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Motorola Phone Tools

Quick Start

Page 2: Motorola RAZR Phone Tools Userguide

Motorola Phone Tools - Quick Start


Minimum Requirements.............................................................. 2Before Installing Motorola Phone Tools ............................................ 3Installing Motorola Phone Tools ..................................................... 4Mobile Device Installation and Configuration ...................................... 5Online Registration ................................................................... 7Uninstalling Motorola Phone Tools.................................................. 8Motorola Phone Tools Main Window ............................................... 9Motorola Phone Tools Function Panel.............................................10Additional Information ...............................................................11


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Motorola Phone Tools - Quick Start

Minimum RequirementsMotorola Phone Tools requires Windows® 2000, or XP.For Motorola Phone Tools to operate properly, please verify the following:

• A PC with a Pentium® II 233 MHz computer, connected to your mobile phone (with a cable, an Infrared port or a Bluetooth adapter).

• One available USB, or serial port if using a cable connection, or an active Bluetooth adapter, or a fully working Infrared port.

• Local hard drive with 120MB free space.• Mobile phone or Device that is compatible with Motorola Phone Tools.• Data/fax option included in the subscription contract with your cell phone

operator (to allow fax and e-mail transmission and reception).• High speed data networks (GPRS, CDMA 1X and WCDMA) options

included in the subscription contract with your mobile phone operator (for high speed e-mail and Internet use on the mobile phone network); data service is a network and subscription dependant feature that may not be available in all areas. Please contact your wireless service provider for details.

• Minimum active memory: 64MB of RAM under Windows® 2000 and XP.


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Motorola Phone Tools - Quick Start

Before Installing Motorola Phone ToolsScreen ShotsThe screen shots in this guide correspond to the use of Motorola Phone Tools in a Windows XP environment. When running the application in other Windows operating systems, the aspect of the screens may change. This will not impair the software’s functionality.The image you see may be different depending on phone model.

Online HelpMotorola Phone Tools has a context sensitive online help that can be accessed by clicking the Help option or by pressing F1 on your keyboard. Complete information on how to use Motorola Phone Tools can be found in the help files.

Technical SupportTechnical support information for Motorola Phone Tools is available on the BVRP Software Web site at the following address: obtain telephone numbers and e-mail addresses, click on the Contact us link on top of the Web page.


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Motorola Phone Tools - Quick Start

Installing Motorola Phone ToolsImportant!Before connecting the device to your PC, you need to install the software.

Starting the installationTo install Motorola Phone Tools on your hard drive, insert the CD-ROM containing the program in the appropriate drive. When installing Motorola Phone Tools from the CD-ROM, the installation process starts automatically.

Should the installation program fail to start automatically, execute the following instructions:

1. From the Start menu (accessible from the taskbar), select the Run command.

2. Select the CD-ROM drive or type d:\boot\setup (where D: is the CD-ROM drive).

3. To run the file, click the OK button.

Installation wizardAn installation wizard will guide you step-by-step through the installation process, prompting for information where needed. During the installation procedure, the program files are copied to your hard disk and a program group is created. This group contains the icons of the Motorola Phone Tools application and will be accessible from the Start menu (located on the taskbar).

After installation, the online registration wizard is automatically launched (see Online Registration, page 7). The registration is necessary to benefit from the guarantee, the technical assistance, and free upgrades.

Depending on the operating system, when the installation process is completed, the installation wizard prompts you to restart your computer so that all system changes take effect.The Add a shortcut to the desktop to start the program box is checked by de-fault. If you prefer to start Motorola Phone Tools from the Start menu in the task-bar, remove the check. If you keep that option, the following icon can be added to the desktop, as a shortcut, to start the program:

At first launch, the software automatically launches the Motorola Live Update and checks for any software updates.

Motorola Phone Tools


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Motorola Phone Tools - Quick Start

Mobile Device Installation and Configuration

Important!Please do not connect your mobile or your mobile device to your PC until instructed to do so by the Motorola Phone Tools software installation wizard.

1. Select your user profile.

2. Normally, your software has been setup to work automatically with your mobile phone or device, so this step is automatic. However, if the connection type is not detected, the Phone Setup Wizard window will be displayed (see below).

3. First, make sure your phone is powered on and, before connecting it, select the connection type you will use to connect your phone to your PC.


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Motorola Phone Tools - Quick Start

4. Click on Next.

5. Connect your phone to your PC. Your phone will be detected and setup automatically and the application will be launched at the end of the installation process.


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Motorola Phone Tools - Quick Start

Online RegistrationTo benefit from the guarantee, the BVRP Software technical assistance, and free upgrades, register online with our services. The online registration wizard is automatically launched at the end of the installation process.

Important!To ensure an automatic Internet connection, check that your Internet access is available and properly set up.

1. You may choose to:• Register immediately by clicking the OK button and following the online

registration instructions.• Register later by clicking the Register later... button.

2. The Wizard displays a final window confirming that the installation is complete.

- The View User Guide box is checked by default. If you prefer to display the User Guide later, remove the check. - The Automatically run Motorola Phone Tools box is checked by default. If you prefer to start the application later, remove the check. - The Add a shortcut to the desktop to start the program box is checked by default. If you prefer to start Motorola Phone Tools from the Start menu in the taskbar, remove the check.

3. To close the Motorola Phone Tools Installation Wizard, click the Finish button.

If online registration could not be completed during the installation, you can also register at any other time using Menu > Help > Online registration...


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Motorola Phone Tools - Quick Start

Uninstalling Motorola Phone Tools1. In the Windows taskbar, click the Start menu and select Control Panel.

The Control Panel window is displayed.2. In the list, double-click the Add or Remove programs option.3. Highlight the Motorola Phone Tools program group and, depending on

your Operating System, click the Modify/Delete or Change/Remove button.

4. The uninstallation procedure starts and the program is removed from your computer.

Important!This procedure does not uninstall the Bluetooth Dongle driver. To do so, you have to uninstall it manually from the Start menu > Control Panel > Add or Remove programs option.


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Motorola Phone Tools - Quick Start

Motorola Phone Tools Main WindowWith Motorola Phone Tools, you can share the information contained on your PC with your mobile phone. When your mobile phone is connected to your computer, you can perform the following operations:

• Place and receive calls.• Send and receive e-mail and SMS messages.• Synchronize your phonebooks and calendars.• Launch an internet session*.• Send MMS*.• Transfer video clips* from PC to phone and vice versa.• Send modified music clips* to phone from PC.

*Note:Some of Motorola Phone Tools features might not be available with your phone or device.

This icon displays the network signal strength.

To select a contact and place a call, press this button.

To place a call: - Use the keypad as you would with a normal phone. - Press the green phone button.

This icon displays the battery strength.

Once connected, your service provider’s name is displayed here.

To access all the functionalities and setup options of Motorola Phone Tools, press this button.

To hang up, press the red phone button.


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Motorola Phone Tools - Quick Start

Motorola Phone Tools Function PanelThe function panel gives access to the following Motorola Phone Tools functions:

• Synchronization• Phonebook• Calendar• Text message• Multimedia Studio• Internet Connection

The function panel icons are described below:

Displays the online help. Minimizes Motorola Phone Tools and places its icon in the tray bar of your PC's desktop.

Closes Motorola Phone Tools.

Synchronizes your phonebook/calendar.

Displays the Phonebook.

Displays the Calendar.

Displays the Send short message window.

Displays the Multimedia Studio.

Launches or ends the default Internet connection.


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Motorola Phone Tools - Quick Start

Additional InformationKeyboard shortcutsF1 Online helpF3 OutboxF4 InboxF5 PhonebookF6 General SetupF7 CalendarF8 Transmission LogbookF9 Reception LogbookF10 MenuF12 Modem Exchanges

DocumentationInformation concerning the Motorola Phone Tools documentation is available on the BVRP Software Web site at the following address:

WebsitesPlease visit our Web sites to obtain the latest information on our products and available upgrades: and

SalesTo obtain product information, order an upgrade, or obtain a list of dealers and points of sale, call us at the following number: 800-331-6456.You can also read the user manuals or the FAQs available at the following address:

Copyright and trademarks© Motorola, Inc. 2006 © Avanquest Software 2001-06. All rights reserved.Motorola Phone Tools is a registered trademark of Avanquest Software.All product names mentioned in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.


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