  • 8/13/2019 Moulding Success in Green Foundries- PSG COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY




    D.DINESHFinal Year DME(Foundry)

    Department of Foundry TechnologyPSG Polytechnic College Coimbatore - 641004

    [email protected]

    D.DHANYA PRASADFinal Year DME(Foundry)

    Department of Foundry TechnologyPSG Polytechnic College Coimbatore - 641004

    [email protected]


    Department of Foundry TechnologyPSG Polytechnic College

    Coimbatore 641 [email protected]

    The Indian metal casting industries is a well established sector globally and also has upgraded its position in

    the rank of tonnage of production of castings in the world. According to the recent world census of castings

    India ranks as 2 nd largest casting producer producing around 7.44 Million MT of various grades of castings as

    per International standards. It is also known that the Indian foundry industry is growing at the rate of 8-9% per

    year as the growth of Indias industrial infrastru cture is rapid. Currently there are about 4500 foundry units in

    which about 80% can be bought under the category of small scale industries and 10% each as medium and

    large scale units. Approx there are about 500 units that are having International Quality Accreditation. The

    large foundries are competitive globally and are working at nearly full capacity. In India the foundry sector is

    one of the largest sector that employs around 1, 00,000 people directly and around 1, 50,000 people


    One of the worst features of this foundry sector development is the heavy pall of the green house gases that

    is emitting from industries that overlay in the surrounding area. The emission contains suspended particulate

    matter, CO 2 , Oxides of sulphur etcwhich are trem endous adverse impacts on the human health, vegetation

    and property. Globally the steps developed to eradicate these green house gas emission is only by stop

    using of fossil fuels instead using of green terminated resources like solar and wind. But the foundry without

    the usage of fossil fuels and heat is unimaginable. The possible ways in controlling the green house gas

    emission form foundries is implementation of advanced manufacturing process with low pollution technology.

    There are many advanced process even though introduced but does not suit the small scale industries which

    contribute around 80% of the Indian foundry sector. Different studies were carried out in the small scale

    industries in and around Coimbatore based on the range of specific fuel consumption and the benchmarking

    CO 2 emissions where compared to the emission from those industries and control process have been made

    by using following instruments like enhanced operation and maintenance, adoption of environmental friendly

    systems and by fuel switching in those foundries and its various results have been briefly discussed in this

    paper that helps the foundry industries for controlling the emissions and also contribute the cyclic growth.

    ( Keywords: Indian Foundry, Green house gas, Emission and CO 2 )

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    The foundry sector is globally termed as the Mother of all other industrial sector which is practised

    worldwide. A foundry is a factory that produces metal castings. Metals are cast into shapes by

    melting them into a liquid, pouring the metal in a mold, and removing the mold material or casting

    after the metal has solidified as it cools. This sector in global is considered as one of the mostdeveloping sector as the need for the castings is developing day by day.

    In world there are about 1million small, medium and large scale foundries producing about

    80,343,064 metric tons of casting produced every year. The following are the top ten countries in

    casting production.

    Rank Country Name Production Rate

    1 China 35.3million tons

    2 India 7.4 million tons

    3 USA 7.3 million tons

    4 Japan 4.4 million tons

    5 Russia 4.2 million tons

    6 Germany 3.9 million tons

    7 Brazil 2.3 million tons

    8 Korea 2.1 million tons

    9 France 1.74 million tons

    10 Italy 1.67 million tons

    Bureau of Energy Efficiency have listed the top ten major industries that lies behind the

    emission of GHG in that foundry industry capture one of the major spot in green house gas

    emissions. One of the main problems that prevail in the foundry sector development is the

    heavy pall of the green house gases that is emitting from industries that overlay in the

    surrounding area. The emission contains suspended particulate matter, CO 2, Oxides of sulphur

    etcwhich are tremendous adverse impacts on the human health, vegetation and property.

    Globally the steps developed to eradicate these green house gas emission is only by stop

    using of fossil fuels instead using of green terminated resources like solar, wind etc...
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  • 8/13/2019 Moulding Success in Green Foundries- PSG COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY


    Metal Casting Scenario in INDIA:

    The Indian metal casting industries is a well established sector globally and also has upgraded

    its position in the rank of tonnage of production of castings in the world. According to the recent

    world census of castings India ranks as 2 nd largest casting producer producing around 7.44

    Million MT of various grades of castings as per International standards. It is also known that the

    Indian foundry industry is growing at the rate of 8- 9% per year as the growth of Indias industrial

    infrastructure is rapid. Currently there are about 4500 foundry units in which about 80% can be

    bought under the category of small scale industries and 10% each as medium and large scale

    units. Approx there are about 500 units that are having International Quality Accreditation. The

    large foundries are competitive globally and are working at nearly full capacity. In India the

    foundry sector is one of the largest sector that employs around 1, 00,000 people directly and

    around 1, 50,000 people indirectly. The Indian foundry industry mainly manufactures contributes

    in the grey iron components and production of steel components in the second then followed by

    the Ductile iron, Non-Ferrous and other metals. The following pie-chart shows as the

    percentage share of different metal castings,

    (Source: IFF, Barcelona )

    Fig: 2





    Production (%)

    Ductile Iron

    Grey Iron



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    Foundry Industry is Major Feeder to following sectors :

    Automobiles & Auto Components


    Power Sector

    Tractor Industry

    Earth Moving Machinery

    Pumps, Compressors, Pipes Valves & Pipe Fittings

    Electrical/Textile/Cement/Agro Machinery

    Machine Tools & Engineering Industries

    Sanitary Castings

    Engineering Exports

    The following are the sector wise consumption of castings in percentage as on April 2011

    (Source: IFF, Barcelona)

    Fig: 3







    35 32.36










    Sector wise Castings Consumption (%)

    Sector wise Castings Consumption (%)

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    Distribution of Energy Consumption in Various sections:

    S.No Sections Energy Consumption

    1 Melting 70%

    2 Moulding & Core making 10%

    3 Sand preparation 6%

    4 Lighting 5%

    5 Machining 5%

    6 Other 4%

    Energy Consumption in Steel foundries:

    Energy consumption and process details were collected through a questionnaire from two

    foundries for a period of one year. This study has been limited to fuel usage in the melting

    department and electrical energy consumption in various departments. A data table has been

    prepared using the data that is collected and is listed below.

    S.No Description Foundry-A Foundry-B

    1 Yearly Production( tonnes) 1224 450

    2 Yearly kWh 14,15,332 7,92,924

    3 Production (tonnes)/ month 102 37.5

    4 Power Consumption kWh/ month 117944.4 66077

    Green House Gas Emission from Foundries:

    The steel foundries in India produce 880,000 metric tonnes of components every year which

    contributes about 12% of the Indias total production. The steel foundries in India also contribute

    about 20% of the total green house gases that is emitted. A case study has been carried out in

  • 8/13/2019 Moulding Success in Green Foundries- PSG COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY


    two steel foundries and the total gas emission is detailed below. In our case study we have

    considered mainly on the CO 2 emission as they play a major role in global warming and ozone


    Specific Energy Consumption & CO2 Emission:

    Total amount of power consumedSpecific Energy Consumption (SEC) = ---------------------------------------------------

    Total amount of casting produced

    Description Foundry A Foundry B

    Specific Energy Consumption(kWh / tonne) 1156.317 1762.053

    Specific Emission Factor = 0.890 kg CO 2 per kWhr

    Description Foundry A Foundry B

    Annual CO 2 emission 1259.645 705.702

    Specific CO 2 emission per ton

    of casting1.03 1.56

    Average Specific CO 2 emission per ton of casting 1.295

    Indias annual production 0.88 Million Tonnes (Only Steel)

    Indias total CO 2 emission inthe sector. 1.1 Million Tonnes

    The CO 2 emission in the Indias foundry sec tor is inside the benchmark standard but not to the

    minimum required level.

    Benchmark: 0.46-1.90 kg CO 2 / kg

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    Emission Reduction Scenarios:

    The following are some of the GHG mitigation instruments, based on these instruments a brief

    study has been done by implementing these instruments in those foundries.

    1. Enhanced operations and maintenance

    2. Adoption of environmental friendly systems

    3. Fuel switching

    Emission Reduction through Enhanced Operation & Maintenance:

    In Indian foundry sector the small scale and medium scale industry lack in good

    operation and maintenance or housekeeping practise. In general to say in many of the Indian

    foundries there is not even a department in the name of housekeeping due to a number of

    barriers. The introduction of the enhanced operation and maintenance is one of the important

    measures that could bring down the energy use and also the green house gas emission from

    the small and medium scale industries. For example by maintaining the foundry refractory lining,

    lubricating the foundry machines and electric motors, loading furnace to full loading capacity,

    utilisation of waste heat, avoiding leaks and providing information and necessary guidelines to

    the workers in self maintenance of their working area could help in reducing the usage of energy

    and GHG emission from the small and medium scale foundries.

    From the energy and various environmental audits in various industries around the globe has

    proven that the implementation of a good housekeeping activity or practices can bring 5-25%

    reduction in total energy consumption and emission depending on the current energy

    consumption in the foundries. Proving necessary awareness and proper guidelines to the

    workers and the technicians can result in 5-10% reduction in fuel consumption.

    Implementation of these Enhanced operations and maintenance options would help in reduction

    of the energy used, electricity consumption and thereby reducing the CO2 emissions. This

    reduction could be in a significant way as there is only a little or some initial investment cost


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    Emission Reduction through Adoption of Environmental friendly systems:

    In the Indian foundry the technological improvement is the energy efficiency in the heat

    producing systems and in electric motors. It is proven that about 70% of the emitted CO2 can be

    bought down with increasing the energy efficiency in these processes. The cost of implementing

    this eco-friendly systems need a high initial investments and high maintenance cost.

    The following are some of the recommendations that would bring up an eco-friendly foundry:

    Installation of waste recovery and dust extraction systems.

    Usage of medium frequency furnaces.

    Replacement of conventional cupola with cokeless cupola (general).

    Usage of high efficiency induction motors.

    Replacement of electrical machining centres with pneumatic machines.

    Usage of shredded scraps in the furnaces.

    Usage of eco-friendly lighting systems.

    Emission Reduction through Fuel switching:

    Fuel switching in one of the most important instrument and an option for reducing CO2

    emissions. In the above study in the above foundries high GHG emissions are also due to the

    high usage of the carbon intensive fuels. In foundries, switching to high carbon fuels such as

    furnace oil and natural gas can mitigate GHG emission in a cost effective manner. Installation of

    solar powered lighting and hydro powered systems can eliminate the GHG emissions in lighting


    However the option of investing in renewable energy needs detailed investigation and depends

    largely on the location, resource availability and demand.

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    The GHG mitigation study clearly shows that 60-70% of the GHG emissions are from the

    electrical usage and other 30-40% from the fuel and improper O&M. It s also came to know that

    20-25% of CO 2 is emitted from the steel foundries. By following the above instruments and its

    recommendations the above said adverse effect can be seen in the foundries and also can

    reduce the GHG emission and can make foundry and its surroundings a better place to work

    and live in.


    1. AIT (2005), Green house mitigation in small and medium scale Industries of Asia-Foundry Sector, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. ISBN 97 8208 59 1.

    2. Metal world (Feb 2011), Indian Foundry Sector.

    3. Modern Casting (Dec 2010), 44 th Census of world Casting production.

    4. Dr.M.Arasu and L. Roggers Jeffrey, Energy consumption in Foundries, 58 th IndianFoundry Congress (2010).

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