Page 1: Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan · Mountain Bike Australia ( MTBA ) is the peak body responsible for the governance, promotion and advocacy of mountain biking in Australia

Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan

2016 – 2021

Page 2: Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan · Mountain Bike Australia ( MTBA ) is the peak body responsible for the governance, promotion and advocacy of mountain biking in Australia

Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan

Image: Russell Baker

Page 3: Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan · Mountain Bike Australia ( MTBA ) is the peak body responsible for the governance, promotion and advocacy of mountain biking in Australia


To develop and promote mountain biking in Australia for the benefit of all.

Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan 2016 – 2021

More people riding off-road more often.

Mission Statement Vision Statement

2016 – 2021

Image Credit: Russell Baker

Page 4: Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan · Mountain Bike Australia ( MTBA ) is the peak body responsible for the governance, promotion and advocacy of mountain biking in Australia

There are currently over 14,000 members, 175

affiliated clubs and private promoters, 207

coaches and 200 officials supporting the activity

of mountain biking in Australia. One of the

challenges for the organisation is identifying

the key target markets and remaining relevant

to such a diverse market in order to ensure

membership growth.

The Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan

2016-2021 has been developed with this

challenge in mind. Partnerships are critical to

the achievement of the goals, objectives and

strategies outlined in the Plan.

Mission Statement

To develop and promote mountain biking in

Australia for the benefit of all.


More people riding off road more often.


This Plan will be delivered in accordance with

the following core values:

> Accountability

> Cooperation

> Inclusion

> Leadership

> Responsibly

> Transparency

Mountain Bike Australia ( MTBA ) is the peak body responsible for the governance, promotion and advocacy of mountain biking in Australia.

Pillars of the Strategic Plan

The organisation has three core business

units or pillars that under pin this Strategic

Plan, and operational plans have been

developed for each.

02 Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan


Page 5: Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan · Mountain Bike Australia ( MTBA ) is the peak body responsible for the governance, promotion and advocacy of mountain biking in Australia

032016 – 2021

Image Credit: Russell Baker

Page 6: Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan · Mountain Bike Australia ( MTBA ) is the peak body responsible for the governance, promotion and advocacy of mountain biking in Australia





Strengthen partnerships with all stakeholders to achieve strategic objectives

04 Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan

Pillars of the Strategic Plan

Page 7: Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan · Mountain Bike Australia ( MTBA ) is the peak body responsible for the governance, promotion and advocacy of mountain biking in Australia

Operate as a sustainable and professional organisation with effective governance.

1. Become a Company Limited by Guarantee with advisory commissions.2. Establish and maintain good governance practices.3. Strengthen financial position and diversify revenue base.4. Become a recognised ASC National Sporting Organisation.5. Establish a clear brand for MTBA with defined value.

1. Continue to grow membership.2. Strengthen partnerships with affiliated organisations and other stakeholders.3. Support affiliated stakeholders to build capacity.4. Become a leading advocate for mountain biking.

1. Establish and implement a sustainable event delivery model(s).2. Ensure MTBA activities are delivered to a consistent standard.3. Provide relevant and quality pathways for people to participate in mountain biking.4. Deliver an outcome driven high performance framework.

Provide opportunities to participate in mountain biking.

Lead the development and promotion in Australia of a variety of diverse mountain biking activities.

Objective Strategic Initiative

052016 – 2021

Page 8: Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan · Mountain Bike Australia ( MTBA ) is the peak body responsible for the governance, promotion and advocacy of mountain biking in Australia

Operate as a sustainable and professional organisation with effective governance.


Pillar 1: Corporate


Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan

Image Credit: Russell Baker

Page 9: Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan · Mountain Bike Australia ( MTBA ) is the peak body responsible for the governance, promotion and advocacy of mountain biking in Australia

Strategic Initiatives

i. Become a Company Limited by

Guarantee with advisory commissions.

ii. Establish and maintain good

governance practices.

iii. Strengthen financial position and

diversify revenue base.

iv. Become a recognised National Sporting


v. Establish a clear brand for MTBA with

defined value.

Success Indicators

i. Successful transition to a Company Limited

by Guarantee.

ii. Reporting procedures have improved.

iii. Organisational and financial plans,

reporting templates and processes have

been developed and implemented.

iv. Financial position strengthened and revenue

base increased and maintained at 25%.

v. Recognition as an ASC National Sports

Organisation achieved.

vi. MTBA achieves brand recognition and

stakeholders value the brand.

vii. Advisory commissions reviewed annually

and revised as required.


i. Transition to a Company Limited by

Guarantee and establish advisory


ii. Develop and implement good governances


iii. Work effectively to strengthen financial


iv. Continue to lobby for NSO status and


v. Develop strategies and programs to define

the MTBA brand.

072016 – 2021

Page 10: Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan · Mountain Bike Australia ( MTBA ) is the peak body responsible for the governance, promotion and advocacy of mountain biking in Australia

Provide opportunities to participate in mountain biking.

08 Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan

Pillar 2:Engagement


Page 11: Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan · Mountain Bike Australia ( MTBA ) is the peak body responsible for the governance, promotion and advocacy of mountain biking in Australia

Strategic Initiatives

i. Continue to grow membership.

ii. Strengthen partnerships with affiliated

bodies and other stakeholders.

iii. Support stakeholders to build capacity.

iv. Become a leading advocate for

mountain biking.

Success Indicators

i. Membership growth achieved annually.

ii. Number of successful partnerships with

affilated bodies increased.

iii. A range of initiatives have been developed

to support stakeholders to build capacity.

iv. Initiatives to advocate for mountain biking

developed and implemented with support of

key stakeholders.


i. Work effectively with affiliated organisations

to strengthen partnerships to increase


ii. Build further the capability and capacity

of clubs and stakeholders to encourage

membership and participation.

iii. Develop innovative products, programs and

services that will increase interest in mountain

biking and grow participation.

092016 – 2021

Image Credit: Russell Baker

Page 12: Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan · Mountain Bike Australia ( MTBA ) is the peak body responsible for the governance, promotion and advocacy of mountain biking in Australia

10 Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan

Pillar 3: Delivery Lead the development and promotion in Australia of a variety of diverse mountain bike activities.


Page 13: Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan · Mountain Bike Australia ( MTBA ) is the peak body responsible for the governance, promotion and advocacy of mountain biking in Australia

112016 – 2021

Strategic Initiatives

i. Establish and implement a sustainable

event delivery model(s).

ii. Ensure MTBA events are delivered to a

consistently high standard.

iii. Provide relevant and quality pathways

for people to participate in mountain biking.

iv. Deliver an outcome driven high

performance framework.

Success Indicators

i. Sustainable event delivery model(s)

developed and implemented.

ii. The standard expected for MTBA activities

is developed and mountain biking activities are

consistently delivered to this standard.

iii. Relevant development and recognition

pathways are identified and initiatives


iv. High performance framework developed

and implemented.


i. Event delivery model(s) implemented and

sustainable events created.

ii. Develop tools to ensure MTBA events are

delivered to a consistently high standard.

iii. Pathways are identified and quality

programs are developed to provide

opportunities to participate.

iv. Develop and implement innovative

programs and services that will facilitate high

performance outcomes.

Page 14: Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan · Mountain Bike Australia ( MTBA ) is the peak body responsible for the governance, promotion and advocacy of mountain biking in Australia


The Strategic Plan will be:

i. Monitored regularly as part of the agenda

at each Board meeting;

ii. Formally reviewed annually and may

be adjusted to take into account changing

environment or new opportunities.

Review Mechanisms

Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan

Page 15: Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan · Mountain Bike Australia ( MTBA ) is the peak body responsible for the governance, promotion and advocacy of mountain biking in Australia


Mountain Bike Australia

PO Box 377

Varsity Lakes QLD 4227

T: 07 5628 0110

E: [email protected]


Shane Coppin

Cheif Executive Officer

Mountain Bike Austrlia

Date: 13 August 2016


Russell Baker AM


Mountain Bike Austrlia

Date: 13 August 2016

2016 – 2021

Page 16: Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan · Mountain Bike Australia ( MTBA ) is the peak body responsible for the governance, promotion and advocacy of mountain biking in Australia

Mountain Bike Australia Strategic Plan

2016 – 2021

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