Page 1: Morphological Synthesis of ECG Signals for Person Authentication


Gary Garcia Molina, Fons Bruekers, Cristian Presura, Marijn Damstra, and Michiel van der Veen

Information and System Security, Philips Research EuropeHigh Tech Campus 34, 5656AE, Eindhoven, Netherlands

email: {gary.garcia, fons.bruekers, cristian.presura, marijn.damstra, and michiel.van.der.veen}

ABSTRACTIn this paper, we propose a novel approach using the

morphological properties of the R-R segments in an ECGsignal for biometric authentication. The authenticity of agiven R-R segment is decided by comparing it to a match-ing R-R segment morphologically synthesized from a modelcharacterizing the identity to be authenticated. The morpho-logical synthesis process uses a set of R-R segments (tem-plates), recorded during enrolment at different heart-rates,and a time alignment algorithm. This ensures the authenti-cation to be independent of the, usually variable, heart-rate.The optimum average equal-error-rate obtained in our ex-periments is 2%.


Person authentication has traditionally been achieved bymeans of passwords, tokens or PINs, i.e. something thatthe person possesses. Biometrics permits to authenticatea person using his/her inherent individual characteristics,i.e. something that the person is or produces. Common bio-metric modalities include fingerprints, voice, facial geome-try, or iris. Also electrocardiogram signals (ECG), whichreflect the electrical activity of the heart, appear to have apromising potential for biometric applications as shown bythe identification results reported in [1, 2, 3, 4].

ECG signals are mainly used in diagnosis but they varyfrom person to person according to different factors suchas anatomic differences in the heart, gender, relative bodyweight, and chest configuration [4]. Detailed clinical diag-nosis requires the ECG to be recorded using ten electrodesout of which twelve electrical potential differences (leads)are derived. In the framework of biometric applications a sin-gle lead appears to be sufficient [1, 4]. At present, portableECG monitors that do not require using conductive gel (dry-electrode devices) are commercially available. This opensthe possibility for devising convenient biometric appliancesbased on mere skin contact.

A biometric authentication system is implemented bycomparing a measurement of a biometric to its model whichresults from an enrollment phase. The comparison, in ECG-based biometrics, relies on the characteristics of the PQRST-cycles (see Fig. 2a) that compose an ECG recording. Cur-rent approaches are based on the extraction of features froma PQRST-cycle [1, 2, 3, 4], in particular the relative locationand amplitudes of the P, Q, R, S, and T peaks (Fig. 2a). Inpractice such peaks cannot be precisely determined in an au-tomated way, e.g. when they do not clearly appear in the sig-nal as a result of certain electrode configurations, in patho-logical cases or when the noise level is high. Furthermore

the finite sampling frequency and errors in the detection pro-cedures contribute to the uncertainty in the determination ofthe peak locations.

Rather than determining the peaks locations for featureextraction, we use the morphology of R-R segments (i.e. theshape of the signal that is defined by the relative positions ofthe characteristic points of the PQRST-cycle) as a means forcomparison between a biometric measurement and a model.The R-peaks are taken as reference because they are presentin every electrode configuration and can be more preciselyand unambiguously determined as they constitute the high-est peaks in the ECG signal. Furthermore, all the elementsof a PQRST-cycle are contained within an R-R segment.Whereas the relative location of the distinctive patterns ina PQRST-cycle can change as a result of the heart-rate vari-ability, the morphology of R-R segments remains essentiallyunchanged.

In this paper we investigate the use of R-R segments mor-phology to achieve biometric authentication by obtaining anequal-error-rate (EER). This approach is tested in our owndatabase consisting of ten subjects. While larger ECG data-bases are available online, they are primarily intended forclinical applications since they mainly contain ECGs affectedby heart conditions. Thus, performing biometric classifica-tion on such databases could rather lead to the recognition ofdiseases.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2presents the basic structure of the biometric authenticationsystem based on the morphological comparison of R-R seg-ments and introduces the notion of morphological synthesis.In Section 3 the preprocessing and R-R segmentation are dis-cussed. Section 4 describes the algorithm for morphologicalR-R segments synthesis. We present our experimental resultsand conclusion in Sections 5 and 6 respectively.


Biometric authenticity is decided on the basis of a scorethat quantifies the resemblance between a biometric mea-surement and the model associated with the enrolled subject(denoted by i) whose identity was claimed. Such score isobtained as depicted in Fig. 1.

The digitized ECG signal is first preprocessed and seg-mented into R-R segments (see Section 3). For each R-Rsegment (s), the corresponding R-R length (ρ) is determined(for convenience we quantify the duration of a digital signalin terms of its length in number of samples).

The current R-R segment is amplitude and length normal-ized so that its sample-values are scaled in the range [−1;+1]and it contains L (length-normalization parameter) samples.

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15th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2007), Poznan, Poland, September 3-7, 2007, copyright by EURASIP

Page 2: Morphological Synthesis of ECG Signals for Person Authentication

Fig. 1. Morphological ECG-based authentication

The amplitude normalization is done by dividing the positive(resp. negative) samples by the absolute value of the maxi-mum (resp. minimum) sample-value in the current R-R seg-ment. Because of the heart-rate variability, the R-R segmentshave in general different lengths. We normalize the length ofeach R-R segment using standard spline-fitting interpolationso as to get L equidistant points. Henceforth the normalizedversion of any signal is denoted using the ”¯” symbol. Thus,s is the normalized version of s.

An estimate of the normalized version of s denoted as ˆsi ismorphologically synthesized using the length-normalizationparameter L, the current R-R length ρ , and the elements inthe set { ri, j

∣1 ≤ j ≤ J} where the number of elements J ≥ 2is the model order. The model of subject i consists of theset of enrolled templates {ri, j} (having respective lengths{ρi, j}) and the morphologic synthesis algorithm. A partic-ular choice for the morphologic synthesis algorithm is de-scribed in Section 4. Another approach to morphologicallysynthesize ECG signals can be found in [5].

The similarity score between s and the model is equal tothe l2-norm of s and ˆsi, i.e.

∥s− ˆsi∥

∥. To decide the authentic-ity of the claimed identity this score is usually compared toa threshold θ . The identity is authenticated if

∥s− ˆsi∥

∥ < θ .The threshold is set depending on the application and tradessecurity versus convenience (see Section 5).


Prior to detecting the R peaks, the ECG signal ispreprocessed using a Savitzky-Golay (SG) time-domainsmoothing filter [6]. This is a standard filter choice in ECGsignal processing which fits a polynomial function to the datasurrounding each sample and replaces it by the value of itsfitted polynomial.

Among the various approaches [7] used to automaticallyidentify the constitutive elements of a PQRST-cycle, we fo-cus on the algorithm described in [8]. This algorithm pre-serves the sharp components in the signal, can effectivelyremove baseline drifts, does not require any specific assump-tions other than the sharpness of the peaks and valleys con-stituting the PQRST-cycle, and is computationally efficient.

In Fig. 2 we briefly sketch the processing steps leadingto the R-R segmentation. An in-depth description of thisprocess can be found in [8]. In Fig. 2a a preprocessed ECG

Fig. 2. R-R segmentation

signal (x) is shown. A significant baseline drift is apparentin such signal. To detect the R peaks, an R-peak enhancedsignal (xenh) is derived from x (Fig. 2b). This signal allowsfor straightforward R-peak detection using simple threshold-ing. The baseline drift is removed using a baseline estimatesignal denoted as xbase (Fig. 2c) which is subtracted from xto derive the baseline-corrected signal in Fig. 2d. The R-Rsegments are delimited by the ’*’ symbols in Fig. 2d.


We formalize the process of morphologically synthesizing R-R segments as follows. Given a set of R-R templates sharinga common morphology: { ri, j

∣1 ≤ j ≤ J} (e.g. the set asso-ciated with the model of subject i) with respective lengths{ρi, j

∣ρi, j < ρi, j+1} and the current R-R length ρ , we seekto generate a normalized R-R segment ˆsi that has the samemorphology as the elements in {ri, j}. The case ρ ∈ {ρi, j} istrivial as ˆsi is equal to ri, j such that ρi, j = ρ .

When ρ /∈ {ρi, j} the morphological synthesis problem issolved using the notion of time alignment for comparing twosignals. Time alignment is essentially used to match morpho-logically close signals that do not evolve at the same pace.Time alignment algorithms include linear time normaliza-tion and dynamic time warping [9] (DTW). The latter is usedhere.

DTW is mainly used in speech applications to achievetime alignment between a reference signal and a test signalwhose time scales are not aligned. Thus, DTW results in anonlinear warping path that compensates for local compres-sion or expansion of the time scale. In Fig. 3, we depict thepath corresponding to the normalized versions of two ”mor-phologically close” R-R segments denoted as x1 and x2. Thereference signal x1 and the test signal x2 are reported in thevertical and horizontal axes respectively. The path (denotedas Px1,x2) exhibits diagonal segments in the regions corre-sponding to similar patterns in x1 and x2, and horizontal orvertical segments where the signals do not align.

For our purposes we slightly modified the DTW algo-rithm by removing vertical segments in order to make Px1,x2a function from the x2-domain into the x1-domain. Thus, avertical segment was replaced by a single point correspond-ing to the mean vertical value along the considered segment.

Using the fact that Px1,x2 aligns matching temporal pat-terns, an estimate for the test signal x2 (denoted as ˆx2) can beobtained from the reference signal x1 and the path Px1,x2 . If

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15th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2007), Poznan, Poland, September 3-7, 2007, copyright by EURASIP

Page 3: Morphological Synthesis of ECG Signals for Person Authentication

Fig. 3. Path Px1,x2 between x1 and x2

n = Px1,x2(m) then the following relations hold:

ˆx2(m) = x1(n)⇒ ˆx2(m) = x1(Px1,x2(m)) ; m = 1, . . . ,L.


The relations in (1) serve as basis for synthesizing ˆsi from{ri, j}. By arbitrarily choosing a reference template (denotedas ri,k) in {ri, j} and replacing x1 (resp. x2) by ri,k (resp. si)in (1), we have:

ˆsi(m) = ri,k(Pri,k,si(m)) ; m = 1, . . . ,L. (2)

To estimate the path Pri,k,si , we consider the associationbetween each template length ρi, j with its respective (inter-template) path Pri,k,ri, j with ri,k as reference. For each positiveinteger ρ , such path can be estimated from the inter-templatepaths, the template lengths and ρ . Thus, an estimate for Pri,k,si

(denoted as Pri,k,si) can be obtained through a functional F :

Pri,k,si = F (Pri,k,ri,1 , . . . ,Pri,k,ri,J ,ρi,1, . . . ,ρi,J,ρ). (3)

A particular choice for F , which we adopt here, corre-sponds to a linear combination of the inter-template paths (4).

Pri,k,si(m) =J∑j=1

αi, jPri,k,ri, j(m) ; αi, j ∈ R, (4)

where each coefficient αi, j depends on the template lengthsand ρ . For notation convenience we do not explicitly denotesuch dependency.

The monotonicity of Pri,k,si can be ensured by constrain-ing the weighting coefficients αi, j or by post-processing. Apossible form of post-processing can be defined as follows:


(m) =


αi, jPri,k,ri, j(m)


Pri,k,si(m) = max(Pri,k,si(m−1), P′ri,k,si



where 2 ≤ m ≤ L, Pri,k,si(1) = P′ri,k,si

(1) and J·K is the nearestinteger function. Using the estimated Pri,k,si in (2), yields:

ˆsi(m) = ri,k



. (6)

A possible approach for obtaining the linear combinationcoefficients αi, j consists in using the Lagrange interpolationformula:

αi, j = ∏l 6= j

ρ −ρi,l

ρi, j −ρi,l. (7)

Instead of using the full set of templates to determine theαi, j’s (full template selection FTS), it is possible to selectonly two neighboring templates ri,k,ri,k+1 in {ri, j} dependingon ρ (neighboring template selection (NTS)). The lengthsof the chosen templates are such that: ρi,k < ρ < ρi,k+1. Ifρ < ρi,1 (ρ > ρi,J) then k = 1 (k = J−1). P′

ri,k,si(m) can then

be determined from (5) by setting αi, j∣

j 6=k,k+1 = 0:


(m) =r





where αi,k =ρ−ρi,l

ρi,k−ρi,land αi,k+1 = 1−αi,k. Thus, αi,k,αi,k+1

relate to linear interpolation.


The ECG signals for our experiments were acquired at a sam-pling frequency of 128 Hz by means of two electrodes placedon both wrists using the dry-electrode ECG acquisition de-vice described in [10]. An anti-aliasing filter and a power-line notch-filter are embedded in the device.

Ten subjects participated in five five-minute long exper-imental sessions distributed over four weeks. Subjects wereinstructed to remain sufficiently quiet so as to reduce muscu-lar noise. Two-hundred noise-free R-R segments per subjectwere manually selected to obtain the EER corresponding tothe authentication based on a single R-R segment.

The EER is a common biometric performance indicatorwhich corresponds to the rate at which the false accept rate(FAR, i.e the fraction of R-R segments incorrectly authenti-cated) is equal to the false reject rate (FRR, i.e. the fractionof R-R segments incorrectly rejected). FAR and FRR can betraded using the threshold θ .

We estimated the EER for each subject as the average ofa ten-fold cross-validation. The R-R segments of each sub-ject were randomly divided into ten groups and ten estimatesfor the EER were obtained. In each estimate one group wasset apart for building the biometric model and the remaining(nine) groups along with nine groups corresponding to eachof the other nine subjects were used to compute the EER.

Given a cross-validation group, the J templates for thebiometric model were chosen so that their lengths were(approximately) uniformly distributed between the lengthsof the shortest and longest R-R segments in the group.The number of templates was chosen to be equal for eachenrolled-subject’s model.

Different combinations for the length-normalization andmodel order parameters were tested in terms of the averageEER across subjects. In Fig. 4 we depict the average EERsresulting from using FTS (unfilled symbols) and NTS (filledsymbols).

The EER associated with FTS has a tendency to increasewith the model order for each choice of L. The lowest EERcorresponds to J = 2 and L = 300. The linear interpolationappears then to be optimal. This result leads to the NTS ap-proach in which only linear interpolations are performed.

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15th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2007), Poznan, Poland, September 3-7, 2007, copyright by EURASIP

Page 4: Morphological Synthesis of ECG Signals for Person Authentication

For J = 2 both approaches give the same result. However,the EER for the NTS is noticeably lower for higher J regard-less of L. The lowest EER is equal to 0.033 for L = 300and J = 2. The optimum value for L is 300 for both ap-proaches. From our results it appears that increasing J be-yond 5, does not lead to an important decrease in EER. Thissuggest that building a biometric model necessitates onlyfew R-R segments whose lengths must conveniently be cho-sen between the longest (corresponding to the lowest heart-rate) and shortest (corresponding to highest heart-rate) pos-sible lengths. Thus, a possible enrolling strategy can consistin eliciting low and high heart-rates through relaxation andphysical activity.

To investigate the increasing trend (with the model order)of the EER associated with the FTS approach, the EERs arecomputed when the required length is inside and outside theinterval defined by the shortest and longest templates. Thesecases are respectively referred to as interpolation and extrap-olation. In Table 1, we report the EERs associated to fewcombinations of L and J for interpolation and extrapolationcorresponding to the FTS and NTS approaches. In everycase, the extrapolation-EER is higher than the correspond-ing interpolation-EER. The lowest EER (2%) occurs for theinterpolation in the NTS approach. This result remains con-stant for different model orders and length-normalization val-ues.

Comparing the extrapolation-EERs for both FTS andNTS leads to the following observations. First, theextrapolation-EER is higher in FTS than in NTS for each pairL,J. Second, the extrapolation-EER increases faster with Jin the FTS approach.

Extrapolation leads to higher EER for both FTS and NTS.Possible solutions to handle this issue are: discarding thoseR-R segments whose lengths lead to extrapolation or en-sure that the enrolment procedure includes templates withextreme lengths.

Biometric modalities for authentication are evaluated ac-cording to different criteria among which we mention EER,convenience, privacy concerns, and identity theft deterrence.As far as EER is concerned, the early results of our approachcan compare with hand-geometry (0.01), face (0.03), and fin-gerprint (0.05) based authentication [11]. Yet, ECG offersadvantages in terms of convenience and identity theft deter-rence. Indeed, the ECG can be simply acquired through hold-ing two electrodes for few seconds. In addition, it appears tobe difficult counterfeiting someone’s ECG without the helpof sophisticated equipment.

Privacy concerns apply to the proposed ECG-based au-thentication system, since it is required to store templates inthe system. Such storage can be nevertheless made secure byusing cryptographic techniques specially developed for bio-metric applications [12].


In this paper we used the morphological characteristics ofR-R segments to achieve biometric authentication. The re-semblance between an R-R segment and a biometric modelwas quantified by means of a novel algorithm that allowedus to morphologically synthesize a matching R-R segment infunction of the current heart-rate. Thus, the authenticationwas made independent of the (usually variable) heart-rate.

The optimal approach and parameters choice for the mor-

Fig. 4. Average EER across subjects, FTS (unfilled sym-bols), NTS (filled symbols)

FTS NTSInterp. Extrap. Interp. Extrap.

L = 300,J = 6 0.046 0.092 0.022 0.061L = 300,J = 8 0.050 0.127 0.022 0.071L = 300,J = 10 0.056 0.157 0.022 0.084L = 700,J = 6 0.045 0.074 0.021 0.059L = 700,J = 8 0.050 0.116 0.022 0.052L = 700,J = 10 0.052 0.165 0.021 0.073

Table 1. EERs associated with extrapolation and interpola-tion for the FTS and NTS approaches

phological synthesis were defined in function of the biomet-ric performance in terms of EERs. Thus, the dynamic se-lection of elements in the biometric model in function of thecurrent heart-rate appears to bring the lowest EER.

In order to deal with degraded EERs caused by extrapola-tion, those R-R segments with lengths outside the interval de-fined by the shortest and longest templates can be discarded.This can lead to a substantial improvement of the EER. In ourexperiments the EER decreased from 3% to 2% (see Fig. 4and Table 1).

Another strategy to limit the extrapolation effect wouldconsist in ensuring that the enrolment procedure includes R-R templates having extreme lengths. This can be achievedby eliciting low and high heart-rates through relaxation andphysical activity.

Authentication was done on the basis of a single R-R seg-ment. This can be extended to a sequence of R-R segments.Thereby further decreases in EER are expected.

To evaluate further the validity of our approach, the algo-rithms presented in this paper are being tested in a databasecomprising more subjects with measurements taken during alonger time span to take into account ECG differences acrosstime.


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15th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2007), Poznan, Poland, September 3-7, 2007, copyright by EURASIP

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