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Mainframes have been the workhorses of business computing for decades; however, their value is decreasing because they have become expensive, rigid, and stricken with a declining skills base. Unfortunately, the process of giving up on big iron is often complicated, rife with risk, and costly because years have been spent to develop the key business rules in core applications. In the world of mainframe modernization, replatforming is the best way to move to distributed platforms, eliminate licensing fees, and retain legacy source code, allowing existing developers to continue to work with programs they are familiar with in the syntax they know. Replatforming with Modern Systems using ATP minimizes the change and maximizes the usability of mainframe applications. This is done by providing a platform for long-term modernization through built-in language conversion by way of our ‘SaveAs’ function.


This content specifically helps:

• CIOs looking to introduce new technology while preserving business processes

What You’ll Learn

This whitepaper incorporates industry analysis, direct customer feedback, and over 30 years of project experience to help you understand the mainframe modernization ecosystem and how replatforming Natural applications with Modern Systems is the fastest, least costly, and lowest risk option for extricating your organization from reliance on the mainframe and Software AG.

• Business Analysts seeking to leverage data analytics and/or business intelligence to gain competitive advantage

• CFOs looking to eliminate mainframe and Software AG license spend

• Enterprise Architects seeking to ensure future needs of the organization will be met in an efficient, sustainable, agile, and adaptable manner

• Technical Managers seeking to improve efficiency within existing teams and skillsets

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Why Everyone Is Evolving Away From Legacy SystemsA Diminishing Talent PoolThe evolution of software development from procedural and fourth-generation languages to object-oriented design in the past few decades has opened a rift between the skills required to maintain legacy systems using languages such as Natural and COBOL, and the skills being taught to and utilized by today’s developers in the design and implementation of modern software.

Employees with skillsets focused on legacy code have dedicated significant time and effort to the growth and development of legacy systems and the business as a whole. The knowledge, value, and understanding that these resources possess with respect to the legacy environment they manage is unmatched. As these employees retire or leave their positions, modernization is sometimes forced because the present generation of application designers and programmers are unfamiliar with the technologies and methods used in legacy systems development. However, by replatforming legacy applications with Modern Systems, the underlying code can remain in Natural syntax or shift to object-oriented C# as the available skillsets dictate, at any pace the business deems necessary.

Explosive Data Consumption Prior to 2007, individuals were producing and consuming far less data than they are today, thanks to the advent of the smart phone. In the coming years, more and more of our lives and our things will consume and produce data through internet connectivity. We’re already seeing this today with sensors in cars, industrial equipment, and even coffee machines. In fact, according to the 2014 IBM Analytics Benchmark, Cyber Monday mobile traffic accounted for 41.2% of all online traffic, up 30.1% over 2013! Juniper Research predicts that mobile phone and tablet users will make 195 billion mobile commerce transactions annually by 2019, up from 72 billion this year, or about 197 million transactions per day.

Meeting the performance demands of the online universe has proven to be a challenge in mainframe environments already. Integrating new applications witholder mainframe technology adds a great deal of complexity to the application delivery chain. This added complexity is also increasing costs; as data consumption continues to explode, organizations are clamoring to find lower-cost, more extensible alternatives to big iron. Replatforming allows these organizations to retire legacy environments and move to more cost-effective environments with minimal change and risk.

An Outdated Cost ModelMainframe usage fees make up a significant component in the overall cost of ownership, nearly 10% to 40% of an organization’s IT budget depending on the size of the mainframe footprint, according to a study commissioned by Infosys. Of course, running computer software costs money on every computing platform, but for mainframe users the incurred costs are especially high. Plus, IT industry analysts estimate that most large organizations utilizing mainframes should expect their systems’ CPU resource consumption to increase by 15–20% annually.

The crippling cost model used in the mainframe world is based on peak utilization; customers pay a rate tied to the peak usage a system achieves over a billing period, even if that maximum is momentary. In cloud-based environments, customers typically pay for usage on a utilization basis and have total control over consumption ofcomputing power at the click of a button. By abandoning the mainframe through replatforming,organizations are happily abandoning peak utilization billing (and Software AG Licensing costs) as well.

Data production/consumption is projected to increase by 2,000% between now and 2020

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Our Solution: Application Transparency Platform® (ATP®)The Application Transparency Platform (ATP) is Modern Systems’ Natural Replatforming solution which provides a relatively fast end-to-end strategic pathway for lower license costs, full preservation of legacy assets and business rules, and the option of further modernization through automated conversion to C# or COBOL. The ATP solution also includes conversion of ADABAS databases and data to standard relational technologies on any platform. By utilizing ATP, our customers have lifted numerous applications

Why Replatform?

Replatforming (sometimes referred to as “rehosting”) provides an emulation environment that runs on distributed platforms and emulates the mainframe operating environment. This emulation capability dramatically minimizes the amount of change that occurs when migrating legacy systems to a distributed platform. Replatforming solutions provide a relatively low-cost and low-risk way to reduce mainframe operating costs and maintain the business value they provide. Organizations can continue to leverage their Natural skill sets, because the solution uses the syntax as-is.

Furthermore, Modern Systems’ replatforming solution, Application Transparency Platform (ATP) supports automated conversion to C# or COBOL through a simple right-click, SaveAs function. This is an industry first- bringing automated conversion to the end user. Using this feature, it is possible to maintain the Natural, but choose to have the actual syntax converted to C# or COBOL at the time the syntax is saved by the developer. Once saved, the newly converted code is functionally equivalent to the legacy Natural syntax. This feature enables the best of both worlds; re-use the developers’ existing skill sets in Natural, and their extensive knowledge of the applications, while deploying as C# (providing the benefit from the deployment of web apps running natively) or COBOL (where it is possible to execute the applications on any platform).

Under The Hood

In its simplest form, the Application Transparency Platform enables organizations to replatform their Natural applications onto Windows running against a relational database that replaces the original ADABAS database (but retains its functionality). In this type of solution, maintenance and extension of the original Natural programs can continue in native Natural syntax, even though the database is in a relational form (Oracle, DB2 or SQL Server).

Enabling maximum flexibility, code can be maintained as Natural, but can be converted to C# or COBOL at the time the code is ‘saved’ by the programmer. The newly converted code is functionally identical to the existing Natural programs; this enables the best of both worlds. Developers’ existing skill sets can be utilized in Natural, and their extensive knowledge of the applications can still be applied, yet the code can be deployed as C# (where an organization can benefit from the deployment of the C# applications as Web applications running natively and the developers become more comfortable with C#) or COBOL (where applications can execute on any platform). Regardless of the language selected, the new applications process against whichever relational database has been chosen.

and databases from legacy environments and shifted them to Windows environments in as little as five months, completely eliminating the need for mainframe infrastructure and SAG licensing fees.

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Our Solution: Application Transparency Platform® (ATP®)The output from the conversion to C# or COBOL can be made “permanent” if desired. Developers can save an application or a subset of an application as C# or COBOL, test the resulting code base, and maintain the new C# or COBOL application going forward. This eliminates the need for ATP in the future. The conversion to C# or COBOL is performed by the in-house development team over time and at a pace that suits the business and the team.

ATP includes a full-featured UI Development Workbench for Natural developers, which includes Natural code analysis, flow diagramming, impact analysis, pattern matching, version comparison, and interactive debugging. In other words, Natural development teams can continue to develop and maintain applications with the support of modern, efficient development tools.

For the execution of the Natural Online programs, ATP interprets and executes each Natural command, allowing existing Natural applications to execute “as is” against the new relational database without any changes to the original code. The ATP processing engine interprets the Natural “READ” and “WRITE” syntax (along with other Natural IO commands) and creates SQL syntax to perform the data access and updates against the new relational database.

Batch Execution with eavJES

Natural Batch programs can continue to be maintained as Natural code, just like the online programs. However, in order for them to run, they are automatically converted at ‘program save’ time to be either COBOL or C# programs. Clients who want to stay on the mainframe but remove the Software AG licenses can use ATP to convert the Natural code to COBOL. The new COBOL programs can be uploaded to the mainframe and will execute against a new DB2 database which seamlessly replaces ADABAS. For those who wish to fully replatform these applications and leave big iron behind, the converted Batch programs run in our eavJES batch execution environment, an ancillary tool set within the ATP replatforming environment.

eavJES provides the ability to replatform JCL and PROCS with very little change. Developers maintain the JCL and PROCS according to existing JCL rules. Execution results in the same actions, cataloging, restart, and recovery as on the mainframe. The Catalog is constantly monitored and maintained during job execution and can even allow command line manipulation of datasets.

Initiator setup allows jobs to be classed and executed as they are on the mainframe. Job classes can be given different priorities with a limited number of

initiators for each type. Message class setup allows output for a class to be automatically transitioned to PDF output or to email, Load Libraries can be sequenced for each eavJES environment so that the proper load modules are executed for that batch “region”, and storage units can be defined to reflect the different storage types that were used in the original mainframe environment.

Screenshot: eavJES Workbench

eavJES also contains a function that allows jobs to be pre-scheduled for submission at a specific time or upon an occurrence of a pre-defined event. Additionally, eavJES Listeners provide the ability for other processors to submit a batch job remotely in the same manner that the mainframe provided internal reader submission. To make keeping tabs on things easy, the eavJES monitor provides operations and development teams with the ability to monitorjobs, change priorities, review outputs, andperform other batch management.

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Our Solution: Application Transparency Platform® (ATP®)

Reduce Costs… Reuse the Mainframe… Recycle Existing Applications

Often times, the immediate requirement is to reduce the costs of mainframe operation as quickly and effectively as possible. In this case, the simplest solution and highest ROI can be achieved by using ATP as a conversion and maintenance workstation, converting from Natural to COBOL, COBOL CICS, and DB2, returning the converted application systems to the Mainframe platform.

Screenshot: ATP Developer Workbench

In this deployment scenario, the existing infrastructure is preserved, the code can be maintained as Natural on the ATP workstation, and executed as COBOL on the mainframe, or it can be converted and then maintained as native COBOL. ATP provides the flexibility to easily redeploy these applications onto Windows running against an Oracle, SQL Server, or DB2 database, without changing the Natural code.

Modernize Without Compromise

If the ultimate desire is to move both the development and production environments to a new operating system or platform, ATP is capable of fully converting to COBOL, COBOL CICS, or C#. The generated code is easy to maintain, well documented (Natural statements can be retained as comments), and instantly available for compilation. The programs are maintained externally

in the newly generated language, for example using Eclipse based tools for COBOL or Visual Studio for C#.

Put simply, ATP can be used indefinitely as a Natural replatforming environment, taking advantage of the Natural coding skills which already exist in-house, or as a stepping stone on the path to a COBOL or C# conversion, whenever the organization is ready to move to a new language or a new environment.

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Who’s Doing It: US Department of Energy

The Savannah River Operations Office (DOE-SR) is responsible for the environmental management of nuclear weapons material disposal. A key piece of the federally mandated security procedure implemented at this facility is the visitor tracking system. This system, using Natural syntax and an ADABAS database, was housed in an IBM mainframe environment. In 2011, the federal government chose not to renew the mainframe maintenance contract, giving the Security and Information Technology Department six months to find a solution that would allow continued operation of the system.

Savannah River Operations Office

Key Project Drivers

The limited timeframe available for the implementation was a key factor in choosing the Application Transparency Platforming (ATP) replatforming solution. The mainframe shutdown deadline was inflexible and the budget constrained DOE-SR’s ability to meet the challenge internally.

Challenge Accepted

DOE-SR chose to rely on a relational database for standards-based storage and access with expanded functionality in the new environment. The newly replatformed applications would subsequently execute the original Natural syntax against the new relational database in ATP.

Modern Systems was able to move the Natural applications, including the additional batch process, into ATP running in a Windows environment, convert the ADABAS database and data to a relational format, implement the results on DOE-SR hardware, and enable the DOE-SR to perform acceptance testing within five months.

Final handover occurred in January, 2012, and the mainframe was switched off. DOE-SR has been functioning solely on the ATP solution ever since. They can remain on the service indefinitely or move further down the legacy lifecycle path with a complete modernization to object-oriented C# in the future.

Scope CreepOriginally, the modernization work included replatforming the online programs in two systems and converting a minor batch environment. These applications were comprised of ADABAS FDTs, Natural DDMs, GDAs, Help Routines, LDAs, Maps, Programs, and Subprograms. However, the assessment phase revealed missing components and an integral batch process complete with a dedicated library and set of JCL that was essential to the functionality of the system, broadly expanding the project scope.

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Our Process: Replatforming with ATP®

Phase 1: Assessment and Understanding

The Assessment phase is a well-defined process that includes automated collection, inventory, analysis, and measurement of all software and database components in the current customer environment. The assessment begins with a question-and-answer session and ends with the presentation of findings and plans for the modernization effort. Iterations of re-collection and re-assessment may be required and performed as additional components are identified and brought into the assessment scope. This assessment provides the ability to fully define a replatforming project plan including assignments, responsibilities, timeframes, and costs.

Once the areas of concentration are identified, customer teams and Modern Systems will address the areas about which they are most knowledgeable and for which they are best suited to implement a solution. Any additional areas of concentration that are identified during the course of the Project will be addressed and assigned in the same manner, to the most appropriate team.

During the Assessment, Mainframe components are classified and listed in detail and notes are attached to components requiring special attention during the conversion process. All application components are inventoried, classified by language, and cross-referenced. Missing components are collected and added to the inventory, while duplicate components residing in multiple customer repositories are eliminated from the inventory. The Assessment results in a complete understanding of the current processing environment.

Phase 2a: Database and Data Conversion

After the Assessment and Understanding phase, and in conjunction with the upcoming Application Transition phase or code conversion phase, all ADABAS databases are converted to SQL Server, Oracle, or DB2. These conversions are performed as a service by Modern Systems. Each resulting relational database will have the same functionality and traversal capabilities as the original. Modern Systems will also create Natural or COBOL unload programs to allow the client to extract the data from ADABAS into a format that is ready-to-load to the new relational database.

MU & PE Data Definitions

The new relational database contains base tables, child tables, and grandchild tables as needed to replace the ADABAS Multiple Occurring Field (“MU”) and Periodic Group (“PE”) instances, allowing the new databases to includetable-to-table relationships expected in a relational data model. Access to the MU and PE data is handled bythe ATP engine so that the Natural program code receives the data in the expected view format.

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Our Process: Replatforming with ATP®

Packed and Binary Data Fields

The new relational database includes only those field types that are definable in the new database (small integer, integer, decimal, binary, etc.). All packed and zoned decimal data is transitioned to the relational data type when it is extracted from ADABAS. Binary data is preserved during the FTP from the mainframe using scripts, which prevent the conversion of the selected fields. The replatformed applications will continue to view the data as if it were packed or binary while the content of the database tables are completely native to the relational technology.

Handling of ISN Processing

Internal Sequence Number (“ISN”) numbers are preserved during the extract process. New row occurrences will receive the next available ISN number using the optimum mechanism provided by the new relational database management system. In SQL Server and in DB2, an Identity Column is used. In Oracle, a Sequence Object is used. From the Natural program perspective, the ISN is used and managed exactly as it has been in the original environment.


All existing mainframe ADABAS data is transitioned to a valid data type in the new SQL Server, Oracle, DB2 for z/OS, or DB2 LUW database. Each data field is written to an extract file in a display format, so that even packed fields are written as display fields. For solutions moving off of z/OS, the EBCDIC extracted data files are converted to ASCII by FTP, SFTP, or similar transmission utilities as the data is transmitted from the mainframe to the ASCII target environment. As a result of the transition from EBCDIC to ASCII, there may be differences in some sort sequences when numeric and alphanumeric data is represented in the same data field.

Phase 2b: Application Transition

Natural application code is transferred as-is to the new ATP processing environment in conjunction with the database conversion phase. During the transition, batch code is converted to COBOL or C# to seamlessly integrate into the eavJES extension, and the entire package is delivered to the customer for installation and testing.

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Our Process: Replatforming with ATP®

Phase 3: Testing and Deployment

From a testing point of view, no program code has been changed, therefore it comes down to only a matter of testing the ATP environment, ensuring the conversion process (where used) is providing functionally equivalent programs, and testing the performance of the converted applications and databases. We still recommend complete testing of all aspects of the applications to ensure that critical and unique processing is fully functional and performs well within ATP. If any aspect of the replatformed application does not function or perform as expected, the issue is addressed by the Modern Systems team who may adjust a rule, update a framework item, or otherwise assist with the resolution of the difference.

At the completion of this phase, Software AG licenses can be cancelled.

Phase 4: Post-Implementation Support

Even after the deployment of the new applications and databases to production, the Modern Systems team may be called upon to provide additional assistance, direction, or education regarding the code base, database, framework, or overall solution. This Post-Implement Support window helps to ensure that customer teams are comfortable with, and knowledgeable about the new platform and technology, and that they are fully prepared to maintain and enhance the new applications going forward.

About Modern Systems

Modern Systems, Inc. is the leading provider of legacy language and database modernization. Leveraging over 30 years of best-practice domain expertise, Modern Systems works closely with its customers to minimize risk and provide a clear path from legacy platforms like COBOL, Natural/Adabas and others to modern solutions like SQL, DB2, Java and more. Modern Systems was chosen by WAL-Mart to modernize the world’s largest order system. We’ve also modernized the world’s largest trading platform. Modern Systems has offices in the USA, UK, Italy, Romania, and Israel.

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