Page 1: Mrs. Goslin - Memorable Event

Taylor Downey

Mrs. Goslin

English II Honors, 2nd Block

15 August 2010

A Summer I’ll Never Forget

It didn’t take me long to think of an event in my life to go with the topic given to

me. The topic was to think of a memorable event in your life that changed you somehow,

or made you see people differently. My event certainly did both things. My memorable

event is the summer two of my grandfather’s died. I would never be the same after that.

In 2007 my mother’s father and my dad’s stepfather both received news that they

had cancer. I remember being scared. Some of my family members had gotten cancer and

had died in the past so I didn’t know what the outcome would be. I remember seeing my

Pawpaw Dugger wither away. He had once been so strong. I didn’t think he could ever

get sick. I remember watching my Pop Pop Bob die a little each day. My heart broke just

thinking of them. Then, when we thought things were getting better, my Pawpaw Dugger

went to heaven. About a month later, my Pop Pop went home as well. I don’t know if

I’ve ever felt so devastated in my life. Eventually, I had to move on with my life, but I

would never be the same because, I wouldn’t have those special men in my life. They

were everything to me.

This event changed my life because it taught me that when things get bad, just

know that it could always be worse, because although they did die, they went to heaven,

and they weren’t in pain. It also changed me because I got closer to God. I had been so

angry at him for taking away some of my family that I wanted nothing to do with him,

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but eventually I realized that he needed them home. This event changed my outlook on

people because I saw my mother, who I thought was so cold and unfeeling, cry. I saw her

break down into tears, and that made me see that she was human. I grew closer to her.

This event mostly taught me to not take the time I have on Earth for granted. You never

know when it is your time.

Things happen in our life for a reason. All things are meant to be, whether it is

you losing someone you love, or just you merely falling down and scraping your knee.

These events teach you a lesson. You learn to have fun. You learn to not take the time

you have for granted, but most importantly, you learn to love.

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