
Student‟s Guide to Revision 2

Most people can only concentrate, understand and remember for between 20 and 45

minutes at a time.


If you do, most of what you do you will not remember. Once you have finished learning something, your brain actually increases its power and carries on remembering. It will be sorting out what it has been learning, creating a more complete picture of everything it has just learnt. Only then does the rapid decline in memory begin and as much as 80% of what you learn in a day can be forgotten almost immediately.

To maximise your learning, you need to catch the top of the wave of your memory. To do this, you need to look back at what you have been revising at the correct time, when the memory is stamped in far more strongly, and stays at the crest of the wave for a much longer time. Look at the diagram below:

After 10 minutes At the end of a day At the end of a week At the end of a month The week before the exams

Revising is all about MEMORY. The memory is like a muscle. If you don’t exercise it, it will grow weaker and weaker, but if you do

exercise it, it will get stronger and stronger.

Student‟s Guide to Revision 3

Tick the statements which best describe you, your actions and the things that you say.

1) “I see what you mean”

2) “That sounds right”

3) “That feels right”

4) “I get the picture”

5) “I hear what you are saying”

6) “I found it easy to handle”

7) “That looks about right”

8) “That rings a bell”

9) “That touched a nerve”

10) When relaxing, I like to watch a film or video

11) When relaxing, I like to listen to music

12) When relaxing, I like to go to the gym

13) I like to read a book to relax

14) When relaxing, I like to listen to the radio

15) When relaxing, I play sport

16) I prefer to talk to people face to face

17) I prefer to talk to people on the telephone

18) I prefer to talk to people whilst I‟m doing something else

19) I get impatient when I listen to others

20) I like listening to others talk

21) I wave my hands about a lot when I‟m talking

22) I forget people‟s names, but I remember their faces

23) I don‟t forget people‟s names

24) I shake hands when I meet people

25) If I‟m lost or need directions, I prefer a map

26) If I‟m lost or need directions, I prefer to be told

27) If I‟m lost or need directions, I prefer to be shown the way

28) When I‟m bored, I doodle

29) When I‟m bored, I tend to chat

30) When I‟m bored, I fidget

31) When I‟m angry, I seethe and say nothing

32) When I‟m angry, I have an outburst and sometimes shout

33) When I‟m angry I clench my fist, grind my teeth or storm off

34) When I want to reward someone, I write them a note or send them a card

35) When I want to reward someone, I tell them

36) When I want to reward someone, I pat them on the back or hug them

37) I‟m well organised

38) I don‟t like reading books or instruction manuals

39) I can‟t sit still for very long

Student‟s Guide to Revision 4

Now check your learning style:

A. Visual learner

B. Auditory learner C. Kinaesthetic learner

I ticked …………… of the following questions: 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34, 37

I ticked …………… of the following questions: 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 38

I ticked …………… of the following questions:

3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39

Student‟s Guide to Revision 5

Writing down key facts

Using Mind Maps

Creating pictures and diagrams

Using timelines

Using pictures, diagrams and


Watching videos, films, TV


Hearing a presentation Reading aloud to yourself Making a tape with key points to listen to Verbally summarizing Explaining your subject to someone else Talking to yourself Using Mnemonics May work well with music Use computer software

Using highlighters to select Key Words, main ideas Make Index Cards Sorting cards into an order Making models Recording information as you hear it – e.g. a Mind Map

Student‟s Guide to Revision 6

Before you start revising, it is worth making sure you have everything you need at your fingertips. This will stop you wasting valuable time trying to find things.

Highlighters Coloured pens Post-It notes for

formula/key words Different coloured paper for

different subjects (you will need lots of this)

CD Player/Computer for revision CD‟s

Not in front of the T.V. At a table, preferably in a quiet

place It‟s worth trying to sort the

bedroom out. Get rid of clutter, so a desk is empty enough to have proper space to work

Keep all the materials for each

subject in one place to save time

Revision timetable An up to date set of class notes Any revision materials given out by departments Revision lists Lists of exactly what is in each exam Any Study Guides which have been bought (but check

a guide is covering what is in your course)

Student‟s Guide to Revision 7

Topics need to be revised more than once based on what we know about the brain.

Be realistic - remember sessions should only be for 30 – 40 minutes with 10 minute breaks

Start NOW 1 session on a week night 3-4 sessions a day at the weekend During holidays/study leave, revision should be far more intensive Build in treats – time with friends, evenings out etc. Social time is vital in the overall

scheme, as long as there is a balance between work and play Try and get a variety of subjects across each day (see below about topics) Build in slots to review the learning of the day When you write next week‟s timetable, remember to include review slots for the work

covered last week Discuss with someone at home how you are going about your revision

If you‟re thinking, “I‟m doing Maths for 40 minutes and then half an hour of French”, think again! It means you haven‟t broken the subject down into key areas to tackle your work in an organised manner; eg, “I‟m doing algebra and irregular verbs.” You should have a list of topics, but if not, a list is provided in the Subjects section of this booklet.

Identify those topics you feel weak in – the danger is you push these to the back of your mind

Use each heading to break the topic down further. On the next page is one way of doing this

At first, the big picture may look and feel totally overwhelming. You need to prioritise your workload. You need to be aware of the fact that revision takes time and for a few months, the social life has to give a bit. Why don‟t you arrange with friends to have “time off” session together?

Student‟s Guide to Revision 8





Student‟s Guide to Revision 9

30 mins

ENGLISH Of Mice and Men: Lennie‟s character

MATHS Quadratic equations


30 mins

SCIENCE Biology: Respiration


FRENCH Irregular verbs

30 mins

FRENCH Holiday vocabulary

RE The Existence of God


And if you have time: 30 mins

HISTORY USA: Student Movement



Student‟s Guide to Revision 10

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Student‟s Guide to Revision 11

Brainstorm a topic using a spider diagram

Make a chart to fit the information

Put key words onto Post-It Notes, stick them around the house

to learn them

Make up tests to try later

Put notes onto revision cards

Make your own flash cards – questions one side/answers on the


Create a Mind Map (see later section)

Use different colours to represent different things

Use Mnemonics for difficult spellings/sequences

(e.g. Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain – colours of rainbow)

Make a flow chart

Make a timeline

Use pictures to represent key ideas

List two sides of an argument

Identify similarities/differences

Plan an exam answer and write the first paragraph

Create a dictionary for each subject

Turn headings into questions

Fill the bedroom walls with posters for key ideas

Make up cartoons

Label pictures

Record key quotations/foreign language vocab

The following 21 ideas can be used for turning class notes into revision notes

across all subject areas.

Student‟s Guide to Revision 12

Student‟s Guide to Revision 13

Can you remember dates and events?

Can you make a chronological list of events which, for instance, lead up to a battle in history, or an important event in the plot of a novel? Tree charts may help to trigger your memory

What happens next and why? Try to use the consequences of each action to jog your memory about the next stage. This makes a useful flowchart of events. Here‟s one to illustrate how global warming happens.








What are the two sides

to an argument? What are the arguments for and against a point or question? Try drawing up a

split list with the for and against points to be included. This one compares the pros and cons of using a credit card.

ADVANTAGES (Pro) a. Wide range of

outlets b. Buy now, pay later c. Convenience of

payment d. Security – no cash e. „Perks‟ e.g.

insurance, gift schemes

DISADVANTAGES (Con) a. Need good credit record b. Interest charged after

time allowed for repayment

c. Minimum age 18 (usually)

d. High interest rates e. Risk of fraud

What are the similarities and

differences between objects or

substances? Again,

split lists which compare and contrast are good memory joggers. This one compares two types of blood vessel:



















Student‟s Guide to Revision 14

The internet has an overwhelming amount of resources for revision but needs to be used wisely. You need to remember, just because something is on a web page it is not necessarily reliable information. There are many useful sites, as the list below suggests. However, it is important you do not waste time simply reading and scrolling up and down the page. You can:

Have a pen and paper ready and do the activities which are suggested Copy information into a programme of your choice and underline key words,

delete less important sentences, cut and paste key words etc

The emphasis must be on making that information your own in the same way you must make your textbook notes your own. - A very well regarded site that

contains a lot of information and activities - This site will give you lots of exam practice using past

papers. All you need is your personal ID. This gives you free access to this service. Personal ID is: Centre ID > EN10BS Username > DOB + initials e.g. 060196CA Password > Username username: Broxbourne password: shape - School work support. You can talk to

others about revision topics and contact teachers to answer your questions within 24 hours. - This site is run by the exam board Edexcel. It includes

model answers, mark schemes and revision notes. – An access site to other more subject specific materials.

Student‟s Guide to Revision 15

The school‟s VLE, or Moodle also has an increasing number of resources available to help you with your revision. To access Moodle use the following address: Alternatively there is a link to Moodle from the school‟s web-site, which is: To log into Moodle you simply use the username and password you use to access the school network. Check with your subject teachers what resources are available on Moodle. Some departments have PowerPoints, key handouts, past papers etc. available through Moodle.

You may also be able to find ‘apps’ for Smartphones available which will help with your revision. For example if you search the Android marketplace for French Apps you will see the following:

There are also „apps‟ for other subjects e.g. Maths.

Student‟s Guide to Revision 16

Students will have studied the following topics: Business aims and ownership People at work Finance Marketing Production Business environment Business communication and Marketing You will be given a revision guide and practice exam papers, but you must also

create your own revision resources.

Revision guides are issued from the school library. Past papers are available on the OCR website and on Moodle. Make some revision notes or mind maps that include keyword definitions. Try out revision websites such as GCSE Bitesize or SamLearning.


Biology Physics Chemistry B1 = Understanding ourselves P1 = Energy for the home C1 = Carbon chemistry B2 = Understanding our environment P2 = Living for the future C2 = Rocks and metal ADDITIONAL SCIENCE

Biology Physics Chemistry B3 = Living and growing P3 = Forces for transport C3 = The Periodic table B4 = It‟s a green world P4 = Radiation for life C4 = Chemical Economics SEPARATE SCIENCES

Biology Chemistry Physics B5 = The Living Body C5 = How much? P5 = Space for Reflection

B6 = Beyond the Microscope C6 = Chemistry Out There P6 = Electricity for Gadgets

Student‟s Guide to Revision 17


Texts for English and Literature

exams are “blank text” – no

annotations in the texts students use

in the exam.

Revision will involve identifying key

quotes and learning. Students revise

from their own annotated copies of

set texts.

Listening and reading examinations

You will sit a listening and reading examination in the summer. This exam covers all the material learnt throughout the GCSE course. You have a text book and a workbook which has vocabulary lists at the end of each chapter, covering all the required topic areas and practice exercises for the GCSE. There is also a booklet available with the complete list of vocabulary for the AQA GCSE reading and listening exams at a cost 50p from the finance office. The topic areas are:

Lifestyle – health, relationships with family and friends, future plans, marriage.

Leisure – free time and modern technology, media, shopping, fashion and holidays

Home and Environment – home and local area, special occasions, the environmental problems and being environmentally friendly

Work and Education – school, work, advantages and disadvantages of jobs and future plans

For all these topic there is an emphasis on understanding opinions and advantages and disadvantages of various issues.

Useful Websites Key stage 3 is very helpful for foundation vocabulary and key stage 4 AQA is an excellent way to cover all vocabulary areas, particularly for the reading examination. user name: brock password: badgers12 Beginner has revision of basic language and Intermediate has listening and reading tasks and vocabulary revision. Has basic revision as well as grammar and GCSE tasks. - Listening and reading tasks for German. – Listening and reading tasks for French and German. – Language video quizzes. Reading and listening practice. If you choose to purchase a commercially available revision guide we would advise you to choose one which is accompanied by a CD.

Student‟s Guide to Revision 18

: Duffy/Armitage or Clarke/Heaney

Pre 1914 Poetry

Poetry from Different Cultures

Twentieth Century Novel

:Magazine articles


Newspaper articles

Students study a variety of twentieth century novels for English Literature. Each teacher

will provide a list of topics for each text. Each student should do a full re-read and /or a

skim re-read before the Literature exam.

Texts for English and Literature exams are

“blank text” – no annotations in the texts

students use in the exam. Revision will

involve identifying key quotations and

commenting upon the effect of language,

structure and form. Students revise from

their own annotated copies of set texts.

Texts for English and Literature exams are

“blank text” – no annotations in the texts

students use in the exam. Revision will

involve identifying key quotations and

commenting upon the effect of language,

structure and form. Students revise from

their own annotated copies of set texts.

Students will have studied the following topics:

Philosophy of Religion (examined first in May): 1. Deity 2. End of Life 3. Good and Evil 4. Religion and Science

Religious Ethics (examined second in June): 1. Religion and Human Relationships 2. Religion and Medical Ethics 3. Religion, Peace and Justice 4. Religion and Equality

The Department will provide revision documents for each of these areas which will be published on Moodle as there are no revision websites suitable for the OCR syllabus. Pupils must create their own revision resources and practise past paper questions.

Student‟s Guide to Revision 19

Population and Settlement

Natural Hazards

Rivers and Coasts

Economic Development

Remember to always follow this sequence:

Analysis of Task Research Analysis of Research Specifications Possible Solutions (ideas) Prototypes / Models (Food Tech – Methods of Testing, HACCP, Systems and Control)

Industrial Manufacture Quality Control Quality Assurance


We will know the theme for some of the questions on this summer‟s exam paper in March 2012. Ms Moone and Mr Birch will inform students of this and will supply revision materials. Once coursework is completed all lesson time will be spent on revision for the exam.

Student‟s Guide to Revision 20

This subject is 100% coursework and you should aim to get all the units completed by Easter if possible

Check with your teacher to see when catch up sessions are being run if you are behind

12 set works: AREA OF STUDY 1 AREA OF STUDY 2

1. Handel – And the Glory of the Lord 4. Schoenberg - Peripetie

2. Mozart – Symphony 40 5. Bernstein – Something‟s Coming 3. Chopin – Prelude 6. Steve Reich – Electric Counterpoint


7. Miles Davis – All Blues 10. Capercaillie – Skye Waulking song 8. Jeff Buckley – Grace 11. Rag Desh – Anoushka Shanka, Chirianji Lal Tanwar,

9. Moby – Why does my heard feel so bad? Steve gorn and Benjy Wertheimer 12. Koko - Yiri

As well as the 12 set works, you also need to know the styles and characteristics of music from each

of these areas of study: AREA OF STUDY 1 AREA OF STUDY 2

Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods Expressionism, Atonality

Binary, Ternary, Rondo form Serialism, 12 tone series Symphony, Sonata form, Variation form, Concerto Musicals

Oratorio, Aria, Chorus, Recitative Minimalism, ostinato, looping, metamorphosis

AREA OF STUDY 3 AREA OF STUDY 4 The Blues, jazz, chords, improvisation British folk music, work songs, Celtic music

Rock Indian Raga, Tala, Indian instruments Dance/Electronic music, sampling African music, types of drum, playing techniques

Maths: Use the resources on Moodle and text books to practice as many questions as you can. Extra tutorials and exercises are available on or from the MathsWatch CD Rom (there are extra copies of this in the library that you can borrow). Your teachers will give you lists of topics for your tier. We will publish an extra revision list for Paper 2 between the two exams. Collect this from the exams notice board after Paper 1 (also published on Moodle). Remember that practice is the key to success!

Student‟s Guide to Revision 21

You need to prepare for your exam by following this sequence: Develop: Draw from first hand observation and collect only relevant research images from your own photography and the internet. Analyse examples of artists and designers work which will help you. Experiment: Try your ideas in different ways employing different materials. Make critical and evaluative comments comparing different possibilities in order to select the best way of working. Record: Draw accurately and develop your skills of painting and use of materials to communicate your idea effectively. Resolution: Make sure you have a fully prepared colour study for your exam session. Bring all your work to the exam. Present and evaluate your unit of work. Any problems, please see your teacher.

Student‟s Guide to Revision 22

UNIT 4890

Condense notes from your school folder by summarising key topic areas

Use lots of colour, pictures, diagrams and abbreviate key terms

Make cue cards, spider diagrams and mind maps for each topic; identify stimulus words and subsequent response sentences.

Practice exam style questions – use mark schemes to check your answers

Refer to the syllabus/specification to ensure you cover everything

Study the pre-released material and create possible exam question

Use mock exam papers to identify areas of the subject where improvements are needed.



GCSE Revision Guide (available from the Finance Department)

AQA Website –

Course textbook and class notes

Revise with friends – test each other!!

Submit exam papers to your subject teachers for feedback and marking


Be prepared for the different styles of question throughout the paper and the level of detail needed in your response: SECTION A PART 1 – Multiple Choice Questions SECTION A PART 2 – Short Answer Questions

SECTION B – Pre-Released Scenario, with long answer

questions, assessing quality of written communication and technical language

Psychological factors


Individual difference


Aerobic and anaerobic

Leisure & recreation

Roles of the participant

Health &

general fitness


Components of fitness

Roles of schools


Principles of training


Science and ICT


International sporting events


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