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PML Exploration Services LLC



A Letter From the 2

Halloween Safety 4

Healthy 5

Rigside Café 6

Safety 7

Pictures from the 8

Fun Halloween Facts 1. Orange and black are Halloween

colors because orange is associated

with the Fall harvest and black is

associated with darkness and death.

2. Jack o’ Lanterns originated

in Ireland where

people placed

candles in hollowed

-out turnips to keep

away spirits and

ghosts on the



3. Pumpkins also

come in white,

blue and green. Great

for unique monster


4. Halloween was brought

to North America by immigrants from

Europe who would celebrate the

harvest around a bonfire, share ghost

stories, sing, dance and tell fortunes.

5. Tootsie Rolls were the first wrapped

penny candy in America.

6. The ancient Celts thought that spirits

and ghosts roamed the countryside on

Halloween night. They began wearing

masks and costumes to avoid being

recognized as human.

7. Halloween candy sales average

about 2 billion dollars annually

in the United States.

8. Chocolate candy bars top

the list as the most popular

candy for trick-or-treaters

with Snickers #1.

9. Halloween is the

2nd most



holiday, with

Christmas being

the first.

10.Bobbing for apples is thought

to have originated from the roman


Halloween's origins date back to the

ancient Celtic festival of Samhain

(pronounced sow-in). The Celts, who

lived 2,000 years ago in the area that

is now Ireland, the United Kingdom

and northern France, celebrated their

new year on November 1. This day

marked the end of summer and the

harvest and the beginning of the dark,

cold winter, a time of year that was

often associated with human death.

Celts believed that on the night before

the new year, the boundary between

the worlds of the living and the dead

became blurred. On the night of

October 31 they celebrated Samhain,

when it was believed that the ghosts of

the dead returned to earth. In addition

to causing trouble and damaging

crops, Celts thought that the presence

of the otherworldly spirits made it

easier for the Druids, or Celtic priests,

to make predictions about the future.


An intense and persistent fear of

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A Letter From the President

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A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since the last newsletter and our industry and PML have changed significantly since I wrote to you last year.

Probably the biggest change was the natural gas bubble bursting as predicted last time I wrote and pricing dropping below $2/MMCF for a while. Unfortunately, our industry has been so successful at figuring out how to retrieve natural gas from tight formations we have ended up with 100+ years of domestic supply and so much gas in storage it created a pricing slump. The outcome of all that success has been natural gas drilling almost grinding to a halt. Most pointedly the areas affected were the dry gas portions of the Haynesville, Marcellus, Fayetteville and Barnett plays. At least we are getting lower cost power and heating out of the deal.

However, on the good news front, most of the wells in these tight gas plays only produce economically for a little over a year and the futures market is projecting gas prices going over $4/MMCF by the end of 2013. So, if the Wall Street guys are right, we may see work gradually return to these areas late 2013 and on into 2014.

Also, on the good news front, we have established ourselves in the Permian Basin and have worked with six new clients plus additional customers are coming on board in January. With oil prices expected to stay in the $80 to $100 range in 2013 we expect to see steady growth in our Permian, Oklahoma and Panhandle operations. We are also seeing more rigs moving into the eastern limits of the Eagleford and may see more work in South Texas.

At the end of the day any sustained growth we achieve next year will be because you guys in the field are doing a consistent high quality job for our clients. So thank you for taking the extra time to make sure every detail on the log is correctly entered, every report goes out on time and every opportunity is taken to communicate proactively with our customers. I know from experience every time we slack off in any part of our operation our clients just hire somebody else. Work is hard to win and easy to lose as we all know.

On a slightly different quality tack, please remember our clients insist that we maintain an aggressive safety program. As an example we recently had a significant H2S incident at a wellsite and I am glad to say our employees followed the correct procedures. Also, when we audited our records we found we were over 90% compliant on H2S training and other related issues. And, yes the client did follow up and ask for our records. So please make sure you stick with the training program. It won’t assure us work, only great on-time delivery of excellent logs will do that, but it will make sure we are qualified to work and keep us safe.

On the support side we have changed our development line up considerably. In the very near future you should see the new gas trap make its way out into the field. A big thank you to Jacob Lowe and Steve Idzi for working out the kinks. Although it looks similar to old trap it is designed to be installed without any tools, fits easily onto an enclosed shaker as well as mud boxes or regular shakers and has a modular design making each part an easy to clean or lift into place. You may also see the new rig mount total gas detector out there on selected wells later this year. The entire system is mounted at the shaker and links wirelessly to the EDGE laptop. Hopefully we will have photos and more details for the next newsletter along with some details about our new EDGE mudlogs and Geosteering


Have a great festive season,

John Parsons President & CEO

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BIRTHDAY!!! We would like to wish a very HAPPY

BIRTHDAY! to our October birthday boys.

Ricky Allen

Michael Bickford

James Howell

FAQ What if I’ve forgot my

ADP password? Once the temporary password has

been changed, no one other than you has access to that

specific password. You may email the HR Manager at

[email protected] and your password will be reset

to a new temporary password.

How long do I have to enroll in benefits? For the date of hire, you have 30

days to mail, email or fax the Benefits Enrollment Form to the HR Department for

processing. Once the 30 Day Waiting Period has expired, you will have to wait until Open

Enrollment in December to be eligible for the following calendar year. All employees are

encouraged to fill out their Benefit Paperwork as soon as possible to allow for

processing and the arrival of the ID Cards.


Anniversaries Thank you to all of you who have put in

the dedication and hard work to make

PML such a great place to work! We

appreciate your hard work and look

forward to your continued success with


Brandon Brantley—8 years

Kevin Thomas—7 years

Jacob Lowe—2 years

Benjamin Dodd—1 year

John Kelly — 1 year

David Pearson—1 year

As always...PML is looking for experienced Mud Loggers and

Geosteering professionals for all areas. Resumes may be submitted online at or may be e-mailed to the Human Resources manager, Angela

Harris, at [email protected]

Quote of the Month

“If you look hard enough,

you can find the positive

in every situation”

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Wear flame retardant costumes.

Make sure your Halloween costume is colorfast so the color doesn't run onto your other clothes if it rains.

Try on costumes before Halloween to allow time for altering.

Hem your costumes so you don't trip and fall.

Apply reflective tape to your Halloween costumes.

Avoid cumbersome masks. Use make-up instead.

Use only hypoallergenic and non-toxic makeup.

Wear comfortable, practical shoes.

Double tie your shoelaces so you don't trip.

Keep your costume and wig away from candles.

Don't carry fake swords, guns, knives or similar accessories that look authentic. Make sure they're flexible and cannot harm anyone.

Plan your route ahead of time.

Trick or treat in familiar neighborhoods.

Carry a flashlight with fresh batteries after dark.

Take along money for a phone call.

Wear identification that's easy to read.

Always trick or treat in groups, accompanied by an adult.

Follow a curfew and take a watch with a backlight.

Stay on the sidewalks and out of the streets. Cross only at intersections and designated crosswalks.

Walk. No running.

Don't trample through flower beds and gardens.

Watch out for open flames in jack-o-Lanterns.

Walk with your head up and be aware of your surroundings.

Only visit well lit houses. Don't stop at dark houses.

Don't enter any houses unless you know the people.

Carry a spare Halloween bag, in case

yours breaks or you fill your original one.

Don't approach unfamiliar pets and animals.

Don't cut across yards and stay out of backyards.

Follow traffic signals and don't jaywalk.

Always watch for cars backing up or turning.

Review the "stop, drop and roll" procedure in case your costume catches on fire.

Never accept rides from strangers.

Respect other people and their property.

Be polite and say "thank you."

Don't eat any candy until it's inspected for tampering under bright lights.

Avoid candy that has loose wrappings, is unwrapped, has puncture holes, or is homemade.

Small children should not be allowed hard candy they may choke on.

Report any suspicious or criminal activity to an adult or the police.

Consider having a party instead of Trick or Treating.

Ghost, ghouls and monsters aren't the only things to be afraid of on Halloween. Accidents and mishaps increase dramatically when

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High Blood Pressure is Out of Control for Too Many Americans

September, 2012 Centers For Disease Control and Prevention

The majority of people with high blood pressure are being treated with medicine and have seen a doctor at least twice in the past year, yet their condition is still not under control, according to a new Vital Signs report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Millions more are either aware they have high blood pressure but aren’t getting treated with medicine or don’t even know they have it, the report says.

Nearly 1 in 3 American adults (67 million) has high blood pressure, and more than half (36 million) don’t have it under control, according to the report.

“We have to roll up our sleeves and make blood pressure control a priority every day, with every patient, at every doctor’s visit,” said CDC Director Thomas R. Frieden, M.D., M.P.H. “With increased focus and collaboration among patients, health care providers and health care systems, we can help 10 million Americans’ blood pressure come into control in the next five years.”

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, the first and fourth leading causes of death in the United States, leading to nearly 1,000 deaths a day.

High blood pressure is defined as blood pressure greater than or equal to 140/90 mm- Hg. High blood pressure’s direct health care cost is almost $131 billion annually.

Pharmacists, nurses, dietitians, and community health workers can support doctors in identifying and treating patients with high blood pressure. This team-based approach is a way to provide patient support and follow-up care, manage medicines, and help patients stick to a blood pressure control plan. In addition, patients should be counseled to make important lifestyle changes that affect blood pressure, including eating a healthy, low sodium diet, exercising, maintaining a healthy weight and not smoking.

Key facts in theVital Signs report about those affected:

› About 67 million adults have high blood pressure.

› More than half (36 million) have uncontrolled high blood pressure.

› Nearly 22 million know they have high blood pressure, but don’t have it under control.

› 16 million take medicine, but still don’t have their blood pressure under control.

To learn more about blood pressure, visit For more information on heart disease and stroke, visit Controlling high blood pressure is also a key component of the Million Hearts initiative to prevent a million heart attacks and strokes by 2017.


If you are injured or on the

job and need medical

attention, please notify your

supervisor and contact Axiom

Medical to be connected with

a registered nurse that will

make sure you get the best

medical care available.

Axiom Medical


MudSlinger - PML Exploration Services LLC 5

The best stress management techniques are those that target the anxiety you experience in specific situations. When considering stress management, look at intervention tactics that target the type and degree of stress that you would like to reduce or eliminate in certain situations. Keep track of daily, weekly, or monthly events to spot stress reactions. Then design a personalized stress management program that works for you. Always include exercise in your program. Research consistently shows that no matter what type of stress you experience, exercise will make your emotional and physical response to it more resilient. Do you experience stress before public speaking and when you feel deadline pressures, or lose sleep the night before an important sales meeting? Your stress response is unique. The challenge is to find the intervention that works for you.

Better Stress Management

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Rigside Cafe





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2-Minute Jack-O-Lantern Pie 1/2 c. pumpkin puree

1/4 c. egg whites (from an egg or



Cinnamon or pumpkin pie


Mix together all the ingredients.

If you prefer a flan-like texture, add more pumpkin; if you prefer a cake-like texture, add more egg whites.

Microwave for two minutes.

Use a mix of Greek yogurt, hazelnut cream cheese, and pumpkin pie spice for the icing.

Top with toasted pecans.

Makes one serving.

Frankenloaf 1 lb ground beef

1/4 cup finely diced green pepper

1/4 cup finely diced onion

1/4 cup finely diced celery

1 cup breadcrumbs

1/4 cup milk

1 tablespoon Worcestershire


1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pepper

1 egg, beaten

Combine all ingredients and mix together thoroughly.

Form into loaf and bake in small glass loaf pan or casserole.

Cook in microwave oven 15 minutes at full power.

Let stand 5 minutes and serve.

Severed Fingers 1 1/2 lbs potatoes, peeled and very

thinly sliced

1 medium onion, sliced into rings

3 teaspoons butter

6 teaspoons milk

1 pinch paprika

salt and pepper

Put the potato slices to soak in cold water.

Put the onion rings into a bowl. Cover with plastic wrap, and pierce. Microwave on HIGH for 1 minute.

Grease a five cup casserole dish with a little of the butter.

Layer the drained potatoes and onions in the dish, starting and finishing with the potatoes.

Season each layer with salt and pepper.

Pour the milk over the potatoes and dot with the rest of the butter. Sprinkle the top with paprika.

Cover with plastic wrap, and pierce. Microwave on HIGH for 13 minutes. Rotate half-way through cooking time.

Allow to stand, covered, for 5 minutes before serving.

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Safety Minute Safety Minute

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Safety Minute

The oil and natural gas industry has come a long way from the wild days of the 1970s when it was not unusual for rig hands and other oil-field workers to show up to work with flasks of whiskey and when on-the-job injuries were far more common.

I've heard stories of workers spending their days on “suicide rigs” that rattled and shook, sometimes raining bolts down on the unprotected workers below and of rig hands taking alcohol breaks before returning to operate the heavy machinery.

But today, safety is a key topic of discussion throughout the industry.

Even visitors who don't get close to the well head must wear protective gear on all active well sites.

“There's definitely a concentrated effort to make sure we keep drugs and alcohol out of the workforce and to keep workers safe, said Garrett Gumfory, vice president of risk and health, safety and environment at Fort Worth-based FTS International.

The changes have been gradual, but they also have been widespread, Gumfory said.

“I liken it to your seat belt,” he said. “Probably during those times (in the 1970s) not many people wore their seat belt. Now it's such a habit I can't imagine getting into a car without buckling my seat belt. The same thing is true with the hard hats, the safety glasses, hearing protection, fire resistant coveralls and gloves. I think that becomes ingrained over time.”

The biggest safety change over the past four decades may have been the implementation of drug and alcohol testing, according to Pat Carfagna, director of safety for Pennsylvania-based CONSOL Energy.

“If you look at industry in general, whether it's natural gas, manufacturing or anything else, before drug and alcohol testing, you saw it (drugs) everywhere,” he said.

The oil and natural gas industry also has focused on processes and equipment, reducing the opportunity for people to get hurt on the job.

Government oversight through the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and other agencies has spurred the effort, but Gumfory said most industry players have gone much further than the law requires.

“OSHA sets the minimum floor, but everybody goes above and beyond that to ensure that we keep our workers safe,” he said. “That's the goal. It's not just to comply with OSHA. We want to keep everybody out of harm's way.”

Gumfory said there is pressure within the industry for each company to maintain a strong safety record.

“We can't stay in business and work with these folks if we're unsafe,” he said. “They wouldn't want to do business with us.”

On a rig site, it is common for representatives from more than a half dozen companies to work on a well together.

And the industry is still fairly small.

If a company has a reputation for being unsafe, word would spread quickly.

Another key motivation is cost. While safety equipment and training can be expensive, that cost does not compare to potential costs of injury or death.

“Safety is not nearly as expensive as not being safe,” Gumfory said.

Compliments of By Adam Wilmoth on September 28, 2012.


Make sure you are maintaining your safety training. To find the available safety courses go to and sign in with your username and

password. On the left-hand menu, under “Training”, navigate to “4.0 Safety”, then click on “Training Modules” when the

page refreshes. You can also follow the link below to go directly to the page.

Safety is key in the oil field Oil-field safety is a key focus for both the oil and gas companies and government regulators.

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Pictures from the field thank you to everyone who submitted pictures! Keep them coming!!!

Before After

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Pictures from the field thank you to everyone who submitted pictures! Keep them coming!!!

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