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Abstract. Motivated by the work of Corti-Hanamura and Bondarko, we in-troduce, for a proper morphism of schemes f : X → S with regular source, thenotion of BCH-decomposition of the relative Chow motive hS(X) in the cat-egory DMc(S,Q) of constructible motives over S. When S is quasi-projectiveover an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero or over the separable clo-sure of a finite field, this gives a motivic lift of the decomposition provided bythe theorem of Beilinson-Bernstein-Deligne-Gabber. Using Bondarko’s theoryof weight structures and Wildeshaus’ theory of motivic intermediate exten-sions, we show that BCH decompositions exist for any S when f is smoothwith geometric fibers whose motive is Tate, and for S quasi-projective over analgebraically closed field of characteristic zero, when f : X → S is a regular(i.e. “sufficiently generic”) quadric bundle, with possibly singular fibers.


1. Introduction 2Notations and conventions 92. Smooth Artin-Tate motives 102.1. Gluing and weights on Beilinson motives 102.2. Smooth Artin motives 112.3. Weights on smooth Artin-Tate motives 132.4. First decomposition theorem 153. Recall on Wildeshaus’ motivic intermediate extension 183.1. Semi-primary categories and motivic intermediate extensions. 183.2. Semi-primary categories of Chow motives. 193.3. Compatibility with realizations and conservativity 244. Corti-Hanamura decomposition of general quadrics 264.1. Corti-Hanamura decomposition of general quadrics 26References 29

Date: July 2020.


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1. Introduction

An important conjecture in the theory of motives is the nilpotency conjecture.It is related to the functor

T : CHM(k)→ HM(k)

from the category of Chow motives to the category of homological motives (mo-tives modulo homological equivalence, for a choice of Weil cohomology theory e.g.Betti cohomology if k = C.) This functor is full but not faithful. The nilpotencyconjecture states that if M is a Chow motive and Mhom the corresponding motivemodulo homological equivalence (sometimes called the Grothendieck motive), thekernel of the ring homomorphism

End(M)→ End(Mhom)

is a nilpotent ideal. If we take M = h(X), the Chow motive of a smooth projectivevariety X over k, the nilpotency conjecture N(X) states that the kernel of thehomomorphism

Corr0(X,X)→ End(H∗(X,Q))

from the ring of correspondences of degree zero to the endomorphism ring of H∗(X)is a nilpotent ideal. (Note that if X has pure dimension d, the left hand side is

the Chow group CHd(X × X)Q, the right hand side is isomorphic to H2d(X ×X,Q) by Poincare duality and the above map is just the cycle class map.) Thenilpotency conjecture has important consequences. First of all, it implies that thefunctor T is conservative (i.e., it detects isomorphisms), hence essentially injective(nonexistence of phantom motives). The nilpotency conjecture is also related to thestandard conjecture C(X), the Kunneth conjecture, which states that the Kunnethcomponents pi ∈ H

∗(X ×X,Q)) of the diagonal are algebraic (i.e., they are in theimage of the cycle class map). Jannsen proved that conjectures C(X) and N(X)imply the Chow–Kunneth conjecture CK(X), i.e., the Kunneth projectors lift to aset of mutually orthogonal projectors πi ∈ Corr0(X,X) (i = 0, . . . , 2d) such that

∆X =




in CHd(X×X)⊗Q and such that πi depends only on the motive modulo homologicalequivalence. In this case the motive of X admits a Chow–Kunneth decomposition

h(X) =




with hi(X) = (X, πi).

The nilpotency conjecture is known to hold for finite-dimensional motives. Thismeans in particular that isomorphisms between finite-dimensional Chow motivescan be detected by passing to the corresponding homological motives. An applica-tion is the following result.

Theorem. (*) Suppose that X is a smooth projective variety over k such that theChow motive h(X) is finite dimensional and such that H∗(X) is algebraic (i.e, the

rational cycle class maps CHi(X)Q → H2i(X,Q) are surjective for all i.). Then

h(X) =⊕



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is Tate (i.e., it is a direct sum of Lefschetz motives).

This result generalises a theorem of Jannsen and was observed by Vial andKimura (in the case where one replaces h(X) by an arbitray Chow motive M).It is a direct consequence of the conservativity of the homological realisation onfinite-dimensional motives. 1

In this paper we consider possible generalisations of these results to the case ofrelative motives. In their fundamental work [CH00], Corti and Hanamura defineda category CHM(S) of relative Chow motives over a quasi–projective base schemeS defined over a field k, together with a realisation functor

ρ : CHM(S)→ Dbc(S,Q)


• Dbc(S,Q) is the derived category of constructible complexes of Q-sheaves

on the analytical space S(C), with constructible cohomology, if k = C;• Db

c(S,Q) is the derived category of constructible complexes of ℓ-adic etalesheaves on S in general, after the choice of a prime ℓ invertible on k.

In this setup, one works with proper morphisms f : X → S with X smooth andquasi–projective over k. Relative correspondences are elements of CH∗(X ×S X)and composition of correspondences is defined using refined Gysin homomorphisms.The relative analogue of the nilpotency conjecture states that the kernel of the map

Corr0S(X,X)→ End(Rf∗(QX)


is a nilpotent ideal. (If X has dimension d the above map can be identified with thecycle class map CHd(X ×S X)Q → HBM

2d (X ×S X,Q) to Borel–Moore homology.)Corti and Hanamura have considered a relative analogue of the notion of Chow–Kunneth decomposition. Let us first consider the case where f : X → S is inaddition smooth. According to Deligne’s theorem, one gets a decomposition inDb


(D) Rf∗(QX) ∼=⊕



One usually says that hS(X) admits a relative Chow–Kunneth decomposition (inshort CK-decomposition) if there exist relative motives Mi ∈ CHM(S) such thathS(X) =

⊕iMi and ρ(Mi) = Rf∗(QX)[−i] for all i.

The general case is more complicated and involves the theory of perverse sheaves.When k is an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero or the separable clo-sure of a finite field, the decomposition theorem of Beilinson-Bernstein-Deligne saysthat a decomposition of the form (D) still exists provided one replaces the canon-ical t-structure by the perverse one. Moreover, each perverse cohomology sheafpRf∗(QX) is semi-simple in the perverse heart of Db

c(S). These two statements canbe expressed by the existence of a decomposition in Db


(BBD) Rf∗(QX) =⊕



1If H∗(X) is algebraic there exists a finite set of algebraic cycles {Zi}i∈I , Zi ∈ CHpi (X),whose cycles classes generate the cohomology. These cycles define a morphism of Chow motives α :⊕iZ(−pi) → h(X) such that T (α) is an isomorphism, hence α is an isomorphism by conservativity.

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where there exists an integer nλ such that Lλ[nλ] is a simple local system on asmooth locally closed subscheme jλ : Uλ ⊂ X and jλ!∗(Lλ) denotes the intermediateextension (or intersection complex) defined in [BBD82].2 We believe the followingdefinition is useful to express the ideas of [CH00].

Definition 1. Let f : X → S be a projective morphism of quasi-projective k-schemes such that X is smooth over k. Consider the above notations (and inparticular choose a prime ℓ invertible in k in the ℓ-adic case).

A Corti-Hanamura decomposition (in short: CH-decomposition) of the Chowmotive hS(X) is a finite decomposition

hS(X) ≃⊕


in the pseudo-abelian category CHM(S) such that ρ(Mλ) = jλ!∗(Lλ).

Such decompositions have been constructed in several cases, particularly in com-plex algebraic geometry [MSS12, dCM10, GHM03]. The results of the present workare precisely in line with these works: our original goal was to obtain a Corti–Hanamura decomposition in the case of singular quadric fibrations (Theorem Bbelow).

Nevertheless, our proofs have led us to a generalisation of Corti–Hanamura’sconsiderations that is interesting on its own, based on Beilinson’s conjectures onmotivic complexes. Nowadays, following the seminal work of Voevodsky, finalizedby Ayoub and Cisinski-Deglise, we have at our disposal the (triangulated) cate-gory of rational mixed motives DM(S), equipped with Grothendieck’ six functorsformalism over any noetherian quasi-excellent base scheme S. Moreover, for anyprime ℓ invertible on S, there is the ℓ-adic realisation functor

ρℓ : DMc(S)→ Dbc(S,Qℓ),

which is compatible with the six operations (see [CD19], [CD16]). While we do nothave the motivic t-structure on the left hand-side, which would mirror the perverset-structure on the right hand-side, a key structure of mixed motives is the existenceof the so-called Chow weight structure constructed by Bondarko.3 One defines the(pseudo-abelian monoidal) category CHM(S) of Chow motives over S as the weight0 part of DM(S).4 Bondarko’s speculative work [Bon15] leads us to the followingextension of Definition 1.

Definition 2. Let f : X → S be a proper morphism such that X is regular. ABCH-decomposition5 of the Chow motive hS(X) is a finite decomposition

hS(X) ≃⊕



2Note in particular that one deduces isomorphisms pRf∗(QX)[−n] ≃⊕

λ|nλ=n jλ!∗(Lλ) and:

(D’) pRf∗(QX) ≃ ⊕npRnf∗(QX)[−n].

3The existence of this weight structure was in fact predicted by Beilinson’s conjectures (see[Bon10]). However, one does not expect that an analogous structure exists in general on Db

c(S,Qℓ).4When S is quasi-projective over a perfect field, it is proved in [Jin16] that the latter category

is equivalent to the category defined by Corti and Hanamura.5extensively: Bondarko-Corti-Hanamura decomposition!

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in CHM(S) where jλ : Vλ → S is a locally closed immersion, Vλ is regular, Mλ is aweight 0 motive over Vλ whose ℓ-adic realisation is a local system up to a decalage,and ρℓjλ!∗(Mλ) = jλ!∗



The novelty of this definition is that it does not require a base field, and moreover,it makes sense without having to choose a prime invertible on S; in particular overZ. Note also that our formulation implies the existence of a decomposition of theform (D’), for all primes ℓ, and contains an ”independence of ℓ” result: under theexistence of a BCH-decomposition, the rank of pRnf∗(Qℓ) will be independent of ℓ(see also Cor. 2.4.11).

We arrived at this definition by analysing the work of Bondarko [Bon15]. Inparticular, the existence of BCH-decompositions would be a consequence of theexistence of the motivic t-structure with the assumption that it is transversal (see[Bon15, Def. 1.4.1]) to the Chow weight structure.6 More precisely, to get theBCH-decomposition under the previous assumption, one can apply op. cit.:

• Prop. 1.4.2, point (3) to the weight 0 motive hS(X) to get the analogueof the relative Chow Kunneth decomposition: hS(X) ≃ ⊕iH

i(hS(X))[−i],Hi computed for the motivic t-structure.• Prop. 4.2.3, to get the decomposition for each Hi(hS(X)) given it is pureof weight i.• Rem. 4.2.4, point 2 to get the statement about the ℓ-adic realisation of theBCH-decomposition.

Note moreover that Bondarko obtains in his Proposition 4.2.3 the uniqueness ofthe set of isomorphism classes of the factors of the BCH-decomposition. We havenot formulated this uniqueness in the above definition. Indeed, to give a properstatement we either need the existence of the heart of the motivic t-structure, orconservativity of the ℓ-adic realisations.7 However we think that establishing BCH-decompositions might be easier than getting the motivic t-structure.

In fact, the main problem in getting BCH-decompositions without having themotivic t-structure at our disposal is to be able to construct the required motivicintermediate extension functor jλ!∗. Fortunately, this problem has been extensivelystudied in a series of works by Wildeshaus: [Wil16], [Wil09], [Wil12], [Wil17]. Hisapproach will be fundamental in the proof of our results, as we are going to explain.

There is at least one easy example where a BCH-decomposition exists: this isthe case of relative lci cellular morphisms (see [ADN20, Def. 5.3.1, Cor. 5.3.7] forthe more general case).8 Our first theorem gives many more examples (see also2.4.10):

6Note also that Bondarko shows that this would be consequence of Beilinson’s conjectures (seeop. cit., Prop. 4.1.1). He also gives an argument to get it as a consequence of the standard conjec-ture D together with Murre’s conjectures. Note that to get the existence of BCH-decompositionsin all cases, we need to apply these conjectures for all residue fields of S, and all ℓ-adic realisations!Of course, this kind of exercise in juggling between motivic conjectures has its limit; we only hopeto convince the reader that our definition of BCH-decompositions is reasonable.

7Note however that in our Theorems A and B below, the involved motives belong to subcate-gories on which the realisations can be proven to be conservative (Thm. 3.3.1). So, in our caseswe do get uniqueness of isomorphism classes in the BCH-decompositions.

8This is not surprising as one can interpret the BCH-decomposition as an attempt to find analgebraic analogue of the existence cellular decompositions of differential varieties.

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Theorem A (see Theorem 2.4.8). Let S be a regular connected scheme with etalefundamental group π. Let f : X → S be a smooth proper morphism whose geometricfibers are Tate. Then there exists an isomorphisms of motives over S:

hS(X) ≃⊕



where I is a finite set, Vi is a simple Artin Q-representation of π and ni is anon-negative integer.

Moreover, this decomposition is a BCH-decomposition of the Chow motive hS(X).

In the above statement, the functor ρ! sends any etale sheaf over S to its imagein the category DMc(S). We show that when restricted to the bounded derivedcategory of Artin π-representations, it induces an equivalence of categories withthe full subcategory DMAT

sm (S,Q) of smooth Artin-Tate motives in DMc(S) (Prop.2.2.4), generalizing a result of Orgogozo when S is the spectrum of a field. Hence,in particular, Theorem A shows that the naive generalisation of Theorem (*) of thepresent introduction to the relative situation is false: if f : X → S is a smooth,projective morphism such that h(Xs) is finite dimensional and such that H∗(Xs)is algebraic for all s ∈ S, the relative motive hS(X) does not necessarily decom-pose as a direct sum of relative Lefschetz motives9, since it is an object of a moregeneral kind - an object of DMAT

sm (S,Q). This can be seen already on the topo-logical level. If f : X → S is a smooth, projective morphism whose fibers havealgebraic cohomology then the direct image sheaves Rif∗Q are local systems withfinite monodromy, but they are not necessarily constant. A concrete example isgiven by smooth quadric fibrations of even relative dimension; see Corollary 2.4.13.

Let us outline the proof of Theorem A, since it uses some intermediate resultswhich are interesting in their own. Namely, it rests on three crucial ingredients.First, the structural properties of the category DMc(S) allow us to: (a) “spreadout” the description of the motive of the fiber of f over a generic point of S (asa direct sum of Tate twists) to an analogous description of hV (XV ), where V issome etale cover of a dense open subscheme U of S; (b) deduce that hU (XU ) isa smooth Artin-Tate motive over U . Second, we employ a generalization of thework of Wildeshaus (on Artin-Tate motives over a field) to the case of smoothArtin-Tate motives over a base. In fact, our Thm. 2.3.3 identifies the heart of theinduced weight structure on DMAT

sm (S,Q) and shows that hU (XU ), as any weightzero smooth Artin-Tate motive, admits a decomposition analogous to the one inthe right hand side of the isomorphism claimed by Theorem A. Third, we rely uponother ideas of Wildeshaus in order to show that there exists a minimal extensionof hU (XU ) to a weight zero, smooth Artin-Tate motive h over the whole of S. Wehave baptized it a fair extension (Def. 2.4.3) and its minimality property consistsin the fact that hS(X), being another such extension, decomposes as a direct sum ofhU (XU ) and an object supported on the boundary Z := S\U . The rest of the proofboils down to showing that this latter object is zero, so that the decomposition ofh as a weight zero smooth Artin-Tate motive gives the desired decomposition ofhS(X).

When S is a quasi-projective scheme over an algebraically closed field k of char-acteristic zero, we are able to treat cases where the proper morphism f , with Tate

9This statement is even false if one assumes that the fibers are homogeneous spaces as in [Iyer]

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geometric fibers, is not anymore supposed to be smooth. In particular, we succeedin constructing the required motivic intermediate extension functors jλ!∗, of whichthe fair extensions used in the proof of Theorem A represent a first occurrence.To perform our construction, we restrict to dealing with regular (i.e. “sufficientlygeneric”) quadric bundles over S (see Def. 4.1.2), thus generalizing the work ofNagel-Saito [NS09] on conic bundles over a surface (see also [Bou16]): in this case,the perverse sheaves appearing in the decomposition of Rf∗Q are either constantor of the form i∗(L) with L a local system on a smooth closed subvariety Z → S,so no intermediate extensions are needed. Our results provide, to our knowledge,the first new examples of motivic intermediate extensions in the non-smooth case,after the ones for Chow motives of abelian type defined by Wildeshaus and appliedto the context of Shimura varieties by him and his students (see [Wil17] and thereferences cited therein; earlier instances of intermediate extensions in the lattersetting were constructed by hand by Scholl [Sch90] and Gordon-Hanamura-Murre[GHM03]). Concretely, our second main theorem reads as follows:

Theorem B (see Cor. 4.1.5). Let f : X → S be a regular quadric bundle. Let{Sφ} be the stratification of S given by corank (defined after Def. 4.1.2). ThenhS(X) admits a Corti-Hanamura decomposition

hS(X) ≃⊕



with Vi,φ a simple Artin representation of π1(Sφ).

In order to achieve our goal, we once again follow the path laid out by Wilde-shaus. Recall that over a base S with a smooth, dense open subscheme j :U → S and closed complement i : Z → S, and considering subcategories C(S)of CHM(S), obtained by gluing appropriate subcategories C(U) of CHM(U) andC(Z) of CHM(Z), Wildeshaus highlighted conditions allowing to define an interme-diate extension j!∗M ∈ CHM(S) of any objectM in CHM(U), which can be in factuniquely characterized. More precisely, he has shown that it is sufficient to ask C(Z)to be semi-primary, i.e. “semi-simple up to a nilpotent radical” (see Def. 3.1.1).Note that by Andre-Kahn [AK02], any subcategory of Chow motives, whose objectsare finite-dimensional, is semi-primary. Moreover, over a field k, the semi-primalityof the whole of CHM(k) would imply the nilpotence conjecture, thus tying up thesenotions with the ideas discussed at the beginning of this introduction.

If C(Z) is semi-primary, then every object M of C(S) is (non-uniquely) isomor-phic to j!∗j

∗M ⊕ i∗N , with N in C(Z) (Prop. 3.1.4). This is the key point thatlends itself to iteration, ultimately allowing us to obtain a CH-decomposition asdesired in Theorem B. In a first approximation, our task can then be divided intothe following steps:

(1) when S is equipped with a stratification S into locally closed, regular sub-schemes, show that the categories of smooth Artin-Tate motives over eachstratum can be glued to give a category C(S) of S-constructible smoothArtin-Tate motives over S;

(2) prove that the categories of smooth Artin-Tate motives over each stratumare semi-primary, and conclude by Wildeshaus’ formalism that the gluedone is semi-primary as well;

(3) show that the motive hS(X) of a regular quadric bundle belongs to C(S).

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Points (1) and (2) are taken care of in Section 3, by suitably adaptingWildeshaus’methods, but with some technical complications. First of all, in order to glue Artin-Tate motives, we are forced to impose a condition of being well-ramified alongthe closures of strata (Def. 3.2.2), and to assume that these closures are regularthemselves (Assumption 3.2.1). The gluing is then worked out in Thm. 3.2.3.Moreover, since the latter assumption will not be verified in the context of quadricbundles, we have to use a suitable base change π : S′ → S such that the desiredconditions are met on S′, then glue everything there, and finally glue those objectson the strata of S which arise as push-forward via π of objects on the strata of S′.On the other hand, to show that a suitable form of point (2) holds, we have to checkthat under some hypotheses on π (see Ass. 3.2.4), push-forward preserves weight-zero smooth Artin-Tate motives, hence finite dimensionality, hence semi-primality.This is the content of (the proof of) Thm. 3.2.9. Wildeshaus’ techniques also canbe adapted to show two other important facts: the realization functors commutewith the intermediate extension functors (Thm. 3.3.1) and they are conservativeon the categories that we obtain from the gluing process (Thm. 3.3.2).

Proving point (3) is the principal task of Section 4 (Thm. 4.1.4). We have enoughcontrol on the geometry of regular quadric bundles over an algebraically closed fieldof characteristic zero to understand completely the possible degenerations of smoothfibers to singular ones, as well as the associated stratification on S by corank. Inparticular, we are able to construct a suitable resolution of singularities π : S′ → S(Lemma 4.1.3). Combining this with the results about smooth Artin-Tate motivesestablished in Section 2, this turns out to be enough to show that the pullback ofhS(X) to each stratum belongs to the correct subcategory of Chow motives and tocomplete the proof of Theorem B.

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Notations and conventions

Given an arbitrary group G, and a field K of characteristic 0, we will denote byRepAK(G) the abelian monoidal category of finite dimensional K-representations Vof G which factor through a finite quotient of G. When G is a pro-finite group, thisamounts to the continuity of the action. When G = π is the etale fundamental groupof a geometrically pointed scheme X , or the usual fundamental group of a complexvariety, representations in RepAK(π) are classically called Artin representations. In

any case, thanks to Maschke’s lemma, the category RepAK(G) is semi-simple.

All our schemes are implicitly assumed to be excellent noetherian finite anddimensional.

Given (such) a scheme S, we denote by DMc(S,Q) the triangulated categoryof constructible rational motives over S.10 We let 1S be the constant motive overS (which is also the unit of the monoidal structure). We will use cohomologicalmotives over S: given any morphism f : X → S, we put:

hS(X) = f∗(1X).

We will also heavily rely on the Bondarko’s theory of weight structure, and espe-cially the canonical (Chow) weight structure on DMc(S,Q). We recall these notionsin Section 2.1.

Another important property of rational mixed motives from [CD19] that we willuse is the so-called continuity property (see Def. 4.3.2, Prop. 14.3.1 of op. cit.).We will use it in the following form (see Prop. 4.3.4 of op. cit.):

Proposition 1.0.1. Let (Si)i∈I be a projective system of schemes with a projectivelimit S in our category of schemes. Then the canonical functor:

2− lim−→i∈I

DMc(Si,Q)→ DMc(S,Q)

is an equivalence of categories.

We will use two kinds of triangulated realization functors:

• Let ℓ be a prime invertible on S. We have the ℓ-adic realization:

ρℓ : DMc(S,Q)→ Dbc(Set,Ql)

where the right-hand side is the constructible derived category of Ekedahl’sℓ-adic etale sheaves with rational coefficients (see [CD16, 7.2.24]).• Let E be a characteristic 0 field given with a complex embedding σ : E → C.Assume S is a finite type E-scheme. We have the Betti realization:

ρB : DMc(S,Q)→ Dc(San,Q)

where the right-hand side is the constructible derived category of rationalsheaves over the analytical site of San = Sσ(C). This realization is obtainedfrom that of [Ayo10] as the following composite:

DMc(S,Q) ≃ SHc(S)Q+ ⊂ SHc(S)QBetti′S⊗Q−−−−−−−→ Dc(S


10In [CD19], several models of this category are given: Beilinson motives (Def. 15.1.1), Vo-evodsky’s h-motives (Th. 16.1.2), Voevodsky’s motivic complexes (S geometrically unibranchscheme, Th. 16.1.4), the plus-part of the rational stable homotopy category (Th. 16.2.13 and5.3.35), the P1-stable A1-derived etale category (Th. 16.2.22). All models being equivalent, thereader is free to choose his preferred one.

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where:– SHc(S) is the constructible stable A1-homotopy category (made of

compact spectra over S).– SHc(S)Q+ is plus-part of the rationalization of SHc(S) (see eg. [CD19,

16.2.1])– the first equivalence is given by [CD19, Th. 16.2.13].– the functor BettiS is (the obvious restriction of that) defined in [Ayo10,

Def. 2.1].

These two realization functors admit a right adjoint and commute with the sixoperations.11

2. Smooth Artin-Tate motives

2.1. Gluing and weights on Beilinson motives.

2.1.1. In the theory of rational mixed motives, a crucial property is given by thegluing formalism [BBD82, Sec. 1.4.3], which is a consequence of Morel-Voevodsky’slocalization theorem [MV99, Th. 2.21, p. 114]. Given a closed immersion i : Z → Swith complementary open immersion j : U → S, one has six functors

(2.1.1.a) DMc(U,Q)j! //


// DMc(S,Q)j∗ooi∗ //

i!// DMc(Z,Q) ,i∗oo

satisfying the formalism of [BBD82, Sec. 1.4.3].12

This property will be at the heart of our results (see in particular Section ??).They are the starting point of Hebert’s and Bondarko’s extension of the weightstructure on rational motives, from the case of perfect fields to that of arbitrarybases. Let us recall this theory, from [Heb11, Thm. 3.3, thm. 3.8 (i)-(ii)], for futurereferences.

Theorem 2.1.2. For each scheme S, there is a canonical weight structure w on thetriangulated category DMc(S,Q) called the motivic weight structure. The familyof these weight structures indexed by schemes S is uniquely characterized by thefollowing properties.

(1) The objects 1S(p)[2p] belong to the heart DMc(S,Q)w=0 for all integers p,whenever S is regular.

(2) For any morphism f : T → S, the functor f∗ (resp. f∗) preserves negativeweights (resp. positive weights). When f is separated of finite type, the functor f !

(resp. f!) preserves positive weights (resp. negative weights).

We will only use the motivic weight structure in this paper. So w will alwaysmean weights for the motivic weight structure. Over a base scheme S, the heartof this weight structure will be denoted by CHM(S) and is called the category ofChow motives over S.

Remark 2.1.3. Gluing of (motivic) weights. Note in particular from point (2) thatwhen f is finite (resp. etale separated of finite type), f∗ (resp. f∗) preservesweights. Moreover, under the assumption of the paragraph preceding the theorem,it follows from the gluing diagram (2.1.1.a) and point (2) that the motivic weight

11This is proved in the references indicated above.12This is the so-called localization property of motives, extensively studied in [CD19, §2.3].

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structure on S ”satisfies gluing”: a motive M on S is w-positive (resp. w-negative)if and only if j∗(M) and i!(M) (resp. j∗(M) and i∗(M)) are w-positive (resp.w-negative).

Remark 2.1.4. Assumptions on base schemes. Note that in loc. cit., it is assumedthat schemes are of finite type over an excellent base scheme B of dimension lessthan 3. First, this assumption is not used in the proof of the above statement.Secondly, the only reason this assumption appeared in motivic homotopy theoryis for the proof of the Grothendieck-Verdier duality (also called ”local duality”),[CD19, Th. 4.4.21].13 Since then, this result has been generalized to the schemesconsidered in our paper by Cisinski in [Cis19, §2.3]. It is used in [Heb11] only inthe statement of Corollary 3.9.

2.2. Smooth Artin motives. It is possible to extend the known results on Artinmotives over a field to the relative case. Let us start with the definition.

Definition 2.2.1. We define the category of (constructible) smooth Artin motivesover S as the thick triangulated subcategory of DMc(S,Q) generated by motives ofthe form hS(X) (resp. hS(X)(n)) for X/S finite and etale. We denote this categoryby DMA


Note that for X/S finite etale, hS(X) coincides with the Voevodsky motiveMS(X).

Example 2.2.2. Let k be a perfect field. Then it follows from [VSF00, Chap. 5,Rem. 2. after 3.4.1] (see also [Org04] for details) that there exists a canonicalequivalence of triangulated monoidal categories:

DMAsm(k,Q) ≃ Db



where Gk is the absolute Galois group of k, and RepAQ(Gk) denotes the continuousrepresentations of Gk with rational coefficients.

2.2.3. Let us recall that one model of DM(S,Q) is obtained as the P1-stable A1-derived category of the category Sh(SmS,et,Q) of rational etale sheaves on SmS

(see [CD19, 16.2.18]).The inclusion ρ : Set → SmS,et of etale site induces a fully faithful and exact

functor:ρ! : Sh(Set,Q)→ Sh(SmS,et,Q).

Note ρ! is moreover (symmetric) monoidal. One deduces a canonical compositefunctor:


−→ D(Sh(SmS,et,Q)

)→ DM(S,Q)

the last functor being obtained by projection to the A1-localization and then takinginfinite suspensions. We will still denote the later composite by ρ!.

Then ρ! is triangulated and monoidal. By definition, it sends the sheaf repre-sented by a finite etale scheme X/S on Set to the same object on SmS,et, seen as amotivic complex. This is just MS(X) = hS(X).

Proposition 2.2.4. Assume S is a regular connected scheme. Let π = π1(Set) bethe etale fundamental group of S associated with some geometric base point. Then

13More precisely, it is used to obtain some resolution of singularity statement; see loc. cit.

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the functor ρ! is fully faithful when restricted to the full subcategory Db(RepAQ(π)


and induces an equivalence of triangulated monoidal categories:

ρ! : Db(RepAQ(π)

)→ DMA


Moreover, the ℓ-adic realisation functor restricted to DMAsm(S,Q) lands into the

bounded derived category of Artin ℓ-adic Galois representations and the compositefunctor:


) ρ!

−→ DMAsm(S,Q)

ρℓ−→ Db



is just the extension of scalar functor associated with Qℓ/Q.

Proof. We prove the first assertion: fully faithful nature of the restriction of ρ!.Note that the functor ρ! admits a right adjoint ρ∗. The functor ρ∗ commutes withdirect sums: this follows formally as D(Set,Q) is compactly generated.14 We have

to prove that for all complexes K,L in Db(RepAQ(π)

), and say any n ∈ Z for the

next reduction, the map:

Hom(K,L[n])→ Hom(ρ!K, ρ!L[n]) = Hom(K, ρ∗ρ!L[n])

is an isomorphism. Now we use the fact Db(RepAQ(π)

)is generated by shifts of

sheaves representable by some finite etale cover X/S. So we are reduced to thecase K = Q(X), L = Q(Y ) for X and Y etale cover of S. Explicitly, we have toprove that the following map is an isomorphism:

Hom(Q(X),Q(Y )[n])→ Hom(hS(X), hS(Y )[n]).

In the monoidal category Sh(Set,Q), and therefore in D(Set,Q), the sheaf Q(Y )is auto-dual. The same result holds for hS(X) in DM(S,Q) (as for example ρ! ismonoidal). Applying the formulasQ(X)⊗Q(Y ) = Q(X×SY ) and hS(X)⊗hS(Y ) =hS(X ×S Y ), we are reduced to the case Y = S. In other words we have to provethat the canonical map:

(2.2.4.a) Hn(Xet,Q)→ Hom(hS(X),Q[n]) = Hn,0M (X,Q)

is an isomorphism. Note that X is regular, as it is etale over S. Thus it is geomet-rically unibranch and we get from [AGV73, IX, 2.14.1]:

Hn(Xet,Q) = Qπ0(X) for n = 0, 0 otherwise.

Also, according to [CD19, 14.2.14], we get:

Hn,0M (X,Q) = Gr0γK−n(X)Q = Qπ0(X) for n = 0, 0 otherwise,

and so the map (2.2.4.a) is necessarily an isomorphism.The other assertions are clear, by definition of the category of smooth Artin

motives. �

In the complex case, we get a simpler formulation.

Proposition 2.2.5. Let E be a field of characteristic zero, S a smooth connectedE-scheme and π = π1(S

an) for any choice of base point of San.Then the Betti realisation functor:

ρB : DMc(S,Q)→ D(San,Q)

14In fact, it is equivalent to D(SNis,Q) as π is pro-finite.

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is fully faithful when restricted to DMAsm(S,Q) and induces an equivalence of trian-

gulated monoidal categories:

ρB : DMAsm(S,Q)→ Db



The proof uses the same argument as in the case of the previous proposition,given that hS(X) is realized to the complex R fan

∗ (QX) which is concentrated indegree 0 and equal to the continuous representation of π represented by the Galoiscover Xan over San.

Remark 2.2.6. The two previous propositions are obviously compatible: in theassumptions of the second one, we get according to a theorem of Grothendieck:

π1(Set) ≃ π1(San)

where the right hand-side denotes profinite completion. In particular, we get equiv-alence of (abelian semi-simple monoidal) categories:


)≃ RepA



)≃ RepAQ



2.3. Weights on smooth Artin-Tate motives. The purpose of this section isto extend results of Wildeshaus, [Wil16] on Artin-Tate motives over a field to thecase of a regular base scheme S. Moreover, for the purpose of our main theorem,we will need to restrict the type of allowed Artin motives, as in loc. cit. So weintroduce the next definition.

Definition 2.3.1. Let S be a regular connected scheme with etale fundamentalgroup π = π1(Set). Let A be a full Q-linear sub-category of RepA

Q(π) which is stable

under retracts.15

We define the triangulated category of smooth Artin-Tate motives of type A overS as the thick triangulated subcategory of DMc(S,Q) generated by motives of theform ρ!(A)(n) for an object A of A and an integer n ∈ Z (see Proposition 2.2.4 forthe definition of ρ!). We denote it by DMAT

sm (S,Q).

When A = RepAQ(π), the above category is simply the category of smooth Artin-

Tate motives over S, denoted by DMATsm (S,Q).

Remark 2.3.2. Note that compared to Definition 1.6 of [Wil16], we do not as-sume that A is closed under tensor product. As a consequence DMAT

sm (S,Q) is notmonoidal in general.

Theorem 2.3.3. Consider the above notations and assumptions of the above defi-nition.

Then the weight structure on DMc(S,Q) restricts to a weight structure on thetriangulated sub-category DMAT

sm (S,Q). Moreover, any motive M in DMATsm (S,Q)

of weight 0 admits a decomposition:

(2.3.3.a) M ≃⊕



where I is a finite set, Vi is a simple Artin representation of π in A and ni is aninteger. (See Paragraph 2.2.3 for ρ!).

15And therefore stable under kernel and cokernel as RepAQ (π) is abelian semi-simple. In par-

ticular, A is abelian semi-simple.

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Remark 2.3.4. (1) Another way of stating the second assertion is that thecanonical functor

Db(A)→ DMATsm (S,Q)w=0 = DMAT

sm (S,Q) ∩ CHM(S,Q)

(Vn)n∈Z 7→⊕



is essentially surjective. Contrary to what happens in [Wil16], over a perfectfield, this functor is not an equivalence of triangulated categories. Theproblem comes from the non-triviality of CHn(V )Q for n > 0 and V/Sfinite etale. So in particular, the preceding functor is an equivalence whenS is (regular) semi-local.

(2) The decomposition (2.3.3.a) is a particular case of the Corti-Hanamuradecomposition: If we apply the ℓ-adic realization functor ρℓ to an Artinrepresentation Vn we get (according to the last assertion of Prop. 2.2.4)

ρℓ(M) ≃⊕


(Vi ⊗Q Qℓ)(ni)[2ni].

In particular, if the decomposition (2.3.3.a) of M is not unique. But thepairs (Vi, ni) for i ∈ I are uniquely determined by M (or its realization).

Proof. Let us show the first assertion. Let H be the full Q-linear sub-category ofDMAT

sm (S,Q) whose objects are of the form (2.3.3.a), where Vi is a simple objectof A. As S is regular, all motives in H are of weight 0. In particular, given suchmotives M , N , one has Hom(M,N [i]) = 0 for i > 0. This condition implies thatthere is a unique weight structure on DMAT

sm (S,Q) (see eg. [Wil09, 1.5]), whoseheart is the pseudo-abelianization K of H. It follows from the axioms of weightstructures that this weight structure is just the restriction of the Chow weightstructure, thus proving the first assertion.

To prove the second assertion, it is sufficient to prove that K = H, i.e. that His pseudo-abelian. Let e :M →M be an idempotent of H. By assumption, we canwrite M =

∑ri=1 ρ!(Vi)(ni)[2ni] where Vi is an object of A (semi-simple, but not

necessary simple) and n1 < n2 < ... < nr. We prove by induction on the numberof factors r of M that e admits a kernel in H.

We treat the case r = 1. According to Proposition 2.2.4, and the fact that twistsare invertible, the category of motives of the form ρ!(V1)(n1)[2n1] for an object V1of A and an integer n1 is equivalent to the abelian (semi-simple) category A. Thisimplies that any idempotent of a motive of this form admits a kernel, giving thecase r = 1.

Assume the result is known for any integer less than r > 1, and prove thecase where M has exactly r factors as above. Put P = ρ!(V1)(n1)[2n1] and Q =∑r

i=2 ρ!(Vi)(ni)[2ni] so that M = P ⊕Q. Given that decomposition, we can writethe idempotent e as a 2 by 2 matrix:

e =

(a bc d


Then c belongs to

⊕ri=2 Hom

(ρ!(Vi)(ni)[2ni], ρ(V1)(n1)[2n1]) = CHn1−ni(Vi ×S V1)

using the auto-duality of ρ!(V ) (see the proof of Prop. 2.2.4) — in the right hand-side, we identify the sheaf Vi with the finite etale S-scheme which represent it.

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As by assumption, n1 < ni for i > 1, we get that c = 0. Note that a and dare idempotent, respectively of P and Q. According to the induction case, theseidempotents admit a kernel in H. One easily deduces from the matrix form of ethat Ker(a)⊕Ker(d) is a kernel of e in H. This concludes the induction step, andthe proof. �

2.4. First decomposition theorem. For the needs of the proof of our first de-composition theorem, we will extend some definitions of [Wil12]. Let us first recallthe following theorem, Th. 1.7 of loc. cit.

Theorem 2.4.1 (Wildeshaus). Let j : U → S be an open immersion. Then theweight-exact functor j∗ induces an additive exact functor

j∗ : CHM(S)→ CHM(U)

which is essentially surjective and full.

2.4.2. Consider an open immersion j : U → S and a Chow motive M over U . AChow extension of M along j will be a pair (M, α) where M is a Chow motive

over S and α is an isomorphism j∗(M)∼−→ M . Morphisms of such extensions are

defined in the obvious way.According to the previous theorem, extensions of M along j always exist. The

goal of the work of Wildeshaus is to find (and to define) the intermediate extensionof M along j: see [Wil17], Summary 2.12. For the needs of our first decompositiontheorem, we will use a special type of Chow extensions that we now introduce.

Definition 2.4.3. Consider the above notations, assuming that j is dense. Thena Chow extension (M, α) of M along j will be called fair if the induced map

End(M) −→ End(j∗(M)

) α∗−−→ End(M)

is an isomorphism — i.e. a monomorphism according to the previous theorem.

The proof of the following result is identical to that of [Wil12, Th. 3.1(a)].

Theorem 2.4.4. Consider the notations of the previous definition. Assume a fairChow extension (M, α) of M along j exists.

Then for any extension (P, β) of M along j, there exists a decomposition of Pof the form:

ψ : P∼−−→ M ⊕ i∗(LZ)

where LZ is a Chow motive over Z, satisfying the relation: j∗(ψ) = α−1 ◦ β.If moreover (P, β) is fair, then LZ = 0 and the isomorphism ψ is uniquely

determined by the preceding relation.

Example 2.4.5. A fair Chow extension as above is a particular instance of Wilde-shaus’s theory of intermediate extension j!∗(M), as shown for example by the char-acterizing property (4a) of Summary 2.12 of [Wil17]. The preceding theorem canalso be interpreted as a minimality property of the extension (M, α).

One cannot always expect that such minimal extensions exist (the correct hopeis formulated in loc. cit., Conjecture 3.4; cfr. Rmk. 3.1.5). However, here are someinteresting examples.

(1) Assume that U is regular, and the normalization of X is regular. Then 1U

admits a fair Chow extension: this is [Wil12, Th. 3.11(a)].

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(2) Assume that both U and S are regular. Let V/U be an etale cover. Usinga classical terminology, we will say that V is non-ramified along (S −U) ifthere exists an etale cover V /S whose restriction to U is V . In that case,for any integer n ∈ Z, the Artin-Tate motive M = hS(V )(n)[2n] is a fairChow extension of M = hU (V )(n)[2n] along j.

Indeed, M is obviously a Chow extension of M along j (using the sixfunctors formalism). Moreover, as in the proof of Prop. 2.2.4, one gets:

End(M) ≃ Qπ0(V ×S V ), End(M) ≃ Qπ0(V ×UV ).

As V ×U V is a dense open of V ×S V , we get that M is fair as claimed.

Remark 2.4.6. The reader can check that one can replace, in [Wil12, Th. 3.11]points (a) and (b), the constant motive 1U by a smooth Artin-Tate motive hU (V )such that V is unramified along (S − U).

2.4.7. Recall also that a Chow motive over a field k is said to be Tate if it isisomorphic to a finite sum of motives of the form 1(i)[2i] for an integer i ∈ Z.By extension, a smooth proper k-scheme is said to be Tate if its associated Chowmotive is Tate.

Theorem 2.4.8. Let S be a regular connected scheme with etale fundamental groupπ. Let f : X → S be a smooth proper morphism whose geometric fibers are Tate.

Then there exists an isomorphisms of motives over S:

hS(X) ≃⊕



where I is a finite set, Vi is a simple Artin representation of π and ni is a non-negative integer. In other words, hS(X) is a smooth Artin-Tate motive over S ofweight 0 — see Theorem 2.3.3.

Moreover, this decomposition is a BCH-decomposition of the Chow motive hS(X)(see Def. 2), and the set

{([Vi], ni

), i ∈ I

}where [Vi] denotes the isomorphism class

in RepAQ(π) (or what amount to the same in the corresponding category of simpleetale S-covers) is uniquely determined by the property that for any prime integer ℓand any n ≥ 0:

(2.4.8.a) R2n f ′∗(Qℓ) ≃


V ′i ⊗Q Qℓ(−ni)

where f ′ and V ′i are pullback of f and Vi along the open immersion U [ℓ−1]→ U .

Proof. Let η be a geometric generic point of S. By assumption, one gets:

hη(Xη) ≃∑



According to the continuity property of DMc (see Proposition 1.0.1), there existsa dense open j : U → S and an etale cover p : V → U such that the aboveisomorphism lifts to:

hV (XV ) ≃⊕


1V (−mj)[−2mj].

In particular, hU (XV ) = p∗(hV (XV )) ≃∑

j∈J p∗(1V )(−mj)[−2mj] is a smoothArtin-Tate motive over U . As p is finite etale, the natural map

p∗ : hU (XU )→ hU (XV )

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is a split monomorphism, with splitting 1d.p∗ where p∗ is the Gysin morphism

associated with p (see e.g. [CD19, 13.7.4 and 13.7.6]). In particular, hU (XU ) is asmooth Artin-Tate motive, and it follows from Theorem 2.3.3 that there exists adecomposition:

hU (XU ) ≃⊕



where Wi is a simple Artin representation of π1(U). Given a prime ℓ, we let U ′ =U [ℓ−1], fU ′ the pullback of f over U ′,W ′

i the Artin representation of π1(U′) induced

byWi. According to Remark 2.3.4(2), and because ρℓ(hU ′(XU ′)) ≃ R fU ′∗(Qℓ), onegets:

(2.4.8.b) R2n fU ′∗(Qℓ) ≃⊕


W ′i ⊗Q Qℓ(−ni).

This is the decomposition of the locally constant sheaf R2n fU ′∗(Qℓ) into semi-simple components (beware the W ′

i might not be simple). As this sheaf admits an

extension to all S, namely R2n f ′∗(Qℓ), f

′ = f [ℓ−1], it follows that each representa-tion W ′

i is unramified along (S − U). As this is true for any prime ℓ, one deducesthat Wi is unramified along (S−U); i.e. it admits an extension Vi to S. Accordingto Example 2.4.5(2), one deduces that



is a fair Chow extension of hU (XU ). As hS(X) is obviously a Chow extension ofhU (XU ), one deduces from Theorem 2.4.4 that there exists a decomposition:

(2.4.8.c) hS(X) ≃⊕


ρ!(Vi)(−ni)[−2ni]⊕ i∗(MZ)

for some Chow motive MZ over Z. Note that Relation (2.4.8.b) implies Relation(2.4.8.a).16

It remains to prove thatMZ = 0. As the morphism p : S′ =∑

ℓ prime S[ℓ−1]→ S

is a pro-open cover, the pullback functor p∗ : DM(S) → DM(S′) is conservative(use the continuity property of DM [CD19, Th. 14.3.1] and the Zariski separationproperty as in the proof of [CD19, Prop. 4.3.9]). In particular, we can fix a primeℓ and work over S[ℓ−1]. To simplify notation, let us assume S = S[ℓ−1]. Considera point x ∈ Z, and let ix : {x} → Z be the canonical immersion. Let x be ageometric point over x. By assumption, hx(Xx) is a Tate motive. In other words,the motive i∗xhS(X) = hx(Xx) is an Artin-Tate motive over the residue field κ(x).Decomposition (2.4.8.c) gives:

hx(Xx) ≃⊕


ρ!(Vi,x)(−ni)[−2ni]⊕ i∗x(MZ)

where Vi,x denotes the pullback of Vi to x (seen as an etale sheaf). As recalledin Remark 2.3.4(2), applied over κ(x), the ℓ-adic realization of hx(Xx) determinesthe factors of the decomposition of hx(Xx) into twists of Artin motives (up toisomorphisms and permutations). Thus relation (2.4.8.a) (which we have alreadyestablished), specialized at x using the smooth base change theorem in ℓ-adic etalecohomology, implies that the set of isomorphism classes of the Vi,x describes all

16In particular, we know that ρℓ(MZ ) vanishes but this is not sufficient to conclude (as we donot know yet that the ℓ-realization is conservative).

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the possible factors of the weight 0 Artin-Tate motive hx(Xx) and this impliesi∗x(MZ) = 0. One concludes as (i∗x)x∈Z is a conservative family of functors onDMc(Z,Q) (see [CD19, 4.3.17]). �

Remark 2.4.9. Note also that we deduce from Example 2.4.5 that for any dense openimmersion j : U → S, hS(X) is a fair Chow extension of hU (XU ). In particular,hS(X) = j!∗(hU (XU ).

Example 2.4.10. Relative Severi-Brauer schemes, etale locally cellular schemes, rel-ative homogeneous varieties, smooth quadrics.

Corollary 2.4.11. Under the assumption of the previous theorem, for any integern ≥ 0, the integer:


(Rn f∗(Qℓ)


is independent of the prime ℓ invertible on S.

2.4.12. An important corollary for us is the case of smooth quadrics: following[DK73, XII, Def. 2.4], a smooth quadric over a scheme S is a smooth propermorphism f : X → S whose geometric fibers are smooth quadric hypersurfaces inthe classical sense.

Let us introduce some notations in order to state the next corollary. Assume fhas constant relative dimension n. According to .op. cit., 2.6, there exists a SeveriBrauer S-scheme P (X) which contains X as an effective Cartier divisor of degree2. If n = 2m, the center of the Clifford OS-algebra associated with the closed pair(P (X), X

)is an etale cover Z(X) over S of degree 2; op. cit., 2.7.

Then, applying Theorem 2.4.8 and [DK73, Th. 3.3] one gets:

Corollary 2.4.13. Consider the above notations. Assume that S is regular andthat there exists a prime ℓ invertible on S.

Then there exists a decomposition of Chow motives over S as follows:

hS(X) ≃

{⊕ni=0 1S(i)[2i] if n = 2m+ 1,



i=0,i6=m 1S(i)[2i] if n = 2m.

3. Recall on Wildeshaus’ motivic intermediate extension

3.1. Semi-primary categories and motivic intermediate extensions. Recallthe following definition.

Definition 3.1.1. A Q-linear category C is semi-primary if

(1) for all objects B of C, the radical

radC(B,B) := {f ∈ HomC(B,B)|∀ g ∈ HomC(B,B), idB −gf is invertible}

is nilpotent;(2) the quotient category C/ radC is semisimple.

Adopt the notations of subsection 2.1. We are now going to explain how thenotion of semi-primality leads to a definition of an intermediate extension functor,following Wildeshaus.

Let · denote any of the schemes U , S or Z, and fix C(·) full pseudo-abeliansubcategories of the categories DMc(·,Q), related by gluing. Assume that theyinherit a weight structure (automatically compatible with the gluing) from the

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restrictions of the motivic weight structure. The subscript w = 0 will mean thatwe are taking the heart of such weight structures.

Moreover, denote by C(S)uw=0 the quotient of the category C(S)w=0 by the two-sided ideal17 g generated by HomC(S)(A, i∗B) and HomC(S)(i∗B,A), with (A,B)varying on the collection of objects of C(S)w=0 × C(Z)w=0 such that A admitsno non-zero direct factor belonging to C(Z)w=0. Finally, denote by C(Z)uw=0 thequotient of the category C(Z)w=0 by the restriction of g to C(Z)w=0 (with respectto the fully faithful inclusion i∗ : C(Z)w=0 → C(S)w=0).

Theorem 3.1.2. [Wil17, Theorem 2.9]

(1) If C(Z)w=0 is semi-primary, then the functors j∗ and i∗ induce a canonicalequivalence of categories

(3.1.2.a) C(S)uw=0 ≃ C(U)w=0 × C(Z)uw=0

(2) If both C(Z)w=0 and C(U)w=0 are semi-primary, then so is C(S)w=0.

Definition 3.1.3. Suppose that C(Z)w=0 is semi-primary. The intermediate ex-tension is the fully faithful functor

j!∗ : C(U)w=0 → C(S)uw=0

corresponding to the functor (idC(U)w=0, 0) under the equivalence of categories


It follows from its very definition that the motivic intermediate extension functorj!∗ enjoys the following property ([Wil17, Summary 2.12 (b)]):

Proposition 3.1.4. Consider the notation and the assumptions of the previousdefinition. Then, any object M of C(S)w=0 is isomorphic to a direct sum j!∗MU ⊕i∗N , for an object MU of C(U)w=0 and an object N of C(Z)w=0. The object MU issuch that j∗M ≃ MU (hence unique up to unique isomorphism) and N is uniqueup to an isomorphism, which becomes unique in C(Z)uw=0.

Remark 3.1.5. It is believed that for any S, the heart CHM(S) of the motivic weightstructure on DMc(S,Q) is semi-primary (cfr. [Wil17, Conj. 3.4]). This conjectureis at the moment completely out of reach, but it would permit, by choosing as C(·)the whole of the categories DMc(·,Q), to define (up to non-unique isomorphism)the intermediate extension to S of any Chow motive on U .

3.2. Semi-primary categories of Chow motives. The aim of this section isto single out some subcategories of Chow motives which can actually be shownto be semi-primary and which will be suited for our geometric applications. Wewill adapt Wildeshaus’ methods from [Wil17], in order to show semiprimality ofsubcategories which are different18 from the ones considered in op. cit..

Fix a scheme S admitting a good stratification S, i.e. such that S may be writtenas a finite (set-theoretic) disjoint union


Sσ of locally closed subschemes such

that the closure Sσ of each stratum Sσ is a union of strata.We make the following assumption on our good stratification:

Assumption 3.2.1. For all σ ∈ S, the strata Sφ are regular, with regular closure.

17Note that in our setting, this ideal will always be contained in radC(S)w=0([Wil17, Cor. 1.5

(a)]).18See Rmk. 3.2.10 for a comment on these differences.

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Fix a stratum Sσ and consider the categories DMATsm (Sσ,Q) introduced in Defi-

nition 2.3.1. In order to define the subcategories A that we need, observe that byapplying Zariski’s main theorem, any finite etale morphism q : XSσ

→ Sσ extendsto a finite morphism q′ : X → Sσ.

Definition 3.2.2. The category of well ramified smooth Artin-Tate motives overSσ is the category DMAwrT

sm (Sσ,Q) obtained by choosing A = Awr, where Awr is thefull subcategory of direct factors of objects corresponding to finite etale morphismsq : XSσ

→ Sσ verifying the following condition (cfr. the terminology of 2.4.5 (2)):

either XSσis non-ramified along Zσ := Sσ \ Sσ,

or there exists a q′ as above, inducing XZσ≃ Zσ.

Theorem 3.2.3. (cfr. [Wil17, Thm. 4.5]) Let S be a scheme with a good stratifi-cation S satisfying Assumption 3.2.1. Then:

(1) the categories DMAwrTsm (Sσ,Q) of well ramified smooth Artin-Tate motives over

Sσ, σ ∈ S, can be glued to give a full, triangulated sub-category DMATwr (S) of

DMc(S,Q), called the category of S-constructible well ramified Artin-Tate motivesover S. This subcategory is dense.(2) Let M ∈ DMc(S,Q). Then the following conditions are equivalent.(a) M ∈ DMAT

wr (S).(b) j∗M ∈ DMAwrT

sm (Sσ,Q) for all σ ∈ S, where j denotes the immersion Sσ → S.(c) j!M ∈ DMAwrT

sm (Sσ,Q) for all σ ∈ S.In particular, the triangulated category DMAT

sm (S,Q) of smooth Artin-Tate motivesover S is contained in DMAT

wr (S).(3) The category DMAT

wr (S) is pseudo-abelian.

Proof. The proof imitates the one of [Wil17, Thm. 4.5], and proceeds by inductionon the number of strata. If there is only one stratum, all claims are trivial, exceptfor the last claim of part (1) and for part (3). Of course, it suffices to prove part (3).But in the case we are treating, the category in question is just DMAT

sm (S,Q), andit has been shown in the proof of Thm. 2.3.3 that this category has a (bounded)weight structure whose heart is pseudo-abelian. Hence (by [Bon10, Lemma 5.2.1]),the category DMAT

sm (S,Q) itself is pseudo-abelian.As for the induction step, we have that the theorem is true for the complement

Z of any open stratum U , with its stratification SZ , by the induction hypothesis.Write jU , resp. iZ , for the open, resp. locally closed immersion of U , resp. Z, inS.

In order to prove (1), we will prove that the criterion given by [Wil17, Prop.4.1. (a)] is satisfied; it says that DMAwrT

sm (U,Q) and DMATwr (SZ) can be glued if

and only if for all objects M ∈ DMAwrTsm (U,Q), i∗ZjU,∗M belongs to DMAT

wr (SZ).For this, we can suppose that the closure of U in S is the whole of S, and wetake a direct factor MU of some motive hU (XU/U), with q : XU → U finite etalesatisfying the conditions in Def. 3.2.2. We will treat only the case in which qextends to a finite morphism q′ : X → S inducing XZ ≃ Z (the other one beingeasier). Since Z is regular, by our Assumption 3.2.1), we have that X is regular,too. By proper base change and absolute purity, this implies that for any p ∈ Z,both i!ZhS(X/S)(p) and i∗ZhS(X/S)(p) belong to DMAT

wr (SZ). Now, again usingproper base change, we see that i∗ZjU,∗hU (XU/U)(p) is a cone of the canonicalmorphism i!ZhS(X/S)(p)→ i∗ZhS(X/S)(p). Hence, it belongs to DMAT

wr (SZ). But

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the latter category is dense by the induction hypothesis, so i∗ZjU,∗MU (p) belongs toit as well. This means that the functor i∗ZjU,∗ maps the generators of DMAwrT

sm (U,Q)to DMAT

wr (SZ). As a consequence, the whole of DMAwrTsm (U,Q) is mapped to the

latter category under i∗ZjU,∗, and the criterion is fulfilled.The proof of the remaining points carries over word by word from the proof of

the analogous points in [Wil17, Thm. 4.5]. �

Let us now set up a slightly different notation, in order to treat the more generalgeometric situations which we are interested in. Come back to the setting U →S ← Z of subsection 2.1 and suppose that S is equipped with a good stratificationΦ. The subcategories we are interested in will depend on the choice of a propermorphism π : S′ → S from a scheme S′ which admits a good stratification, suchthat the preimage via π of any stratum of Φ is a union of strata (i.e. π is a morphismof good stratifications). We may always suppose that U is the only open stratumof Φ (with an induced, trivial stratification denoted by the same symbol U). Theclosed complement Z inherits a good stratification ΦZ ; moreover, we have that S′

U ,resp. S′

Z , inherit good stratifications SU , resp. SZ , and that π induces morphismsof good stratifications S′

U → U , S′Z → Z.

It will be necessary to make the following assumptions on the nature of thestratifications S and Φ and of the morphism π:

Assumption 3.2.4. (cfr. [Wil17, Ass. 5.6])

(1) the good stratification S on S′ satisfies Assumption 3.2.1;(2) for all φ ∈ Φ, the strata Sφ are regular;(3) the morphism π is surjective, and for all φ ∈ Φ and σ ∈ S such that S′

σ is astratum of π−1(Sφ), the morphism πσ : S′

σ → Sφ is proper with geometrically con-nected fibres, smooth, and such that the motive h(S′

σ/Sφ) belongs to the categoryof Tate motives over Sφ.

Remark 3.2.5. Since we ask πσ to be proper and smooth, the previous assumptionactually implies that h(S′

σ/Sφ) belongs to the category of weight zero, smooth Tatemotives over Sφ.

Fix a morphism π : S′ → S of good stratifications Φ and S, satisfying Assump-tion 3.2.4.(1). For any φ ∈ Φ, we will denote by SSφ

the stratification induced byS on the pullback of Sφ via π.

Definition 3.2.6. (cfr. [Wil17, Def. 4.9]) The category DMATwr (S/Φ) is the

pseudo-abelian completion of the strict, full, Q-linear triangulated subcategory ofDMc(S,Q) generated by the images under π∗ of the objects of DMAT

wr (S).

Suppose moreover that Assumption 3.2.4.(2) is satisfied. Then, reasoning in thesame way as in the proof [Wil17, Cor. 4.11], we see:

Lemma 3.2.7. (1) The restriction of the motivic weight structure on DMc(S,Q)induces a bounded weight structure on DMAT

wr (S/Φ). For π = id, this gives abounded weight structure on DMAT

wr (S).(2) The heart of the above weight structure on DMAT

wr (S/Φ) is the pseudo-Abeliancompletion of the strict, full, Q-linear additive subcategory of DMc(S,Q) gener-ated by the images under π∗ of the objects of the heart of the weight structure onDMAT

wr (S).

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Definition 3.2.8. The heart of the weight structure on DMATwr (S/Φ) given by the

preceding Lemma is denoted by ATwr(S/Φ).

Now we can finally state the result that we want to employ.

Theorem 3.2.9. Let π : S′ → S be a proper morphism of good stratifications S,Φ satisfying Assumption 3.2.4. Then, the categories DMAT

wr (SU/U), DMATwr (S/Φ)

and DMATwr (SZ/ΦZ) are related by gluing, and the category ATwr(SZ/ΦZ) is semi-


Proof. The first claim follows from Thm. 3.2.3 and proper base change (cfr. theanalogous [Wil17, Cor. 4.10 (b)]). So, the category DMAT

wr (SZ/ΦZ) itself is obtainedby gluing. Hence, in order to prove the second claim, it is enough to prove semi-primality of ATwr(SSφ

/Sφ) for each stratum Sφ of Z and then to apply Thm.3.1.2.(2).

We first observe that by Lemma 3.2.7.(2), the category ATwr(SSφ/Sφ) is the

pseudo-Abelian completion of the strict, full, Q-linear triangulated subcategoryof DMc(Sφ) of objects, which are isomorphic to images under πσ of well-ramifiedArtin-Tate motives over S′

σ, for σ ∈ S such that S′σ is a stratum of π−1(Sφ). This

implies that, by reasoning as in [Wil17, Thm. 5.4], the claim will follow as soon aswe prove that the objects of the latter form are finite dimensional in the sense ofKimura.

Choose a couple of strata πσ : S′σ → Sφ as above and take a well-ramified finite

etale morphism q : D → S′σ. The Stein factorization of the morphism πσ ◦ q gives

rise to a commutative diagram








Sφr // Sφ

where p is proper with connected fibres and r is finite etale. Moreover, the fiberof r over each point s of Sφ is in set-theoretic bijection with the set of connectedcomponents of the fiber of πσ ◦ q over s. Thus, because of our assumption 3.2.4.(3)on the properties of πσ, the degree of r is the same as the degree of q, say equal tod. We get a diagram








Sφ ×SφS′σ







Sφr // Sφ

where q′ is finite etale of degree d, so that ι has to be finite etale of degree 1, embeds D as a connected component of Sφ ×Sφ

S′σ. Call the latter scheme D′.

Then, using proper base change and the fact that q′ and r are finite etale, we get

h(D′/Sφ) = p′∗1D′ ≃ p′∗q′∗1S′

σ≃ r∗πσ,∗1S′

σ= r∗h(S′


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Since h(S′σ/Sφ) belongs to the category of weight zero, smooth Tate motives over

Sφ (again by Assumption 3.2.4.(3) and Rem. 3.2.5), we obtain that h(D′/Sφ)

belongs to the category of weight zero, smooth Tate motives over Sφ. The motive

h(D/Sφ), being a direct factor of h(D′/Sφ), belongs to the same category as well.

Now h(D/Sφ) is isomorphic to the direct image of h(D/Sφ) under the finite etalemorphism r, and as a consequence, it is actually a weight zero, smooth Artin-Tatemotive over Sφ. As such, it is indeed finite dimensional (apply for example [Wil17,Prop. 5.8 (c)]). As the objects we were interested in are direct factors of objects ofthe form h(D/Sφ), we conclude.

Remark 3.2.10. (1) The proof of the above theorem actually uses a little less thanAssumption 3.2.4: denoting by πZ the restriction of π to Z, we only need therequirements of point (3) to be met for all φ ∈ ΦZ and σ ∈ S such that S′

σ is astratum of π−1

Z (Sφ). Admitting Assumption 3.2.4 to be verified as it is, the proofshows that in fact, the whole category ATwr(S/Φ) is semi-primary.(2) If we relax point (3) of Assumption 3.2.4 by asking that h(S′

σ/Sφ) be simplyfinite dimensional, the proof of the above theorem carries through, with the fol-lowing adjustments. First, one exploits the commutative diagram coming from theStein factorization and invokes proper base change and [Wil17, Prop. 5.8 (a)] in

order to show that h(D/Sφ) is also finite dimensional. Then, one shows that thesame holds for h(D/Sφ), by applying [Wil17, Prop. 5.8 (c)].(3) The above theorem differs in the following way from the analogous Thm. 5.4 in[Wil17]. On the one hand, in order to deal with the gluing, we are forced to be morerestrictive on the choice of possible morphisms S′ → S. In fact, we ask for regularityof the closure of the strata of S′, whereas in loc. cit., it is only asked the weakercondition that for every immersion iσ of a stratum S′

σ in the closure of a stratum,the functor i!σ send the unit object to a Tate motive. Moreover, the morphisms πσin loc. cit. can belong to a more general class than the one considered here. Onthe other hand, our stronger restrictions are necessary because, for a fixed S′ whichfulfils our requirements, the categories that we glue along the strata of S′ are moregeneral than the ones of loc. cit.

Corollary 3.2.11. (cfr. [Wil17, Cor. 5.7]) Let π : S′ → S be a proper morphism ofgood stratifications S and Φ, satisfying Assumption 3.2.4. Then, the intermediateextension functor

j!∗ : ATwr(SU/U) → ATwr(S/Φ)u

is defined (as in Def. 3.2.11).

Corollary 3.2.12. Let π : S′ → S be a proper morphism of good stratifications S

and Φ, satisfying Assumption 3.2.4. For each φ ∈ Φ, denote by jφ : Sφ → Sφ the

open immersion of a stratum in its closure, by iφ : Sφ → S the closed immersionof the closure of a stratum.

Let M be an object of the category ATwr(S/Φ). Then, there exist a subsetΦ′ ⊂ Φ, objects Nφ in ATwr(SSφ

/Sφ), φ ∈ Φ′, and a non-canonical isomorphism

M ≃⊕



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Proof. By applying Prop. 3.1.4, we know that we have an isomorphism

M ≃ j!∗MU ⊕ i∗N

with N an object of ATwr(SZ/Z). By proper base change and part (2) of Thm.3.2.3, and the fact that pullback along open immersions sends weight-zero objectsto weight-zero objects, we know that the pullback of N to any stratum Sφ whichis open in Z belongs to ATwr(SSφ

/Sφ). Thus, we can apply to it the functorjφ,!∗ (defined applying Cor. 3.2.11). The statement then follows by an iteratedapplication of Prop. 3.1.4. �

3.3. Compatibility with realizations and conservativity. . In this paragraph,we will fix a generic point Spec(k)→ S of our base S, and we will make use of the

two realization functors with target the categories Dbc(Sk,et,Qℓ) and Db

c(Sank ,Q),

obtained by composition with base change through Spec(k)→ S from the functorsρℓ, ρB introduced in the “Notations and conventions” section. Whenever we em-ploy one of these two functors, we will implicitly assume that the hypotheses on Sand ℓ are satisfied. These functors will still be denoted by the same symbols.

Let us denote any of the two families of categories Dbc(Sk,et,Qℓ) and Db

c(Sank ,Q)

by the same symbol Dbc(Sk). Both families of categories are equipped with a perverse

t-structure, whose heart (the corresponding category of perverse sheaves) will bedenoted Pervc(Sk) in both cases. We will then denote by

Hm : Dbc(Sk)→ Pervc(Sk)

the perverse cohomology functors, and by

j!∗ : Pervc(Uk)→ Pervc(Sk)

the intermediate extension of perverse sheaves ([BBD82, Df. 1.4.22]). The composi-tion of the collection of the perverse cohomology functors with one of the realizationfunctors will be called the corresponding perverse cohomological realization functor.

The following result gives the compatibility of the functor of Def. 3.2.11 (whenavailable) with the realization functors:

Theorem 3.3.1. (cfr. [Wil17, Thm. 7.2]) Let π : S′ → S be a proper morphismof good stratifications S and Φ, satisfying Assumption 3.2.4. Denote by ρ any ofthe two realization functors ρℓ or ρB. Then:

(1) for any integer m, the restriction of the composition

Hm ◦ ρ : DMc(S,Q)→ Pervc(Sk)

to ATwr(S/Φ) factors over ATwr(S/Φ)u;

(2) for any integer m, the diagram

ATwr(SU/U)j!∗ //






Pervc(Uk)j!∗ // Pervc(Sk)


Proof. The same proof of [Wil17, Thm. 7.2] applies. Indeed, the only ingredientoccurring in that proof, which has to be generalized, is op. cit., Cor. 7.13: weneed to obtain an analogous statement in our situation, i.e. we need to show that

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the radical (cfr. Def. 3.1.1) of our category ATwr(S/Φ) is mapped to zero underthe perverse cohomological realization. The proof of Thm. 3.2.9 tells us that overeach stratum Sφ of S, the category ATwr(SSφ

/Sφ) is actually contained in thecategory AT(Sφ) of weight zero, smooth Artin-Tate motives over Sφ. Then, thesame strategy of proof of op. cit., Cor. 7.13, based on op. cit., Thm. 7.12, showsthat we can obtain the desired statement as soon as we prove the following claim:for any couple of finite etale morphisms

q1 : D1 → X, q2 : D2 → X

the idealradCHM(X)(hX(D1), hX(D2))

consists of morphisms which are mapped to zero under the perverse cohomologicalrealization. Now, by the same reasoning as in the proof of loc. cit., Thm. 7.12, wemay assume that X is the spectrum of a field k. But then, hX(D1) and hX(D2) areArtin motives over k, i.e. objects of a full semisimple subcategory of CHM(X) =CHM(k). Hence, the radical in question is zero. �

We end this section by discussing the conservativity of the restriction of therealization functors to the categories DMAT

wr (S/Φ).

Theorem 3.3.2. Let π : S′ → S be a proper morphism of good stratifications S

and Φ, satisfying Assumption 3.2.4. Denote by ρ any of the two realization functorsρℓ or ρB. Then, the restriction of ρ to DMAT

wr (S/Φ),

ρ : DMATwr (S/Φ)→ Db


is conservative.

Proof. We will adopt the strategy of [Wil18, Thm. 4.3], which adapts to our set-ting and shows that conservativity of both realizations (ℓ-adic and Betti) can bededuced if the following properties hold19: (1) the weight structure on DMAT

wr (S/Φ)is bounded, (2) its heart ATwr(S/Φ) is semi-primary and pseudo-Abelian, (3) therestriction of ρ to ATwr(S/Φ) maps the radical to zero, and (4) zero is the onlyobject of ATwr(S/Φ) mapped to zero by ρ. The first two properties have beenverified before (Lemma 3.2.7 and Rmk. 3.2.10.(1)), and property (3) has been seento hold in the course of the proof of Thm. 3.3.1. With this in our hands, we canimitate step by step the proof of op. cit., Thm. 4.2 to show that property (4) is alsoverified and to conclude. In fact, to argue as in loc. cit. we only need the existenceof the intermediate extension functor defined in Cor. 3.2.11, the fact that objectsin ATwr(S/Φ) decompose as direct sums of intermediate extensions (Cor. 3.2.12),and the finite dimensional nature of the objects of the categories ATwr(SSφ

/Sφ)(proof of Thm. 3.2.9). �

19These are precisely all of the assumptions which are shown to be sufficient for conservativityin op. cit., Thm. 2.10, except for one: strictness of any morphism in the image of the perversecohomological realization, with respect to the weight filtration of the latter functor. Only theℓ-adic realization is known to satisfy this last assumption. Building on this, Thm. 4.3 of loc. cit.then shows how to obtain conservativity for the Betti realization, too.

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4. Corti-Hanamura decomposition of general quadrics

4.1. Corti-Hanamura decomposition of general quadrics. In this section wework over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic zero. Let V be a k–vectorspace of dimension n. A quadratic form Q ∈ S2V ∨ can be viewed as a symmetricmap Q : V → V ∨. Its radical is the subspace Rad(Q) = ker(Q). It is knownfrom the theory of quadratic forms that Q descends to a symmetric bilinear formQ on the quotient space V = V/Rad(Q) (cf. [Cas78, 2.6]). The corank of Q isn − r, where r = dim(Rad(Q)). The zero locus of Q defines a quadric X ⊂ P(V )which is smooth if and only if r = 0. If r > 0 its singular locus is the linearsubspace Λ = P(Rad(Q)), and X is a cone with vertex Λ over the smooth quadricX = V (Q) ⊂ P(V ) ∼= Pn−r−1

k .

Let∆k = {Q ∈ S2V ∨| dim(kerQ) ≥ k}

be the space of quadratic forms of corank ≥ k. The standard desingularization of∆k is

∆k = {(Q,F ) ∈ S2V ∨ ×G(k, V )|F ⊂ kerQ}.

For our purposes it is convenient to use a slightly different construction. We denoteby Fl(V ) = Fl(1, . . . , n− 1, V ) the variety of complete flags

F1 ⊂ ... ⊂ Fn−1 ⊂ V

where dim(Fi) = i. Define

∆k = {(Q,F•) ∈ S2V ∨ × Fl(V )|Fk ⊂ kerQ}.

The fiber of the projection map p2 : ∆k → Fl(V ) over F• is the vector space

H0(P(V ), IP(Fk)(2)). Hence ∆k is smooth. The advantage over the previous con-struction is that we have inclusions

∆k+1 ⊂ ∆k ⊂ Fl(V )

for all k.

We now discuss the analogue of these constructions in the relative case. Let Sbe a quasi–projective scheme over k. Let E be a rank n vector bundle over S, andlet L be a line bundle over S. A quadratic form on E with values in L is a globalsection q ∈ H0(S, S2E∨ ⊗ L), or equivalently a symmetric homomorphism

q : E → E∨ ⊗ L.

Let ρ : P(E)→ S be the associated projective bundle with tautological line bundleξE = OP(E)(1). Using the isomorphism

H0(S, S2E∨ ⊗ L) ∼= H0(P(E), ξ2E ⊗ ρ∗L)

we can identify q with a global section (still denoted by q) of ξ2E ⊗ ρ∗L. Theassociated quadric bundle is X = V (q) ⊂ P(E). The fiber of f : X → S over s ∈ Sis the zero locus of q(s) ∈ S2E∨

s ⊗ Ls.

We write

∆i(q) = {s ∈ S| corank q(s) ≥ i}, Ui = ∆i(q) \∆i+1(q).

The restriction of q to Ui defines a homomorphism of vector bundles

qi : Ei → E∨i ⊗ Li

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whose kernel Fi = ker(qi) is a subbundle of Ei of rank i. As before, the quadraticform qi descends to a quadratic form qi on the quotient Ei = Ei/Fi. Geometricallythis means that the subscheme Xi = f−1(Ui) is a relative cone over X i = V (qi) ⊂P(Ei) with vertex P(Fi) i.e., for every s ∈ Ui the quadric Xs = f−1(s) is a conewith vertex P(Fi,s) over Xs ⊂ P(Ei,s).

Let Fl(E) be the bundle of complete flags in E with projection map π : Fl(E)→S. The vector bundle π∗E has a flag of universal subbundles Si of rank i, i =1, . . . , n− 1. The composition of

π∗q : π∗E → π∗E∨ ⊗ π∗L

and the inclusion λi : Si → π∗E defines

qi = π∗(q) ◦ λi : Si → π∗E∨ ⊗ π∗L.

Define∆i(q) = V (qi) ⊂ Fl(E).

Proposition 4.1.1. If E∨ ⊗ E∨ ⊗ L is generated by global sections and q ∈H0(X,S2E∨ ⊗ L) is general, then

(1) ∆i(q) is empty or has the expected codimension(i+12

)and Sing(∆i(q)) =


(2) ∆i(q) is smooth.

Proof. Note that if E∨ ⊗E∨ ⊗ L is generated by global sections, then the bundlesS2E∨⊗L, π∗(E∨ ⊗E∨ ⊗L) and S∨

i ⊗ π∗E∨ ⊗ π∗L are globally generated. Part 1

is proved by adapting the argument of [B91, 4.1] to the symmetric case; cf. [Ott95,2.17]. Part 2 follows from Bertini’s theorem. �

Definition 4.1.2. We say that X → S is a regular quadric bundle if it satisfies theconditions of the Proposition 4.1.1.

A quadric bundle f : X → S admits a natural stratification by corank. WriteUi = ∆i(q) \ ∆i+1(q), Xi = f−1(Ui). As the stratification Φ = {Ui}i∈I doesnot verify Assumption 1, we have to pass to a suitable base change and verifyAssumption 2. Define S′ = Fl(E) and consider the stratification U ′ given by

U ′i = ∆i(q) \ ∆i+1(q). Write X ′ = X ×S S

′ and X ′i = Xi ×Ui

U ′i .

Lemma 4.1.3. Let X → S be a regular quadric bundle. Then the stratificationS = {U ′

i}i∈I satisfies Assumption 3.2.4.

Proof. Proposition 4.1.1 implies that the stratification S satisfies conditions (1)

and (2) of Assumption 3.2.4. The definition of ∆i(q) shows that the fiber of πi :

∆i(q)→ ∆i(q) over s ∈ ∆i(q) is

{(W•) ∈ Fl(Es)|Wi ⊂ ker q(s)}.

If s ∈ Ui then ker(q(s)) has dimension i, hence the fiber of the induced map U ′i → Ui

over s ∈ Ui is

{(W•) ∈ Fl(Es)|Wi = ker(q(s)} ∼= Fl(ker(q(s)) × Fl(i+ 1, . . . , n, Es).

Over Ui we have an injective homomorphism of flag bundles

Fl(Fi)× Fl(i+ 1, . . . , n;Ei)→ Fl(Ei)

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whose image is U ′i . Hence U

′i → Ui is a relative homogeneous space and hUi

(U ′i) is

a relative Tate motive. This implies that the stratification S also satisfies condition(3) of Assumption 3.2.4. �

Theorem 4.1.4. Let X → S be a regular quadric bundle. Then hS(X) ∈ ATwr(S/Φ).

Proof. We consider the stratifications Φ and S introduced above and write Xi =f−1(Ui), X

′i = Xi ×Ui

U ′i . As we have seen before, Xi is a relative cone over

Xi with vertex P(Fi). The complement Vi = Xi \ P(Fi) is a locally trivial fiberbundle over X i with affine fibers. 20 A similar result holds after base change viaπi : U

′i → Ui: X

′i contains the projective bundle P(F

′i ), where F

′i = π∗

i (Fi), and the

projection of the complement V ′i = X ′

i \ P(F′i ) to U ′

i factors as V ′i

ρi−→ X


σi−→ U ′i

where ρi is a locally trivial fiber bundle with affine fibers and σi is a smooth quadric

bundle. Hence hcU ′

i(V ′

i )∼= hU ′


i)(−i)[−2i]. As we have seen in Corollary 2.4.13,

the motive hU ′


i) is either a relative Tate motive or a relative Artin-Tate motive

associated to a double etale covering Z(X′

i)→ U ′i . The latter case arises if n− i is

even, say n− i = 2m. In this case the double covering Z(X′

i)→ U ′i comes from the

Stein factorisation of the relative Fano scheme of m–planes Fm(X′

i/U′i)→ U ′

i . This

map is ramified over the boundary ∆i+1(q) since the quadrics over the boundarybecome singular, and it is known that the Fano scheme Fm(Q) of a singular quadric

Q of dimension 2m is connected [Ter88, Prop. 4.1.2]. Hence Z(X′

i) → U ′i is well–

ramified. Since hU ′

i(P(F ′

i )) is a relative Tate motive, the localisation triangle

hcU ′

i(V ′

i )→ hU ′

i(X ′

i)→ hU ′

i(P(F ′

i ))→ hcU ′

i(V ′

i )[1]

then shows that hU ′

i(X ′

i) ∈ DMAwrTsm (U ′

i ,Q) for all i. As the map hU ′

i(P(F ′

i )) →

hcU ′

i(V ′

i )[1] is zero for weight reasons, it follows that hU ′

i(X ′

i) has weight zero. Hence

hS′(X ′) ∈ DMATwr (S) thanks to part (2) of Thm. 3.2.3 and has weight zero by the

gluing property of motivic weights.

As S′ = Fl(E)π−→ S is a relative homogeneous space we have

π∗1S′∼= 1S ⊕ (



By the projection formula we obtain

π∗hS′(X ′) = π∗π∗hS(X) ∼= hS(X)⊕ (



Hence hS(X) ∈ DMATwr (S/Φ). Since proper morphisms respect weights and hS′(X ′)

is of weight zero, π∗hS′(X ′) is of weight zero, as well as any of its direct factors.So hS(X) ∈ ATwr(S/Φ). �

Corollary 4.1.5. A regular quadric bundle X → S admits a CH-decomposition(see Def. 1).

20In fact, if πi : P(Ei) → Ui is the projection map and if one chooses local trivialisations

Fi|U ∼= W ⊗OU , Ei|U ∼= V ⊗OU over an open subset U ⊂ Ui then Vi ∩π−1i (U) is the total space

of the vector bundle OU (−1) ⊕W ⊗OU ; cf. [EH16, 9.3.2]

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Proof. By Corollary 3.2.12 every object M of the category ATwr(S/Φ) admits adecomposition

M ≃⊕



withNφ in ATwr(SSφ/Sφ). The proof of Theorem 3.2.9 shows thatNφ ∈ DMAT

sm (Sφ,Q).Using Theorem 2.3.3 we obtain a decomposition

Nφ ≃⊕



with Vi,φ a simple Artin representation of π1(Sφ). Taking M = hS(X) we get

hS(X) ≃⊕



which is a decomposition of hS(X) into simple objects of weight zero. Applyingthe realisation functor ρB and using Thm. 3.3.1, we obtain a decomposition ofRf∗QX into a sum of simple objects in Db

c(S,Q). The decomposition theorem ofBeilinson-Bernstein-Deligne gives isomorphisms

Rf∗QX ≃⊕


pRkf∗QX [−k] ≃⊕



where Lk,λ is a local system on Sλ. Since the simple objects appearing in thisdecomposition are unique, we conclude that they are realisations of Chow motives.Hence X → S admits a Corti-Hanamura decomposition. �

Remark 4.1.6. Our proof gives a more precise statement: hS(X) is a direct sum ofmotivic intermediate extensions of Artin-Tate motives of degree at most 2, henceRf∗QX decomposes as a sum of intersection complexes of local systems whosemonodromy is either trivial or Z/2Z. This has been observed in the example ofregular conic bundles over a surface [NS09]. In this case

Rf∗QX ≃ QS ⊕QS[−2]⊕ i∗L[−1]

where L is a local system on the smooth discriminant curve ∆ ⊂ S. The underlyingmotivic decomposition is

hS(X) ≃ 1S ⊕ 1S(−1)[−2]⊕ Prym(∆/∆)(−1)[−2]

where Prym(∆/∆) is the Prym motive, an Artin-Tate motive of degree 2.


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M. Cavicchi, IMB (UMR5584), CNRS, UniversitBourgogne-Franche-Comte; 9 avenue AlainSavary 21000 Dijon Cedex; France E-mail address: [email protected]

F. Deglise, CNRS, IMB (UMR5584), UniversitBourgogne-Franche-Comte; 9 avenue AlainSavary 21000 Dijon Cedex; France E-mail address: [email protected]

J. Nagel, IMB (UMR5584), CNRS, Universite Bourgogne-Franche-Comte; 9 avenue AlainSavary 21000 Dijon Cedex; France E-mail address: [email protected]

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