Uoyd WriaJu H0111<&. Srudlo

Documc"'in& d>c RCiiOnllon of !Ito l'raolt Uoyd Wriaho Home and SWdlo (6111

Freer and Sackle.r Galleries

Fr<er and Sactlcr Gallery An:hivCI R<cdvc Smllhsoolan Grana 16/1) Tloc F-GJJlcry of An AlduYa and obc R""P"''ioc of obc Gallery (7/l)

lfiSlOric Chcny Rill

Do It Now Raftr Than Laur. A Rue.a.tW Procedure: 10 Ekoe.ftt R<scan:bcrs and An:hl\uu (6/IJ

Mustum Ardli•-isJ Index, p.6

HistOric New Orle~ns Collection Wonh Reading: HistQric New Orleans Collection (6/l ]

Institute of Museum Services (lMS) lMS Condueu Internet Sut"•ey (9/2]

John & Mable Ringling Museum

Ringling Archives Publishes Guide (10/1) Liberty Memorial Museum of World War I

Musewn Records illuminate map collection at the Liberty Memorial

Museum [7/1)

Mcmupolit:m Museum of Art Archives Luncheon at The Metropolirao Museum of An (9/2)

Midwest Archives Confer-ence

Fall '94 Meeting Midwest Archives Conference (9/l}

Midwest Museum Conference held in Chicago (9/1]

Mu~um Compu<er Ne!Worl< (MCN)

MCN and CIDOC Meetings To be Held In Wa$hing!On (811 1 MCN and C!MI Propose CHIO projeel [8n)

Museum of Fine Acu, Boston Muset.un of Fine Ans, Bos(on. Archives Update (6.12]

Museum of Fine Ares. Houscon

Do We Really Want to Do This? Starting a Records Managen~nt Progrnm in a Museum .Archives [8/l]

Museum of Fine Am. Houston To Move Arc:bives to New Facility

(7121 News From the Museum of Ftne Arts, Houston [9/1] Stuart Hired as MFA, Housron, ArGhivist (10/1]

Museum of Modtm An Museum of Modem An Receives Grant [711]

Researching the Ufe of Walker Evans (7/1) The Museum of Modem An Archives Program: Tbe First Three Years [612)

The WilliamS. Lieberman Papers at lhe Museum or Modem An

Archives (6121 Working With the MoMA Archives on Dorothy Miltc:r's

'America""' Series [9111 Museum or Science & lndi.Sstry

Arc:hives in the Raw: A Brief Look at d1e Genesis of the Museum or Science and Industry's Archives L8f21

MuStum of Science, Boston Functions of Museums and the Museum of Sc:.ience. Boston {612)

Mysric Seapon Museum Mystic Seaport Museum Art-hi~·es aod A Celebtation {7/1]

Mystic Seapon Oral HiSIOJ)' Guide [711] Oral History E:xhibit at Mystic Seaport (lOll)

Narion.a.l Aothropological Archives National AndU'Opologieal Archives [911)

Nadonal Hiscori~l Publications & Records (NHPRC)

New NHPRC Plan And Guidelines [7/IJ News from NHPRC [911]

NHPRC Announces Mu~m Records PrnduclS [9121 NHPRC Announces Recent Record$ Products and New Records

Grnms [8121 NHPRC Announc<S Reeords ProjcclS Produc<s (1012) NHPRC Deadline< Approach [912)

NHPRC Grams Announ<e<l (1011)

NHPRC Crams for Fiscal Year 1993 (7/Z)

NHPRC Issues New Guidelines [712]

NHPRC Recommends 63 CntnlS (10121 NHPRC Seeks HoSl Insdwtion [1012)

The NHPRC and Tribal Archives (612)

National Gallery of Art National Gallery of Art Publishes A.n:.hiteerucal Guide (612)

Sofrware Repon: Subjec.t Access to Finding Aids in Muswm

Archi\'CS {712]

National Trust for Historic P.-esei'Vation Wonh Reading: National TruSl [6/1]

Naru~l History Museum, London

Report (rom the Natural History Museum, London (10!2]

Nelson-Atkins Museum or Art (6/1)

Archivist Sought for New Archjves Program afNelson-Addns

Museum of Art Nelson .. Atkins Museum Appoints Arcbivisc (612]

NeLson· Atkins Museum Closes Archives Program (912}

Nelson-All<ins S<afrNews [7111 Nelson-Atkins Staff News (8/1]

Nelson·All<ins Upda<e (7111 Nelson·All<ins Upda<e (7121

Nelson-A<kins Updll"' [811 I Nclson-Aokins Updaoe [8121

Nelson-Aikins Updaoe [911 1 New Archives Broc:hure from Nelson·Adcins Museum [9/1)

New E.ngla..nd Museum Assocation (NEMA)

New England Museum Association Annual Meeting [7fl] Oral Hisoory a< NEMAIMAAM Annual Meeting [7/1)

Registrars and Archivists Trade Views at Na..tA/MAM An.nual Meeting (711]

New York Zoological Society

News from the Zoo 17/l)

Old Sturbridge Village l994 Museum Archiveslnstirute [8/1]

1994 Museum Archives lnstirute [8n] 199S M\IS<:Um A~hi"\•es Institute (9/1]

Museum Archives lnstitute (6/1)

Museum Archives Jnstiruce (612) Museum Archives lnstiru<e Scheduled [711) Old Sturbridge Village Resca.rch fellowship [6/1)

OSV Offers Fellowship [8111

OSV to Participate i.n (.\{$Preservation Project (9/1] Processing Project at Old Srurbridgc Village (812)

Pennsylvanja Aeademy of d.e Fine ArtS

Eokins upda<e [8nl Pennsylvania Academy Arc.h.ives Affected by Renovations [$/II

Philadephia An Allianu

NHPRC Funds Philadelphia An Alliance Records Project (7/1]

Philbrook Museum or Art The Archives Exhibition Program at the PhjJbrook Museum of An

[lOll I

Pueblo Gmnde Museum A New NHPRC Grant Project: Pueblo Grande Museum Archives


Museum Ard1ivisr Index, p. 7

-rdl Ll><arics G- (lU.G) AM IS l'nljoa SWkd (811) AMIS VPduef8121 RI-O Meedng• at SAA A1uwal Me<1h15 (9/ll

Sec1e1 Service Museum Orleny Noced: Top Seem MuJCum (8/1)

Sllelbum< Mu.scum Sbclllume M.....,. co lllimcc Actluvtl """nm., SeeJdoc ArduWISI


$ada - ~~""""' Slllll Floor Maseum Don•r., K.canod)' Lcp:y (9121

s.....,..,...,lnslimliol1 Doeumc:nting Mu""'nu as l""'wcions & as Putveyo" of CuiOJCt:

Records, Papers & SpeciAl Collocuons (612) K1uhlec:n l\obinson Joifas SmhJ\Jonlnu(8/ll Musc.un1 Arthives and Some lnlcrn:uJol\ll An:hivaJ Co~e:pts [8121 Smtduonlan Ard>ives Names Oiroc:cor (8121 S~ AtdiMs Pubhsbcs ..._... Repon (912)

s.. .. •-lztimrioa AldJivu Publullcs ...-Repon (1121 Sl' tmiaa OoiliDe CaWot Now A...toblt oe 11cRroet (9111 $-V"ylcolrjqocy Coil«' ... ()peas (6121 Volu.-nll cbe S- '-don AtchiV<$ Calt«. Ntuoftal

MuJCum of J.rncri<an Histocy (1111 Sockcy for lhe P~rvation of Ntcursllli>IO'Y Colleetions (SPNIIC)

SPNIIC 10 m«< in Toron1o (9/1) Spcelal Llbrui<s A$SO<iation (SLAI

SLA AAnounc.:s NarunJ Uiscocy Llbncy Ust«rv (812) Tuu ...._.lion of Museums (TAM}

Tuu AslO<i>bon of M-"-' Mccdloc ('9!11 Tuas A_,.., of~-S... AJC1>da for,.._.. M«CCII (1~1)

T_M_... r 1111 Sscps for aa ,.ya,h·es: Tolodo M....., Surveys Record$18121

Toledo Museum Prepares for NIIPRC Orsn1 (8111 U.S. Anny Corps of Engineers Arch~teologial CUration and Coll~donJ Manngement [7n)

WiidJWOnh Alheoonn Wtdswonh Ad><ncoum Hosu New Ellabnd Atchivisu (912)

W.ll•ct An .,..u..r An ea... R=rtU Pu..SS for Aldll•cs [1121 'l'1lc Walnr AnCcma """""a: a.e_. (9111 Waller AnCcaler Ard>iV<S Vpdalo (10121

Woocl110CL. Anists Association Wood$10C.k Anisu Auoclatton 1911) WoodiiOCk Anisu AMOcladon Undccukel Rehousing Projecl (lOIII


Autom:uion An'.s Advc:nturu on the lmemc.t, or Oh. What a Tangled

Web We Wuvc (8121 Oa~>l) for Cutin Archival Collc<:don Developed (1012)

New Wtb Site for Art M\HC\ImJ (912) Soflw>ro 11<pott: SUI>jcc< Accc>l ., 1\od ... Aids io Museum ActluvCJ



Ardu>a Exbi11rooa PWJram u ~ Phdbroolc Museum of An (lOll I Dcn•·cr Museum Ellhibition IIIJhiiJhU Arebtva & Libruy Collotuon>

(lOll ( MCN an<l CIDOC Me<lin81 To bo llcld In Washinglon (8/ 1) MUJCum Ao:hivcs S...ion Propo.scd for 1994 AAM Meetina (8/1)

Orstllls10cy Elluoit •• Myrdc Setpon (lOIII


Ar<Urirl s.ap. for N.ew ,._ ....,_...,.., Ndsoa-Aitias

Mu-of An {611) Pro.JOCl Atc::biYirl lob .. 11>< Cloislcn (6121

Qmnl! Albany lnsliNie ArchiveJ E.subllshed wllh NHPRC Fundin& 17111 Arc.hlvcs or American An Receives 01'1nl$ (tOn]

Clols~<rs Recch·es AC<bivcs Onm. Job Postln& Announced [6/11 Cnnbrook Awanled Oeuy GnOI l6JII DHP Gra111 Develops Ooaa01tlllal)' Sllll<Jics (7/ll Fmr and Sodckdiollay Aldaives -e s ·• • n GnJ¥ (6111 M•-oiMod<ru An R=rwa 01'1111 (1111 t:EH SCppons Brooldya )i.- Projoca (111 I New SHPRC Gratll ProJOCL l'ol<lilo Oraode MUf<UtD Arcltivu 18121 New NlfPRC Plan Aod Ouldchna (711)

New Yotl: S1>1e Aw•rdJ Gnnu(8/l) News fro111 NHPRC [9/IJ NllrRC Announ= Mu«um R<conh Produ<IS (9/2] NIIPRC AIUIOIIllC<s Rocem RccOIIIJ Produ<U and New R<collls

o ..... t8121 NHPRC II"'""""'" Recocds ProJOCII l'nlduas (10121

NHPRC l"ea!!i-t' ~ 19/ll "~c Fads P'tih<'dpb., Art AUiw:c accords ProjeQ [1111

t:HI'RC Gt1!11SAPW"•"'""IIOIII NIIPRC Gnms for F'UICII Year 199) (7Jl) NIIPRC IS$Ue> New Ouidcllne.o (7/2) NflrRC Reeonunends 63 0""" (10121 NIIPRC Seek.s Host Jmdunlon 110121 OSV co Ptnt.ipo~e in IMS P~U<rvallon Project (911) l'rocdSin& Ptojod a1 Old Sontt'ol&o VUbJ< (8121 Waltct An Cct:Oet R=rwa Pundt fvr Ard>ivcs (812)

Muuum Archivist Index. p.S

Repon :md Personal Reneccions (rom Ct.nlra.l Europe CfDOC Meeting. Ljublj:\NI. Sloveni.1 (8/J)

RLO Meetings at SAA Armual Meeting (9n)

SPNHC co meet in Toronto (9/ll

~)mposium on Archives in Nacural History Collections (7n)

Texas Assoeation of Museums SeiS Agenda for Annual Meeting (10/1)

Texas Association of Museums Annual Meeting [9/1)

VKico Preservation Round Table Scheduled [t0/1]

Wadsworth Adteneum Host~ New England A«.hjviru (9n)

Zoological Parks a.nd Aquariums (7111

Projects & repons

Albany Institute's New Archives Progrun [6/L]

Amon Carte.r Museum Restrucwres [9n) An Archivists Experience (J0/2]

Archaeological Curation and Cotlec:tions Management {712)

Archaeological Curation and Collections Management (711]

Archives in the Raw: A Brief Look at the Genesis of the Museum of Science and lndust.ry•s Archives (8/2]

Archives of the Cleveland Museum of An [6/1]

Do It Now Ralbet nun Later. A Research Procedure to Bendit

Researchers and ArchivisiS (611} Do We Really Want to Oo This? Starting a Record$ Management

Progf'3m in a Museum Archives [8/l)

Documenting Museums as lnstitutions & as Purveyors of CUJrure:

Record$, Paper> & Special CoUections [612}

Doc.umentina lhe Restoration of lbe Fra.nk Uoyd Wright Home and

Studio [6/1]

Eakins update tSn] • ' Fii'St St¢p$ for an Archives: Toledo Museum Surveys Records (8/2) ' Freer Gallery of Art Atcbive.s and the Reopening of tbc Gallery [712)

Functions of Museums arvJ the Museum of Science, Boston (612)

lotcmruional Rtpc>rt: Johannesburg. Soulb Afl'ica: Archives for lhe People: Securing an Archival Heri (911}

Museum Archi\'CS and Libraries in Texa$ (611) Museum Archi\'CS and Some International ArebjvaJ Concepu (812)

Museum Arcbive.s in Auscrali.a (912}

Museum of Modem An Archives Program: 11te First Three Years

(612] Museum Recol'ds illumin.ue map colleccion at the Uberty Memorial

Museum (11( I Museum Records Management and Archi\'es: A Sutvey of the Fiedl

(811) Mystic Seaport Museum Atellives and A Celebration (7/l}

Nelson·Atldll$ Mu$CUm Closes Archives Program (912) Netson-Aikins Updat< (711}

Nelson·Atkins Update [7n)

Nelson-Atkins Updatt [8n]

Nelson·AIItins Update (911} New Resources on Brooklyn Artists at n~ Brooldyn Mu'seum (912)

NHPRC and Tribal Archives [6121

NHPRC Project aL Amon Caner [9/1)

Reflections of a volunteer at lhe Ac.ademy of Natural Seiences of

Philadelphia (7/lj Report from lhe Nacural History Museum. London (10121

Saving "flme: The Archives of 1he Andy Warhol MuseULn [tOn]

Sixth Floor Museum Documents Kennedy Legacy [912)

State of Museum Archives (811"1

Study Tour of Nonhero Ireland (9n)

SUmner McKnight Crosby Papers at the Ctoi$ters 17121 Time Goes Quickly: The Mille Lacs Chippewa Oral History Project


Volunteer Vi&nettes: Colo1'8do Springs Pioneers Museum (7/1]

Volunteering atlhe An of Chicago (7/IJ

Volunteers a.t the Smiths.onian InStitution Archive.-; Center, National Museum of American His1ory (7/l)

Walker An Center Acehives Updall! [lOfZI

Walker An Center Archives: Beginnings (9/1)

WilliamS. Lieberman Pa.pers :n the Museum or Modem Art Archivc.s


Publications AASLH Teehnieal Leaflet (711}

Archives of American An Publishes Gukle, Announces Acquisitions

(911) An lnsti~ute or Chicago Celebrates Its Centennial with a New

Publication [7121

ASC Archives Brochure off d1e Press (612}

ASC Publishes Guidelines (911)

Book Review: Imaging Gui<le [9n) Denver Museum of Natural History Library and Archives Report on

1993 (812}

Help for Records Managers [7/l]

Museum News Archi\'es Issue (6111 MyStic. Seapen Oral History Guide [7/1]

Nariona1 Anthropological Arc.bives Go ide Published [7/L] NationaJ Gallery of Art Publisl1es Architecrural Guide [6/21

New AASLH Te<hnicalle>Oet [6n]

New Archives Brochure from Nelson·Adcins Museum [9/l] New Ed.ition of Ol'itish Archives Guide Published (10/2]

Preservation Leanet Available in Spanish [10/1] Publication$ Reeeive<l: tn~~~ging (9/1)

Repaoiation lnfonnarioll [7/ll

Ringling Archives Publishes G·uide [10/1} Archives Publishes Annual Report (9/2] Smilh.sonian lnstirutiOil Archives Publishes Annual Report (112)

WeMcr-Gren Founcl3tion Publishes Repon [712) Won!> Reading: Cleveland Museum of An (6/1)

Worth Reading: Historic New Orleans Collec:cion (6/1)

WonJ1 Reading: National Trust [6/1}

Research rcpons

Researching the Life of Walker Evans (7/J]

Woclcing With lbe MoMA A~iveson Dorothy Miller's 'Americans'

Series (911)

Museum Archivist Index, p.!O

xaltm m•nm ~s.po ... ·-""*""'~-17 '11

~ .. Dl ,.._,........-"'"19M onilloo) 110'11 a.or· • .._. ~ c (7fl)

.,_ ...... 1<1-AIQnaS<ciiooa-. l<c• Orlu!lo oar r ...... ._ 011 1\a<llllo .. - M..,.;,g (SnJ l'roon 11M Choir (lOIII From Ilia C'h•lr 1 IOfll Prom iho Ch•lr (IS/I) Prom ih• C'holr W2l l'ooon oha C'holr (7111 I n•m tho C'h1lr (Ill)

Fno111111< C'l>aor (Ill)

fr\1111 N Owr !'I'll F-.. CJ.,lr.- Aldlrteslllllldat -(712)

---~Ddt (WII ,_ ... ........,, Do* (IQtl)

,_ ... .......-o ""* 16/11 F.-... f4llor' o Dolt (6fl)

F.-* &liiDr'o Oal; (7n) r- ... e.s..,·, 0oo1. 19111 From thtt l..dJr:-.t'l Ortllt: \Vwef Freeze Up SlowJ MuKU~ Al\.hlvi.MJ


rrom oho lldhor'J So•pbo• [812) l'rom lho 1'10110111 Chair [9111

Prom die Pro&""' Ch.tlr (9nt l'mno Ilia l'n>JI'IIU Cbair: Indy and Mon: (Bn)

Fl<)mdlc Pn>JI'II• ColllllWIOC Chair (10/2) t- a.. I'Ncn• 0 · New Odcms and a.,_ (712)

loloo SM• IIotp Y-A Help A Friead! [811) M._ol.,.ltn---~SMOIIJ w-..... ___ _,.,A8m:a

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r''"' 1611 1 Mu;, Al~'hlvu Stclkln: 1'hrte Year Pian [7/11

NOI4 from the Choir (9n(

O..uudl C'o...otlot .. (9111 o...,.... c.,..,._ Sects v-(9111 ~c--. s..u v....._.. for Spoa~:as'llu- 11111 Oulloodl c lipola (6111 ...... (' ._.,.~ .. ,.,.._ C ILqooft: Nay 'Co Help Y•• I'll)

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llq!on or .. ···- ............ Scaioa: :;. y ... l'hoo (II II SAA Arf"llnn...,nt' Commntec Sec:ks fo\omirutloN {1011 J

n1e Oune.;'"h Oudt)f}k fi0/11

Muuum irtltlt·tstlndex, p.ll

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