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Intermediate/Advanced Renville County

Muchow, Linda M [email protected]


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Table of Contents File Name Extensions ..................................................................................................................................................... 1 Templates ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Saving a Template ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 Add a Cover Page ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 Styles .............................................................................................................................................................................. 4

Select a Style ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 Modify an Existing Style with Current Formatting .................................................................................................... 4 Create a New style based on document formatting ................................................................................................. 4 New Style Set............................................................................................................................................................. 5 Create a Table of Contents using Styles .................................................................................................................... 9 Update a Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Customize Table of Contents..................................................................................................................................... 9

Tips & Tricks with Word ............................................................................................................................................... 11 Navigation Pane ....................................................................................................................................................... 11 Page Breaks ............................................................................................................................................................. 12 Copy Formats with Format Painter .......................................................................................................................... 12 Compatibility Mode ................................................................................................................................................. 13

Mail Merge .................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Mail merge for labels .............................................................................................................................................. 19 Preview and print the labels .................................................................................................................................... 21 Merge Field Currency Format ................................................................................................................................. 22

Tracking Changes ......................................................................................................................................................... 23 Turn on Track Changes ............................................................................................................................................ 23 Accept or Reject Changes ........................................................................................................................................ 23 Hide Tracked Changes ............................................................................................................................................. 24 Show Revisions in Balloons ..................................................................................................................................... 24 Comments ............................................................................................................................................................... 24

Adding Document References & Links ........................................................................................................................ 25 Add Captions for a Picture....................................................................................................................................... 25 Add Cross-Reference ............................................................................................................................................... 26 Adding Hyperlinks ................................................................................................................................................... 26 Adding Bookmarks .................................................................................................................................................. 27 Delete Bookmark ..................................................................................................................................................... 28 Footnotes and Endnotes ......................................................................................................................................... 29

Footnote ............................................................................................................................................................. 29 Endnote............................................................................................................................................................... 29 Customize Footnotes and Endnotes ................................................................................................................... 29

Securing a Document ................................................................................................................................................... 30 Suppress Information – Document Inspector ......................................................................................................... 30 Add a Digital Signature to a Document ................................................................................................................... 31 Sign the document .................................................................................................................................................. 31

Remove Digital Signature.................................................................................................................................... 32 Set Formatting and Editing Restrictions .................................................................................................................. 32 Make changes in a restricted document ................................................................................................................. 34 Protect Document ................................................................................................................................................... 34

Forms ........................................................................................................................................................................... 35

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File Name Extensions It will help you to see the file extensions when working with templates (.docx vs .dotx)

1. Open a Window. Select View Tab.

2. Check the box for File name extensions (Show/hide group).

Templates templates are pre-designed documents that you or someone else creates to use as a pattern for a

project. When you open a template, it will open a new document (based off the template) that users will

have to save. Navigate to the folder that contains the template and double click the file. A new

document will open and be assigned a name (Document1, Document2, Document3). The user will

update and make changes to that file and then name and save the file to the desired location.

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Saving a Template 1. Open the Word document that you want to save as a template.

2. On the File menu, click Save as >> Browse.

3. In the Save as type dropdown, select Word Templates (*.dotx)

4. In the Save As box, type the name that you want to use for the new template in the File name

text box.

5. Choose the location where the template will be saved. Click Save.

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Add a Cover Page 1. Insert Tab >> Pages Group >> Cover Page. Click a cover page layout from the gallery of options.

2. After you insert a cover page, you can replace the sample text with our own text by clicking to

select an area of the cover page (such as the title) and typing your text.

NOTE: if you insert another cover page in the document, the new cover page replaced the cover

page you previously inserted.

3. To delete a cover page, click Insert Tab >> Pages Group >> Cover Pages >> Remove Current

Cover Page

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Styles You can use styles to quickly apply a set of formatting choices consistently throughout your document.

Select a Style 1. Select the text that you want to format.

2. In the Style group on the Home tab, hover over each style to see a live preview in the document.

Click the More drop-down arrow to see additional styles.

3. Select the style you desire. Now the selected text appears formatted in the style.

Modify an Existing Style with Current Formatting You can modify an existing style in the Styles gallery. If you have text in your document that has the style

formatted, you can update a Heading to use that existing formatting.

1. Make any format changes to the text. For example, you might want the text to be size 16 font

instead of 14. Home Tab >> Styles Group, right-click the style you want to change, and then click

Update Heading Style to Match Selection.

Create a New style based on document formatting 1. Right-click the text on which you want to base a new style.

2. In the mini toolbar that appears, click Styles >> Create a Style


Click the More button within the Styles Group (Home Tab >> Styles Group)

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3. Click Create a Style. Click OK.

4. The new style is stored in the Styles Gallery for future use.

New Style Set You can create your own style set by creating customized styles within a document and then saving a

New Style Set.

1. We will open a new document and create styles sets based on Renville County Brand Guidelines.

2. Change the font to Lucida Sans – Bold – 14 Pt. Type in “Main Headline” for a place holder

3. Highlight the text. Home Tab >> Font Group>>Font Color

Drop Down >> More Colors

4. Change the font color to the approved dk blue color:

R: 0

G: 65


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Click OK.

2. Home Tab >> Styles Group, right-click Heading Style 1, and then click Update Heading Style 1 to

Match Selection.

3. Next format the body text to Franklin Gothic Book- 11 pt.

4. Home Tab >> Styles Group, right-click Normal, and then click Update Normal to Match Selection.

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5. You can continue and add as many headings as you would like.

6. Next, save the Design Style. Design Tab >> More Button >> Save as New Style Set.

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7. Add a name and click Save. Note: you can save this into a shared network drive.

8. To use this style set, click the Design Tab >> Click the More button within the Document

Formatting Gallery. Find your style set under the Custom area.

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Create a Table of Contents using Styles Please note you must have applied heading styles to your section headings within the document. i.e.

Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, from the Styles Group.

1. Place the cursor where you the Table of Contents is to be inserted.

2. From the References Tab, Select Table of Contents.

3. Select one of the Automatic Tables.

Update a Table of Contents If you continue to edit the document, it will be necessary to update the table of contents.

1. Click within the table of contents.

2. Click the Update Table button.

3. Choose Update Entre Table.

Customize Table of Contents 1. References Tab >> Table of Contents >> Custom table of contents.

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2. You can increase the style levels (i.e. you can add Heading Style 4 to your table of contents) by

adjusting the Show levels number.

3. Select Options.

4. Here you can add different styles (i.e. Title) and any custom styles you made into your Table of


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5. Select Modify. This allows you to set the indentation and style used on the table of contents


Tips & Tricks with Word

Navigation Pane The Navigation pane (View Tab >> Show group >> Navigation Pane or press Ctrl+F) allows you to search

your document in various ways. If you have applied heading styles, those headings appear in the

Navigation pane.

1. Click on any heading listed in the Navigation pane and Word will “jump” to that place in your


2. To show or hide headings / subheadings under a heading, click the arrow next to the heading.

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Page Breaks To jump to the top of the next page, use Ctrl + Enter or

Insert Tab >> Pages group >> Page Break

Copy Formats with Format Painter Use Format Painter to copy the format of text. Home Tab >> Clipboard >> Format Painter

1. Format Painter works two ways:

a. Click it once, you get one mouse click and drag

b. Click it twice, it turns “on”, and you can use it many times.

2. Click within the text that has the format you want to copy. (this works great on bullets and


3. Home Tab >> Clipboard group >> Format Painter

4. Now click / drag on the text you want to apply the formatting to.

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Compatibility Mode 1. Converting the document to the newer format lets you use newer features. File >> Info >>


2. Click OK

Mail Merge 1. Open an existing Word document or create a new one.

2. From the Mailings tab, click the Start Mail Merge command and select Step by Step Mail Merge

Wizard... from the drop-down menu.

The Mail Merge pane appears and will guide you through the six main steps to complete a

merge. The following example demonstrates how to create a form letter and merge the letter

with a recipient list.

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Step 1:

• Choose the type of document you wish to create. In our example, we will select Letters. Then

click Next: Starting document to move to Step 2.

Step 2:

• Select Use the current document, then click Next: Select recipients to move to Step 3.

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Step 3:

Now you will need an address list so Word can automatically place each address into the

document. The list can be in an existing file, such as an Excel workbook, or you can type a

new address list from within the Mail Merge Wizard.

1. From the Mail Merge task pane, select Use an existing list, then click Browse... to

select the file.

2. Locate your file and click Open.

3. If the address list is in an Excel workbook, select the worksheet that contains the

list and click OK.

4. In the Mail Merge Recipients dialog box, you can check or uncheck each box to control which

recipients are included in the merge. By default, all recipients should be selected. When you are

done, click OK.

You can also filter your list by using the Drop Downs on each of the filed headings. This will allow

you to select groups of individuals. It will also let you sort!

5. From the Mail Merge task pane, click Next: Write your letter to move to Step 4.

If you do not have an existing address list, you can click the Type a new list button and click Create. You

can then type your address list.

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Step 4:

Now you are ready to write your letter. When it is printed, each copy of the letter will basically be the

same; only the recipient data (such as the name and address) will be different. You will need to add

placeholders for the recipient data, so Mail Merge knows exactly where to add the data.

To insert recipient data:

1. Place the insertion point in the document where you wish the information to appear.

2. Choose one of the four placeholder options: Address block, Greeting line, Electronic

postage, or More items.

3. Depending on your selection, a dialog box may appear with various options. Select the desired

options and click OK.

4. A placeholder will appear in your document. For example: «AddressBlock».

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5. Repeat these steps each time you need to enter information from your data record. In our

example, we will add a Greeting line.

6. For some letters, you will only need to add an Address block and Greeting line. Sometimes,

however, you may wish to place recipient data within the body of the letter to personalize it

even further.

Move your cursor to the desired location. Select Insert Merge Field from the Mailings tab and

select from there.

7. When you are done, click Next: Preview your letters to move to Step 5.

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Step 5:

1. Preview the letters to make sure the information from the recipient list appears correctly in the

letter. You can use the left and right scroll arrows to view each document.

2. Click Next: Complete the merge to move to Step 6.

Step 6:

1. Click Print... to print the letters.

2. A dialog box will appear. Click All, then click OK.

3. The Print dialog box will appear. Adjust the print settings if needed, then click OK. The letters

will be printed.

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Mail merge for labels In a mail merge, Word pulls the information from your mailing list into your label document. Making

labels with mail merge can get complicated—but it basically involves four steps.

Let us start with those four basic steps—and if at any time problems crop up or you want more

information, click a link to get the details.

Set up a document that matches your label size

1. Click Mailings > Start Mail Merge > Labels.

2. In the Label vendors list, click the company that made the labels you are going to print on.

3. In the Product number list, click the number that matches the product number on your package

of labels.

Connect the document to your address list

1. On the Mailings tab, click Select Recipients > Use an Existing List if you already have a list in an

Excel spreadsheet or an Access database. Or click Choose from Outlook Contacts if you want to

use your Outlook contacts. If you do not already have a list, you can type a new list in Word.

2. Browse to the list you want, and then click Open. If your list’s in Excel and Word prompts you,

click $Sheet1, and then click OK.

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3. If you want to make labels for only some of the names in your list, click Edit Recipient List.

4. Check the names you want to add to your labels.

You can also sort or filter the list to make finding names and addresses easier.

Add the names and addresses

1. Click Address Block.

2. Choose how you want the name to appear.

Tip To be sure Word finds the names and addresses in your list, click Match Fields. Check that the

fields you want appear in the list. If a field you want says (not matched), click the drop-down list for that

field and then click the column name that matches that column in your list. When you have matched all

the fields you want, click OK.

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3. Click OK, and then click Update Labels. You can also insert a picture—for example, a logo. After

you add the picture, click the Layout Options button. Then position the picture by

clicking Square or Tight. Click Update Labels to see the picture on each label.

Tip Any time you make a change—for example, adding a picture—click Update Labels to see the

change applied to each label.

Preview and print the labels 1. Click Preview Results, and then click the arrows to make sure the labels look right.

If the labels have too much space between each line, select the whole address in the first label, right-

click, click Paragraph, and type 0 in the Before and After boxes, and click OK. Then click Update Labels

to see the change applied to each label.

Tip If the addresses looks like they are too close to the top of the labels, click before the address in the

first label, press Shift+Enter, and click Update Labels.

2. Click Finish and Merge, and then click Print Documents.

3. Print a one-page test by clicking From in the Merge to Printer box and then typing 1 and the

number of labels that fit on one page. For example, if your label sheets have 30 labels on each

page, type 1 and 30.

4. If the test page looks the way you want it, load your labels into your printer, click Print

Documents again, and click All.

Save your label file for next time! When you save the

mail merge document, it stays connected to your

mailing list. To use the mail merge document again,

open it and click Yes when Word prompts you to keep

that connection. Then, if you want to change which

people or items you include in the merge, click Edit

Recipient List to sort, filter, and select them.

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Merge Field Currency Format You may notice a glitch that happens when you create a mail merge in Microsoft Word with Excel data,

that is, the number formatting in Excel does not show up correctly in the Word document. For example,

a dollar amount of $1,234.00 in an Excel worksheet used as a data source may display as 1234 in a Word

document. You might also see formatting issues with other numbers that are displayed as text such as

zip codes, lease or property numbers, and other identifiers.

1. Select the field (such as amount).

2. Press Alt+F9 to reveal the field coding. Or, rich click on them ail merge field and choose

the Toggle Field Code Option. You now see the actual field code for the field which

should look something like { MERGEFIELD Amount }

3. Edit the field by inserting what is called a numeric switch code at the end of the field.

{ MERGEFIELD Amount\# $,0.00 }

4. Press Alt + F9 again – this returns the merge field to its original view.

5. Position the cursor within the field – press F9 to update the field. Or, right mouse click

the field and choose Update Field.

Excel Data

Field Code Word Result Displayed Result

1000 { MERGEFIELD Amount \# ,0 } Rounded whole numbers, thousands separator


1000.25 { MERGEFIELD Amount \# $,0 } Rounded whole numbers, currency, thousands separator


1234.5 { MERGEFIELD Amount \# ,0.00 } 2 decimal places, thousands separator


1234.5 { MERGEFIELD Amount \# $,0.00 } 2 decimal places, currency, thousands separator *


1234.5 { MERGEFIELD Amount \# $#,##0.00 } Same as above * $1,234.50

-1234.5 { MERGEFIELD Amount \# “$,0.00;($,0.00);’-‘” } Currency, with brackets around negative numbers and a hyphen for 0 values


5 { MERGEFIELD Amount \# 0.00 } 2 decimal places 5.00

0.45 { MERGEFIELD Amount \# 0.## } 2 decimal places, leading zero 0.45

0.4 { MERGEFIELD Amount \# #.## } 2 decimal places only if values .4

1234 { MERGEFIELD ZipCode \# 00000 } 5 numeric positions, zip code or other number


For these formatting options, the precision of the displayed value for the Excel mail merge field is

controlled by the 0.00. You can use anything from 0 to 0.000000000000000.

* Including 0 in a numeric switch code creates a required or fixed position whereas the # sets a pattern

without a required 0 or placeholder.

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Tracking Changes When you turn on Track Changes, every change you make to the document will appear as a colored

markup. If you delete text, it will not disappear—instead, the text will be crossed out. If you add text, it

will be underlined. This allows you to see edits before making the changes permanent.

Turn on Track Changes 1. From the Review Tab >> Track Changes

2. From this point on, any changes you make to the document will appear as colored markups.

3. NOTE: When all changes are made, it is important to turn off Track Changes – to do this, simply

click the Track Changes button.

Accept or Reject Changes 1. Turn off tracking.

2. Select the change you want to accept or reject (or click Next in the Changes group)

3. From the Review Tab >> Accept or Reject.

4. The markup will disappear, and Word will automatically jump to the next change.

5. To accept all changes at once, click the Accept dropdown arrow >> Accept All. If you no longer

want to track your changes, you can select Accept all and Stop Tracking.

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Hide Tracked Changes 1. From the Review Tab >> Tracking Group >> Display for Review command.

2. Select the desired option: Simple Markup, All Markup, No Markup, Original.

Show Revisions in Balloons 1. From the Review Tab >> Show Markup >> Balloons>> Show Revisions in Balloons

2. Most revisions will appear in the right margin, although any added text will still appear inline.

Comments Sometimes you may want to add a comment to provide feedback instead of editing a document.

1. Highlight some text or place the insertion point where you want the comment to appear.

2. From the Review tab, click the New Comment command. Or right mouse click and select new


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3. Type you comment. Press Esc or click anywhere outside the comment box when you are done

typing your comment.

4. To Reply to a comment, click the comment. Click Reply and enter your text.

5. To delete a comment, select the comment. From the Review tab click Delete comment. Or, right

mouse click the comment and select Delete Comment.

Adding Document References & Links

Add Captions for a Picture 1. Click the picture. References Tab >> Insert Caption.

2. To use the default label (Figure), type your caption in the Caption box.

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Add Cross-Reference A cross-reference allows you to link to other parts of the same document. For example, you might use a

cross-reference to link to a chart or graphic that appears elsewhere in the document.

1. Make sure to create the chart, heading, page number, etc. before you link to it.

2. In the document, type the text that begins the cross-reference. For example, see: Figure 1.

3. Insert Tab >> Cross Reference

4. Click the drop-down list to pick what you want to link to. The list depends on the type of item

you are linking to.

5. This creates the Link in the document.

Adding Hyperlinks 1. Select the text. Right mouse click >> Hyperlink. Or, select text Insert Tab >> Hyperlink.

a. Web Location: In the Insert Hyperlink box, type or paste your link to the address box.

(i.e. )

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b. Email Address: Under Link to: click E-Mail Address. Either type the email address or

select ab address in the Recently used e-mail addresses list. You can also add a Subject.

c. Location in the current document or another document: Under Link to >> Place in this

Document. Select Headings or Bookmarks. Select the location.

2. To change the appearance of a hyperlink, right mouse click the hyperlink and select Edit


3. Right mouse click and select Remove Hyperlink.

Adding Bookmarks A bookmark in Word works like a bookmark you might place in a book: it marks a place that you want to

find again easily.

1. Select the Text, picture, or place in your document where you want to insert a bookmark.

2. Insert Tab >>Bookmark.

3. Under bookmark name, type a name and click Add.

4. After creating your bookmark, you can add links to them to jump to them at any time.

5. Select the text or object you want to use a hyperlink.

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6. Right click >> Link.

7. Under Link to, click Place in this Document.

8. Select the bookmark you want to link to. Click OK.

Delete Bookmark 1. Insert Tab >> Bookmark

2. Click the name/location to sort the list of bookmarks.

3. Select the name of the bookmark, then click Delete.

4. If you have inserted a hyperlink to the deleted bookmark, right click the linked text and select

Remove Hyperlink.

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Footnotes and Endnotes

Footnote Footnotes appear at the bottom of the page.

1. Click where you want to add a footnote.

2. References Tab >> Insert Footnote.

3. Type the footnote text.

Endnote Endnotes appear at the end of the document.

1. Click where you want to and an endnote.

2. References Tab >> Insert Endnote

3. Type the endnote text.

Customize Footnotes and Endnotes After you add your footnotes and endnotes, you can change the way they appear.

1. Right mouse click the Footnote/Endnote. Select Note Options. Make updates. Click Apply

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Securing a Document

Suppress Information – Document Inspector When you share an electronic copy of certain Office documents with clients or colleagues, it is a good

idea to review the document for hidden data or personal information. You can remove this hidden

information before you share the document with other people.

1. File Tab >> Info

2. Click Check for Issues >> Inspect Document.

3. Select the check boxes to choose the types of hidden content you want to be inspected.

4. Click Inspect.

5. Review the results in the Document Inspector dialog box.

6. Click Remove All next to the inspection results for the types of hidden content you want to

remove from your document.

7. Document inspector will remove:

a. Comments, revisions, versions, and annotations

b. Document properties and personal information

c. Headers, footers, watermarks

d. Hidden text

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Add a Digital Signature to a Document 1. Insert Tab >> Text group >> Signature Line.

2. In the Signature setup dialog box, type the information that will appear below the signature line.

3. Select one or both of the following check boxes:

a. Allow the signer to add comments in the Sign dialog box

b. Show sign date in signature line

Sign the document 1. Right mouse click the signature line – Or double click.

2. Select Sign

a. To add a printed version of your signature, type your name in the box next to X.

b. Use your Mouse to sign your name.

c. Click Select Image to insert an image of your signature.

d. Tablet users can sign name in the box next to the X by using their finger or tablet pen.

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e. Click Sign.

Remove Digital Signature 1. Right click the signature line.

2. Click Remove Signature.

3. Click Yes.

Set Formatting and Editing Restrictions 1. Review Tab >> Protect Group >> Restrict Editing

2. Editing Restrictions area, select Allow only this type of editing in the document check box.

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3. Click No Changes (read only).

4. Select the part of the document where you want to allow changes.

5. Under Expectations, do one of the following:

a. To allow anyone who opens the document to edit the part you selected, select


b. To allow only particular individuals to edit the part you selected, click More Users, and

then type the usernames. Include you name if you want to edit. Separate each name

with a semicolon.

6. Click OK.

7. Continue to select parts of the document and assign users permissions to edit them.

8. Under Start enforcement, click Yes, Start Enforcing Protection


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9. Enter in a password (twice).

10. To unlock, Review Tab >> Restrict Editing.

11. Click Stop Protection – Enter in a password (if required).

Make changes in a restricted document 1. The restrict editing task pane displays buttons for moving to the regions of the document you

have permission to change.

a. Find next region I can edit

b. Show all regions I can edit

NOTE: To Stop Protection: Review Tab >> Restrict Editing. Select Stop Protection. Enter in Password.

Protect Document 1. File >> Info >> Protect Document >> Encrypt with Password.

2. Type a Password, then type it again to confirm.

3. Save the file.

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Forms To create a form, start by creating a template for your form (often in a table). You will then add the data

entry controls such as combo boxes, dropdown lists, date pickers, and text entry fields.

1. Turn on the Developer tab by selecting >> File >> Options >> Customize Ribbon. Check the box in

the right-hand column for Developer.

2. To create a text, use the Developer Tab >> Controls Group >> Rich Text Option.

3. To create a drop-down list, select the Drop-Down list control.

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4. With the dropdown selected, click Properties in the Controls Group on the Ribbon.

5. Click the Add button and add in your drop-down list item. Click OK. Repeat for all items in the


6. To insert a date, select the Date Picker from the Controls Group.

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In some cases, when creating a form in Word you will use a table to hold the form fields.


Table Features:

• Merge Cells

• Split Cells

• Select Cell to Resize

• Borders

Top Related