Page 1: MRRNInternationally known for her work, Dana develops and implements social and digital communication strategies for individuals, small groups, and entire organizations. At Swedish,

MRRN 17th Annual Conference

Renew, Rejuvenate, and Refocus: A New Era for Recruitment and Retention

May 1 - 3, 2011 The Inn at Bay Harbor, Bay Harbor, Michigan

Page 2: MRRNInternationally known for her work, Dana develops and implements social and digital communication strategies for individuals, small groups, and entire organizations. At Swedish,

17th Annual Michigan Recruitment and Retention Network Conference

Renew, Rejuvenate, and Refocus: A New Era for Recruitment and Retention

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 17th Annual Michigan Recruitment and Retention Network Conference: Renew, Rejuvenate, and Refocus: A New Era for Recruitment and Retention!

Join your colleagues at this educational conference arranged to address our ever-changing roles within our various organizations. As you strive to meet the challenges and opportunities of the evolving healthcare envi-ronment, your educational and informational needs are greater than ever before. Take advantage of this oppor-tunity to meet with and learn from recruitment and retention colleagues from across the state of Michigan.

We are excited to inform you of this year’s guest speakers. We have invited:

• AllisonMcCarthy,Principal Barlow/McCarthy-HospitalandPhysicianConsultingGroup

• DanaLewis,InteractiveMarketingSpecialist SwedishMedicalCenterinSeattle,WA

• JillStratton,HealthcareOutreachandSalesProgramDevelopmentConsultant CorporateHealthGroup,LLC

• MercedesRamirezJohnson,MotivationalSpeaker Innovatorofthe“SecondChanceLiving”concept

Inadditiontotheseeducationsessions,wehavearrangedforagrouppaneldiscussiononthetopicof“Dem-onstratingValuetoYourOrganization”.Westronglyencourageattendeestobringmeasurabletoolsandreports to share and discuss.

Please join us May 1-3, 2011 at the Inn at Bay Harbor in Bay Harbor, MI for the 2011 Annual MRRN Conference. This will be a meeting you do not want to miss!



17th Annual Michigan Recruitment and Retention Network Conference

The Inn at Bay Harbor, Bay Harbor, Michigan

Page 3: MRRNInternationally known for her work, Dana develops and implements social and digital communication strategies for individuals, small groups, and entire organizations. At Swedish,

17th Annual Michigan Recruitment and Retention Network ConferenceDate: May 1 - 3, 2011Location: The Inn at Bay Harbor, Bay Harbor, Michigan

SCheDuLe of eveNtS:

Sunday, May 01, 2011

12:00pm–5:00pm Exhibitorssetup(Occidental,ArlingtonRoom,ArlingtonLobby)

5:00pm–6:00pm EarlyRegistration(mainhotellobby)

6:30pm–8:30pm NetworkingReception(Sagamore’sRestaurant)

Monday, May 02, 2011

7:30am–8:30am RegistrationandContinentalBreakfastwithExhibitors(CliftonRoom)

8:30am–10:00am AllisonMcCarthy-ManagingInternalStakeholdersthroughPhysicianRecruitment Process(ArlingtonRoom)

10:00 am – 10:30 am Break with Exhibitors

10:30am–12:00pm DanaLewis-SocialMedia(ArlingtonRoom)

12:00pm–1:00pm Lunchandbreakwithexhibitors(Sagamore’sRestaurant)

1:00pm–2:30 pm MercedesRamirezJohnson-Motivationalspeaker(ArlingtonRoom)

2:30 pm – 3:00 pm Break with exhibitors

3:00pm–5:00pm JillStratton-PhysicianSalesandServiceManagementWorkshop(ArlingtonRoom)

6:30pm–11:00pm Eveningdinnerandevent(BayHarborGolfClub)

tuesday, May 03, 2011

7:30 am – 8:30 am Continental Breakfast with exhibitors

8:30am–10:00am PanelDiscussion/Networking-“DemonstratingValuetoYourOrganization” (ArlingtonRoom)

10:00 am – 10:30 am Break with Exhibitors

10:30 am– 12:00 pm MRRN Updates Raffles/Giveaways ClosingRemarks(ArlingtonRoom)

17th Annual Michigan Recruitment and Retention Network Conference

The Inn at Bay Harbor, Bay Harbor, Michigan

Page 4: MRRNInternationally known for her work, Dana develops and implements social and digital communication strategies for individuals, small groups, and entire organizations. At Swedish,



In 1995, Mercedes Ramirez Johnson narrowly survived a commercial airplane crash that killed 160 people, including her parents. As one of only four survivors of this tragedy, she vowed that she would make her second chance at life count…and that she has - not only for herself, but also for the tens of thousands of people who have heard her story and her message.

Transformational, passionate, inspiring and genuine. That is how clients and audiences describe Mercedes and her programs. Many speakers who have overcome great adversity are deeply inspiring, but rarely offer their audiences more than momentary motivation. Content-driven presenters provide practical advice, but are often short on inspiration. Mercedes offers both. Weaving workable solutions throughout an emotionally compelling story, she touches people’s hearts and minds. Her proprietary Second Chance Living™ concept, an innovative mindset and approach with a proven track record, offers participants a blueprint for change along with specific tools they can use immediately in their professional and personal endeavors. In addition, her message that experience is no guarantee is having a tangible and powerful impact on safety initiatives and programs across the country.

Mercedes presents to companies, associations, faith-based organizations, government agencies and higher educationinstitutionsacrosstheU.S.andCanada.HerclientsincludesomeofAmerica’smostrespectedorganizations,suchasGeneralElectric,Verizon,PricewaterhouseCoopers,GulfstreamAerospace,SuncorEnergy,MeetingPlannersInternational,TheEnvironmentalProtectionAgencyandTheNationalCatholicYouth Conference, where she spoke to over 15,000 clergy and youth.

Before becoming a speaker, Mercedes spent nearly a decade in high-level sales in the pharmaceutical and medical software industries. A record-breaking, multimillion-dollar producer, she became the youngest female andsoleLatinoaccountexecutiveatCernerCorporation.Asaresult,sheunderstandsthechallengesandopportunities today’s professionals face and has both the capability and the credibility to cross professional, generational, gender and ethnic gaps to connect with people from all backgrounds and levels.Mercedes and her story have been the subject of considerable national and international media coverage. HerextensivemediaexperienceincludesappearancesonABC’sPrimeTime,TheBBC,NationalGeographicChannel,DiscoveryHealthChannelandasarecurringguestonTheMontelWilliamsShow.Inaddition,numerous national magazines and major-market newspapers have run cover stories and special-interest pieces about her.

Mercedeshasreceivednationalawardsforherwork,influenceanddedicationtoimprovingthelivesofothers.Shewasrecognizedasoneofthecountry’stopyoungHispanicup-and-comersbyPeopleMagazine’sSpanishedition,PeopleenEspañol.INROADS,Inc.,aninternationalorganizationdedicatedtodevelopingtalented minority youth, voted her Alumni of the Year. In addition, she was recently honored as Volunteer of the Year for Christ Haven for Children, a home for neglected children in Texas. In memory of her parents, she establishedascholarshipforminoritystudentsatNorthwestMissouriStateUniversity,wheresheactivelyserves as an Executive Member of the university’s Foundation Board.

Mercedes and her husband live in Texas with their two children.

17th Annual Michigan Recruitment and Retention Network Conference

The Inn at Bay Harbor, Bay Harbor, Michigan

Page 5: MRRNInternationally known for her work, Dana develops and implements social and digital communication strategies for individuals, small groups, and entire organizations. At Swedish,

SPeAKeR BIoGRAPhIeS (cont’d)



ALLISoN MCCARthyPrincipal, Barlow/McCarthy

Allison McCarthy has more than 20 years of health care management experience with expertise in physician relationsandrecruitment,tertiaryoutreachandstrategicrelationshipmarketing.Withaspecificprofessionalemphasis in medical staff development, Ms. McCarthy has facilitated numerous medical staff development efforts through strategic assessments, physician needs analysis projects, physician recruitment advancements as well as on-boarding and retention management improvements. Additionally, she has worked with a variety of clients to realign their physician relations efforts with the organizational growth strategy including support around key tactical elements including tools for tracking and measuring success.

In addition to her consulting practice, Allison is frequent speaker, presenting at conferences sponsored by severalstateandregionalhealthcarestrategyassociations,theForumforHealthStrategists,theAmericanAcademyofMedicalManagementandtheAssociationofStaffPhysicianRecruiters’nationalandregionalmeetings.SheistheauthorofAPracticeDevelopmentPrimerandLeader’sGuidetoPhysicianRecruitmentin addition to publishing white papers and articles for several health care journals, newsletters and other publications.

Allison has been consulting with organizations nationally for nearly 10 years and previously held hospital-physicianstrategypositionswithinbothacommunityhospitalandacademicmedicalcenter.Shealsobroughther relationship management and new program development experience to the Massachusetts Hospital Association with focus on regional council relations and grassroots campaign development.

Ms. McCarthy has an MBA with a concentration in health care management from Boston University and a BachelorofSciencedegreeinhealthcaremanagementfromNortheasternUniversity.ShealsoisacertifiedmemberoftheAmericanCollegeofMedicalPracticeExecutivesaswellasholdingtheStaffPhysicianRecruitercertification.

17th Annual Michigan Recruitment and Retention Network Conference

The Inn at Bay Harbor, Bay Harbor, Michigan

Page 6: MRRNInternationally known for her work, Dana develops and implements social and digital communication strategies for individuals, small groups, and entire organizations. At Swedish,

SPeAKeR BIoGRAPhIeS (cont’d)

JILL StRAttoNConsultant, Corporate Health Group, LLC (CHG)

JillStrattonhasworkedattheseniorlevelofhealthcareoutreachandsalesprogramdevelopment,trainingand management for over 20 years. Jill’s expertise is in working with healthcare organizations that want to start outreach and consultative sales to the physician, employer and payer markets, and working with existing outreach and sales programs that want to assess their programs and train their staff to maximize organizational goals and strategic initiatives. Her experience in building and managing outreach and sales programs, as well as her experience in leading hospital executives, physicians and boards in strategic development enables her to work at all levels in an organization from sales training and plan development to facilitating and education at the senior level. Jill’s professional background includes starting outreach and consultative sales programs formultihospitalsystemsincludingrelationshipandactivitymanagementutilizingGoldminesoftwaretomaximizereturnoninvestmenttracking.Jill’sworkinthefieldasaconsultativesalesandoutreachspecialistfurther enhances her ability to connect with her clients through the sharing of real life experiences during training and planning consulting engagements.

Strattonhasservedasfacultyandpresenterforseveralhealthcaresocietiesandassociations,suchasAmericanHospitalAssociationSocietyforHealthcareStrategy&MarketDevelopment(SHSMD),ForumforHealthcareStrategists,ChildHealthCorporationofAmerican(CHCA),RadiologyBusinessManagementAssociation(RBMA),Ryan-NAOHPandHealthcareFinancialManagementAssociation(HFMA).SheisalsoamemberoftheAHASocietyforHealthcareStrategyandDevelopment,NationalAssociationofOccupationalHealthProfessionalsandtheNationalWellnessInstitute.JillreceivedherBachelor’sofSciencefrom Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.

17th Annual Michigan Recruitment and Retention Network Conference

The Inn at Bay Harbor, Bay Harbor, Michigan

Page 7: MRRNInternationally known for her work, Dana develops and implements social and digital communication strategies for individuals, small groups, and entire organizations. At Swedish,

16th Annual Michigan Recruitment and Retention Network Conference

Registration Form Registration Deadline – Friday, April 1, 2011

Registrant Names(s): ________________________________________________________________

Organization: ______________________________________________________________________

Business Address: ___________________________________________________________________


Phone: __________________________________Fax: ______________________________________

Email: _____________________________________________________________________________

Registration Fee:

MRRN Members: $175.00 ______

Non Members: $275.00 ______

One Day Only Fee: $100.00 ______

Guest for Single Speaking Session:$25.00 per session Monday – ( ) Allison MCcarthy ( ) Mercedes Ramirez Johnson ( ) Dana Lewis ( ) Jill Stratton

Late registration fee, if received after April 16th: Additional $50.00 per person

Guest for Dinner/Social Events:$25 (1 night) ____ ( ) Sunday or ( ) Monday $50 (2 nights) ____

Total Enclosed: $_______________

Make check payable to: Michigan Recruitment & Retention Network

Enclose form and fee and mail to: Scott Johnson Senior Physician Recruiter Henry Ford Health System 1 Ford Place, 2E Detroit, MI 48202 Phone: 313-874-4691 Fax: 313-874-4677 Email: [email protected]

16th Annual Michigan Recruitment & Retention Network Conference

The Inn at St. John’s Hotel & Conference Center Plymouth, Michigan

MAY2nd - 4th


17th Annual Michigan Recruitment and Retention Network Conference

17th Annual Michigan Recruitment and Retention Network Conference

The Inn at Bay Harbor, Bay Harbor, Michigan

Page 8: MRRNInternationally known for her work, Dana develops and implements social and digital communication strategies for individuals, small groups, and entire organizations. At Swedish,

thank you to our 2010 MRRN Conference exhibitors/Sponsors

American College of PhysiciansAmerican healthcare Services Association

Amerimed ConsultingASA PartnersComphealth

Corrigan Moving Systemselsevier

Ergency Staffing and Recruiting, LLCfifth third Bank

Goldfish Partners & Goldfish Locum TenensInternational Medical News GroupJackson & Coker, Permanent, LLC

JAMA & Archives JournalsKontact Intelligence

Medical Staff Strategies, LLCMerritt Hawkins & Associates

Medical opportunities of MichiganMRC Black Sheep, LLC

onyx MDPowell Relocation Group

Practice Link, LtDPracticeMatch, Inc

Reality Check Screening, LLCStackpoole & Associates, LLC

Staff Carethe Delta Companies

the Medicus firmtimeLine Recruiting

Vista Staffing Solutions, Inc

17th Annual Michigan Recruitment and Retention Network Conference

The Inn at Bay Harbor, Bay Harbor, Michigan

Page 9: MRRNInternationally known for her work, Dana develops and implements social and digital communication strategies for individuals, small groups, and entire organizations. At Swedish,





REQUESTS *: Low Floor Crib Non-Feather

American Express Visa MasterCard Diners Club Discover

Expiration Date


Credit card imprint is required at check-in for all guests.Checks/money orders should be equivalent to one nights' stay, payable to Boyne USA Resorts.

*The Inn at Bay Harbor does its best to accommodate requests, but cannot guarantee them.

All reservations must be guaranteed by check or credit card deposit.

Rates and a 7% Resort Services Fee are subject to a 6% Michigan State Sales and Use Tax. Rates are also subject to a 2% Local Lodging Assessment.




When making travel arrangements, please note The Inn at Bay Harbor observes a 4:00 PM check in and 11:00 AM check out.

Accommodations: Please indicate your 1st and 2nd lodging preference below. If room type requested is not available, the next available room type and rate will be confirmed. We cannot guarantee specific rooms/units. All rooms are non-smoking.

To better serve all of our guests, reservations cannot be accepted by phone or on-line.

Reservations must be made utilizing this form and be received by April 1, 2011. Reservation requests received after this date will be taken on a space available basis at current room rates.

Michigan Recruitment & Retention NetworkMay 1-3, 2011

Group Name:Dates:

Studio Lakeside $115.00



Studio Quarryside

Deluxe Lakeside


Deluxe Quarryside $123.00

Phone: 1-800-462-6963






Rates are based on the European Plan which includes lodging only. Rates are per room per night.



Room confirmations will be e-mailed so please include your e-mail address if you are requesting a confirmation.The Inn at Bay Harbor is a smoke free facility.The Inn at Bay Harbor has a two night minimum on weekends (Friday and Saturday night).

Tax exempt individuals: Please present the state tax exempt form 3372 at check out. Indicate your method of deposit below. Personal funds are not exempt from state tax or local assessments.

Company check is enclosed with this registration form.





Please use my personal credit card to guarantee the reservation. A check will be mailed from the company or presented upon arrival.

Deposits: A deposit equal to the first night's lodging is required with each reservation. Please make check or money order payable to Boyne USA Resorts or include a credit card number. The card will be charged upon receipt of form. Do not send cash.

Please provide tax exempt form at check out.


Cancellation Policy: Cancellation and changes affecting arrival / departure dates must be made 7 days prior to arrival date in order to receive refund of deposit. Within 7 days your deposit is forfeited.


Please mail or fax to:BOYNE

Central Reservations Department

P.O. Box 19 $


Boyne Falls, MI 49713Fax: (231) 549-6844

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