  • Scenario

    From our current data files, create a way to use it at the Hunter System, in the provided Example Modules.

    For this, we choose a module: 'Hunter Network'. This is the module that contains the

    network physical data, stored in a standard table 'tbl_Network' in standard database

    'Hunter_Network_DB.mdb' in the standard local directory 'C:\Hunter\Network\Database\'.

    In our examples, we present data from a fictitious GSM and UMTS network.

    These data are already available in the cited table, with the standard names of fields as well!

    For example, this table contains a field called 'LATITUDE', which contains the given Latitude

    of each cell. It also has a field called 'LONGITUDE', with the given Longitude of each cell. It

    has a field called 'ANT_AZIM' with the data of Antenna Azimuth of each cell, and so on, as

    the fields shown below.

    This is a very simple table with only a few fields needed for all the modules presented till today.

  • For example, in module 'Hunter GE Network', the data in this table are treated, and a KML

    file is generated. Each module was developed as a complete 'example', and uses these

    sample data to obtain the final result. For example, the direction of plotted cells is

    determined by our standard field 'ANT_AZIM', ie the azimuth of the antenna, and the

    opening of the symbol is in turn defined by the value of field 'ANT_HBW'.

    We know that such modules do not yet cover all your needs. But it is very important to realize that serves to know and learn how to obtain such results.

    For example, we still have no data 'Frequency' in this table. This is because we have not published a specific example module for this purpose yet!

    Anyway, you can play all existing modules, simply adjust its data, that is, put your data in the standard Hunter format (mainly namings).

    Lets see how to do this, using our module 'Hunter Network' as example.

    To begin, let's assume that the physical data ('Network') of your network are available in an

    Excel spreadsheet, with our specific format - for example with different names. For this, we use the data (also ficticious) as shown below - in file 'MyCustomNetworkTable.xls'.

  • Note that the network data has the 'same' fields, with only the names of fields a bit different

    (for example, in our sample table Latitude is given by the 'Lat' field, while our standard table uses 'LATITUDE').

    Our sample table still has some less fields (eg missing field 'ANT_HBW'), and a few more fields (eg 'FREQUENCY').

    Fields in red have not yet been demonstrated and / or used in example modules, and there is nothing to do with them at this time.

    Fields in blue are the most important, and will be used in our applications. For this, let's see

    how the fit.

    Note on Integration (Modularity) of the System

    At this point, it is worth remembering why it is important the modularity and

    standardization of the system. The iamge below illustrates this importance.

  • The same standardized table (and therefore the same fields and terminology) is used by

    several other modules. In the specific case of our example, all Hunter Modules using network physical data fetch data from this particular table.

    This is done in a very simple way by Access - simply create a link for this table in the

    modules where it is needed. This ensures, among other advantages, that all the output

    data/report is always up to date, simply keeping updated a single table with data from our

    network! In addition, whenever there is a change in the original - and only - table, such as

    adding a new field to a new purpose / module, all links are already automatically updated, sinbce our linked tables already reflect the changes carried out.

    Ways to Use and Integrate Hunter

    So to use the modularized system - and thereby obtain all the advantages that this form

    gives us - we need to follow this standardization. That is, we need to have a clear definition of a single table with the physical data.

    Option 1: The best way to do this, especially for those just starting a system from scratch,

    is using the offered standardization - in other words, simply fill the base table 'tbl_Network'

    with the data on your network.

    Option 2: Another way, however, is what we're seeing today. Continuing our example, and

    assuming you have the data on your network according to the spreadsheet

    'MyCustomNetworkTable.xls', we need to generate (update) our table 'tbl_Network' with its

    data. But nothing prevents you start using this option, and in the future decide to use the first option.

    Option 3: Another way is of course possible. You can learn from all example modules, and

    create your own system with your own nomenclature, etc. .. However, note that this way

    you'll have greater difficulty, or be unable to use the modules without significant changes to

  • all the queries, codes and scripts that expect our standardized nomenclature. Anyway, you have total freedom to use it the way want.

    The great advantage of using the first option is that everyone wins with the standardization that with time and with the publication of new modules, it is becoming even greater.

    The number of worldwide Hunter Users grows every day, and increasingly we seek to unify

    and standardize all the best practices used in all areas of Telecommunications and IT.

    Using data from a different source

    Let's see an example of how to integrate our Hunter System to our Excel Sheet. In other words, we'll 'transform' our original spreadsheet in the base table 'tbl_Network'.

    For this, we start by linking our original spreadsheet in our default database

    'Hunter_Network_DB.mdb'. To do this we access the Menu: 'External Data' (1) -> 'Excel' (2).

    We point to the file name where to find our spreadsheet (in the case of this example, we

    store the original worksheet in the same place where our underlying database is) (1). And we chose the option of 'Link' (2).

  • After completing the Wizard, we have linked our spreadsheet. It's now like a 'table'.

    In our database, rename the original table 'tbl_Network' to any one other name, eg

    'tbl_Network (Original Expected Format used in HUNTER)'. This table is now NOT accessible

    to all other modules. They expect a table called 'tbl_Network', and that is what we are creating now.

    For this, we'll create a query based on our Excel spreadsheet - that in turn, is linked with our real data.

    Note: Remember that all terms used have already been demonstrated in other tutorials, and

    always keep repeating it would be redundant and unnecessary. If you have doubts, read previous tutorials.

    At this point then we need to define each calculated field, as appropriate. Let's do some step by step, as an example.

    We begin with the first field in our table: 'PLMN'.

    This field does not exist in our Excel spreadsheet (although there should be). We have two options: assign a value ('NA' or '') or the actual value ('MyPLMNName').

    We chose to use the value 'NA' (1), even because we can change this later. Thus, we insert

    the first field in the query. Running it (2), we have our 'table' with just the default field 'PLMN' (3).

  • Our next expected fields are 'MSC' and 'BSCRNC' - important ones, but also lacking in the original spreadsheet.

    Thus, we follow the same procedure, and assign 'NA' for them.

    Note that our 'table' pattern is already taking shape - even if the field values are not the best way possible - as they are not also present in our spreadsheet.

  • Note: The correct thing is to update these data in our original spreadsheet, and update

    those references - instead of assigning the value 'NA' for example, apportioned the

    corresponding field.

    Let's continue. Next required field is 'sitePROP'. This is the field with the value of the

    property, the physical location of our site.

    In our original spreadsheet, this particular field does not exist, but the same is inserted in

    its 'Site' field, the second character onwards. Then, simply create a calculated field 'sitePROP', extracting the values properly.

    Now yes, our table is getting more as we hope.

    Continuing, the next required field: 'BTS'. This case is simpler. This field is available in our

    original table, named 'SITE'. So, just create the calculated field 'BTS' and associate the field 'SITE' to it.

  • We could continue with this show until the end of the required fields (not many). But you

    should have understood the procedure. It follows then, our query with all existing and required fields in our standard.

  • That done, now we only need to put data from this query into a - 'new' - table 'tbl_Network'.

    Create new table with the Real Current Data

    It is very simple to insert data from a query into an Access table. Simply create a new query

    - now of type 'Create Table' - and insert the name 'tbl_Network' in the name of the table to

    be created. That is, when this query is run, our expected table is created with the names and the appropriate fields values.

    So, when executed, our table is created! (For ease of implementation, we create a new macro 'Update_Network_with_MyData_RUN').

    And done! All our other modules now have an updated table - with the actual data from our

    network - from where they can fetch its data.

  • Remember that the modules were written as an example, and has the standard

    results/outputs. These results are always being improved, as we demonstrate new modules

    as well as we're updating existing ones.

    The modules of the Roadmap, as well as modifications of its results are discussed by all

    Hunter Users, and increasingly with the participation of all we will create all new modules that can suit everyone.

    Many other modules are being published gradually. This week for example, we began the

    series of modules and algorithms for Performance / KPI Analysis. Do not miss out,

    contributing at least with suggestions, so you help in the evolution of the system and the benefits apply directly to you!

    Other types of Data Sources

    It may be however, that your physical data is not an Excel worksheet, but instead a Text or CVS file. Or in another Access database. Or even in any other available format such as XML.

    No problem, the procedure for adjustment is exactly the same: to bind its real data format, and change the query that matches the fields. That's it.

    Integrating Other Modules Base

    The example shown today was to make the integration of your physical data (real data) with

    the Base Module 'Hunter Network' - allowing all other modules that use this information start to work automatically, without any problems.

    However, there are other standard modules, such as 'Hunter Performance', with

    Performance information such as Call Drop rate, and 'Hunter Parameters' with information

    on configuration parameters, such as Frequencies.

    The integration of these modules can also be done in a similar way as we have seen here.

  • Anyway, it's good you're back to work with the methodology as organized as possible.

    Regardless of your network vendors, the results can be standardized, so getting all the

    benefits mentioned above.

    Standardization of other Fields - Future

    As we observe it in our spreadsheet example, some fields were not used. This is because they are not so necessary (used) in current modules.

    Gradually, we add new fields, such as 'BTS_Model'. Of course, nothing stops you even add in your system, and replicate to the appropriate modules.

    But the best option is to participate - in the Forums. So we all can go molding system,

    standardizing the way that suits everyone.

    Do not mix things up!

    Another learning that we can draw from our sample spreadsheet, with our physical data, is a very common mistake when we work in a modularized / organized.

    Note that this worksheet is 'mixing' physical data (in blue) with Performance Data (1) and Parameters Data (2).

    This is wrong because it is contrary to the essence of our system.

    These data should be stored in different locations, and this worksheet should actually be the

    output of a specific module: an application to fetch data of the corresponding bases, and create this 'report'.

  • Working with Multiple Data Sources

    Just to conclude, remember that you can take advantage of the Access power, for example,

    when your data is in different sources.

    Returning to our example (Network), it may be that our data is stored in more than one file or data source.

    For example, we have a spreadsheet with 'CELLNAME' and 'ANT_MODEL'. But without the

    'ANT_HBW' field, which indicates the horizontal opening of the antenna, used for example in the modules of Google Earth (GE).

    As you already know, just join these tables properly, and the desired result is achieved.

    So you get the final table with the fields and ELLNAME', 'ANT_MODEL' from a table, and

    the corresponding 'ANT_HBW' from another table (eg an auxiliary table with data for antennas, including gain).

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