




$5.99 CAN.



research listings.



is going through


voluminous Index Medicus books year by year. Most of the research journals arent even in the Californiamedical libraries.

One more thing: DNP is the most DANGEROUS compound in bodybuilding today. Combined with insulin, one small mistake will cause a moderately slow DEAIH. This isnt a substance to look at


"..,thig igon


fiUru:**r',ffii,i'u""'\Well, yes and no. You probably know that I'm regularly rested For steroids as part of my supervised release from

ass sterclidboolc,.

lots ofpictures

Federal prison. But even

'ffi1$ffi*r. ionger being made. In Mexico, a company called Syntex sold Anatrofin (stenbolone acetate) in i00-mg ampoules until the mid-1980's. After it was pulled off the Mexican market, one could still find a lower dose version (25 mg) in Europe. I just loved this steroid because I was so damn happy while I was on it. It was only mildly anabolic, but I had no acne problems, no water retention, and no subliminal anxiery like most of the other steroids instill. I was just one happy steroid user. I've used more potent anabolics, but if I had to pick one I see these ads for a steroid to use for the rest of my life (which is somesteroid book called the thing I'll have to do eventually as I'm continually aneWorld Anabolic Beview mic from my kidney disease), Anatrofin would be it. If 1996.11's 40 bucks; is it worth the money? Have you read anybody finds out that some small country is producit? ls it better than your Underground Steroid Handhook? ing it again, write in and let me know. The only other drawback with Anatrofin is since itt Heret the skinny: this is one kick-ass a fast-acting acetate, every-other-day in.jections are the steroid book, and at the present time, only way to sustain the steroid in the bloodstream. it's the best book on the "how-tot" of steroid use. \7hat makes it so great? Lots and lots of pictures (over 500) of real steroids from around the world. The authors are European-based, and they've accumulated a staggering amount of information on various rypes and brands of ergogenic aids. They list don't go to any olthe local gyrns anymore. Consequently, about i50 different steroids, growth hormones, thyI don't have any steroid connections. Since I'm a virgin roids, and diuretics, and very few don't have accomabout this stuff, do you think you could help a desperate panying And the writers


if I could use steroids, I'd a major problem-my favorite steroid is no



from around

fhe worLd."




pictures. seem to have hands-on experience with the actual effects of the

Heret some info on

a newsletter called

Bodywise which regularly lists foreign pharmacies that will ship steroids into

the country:

The URL on the Internet is: Youll have



to get


information. The mailing address is: Bodyuise, Box 4208, Culver Ciry, CA 90231. Six issues (bimonthly) cost $25.

various steroids on athletes. Remember, both my Und.erground Steroid Handbook (USH) and the Anabolic Reference Guide, 6th Issue are American-based, and neither Bill Phillips nor I have great access to the range ofsteroids from Europe and the Far East. Besides, the USH was written in 1988, and much has changed over the last eight years, so a lot of the information isnt entirely correct (which is why my USH is no longer in print). One nice thing about the WAR (World Anabolic










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"Muscle News"


Britain's Favourite Bodybuilding Mag

news the other day and saw pline than most other sportsmenMaximuscle boss Zef Eisenbergfiddling with a tub of his product trying to edge it nearer the camera for a free advert! The news item was about some gang of old morons wanting to BAN CREATINE. To give him his due Zef didin the Olympics, or on the football

field. D0RIAN YATES is a real sportsman, and unlike the fat Presenter, he's 20 stone of fit

banned. Fart kept saying things tlEN lN BRAS? Just look people who matter, right? like: "lt gives athletes an unfair lVlthroush the bodybuilding llunoer way, there's plenty ol Petulance isn't a very aPPealing advantage." Because it works, mags in Spain and France and gossip to chew over: Just whY, trait. Especially in a grown man. presumably. You might as well they're full ol Fitness Men in we ask, has DENNIS NEWMAN'S He wasn't going to come in the say that vitamins and proper posing suits which look like agents, Robin Chang and top six, looking at the judging nutrition, and even exercise give bikinis. I can't see that going

muscle, not 20 stone of wobbling Suet. "Under the Moon" even features bloody cricket and darts for us proud, and made mincemeat of heaven's sake! lf they count as the old fart who wants the stuff spoft....



Physical Management, issued a statement that they no longer provide services lor Dennis? Could it have something to do with the un-rehearsed 0lympia guest spot which the Weider machine is condemning so vehemently? 0r could it be that the IFBB have finally discovered that Newman was a iudge at

sheets, but that's showbiz, Porter. you an advantage. Creatine is onlY down too well in Ghingford and ITURFING THE NET the other a natural nutrient any-

the States: For $1,200 they can train you to lift a 25lb barbell with try this: http://www.muscle- your Dick. The clinic in Newport . Beach 4*ii ,-.. ; iar builder,com/muscle. the London Mr Titan show fans of RED DWARF the science doesn't explain ,. r' lyri"'r'+--r fiction comedy series will be use this t'penile about a million years ago. A T THE lRON MAN lnvitational, amused that in the final scene of power" can be put to. Awhere Flex began his run of the last installment, the hero Craig Some people we know Gel' victories, one or two naughty boys Charles is turned into a body- can't even lift 25 Bury. What next? High heels? started off on the wrong foot with builder! This is achieved by the with both hands! the IFBB: JERRY R0DGERS was work of sub - microscopic robots 6YRIL's PRATT 0F THE M0NTH Call me old fashioned, but in disqualified for not taking his called "Nanobots". The legs on t rRwarO is going to the people my day Men were Men, and if that should read the guy were enormous. Was it who front Channel 4's "Under the you wore a little eye-liner or liP drugs. Sorry lt is amazing that a really Simon Fan or John Moon" late night sport show. lf gloss to the pub now and then, Drug TEST! Professional bodybqilder should Hodgson? I just know we're going you haven't seen it, this fat guy you damn well kept quiet about go through all the preparation for to get calls at XS Muscle about sits there, and answers viewers it. And I'm reliably informed phone calls about sport. Except all that Men STILL are Men in a show, in full knowledge that where you buy these Nanobots! and then FTUMOUR HAS IT that thc Mr he really wants to talk about is llkeston. No Bras there! there was to be testing, refuse to be tested. Has he got a rlOlympla will be held in football. So when a lady phoned in THE LADS IN DERBY & NOTbrain? Then P0RTER COTTRELL England in 1998. lt's probably and asked him if he'd heard of I lrueHnu won't have it all to decided not to appear for the rubbish, but it would be handier Dorian Yates the bodybuilder, he themselves on August 17th, as

lcame across MUscLEwhich is iammed with inlo on the sort of chemicals you can't buy down at Gtanma Brown's village store. For anyone with a computer hooked uPBUILDER,



DENIS TRAINING is I being offered in



--* lbs


I I NAME I ADDRESS I ..,....' I I lf he doesn't know where to get the magazine tell him to I COilTACT U,S,M, MAGAZINE | 0therwise isue will subscription ",",,,,,, I ie t24 n fiom 109 Gteen. Catfotd. SE6DISTRIBUTION send us a venr and we post direct. $tart with Rushev lio: Thiq MUSCLE NEWS. 7AF

replied that bodybuilding wasn't a quite a few of the CATF0RD CREW Award Presentation, and was also for us! guy sure knows lJ0W WE ALL LAUGHED when sport, it was "just posing for your will be competing, including disqualified. This lwe switched on the BBC TV friends in your underwear." How Daemon Kane, and Vince "Baby how to get on the good side of the he can sit there on his FAT Baby". We'll probably hire a coach bring the crowd f rom T00SH and say that? He obviTIIIIIITTIously doesn't know what sPort Kimberley's gym. My good friend is, and hasn't any idea of how CATF0RD LIL now wants to go. lf much sheer hard work is there are chunky men there, she'll CYRIL involved. More effott and disci- be on the Busl Please supply Muscle News for me every 661{[. NumberorcopiesReqd: " '







could be that you don't want people to know that you take the gear? C'mon will ya. Having said that, not everyone takes the gear - now do they? Ahem..... Happy to be publishing a couple of fine examples of up and coming physiques, from our readers which you will see later in the mag. They are, Mr. Alan Medhurst and believe me or not, Mr. Stephen Reeves, both great physiques. You see, this is what we want to, plenty of back up. Send us your shots and we will see if we can use them. Give us a go, send in some pictures, the best quality that you can get and we will do our best to make you a star! EVEN BETTER, if the shot is clear and full and you are not such an ugly barsteward, we might even put you on the front cover that would be cool! He is one of my bestest friends in the wholedest world, my resident cartoonist and ex-Raleigh Ladies Bike Saddle Sniffing Champion '1996 thro 98, TONY NEIGHBOUR, back with us with a vengeance. He never really went away, just that families, kids and so forth made it hard to be able to put some work out for us - I am so glad to see him back again. Tony is one sick fuck when it comes to cartoons and yet one of the nicest guys you could meet. He has helped me from the start make the NO BULL COLLECTION a very unusual magazine which is an understatement. You will be seing a lot of his work from now on. Welcome back mate, missed ya.

published. This handbook contains dozens of successful methods used to locate steroids. All of the information we provide is very useful, without all of the hype and glamour that the big mags portray. We give you the truth about "real" bodybuilding. Musclebuilder have readers in over 14 different countries.

The subscriptions to this publication run at $35 US and if anyone wishes to enquire any further, please writeand/or send your dollars to: MUSCLEBUILDER P.O. BOX 4208 CULVER CITY

cA. 90231USA.

Further information will be sent to you as quickly as possible. There will be further updates on this publication in issues to come.Hope that you like the information on the new sex aid, VIAGRA that is coming into Britain. I did! Y'know, it will be strange situation, when it arlses, excuse the pun, when we hear the do gooders moaning about this product. ln fact, I bet that we don't hear anything else but moans! They will come to a climax, er decision, and say that it is a good thing; well they would wouldn't they. I bet half of the moaning bastards cannot get it on in the first place. And they say that steroids can cause problems. You watch now then, there will not be anyone complaining about this little beauty. Nice when you can find something that will shut them up - and their wives!l Finally, I would like to thank all those kind people who sent in their best wishes after my bad fall. lt was a doosey. As I said earlier, I was in a bit of a mess and as a result, couldn't see very well for quite a while. Anyway, it was nice of you lot for the calls of support - I will not forget it. Finally ll. A lot of you have noticed that you have been getting through to me a little more directly of late, I am glad. I like to talk personally to most, if not all of my customers and, as best we can, have made arrangements to get back to the old ways - BUT! Please remeber people that there is only so much time in the day and if one of my staff can take care of a supplement order inquiry, then I would prefer that to happen. take most calls right into the evening and even I have to eat and sleep at some stage. However, I am always glad to help and assist as best I can.I

"The Performance Enhancement Report"I would like to also mention the alliance that we have recently made with the famous USA MUSCLEBUILDER steroid information publication. We are working very closely to spreading the word about both publications in our two countries. Musclebuilder is an information based busines started back in 1994 to provide straight-forward, hardcore bodybuilding information. (Ed's Note: I must sfress thaf this publication DOES NOT supply sferolds to it's readers, and no responsibility whatsoever lies with the NBC nor MUSCLEBUILDER for any property lost - period!). Our newsletter, "The Performance Enhancement Report", gives readers up-to-date information on pharmaceutical sources from around the world. lt also contains training routines, counterfeit updates, steroid enforcement news and reader Their latest handbook, "How to Find Steroids", is possibly one of the most controversial steroid book ever

Till the next issue, hopefully a little quicker this time. Remember, your support and backing is all that we can ask to survive.........




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Finally, definitive

can t17-gt!

ing this report, I am here to tell you that the focus is almost entirely on bodybuilders, as they describe bodybuilders as "a group pafiicularly involved with steroid use". Other such phrases are cast throughout this report. This article cites "grossly inadequate sentencing standards for steroid traffickers" and the fact that "steroids are not controlled in many key countries nor are they controlled under international treaty" as key lactors. ln essence, they are acknowledging lhat they are having difficuity because of the "constant supply of these drugs being smuggled into the United States which are obtained

from foreign sources. Several factors complicate the investigations. First, steroids are not controlled in international commerce and second, the use ol regular and special international mail systems allow massive quantities to besmuggled into the United States quickly and cheaply. It has been noted that one ol the main reasons small packages make it through Customs is because the large volume ol packages allow them to "slip past" the system. There are too many packages and not enough inspectorsAnother possible key iactor (as quoted lrom this conference) why small pack-

from international sources".

ages make it through isthis:

Since anabolic steroids were controlled under the provisions of the CSA, traffickers have become ,,ii more sophisticated and organized. Steroids are available lor illicit purposes and the

interest in cerlain property seized by gustoms at JFK Airporc .p-ugusi. 10, 1996. ?he ploperty was sej"zed under the prcvision: cf title 1.8, United States Coder section 545, tj.tle 19, Uni-r-ed Siares corje, section 1595a{c) and title 21, United States Code, sect-i,:tr:Crr A: ) /-l

?he records of this office indicate that you might have

an on

"10 milliliters (ml) or 50 tablets of an anabolic steroid equate

to a single


gt|! f.r viclation

of the Anabolic Steroids ConLrol Act'cif 1990 12i

unit of a Schedule lll

great majority of



Prosecutors musl prove that massive quantities ol steroids were involved toobtain even minimal incarceration for a convicted defendant. Under the drug equivalency tables steroids are not


***This article is brought io us counesy of the Performance Enhancement Reporl. (http:/,lwww.musclebuilderco m/muscle) The Pedormance Enhancement Report is a bimonlhly publication of Musclebuildr. Subscriptions are only $30 for six issues (1 yea0, Foreign plase add




$5 U.S. Pstage. Use moneyorders for faster delivery.

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Musct6builder P.O. Box 4tO8 Culver Clty, CA 90231

Schedule lll controlled substances. While one gram of any other Schedule lll oled drug equates 1o one gram ol marijuana, two grams of anabolic steroids are inro ,i," United needed to equal one gram ol marijuana." States. ln addition, law enforceThis is the law! ment is also focusing on steroid substitutes such to as clenbuterol and newer muscle enhancers such as IGF-1. The types of anabolic steroids encountered in illicit traffic and submitted to DEA laboratories f rom 1990 to October 1 , 1994 are as follows: It is obvious that law enforcement's effort is toward steroid traffickers more 1. testosterone (882 exhibits), than users. Concern for the health and well being of steroid using citizens is 2. nandrolone (244 exhibits) probably not their main motive lor controlling these products. These products 3. methenolone (198 exhibits) will continue to flow from other countries by any means necessary as long as 4. methandrostenolone (158 exhibits) there continues to be a demand.5. stanozolol (115 exhibits) 6. oxymetholone (103 exhibits) The majority of these steroids were not domestic products but were smug-

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