

Vol. 70: 219–225, 2006 Published June 23


Edwardsiella ictaluri is the causative agent of entericsepticemia of channel catfish (ESC). This disease wasfirst described in channel catfish Ictalurus punctatusby Hawke (1979), and the causative organism waslater identified and characterized (Hawke et al. 1981).The pathogen is a gram-negative, catalase-positive,cytochrome oxidase-negative, enteric bacterium thatferments a limited number of carbohydrates in stan-dard bacteriological media (Waltman et al. 1986). ESCoutbreaks usually occur when water temperatures arebetween 20 and 30°C, and the disease normally affectscatfish raised under intensive aquaculture conditions(MacMillan 1985, Shotts & Plumb 2003). Presently,ESC is one of the most economically important dis-eases of channel catfish in the Southeastern United

States, and it appears that this organism occurred as apathogen in the channel catfish industry as early as the1960s (Mitchell & Goodwin 1999).

Edwardsiella ictaluri was originally considered to be apathogen exclusive to ictalurids. Natural infections withthis enteric pathogen have been observed in channelcatfish, white catfish Ameiurus catus, black bullhead A.melas, yellow bullhead A. natalis, brown bullhead A.nebulosus, striped catfish Pangasius hypophthalmus(Crumlish et al. 2002, Yuasa et al. 2003) and walking cat-fish Clarius batrachus (Kasornchandra et al. 1987).Descriptions of E. ictaluri in most of the North Americanictalurids listed above do not appear in the primaryliterature. Rather, they are included in the AFS BlueBook (Shotts & Plumb 2003) in a list of susceptible spe-cies, presumably based on diagnostic case reports. Con-sequently, the circumstances of the isolations and rela-

© Inter-Research 2006 ·*Email: [email protected]

Mortality and pathology in brown bullheadsAmieurus nebulosus associated with a

spontaneous Edwardsiella ictaluri outbreakunder tank culture conditions

Luke R. Iwanowicz1, 2,*, Alison R. Griffin1, Deborah D. Cartwright1, 3, Vicki S. Blazer1

1National Fish Health Research Laboratory, US Geological Survey, 11649 Leetown Road, Kearneysville,West Virginia 25430, USA

2Department of Natural Resources Conservation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts 01003, USA3Environmental Health Sciences, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602-2102, USA

ABSTRACT: Brown bullheads Amieurus nebulosus (family Ictaluridae) are commonly used as a sen-tinel of environmental contamination. These fish are not generally cultured under laboratory condi-tions and little is known about their disease susceptibility. Here we report an outbreak of disease dueto Edwardsiella ictaluri in a laboratory population of tank-reared, wild-caught brown bullheads. Theisolate was positively identified as E. ictaluri using standard bacteriological substrate utilization testsand a monoclonal antibody specific for this bacterium. This pathogen causes a significant disease inchannel catfish Ictalurus punctatus and is associated with disease in other ictalurid and non-ictaluridfishes. It appears that E. ictaluri is also a significant pathogen in brown bullheads and produces clin-ical signs and lesions similar but not identical to those observed in channel catfish. Since commercialsources of bullheads for laboratory tank studies are not available, precautions should be taken to pre-vent potential E. ictaluri disease outbreaks from wild-caught bullheads intended for laboratoryresearch.

KEY WORDS: Amieurus nebulosus · Brown bullhead · Edwardsiella · Enteric septicemia of channelcatfish · ESC · Pathology

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Dis Aquat Org 70:219–225, 2006

tive susceptibility of these species to E. ictaluri are notavailable. In addition to ictalurids, this organism has alsobeen isolated from moribund green knifefish Eigenman-nia virescens, cultured eels Anguilla japonica, the Ben-gal danio Danio devario and blue tilapia Tilapia aurea(Kent & Lyons 1982, Waltman et al. 1985, Chung & Kou1987). Efforts to produce the disease in commonly cul-tured species including largemouth bass Micropterussalmoides, bighead carp Aristichthys nobilis, goldenshiner Notemigonus crysoleucas, and white sturgeonAcipenser transmontanus have been unsuccessful(Plumb & Sanchez 1983, Baxa et al. 1990).

The purpose of this communication is to documentthe isolation of Edwardsiella ictaluri from an outbreakof ESC in cultured brown bullheads and to describethe associated gross and histological pathology. Littleis known about the significance of E. ictaluri in brownbullheads or the specific details regarding the clinicalsigns and associated pathogenesis of the disease itcauses. During recent years the brown bullhead hasbeen utilised as a useful sentinel species facilitatingenvironmental health assessment (Johnston & Bau-mann 1989, Hasspieler et al. 1994, Ploch et al. 1998,Arcand-Hoy & Metcalfe 1999, 2000, Ploch et al. 1999,Henson et al. 2001). In order to use this species as asentinel of environmental contamination laboratorystudies designed to better understand the physiologi-cal responses to xenobiotic contaminants are needed,and this research requires routine tank culture ofbrown bullheads in laboratory settings. Given thattank culture of this species for laboratory research islikely to increase, documentation and description ofdisease issues are essential.


Fish maintenance. During late September of 2004,approximately 500 brown bullheads of mixed sizes (12to 25 cm total length, TL) collected from South Creek(Aurora, North Carolina, USA) were transported to theNational Fish Health Research Laboratory in Kear-neysville, West Virginia, USA. Fish were briefly held at18°C in a warmwater flow-through system fed withwell water. Within days the fish were transferred to a≈2000 l recirculating system with approximately 5 to10% water replacement daily. Over a 2 wk periodwater temperature was increased from 18 to 22 ± 1°C.

Necropsy and sample preparation. Moribund andfreshly dead brown bullheads were aseptically necrop-sied following euthanasia in tricaine methanesulfonate.Cultures from the liver, spleen and posterior kidneywere plated onto tryptic soy agar (TSA) plates and incu-bated at room temperature or 30°C. Liver, spleen, pos-terior kidney, trunk musculature and digestive tract

samples were removed and fixed in 10% neutralbuffered formalin for histological analysis. Samples forhistology or bacteriology were only taken from live,moribund fish. Tissues were processed for histology,embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 6 µm, and stainedwith haematoxylin and eosin. Gram stains were per-formed to detect the bacteria in the affected organs.

Serological identification. Dot-blots were per-formed to serologically identify the bullhead isolate asEdwardsiella ictaluri. The bullhead isolate, E. ictaluri(positive control; supplied by Dr. Clifford Starliper) andYersinia ruckeri (negative control), were grown in tryp-tic soy broth (TSB) for 48 h, washed in Tris-bufferedsaline (TBS; 50 mM Tris, 0.9% sodium chloride, pH 8.0)and diluted to an optical density (OD600) of 0.15. Ten-foldserial dilutions were made in TBS, and 100 µl of eachdilution were added to the wells of a dot-blot apparatus(Bio-Rad) and blotted to a polyvinylidene fluoride(PVDF) membrane under vacuum. Wells were washedwith TBS and the membrane was blocked with Tris-buffered saline with Tween 20 (TTBS; 50 mM Tris, 0.1%Tween-20, 0.9% sodium chloride, pH 8.0) containing 3%goat serum in for 30 min. The blot was thoroughlywashed in TTBS and incubated with an E. ictaluri-specific monoclonal antibody (developed by Dr. JohnPlumb; kindly donated by Dr. Andrew Goodwin) for 1 h(Earlix et al. 1996). The primary antibody (Ab) wasdetected with a goat anti-mouse IgG specific antibodyconjugated to horseradish peroxidase (HRP; JacksonImmunological). Colour was developed using theHRP substrate, 3-amino, 9 ethyl-carbazole (AEC; Cal-Biochem) as per the manufacturer’s suggested protocol.

Bacteriology. Individual colonies were transferredfrom primary TSA plates into TSB. Biochemical tubetests including cytochrome oxidase, catalase, triplesugar iron (TSI), Simmon’s citrate, indole, gelatin,methyl red (MR), Vogues-Proskauer (VP), phenyl-alanine, lysine, arginine, ornithine were performed at25 or 30°C. Carbohydrate utilisation was determinedusing O/F basal medium with the appropriate sugarsadded at a final concentration of 1%. Carbohydratestested included galactose, lactose, maltose, malonate,mannitol, mannose, rhamnose, sorbitol, sucrose, tre-halose and xylose (Waltman et al. 1986).


Clincal presentation and gross pathology

Disease-associated mortality was observed whenwater temperatures reached 22 ± 1°C. Approximately35 to 40% of the tank population died during theacute outbreak, and reducing the water temperaturecoupled with the administration of medicated feed


Iwanowicz et al.: Edwardsiella ictaluri infection in brown bullheads

(oxytetracycline; OTC) seemed to abate the diseaseprocess (Fig. 1). Affected fish were observed swim-ming erratically in a spiral motion along the longitudi-nal axis. Externally, petechial haemorrhages wereobserved on the ventral surface of the fish, and thevent was often swollen and reddened (Fig. 2a). Haem-orrhagic lesions were observed circumscribing thepupil in the eyes. Raised, circular reddened lesions anddepigmented spots measuring 1 to 3 mm were presenton the lateral trunk during the initial weeks of the out-break. Often these lesions occurred as shallow ulcerscharacteristic of the ‘buckshot’ lesions reported inchannel catfish. Reddening inside and around the oralcavity was observed in all of the affected fish (Fig. 2c).Internally, petechial haemorrhages were observedalong the oesophagus and lower intestine. Intestinalintussusception was observed in a number of fish dur-ing the acute outbreak. In many cases, red and whitemottling was present in the liver, and both the spleenand trunk kidney were enlarged. Bloody ascites wasonly observed in a few fish. The ‘hole in the head’lesion commonly associated with the chronic form ofESC was not observed during the initial acute out-break; however, it was observed in fish that died 8 wkfollowing the acute outbreak (Fig. 2b). At this lattertime a few fish with no external lesions were seenswimming in circles in a head-chase-tail manner dueto severe scoliosis possibly from neurological damage.


Histologically, lesions occurred in the liver, intestine,dermis, and posterior kidney. Gill, heart and neuraltissues were not examined. The most frequent lesions

in the liver consisted of diffuse, multifocal granuloma-tous inflammation, hepatocyte necrosis and erythro-cyte congestion (Fig. 3a). Lymphocytic infiltration wasnot commonly associated with the liver lesions, butwhen lymphocytes were present, they were observedin association with the multifocal sites of granuloma-tous inflammation (Fig 3b). Short, gram-negative rodswere often found within phagocytic inflammatory cellsor hepatocytes. Perivascular cuffing by macrophages




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Nov 2


Nov 7

Dec 9

Oct 2



Optimal temperature for E. ictaluri

Medicated feed(OTC)

Dec 2




Fig. 1. Amieurus nebulosus. Edwardsiella ictaluri-associatedmortality in brown bullheads (s) and the corresponding daily

temperatures (d). OTC: oxytetracycline

Fig. 2. Amieurus nebulosus. Gross pathology of Edwardsiellaictaluri infection in brown bullhead: (a) petechial hemor-rhages on the ventral surface of an acutely infected brownbullhead; (b) hole in the head lesion (arrow) associated withthe chronic form of enteric septicemia of channel catfish

(ESC); (c) reddening inside and around the oral cavity

Dis Aquat Org 70:219–225, 2006

and occasionally by neutrophils was evident in somefish (Fig. 4). Macrophages were commonly foundextravasating from hepatic and renal vessels. Ellip-soids were apparent in the spleen due to a lack ofwhite pulp. While this organ was relatively devoid oflymphocytes, there did not appear to be a depletionof erythrocytes.

Severe to moderate, diffuse necrosis of the hae-matopoietic interstitial tissue of the posterior kidney wasevident in fish during the acute phase of the outbreak.Bacterial foci were associated with necrotic areas of theinterstitium (Fig. 5). Renal tubular cells were often vac-uolated, and degenerating tubules were common. Thelumen of intact tubules often contained a fine, granulareosinophilic filtrate. The parietal epithelium of Bow-man’s capsule was hypertrophied, but otherwise theglomeruli were relatively unaffected. Histologically, theskin lesions exhibited haemorrhage in the dermis anddisruption of the melanophores in the pigment layer

(Fig. 6a,c). Disruption of the pigment layer and dermalhemorrhage explained the gross ‘buck shot’ appearanceof the skin. Occasionally, phagocytes containing bacte-ria were present in these lesions (Fig. 6b,c).

Bacteriology and immuno dot-blot

The biochemical characteristics of the isolate are sum-marized in Table 1. In general, the characteristics wereconsistent with those described for Edwardsiella ictaluriwith the exception of the methyl red reaction. Resultsfrom this test were negative upon multiple repetitions.


Fig. 3. Edwardsiella ictaluri in Amieurus nebulosus. Histo-logical section of liver from an infected bullhead: (a) diffuse,multifocal granulomatous inflammation (arrow) and hepa-tocyte necrosis; (b) lymphocyte infiltration associated with

granulomatous inflammation (arrow). H&E staining

Fig. 4. Edwardsiella ictaluri in Amieurus nebulosus. Histo-logical section of a hepatic artery from an infected bullheadwith perivascular cuffing by macrophages (arrows) phago-some containing short, gram-negative rods in a circulating

macrophage (inlay). H&E staining

Fig. 5. Edwardsiella ictaluri in Amieurus nebulosus. Histo-logical section of an infected posterior kidney. Focal area ofbacteria in a necrotic focus in the interstitial space of theposterior kidney (arrow a). Vacuolation of renal tubular cells

(arrow b). H&E staining

Iwanowicz et al.: Edwardsiella ictaluri infection in brown bullheads

Additionally, this organism was not motile in solid agarmatrices (i.e. TSI) and was only weakly motile in semi-solid substrates (i.e. O/F basal medium). Gas was onlyproduced in the fructose O/F test (Table 1). Serologically,the isolate was identified as E. ictaluri based on positiveantibody staining (data not shown).


While Edwardsiella ictaluri has been isolated fromictalurid species other than channel catfish, it is not asignificant pathogen in all members of this family. Forinstance, while blue catfish are susceptible to thispathogen, they have also been shown to be less sus-ceptible than channel catfish during experimentalinfections (Baoprasertkul et al. 2004). Brown bullheadexhibit different physiological responses to oxidativestress and exposure to some contaminants than chan-nel catfish, so it is likely that they are uniquely suscep-tible to different pathogens (Hasspieler et al. 1994).E. ictaluri has been isolated from brown bullheadsaccording to the AFS Blue Book (Shotts & Plumb 2003);however, the circumstances in which this pathogenhas been isolated are unknown. Few catfish speciesare commonly cultured; therefore, surveillance ofother catfishes for disease is low. For this reason thesignificance of this pathogen in other ictalurid speciesincluding the brown bullhead is unknown. Likewise,the distribution of carrier fish in the wild is alsounknown. This case report illustrates that E. ictaluri


Characteristic or Case isolate E. ictalurisubstrate tested

Gram stain – –3% KOH + NRCatalase + +Cytochrome oxidase – –Indole – –Simmon’s citrate – –Triple sugar iron K/A K/AArginine – –Lysine + +Ornithine + +Nitrate + +Methyl red (–) +Vogues-Proskauer – –Gelatin – –Phenylalanine deaminase – –Galactose + +Fructose + +Lactose – –Maltose + +Malonate – –Mannose + +Rhamnose – –Sorbitol – –Sucrose – –Trehalose – –Xylose – –Motility + +H2SO4 production – –

Table 1. Biochemical and carbohydrate characteristics of thecase isolate compared to those described by Waltman et al.(1986). Results in parentheses are different than those

reported for Edwardsiella ictaluri. NR: not reported

Fig. 6. Edwardsiella ictaluri in Amieurus nebulosus. Histo-logical section of skin from an infected bullhead (a,c) hae-morrhage in the dermis and disruption of the melanophoresin the pigment layer; (b,c) phagocytes (arrows) containing

bacteria. (a,b) H&E staining. (c) Gram stain

Dis Aquat Org 70:219–225, 2006

should be regarded as a pathogen of concern in tank-cultured brown bullheads.

In many respects the disease resulting from Ed-wardsiella ictaluri in brown bullheads is very similar tothat observed in channel catfish, but there are severalhistological differences. While the multifocal, granulo-matous inflammation and necrosis in the liver is consis-tent with the histopathology associated with ESC inchannel catfish, the presence of lymphocytes at thesesites of granulomatous inflammation is generally notobserved in channel catfish. The pathological descrip-tions of splenic lesions in channel catfish include adepletion of erythrocytes (Blazer et al. 1985). The redpulp did not seem to be affected in brown bullheads.There was, however, an evident depletion of the lym-phocytes (white pulp) in the spleen. Renal lesions arenot generally observed in channel catfish, althoughthey have been reported by Newton et al. (1989) incatfish with severe necrotizing hepatitis followingE. ictaluri bath challenge. All of the brown bullheadsfrom the present case exhibited generally severe renaldamage. The pathological changes in the kidney weremore like those described in association with E. ictaluriinfection in Chinook salmon (Baxa et al. 1990).

The bullheads discussed in this case report were notintentionally infected with Edwardsiella ictaluri norwere they cultured in tanks or at a facility previouslyused for E. ictaluri challenges. These fish were cap-tured from the wild prior to tank rearing. It is thereforeprobable that the fish were already covertly infectedwith the pathogen when captured, and that the diseasewas the result of the transport and temperature stressevents. Interestingly, brown bullhead that were cap-tured from the same creek during the spring of 2004and then transferred to culture tanks in our facility alsodied with similar clinical signs. While pure cultures ofbacteria were isolated from these fish, the bacteriawere only identified as a short, gram-negative, OTC-susceptible rods. It is likely that organism was alsoE. ictaluri.

It appears that Edwardsiella ictaluri may exist in acarrier state in wild brown bullheads as has been sug-gested in channel catfish (Winton 2002). Since com-mercial sources of bullheads for laboratory tank stud-ies are not available, precautions should be taken toprevent potential E. ictaluri outbreaks from wild-caught bullheads intended for laboratory research.Simple precautions that include good aquaculturemanagement practice may circumvent such outbreaksof infected fish. For instance minimizing stocking den-sities, avoiding water-reuse when possible, and utiliza-tion of water temperatures that favor the host arestrongly encouraged. Prophylactic treatment withantibiotics may help avoid an outbreak, but irresponsi-ble antibiotic treatment is strongly discouraged by the

authors. Chemotherapeutant application may alsonegatively impact normal fish physiology thus addinga confounding variable to the intended laboratorystudies. In short, practices that minimize undue stressto wild-caught individuals are recommended giventhat specific pathogen-free animals are not availablefor laboratory research.

Acknowledgements. The authors thank B. Martin and thePamlico Aquaculture Field Lab staff for collecting and hold-ing brown bullheads for our stock population. We also thankC. Starliper at the National Fish Health Research Laboratory(NFHRL) for supplying reagents for bacterial identificationand A. E. Goodwin for supplying antibody for serologicalidentification.


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Editorial responsibility: David Bruno, Aberdeen, UK

Submitted: October 27, 2005; Accepted: February 10, 2006Proofs received from author(s): June 1, 2006

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