
Mother Mary,

Our Lady of Guadalupe,


Holy Mother, Queen of Heaven,

Star of the Sea, Precious Pearl




1 My Life 1

2 Our Divine Mother Appears 4

3 The Book of Revelation 6

4 Sacred Messages 11

5 History of the Divine Feminine 13

6 Present Day Revelations 15

7 Personal Suffering 18

8 Phoenix Rising 19

9 The Folly of War 24

10 Divine Plan 29

11 Religious Unity 30

12 Twilight 31

13 The Way Out 32

14 Holy Words 34

15 Paradise 36

16 Behold Mary 37

17 We Are Precious 38

18 Serve Others 39

Introduction You may be wondering who I am to say that Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, has been appearing to me for many years now, confirming her presence through daily experiences, and encouraging me to speak her messages, as well as writing this book about humanity�s current situation. I often wonder the same thing. For I am a human being, like you, doing the best I can in the world to enjoy life, make a living, and pursue my various interests. I have accomplished a lot in my life, had many wonderful and fulfilling experiences, and had the good fortune to spend quality time with loved ones. I also have suffered deeply and struggled with life challenges and difficulties. I think this is part of being human. There are many other people, especially spiritual teachers, that I consider more realized and evolved than myself. Some, I have personally met and been deeply touched by their presence, wisdom, and the transmission of their teachings. Others, I have read their books to learn and absorb their wisdom, and hear about their personal experiences of the Divine. This nourishes my soul, confirms my knowledge and personal experiences of the Divine, and gives me hope that it is possible to have deeper experiences of the Divine. I would rather they lead the way, continuing to spread their love and wisdom, as I have been content with following and doing my best to integrate their teachings into daily life. I grew up as a sensitive soul and would look around our world and see so much suffering that I wanted to know if God really existed, and if so, could relieve the worlds suffering. My longing to experience God made me open and receptive to the appearance of Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe. She came into my conscious awareness and revealed many things about life and our world�s current situation. With appreciation and humility, I recorded her messages, and, for the most part, kept them to myself. I value my privacy. To the best of my ability, I live my life, guided by and in accordance to her messages, yet often wonder if they should be shared with others. Would they be well received? I didn�t think people would believe me and so my saying that I have some messages from Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, would not make a positive difference in their lives. I have been uneasy about sharing them with more people for fear of being rejected, ridiculed, or criticized. Also, Mary indicated that the current destructive human patterns would have to run their course for awhile, until personal suffering gets to a point that people are willing to change their behavior. Now I feel impelled to speak out. I recognize that my overall health and well being is interconnected to the overall health and well being of our earth, our species, and other species. I feel that her messages can bring comfort to those of you who are suffering and provide a way out of our deteriorating world situation. Mary�s eternal message is of our Divine Nature and our potential to know and live from it. She wants humans to celebrate being alive, take care of one another, and together enjoy the abundant manifestations of our Divine Nature. Most importantly, I am writing this book as a history of my life to leave to my darling children and family as a legacy of our shared historical heritage.

Chapter One 1

My Life Since I was young I have always wanted to know what life was about and even though I grew up with loving parents and siblings I often felt alone. As I grew older I continued to wonder if there was more meaning to life other than just going to school, doing fun activities with my family and friends, working in the world, raising a family, and eventually passing on. I was raised in the Episcopalian religion. I was taught good moral values and their beliefs about God, Mary and Jesus. I learned about the possibility of there being a God, Mary, and Jesus yet because these were only beliefs and I had not personally experienced them I didn�t truly know if they really existed. My parents, the church priests, and school teachers couldn�t answer the fundamental questions that I had about the reality of God and if my life had more meaning than a short existence of 70-80 years on this planet. I wanted to know the who, where, when, why, to what extent, and under what conditions God existed and, if so, what was my relationship to God and all life on this planet. I had a generally happy childhood. I loved being with my family, doing fun activities in nature, playing with my friends, and going to school. Yet there were numerous incidences where I personally suffered physical, emotional or mental hurt by others. When I was in 3rd grade, walking home from school with a few friends, another boy, whom I didn�t know very well, wanted to fight. I didn�t want to fight him as I was happy being with my friends. I told him this but before I knew it he grabbed me and slammed my head onto a hard rock on the ground. I was physically hurt and emotionally embarrassed. I walked home by myself dazed and crying. Fortunately, my mother was there to hold and comfort me. I didn�t understand why another boy, who didn�t even know me, wanted to hurt me. In 7th grade I went to an all boys preparatory school. I hadn�t received their advanced academic teaching so when I was asked to give the correct answer in English or Science class and didn�t know it I had to stand with my nose to the blackboard and endure a firing squad where other boys threw erasers and chalk at me. This was my punishment. Again, I was hurt and didn�t understand why the teachers and students were being so mean to me. The first noble truth of the Buddha is that life of the unawakened human soul is suffering. It was my personal suffering and loneliness, while growing up, that fueled my desire to know if there was more to life than what I had been taught or sometimes experienced at the hands of another. I hoped that if I personally experienced a God that was good, that loved me, that cared for me, I wouldn�t feel sad and alone and my wounded heart would be soothed, comforted and healed.

2 While growing up, I also had many life experiences that our society would call unusual or illusionary that made me wonder if there was not more to perceiving and understanding reality than what I was traditionally taught. When I was 7 years old, while lying in bed getting ready to go to sleep at our family vacation cottage, two men suddenly appeared in my bedroom. Their heads were shaved and they wore orange saffron robes. They stood looking at me and didn�t say anything. I was initially afraid and ran to get my parents. When they did not see them I was told I must have been dreaming, yet I could clearly see them. My parents went back to bed and the men remained in my room. As I began to fall asleep I felt as if I was being sucked down into a whirlpool. I felt disoriented and scared and immediately woke up. The men were gone. When I was in my 30�s they appeared again in a dream as Buddhist monks and directed healing energy into me. As a teenager I would spend time in nature lying on the ground looking up at the sky. The clouds would begin to move with my breath and thoughts and I could feel energy flowing from the sky through my hands and arms into my heart and back. I felt a sense of interconnectedness with the earth and part of the universal God force. I didn�t feel alone anymore. I was beginning to wake up. In my late 30�s I began to have spontaneous altered state experiences with Dolphins and Whales. They came to me through synchronistic interactions with other people, through telepathy, through our TV and newspaper media, during my dreams, and physically appearing in my home. Their main message is that when humans wake up to our Divine True Nature, which is what interconnects life, then we will take care of each other, the earth and other species. In April of 2001 Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, began appearing to me daily in the most extraordinary ways. These experiences were spontaneous, not pre-meditated, and occurred at her choosing. Over time she communicated to me, and confirmed my own intuition, that our generation is now experiencing the apocalypse written about in The Book of Revelation of Saint John the Divine in The Holy Bible. Nations are at war with one another. People are suffering and dying from disease, plagues, and famine. There have been major floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, fires & drought. And our financial markets are collapsing. Mary�s main message is that it is still possible, though time is running out, for humans and all the remaining species to experience the happy ending spoken about in The Book of Revelation where we live peacefully, joyfully, and lovingly with one another, other species, and our earth. God is not going to come down from heaven to end the apocalypse and bring us to paradise because, as the children of God, it is up to us to take personal responsibility to make this happen. This will occur when the majority of humans know the Divine exists, that all life on Earth is a manifestation and expression of the Divine,

3 as is Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and that we are all inter- connected. Then we will live and act in a way that respects and cares for all life as we enjoy God�s gift to humanity- the experience of paradise on earth. I spend my time working and with family, friends and spiritual companions. I am focused on deepening my connection to the Divine, pursuing my interests, and developing my potential. I have not been interested in trying to convince anyone of the truth of my Marion experiences, as I know how difficult it is to change people�s beliefs. It usually takes a direct personal experience for change to occur, which is what happened with me. My heart has been fulfilled and comforted by the truth of Mary�s presence and messages. Until now I have shared my Mary experiences only with close personal friends, family, and spiritual companions that might understand and benefit from this knowledge. I have been writing this book as a memoir- an autobiographical testament of my Mother Mary experiences to be passed on to my family lineage. The English dictionary defines prophecy as a prediction of things to come. As Mary�s prophecies have been coming true I want to share them with you because our human species, many other species, and our earth are in deep distress. This book is also an outlet for me to express my own distress at seeing the suffering that we are causing each other and our environment and to suggest solutions to our current perilous world situation. My hope is that you will be open to hearing what Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, has to say and that you will take in and contemplate her messages to see if they make sense. For those of you that believe in or have already experienced the truth of Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, may her messages comfort and support you in your life. For those of you that have differing beliefs, may there be a common thread in her words of wisdom that touches your heart, and in time may you have your own personal experience of the Divine in whatever form it takes. Perhaps then we will all begin acting in ways that honors and supports life. In the Book of Genesis Chapter 1:26, God speaks about this by saying, �Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth.� This expresses the basic truth that men and women are living expressions of God. And the word �dominion� means to take care of, not to dominate over. This is what I am sharing with you now, a true story about my personal experiences with Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, how she communicated to me, the messages that she shared with me, and how dearly she wants her children to wake up.

Chapter Two 4 Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Appears On April 3, 2001 I had a dream that Pope John Paul 2 was kidnapped. When I woke up I found out the Pope was fine and would soon be travelling to Damascus, Syria as he was following the fourth journey of Saint Paul. Within a few days Mother Mary appeared and began communicating to me through intuition, the spoken and written word of various people that I knew or met, and the media, that my dream referred back to Saint John and Saint Paul of the New Testament. During this next year world events were going to chronologically follow the end of the New Testament taking us into The Book of Revelation of Saint John the Divine. Eastern and Western mystical teachings say that all is God, including humans. If one knows that everything is a manifestation of God, then humans could be called the �Mouth of God� and Divine messages from God could be spoken and communicated in the human language. Most people are accustomed to linking the significance of the spoken or written word with the actual event that occurred. When a message is communicated, the meaning of the message is attached to the content of the message. This is true and is a literal way of interpreting the message. The messages I received from Mother Mary were not only about the literal occurrence of the specific events of each day, but more importantly had an overall figurative and symbolic meaning relating to the Apocalypse prophesized in the Book of Revelation of Saint John the Divine. She communicated to me that humans are right now, in this time of our history, acting out the prophetic visions written about in the Book of Revelation of Saint John the Divine. The Book of Revelation begins with the appearance of the Christ light; then there is a time where the Devil reigns, and then the Christ light returns. During the time of the Devil the holy Angels open seven seals and seven vials, which unleash all sorts of plagues and cataclysmic earth events that cause terrible human suffering. This is what is now occurring in our world. We are experiencing the depths of human suffering foretold in the Book of Revelation of Saint John the Divine. Traditional Christian teachings believe that what happens in The Book of Revelation are acts of a God that sits in a distant heaven, punishing humans for having strayed from living a spiritually moral and virtuous life. Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, reveals the truth that we are the manifestation of God/Goddess in human form and it is our harmful actions that are creating these events. When we recognize our Angelic

5 God/Goddess nature then we will throw the Devil, our unawakened instinctual ego consciousness, into the bottomless pit to live as a servant to our Christ light. There is a common saying that it is darkest before the light. Mary�s message is that the Christ light will reappear again as humans wake up to the knowledge that God is not going to save our souls but rather, we, as expressions of God/Goddess, are the ones that are going to save our souls. We are the manifestation of God and Goddess in the world. We are the actors in this apocalyptic drama as God/ Goddess continually giving birth to God/Goddess as our children. So it is up to us to take beneficial loving kindness healing actions to bring humanity out of the dark night of the human soul. Mother Mary also said that personal suffering opens our hearts to be compassionate and caring towards ourselves and one another. When the World Trade Center was attacked on 9/11/01 over 3,000 people lost their lives and their families and friends. The world, in general, experienced deep personal suffering and sadness. The first reaction to these attacks was the hurt experienced by all of these people, which brought forth a great outpouring of compassion and unconditional love from the entire world. The second reaction was fear that it may happen again, which led to a suit of protective armor providing a shield from another potential attack. The third emotive response was anger, the desire for revenge and the need to retaliate � an eye for an eye. Mary said that if America had stayed with the hurt, pain and suffering worldwide reconciliation and peace was possible because a wounded heart evokes caring, compassion and loving kindness from others. Within a few days the United States general public and news media focused on revenge and retaliation, which blocked any potential for peace or reconciliation. Mary wants humanity to know that contrary to popular belief, humans are not 2 million years old. We are 12 billion years old - as old as the universe. It has taken all of creation to bring us to this point in our collective evolution. Humans, other species and the natural world are, in this moment of time, the magnificent display of and fruition of God�s Divine plan, which is to manifest his/her glory as the abundance and variety of life on our planet. We are to be the caretakers and guardians of all life on this planet.

Chapter Three 6 The Opening of the Book of Revelation of Saint John the Divine What follows is a chronological and historical timetable of world events from April 2001 to June 2002. I describe how Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, communicated to me, and record her foretelling of this current apocalyptic time. Apocalypse comes from the Greek word �Apokalypsis� which means �lifting of the veil�. It also means �prophetic revelation.� Humanity is now fulfilling the prophecies of the Book of Revelation of Saint John the Divine from the New Testament of the Holy Bible. 4/03/01 I have a dream that Pope John Paul 2 is kidnapped. I wonder what the significance of the dream is and am concerned for the Pope�s safety. 4/08/01 Mother Mary appears and tells me to pay attention to the travels of the Pope. She reveals to me that humanity, through our current events, is literally and symbolically repeating the end of the New Testament, Acts of the Apostles through Saint Jude and going into the Book of Revelation of Saint John The Divine. The events, which will shortly occur in the United States, are chronologically following the chapters in the Bible. 4/19/01 I begin to meet many women with the name Mary or derivatives thereof. I understand that they are expressions of Mother Mary�s presence and consciousness. They embody the nurturing mother energy of love, caring, and compassion. 4/28/01 I attend a Conscious Environmental Conference and meet many men and women with names that are derivatives of Christ. I recognize that they are expressions of the Christ consciousness that is in all people. I feel a sense of brilliancy, clarity, love, and unity and see the face of God in all things. 5/01/01 May Day. I wake up feeling the suffering of Dolphins & Whales caused by the Navy�s use of Low Frequency Active Sonar, which evokes my own personal suffering. At Starbucks, while waiting for coffee, I read the science section of the New York Times. The heading of the main article is, �Brainy Dolphins Pass the Human Mirror Test.� It says Dolphins are self aware, whereas it was previously believed that humans were the only species that were self aware. That evening I attend a talk by a former environmental advisor to President Bush. After his talk I ask him if he or President Bush have asked the Caribou that live in the Arctic National Wildlife Preserve how they feel about America�s plan to drill in their homeland and also tell him that the Navy�s use of LFAS is harming dolphins and whales. The audience applauds then he mumbles an incoherent response.

7 5/04/01 Pope John Paul 2 visits Damascus, Syria. He is retracing the fourth and last journey of Saint Paul. Over the last ten years the Pope has retraced the first three journeys of Saint Paul. In the Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 9, it is on the road to Damascus that Saul meets Christ, undergoes a conversion, and becomes Paul. This is symbolic of the potential for all humans, no matter how much harm they have caused others, to realize their own Christ Consciousness. 5/06/01 Pope John Paul 2 visits the island of Malta. In Acts Chapters 27 & 28 Saint Paul is taken prisoner by the Romans and transported by ship to Rome. On the way he becomes shipwrecked on the island of Malta. I understand that this is the literal experience that my dream was symbolically about. Being a prisoner is the same as being kidnapped. Also, in Ephesians Chapters 3 & 4 Saint Paul says that he is a prisoner of Christ � meaning that he cannot help but follow Christ as he is enveloped by the light of the Christ Consciousness. 5/07/01 I open my mailbox and printed in bold lettering on the top letter are the words �Last chance to help mother.� I walk into my home, turn on the TV, and Mother Angela on EWTN says, �Now this is the last chance you have to help us.� 5/08/01 Mary reveals that Pope John Paul 2 name refers to Saint John, Jesus disciple who wrote the Book of Revelation, and Saint Paul, an apostle who wrote in Acts of the Apostles, of the New Testament. I wonder if this is a real and not an illusionary experience. I randomly open the Holy Bible to Acts Chapter 2:17 and read, �And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.� The show �Mary�s House� is on TV. It is about her home in Ephesus, Turkey where she spent the last days of her mortal life after Christ was crucified. I remember visiting her church in Ephesus when I was 19 years old. 6/01/01 I attend the Kinship with All Life Conference. I meet Gretchen Wyler, president of the Ark Trust. They sponsor the Genesis awards. I read the Book of Genesis Chapter One and understand that the word �Dominion� does not mean to dominate but to take care of. Jane Goodhall gives a presentation and says that the Chimpanzees that live in the Congo basin may be extinct in 10 years because they are being hunted for food to feed the thousands of loggers that live in the logging camps. 6/07/01 - 6/10/01 The Professional Golf Association tournament is being played at the Saint Jude Country Club. The General Epistle of Saint Jude is the last chapter before The Book of Revelation of Saint John The Divine. 6/09/01 The Colorado Avalanche beat the New Jersey Devils in 7 games. These playoff games are symbolic of the events that occur in The Book of Revelation between Christ and the Devil. The Avalanche won the first two games, the Devils won the next three games, and Avalanche won the final two games victoriously clinching the Stanley Cup.

8 This is the second time that Colorado has won the Stanley Cup. The Colorado win is symbolic of the victory of the Christ Consciousness over the Devil consciousness. The word, Devil, means to not have lived and to be dead to the spirit of life. Evil means to not honor life and to cause harm. 6/11/01 Timothy McVeigh is executed. Even though he died by electrocution he was in a sense crucified by the American public for his terrible deeds. Christ was crucified for saying that he was the son of God and what were deemed his incorrect teachings. 8/01/01 I intuitively know that the 7th seal in The Book of Revelation Chapter 8:1 is opened, � And when he had opened the seventh seal there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.� This equates to the month of August and corresponds to President Bush�s vacation at his ranch. 8/15/01 Mother Mary�s Assumption 9/10/01 While sitting on my front porch in the early evening seven angels appear around the feeder in the form of 7 hummingbirds. Then another angel appears as the Majestic hummingbird, which usually isn�t seen around here and is a resplendent purple color and 5 times larger than the ruby throated hummingbirds. Revelation Chapter 8:2-7, �And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets. And another angel came and stood at the altar�� The noise of the hummingbirds beating wings sounds like the prayers of the saints. 9/11/01 World Trade Center and Pentagon are attacked. The collapse of the twin towers is symbolic of a worldwide economic collapse soon to come. Mother Mary tells me that humanity needs to embody Christ�s Sermon on the Mount (Saint Luke Chapter 6:20-49) or human suffering will increase tenfold. In Saint Luke Chapter 6:27&28 Jesus says, �But I say unto you which hear, love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you�. 9/12/01 Newspaper front page headline: �Apocalypse�. Apocalypse means �Prophetic Revelation.� Mary Thompson, Mary Shivano, and Maria Bartiroma speak on TV saying that the towers collapse was like the gates of hell opening up. 9/14/01 A memorial service for those who died is held at Saint Paul�s Cathedral in N.Y. 9/16/01 Hurricane Gabriella hits Florida (Archangel Gabriel was the angel that appeared before Mary announcing the conception of Christ and was also the angel that the prophet Mohammed received his visions from), tropical storm Mari (Mother Mary) hits Taiwan, and hurricane Francisco (Saint Francis) is in the Atlantic. I receive the message that in

9 2002 the wind will be fully beneath the Angels wings and there will be many more years of earth cleansing, pain, and human suffering. 9/18/01 Senator John McCain says, �God may show the terrorist mercy but we will not.� 9/21/01 The movie � Megiddo� opens at theaters. This is a movie about the story of Cain & Abel and also refers to the battleground where the last battle between good and evil is fought. Recently made movies that are signs of the current apocalypse - � The Seventh Seal�, �End of Days�, �Apocalypse Now� & �Atlantis�. Coincidentally the movie �Collateral Damage� was due to be released but postponed. It is about a terrorist attack. 9/23/01 Newspaper headlines: Saint Mary is in a great rush; A war like no other; A deal with the devil; Gold & silver lie buried beneath the rubble (a sign to invest in gold). 9/25/01 N.Y. Times article talks about a region in N.W. China that has over the last 3 years suffered drought, earthquakes, blizzards, and plagues- comparable to the 10 plagues of ancient Egypt. This is the beginning of the plagues to come in the Book of Revelation. 10/15/01 Bethlehem Steel files for bankruptcy. 10/19/01 Israel sends tanks into the town of Bethlehem. 10/17/01 Newspaper headlines: �Double-edged and cutting both ways� which refers to Revelation Chapter 1:16, - �And out of his mouth went a two edged sword.� 10/18/01 Newspaper headlines: �From chaos comes order�, and �Hail Mary remembered�, and �Enemy may become a friend�. 11/10/01 I watch the movie �Instinct� which was based on the book �Ishmael�. It begins with a woman claiming that the Pope has been kidnapped (this relates to my dream) and the psychologist saying that she is delusional. This is what I sometimes have thought about my revelatory experiences, although I know they are real. Ishmael is one of my favorite books because a Gorilla enlightens humans. 12/01/01 The movie �Enter The Dragon� is on TV. Franklin mint is selling dragon power collectors double-edged swords. In Revelation Chapter 12:3 the dragon appears. 12/04/01 CNBC news headlines: �Ripe for the picking� refers to Rev. Chapter 14:14-20. The harvest of the earth is ripe.

10 12/08/01 Newspaper headline: �History is repeating itself.� George Harrison�s song, �My Sweet Lord�, is being re-released. 02/15/02 On TV there is a quote from Revelation 16:14 referring to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. 03/15/01 A statue of the Virgin Mary, at the Holy Family Orphanage in Bethlehem, was hit by a shell fired from an Israeli tank. This is symbolic of Mary�s suffering. 04/02/02 Newspaper headlines: �Beginning of the end.� 04/08/02 The movie �Panic Room� opens and is # 1 at the box offices. This is symbolic of the world panic to come. 5/01/02 In the newspaper is a picture of the Cone Nebula with the caption, �Emerging from the cone nebula is a beast raising its head from a crimson sea.� 5/11/02 Earthweek news: Massive flooding in Kenya, Virginia, and Nepal; wildfires in Colorado, Vietnam and New Mexico; earthquakes in Russia, Japan and Taiwan, Iran and Turkey; severe sandstorms in north west China; tornadoes in the United States. 5/22/02 I buy flowers at a greenhouse. The cost is $6.66. The checkout woman says, �Now that is a number I haven�t seen in a long time.� In the Book of Revelation Chapter 13:18 the number 666 is the number of the beast. 6/23/02 Time magazines featured article this week is entitled, �Apocalypse Now.�

Chapter Four 11 Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Personal Messages I am alive. Yes, my spirit is alive because it is eternal even though my physical body perished 2000 years ago. Many of you have had and continue to have contact with me and I want to share some messages with you today. You are spiritual beings because God exists in all of you. You have both an angelic and animal nature. Your angelic nature recognizes its unity with God and all beings and therefore takes care of one another. Your instinctual animal nature is self-centered, selfish, aggressive, domineering and uncaring about others. You are on a journey of knowing your angelic nature and integrating your instinctual animal nature with your higher angelic consciousness. As you know your own personal preciousness then you will treat each other with loving kindness because you recognize all people are precious. There are no evil doers, only people who are causing harm to others because they are living from their instinctual animal nature rather than their Divine Angelic nature. They are ignorant, usually harming others or seeking revenge to cover up their own pain. You will only resolve your differences when you know from the Angelic perspective that you are not separate from one another because the unifying force of love, an aspect of God, exists in all things. The most important thing that you can do to bring peace to your planet is to teach your children and grandchildren about the unity of all life because, while they are young, they are impressionable souls. As adults, your habitual beliefs and conditioned life patterns make it more difficult for you to change your ways. You are wasting your precious time on this Earth and causing so much unnecessary suffering by being at war with one another and causing harm to each other and your environment. Being at war is really about trying to inflict the same pain that you are feeling upon another. There is no need anymore to be at war with one another. All you are doing is causing more suffering to your enemies, their families, yourself, and your loved ones. Ask your enemies why they want to hurt you and how you can resolve your differences to coexist peacefully with each other. Embrace your enemies and care for their wounds as you are really one human family of Divine beings. Your life, this beautiful planet, and all it�s magnificent species are a gift from your God/Goddess nature for you to enjoy and share with each other. I know that you love, adore, worship, and pray to me during difficult times and I am always available to comfort you. I am the mother of creation that gently cares for and nurtures all life forms. And I am the Divine feminine energy that exists in you as well.

12 I am your universal mother and you are my darling children. My heart grieves to see you in such inner and outer turmoil and feeling such deep pain. Can you afford to wait any longer for your pain to go away? How much more suffering do you want to endure? Your hearts are bleeding deep red blood of sorrow, hurt, and loss from your own personal wounds. You are in such despair and hopelessness that you often want to give up. You may even wonder at times if death isn�t a way out of your misery. Your mind isn�t clear and you are feeling frustrated and confused. You feel lonely and separate from others. You want to belong to a loving community that shares common values. The solution is to love yourself and others as yourself as you are all a manifestation of the Divine. My son, Jesus Christ, is an example that it is possible for you to experience your own personal Divine True Nature. He was a manifestation of the Divine in human flesh as are you. He is here now as an expression of the Christ Consciousness in all humans. You give away your Divine inheritance of knowing that you are God�s sons and daughters by believing that only Jesus Christ was the Son of God or that Mohammed was one of only a few people capable of experiencing his connection to God. You are on this earth to know and express your Divine True Nature. God�s greatest gift to humans is life and the ability to know and share with each other one�s Divine True Nature. Your earth is alive, knows what is occurring, and is taking whatever steps are necessary to restore her health. Many humans are well aware of the dramatic increase in the number and intensity of natural disasters over the past few decades. You call them natural disasters when they are really natural healing actions. If humans would collectively stop harming the earth then the earth�s natural healing actions would decrease. Ask the earth how you can take care of and nurture all of her beautiful life forms and create a nurturing home environment that you can share with other people. It is time for you to mind your own business and take care of your own surroundings. Then people will want to visit you and your countries and share the abundance of life. The nature of reality is goodness. The ground you walk upon is sacred. Take care of your beautiful blue pearl planet as it is what provides nourishment for your body, heart, mind, and soul. It is what gives you the healthy physical energy to live your lives comfortably and without unnecessary pain and suffering. Humanity is experiencing the dark night of its collective soul and there is a way out of this darkness before it is too late. It is to share with others your true universal Divine Nature manifested in the glorious vibrant colors of your personal life. Paint a beautiful rainbow that expresses your heart�s feelings. Dance for others to see. Sing love songs to your fellow man. And share the magnificence of your individual cultures with each other.

Chapter Five 13 History of the Divine Feminine Throughout history there have been pagan Goddess cultures that worshiped the Divine feminine as the source of life, as the patroness, protector, and mediator before God. She has been called by many names: Isis, Saraswati, Kwan Yin, Mary, Tonantzin, and Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mother Goddesses represented the human connection to the Divine via conception, gestation, birth and nurturing growth. Christianity brought forth a patriarchal monotheism that preached a doctrine of salvation through faith alone, with Christ being the only mediator before God. Mary, Christ�s mother, became an exemplar of the new feminine: chaste, silent, and obedient. She became a model of Christian piety and womanhood. In this way the divine feminine was exiled into a subservient model of woman and gone were the powerful, feisty and sensuous Goddesses of the pagan cultures. Christianity abolished them and stripped them of their inherent powers of intuition and sexual vitality, calling them witches and of the devil. Since Christ walked the earth spiritual teachings have been handed down in a way that has highlighted the cerebral male aspect of divinity and downplayed the intuitive feminine aspect. This unjust schism and imbalance has been the root of many holy wars justified by �Our Father�s� righteousness. Now our human cultures are slowly coming into balance as Mary implores us to once again honor both sides of one great divinity by equally valuing the feminine and masculine aspects of God. Today Marian devotion among the Catholic laity is flourishing around the world and being integrated into the liturgy. The virtues of mercy, forgiveness, compassion, and reconciliation through Mary are being recognized as necessary to promote and cultivate peace in our world. The conquest and colonization of the New World brought the veneration of Mary to the Americas. Spanish conquistadors enforced their rule by imposing allegiance to the king of Spain and requiring the native people to accept and profess Catholicism. Devotion to Mother Mary, in spite of official controversies in Rome, was commonplace in Spain. Spanish missionaries attributed the Christian virtues of mercy, forgiveness, compassion and reconciliation to Mother Mary and because of the similarity of the devotion to the Divine feminine it was easier for the American indigenous tribes to convert to Catholicism. Mother Mary appeared in 1531 A. D. to Juan Diego, a newly converted Aztec, at the summit of Mount Tepeyac, the site of the shrine of the Aztec earth-goddess, Tonantzin, whose name means, �Our Mother.� She became known as, Our Lady of Guadalupe.

14 Mother Mary and Our Lady of Guadalupe are living incarnations of the same feminine Divine Nature expressed in attunement to the needs and customs of the particular religious practices and cultures. As Mary, she embodies the Divine feminine qualities of the holy nurturing mother. As Our Lady, she emanates the vitality of life. Being raised in the Episcopalian religion, Mother Mary touched my heart. And growing up in the western United States culture it was also Our Lady of Guadalupe that evoked my feelings of unconditional love and passionate adoration. Today, Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, has emerged as a powerful symbol of the Divine feminine that can potentially bring reconciliation and peace. This is partly to save humans from endless suffering but more importantly to convey and support a new vision of humanity living peacefully with each other and their environment. Together, the Divine masculine & feminine life force energies conceived and birthed all of creation, including Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe and Jesus Christ. They embody all of the qualities of our Divine nature such as love, joy, peace, strength, power, will, aliveness, vitality, tenderness, warmth and compassion. Their lives are an example of our own personal human potential to recognize and live as expressions of the Divine on earth. All of these qualities exist in both men and woman yet certain ones predominate in each gender for the benefit of raising our children with the appropriate attunement and holding. The feminine embodies aspects of love, value, nourishment, pleasure, satisfaction, contentment, gratitude and merging. The masculine embodies aspects of autonomy, differentiation, identity, separation, strength, will, protection and guidance in the outside world. All religions are pathways to knowing our Divine God/Goddess nature as they each teach good moral values that support the beneficial practices of devotional prayer, meditation, knowledge, right livelihood and right action. Which religion to follow is a matter of personal preference and cultural upbringing. We all want the same things in life � to be happy and to enjoy our families, children, friends and this bountiful earth. When we know that everything is made up of the Divine masculine and feminine then we will act with loving kindness towards ourselves, one another, the earth, and all of her species.

Chapter Six 15 Present Day Revelations Many people believe their life experiences are random coincidences, as this is what they were taught. In fact, they are really the ongoing spiritual manifestations of our Divine nature into our physical, mental, and emotional world. The Divine manifests as a stream of self-aware loving consciousness that appears in our world as the rational, orderly, understandable, progressive, and synchronistic flow of life through time. Being aware of, embodying, and aligning with the flow of life enhancing qualities of our Angelic nature supports the continual manifestation of our Divine Nature in our lives for the highest good. True fulfillment comes from serving our Divine Nature by developing our highest Angelic potential. Knowing that all of the wonderful life experiences are a gift, wrapped in utmost goodness and generosity, from our Divine Nature is a blessing. So I am living in a way that supports a Divine life. I am humbled by knowing God/Goddess really exists and that I am, as are you, an expression of the Divine in our world. I am respectful of others and love my fellow man. I act in ways that honors and supports the abundance of life and a healthy planet. I pay attention to what arises in my field of consciousness as my accumulated knowledge about reality, what life is about, and how the Divine is presently manifesting, informs me about my life and our current world events. What follows is a diary of my experiences before during and after I gave a presentation of my Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe initial manuscript at a gathering of book authors on October 4, 2008. On September 29, 2008 I read the heading of the Yahoo news article that says, �666 road sign thefts bedeviling roadways.� It goes on to say that someone keeps stealing the metal signs at mile marker 66.6 on the New Jersey highways and along Route 666. I have been well aware of the significance of the number 666. In the Book of Revelation of Saint John the Divine it represents the Devil and I know that its appearance is another indication and confirmation that we are still in the dark night where the Devil reigns. On Friday, October 3, 2008 I wake up early and finish the rough draft of the first five chapters of my manuscript. On my way to the local coffee shop I remember that I had wanted to write something about the tide turning as it seems that the out flowing tide has taken humanity far away from knowing our Divine Nature. I sense that the tide has turned which will potentially bring humanity back to experiencing our Divine Nature. I walk into the local coffee shop and consciously look for the newspaper to see what messages Mary is communicating to me today. An article heading, �The Tide Has Turned,� catches my attention This is a written confirmation from Mary of my earlier insight.

16 It is now mid morning and I am at the UPS store printing copies of my manuscript in preparation for my presentation tomorrow of Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Prophecies at the author conference. Immediately after I finish printing my manuscript a woman walks over and sees the front cover, which has a picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe on it. She exclaims, �I see you have a picture of Our Lady of Guadalupe. I have been to the shrines of the Virgin Mary, once to Fatima and three times to Lourdes.� I ask her, �What is your name?� And she says it is Anna Marie. Just after she says this I hear a man at the front counter say, �Hi Mary.� He had been having difficulty receiving a fax and was making a phone call to Mary to fix the problem. Their words and actions again confirm Mary�s presence. I am driving to the conference to deliver my manuscript when a public bus crosses in front of me. On the side of the bus is a large promotional billboard which says,� Unleash the Beast.� This is confirmation of my understanding that there is more human suffering to come at the hands of the beast or devil as written about in Revelation Chapter 13. While having lunch at the conference a woman is talking about her published books. She says, �Telling the truth has great power.� I attend another author�s presentation and he says, �Becoming an author is about your purpose. It is important to know how you want your book to change your readers life.� This manuscript is written with the purpose of truthfully communicating Mary�s presence and message that we are experiencing the apocalypse written about in The Book of Revelation of Saint John the Divine. The good news is that this is an opportunity for humans to wake up to their Divine Nature. I hope my book will inspire people to know and live from their Divine Nature. On Saturday, October 4, 2008 on my way to the conference I ask Mother Mary for a message to share with others during my presentation. She says, �Don�t worry, be happy.� I pick up today�s newspaper and the main headline on the front page is,�Enthusiasm quickly turns to worry on Wall Street.� Wall Street is worrying. Another headline reads, �Penance & Penitentiary.� The dictionary defines penance as, �something done to show sorrow or repentance of sin.� To repent means to resolve to amend one�s life as a result of contrition for one�s sins. The way to heaven on earth is to forgive oneself and others of any actions that caused harm and live righteously with virtue, morals, ethics & nobility. Another headline, �Scorpions get tough lesson,� refers to Revelation Chapter 9:10, which says, �And they had tails like unto scorpions�� This is a sign that there are tough lessons ahead for the instinctual animal beast of our unawake human consciousness. During the presentation of my manuscript a woman asks me if I am an intuitive. I hadn�t previously thought about myself as an intuitive. This makes sense to me as the word, intuition, means the power of knowing things without conscious reasoning. She says that my writing style is similar to the style used in the book, A Course in Miracles.

17 My friend is also attending. A few years ago we built a beautiful meditation room in his home. He tells a story of Jehovah�s Witnesses coming to his home shortly after the meditation room was finished. He shows them the room and one of the Jehovah�s Witness says, � Now this is how I want to feel when I enter the kingdom of heaven, peaceful.� Another man just happens to be having coffee next to where I am giving my presentation. He is an artist whose work I had previously seen and all of his paintings are scenes from biblical scripture. Then a woman says that she recently went to Chimayo, New Mexico and had some powerful experiences with Our Lady of Guadalupe. She just started a painting of Our Lady of Guadalupe. In the evening I attend a reception for a friend that has published a Celtic calendar. Many of the women present have a personal connection to �Our Lady of Roses�. One of the women talks about going to the church in Mexico City, Mexico and seeing the original robe that Juan Diego was wearing when Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared before him in 1531 AD. When Juan Diego opened his robe to show the priest the roses he had received from �Our Lady� as a sign of her presence, imprinted on the robe was the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This woman suggests that I go visit this church in Mexico City. My heart feels joy and adoration when I think about visiting Mother Mary and Our Lady of Guadaupe holy shrines. Maybe it is time for a road trip. Later that evening I watch the movie, � The Seventh Sign�, and receive an important personal message from Mary. The movie is about the end of times. On Tuesday, October 7, 2008 I read a newspaper headline: � Dreams Are Within Reach.� I turn on the TV and Oprah says, �I think everybody should live within the house of their dreams.� My dream is of a healthy planet where we can peacefully coexist. I have doubted this could happen yet receive this message that it is still possible. One of today�s Yahoo news headlines says, �Climate change seen aiding spread of �deadly dozen� diseases.� This is more confirmation of apocalyptic suffering to come. Another news article catches my attention. The Dow Jones stock index has fallen 33.3 percent since its record close of 14,164.53 a year ago. 333 is the number of Christ. This means the Christ light is still present and may soon become more predominant. I watch the presidential debate and Senator John McCain says, � I know what it is like in the dark times.� I imagine that it was a very dark time for him when he was a prisoner in North Vietnam. Humanity is now experiencing the depths of the dark night of the collective human soul. It is Tuesday, November 11, 2008. I have been working on my manuscript for the last couple days and it is now early evening. I finish writing about the number 333 in this chapter and decide to take a break. A minute later a close friend calls. I have not talked with him in six months. The last three digits of his phone number are 333. This is more confirmation of the reappearance of the light. We all love a good mystery and many mystery writers presented their novels at the author�s conference. Mary implores you to read about the most important and interesting mystery in your life. It is your life�your precious Divine life.

Chapter Seven 18 Personal Suffering I have been talking about the suffering that humanity is experiencing during this apocalyptic time of the dark night. For many years now I have also been personally suffering and living through the dark night of my soul. And I have come to understand that each person, in some way or form, has to go through their own dark night. It is the human journey, coming from the light, going unconscious to the light, and then reawakening to the light. Some journeys are easier and some are filled with what seems to be deep suffering and insurmountable obstacles yet the potential exists for all humans to wake up to our Divine True Nature because this is our nature, the fundamental ground of our being. It was my lonely dark night that opened my heart to being touched by Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, loving presence. She soothed and comforted my distress. She gave me hope for a better world filled with peace and loving kindness. And she showed me the path of honoring and living from one�s feminine nature, in balance with ones masculine nature, that can lead one from darkness to light. It is possible to experience our Divine Nature without so much suffering, yet the path of personal suffering is often what opens us up to being touched by the Divine. It is the suffering that occurs in normal life experiences such as separating from or losing a loved one or feeling physical, emotional or mental pain. And it can be the suffering that is caused by intentional, cruel, and harmful actions inflicted by another. Painful life experiences can reveal our deepest suffering which is the result of our beliefs that we are separate from the Divine. Acknowledging and being sensitive to our suffering allows our Divine Nature to sooth, comfort, and heal our wounds with caring tenderness, compassion, and love. As we are touched by our Divine Nature we can potentially recognize the unity of life, not feel so alone in this world, and do what we can to alleviate the suffering of others. This is what occurred for me. Allowing my wounded heart to bleed, and my tears to be shed, opened me up to being touched and healed by Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe�s loving presence. The journey of knowing our Divine Nature is very personal and there are many spiritual paths that lead to this realization. Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe is one such path that I, and many others, have been walking. On November 22, 2005 red stains were seen running from the left eye of a statue of Mother Mary at the Vietnamese Catholic Martyrs Church in Sacramento, California. She was expressing her sadness at the harm we are causing each other and our environment. Mary weeps for our suffering and implores humans to take personal responsibility to act in ways that supports a healthy life. Love yourself, love your family and friends, and love your enemies.

Chapter Eight 19 Phoenix Rising I was an Investment Advisor when Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, began communicating to me about the apocalypse. She foretold economic hardships to come and encouraged me to write four articles on our current and future financial situation. The main intention of the articles was to suggest potential solutions to coming out of our impending economic downturn in a way that would restore the health of our planet. The following articles were published in 2002. They are still relevant today. Her prophecies have come true as we are now in a major economic recession that could become a depression. Our past business models have been harmful to our environment and now more people are recognizing the importance of developing green businesses. So out of the ashes of an economic collapse can potentially come a healthier way of doing business that supports the physical well being of all species on our earth. A healthy physical body supports a healthy mental, emotional, and spiritual body. Heart Of Gold - March 2002 There are many intellectual ways that people try to predict the future price of individual stocks and come up with an overall valuation of the stock market. Investment analysts look at price earnings ratios, industry growth trends, corporate spending projections, consumer purchasing patterns, consumer sentiment, and global trading models. The price action of individual stocks and the overall markets are also affected by the fluctuations between the emotional polarities of human fear and greed. The analysis of all the variables affecting stock prices has become so complicated that it often leaves ones head spinning and in the end the investment models used often fall short of accurately predicting the markets direction. Today, this is particularly true as investment analysts are even more uncertain of where the markets are going. There is a simple solution that will bring clarity to making investment decisions and that is to use one�s spiritual knowledge. The fundamental flaw of the traditional forms of market analysis is that they do not take into consideration the most important element of reality � spirit. Spirit is the ground of our emotional, mental, physical, and material lives. It interpenetrates all aspects of our lives- even our economic models. Without spirit we would not be alive to even consider investment options. Our minds do have the capacity to know spirit, yet it is through our hearts that we feel spirit. It is our hearts connection to spirit that we feel and experience the unity of all life and from this unity can make wise investment decisions that benefit the whole.

20 Our capitalistic system is built upon the false foundation of mentally constructed belief systems that emphasize separateness rather than unity. The primary goal of a corporation is to make as much money as possible at the expense of individuals and the environment. Financial wealth is more important than spiritual wealth. Accumulation of individual and corporate wealth ignores the well being of the spiritual whole and it is because the current financial markets have been built upon a false foundation, while ignoring the truth of spiritual wholeness, that they will crumble. These are my investment recommendations. 1) Invest in those companies where spirit is a first priority when they conduct business. 2) Liquidate any investment that is not grounded in spirit and not supporting the whole. 3) Reduce your exposure to the overall stock market and keep you money liquid. 4) Invest in gold. Throughout the ages gold has been symbolic of spirit. It is a tangible asset that has a spiritual component. In the periodic table of the elements Au is the symbol for gold. Coincidentally, the sound of spirit is often written as Aum. Chanting Aum is a way of invoking and connecting to spirit through your heart- your heart of gold. The Gaia Factor � April 2002 Many financial analysts predict that the stock market will trend higher in 2002. Their projections factor in an improving economy, rising consumer confidence, and greater corporate earnings. These are logical reasons that make sense when one uses traditional economic models such as price/earnings ratios and industry growth projections and in the short run the stock market may trend higher. The difficulty I have with their forecasting techniques is that they are ignoring what I believe is the most important factor that will, in the long run, affect the stock market � The Gaia factor. The Gaia factor postulates that our earth is alive and conscious, functioning as one body or organism. As such, the health of all species, including humans is dependent on a healthy earth. Unfortunately our earth�s health is deteriorating. The destruction and pollution of our environment by corporate business is negatively affecting the overall health of our planet. As humans are part of the earth�s body it makes sense that as the health of our earth continues to deteriorate so will human health- physically, mentally, and emotionally. The continued deterioration of human health around the world will negatively affect our economy. Health care costs will dramatically increase, taking a bite out of consumer discretionary spending and there will be fewer healthy people to spend money on goods and services. This will result in a decline in corporate sales, earnings, and concurrently stock valuations.

21 With this in mind I offer the following suggestions: 1) Avoid investing in the stock of corporations whose business model harms the

environment. 2) Invest in and buy the products of companies whose business practice supports a

healthy planet. 3) Do not buy products or services of companies that are harming the environment. 4) Keep your money close to home and spend it on supporting locally based businesses.

Use it to improve the health of your personal surroundings. Grow an organic vegetable garden or create an environmentally friendly landscape.

War Depression � May 2002 In the past when the United States has been at war the stock market has increased in value. Our government allocates more money on military spending for weapons. The government, then, purchases more fighter jets, bombs, firearms, tanks, ships and equipment to use in our wars. Many publicly traded corporations such as Boeing, Raytheon, Martin Marietta, and General Dynamics benefit from increased business. They make more money by manufacturing products for the military and as their corporate profits increase their company stock prices rise. Our government also increases it�s spending as it employs more people in the armed forces. These people have additional money to spend on goods and services, which adds to the overall economic growth of the economy. A growing economy translates into increased business profitability and equity valuations. The past usually repeats itself when similar patterns are followed. It would seem logical that the stock market should again increase in value at this time since the United States is once again at war and following a similar pattern of spending billions of dollars to purchase equipment and hire more people. While these patterns are similar there are also many new patterns that over the next few years will outweigh the old patterns. The new patterns will cause the overall value of the stock market to decline. First, the war on terrorism will require an increase in military spending as the U.S. targets many foreign nations in it�s fight against terrorism. Rather than having one foe, as has been the case in past wars, multiple countries are harboring the what some people call the �evil doers�. Second, billions of dollars are being spent on homeland security. This is much more than our government spent in the past. Third, the war on terrorism may take decades to win, costing more than anticipated. Past wars, other than Vietnam, were usually won within a few years thus limiting the money spent on national defense.

22 Our government will take on much more debt to pay for the war. It will have to issue a lot more bonds to finance the war and pay a higher interest rate to attract foreign investment capital. The net effect will be a ballooning government deficit. Because people will have less money to spend on goods and services our economy will stagnate, overall corporate earnings will decline, and stock prices will follow. What begins as a major recession may soon become a depression. Holistic comes from the Greek word �Holos� which means to be whole. War does not promote wholeness. It may benefit one nation, yet when another is harmed the whole suffers. It is a destructive force that causes greater separation, isolation, disruption, desolation, and depression. As the whole suffers humans and the economy suffer. In terms of holistic investing I recommend that you take the following actions. 1) Do not invest in companies that are manufacturing war products for the military. 2) Invest in companies whose products promote peace or do not cause harm. 3) Reduce your personal debt and if possible build up your cash reserves. 4) Make holistically wise decisions that consider the well being of the whole when

spending your money. I understand that to talk about war and the violence that is currently occurring on our world is in itself a depressing subject � especially if there appears to be no hope for a better future. While it is important to understand our current war situation and how it may affect our economy it is even more important to believe that we can eventually have peace. In the next issue I will talk about why I believe we will have a more peaceful future. . Apocalyptic Times � June 2002 With all of the turmoil occurring on our planet it does appear that we are in apocalyptic times. Our corporations are gouging out the earth for the mineral deposits, cutting down trees in our rainforest for wood and grazing lands, and releasing toxic pollutants into the air and water, all for the sake of maximizing profits. Species are going extinct at unprecedented rates, and those that continue to survive are becoming sick from ingesting the toxins that have accumulated in their food. Violent wars are raging on most continents of our planet. Millions of people are starving, and disease is taking its toll on human life. This all sounds like a one way trip to hell rather than to heaven.

23 I find it interesting that on the front page of the May 1st newspaper is a picture of the cone nebula taken from the Hubble telescope and below is the caption �emerging from the cone nebula is a beast raising its head from a crimson sea�. Recently, the horse �War Emblem� won the Kentucky Derby. Sounds appropriate. In April the movie �Panic Room� was #1 at the box office. The world does seem to be in a panic. And today it is announced that there will be a remake of the movie �War of the Worlds�. Seems to me this is already occurring. So what does this all have to do with investing? As Gaia, the earth has had enough of the selfish exploitation of her resources by corporate business and the damage to her body caused by military operations. She is now in the process of taking natural healing actions to regain her health. Some of these actions are mentioned in the May 11th Earthweek section: Massive flooding in Kenya, Nepal & Central U.S., wildfires in Vietnam, Colorado & New Mexico, earthquakes in Russia, Japan, Taiwan, Iran & Turkey, severe sandstorms in northwest China, drought in Africa & parts of the U.S., and tornadoes in U.S. As earth brings herself back into balance business profits will drop because it will no longer be possible to maximizing profits at the expense of the health of other people, animal and plant species, and the environment. Stock valuations of businesses whose operations cause harm to the environment and corporations that make products for the military will also fall. In the May 7th issue of the Wall Street Journal a heading for one of their articles says �The music industry is finally on line but few listen�. My hunch is that the earth�s natural actions will eventually get people�s attention. As human suffering increases corporations and the military will have no other choice than to listen and change their ways. Business models will be developed that support and promote a healthy planet and funding for the military will dramatically decrease. We will live in peace with each other and the earth. Human health and the health of all species will improve as the earth heals. Then we will recognize that we can experience heaven right here on our precious earth. The common theme of these four articles is that the emphasis of business ideology to maximize profits at any cost is polluting and harming our earth�s ecosystems and the overall health and well being of all species is deteriorating. Earth is an interdependent closed system with finite resources, so polluting and harvesting the available resources of one area eventually affects all areas. The collapse of our world financial markets will temporarily slow down the consumption of our natural resources. The solution is to begin conducting business with the intention of minimizing consumption, pollution, and the destruction of our environment while focusing on improving the overall health of our environment in the long term, rather than making as much money as possible in the short term. Living and acting from the knowledge of our unity to all life, through our Divine nature, promotes and supports the abundance and variety of life on our planet.

Chapter Nine 24 The Folly of War Humans have been at war with one another for as long as there has been recorded history. The drive to conquer another is rooted in our instinctual animal nature that is selfish, aggressive and domineering. The more land one group has the more they can support and grow their society. War has traditionally been a man�s domain where being victorious gives one a sense of power, pride, and purpose. It has enhanced a man�s self esteem while often covering up personal deficient feelings of weakness and inadequacy. War brings a sense of meaning to one�s life. Having an enemy means I am right and you are wrong. Many of our past wars were religious, attempting to justify the holiness and righteousness of one religion over another. War is folly as folly means an unwise foolish act or idea. Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe�s, message is that as we recognize our Angelic Divine Nature, composed of both masculine and feminine qualities, and the wisdom of our interconnectedness then the instinctual drives of our animal nature can be channeled into taking peaceful actions that benefit the whole. Her wish is that we begin to live from our Divine virtuous nature that is unconditionally loving, compassionate, and forgiving. She calls upon the human race to awaken from our unconscious slumber of the dark night so that we will now take care of one another, other species, and our precious planet. On March 18, 2007 I attended a gathering of people that were peacefully protesting against the United States being at war with Iraq. I had written two letters that expressed my feelings about this war, one to the American people and one to the people of Iraq. I am sharing these letters with the hope that they touch your Divine virtuous nature. A letter to the American people: Waoh� Amber is the color of your energy� Aaah�Golden Amber� the color of truth and value that emanates loving- kindness. My wish today is that we live together peacefully and express loving kindness towards one another. For this is the core of our human nature. I know this because when I look at you I see families and friends embracing each other, mothers and fathers lovingly holding their babies, and children playing in this beautiful setting, expressing loving kindness towards each other. It�s a beautiful day. It is good to be alive. How wonderful it is to breathe this fresh air, to enjoy the warmth of the sun, and to be in each other�s company as we gather in unity to protest our government�s war in Iraq and share in our wish for peace. I am writing to you now because I want to live peacefully with my fellow man and woman. I believe that your being here today indicates that you want the same thing. I do not want to be at war with Iraq. It has caused me a great deal of personal suffering, and, I know that you are also suffering. I have seen your suffering. You have lost loved one�s, some of you have incurred severe physical, emotional, and mental injuries, and many are having financial difficulties. We have all, in one way or another, been traumatized by this War. And yet there is good news to speak about.

25 It is time to take a new approach towards ending this war, bringing peace to our nations, and helping to heal our trauma. I think there is a way out of this mess� this dark night of human violence and injustice towards one another. In the past, people of Colorado Springs have held anti-war demonstrations with the hope that President Bush would not invade Iraq and then once in would see the folly of his ways and get out. Unfortunately, it hasn�t happen yet and if President Bush has his way won�t happen for a long time. We have been barking up the corrupted self- serving Goliath tree of the United States of America political, industrial, military and religious complex. So how could we expect them to change their ways at this time when they are benefiting from their actions? Remember� President Bush considers us anti-war protesters a pesky focus group and to him our bark has been more like a distant whimper, which he casually brushed aside, because he had the power to do so. Our previous actions protesting this war were not a waste of our time as they were and will continue to be important ways for us to express our displeasure about being at war. I believe in having a strong military that can defend our nation when threatened and we protested because we knew that Iraq was not a threat to us. Why not save our precious military resources for when we really need to use them to defend against aggression. These protests were steps that we needed to take in order to come to this moment of clarity where I now know how to possibly manifest my dream of living in a peaceful and loving world. The new approach that I am talking about is to express what is most fundamental to our human nature- love for each other and our wish for peace. The empowering action that I can take today is to express my feelings about this war directly to you and to the Iraqi people. I am talking about all of my feelings� my love and wish for peace, which is the core of human nature, and also my hurt, anger, fear, frustration, sadness, and loneliness. I have kept these feelings to myself for too long. I want us and the Iraqi people to see that we empathize with their condition and are also suffering and in pain. It is more important now that we share our feelings with each other and the Iraqi people than with our President as his past actions have shown that he doesn�t seem to care about our views. Even though war is our current condition there is tremendous joy in this moment. By expressing our love for one another and sharing our wounds, our bleeding hearts, we are now on the path towards healing, which can bring us to the place of loving ourselves and all of our fellow men, women and precious children. Express your feelings to each other and to the Iraqi people. Please write letters and create artwork to share with each other and the Iraqi people. I have already written a personal letter to the people of Iraq. As a community, we are a microcosm of the macrocosm political, industrial, religious and military complex. We need to open up a constructive dialogue in this city about how we want our future lives to be like. Do we want to live peacefully or act violently towards

26 one another? Do we want to accept or reject one another�s differences? Do we want to teach our children to express loving- kindness towards all humans or to express hatred and mistrust? Do we want to live in fear of being terrorized by someone that does not even know us personally or do we want to be able to trust our fellow man? We, the anti-war protesters are not just another focus group anymore to be casually brushed aside by President Bush. Right now, in this very moment, we, the people that are gathered here today are planting the seeds for a new tree of life with the hope that it may produce incredibly beautiful flowers and abundant fruit to be spread throughout our community and around the world. They are fragrant flowers of love, peace, joy and succulent fruits of compassion, unity and justice for all. I would like to end this letter with a poem, written by the Persian poet Hafiz, who lived in the fourteenth century. It is entitled �It Happens All The Time In Heaven.� This poem was translated by Daniel Ladinsky and is in his book, � The Subject Tonight Is Love.� �It happens all the time in heaven, And some day It will begin to happen Again on earth- That men and women who are married, And men and men who are Lovers, And women and women Who give each other Light, Often will get down on their knees And while so tenderly Holding their lovers hand, With tears in their eyes, Will sincerely speak, saying, �My dear, How can I be more loving to you; How can I be more Kind?�

27 A letter to the people of Iraq: I am writing to you as a citizen of the United States of America. I have never wanted to be at war with Iraq and yet my country is. It was not my choice and I do not agree with our current government�s policy of waging war against you. Before the war started I did not believe that Iraq was a threat to me or that you had weapons of mass destruction and were going to use them against me. I knew that you had your own political, social and economic difficulties under your leader, Saddam Hussein, but that was up to you to deal with this situation. In March 2003 over 4,000 people, including myself, gathered together to hold an anti- war rally. Our intention was to let President Bush know that we did not support his decision to start a war with Iraq. Many other groups around the country also protested the impending war and unfortunately were all brushed aside by President Bush as mere focus groups. He already had his mind made up, as well as the power vested in him by the people of the United States, and ordered a pre-emptive attack against Iraq. When no weapons of mass destruction were found President Bush then changed his reasons for being in Iraq to bringing democracy to your country. It was not and still is not our place, nor President Bush�s place, to tell you what kind of government to have or how to live your lives. Since the war began four years ago we have staged annual anti war rallies and still our President refuses to listen to us. Our pleas have fallen on deaf ears. We are not surprised because if he did hear our point of view he would have to face up to the lies and deceit under which he has governed our country. He would have to acknowledge that he alone is responsible for the tremendous suffering that your people and our people are currently experiencing. Now I understand what is really important and that is to communicate my feelings directly to you, the people of Iraq. The truth is that I love you and your people. I love your land, your culture, your religion, and your deep historical roots as the ancient cradle of civilization at the center of the Mesopotamia region. I do not see you as evil doers or as an enemy that is a threat to me. Rather I believe that there is innate goodness in you, as in all humans, and want to live peacefully with you. I want to be your friend and as such open my arms to embrace you as my brothers and sisters upon this earth. On March 18, 2007 we had another anti-war rally. Along with sending another anti-war message to President Bush I also expressed my loving feelings towards you, the people of Iraq through poetry and artwork, which I am sending along with this letter. My intention was to express my love for you and my wish for peace in your region and in my own country. I want you to know that I deeply care about you and have compassion for your suffering, which to a great extent has been caused by the United States government. I am suffering as well. I am hurt, angry, fearful, frustrated, saddened and traumatized by this unnecessary war.

28 I know that our nation should not have invaded Iraq in the first place and now our military presence is only aggravating the current traumatic situation in both of our countries. Our invasion of your country opened up your own wounds of oppression and injustice that had been simmering below the surface for a long time. Now you are in a civil war that is mostly fueled by hatred and revenge. This is a situation that only you can resolve. The United States has meddled in your affairs long enough and it is time for us to get out of your country. This invasion also covered up our own country�s internal wounds and disagreements. What better way to cover up our own personal suffering and differences than for the United States to act hostile towards you and your own people rather than focusing on healing our own wounds. I know that your sacred hearts are bleeding and want you to know that our hearts are bleeding as well. I ask that you forgive us our trespasses as we work to forgive ourselves for our hostile actions against you and towards ourselves. I would like to offer you my experience in non-violent communication, which could possibly help you to settle your differences peacefully. This is what I am attempting to do in my own country. You may not want my advice or trust that my intentions are honorable and good, as my own governments past actions have not been honorable and trustworthy. Yet hopefully over time my positive actions towards you will help to regain your trust and I can become your friend. Both of our nations have to ask ourselves if this is how we want to continue living our lives. Do we want to be at war with our own people and each other? Do we want to constantly be worried about a terrorist attack, fearful of being personally injured or losing a loved one? Do we want to raise our children and grandchildren with hatred and revenge? Or do we want to live peacefully together, loving one another even if we have our differences, and sharing the joy of raising healthy and happy children. My choice has been and will continue to be in favor of peacefully living my life while caring for all my fellow men, women and children. I pledge to promote, nurture and sustain the truth of the innate goodness of humanity as I work to bring peace on earth through actions that are grounded in being loving and kind towards you and all people. I hope that we can reconcile our differences. With humility, love, and the wish for peace. Since these letters were written, The United States, continues to be at war in Iraq. We now have a president-elect, Barack Obama, who was also not in favor of going to war. Hopefully, as a peacemaker and ambassador of goodwill, he will be able to end this war soon and reconcile our differences with the Iraqi people and their neighbors. I have no ill will towards President Bush as he also has a Divine nature and is part of the whole. His going to war and deepening our personal suffering was the impetus that has brought us to this place where we may decide that war is folly and peace is Godly.

Chapter Ten 29

Divine Plan With all of the turmoil and suffering in the world it is difficult to believe that there really is a Divine Plan that is for the highest good for all life on our planet. On all of our continents we humans are intentionally killing and harming each other. We are rapidly destroying our ecological habitat at alarming rates. We mostly think about satisfying our narcissistic needs through exploitation of other people and our natural resources. And many of us place our well being first, at the expense of the well being of other species. To talk about the possibility of a Divine Plan we must first know what the Divine is. If we don�t know then we are playing the guessing game. I guess the Divine is this and that and maybe God has a good plan in mind for us. To truly know the Divine requires deep contemplation otherwise it is just a frivolous undertaking. It is complicated. We have many false beliefs that support our sense of self. There are veils and obscurations to see through. This requires accurate knowledge about reality. It is a lifetime undertaking and rarely happens in an instant. And it usually takes the grace of the Divine. This is what happened to me. It was through the grace of the Divine that I woke up to knowing the Divine really did exist. I had studied many spiritual paths- Christian, Sufi, Buddhist, and Hindu and experienced glimmerings of the Divine. Yet it was during my dark night, when I felt hopeless and was in deep despair, that I was ripe for the picking. The Divine revealed its existence to me and I then knew that there did indeed exist a benevolent presence that was the fundamental ground of all life. Knowing the Divine existed and continuing my spiritual studies and contemplation helped me to be receptive and open to the appearance of Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe. When she began communicating to me about humanities current dark night and how it was related to the prophecies of The Book of Revelation of Saint John the Divine I did not doubt her. Her message is that our dark night is part of the Divine plan. We are from the light, we have gone unconscious to the light, and we will wake up to our light. And this will happen on our earth, while we are in physical bodies, not in some distant heaven. Everything in the universe was created to manifest our earth so that the Divine could dwell and experience its magnificence through humans, and all of its creations. The Book of Revelation is a prophetic description of the human journey and a prediction of what is to come. It confirms our Divine connection, foretells perilous world events, and reveals the good news of the unfolding Divine plan, where humanity eventually wakes up to their Divine Nature. Then we can live in harmony with each other, and experience heaven, our union with God/Goddess and a place of extreme happiness, while still living on earth.

Chapter Eleven 30

Religious Unity The English dictionary defines religion as the service and adoration of God as expressed in forms of worship by various systems of faith. Unity is defined as the state of being one. The force that unifies all religions is God, our Divine Nature, as the all- pervasive single force in the universe. Everything in existence is a manifestation from, and as, God. Our early ancestors had polytheistic religions that worshiped many qualities and expressions of the one God, such as, love, beauty, abundance, value and strength. Abraham was the father of monotheism, the worship of one God. This formed the basic beliefs and practices of the three major world religions- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. He wisely recognized the oneness of God. Even though it is God differentiating himself that creates the various life forms on our earth it is still one God. While worshiping one God, the major world religions developed the belief that their God was the only true God and the other religions God�s were false or lesser God�s. This misunderstanding became the reason for religious disagreements and most of our past holy wars... my God is the only true God and therefore better than your God. Now, religions are realizing that God/Goddess is a oneness that appropriately manifested his/her form throughout history in accordance to the needs of the evolving cultures. This is the understanding that can bring peace and harmony between the various world religions and end religious wars and the ongoing effort to convert other people to a particular religion. Religions can continue to have their own particular religious practices yet peacefully coexist together because they all worship the same one true God/Goddess. This is the Angelic perspective that recognizes the unity of life. The instinctual animal perspective is that God doesn�t exist and that each person should get the most out of life, even if this means taking advantage of our harming another. It is then easy to be lawless and act without moral standards towards others. History is filled with these types of behaviors. One example is the New England Whalers. When they rounded the Cape of Good Hope they had a saying that God was left on their shores, and so they were free to live immorally- without suffering personal harmful consequences. Unfortunately, the Hawaiian people, the Whales, and eventually, the Whalers suffered. Now, as world religions are embracing and teaching from the Angelic understanding of our unity through one God/Goddess more people are living morally virtuous lives, treating themselves and other religions with respect and loving- kindness. Since God/Goddess is a oneness they know that if they harm another person they are also harming a part of themselves. When the face of God/Goddess is seen in all things we will have world peace.

Chapter Twelve 31 Twilight Twilight is one of my favorite times of day. It is the early morning light before the sun rises or the evening glow after the sun has set. It is the best time for me to visually see my auric field, my halo�the Christ light that is in all things. When I see the light I feel precious because I recognize that I am a part of God/Goddess, as are you. The morning twilight is the time of coming out of the dark night and the evening twilight is the time before going deeper into the dark night. Two of the most popular movies this year are The Dark Knight and Twilight. This is not a coincidence as they are reflecting our current world situation. Humans are experiencing the Apocalyptic dark night and veils are being lifted where we have a choice to welcome the morning twilight of the emerging Christ light or sink deeper into another dark night. The Christ light will reappear when humanity realizes that we are causing much of our suffering and, together, we make the decision to bring ourselves out of our dark night. We need to ask ourselves how do we want our lives to be like from this very moment? Do we want to continue feeling hurt, fear, anger, hatred and sadness? Do we want our loved one�s to continue suffering? This is our choice. We can continue to follow the current perilous path into an even more hellish dark night, where we experience more painful personal suffering and ill health. Or we can decide to shift course and live from the dawning awareness of our universal Christ light, unconditionally loving and nurturing each other and our precious world. We all love a treasure hunt. In this book I have given many clues that lead to the buried treasure. I hope that you will follow the clues and look inside yourselves for the bountiful treasure of your beautiful precious Christ light that is patiently waiting to reveal itself to you. We are blessed to be alive; to share our love with one another, and experience all the good things that life has to offer. And there are so many more blessings to unfold. Pope John Paul 2 said, �Mary leads the way to the kingdom of Christ victorious.� It is time for us to follow Mary�s gentle way of unconditional love, mercy, forgiveness, reconciliation and peace that leads to the paradisal kingdom of the Divine Christ Consciousness that exists in all of us. Heaven on Earth awaits us.

Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Holy Mother, Queen of Heaven, Star of the Sea, Precious Pearl,

Lead me from darkness to light. Amen.

Chapter Thirteen 32 The Way Out 1. Know your True Divine Nature. This is the solution and the way to come out of our dark night. When we see the face of God in everything then we can enjoy the abundance of life and live together peacefully. 2. Love your fellow man and woman unconditionally. Love is what bonds us together. Real contact with other people nurtures our soul. 3. Teach your children about their True Divine Nature. They are still young and impressionable souls that can learn to live with Divine wisdom. 4. Take action and plan on humans living for a million years. This is a healthy alternative to the current way of living, as the prevalent winds will blow humans off our planet within a few hundred years. 5. Develop empathy and help others heal their wounded hearts. Compassionately caring for another is fulfilling and brings people closer together. 6. Live as a fully mature spiritual human being. Mature people have integrated their lower animal nature into their higher angelic nature.

7. Minimize harmful business practices. This will happen when we recognize the true value of our natural resources and the false value of money. It is called deep ecology.

8. Stop all wars now. Bring our armed forces home. Tell other nations that we want to live at peace. The stars and planets are aligned and the natural forces of the Divine plan are unfolding in such a way that we will not be able to continue financially supporting having our troops abroad. 9. Bring all of our military ships and submarines to home port. This will reduce the toxic material pollution and harmful noise in the oceans that is having a detrimental effect on all ocean species, especially marine mammals. 10. Clean up our ocean trash. There is an area of trash in the ocean where the circulating currents meet that is as large as the state of Vermont. We have the capacity, ships, and manpower to remove the trash.

33 11. Stop building dams on the rivers. Dams plug up the natural flow of water that supports life. This is like plugging up our human circulatory system. 12. Stop gouging out the earth and cutting down rainforests. This damages our ecosystem. If the earth can�t breath how are humans going to breath? If we destroy and deplete our natural resources what are we going to live on? 13. Stop drilling for oil and natural gas. The sound from drilling disturbs all species and the released heavy metals are toxic to the environment. 14. Follow sustainable living practices. Integrate the wisdom of Permaculture into your daily lives. Rather than blatantly taking from our earth, ask her for permission to be on her land and how you can help all her life forms flourish. 15. Buy locally produced goods and trade within your community. This reduces transportation pollution and supports your local economy. 16. Build green homes and non-polluting energy sources. The technology and knowledge is already available. The job opportunities are there. 17. Focus on restoring the health of your home environment. You will feel healthier and have something beautiful to share. Other people will want to visit your sacred gardens. 18. Stop harming and causing other species to go extinct. Do humans want to be the last and only species left on earth? 19. Learn to communicate with other species. We naturally love the beautiful presence of other species and long to be close to them. Why not find out what can happen if you truly communicate. What do they have to say? 20. Respect life. Nothing is more precious than life. Respecting life is a sign of one�s own self respect.

Chapter Fourteen 34

Holy Words Words are how we communicate our experiences to one another. Each word has a conceptual meaning and expresses a feeling that we commonly understand. There are words for reverence, beauty, and love and also words for flout, ugliness, and hatred. This manuscript is written in the words of our English language. It is important for our communication to each other to have a common understanding of the meaning of the words that are being communicated, as this is a way we relate to each other and make sense of our world. I have compiled a list and definition of the words that I use in this manuscript so that we can have a clear, shared understanding of their meaning. Certain words invoke the holy, the reverent, benevolent presence of God/Goddess. What follows is a list of words for you to say, experience, know, feel, and contemplate for yourself. Then communicate your understanding and experiences of these words with one another. Share the feelings they evoke. Are they blissful? Do you feel God/Goddess like when you say them? How and what do you experience? Exercise: By yourself, or with other people, read the words from the list below. Contemplate the words and discuss what they mean to you. How do you feel when you say them? Is there a common understanding of these words that touches your heart, reveals the Divine presence, and brings you closer to others? Awe. Profound; Reverent. To feel inspired. Revere. To venerate, worship, adore. Respect mixed with love. Profound. Intellectually deep and thorough. Worship. Honor; respect. Act of paying divine honors to God/Goddess. To perform acts of homage or adoration. Adore. To worship. To feel or show reverent admiration. Admire. To regard with high esteem. Respect. To esteem. To heed. Esteem. To regard; to set a high value on the expression of esteem. Value. The worth of a thing. Precise meaning or the shadow of meaning, as the value of a word. Distinctive quality or sound in speech. Luminosity: brilliance; hence in a painting, the relation of one detail to another with respect to the lightness or darkness. Worth. Deserving or meriting Merit. Deserving reward. Reward. Something given in return for good. Virtuous. A moral quality that makes for goodness; noble; pure; righteous.

35 Moral. Concerned with questions of right and wrong. Meaning. Intention; purpose. Great significance and importance. Grand. Great in size; value; gorgeous. Noble. Eminent; stately. Invoke. Taking a personal action to bring about something. Evoke. Something from the outside impacts you. Manifest. To show plainly. Clear to the senses. Love. Ardent affection. Strong liking or interest. Sweetheart. Ardent. Burning, fiery, glowing. Affection. Tender attachment. Sweetheart. A loved person; a lover. Beauty. Physical loveliness. Adore. Worship. Person. A being. An individuals real self. Being. Existence; life. A living thing. Existence. To have being; to continue to be; alive. Life. The period of the existence of being. Essence. Fundamental nature. Sanctuary. A consecrated place. A place of refuge. Refuge. Shelter or protection from danger; distress. Consecrate. To make or declare holy or sacred. Holy. Sacred; hallowed. Spiritually perfect. Godly. Holy Spirit. Transmitter of the breath of life. Spirit. The breath of life. Unity. The state of being one. Singleness. Sacred. Dedicated as to a God. Divine. Blessed. Bless. To consecrate,make happy, glorify.To invoke Divine favor. Grace. Favor; mercy. State of being in favor, esteem. Glorify. To raise to celestial glory. To worship and adore. Divine. Of our relating to God; Holy; Heavenly; Supremely admirable. Heaven. The abode of God/Goddess. Any place of supreme happiness. Supreme. Highest in rank or authority. Utmost; most excellent; ultimate; final. Supreme Being. God/Goddess. God/Goddess. A Deity; an idol; the supreme being. A being considered as the embodiment of Divine qualities. Mother Mary. Mother Goddess. The feminine expression of the Divine Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mother Goddess.The feminine expression of the Divine. Christ Consciousness. The masculine expression of the Divine in all humans.

Chapter Fifteen 36

Paradise A land of milk and honey, where we feel ecstatic joy and happiness. Where the fruits are the succulence of life and the flowers are its aromatic fragrances. Where the rivers are the clear, fresh, and everlasting flow of life. Where the land we stand upon is sacred and holy. Where the air we breathe is the breath of life. Where the fire of life burns brightly. This is our land�our holy Earth. This is where we live. This is our Divine inheritance. Paradise is a dream that comes from deep within our hearts filled with the wish and longing to be in a place where we feel love, joy, and peace and commune with the Divine. It is the land of truth where we can share our feelings of unconditional love, joy and peace with our loved ones. This dream is actually the potential and possibility of how we can experience reality right now, on Earth, where we are in this very moment. The highest attainment of religious pursuit is paradise. It is the heavenly abode of the omnipresent God/Goddess, as our birthright and rightful sovereign inheritance and land. All the realms of creation are manifested in paradise for us to enjoy. There are realms of consciousness where one is an Angelic being blissfully soaring in a vast, spacious, clear, lucid sky like a bird, with other birds, riding the sparkling, energetic, vibrant uplifting waves of Divine essence, and experiencing the energy of the akashic winds as they blow past and through one�s being. And paradise can be experienced by simply being present in the moment, on Earth, with whatever is arising in our Angelic field of consciousness. The secret to finding paradise is to search within our own souls. This is where paradise exists. God/Goddess is the origin of creation that is continually creating paradise in us and in our world. Experiencing the already existing inner paradise of our God/Goddess True Nature enriches all of the life experiences we have while living on Earth. Contemplate Paradise: What does it mean for you? Where does it exist? Is this what you want to experience in your life? If so, how can it happen now? Where do you need to be? How do you want to feel? Who do you want to experience paradise with? Can you be in paradise right now? What can you do in your natural surrounding to cultivate paradise? .

Chapter Sixteen 37

Behold Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe Today is December 2, 2008. I have written most of this manuscript over the last three months. It has been an unfolding process as I am still writing to you now. I presented an early draft of my manuscript in October and gave another presentation last night at a local bookstore. The planets, Jupiter and Venus, and the Crescent Moon were next to each other during twilight in the western sky. Jupiter is the planet of spirituality, Venus is the planet of love, and Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe stands upon the Crescent Moon. Eleven of us were together as I talked about some of my Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe experiences and what she has to say to humanity at this time. The evening went well, as other people shared some of their personal experiences of Mary, while her loving presence filled the room. After I arrived home, while reflecting upon our gathering, I began to sense that I was somewhat unfulfilled with how the evening went. Yes, it was a wonderful gathering in honor of Mary, yet I spent too much time talking about my life and Mary experiences and not enough time listening to other people�s stories, seeing what Mary�s presence means to them, and how she could help them at this time. As I inquired further I understood why I was feeling unfulfilled. Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, wants to be heard, but more importantly she wants people to see her, as Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, the incarnate manifestation of the Divine Mother Goddess. It was my seeing Mary that has touched me the deepest. As a messenger for Mary I have been talking and writing about my experiences but what I now understand is that Mary really wants other people to see her. Mary wants to be seen by her children. She wants to embrace us with her loving presence and guide us through this tumultuous time. She wants people to know that she exists, that she has a message for humanity, but most importantly, she wants to be seen and personally experienced, as this is what will nurture our human souls. When Mother Mary is seen there is a reciprocal transmission of the Divine Feminine light from Mary to us and from us to Mary, where one feels the presence and connection to their Goddess nature. Some may hear her voice, sense her benevolent presence, smell her fragrance of roses, see her actually appear as an apparition or through other people. As we comfortably rest in Mother Mary�s loving arms under her watchful gaze, we can be at peace because we know that we are part of the overall fabric of Divine existence.

Chapter Seventeen 38

We Are Precious Today is December 3, 2008. Another event has been occurring outside my home that I understood was significant. An exquisitely beautiful mockingbird has been around for the last few days. I have never seen it before as there are not many in this area. It has been spending hours looking at itself in my home windows and car side door mirrors. Maybe it believes other birds of its kind are present and wants to get close to them or it recognizes itself. It touches the mirror with its beak, flaps its wings, and acts like it wants to get inside the mirror. While pondering what this bird is reflecting to me about my current inquiry into seeing Mother Mary and being seen by her, I understand that not only does Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe want humanity to know that she exists, to see her, and for us to know that she sees us, but she also wants us to see ourselves. Like the bird, we are exquisitely beautiful exotic manifestations of the Divine. Mary exists in all her effulgent glory and beautiful presence and is also a mirror reflecting our beautiful Divine True Nature back to us. As children of the Divine we are most precious and holy. Our innermost nature springs forth from the virginal womb of the Divine Feminine and our scared human hearts are her abode. We are unconditionally loved and adored by the Divine. I know that it is often easier for me to see the preciousness in other people more than in myself and have been exploring this subject matter for many years now. Other people appear to have more of the Divine qualities of beauty, value and wisdom than me. I am in love with other people as expressions of the Divine more than I love myself. As I now look deep into my heart, I begin to feel precious and valuable. I recognize that my heart is, as are all hearts, the Divine�s home. Spiritual Jupiter, lovely Venus, and our pearly Moon reflect the Divine radiant light and precious true nature that exists in my heart. This is what I, and I believe others, have wanted all along� to feel our own spiritual, lovely, and pearly nature. Mary�s most important message is actually a wish for each person to recognize his/her own preciousness. Along with seeing the Divine outside ourselves we need to go deep into the inner sanctum of our own precious hearts where our Divine God/Goddess nature resides in us as us. Knowing this is the key that unlocks the golden doorway to paradise. It exists in every human being and when our world knows this then we will experience Heaven on Earth, where the lion peacefully lies next to the lamb. Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe�s gift to us is the knowledge that she exists as, and reflects back to us, our eternal precious Divine True Nature. .

Chapter Eighteen 39

Serve Others On December 7, 2008 I went to the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe to pray and worship with others. I asked Our Lady to guide me in my next step. As I was leaving I remembered that I had left my hat at the place where there was a dance performance the night before. I drove over and when I arrived there were two women unloading boxes of food from a pickup truck. When I asked what they were doing they said they were delivering food to be prepared and served to the needy by the soup kitchen volunteers. I already had in my mind that I wanted to visit with friends on this day, yet I also knew it was important to pay attention to what was occurring as guidance from Our Lady. I left to go visit my friends and then attended another spiritual service. Around noon I went back to the soup kitchen to help out. The meal was going to be served at 2:00 p.m. so I had some time to observe the people as they arrived. As I watched people gather outside I imagined that many were homeless, poor, hungry, and in need of companionship. I reflected on my life. While growing up most of my physical needs were provided for by my family and I learned to take care of myself. I never had to go to a soup kitchen. What if I did? How would I feel - probably inadequate and embarrassed because this meant that I could not take care of myself. I began to feel very humble before God. I saw that these people were doing the best they could with their lives as I am trying to do. I felt compassion for myself and those present. Then I noticed that the sunlight upon my skin and my field awareness seemed very delicate, soft, and tender. I felt delicate, soft, and tender. A sweet presence filled our gathering space. It was the universal Christ Consciousness arising in these surroundings and intensifying because people were serving others without expecting anything in return. I, as most people, have spent much of my life serving others in one capacity or another and usually there was an exchange of money for my services. I had felt the Divine presence before, yet this soup kitchen experience was extraordinarily palpable. I was giving without needing to receive and what I unexpectedly received was the blessed presence of the Divine watching over and taking care of his/her children in need. I now understand the truth of what Jesus Christ taught in The Sermon on the Mount when he said, �Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger for righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.� Saint Mathew Chapter 5:3-7.

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