
Musculoskeletal Questions

HistologyHistology of Skin and Connective Tissue

1. The connective and muscular tissue are derived from which germ layer?

a. Endoderm

b. Ectoderm

c. Mesoderm

d. Both a and b

2. In order to differentiate fibroblast from fibrocyte in n H&E stain connective tissue slide, one should know that:

a. Fibrocytes stain blue while fibroblasts stain pink

b. Fibroblasts have darker and elongated nucleus whereas fibrocytes have ovoid, large and pale staining nucleus

c. Fibroblasts have basophilic cytoplasm while fibrocytes have acidophilic cytoplasm

d. All of the above

3. A type of connective tissue cell that degrades cellular debris through phagocytosis and constitutes the mononuclear-phagocytic system.

a. Fibroblast

b. Fat cells

c. Mesenchymal cells

d. Histiocytes

4. Type of connective tissue cell that has a signet ring appearance.

a. Fibroblast

b. Fat cells

c. Mesenchymal cells

d. Histiocytes

5. The following are characteristics of plasma cells, EXCEPT:

a. Ovoid cell with a centrally located basophilic nucleus

b. Contain Russell bodies

c. Precursor is the B-lymphocyte

d. None of the above

6. Type of collagen found in reticular fibers

a. Type I

b. Type II

c. Type III

d. Type IV

e. Type V

7. Type of connective tissue fiber that stains black in silver stain and are found in glandular organs, lymphoid and blood-forming structures.

a. Collagen fibers

b. Elastic fibers

c. Reticular fibers

d. Ground matrix

8. Loose connective tissue can be found in which of the following structures?

a. Pia mater of spinal cord

b. Dermis of skin

c. Periosteum and perichondrium

d. Tendons

9. Which of the following structures can elastic fibers be found?

a. Ligament

b. Trachea

c. Aponeurosis

d. Endoneurium

10. Type of jelly-like tissue found in whartons jelly and pulp of young teeth?

a. Dense connective tissue

b. Undifferentiated Mesenchymal tissue

c. Adipose tissue

d. Loose connective tissue

11. Which of the following is FALSE regarding glandular excretory mechanisms?

a. Apocrine glands such as the mammary gland secrete their product through loss of a part of the apical cytoplasm along with the material secreted

b. Sebaceous glands are a holocrine glands that leads to complete destruction in order to totally discharge its contents

c. Merocrine glands such as the sweat glands simply release their products through the cell membrane

d. None of the above

12. Which of the following is correctly matched?

a. Multicellular gland: Goblet cell

b. Endocrine gland: presence of ducts

c. Stereocilia: trachea

d. Transitional epithelium: urinary bladder

13. Layer of epidermis composed of spiny cells, numerous desmosomes and secretory (lamellar) granules

a. Stratum basale

b. Stratum spinosum

c. Stratum granulosum

d. Stratum corneum

14. Layer of epidermis not found in thin skin

a. Stratum basale

b. Stratum spinosum

c. Stratum lucidum

d. Stratum granulosum

15. Dendritic cell in midepidermis known to have immunologic functions

a. Langerhans cell

b. Merkel cell

c. Melanocyte

d. Melanosomes

16. Onion-shaped structures in the dermis that functions in pressure or vibration sensation

a. Merkel cell

b. Pacinian corpuscle

c. Meissners corpuscle

d. Langerhans cell

17. Pruritoreceptors in the epidermis are composed of which of the following nociceptors?

a. Unmyelinated A-fiber nociceptors and C-delta fibers

b. Unmyelinated C-fiber nociceptors and A-delta fibers

c. Myelinated C-fiber nociceptors and A-delta fibers

d. Myelinated A-fiber nociceptors and C-delta fibers18. Shortest stage of the hair cycle

a. Anagen

b. Catagen

c. Telogen

d. Antegen

19. Which of the following is NOT found in palms, soles and glands?

a. Sebaceous gland

b. Stratum lucidum

c. B only

d. Both A and B

20. The pilosebaceous unit is composed of which of the following structures?

a. Apocrine gland, sebaceous gland, arrector pili, hair follicle

b. Merocrine gland, sebaceous gland, arrector pili, hair follicle

c. Apocrine gland, sweat gland, arrector pili, hair follicle

d. Merocrine gland, sweat gland, arrector pili, hair follicle

Histology of Muscle

21. Which of the following is TRUE regarding skeletal muscle fibers?

a. It is enclosed by epimysium connective tissue

b. The I band contains both thin and thick filaments

c. Type 1 red muscle fibers have high myoglobin content

d. All of the above

22. This refers to the terminal branch of an axon and the muscle fiber that it synapses with.

a. Motor unit

b. T tubule

c. Motor end plate

d. Sliding filament theory

23. Which of the following does NOT describe a histologic slide of smooth muscles?

a. Peripherally located nucleus

b. Spindle shaped (fusiform)

c. Absence of striations

d. A cross section appears polygonal with different sizes

24. Which of the following structures is an example of a unitary smooth muscle?

a. Ducts of the male reproductive tract

b. Ciliary body of the eye

c. Intestinal smooth muscle

d. None of the above

25. The smallest repetitive subunit of the contractile apparatus of a striated muscle cell, extending between two Z lines, is a(n)?

a. M-band

b. A-band

c. Myofibril

d. SarcomereHistology of Bone and Cartilage

26. Which of the following is correctly matched?

a. Hyaline cartilage: tracheal rings

b. Elastic cartilage: external ear

c. Fibrocartilage: IV disc (annulus fibrous)

d. All of the above

27. What is the distinguishing feature of fibrocartilage

a. It has more elastic fibers

b. It contains osteocytes and osteoblasts

c. It lacks a well-defined perichondrium

d. It is the most common form of cartilage

28. Which type of bone cell is easily distinguished because of its shallow depression on the surface of the bone known as howships lacuna?

a. Osteoprogenitor

b. Osteoblast

c. Osteocyte

d. Osteoclast

29. Which of the following zones is located farthest to the marrow compartment?

a. Zone of degeneration

b. Zone of hypertrophy

c. Zone of maturation

d. Zone of proliferation

e. Resting cartilage

30. Which of the following is FALSE about bone matrix?

a. It is made up of 65% organic matrix and 35% inorganic matrix

b. 90% of organic matrix is composed of Type 1 collagen

c. Inorganic matrix is composed of hydroxyapatite crystals

d. None of the above

Histology of Peripheral Nerves

31. Connective tissue covering of peripheral that is continuous with the dura mater?

a. Epineurium

b. Perineurium

c. Endoneurium

d. Epimysium

32. This is the specialized region of contact where neurotransmitter is released from an axon to stimulate another cell.

a. Terminal axon

b. Synapsec. Schmidt-Lantermann cleft

d. Preganglionic neuron33. This is the space between the bouton and postsynaptic neuron

a. Synapse

b. Schmidt-Lantermann cleft

c. Ganglia

d. Synaptic cleft

34. Nissl bodies are composed of aggregations of large amount of what type of cell structure?

a. RER

b. Mitochondria

c. Golgi bodies

d. Microtubules

35. After pricking yourself with a thumbtack, pain impulses travel from your finger to your brain and you withdraw your hand immediately in reaction to the pain felt. What type of nerve fiber is most likely activated in this situation?

a. Type A

b. Type B

c. Type C

d. Type D

Answer Key:

1. C

2. C

3. D

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. C

8. A

9. B

10. B

11. D

12. D

13. B

14. C

15. A

16. B

17. B

18. B

19. D

20. A

21. C

22. C

23. A

24. C

25. D

26. D

27. C

28. D

29. E

30. A

31. A

32. B

33. D

34. A

35. A

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