Download - Morport 6 September

  • 8/11/2019 Morport 6 September



    Department of Internal MedicineChristian University of Indonesia

    Sept, 6 th 2014TEAM 4

  • 8/11/2019 Morport 6 September


    Mrs. RA 66 years old

    Findings Assesment Therapy - Vomit B lack-red colored- Nausea- headache

    PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONLoc: compos mentis, GCS E4V5M6BP : 110/70mmHg, HR : 80x/minRR : 22x/min, T : 36,7CEye : hyperemic conjunctiva (-/-), Icteric sclera -/-THT : normalMouth : normalNeck : lymph nodes not enlarge, JVP : 5-2cmH2OThoraxIns : chest movement symmetricPal : vocal fremitus sound symmetricPer : symmetric sonor soundAus : basic sound of breath vesicular, wheezing (-/-), ronchi (-/-)Heart sound I & II regular, murmur (-), gallop (-)AbdominalIns : looks flatAus : bowel sound (+), 6x/minPer : no percution pain, timpani soundPal : no tenderness and defence muscularExtremitieswarm acral, CRT < 2 s , edema (-)LAB FINDINGHemoglobin : 13,5 g/dlHaematocrit : 43,5%Leucocyte: 10,4ribu/ulThrombocyte : 233.000 /ulGds : 139 mg/dlNa : 140K : 5,3

    Cl : 107

    Hematemesis ec gastritis erosifDispepsiahiperkalemia

    Mm/Domperidon 3x10mgOmz 2x40mgSucralfat 3x2cOndancentron 2x8mgVit ka 3x1 ampAsam tranexamat 3x2

  • 8/11/2019 Morport 6 September


    Subjective Data

    Name : Mrs ATC : Saturday, September 6 th 2014CC : Vomit Black-red colored

  • 8/11/2019 Morport 6 September


    AnamnesisMain symptom : Vomit Black-red colored like Jelly

    Additional symptom : Headache, NauseaPatient came to Christian University of Indonesia General Hospital w

    Vomit, Black-Red Colored and the consistance like a jelly, since 2 hours beforarrived at the Hospital.

    In beginning, patient ate boiled noodles with imbibing ABC orange syruAfter that, patient felt nausea and vomit. Patient have went to the doctor not feelin

    better. Patient had been felt like this before, with hematemesis & melena 4 years agoHypertension & diabetes mellitus are denied.

  • 8/11/2019 Morport 6 September


    Past Medical History-

    History of treatment-

    Family HistoryDenied

    Social HistorySmoking (-), Alcohol (-)

  • 8/11/2019 Morport 6 September


    Objective Data

    Appearance : Being sick

    GCS E4M6V5 BP : 110/70 mmHg RR: 22x/minute T : 36,7 C

    HR : 80x/minute Eyes: Pale conjunctiva (-/-), sclera icteric (-/-) Ears, nose and mouth: Normal Lymph nodes: Not enlarged JVP : 5-2cm

  • 8/11/2019 Morport 6 September


    Thorax- Ins : Chest wall movement symmetric

    - Pal : Vocal fremitus sound symmetric- Per : Symmetric sonor sound- Aus : Basic sound of breath vesicular, wheezing (-/-), ronchi (-/-). Heart sound I & II

    murmur (-), gallop (-)

    Abdomen- Ins : Looks flat- Aus : Bowel sound (+) 4x/minute- Per : Timpani, percussion tenderness in all abdomens regio (-)- Pal : Abdominal tenderness in all abdomens regio (-), liver and spleen enlargem

    Extremities- Warm- Capillary refill time

  • 8/11/2019 Morport 6 September


    Clinical Laboratory

    Haemoglobin : 13,5 g/dlHaematocrit : 43,5 %

    Leucocyte : 10,4 ribu/ul

    Thrombocyte : 233.000 /ul

    GDS : 139 mg/dl

    Na: 140


    Cl: 107

  • 8/11/2019 Morport 6 September



    - Hematemesis ec gastritis erosif- Dispepsia- hiperkalemia

  • 8/11/2019 Morport 6 September



    Mm/ Omeprazole inj 2 x 40 mg (IV) Domperidon 3x10mg (PO) Sucralfat 3x2c (PO) Ondancentron 2x8mg (IV)

    Vit K 3x1amp (IV) Asam tranexamat 3 x 2gr (IV)

  • 8/11/2019 Morport 6 September



    hospitalizedDiet : fastingIVFD :

    I triofucinII futrolit

    I RL

    24 hours

  • 8/11/2019 Morport 6 September


    Thank You

    Department of Internal MedicineChristian University of Indonesia

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