Download - Morning Shows



SHOW WHAT?????!!!

Morning Shows:Morning TV shows are the new rage in the world of television/ silver screen. They are live programs telecast between 8 am to 12 am. These morning shows are hosted by a male or female anchor and usually guests/celebrities are invited from different walks of life to be interviewed. These morning shows are also known popularly as breakfast television. Pakistan television with more than 30 private channels has opened avenues for the upcoming talent and the best way to easily gain success is to acquire the position to host a Pakistani Morning Show.Pakistani morning shows are usually aired between 9 am to 12 am. More than half of these shows are hosted by females while the rest are hosted by males. Some popular Pakistani morning show hosts are Shaista Wahidi, Shaan, Sahir Lodhi, Juggan Kazmi, Fiza Ali etc.

Anchors of Morning Shows:With the passage of time, the new trends of presenting morning shows have increased tremendously and have gained huge popularity among people. You will find many celebrity morning shows anchors working with dedication beginning from Nadia Khan to Sanam Baloch.With the first break of dawn, the studio lights are lit up and Pakistani viewers become glued to numerous Pakistani morning shows which are unique, controversial and interesting and entertaining at the same time.Becoming a morning show anchors may seem very easy for those who have not entered this field but in reality, it is a tough job where you have to coordinate with your team to invite guests, take live calls and focus on the relevant issue. Sometime you get sponsored programs too

Famous Morning Shows: Morning with Farah Breakfast with Nadia Good Morning Pakistan Subh ki Fiza Utho Jaago Pakistan Morning with Sahir Jaago Pakistan Jaago and many more

Critical Analysis of Morning Shows- MORNING SHOWS.. SHOWS WHAT???!!!!Before Analyzing Morning Shows lets see what the definition if ETHICS says.

Ethics, also known as moral philosophy, is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct.

Now what does MEDIA ETHICS say?

Issues of moral principles and values as applied to the conduct, roles, and *content of the *mass media, in particular *journalistic ethics and *advertising ethics; also the field of study concerned with this topic. In relation to news coverage it includes issues such as *impartiality, *objectivity, *balance, *bias, privacy, and the *public interest. More generally, it also includes *stereotyping, *taste and decency, *obscenity, *freedom of speech, advertising practices such as *product placement, and legal issues such as *defamation. On an institutional level it includes debates over *media ownership and control, *commercialization, accountability, the relation of the media to the political system, issues arising from *regulation (e.g. *censorship) and *deregulation.

Now what does these mornings shows SHOW??? Does these morning shows makes any sense, whats the purpose of these morning shoes??? Are they not supposed to provide us entertainment and information??? But what these shows are actually showing.. Lets see.

A Picture is worth a thousand words..

The pictures have described all..

Ethical Problems in Morning Shows.1. What is the purpose of dancing so showing such disgusting and boorish dances in a morning show???? is this the culture of Pakistan or being an Islamic country are we suppose to start our day with such vulgar dances!!!!!!

2. Morning shows have become a medium through which designer clothes are advertised and the makeup artists gain more publicity. There is more of vulgarity, extravaganza and competition instead of entertainment in the morning shows. In a country like Pakistan, where most of the people cannot afford to have a meal 3 times a day, these shows add an insult to their injury. Showing Rs 50,000designer wear or a meal worth Rs 5,000 in your show is just not fair.

3. Celebrities, writers, artists, sports stars, athletes, politicians; almost everyone and anyone are invited. Then the hosts ask silly questions especially tailored to suit the intellect of the target audience and hence are quite popular among the female viewers. Interestingly, dermatologists, hairstylists, cooks and even psychologists are invited to offer a complete program platter to the viewers. Live calls are made to get answers for personal queries. Hosts swirl and dance with the star guests.

4. Hosts being illiterate: Something really deplorable happened on iqbal day during a many morning show. The host told her viewers it was allama iqbals birthday (90 percent of showbiz people pronounce Allama with a single l) and hurled a question at them. she said shed read out a line from one of iqbals famous couplets and the viewers would have to tell her whether they knew the second line. the line she read was sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamare dil mein hai.For heavens sake, didn't the producer, director or writer of the show know that it wasnt allama iqbals couplet? The said couplet perhaps came to the notice of these showbiz wallahs through an Indian movie in which it was profusely used. No brownie points for guessing the name of the show host. A certain Wahidi it sure was.

5. Vulgarity and cheapness:

6. Role of live calls and response of anchor persons: Their content too is almost always identical in which a female host invites a few guests and takes some live telephone calls. A typical guest in these morning shows is a fortuneteller, a palmist, a tarot card reader, a black magic expert or a self-proclaimed sufi with unique capabilities of precognition and telepathy. One of the sufi guest who also conducts his own religious programme, once predicted a divorce between the female caller and her husband on television just after listening to their names (prophecy at its best). In another programme, the guest was a paranoid schizophrenic faith-healer who had brought his cat in the show and was publicly claiming the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus and Hepatitis B through his cat!The live calls add further fuel to the fire; as the callers are not correctly scrutinized, they invariably want to comment on the physical beauty of the host (in detail) or the guest and are mostly oblivious of the topic of discussion (if any). Many of these nave callers would indiscreetly discuss their family and financial problems with the experts during their live conversation. And once they made that mistake, they are immediately diagnosed with the spell of black magic by the sufi expert and are provided with effective remedies, like the lizard liver oil, rat droppings and cats brain extract, for a successful marital and financial future.

7. Lack of Interview Skills: In many programmes, the guests are popular movie stars and sportsmen but our hosts still are incapable to conduct an interesting interview with the celebrity because of their inadequate information about the contributions and performances of the luminary. As such, they rely heavily on their personal details and ask dull questions like favorite color, soup, dress, etc or even worse, idea about life, truth, commitment, hard work along with many other irrelevant philosophical ideas. Doubtless, the revelation of some private information of the celebrities is important but it becomes counterproductive if the interviews are only limited to such questions. In one of these transmissions, the top ranking Indian actress was obviously offended and refused to comment, when asked about the performance of her male colleague and ex-boyfriend. She was visibly annoyed by the indifference and insensitive attitude of our excited, nonprofessional host.Well these morning shows are full of ethical issues. As different titles can be given to these shows. Morning shows: infotainment or disaster, Morning Shows: Halloween in Pakistan, Morning shows: a morning delight or.???? , Morning shows: a morning treat or tease.Well these are countless..!!!!


Now what the general public say about these shows..

Miss Bushra Ahmad:She said morning shows do not show any sensible content. Morning shows are meant to provide infotainment and create awareness but the scripting of todays morning shows is not understandable. These morning shows are wastage of time and are simply a disaster. Miss Sidra Chaudary:According to her television in Pakistan started to educate its people through information and entertainment. But todays morning shows have neglected this fact and are taking our society towards glamorization and creating frustration. We are leaving behind our important issues to be discussed and are only worried about high ratings of a show. Producers and directors are not focusing on the content and script of these shows and this morning culture which was at peak some time back is now declining. Miss Shumaila Sadaf:Morning shows are not worth watching programmes and are simply wastage of time. thay do not cater our religious and moral values. Dances, discussions, games are not the things to watch in morning. They are suppose to be informative and entertaining but todays morning shows are simply nonsense.

Miss Sundas Shaheen:Morning. a new day, a fresh start!! But are we suppose to start our new day with such stupid dances and vulgarity???!!! said Miss Sundas. These morning shows are simply crap and purposeless.

Miss Qurat ul Ain:Todays morning shows show lack of sense. The major problem which she sees is these morning shows interfere in the personal lives of the people, whether they are general public or their guests. They disclose their personal matters on international media which is not ethically right. Similarly the glamour the artificial environment they create is discouraging. For example the wedding culture they present.. Normal people cannot have such weddings and this create frustrations and disappointments. Miss Asfia hanif:All morning shows have uniformity and show no variations. They are copying each other. If one starts a wedding week every other morning show does same. They show outclass dresses which are not affordable by a normal person. Similarly there are many other ethical problems and yes these shows are wastage of time.


Mr. Tauseeq Haider:Todays morning shows are quite different from old ones. The time when I started as a morning show host things were different. Channels were countable and same goes for programmes. There was less competition in those days. But if compare todays media with our past media it has change drastically. Now there are uncountable channels. Talking about morning shows he said there are 25 morning shows that are telecasted daily and this has increased completions. Because of this competition there are some faults in these shows. He said competition and race of ratings has created many problems. He supported his statement by the example of Botox treatment. He said I agree there are some points and content which should not be shown on media but on the other hand he said these morning shows would be nostalgic in coming future.

Conclusion and Suggestions: Directors must focus on scripting of shows. Our religious and moral values should be kept in mind. Important issues should be discussed. Anchors should behave responsibly and sensibly. Irrelevant questions should be avoided. Personal lives of guests should not be discussed on media. The content should be shown by keeping in mind Pakistani people.

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