
IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

Schedule 5 - Areas on Offer Mozambique Fifth Licensing Round Page 1 of 40




IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

Schedule 5 - Areas on Offer Mozambique Fifth Licensing Round Page 2 of 40


The schedule provides details of the blocks on offer in the Fifth Licensing Round.

INP has grouped the blocks into five separate defined areas as follows:

1 ROVUMA .............................................................................................................. 5

1.1 Contract Area R5-A ........................................................................................ 6

1.2 Contract Area R5-B ......................................................................................... 8

1.3 Contract Area R5-C ....................................................................................... 10

2 ANGOCHE .......................................................................................................... 12

2.1 Contract Area A5-A ...................................................................................... 13

2.2 Contract Area AB5-B .................................................................................... 15

3 ZAMBEZI DELTA .............................................................................................. 17

3.1 Contract Area Z5-A ....................................................................................... 18

3.2 Contract Area Z5-B ....................................................................................... 20

3.3 Contract Area Z5-C ....................................................................................... 22

3.4 Contract Area Z5-D ....................................................................................... 24

3.5 Contract Area Z5-E ....................................................................................... 26

3.6 Contract Area Z5-F ....................................................................................... 28

4 PANDE TEMANE ............................................................................................... 30

4.1 Contract Area PT5-A .................................................................................... 31

4.2 Contract Area PT5-B ..................................................................................... 33

4.3 Contract Area PT5-C ..................................................................................... 35

5 PALMEIRA ......................................................................................................... 38

5.1 Contract Area PT5-D .................................................................................... 39

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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Mozambique Fifth License Round

Areas on Offer

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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The technical database provided by INP for the Fifth License Round has been

consolidated in World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84), UTM Zone 36 to

Mozambique South (Zambei Delta, Pande Temane and Palmeira areas) and UTM

Zone 37 to Mozambique North (Angoche and Rovuma areas). Applicants are asked

to use these same geodetic parameters.

The coordinates for each area are provided in Lat/Long.

The limits of the areas are defined geodetic lines between the given coordinates.

Mozambique UTM Zones

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

Schedule 5 - Areas on Offer Mozambique Fifth Licensing Round Page 5 of 40





IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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1.1 Contract Area R5-A


3,456 km2

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R5-A ~ 3,456 km2

Point Decimal Degree

DD Long | DD Lat Longitude Latitude



1 41.5000 -10.5000 41° 30' 00.000” E 10° 30' 00.000” S

2 41.7500 -10.5000 41° 45' 00.000” E 10° 30' 00.000” S

3 42.0000 -10.5000 42° 00' 00.000” E 10° 30' 00.000” S

4 42.1201 -10.5000 42° 07' 12.532” E 10° 29' 59.985” S Int. Boundary

5 42.1184 -10.5081 42° 07' 06.302” E 10° 30' 29.172” S Int. Boundary

6 42.1155 -10.5213 42° 06' 55.953” E 10° 31' 16.577” S Int. Boundary

7 42.1109 -10.5423 42° 06' 39.266” E 10° 32' 32.181” S Int. Boundary

8 42.1085 -10.5534 42° 06' 30.478” E 10° 33' 12.341” S Int. Boundary

9 42.1028 -10.5800 42° 06' 10.177” E 10° 34' 47.991” S Int. Boundary

10 42.0975 -10.6063 42° 05' 50.935” E 10° 36' 22.721” S Int. Boundary

11 42.0924 -10.6324 42° 05' 32.728” E 10° 37' 56.563” S Int. Boundary

12 42.0876 -10.6582 42° 05' 15.539” E 10° 39' 29.533” S Int. Boundary

13 42.0832 -10.6838 42° 04' 59.346” E 10° 41' 01.671” S Int. Boundary

14 42.0817 -10.6923 42° 04' 54.163” E 10° 41' 32.161” S Int. Boundary

15 42.0743 -10.7361 42° 04' 27.621” E 10° 44' 09.890” S Int. Boundary

16 42.0711 -10.7547 42° 04' 16.108” E 10° 45' 16.934” S Int. Boundary

17 42.0667 -10.7794 42° 04' 00.108” E 10° 46' 46.013” S Int. Boundary

18 42.0621 -10.8039 42° 03' 43.477” E 10° 48' 14.069” S Int. Boundary

19 42.0573 -10.8281 42° 03' 26.241” E 10° 49' 41.151” S Int. Boundary

20 42.0523 -10.8520 42° 03' 08.397” E 10° 51' 07.267” S Int. Boundary

21 42.0472 -10.8757 42° 02' 49.956” E 10° 52' 32.457” S Int. Boundary

22 42.0419 -10.8991 42° 02' 30.932” E 10° 53' 56.737” S Int. Boundary

23 42.0365 -10.9223 42° 02' 11.326” E 10° 55' 20.132” S Int. Boundary

24 42.0309 -10.9452 42° 01' 51.147” E 10° 56' 42.673” S Int. Boundary

25 42.0251 -10.9679 42° 01' 30.409” E 10° 58' 04.368” S Int. Boundary

26 42.0192 -10.9903 42° 01' 09.114” E 10° 59' 25.251” S Int. Boundary

27 42.0166 -11.0000 42° 00' 59.633” E 11° 00' 00.000” S

28 42.0000 -11.0000 42° 00' 00.000” E 11° 00' 00.000” S

29 41.7500 -11.0000 41° 45' 00.000” E 11° 00' 00.000” S

30 41.5000 -11.0000 41° 30' 00.000” E 11° 00' 00.000” S

31 41.5000 -10.7500 41° 30' 00.000” E 10° 45' 00.000” S

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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1.2 Contract Area R5-B


2,549 km2

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R5-B ~ 2,549 km2

Point Decimal Degree

DD Long | DD Lat Longitude Latitude



1 41.5000 -11.0000 41° 30' 00.000” E 11° 00' 00.000” S

2 42.7500 -11.0000 41° 45' 00.000” E 11° 00' 00.000” S

3 42.0000 -11.0000 42° 00' 00.000" E 11° 00' 00.000” S

4 42.0166 -11.0000 42° 00' 59.633” E 11° 00' 00.000” S

5 42.0131 -11.0126 42° 00' 47.260” E 11° 00' 45.345” S Int. Boundary

6 42.0069 -11.0346 42° 00' 24.865” E 11° 02' 04.657” S Int. Boundary

7 42.0005 -11.0565 42° 00' 01.929” E 11° 03' 23.221” S Int. Boundary

8 41.9940 -11.0781 41° 59' 38.458” E 11° 04' 41.061” S Int. Boundary

9 41.9873 -11.0995 41° 59' 14.454” E 11° 05' 58.176” S Int. Boundary

10 41.9805 -11.1207 41° 58' 49.917” E 11° 07' 14.598” S Int. Boundary

11 41.9736 -11.1418 41° 58' 24.862” E 11° 08' 30.344” S Int. Boundary

12 41.9702 -11.1516 41° 58' 12.856” E 11° 09' 05.848” S Int. Boundary

13 41.9623 -11.1750 41° 57' 44.268” E 11° 10' 29.825” S Int. Boundary

14 41.9573 -11.1898 41° 57' 26.231” E 11° 11' 23.350” S Int. Boundary

15 41.9505 -11.2105 41° 57' 01.734” E 11° 12' 37.888” S Int. Boundary

16 41.9439 -11.2312 41° 56' 38.029” E 11° 13' 52.238” S Int. Boundary

17 41.9375 -11.2518 41° 56' 15.084” E 11° 15' 06.407” S Int. Boundary

18 41.9314 -11.2723 41° 55' 52.908” E 11° 16' 20.410” S Int. Boundary

19 41.9254 -11.2929 41° 55' 31.483” E 11° 17' 34.265” S Int. Boundary

20 41.9197 -11.3133 41° 55' 10.802” E 11° 18' 47.971” S Int. Boundary

21 41.9141 -11.3338 41° 54' 50.848” E 11° 20' 01.551” S Int. Boundary

22 41.9088 -11.3542 41° 54' 31.614” E 11° 21' 15.015” S Int. Boundary

23 41.9036 -11.3745 41° 54' 13.108” E 11° 22' 28.370” S Int. Boundary

24 41.8987 -11.3949 41° 53' 55.305” E 11° 23' 41.623” S Int. Boundary

25 41.8939 -11.4152 41° 53' 38.198” E 11° 24' 54.792” S Int. Boundary

26 41.8894 -11.4355 41° 53' 21.794” E 11° 26' 07.891” S Int. Boundary

27 41.8850 -11.4558 41° 53' 06.069” E 11° 27' 20.930” S Int. Boundary

28 41.8808 -11.4761 41° 52' 51.039” E 11° 28' 33.907” S Int. Boundary

29 41.8769 -11.4963 41° 52' 36.672” E 11° 29' 46.855” S Int. Boundary

30 41.8762 -11.5000 41° 52' 34.204” E 11° 30' 00.000” S

31 41.7500 -11.5000 41° 45' 00.000” E 11° 30' 00.000” S

32 41.6000 -11.5000 41° 36' 00.001” E 11° 30' 00.000” S

33 41.6000 -11.4000 41° 36' 00.001” E 11° 24' 00.000” S

34 41.5000 -11.4000 41° 30' 00.000” E 11° 24' 00.000” S

35 41.5000 -11.2500 41° 30' 00.000” E 11° 15' 00.000” S

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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1.3 Contract Area R5-C


5,207 km2

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R5-C ~ 5,207 km2

Point Decimal Degree

DD Long | DD Lat Longitude Latitude



1 41.5000 -12.5000 41° 30' 00.000” E 12° 30' 00.000” S

2 41.7500 -12.5000 41° 45' 00.000” E 12° 30' 00.000” S

3 41.9425 -12.5000 41° 56' 33.077” E 12° 30' 00.000” S Int. Boundary

4 41.9480 -12.5187 41° 56' 52.743” E 12° 31' 07.370” S Int. Boundary

5 41.9548 -12.5413 41° 57' 17.281” E 12° 32' 28.737” S Int. Boundary

6 41.9619 -12.5641 41° 57' 42.756” E 12° 33' 50.590” S Int. Boundary

7 41.9692 -12.5869 41° 58' 09.202” E 12° 35' 12.928” S Int. Boundary

8 41.9768 -12.6099 41° 58' 36.625” E 12° 36' 35.783” S Int. Boundary

9 41.9847 -12.6331 41° 59' 05.052” E 12° 37' 59.170” S Int. Boundary

10 41.9929 -12.6564 41° 59' 34.497” E 12° 39' 23.104” S Int. Boundary

11 42.0014 -12.6799 42° 00' 05.001” E 12° 40' 47.611” S Int. Boundary

12 42.0102 -12.7035 42° 00' 36.564” E 12° 42' 12.697” S Int. Boundary

13 42.0192 -12.7273 42° 01' 09.235” E 12° 43' 38.387” S Int. Boundary

14 42.0286 -12.7513 42° 01' 43.021” E 12° 45' 04.703” S Int. Boundary

15 42.0383 -12.7755 42° 02' 17.964” E 12° 46' 31.661” S Int. Boundary

16 42.0417 -12.7837 42° 02' 30.099” E 12° 47' 01.354” S Int. Boundary

17 42.0477 -12.7983 42° 02' 51.629” E 12° 47' 53.795” S Int. Boundary

18 42.0522 -12.8092 42° 03' 07.751” E 12° 48' 33.292” S Int. Boundary

19 42.0621 -12.8340 42° 03' 43.486” E 12° 50' 02.436” S Int. Boundary

20 42.0719 -12.8591 42° 04' 18.840” E 12° 51' 32.935” S Int. Boundary

21 42.0816 -12.8847 42° 04' 53.807” E 12° 53' 04.813” S Int. Boundary

22 42.0912 -12.9106 42° 05' 28.386” E 12° 54' 38.109” S Int. Boundary

23 42.1007 -12.9369 42° 06' 02.561” E 12° 56' 12.871” S Int. Boundary

24 42.1101 -12.9636 42° 06' 36.323” E 12° 57' 49.129” S Int. Boundary

25 42.1194 -12.9908 42° 07' 09.665” E 12° 59' 26.938” S Int. Boundary

26 42.1217 -12.9977 42° 07' 18.000” E 12° 59' 51.848” S Int. Boundary

27 42.1435 -13.0631 42° 08' 36.448” E 13° 03' 46.988” S Int. Boundary

28 42.2283 -13.2500 42° 13' 41.798” E 13° 15' 00.000” S Int. Boundary

29 42.0000 -13.2500 42° 00' 00.000” E 13° 15' 00.000" S

30 41.7500 -13.2500 41° 45' 00.000” E 13° 15' 00.000" S

31 41.5000 -13.2500 41° 30' 00.000” E 13° 15' 00.000" S

32 41.5000 -13.0000 41° 30' 00.000” E 13° 00' 00.000" S

33 41.5000 -12.7500 41° 30' 00.000” E 12° 45' 00.000” S

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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2.1 Contract Area A5-A


5,630 km2

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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A5-A ~ 5,630 km2

Point Decimal Degree

DD Long | DD Lat Longitude Latitude



1 40.5000 -16.0000 40° 30' 00.000” E 16° 00' 00.000” S

2 40.7500 -16.2500 40° 45' 00. 000” E 16° 15' 00.000” S

3 40.6250 -16.3750 40° 37' 30.000” E 16° 22' 30.000” S

4 40.5000 -16.5000 40° 30' 00.000” E 16° 30' 00.000” S

5 40.2500 -16.7500 40° 15' 00.000” E 16° 45' 00.000” S

6 40.0000 -17.0000 40° 00' 00.000” E 17°00' 00.000” S

7 39.7500 -16.7500 39° 45' 00.000” E 16° 45' 00.000” S

8 39.7500 -16.6250 39° 45' 00. 000” E 16° 37' 30.000” S

9 40.1250 -16.2500 40° 07' 30.000” E 16° 15' 00.000” S

10 40.2500 -16.0000 40° 15' 00. 000” E 16° 00' 00.000” S

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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2.2 Contract Area AB5-B


6,080 km2

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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A5-B ~ 6,080 km2

Point Decimal Degree

DD Long | DD Lat Longitude Latitude



1 40.6250 -16.3750 40° 37' 30.000” E 16° 22' 30.000” S

2 40.7500 -16.5000 40° 45' 00.000” E 16° 30' 00.000” S

3 41.0000 -16.7500 41° 00' 00.000” E 16° 45' 00.000” S

4 41.2500 -17.0000 41° 15' 00.000” E 17° 00' 00.000” S

5 41.0000 -17.5000 41° 00' 00.000” E 17° 30' 00.000” S

6 40.7500 -17.2500 40° 45' 00.000” E 17° 15' 00.000” S

7 40.5000 -17.0000 40° 30' 00.000” E 17° 00' 00.000” S

8 40.2500 -16.7500 40° 15' 00.000” E 16° 45' 00.000” S

9 40.5000 -16.5000 40° 30' 00.000” E 16° 30' 00.000” S

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Z5-E Z5-F

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3.1 Contract Area Z5-A


4,349 km2

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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Z5-A ~ 4,349 km2

Point Decimal Degree

DD Long | DD Lat Longitude Latitude



1 35.6660 -19.7500 35° 40' 00.000” E 19° 45' 00.000” S

2 35.7500 -19.7500 35° 45' 00.000” E 19° 45' 00.000” S

3 36.0000 -19.7500 36° 00' 00.000” E 19° 45' 00.000” S

4 36.2500 -19.7500 36° 15' 00.000” E 19° 45' 00.000” S

5 36.2500 -20.0000 36° 15' 00.000” E 20° 00' 00.000” S

6 36.2500 -20.2500 36° 15' 00.000” E 20° 15' 00.000” S

7 36.0000 -20.2500 36° 00' 00.000” E 20° 15' 00.000” S

8 36.0000 -20.5000 36° 00' 00.000” E 20° 30' 00.000” S

9 35.7500 -20.5000 35° 45' 00.000” E 20° 30' 00.000” S

10 35.6670 -20.5000 35° 40' 01.200” E 20° 30' 00.000” S

11 35.6660 -20.0833 35° 40' 00.000” E 20° 05' 00.000” S

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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3.2 Contract Area Z5-B


5,796 km2

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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Z5-B ~ 5,796 km2

Point Decimal Degree

DD Long | DD Lat Longitude Latitude



1 36.2500 -20.0000 36° 15' 00.000” E 20° 00' 00.000” S

2 36.5000 -20.0000 36° 30' 00.000” E 20° 00' 00.000” S

3 36.7500 -20.0000 36° 45' 00.000” E 20° 00' 00.000” S

4 37.0000 -20.0000 37° 00' 00.000” E 20° 00' 00.000” S

5 37.0000 -20.2500 37° 00' 00.000” E 20° 15' 00.000” S

6 37.0000 -20.5000 37° 00' 00.000” E 20° 30' 00.000” S

7 36.7500 -20.5000 36° 45' 00.000” E 20° 30' 00.000” S

8 36.7500 -20.7500 36° 45' 00.000” E 20° 45' 00.000” S

9 36.5000 -20.7500 36° 30' 00.000” E 20° 45' 00.000” S

10 36.2500 -20.7500 36° 15' 00.000” E 20° 45' 00.000” S

11 36.2500 -20.5000 36° 15' 00.000” E 20° 30' 00.000” S

12 36.2500 -20.2500 36° 15' 00.000” E 20° 15' 00.000” S

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3.3 Contract Area Z5-C


5,821 km2

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Z5-C ~ 5,821 km2

Point Decimal Degree

DD Long | DD Lat Longitude Latitude



1 36.7500 -19.5000 36° 45' 00.000” E 19° 30' 00.000” S

2 37.0000 -19.5000 37° 00' 00.000” E 19° 30' 00.000” S

3 37.2500 -19.5000 37° 15' 00.000” E 19° 30' 00.000” S

4 37.5000 -19.5000 37° 30' 00.000” E 19° 30' 00.000” S

5 37.5000 -19.7500 37° 30' 00.000” E 19° 45' 00.000” S

6 37.5000 -20.0000 37° 30' 00.000” E 20° 00' 00.000” S

7 37.5000 -20.2500 37° 30' 00.000” E 20° 15' 00.000” S

8 37.2500 -20.2500 37° 15' 00.000” E 20° 15' 00.000” S

9 37.0000 -20.2500 37° 00' 00.000” E 20° 15' 00.000” S

10 37.0000 -20.0000 37° 00' 00.000” E 20° 00' 00.000” S

11 36.7500 -20.0000 36° 45' 00.000” E 20° 00' 00.000” S

12 36.7500 -19.7500 36° 45' 00.000” E 19° 45' 00.000” S

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3.4 Contract Area Z5-D


4,384 km2

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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Z5-D ~ 4,384 km2

Point Decimal Degree

DD Long | DD Lat Longitude Latitude



1 37.5000 -19.0000 37° 30' 00.000” E 19° 00' 00.000” S

2 37.7500 -19.0000 37° 45' 00.000” E 19° 00' 00.000” S

3 38.0000 -19.0000 38° 00' 00.000” E 19° 00' 00.000” S

4 38.0000 -19.2500 38° 00' 00.000” E 19° 15' 00.000” S

5 38.0000 -19.5000 38° 00' 00.000” E 19° 30' 00.000” S

6 38.0000 -19.7500 38° 00' 00.000” E 19° 45' 00.000” S

7 37.7500 -19.7500 37° 45' 00.000” E 19° 45' 00.000” S

8 37.5000 -19.7500 37° 30' 00.000” E 19° 45' 00.000” S

9 37.5000 -19.5000 37° 30' 00.000” E 19° 30' 00.000” S

10 37.5000 -19.2500 37° 30' 00. 000” E 19° 15' 00.000” S

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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3.5 Contract Area Z5-E


4,399 km2

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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Z5-E ~ 4,399 km2

Point Decimal Degree

DD Long | DD Lat Longitude Latitude



1 37.2500 -18.5000 37° 15' 0.000” E 18° 30' 0.000” S

2 37.5000 -18.5000 37° 30' 0. 000” E 18° 30' 0.000” S

3 37.7500 -18.5000 37° 45' 0. 000” E 18° 30' 0.000” S

4 38.0000 -18.5000 38° 0' 0. 000” E 18° 30' 0.000” S

5 38.0000 -18.7500 38° 0' 0. 000” E 18° 45' 0.000” S

6 38.0000 -19.0000 38° 0' 0. 000” E 19° 0' 0.000” S

7 37.7500 -19.0000 37° 45' 0. 000” E 19° 0' 0.000” S

8 37.5000 -19.0000 37° 30' 0. 000” E 19° 0' 0.000” S

9 37.2500 -19.0000 37° 15' 0. 000” E 19° 0' 0.000” S

10 37.2500 -18.7500 37° 15' 0. 000” E 18° 45' 0.000” S

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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3.6 Contract Area Z5-F


2,928 km2

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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Z5-F ~ 2,928 km2

Point Decimal Degree

DD Long | DD Lat Longitude Latitude



1 36.7500 -18.5000 36° 45' 00.000” E 18° 30' 00.000” S

2 37.0000 -18.5000 37° 00' 00. 000” E 18° 30' 00.000” S

3 37.2500 -18.5000 37° 15' 00. 000” E 18° 30' 00.000” S

4 37.2500 -18.7500 37° 15' 00. 000” E 18° 45' 00.000” S

5 37.2500 -19.0000 37° 15' 00. 000” E 19° 00' 00.000” S

6 37.0000 -19.0000 37° 00' 00. 000” E 19° 00' 00.000” S

7 36.7500 -19.0000 36° 45' 00. 000” E 19° 00' 00.000” S

8 36.7500 -18.7500 36° 45' 00. 000” E 18° 45' 00.000” S

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

Schedule 5 - Areas on Offer Mozambique Fifth Licensing Round Page 31 of 40

4.1 Contract Area PT5-A


6,779 km2

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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PT5-A ~ 6,779 km2

Point Decimal Degree

DD Long | DD Lat Longitude Latitude



1 33.5000 -20.5000 33° 30' 00.000” E 20° 30' 00.000” S

2 33.7500 -20.5000 33° 45' 00. 0000” E 20° 30' 00.000” S

3 34.0000 -20.5000 34° 00' 00. 000” E 20° 30' 00.000” S

4 34.0000 -20.7500 34° 00' 00. 000” E 20° 45' 00.000” S

5 34.0000 -20.8333 34° 00' 00.000” E 20° 50' 00.000” S

6 34.2500 -20.8333 34° 15' 00.000” E 20° 50' 00.000” S

7 34.2500 -21.0000 34° 15' 00. 000” E 21° 00' 00.000” S

8 34.2500 -21.2500 34° 15' 00. 000” E 21° 15' 00.000” S

9 34.2500 -21.5000 34° 15' 00.000” E 21° 30' 00.000” S

10 34.0400 -21.5000 34° 02' 24.000” E 21° 29' 59.985” S

11 34.0400 -21.3000 34° 02' 24.000” E 21° 18' 00.000” S

12 33.9128 -21.3000 33° 54' 46.044” E 21° 18' 00.000” S

13 33.9127 -21.3736 33° 54' 45.737” E 21° 22' 25.072” S

14 33.5000 -21.3743 33° 30' 00. 000” E 21° 22' 27.400” S

15 33.5000 -21.2500 33° 30' 00. 000” E 21° 15' 00.000” S

16 33.5000 -21.0000 33° 30' 00. 000” E 21° 00' 00.000” S

17 33.5000 -20.7500 33° 30' 00.000” E 20° 45' 00.000” S

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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4.2 Contract Area PT5-B


4,356 km2

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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PT5-B ~ 4,356 km2

Point Decimal Degree

DD Long | DD Lat Longitude Latitude



1 34.2500 -20.8332 34° 15' 00.000” E 20° 49' 59.589” S

2 35.0000 -20.8334 35° 00' 00.000” E 20° 50' 00.289” S

3 35.0000 -21.0000 35° 00' 00.000” E 21° 00' 00.000” S

4 35.0000 -21.2500 35° 00' 00.000” E 21° 15' 00.000” S

5 34.9500 -21.2500 34° 57' 00.000” E 21° 15' 00.000” S

6 34.9500 -21.1667 34° 57' 00.000” E 21° 10' 00.000” S

7 34.7500 -21.1667 34° 45' 00.000” E 21° 10' 00.000” S

8 34.7500 -21.2333 34° 45' 00.000” E 21° 14' 00.000” S

9 34.500 -21.2333 34° 30' 00.000” E 21° 14' 00.000” S

10 34.5000 -21.3833 34° 30' 00.000” E 21° 23' 00.018” S

11 34.6167 -21.3833 34° 37' 00.000” E 21° 23' 00.000” S

12 34.6167 -21.4167 34° 37' 00.000” E 21° 25' 00.000” S

13 34.7500 -21.4167 34° 45' 00.000” E 21° 25' 00.000” S

14 34.7500 -21.5000 34° 45' 00.000” E 21° 30' 00.000” S

15 34.5000 -21.5000 34° 30' 00.000” E 21° 30' 00.000” S

16 34.2500 -21.5000 34° 15' 00.000” E 21° 30' 00.000” S

17 34.2500 -21.2500 34° 15' 00.000” E 21° 15' 00.000” S

18 34.2500 -21.0000 34° 15' 00.000” E 21° 00' 00.000” S

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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4.3 Contract Area PT5-C


2,992 km2

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

Schedule 5 - Areas on Offer Mozambique Fifth Licensing Round Page 36 of 40

PT5-C ~ 2,992 km2

Point Decimal Degree

DD Long | DD Lat Longitude Latitude



1 34.6011 -21.5000 34° 36' 04.140"" E 21° 30' 00.000"" S

2 34.7500 -21.5000 34° 45' 00.000"" E 21° 30' 00.000"" S

3 34.7500 -21.5834 34° 45' 00.000"" E 21° 35' 00.346"" S

4 34.8334 -21.5834 34° 50' 00.348"" E 21° 35' 00.346"" S

5 34.8334 -21.5000 34° 50' 00.348"" E 21° 30' 00.000"" S

6 34.9169 -21.5000 34° 55' 00.877"" E 21° 30' 00.000"" S

7 35.0000 -21.5000 35° 00' 00.000"" E 21° 30' 00.000"" S

8 35.0000 -21.3833 35° 00' 00.000"" E 21° 23' 00.000"" S

9 35.0000 -21.3361 35° 00' 00.000"" E 21° 20' 10.137"" S

10 35.0000 -21.2500 35° 00' 00.000"" E 21° 15' 0.000"" S

11 35.0450 -21.2500 35° 02' 42.000"" E 21° 15' 0.000"" S

12 35.0450 -21.3247 35° 02' 42.000"" E 21° 19' 28.982"" S

13 35.1000 -21.3247 35° 06' 00.000"" E 21° 19' 28.982"" S

14 35.1000 -21.3890 35° 06' 00.000"" E 21° 23' 20.400"" S

15 35.1135 -21.3890 35° 06' 48.661"" E 21° 23' 20.400"" S

16 35.1135 -21.4315 35° 06' 48.661"" E 21° 25' 53.230"" S

17 35.1366 -21.4315 35° 08' 11.645"" E 21° 25' 53.230"" S

18 35.1366 -21.5000 35° 08' 11.645"" E 21° 30' 00.000"" S

19 35.1764 -21.5000 35° 10' 35.126"" E 21° 30' 00.000"" S

20 35.1767 -21.5276 35° 10' 35.952"" E 21° 31' 39.434"" S

21 35.1967 -21.5276 35° 11' 47.952"" E 21° 31' 39.434"" S

22 35.1966 -21.5577 35° 11' 47.710"" E 21° 33' 27.577"" S

23 35.2164 -21.5577 35° 12' 59.144"" E 21° 33' 27.577"" S

24 35.2164 -21.5862 35° 12' 59.144"" E 21° 35' 10.230"" S

25 35.0834 -21.5862 35° 05' 00.172"" E 21° 35' 10.230"" S

26 35.0834 -21.6500 35° 05' 00.172"" E 21° 39' 00.000"" S

27 34.9500 -21.6500 34° 57' 00.000"" E 21° 39' 00.000"" S

28 34.9500 -21.6670 34° 57' 00.000"" E 21° 40' 01.130"" S

29 34.9193 -21.6670 34° 55' 09.548"" E 21° 40' 01.130"" S

30 34.9193 -21.9223 34° 55' 09.548"" E 21° 55' 20.280"" S

31 35.0833 -21.9223 35° 04' 59.880"" E 21° 55' 20.280"" S

32 35.0833 -21.9167 35° 04' 59.880"" E 21° 55' 00.120"" S

33 35.1000 -21.9167 35° 06' 00.000"" E 21° 55' 00.120"" S

34 35.1000 -21.8365 35° 06' 00.000"" E 21° 50' 11.200"" S

35 35.1670 -21.8365 35° 10' 01.200"" E 21° 50' 11.200"" S

36 35.1670 -21.9220 35° 10' 01.200"" E 21° 55' 19.200"" S

37 35.3076 -21.9220 35° 18' 27.331"" E 21° 55' 19.200"" S

38 35.3076 -22.0000 35° 18' 27.331"" E 22° 00' 00.000"" S

39 35.2500 -22.0000 35° 15' 00.000"" E 22° 00' 00.000"" S

40 35.0000 -22.0000 35° 00' 00.000"" E 22° 00' 00.000"" S

41 34.7500 -22.0000 34° 45' 00.000"" E 22° 00' 00.000"" S

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

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42 34.5626 -22.0000 34° 33' 45.506"" E 22° 00' 00.000"" S

43 34.5630 -21.6332 34° 33' 46.764"" E 21° 37' 59.520"" S

44 34.6011 -21.6332 34° 36' 04.140"" E 21° 37' 59.520"" S

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

Schedule 5 - Areas on Offer Mozambique Fifth Licensing Round Page 38 of 40



IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

Schedule 5 - Areas on Offer Mozambique Fifth Licensing Round Page 39 of 40

5.1 Contract Area PT5-D


9,988 km2

IINNPP IInnssttiittuuttoo NNaacciioonnaall ddee PPeettrróólleeooss

Schedule 5 - Areas on Offer Mozambique Fifth Licensing Round Page 40 of 40

P5-A ~ 9,988 km2

Point Decimal Degree

DD Long | DD Lat Longitude Latitude



1 32.5000 -24.5000 32° 30' 00.000” E 24° 30' 00.000” S

2 32.7500 -24.5000 32° 45' 00.000” E 24° 30' 00.000” S

3 33.0000 -24.5000 33° 00' 00.000” E 24° 30' 00.000” S

4 33.2500 -24.5000 33° 15' 00.000” E 24° 30' 00.000” S

5 33.5000 -24.5000 33° 30' 00.000” E 24° 30' 00.000” S

6 33.5000 -24.7500 33° 30' 00.000” E 24° 45' 00.000” S

7 33.5000 -25.0000 33° 30' 00.000” E 25° 00' 00.000” S

8 33.5000 -25.1628 33° 30' 00.000” E 25° 09' 46.125” S

9 32.8675 -25.5000 32° 52' 02.874” E 25° 30' 00.000” S

10 32.7500 -25.5000 32° 45' 00.000” E 25° 30' 00.000” S

11 32.5000 -25.5000 32° 30' 00.000” E 25° 30' 00.000” S

12 32.5000 -25.2500 32° 30' 00.000” E 25° 15' 00.000” S

13 32.5000 -25.0000 32° 30' 00.000” E 25° 00' 00.000” S

14 32.5000 -24.7500 32° 30' 00.000” E 24° 45' 00.000” S

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