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More Effective Decentralized Education Management and Governance Quarterly Report No. 14

July 2008 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by RTI International.

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More Effective Decentralized Education Management and Governance (DBE1) Quarterly Report No. 14 Contract 497-M-00-05-00029-00 July – September 2008 Prepared for USAID/Indonesia Prepared by RTI International 3040 Cornwallis Road Post Office Box 12194 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194

The author’s views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.

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Table of Contents


Table of Contents ................................................................................................................i

Executive Summary ..........................................................................................................iii

Ringkasan Eksekutif ........................................................................................................vii

I. Status of Achieving Work Plan Targets .........................................................................1

II. Progress in Implementing Tasks and Activities ........................................................5 1. District Selection ...................................................................................................................... 5 2. District Coordinators ................................................................................................................ 5 3. Decentralized Planning and Management of Education Services........................................... 6 4. Increased Community Participation in the Provision of Education: Leadership & School Committee Training..................................................................................................................... 17 5. Replication of school level programs ..................................................................................... 19 6. Data and Information Management ....................................................................................... 22 7. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) ............................................................ 30 8. Public-Private Alliance ............................................................................................................ 31 9. Gender ................................................................................................................................... 39 10. Conflict ................................................................................................................................. 40

III. Training for project beneficiaries...............................................................................41

IV. Next Quarter Activities ...............................................................................................43

V. Monitoring and Evaluation ..........................................................................................46

VI. Collaboration with Government.................................................................................50

Annex 1: Provincial Reports............................................................................................52

Annex 2: Success Stories................................................................................................77

Annex 3: Analysis of Training Beneficiaries..................................................................79

Annex 4: Materials Uploaded on Website during the Quarter......................................83

Annex 5: ICT Grant Updates............................................................................................86

Annex 6: Abbreviations, Acronyms and Glossary ......................................................100

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This report summarizes activities under U.S. Agency for International Development Contract Number 497-M-00-05-00029-00 for the period July – September, 2008.

Executive Summary

Project Goals and Objectives As part of USAID/Indonesia Decentralized Basic Education (DBE) project DBE1’s goal is to improve the capacity schools and communities of district governments to more effectively implement decentralized education management and governance.

DBE1 objectives are to: • improve capacity of local government to effectively manage basic education • strengthen education governance related institutions • increase the use of information resources to enhance education management

governance • disseminate project results through public-private alliances and replication of

best practices.

At the school/community level, DBE1 facilitates development of school development plans and assists the schools in producing annual work plans and budgets that are linked to the school development plans. DBE1 also supports capacity building of school committee and principals.

At the district level, DBE1 currently focuses most of its efforts to develop capacity of district officials and education stakeholders to:

• produce better informed education policies and plans • use human resources and capital investment more efficiently and effectively • increase transparency and accountability in use of public funds for education • create more opportunities for voicing community aspirations.

These objectives are reached through developing methodologies and software, and training district stakeholders in their use in the areas of:

• district education policy reform and development of new policies and regulations

• strategic planning and financial analysis • human resources and asset management • annual planning and budgeting • annual education performance reporting • monitoring and evaluation of plans and budgets against national standards.

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Summary of Major Events During the Quarter The quarter marked a period of transition for the DBE1 project. Our Aceh Provincial Coordinator, Dr. James Mangan, passed away in July after a short illness. He has been replaced by the former DBE1 provincial Education Planning and Management Specialist, Bapak Ridwan Ibrahim. During the quarter DBE1 received a Change Letter and new draft Scope of Work (SOW) from USAID as follow up to the Midterm Review which was concluded in early 2008. DBE1 management spent a great deal of time during the quarter responding to the new SOW including revising the budget, level of effort of staff, and drafting a workplan through the end of the project that responds to the changes required by USAID. A contract modification and the 2008-2010 workplan will be finalized by the end of November, 2008.

A major recommendation of the Midterm Review was to not expand the DBE programs to about 50 new districts but to continue to working in the initial DBE provinces in order to deepen the programs and to focus on replication and sustainability. This recommendation has been taken over by USAID and is reflected in DBE1’s new SOW and workplan October 2008- April 2010.

During the quarter we continued to assist districts and other agencies to replicate DBE1 programs, using their own funds and resources, primarily by training new trainers to assist schools in producing school development plans. By the end of the reporting period, 3,847 schools had or were in the process of replicating DBE1 school development plan program. Over Rp 4.5 billion ($496,000) had been allocated for replication by district governments, schools and foundations such as Muhammadiyah. We were also engaged heavily in assisting district education offices and other organizations such as Muhammadiyah and Ministry of Religious Affairs to plan and budget for replication in the coming years. DBE1 also completed an assessment of replication programs to enable us to better target our assistance in this area. The report will be released in the next quarter.

We continued to support District Facilitators to mentor schools in school planning and to train school committees. District Facilitators are primarily district education inspectors; DBE1 has trained over 350 such facilitators since the beginning of the project. The focus of District Facilitator support was on assisting DBE target schools to update school plans developed earlier in the project and to prepare annual workplans and budgets that are in line with the longer term development plans. DBE1 support for District Facilitator forums begun in the previous quarter, continued during the reporting period. DBE1 provincial specialists provided technical training and facilitated planning in forum meetings. In several districts, district supervisors (pengawas) new to the DBE program joined the forum meetings. This is considered a major intervention to support replication and sustainability.

We also began to assist about 500 Cohort 2 schools to implement the School Database System (SDS) whereby schools enter data, most of which had been already recorded in the school development plans, into a simple computer database. Once the data is entered, schools can produce a number of required reports including school profiles required for school accreditation, reports on the use of School Operations Funds (BOS) received from the national government and “School Report Cards” which are

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reports on a school’s performance. Although this is a very new intervention for both the schools and the district personnel recruited to train school staff, the results are very encouraging. Most schools will find a way to buy, borrow or rent computers for this purpose, and they are able to handle the technology. MONE has expressed interest in adopting or adapting the program for nationwide replication.

District level interventions gained a great deal of momentum during the quarter. The District Education Financial Analysis (AKPK) was completed and presented to stakeholders in ten districts. As of September 2008 School Unit Cost Analysis (BOSP) had been completed in a total of 29 districts. Five district education strategic development plans (Renstra) had been completed with another 15 nearing completion by the end of the reporting period. The impact of these interventions became quite visible. Development plans were based on analysis of data provided through DBE1’s District Planning Information Support System (DPISS) that has been installed in over 30 districts. Finance analyses also contributed to producing medium-term education development and financing plans. The plans and financial analyses were discussed with district stakeholders and formed the basis of policy discussions in several districts in a more transparent and accountable manner resulting in overall better governance.

We also began meta-analysis of the financial analysis reports. An analytical paper on education financing will be produced and disseminated to national and international stakeholders over the next two quarters. One initial result from the analysis suggests that the national/provincial government is controlling a larger share of discretionary funds. Therefore, districts will be required to lobby provincial governments to fund their strategic priorities. Good plans based on good data and analyses will be very convincing, and DBE1 will assist and support the districts to present their plans to provinces during the remainder of the project.

Progress continued to be made in the area of ICT/EMIS. In addition to the SDS program described above, DBE1 formed a team with MONE’s education statistics center (PSP) which is in charge of MONE’s EMIS to design a pilot project to be carried out in Aceh. The purpose of the project is to test technology and procedures to improve the transfer and validity of data from schools to districts. The proposal has been submitted to USAID for approval. Work is expected to commence in the next quarter.

DBE1 continued to upload materials from DBE123 on the DBE website and continued to track website usage. A number of improvements were made in the DBE Project data Management System (PDMS). A total of thirteen ICT grants continued to be implemented while a fourteenth grant proposal was being finalized.

Good progress was made in carrying out rehabilitation and reconstruction of 35 schools/community learning centers in Central Java/Yogyakarta with a one million dollar Public Private Alliance grant from ConocoPhillips Corporation. Over $900,000 of the grant money was disbursed to the schools during the quarter after extensive preparation, training, and technical designs in previous quarters. DBE1 also monitored project implementation in all 35 schools; a special monitoring report was

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released in August 2008. All construction work is to be completed by the end of December 2008.

Several meetings and workshops were held with GOI and international stakeholders during the quarter. These included meetings with the World Bank on ways DBE1 might contribute to capacity building for the planned one billion dollar sector wide approach for education development in Indonesia. DBE1 organized and hosted an important meeting with MONE’s School Based Management (SBM) Secretariat and other donors. As a result of the meeting DBE1 will become more intimately involved in MONE’s SBM program. Three officials from the Ministry of National Education briefed DBE1 planning specialists on recent developments in the sector, namely progress in the implementation of MONE’s Renstra, the Ministry’s high priority programs, and the new government regulation on Education Financing (PP 48 of 2008).

Summary of Achievements During the Quarter Activity Achievement

Schools/madrasah assisted for producing annual plans and budgets 1,076 SD/MI and 196 SMP/MTs.

District Officials trained and supported 1,056 School Committees, parents, and community members trained and

supported 1,316

Members of education governance related institutions trained and supported 641

Renstra Completed 5 Renstra Ongoing 15

AKPK Completed 10 AKPK Ongoing 13

ICT Grant Disbursed $111,786 (IDR 1,006,070,478) out of $ 246,284 (IDR 2,216,556,000)

Education Response Alliance (USAID-ConocoPhillips)

Out of 35 grant recipients, rebuilding of 12 schools and madrasah have been


Selected Cumulative Data Activity Achievement

Number of schools replicating or committed to replicate DBE1 programs


Funds committed by district governments, schools and private foundations for

replicating DBE1 programs

Rp. 4,522,127,077 ($452,212)

Community contributions to DBE1 attributed to DBE1 programs

Rp.17,529,988,348 ($1,752,998)

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Laporan ini menyajikan ringkasan kegiatan-kegiatan yang berlangsung di bawah U.S. Agency for International Development Aid (USAID) dengan Nomor Kontrak 497-M-00-05-00029-00 untuk periode Juli – September 2008.

Ringkasan Eksekutif

Tujuan dan sasaran DBE1 Sebagai bagian dari USAID/Indonesia Decentralized Basic Education (Pendidikan Dasar yang Terdesentralisasi,) tujuan dari DBE1 adalah untuk meningkatkan kapasitas sekolah dan masyarakat dan kabupaten/kota untuk dapat melaksanakan desentralisasi manajemen dan tata layanan pendidikan dengan lebih baik.

Tujuan dari DBE1 adalah untuk: • meningkatkan kapasitas pemerintah daerah dalam mengelola pendidikan dasar

secara efektif, • menguatkan tata layanan pendidikan dari institusi terkait, • peningkatan pemanfaatan sumberdaya informasi untuk meningkatkan

manajemen dan tata pelayanan pendidikan, • diseminasi hasil program termasuk kemitraan dan replikasi contoh yang patut


Dalam tingkat sekolah/masyarakat, DBE1 memberikan fasilitasi dalam mengembangkan rencana pengembangan sekolah dan membantu sekolah dalam menghasilkan rencana kerja tahunan dan anggaran yang berhubungan dengan rencana pengembangan sekolahnya tersebut. DBE1 juga mendukung pengembangan kapasitas untuk anggota komite sekolah dan kepala sekolah.

Melalui pelaksanaan program DBE1 di tingkat kabupaten/kota yang mendukung usaha pengembangan kapasitas pejabat tingkat kabupaten/kota dan pemangku kepentingan bidang pendidikan, diharapkan pencapaian berikut dapat dilakukan:

• pejabat dan pemangku kepentingan dapat menghasilkan perencanaan dan kebijakan bidang pendidikan berdasarkan informasi yang tepat dan memadai.

• menggunakan sumber daya manusia dan sumber daya lainnya dengan lebih efisien dan efektif.

• menumbuhkan transparansi dan akuntabilitas dalam pengunaan dana masyarakat untuk pendidikan.

• memberikan lebih banyak kesempatan kepada masyarakat untuk menyuarakan aspirasi mereka.

Berbagai tujuan yang disebutkan diatas dapat dicapai dengan pengembangan metodologi dan piranti lunak serta mendukung pemangku kepentingan kabupaten/kota di dalam bidang:

• reformasi dalam penentuan kebijakan bidang pendidikan tingkat kabupaten/kota dan pengembangan kebijakan dan peraturan baru

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• rencana strategis dan analisis keuangan • manajemen sumber daya manusia dan asset • perencanaan dan belanja tahunan • laporan tahunan untuk hasil kerja di bidang pendidikan • monitoring dan evaluasi dari rencana dan anggaran terhadap standar nasional.

Ringkasan dari Kegiatan Utama Dalam Triwulan Ini. Kurun waktu Juli sampai dengan September ini adalah masa perubahan untuk DBE1. Setelah mengalami sakit dalam waktu yang singkat, Kordinator DBE1 untuk Aceh, Dr. James Mangan, berpulang ke sisiNya pada bulan Juli. Posisi yang ditinggalkan beliau telah diisi oleh Education Planning and Management Specialist dari DBE1 Aceh, Bapak Ridwan Ibrahim. Dalam periode ini, DBE1 menerima Change Letter dan draft baru untuk Scope of Work (SOW) dari USAID untuk menindaklanjuti hasil dari Evaluasi Tengah Program (Mid Term Review/MTR) yang telah dilaksanakan pada awal 2008. Manajemen DBE1 menghabiskan waktu yang banyak dalam periode ini untuk menjawab Scope of Work yang baru yang termasuk revisi anggaran, tingkat usaha dari staff, dan perencanaan rencana kerja hingga akhir project yang menjawab berbagai perubahan yang diminta oleh USAID. Perubahan dari kontrak dan rencana kerja untuk periode 2008 -2010 akan di finalisasi pada akhir November 2008.

Rekomendasi utama dari Evaluasi Tengah Program adalah untuk tidak mengembangkan program-program DBE ke 50 kabupaten/kota baru, tapi tetap beraktifitas di provinsi yang telah ikut serta sejak awal guna memperdalam cakupan program-program yang ada dan terfokus kepada usaha diseminasi dan kesinambungan program. Rekomendasi ini telah diambil alih oleh USAID dan dapat dilihat dari Standard Operating Work dari DBE1 yang baru dan rencana kerja October 2008-April 2010.

Dalam triwulan ini, DBE1 meneruskan bantuan kepada kabupaten/kota dan badan organisasi lainnya dalam mendiseminasi program DBE1 dengan menggunakan dana dan sumber daya masing-masing,. Bantuan ini dilakukan terutama untuk melatih pelatih baru untuk membantu sekolah dalam mengembangkan rencana pengembangan sekolahnya. Lebih dari Rp. 4,5 milyar ($ 496,000) telah dialokasikan untuk mendukung diseminasi oleh pemerintah kabupaten/kota, sekolah, dan yayasan seperti Muhammadiyah. DBE1 juga banyak terlibat dalam upaya mendukung Dinas Pendidikan dan organisasi lain seperti Muhammadiyah dan Departemen Agama dalam merencanakan dan menganggarkan dana untuk diseminasi untuk beberapa tahun kedepan. DBE1 juga telah menyelesaikan studi penilaian dalam diseminasi program DBE1 yang akan memungkinkan DBE1 untuk memiliki target yang lebih baik dalam melaksanakan bantuan. Laporan hasil dari studi ini akan diserahkan di periode yang akan datang.

DBE1 terus mendukung fasilitator kabupaten/kota (District Facilitators/DF) dalam mendampingi sekolah dalam mengembangkan rencana sekolah dan melatih komite sekolah. DF adalah pengawas sekolah yang berasal dari Dinas Pendidikan. Pada awal proyek, DBE1 telah melatih lebih dari 350 DF. Saat ini, fokus kerja DF adalah untuk

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mendukung sekolah binaan DBE untuk memutakhirkan rencana pengembangan sekolah yang telah dikembangkan sebelumnya dan juga menyelesaikan rencana kerja tahunan dan anggaran yang sejalan dengan rencana pengembangan jangka panjang. DBE1 juga meneruskan dukungan dalam keberadaan dan kegiatan Forum DF. Dalam hal ini, spesialis tingkat provinsi memberikan pelatihan teknis dan memberikan fasilitasi kepada peserta kegiatan Forum. Di beberapa kabupaten/kota, pengawas dari sekolah non DBE juga turut serta. Hal ini merupakan bantuan utama dalam usaha mendukung diseminasi dan kesinambungan program DBE1 setelah proyek berakhir nanti.

DBE1 juga mulai membantu 500 sekolah dari Kohor 2 dalam melaksanakan Sistem Database Sekolah (SDS) dimana sekolah memasukan data yang sebagian besar telah tersedia dalam rencana pengembangan sekolah/rencana kerja sekolah kedalam database yang sederhana. Pada saat data sudah dimasukan, sekolah dapat menyiapkan berbagai laporan, seperti misalnya profil sekolah yang diperlukan untuk akreditasi, laporan untuk BOS yang diterima dari pemerintah nasional dan Lembar Mutu Sekolah yang merupakan laporan dari hasil kerja sekolah tsb. Walaupun SDS adalah hal baru untuk sekolah dan staff kabupaten/kota yang direkrut untuk melatih staff sekolah, hasil yang dicapai selama ini sangat menggembirakan. Banyak sekolah yang berupaya untuk membeli, meminjam, atau menyewa computer untuk dapat melakukan SDS dan mereka memiliki kemampuan untuk menangani teknologi ini. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional telah menyatakan ketertarikan mereka untuk mengadopsi atau menyesuaikan program ini untuk kemudian direplikasi secara nasional.

Bantuan DBE1 untuk tingkat kabupaten/kota terus meningkat dalam periode ini. Analisa Keuangan Pendidikan Kabupaten (AKPK) telah diselesaikan dan dipaparkan kepada pemangku kepentingan di 10 kabupaten/kota. Sampai dengan September 2008, Biaya Operasional Satuan Pendidikan telah diselesaikan di 29 kabupaten/kota. Lima rencana strategis (Renstra) pendidikan telah diselesaikan dan 15 rencana strategis sedang dalam proses penyelesaian. Akibat dari bantuan DBE1 ini cukup jelas terlihat. Rencana pengembangan didasarkan oleh analisis yang dihasilkan oleh District Planning Information Support System (DPISS) yang telah dilakukan di lebih dari 30 kabupaten/kota. Analisis keuangan juga memberikan masukan penting dalam upaya perencanaan jangka menengah dalam pengembangan pendidikan dan perencanaan keuangan. Rencana dan analisis keuangan juga didiskusikan dengan pemangku kepentingan di tingkat kabupaten/kota dan menjadi dasar dari diskusi kebijakan di beberapa kabupaten/kota yang dilakukan dengan transparan dan akuntabel yang diharapkan dapat menghasilkan tata layanan yang lebih baik.

DBE1 juga memulai meta-analisis untuk laporan analisis keuangan. Suatu laporan dalam analisis keuangan pendidikan akan ditulis dan diberikan kepada pemangku kepentingan nasional dan internasional dalam dua periode pelaporan yang akan datang. Hasil awal dari analisis menyarankan bahwa pemerintah nasional/provinsi mengkontrol sebagian besar dana-dana tertentu yang bisa dikeluarkan (discretionary funds.) Dengan demikian, kabupaten/kota harus bisa menjaga hubungan baik dengan pemerintah provinsi untuk membiayai prioritas strategis mereka. Rencana yang baik yang berdasarkan data dan analisis yang baik akan membantu meyakinkan pemerintah

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provinsi dan DBE1 akan membantu dan mendorong kabupaten/kota untuk memaparkan rencana mereka kepada provinsi sampai akhir dari proyek ini.

Kemajuan yang besar juga dapat dilihat dalam ICT/EMIS. Selain program SDS yang telah disebutkan diatas, DBE1 telah membentuk suatu tim dengan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Pusat Statistik Pendidikan yang memimpin bagian EMIS dari Depdiknas dalam mendesain proyek percontohan yang akan dilakukan di Aceh. Tujuan dari usaha ini adalah untuk mencoba teknologi dan prosedur perbaikan transfer dan validitas data dari sekolah ke kabupaten/kota. Proposal telah diserahkan kepada USAID untuk mendapatkan persetujuannya. Program ini diharapkan akan dimulai dalam triwulan yang akan datang.

DBE1 tetap mengunggah berbagai bahan DBE123 ke situs DBE dan menghitung jumlah pengguna situs. Beberapa perbaikan juga dilakukan didalam DBE1 Project Data Management System (PDMS.) Tigabelas hibah Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi terus dilakukan sedangkan hibah ke 14 saat ini sedang dalam proses penyelesaian.

Kemajuan yang baik juga terjadi dalam proses rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi 35 sekolah/madrasah/PKBM di Jawa Tengah dan Yogyakarta. Sebagai bagian dari Kemitraan dengan ConocoPhillips Corporation, sebesar 1 juta dollar telah dihibahkan dan lebih dari $ 900,000 telah dibayarkan kepada sekolah untuk membiayai kegiatan persiapan yang cukup mendasar, pelatihan, dan desain teknis yang telah berlangsung di periode sebelumnya. DBE1 juga memonitor pelaksanaan pembangunan kembali di 35 sekolah tersebut. Laporan kegiatan monitoring tersebut telah selesai dan disebarkan pada bulan Agustus 2008. Seluruh pembangunan akan diselesaikan pada akhir Desember 2008.

Dalam periode ini, beberapa pertemuan dan lokakarya telah dilakukan bersama dengan wakil Pemerintah Indonesia dan pemangku kepentingan internasional. Pertemuan tersebut termasuk dengan World Bank mengenai berbagai cara yang dapat dilakukan oleh DBE1 dalam rencana pengembangan kapasitas sejumlah satu milyar dollar untuk peningkatan pendidikan di Indonesia. DBE1 juga mengadakan pertemuan dengan Sekretariat Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS) dari Departemen Pendidikan Nasional dan donor lainnya. Sebagai salah satu hasil dari pertemuan ini, DBE1 terlibat lebih jauh didalam program MBS yang dimiliki oleh Depdiknas. Tiga wakil dari Depdiknas menerangkan kepada beberapa spesialis perencanaan DBE1 dalam perkembangan terakhir dalam sektor ini, termasuk kegiatan dan pencapaian hasil terakhir dari implementasi Renstra yang dilakukan oleh Depdiknas, program Depdiknas yang menjadi prioritas, dan peraturan pemerintah dalam Keuangan Pendidikan (PP 44 tahun 2008.)

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Ringkasan Pencapaian Hasil Selama Periode Juni – September Kegiatan Pencapaian

Schools/madrasah yang dibantu dalam mengembangkan rencana tahunan dan

anggaran 1,076 SD/MI dan 196 SMP/MTs.

Jumlah wakil kabupaten/kota yang dilatih dan didukung 1,056

Komite Sekolah, orang tua, dan anggota masyarakat yang dilatih dan didukung 1,316

Anggota dari badan tata layanan yang dilatih dan didukung 641

Renstra yang telah selesai 5 Renstra yang sedang dalam proses

penyelesaian 15

AKPK yang telah selesai 10 AKPK yang sedang dalam proses

penyelesaian 13

Hibah ICT yang telah dibayarkan $111,786 (IDR 1,006,070,478) dari $ 246,284 (IDR 2,216,556,000)

Kemitraan USAID-ConocoPhillips Dari 35 penerima hibah,

rekonstruksi/rehabilitasi 12 sekolah telah selesai

Beberapa data kumulatif Kegiatan Pencapaian

Jumlah sekolah yang ikut serta atau telah memberikan komitmennya untuk ikut serta dalam diseminasi

program DBE1.


Dana yang telah dijanjikan oleh pemerintah kabupaten/kota, sekolah, dan yayasan untuk ikut serta

dalam diseminasi program DBE1.

Rp. 4,522,127,077 ($452,212)

Jumlah kontributsi masyarakat yang berhubungan dengan program DBE1.

Rp.17,529,988,348 ($1,752,998)

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Decentralized Basic Education: Management and Governance, July – September 2008 1

I. Status of Achieving Work Plan Targets

This section summarizes the progress/achievements made against the work plan for the July – September 2008 quarter (Table 1 and Table 2).

Table 1: Summary of Work Plan Tasks and Status September 2008

Major Work Plan Activities July August September Notes


Task 1: Project Preparation & Cohort 1 Phase-Out 1.3: District Coordination


1.4: Phase out of Cohort 1

Cohort 1 extended until December 2009

Task 2: Project Reporting 2.1: Submit Quarterly & Annual

Reports & Workplan

Workplan through April 2010 drafted. Quarterly Report submitted in July.

2.2: Produce reports related to Deliverables

Reports on Deliverables 11,12,13,14, 15 delayed until December 2008

Task 3: Monitoring & Evaluation 3.1: Cohort 1 & 2: Produce Routine

Monitoring and Evaluation Reports

Collect data for Monitoring Report 5

3.3: Cohort 1 & 2: Special ICT Study for Aceh

Ongoing discussions with USAID and MONE/PSP

3.4 Complete RPS Impact Study

Ongoing. Report expected November 2008

3.4 Complete Replication Study

Study completed. Report in October 2008

Task 4: Project Data Management System 4.1: Continue to Improve & Expand

PDMS Software Ongoing


Task 5: School Committees (SC), RPS/RKS & School Report Cards for elementary & junior secondary 5.1: Cohort 1 & 2: Update RKS in


SD/MI completed. SMP/MTs to be completed in December 2008

5.2: Cohort 1 & 2: Implement School Database System (SDS) in schools

Cohort 2 to be completed December 2008;Cohort 1 to begin July 2009

5.3: Cohort 1 & 2: Complete school Committee Strengthening - Round 1 training for SMP/MTs

Ongoing. To be completed December 2008

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Decentralized Basic Education: Management and Governance, July – September 2008 2

5.4: Cohort 1: Complete school Committee Strengthening – Round 2 training for SMP/MTs

Ongoing. To be completed December 2008


Task 6: Assist Districts to Replicate DBE1 School Level Programs 6.1: Cohort 1 & 2: Workshop with

districts to promote replication

Task 7: Improve District Education Governance 7.2: Complete round 1 multi-

stakeholder workshops Ongoing

Task 8: Cohort 1 & 2: Improve District Educational Planning & Finance 8.1: Workshop with national

stakeholders to review and revise Renstra & finance programs

Postponed until next quarter

8.2: Cohort 1 & 2: Complete AKPK in all districts

Ongoing. To be completed in 30 districts by March 2009

8.3: Complete provincial education finance reports in all provinces

Ongoing. To be completed in 30 districts by March 2009

8.4-5: Cohort 1 & 2 Complete Renstra in districts

Ongoing. To be completed in 30 districts by March 2009

8.6: Cohort 1 & 2: Complete School Unit Cost and BOS Impact studies in 3 selected districts/province

Unit Cost to be completed in 45 districts by March 2009. BOS Impact now included in BOSP

8.7: Commence development of District Report Cards (DRC) in selected districts as part of Renstra

Postponed until next quarter

Task 9: District Educational Management: Supervision, Personnel, Assets 9.1 Develop methodology for

assisting districts to develop personnel policies, develop methodology for computerizing personnel management system, develop manuals and materials for computerized asset management systems

Pilot testing continuing in Kudus district. Personnel policies completed. Management software developed and being tested. Will roll out to selected districts and develop asset management in next quarter

9.2 Hold national workshop to review policies and procedures for personnel management piloted in Kudus

Postponed until next quarter


Task 10: Partnerships for ICT Hot Spots 10.1: Cohort 1: Monitor

Implementation Compliance by Grantees

Ongoing. Initial monitoring report to be submitted in net quarter


Task 11: Continue to Implement Existing Public-Private Alliances 11.1: Conduct multi-stakeholder

workshops & commence school mapping under PPA with BP in West Papua

Work will resume in November 2008

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11.2: Continue training for ConocoPhillips PPA grant & construction activities in Klaten/Yogyakarta

Work to be completed in December

11.3: Commence PPA with Gramedia

Negotiations still taking place.

Task 12: Explore & Develop New Public-Private Alliances 12.1: Explore & develop province &

district level PPAs Ongoing

12.2: Encourage further PPAs at school level



Task 13: Contribute to the Development of National Policy and Practice 13.2 Deliver manual on disaster

reconstruction to MONE

Meeting to deliver manual with MONE, MORA and BP Migas delayed until October 2008

13.3: Conduct national workshop on governance & legal framework for education.

Postponed until next quarter

Task 14: Document & Disseminate Project Data & Best Practices 14.1: Maintain & Update DBE

Website Ongoing

14.2: Publish and Disseminate Manuals, Training Materials and Best Practice


Note: 1. Numbering corresponds to the workplan activity summary & budget. Only the most

significant activities planned for this period are included here.

2. Orange = planned; blue = actual

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Table 2: Short Term Technical Assistance Planned July – September 2008

Major Work Plan Activities Planned Dates Outcomes

Continue Reconstruction planning/supervision in Klaten & Yogyakarta

Ongoing through December 2008

Consultants contracted and working

Prepare district asset management program and materials

September, 2008 – February 2009

Postponed. SOW completed. Recruitment in October 2008

Implement education finance activities (AKPK, Unit Cost, BOS Impact)

July - September 2008 16 BOSP completed. Sulsel STTA to become provincial specialist. STTA in Jatim and Sumut extended to December 2008, but extra paid days not added.

Complete PDMS software development

July – September 2008 Programmer initially recruited for 3 month assignment. Assignment will be been extended until December for work on SDS software for SMP.

Finalize report on RPS implementation

August 2008 Consultant to be recruited for 10 day assignment to work with DBE1 M&E Specialist to begin in October 2008.

Produce 2nd report for deliverable 11 after consultation with USAID

September - November 2008 Dr. W. Wirkus will be requested for 30 day assignment beginning in September 2008.Assignment to begin in October 2008.

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II. Progress in Implementing Tasks and Activities

1. District Selection The Mid-Term Review has recommended not to add new districts to the project. DBE1 is planning to extend our work in Cohort 1 and 2 districts until December 2009. DBE1 drafted a Terms of Reference (TOR) to replace the existing MOUs. TORs with cover letter send to all 49 DBE districts. 21 documents have been countersigned by district authorities and returned to DBE1.

Anticipated Next Steps

• Teams comprised of USAID, Menko Kesra and DBE123 will arrange meetings with provincial and district stakeholders to inform them about results of mid term review and future plans.

• Districts that have not countersigned TORs will be requested to do so by end October 2008.

2. District Coordinators District Coordinators (DC) continued to play an active role in the implementation of DBE1 programs in this reporting period. In Aceh two district coordinators who have serving as provincial specialist will be promoted to the provincial level and replaced by new Coordinators. The District Coordinator post in Aceh Tengah which has been vacant for some time will be filled in early October 2008.

Plans were also made to appoint administrative assistants for District Coordinators on a part time basis considering the work load they carry for organizing, implementing and reporting of programs. Assistants will be added in two districts each in Sumatra Utara and Sulawesi Selatan because of great travel distances and one for Boyolali district, Central Java because of the intensive replication model being developed there.

Anticipated Next Steps

• Replace District Coordinators who have been promoted or resigned • Contract three new District Coordinators in Aceh • Contract five appoints administrative assistants for District Coordinators.

2.1 District Level Coordination During the quarter DBE1 provincial and district staff carried meetings with district stakeholders to advocate for funding for replicating/disseminating1 DBE1 programs. In this regard DBE1 prepared criteria and guidelines which districts and other funders

1 The term ‘replikasi” (“replication”) is being replaced with the more appropriate Bahasa Indonesia term “diseminasi” (“dissemination”).

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should meet if they wish limited support from DBE1 for the dissemination. Initial meetings were held with district and provincial stakeholders at the provincial level followed by meetings in each district to help districts plan replication. The results have been very gratifying in that most districts have allocated substantial funds for replication in 2008 and 2009 (see Section 5 below). Meetings with district stakeholders will take place in July at the time districts are still preparing 2009 budgets. Results will be reported in the next quarter.

Anticipated Next Steps

• Continue to hold routine meetings with district stakeholders to review replication and implementing district level programs.

3. Decentralized Planning and Management of Education Services

3.1 School Development Planning (RPS/RKS)

Elementary Schools (SD/MI)

With the completion of elementary school development planning process in all target schools and madrasah during the last quarter, DBE1 in all provinces are now involved in various stages of training and facilitation sessions for the schools and madrasah to update their development plan (RPS/RKS) and produce Annual Work Plan (Rencana

Kerja Tahunan/RKT.) In Central Java, all schools and madrasah have

completed the RKT. These annual work plans were first presented to stakeholders at cluster-level to obtain the latter’s input and feedback, prior to presenting the finalized versions to the stakeholders at district level.

In East Java, all 82 Cohort 1 and 32 Cohort 2 schools and madrasah completed their RKT. In this quarter, DBE1 North Sumatra trained 396 members of school plan working groups (M:185, F:211) to produce the RKT. Of eight participating districts, Dairi has already completed the update process. Meanwhile, elementary schools and madrasah in Aceh (Cohort 1,) West Java/Banten and South Sulawesi were still in the process of completing the update process.

The RKS updating process in South Sulawesi supported provincial and district governments “Free Education” initiative. This was enabled by the fact that through Annual Work Plan, schools and madrasah were able to identify precisely what they need to improve the education quality in their schools which was taken as a sample for the region. Districts Facilitators were also encouraged by district governments not only to facilitate the development process but to monitor implementation of activities

Participant of RKT development process in Dairi, North Sumatra

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Training of Annual Work Plan development in Demak, Central Java

included in the school plan and annual work plan. Similar positive responses were also obtained from other districts such as Indramayu and Sukabumi, West Java.

Throughout the updating process, school and madrasah working groups often had difficulties in transferring the data and information from six categories to seven groups as requested by Permendiknas 19/2007. Prior to Permendiknas 19/2007, data and information were categorized into: (i) child-friendly schools, (2) process of learning, (3) school management, (4) community contribution, (5) students performance, and (6) education resources. With Permendiknas 19/2007, categories in

school development plan were changed to (1) students-related activities, (2) curriculum and teaching activities, (3) advancement of educators and education support staff, (4) infrastructure and supporting facilities, (5) finance and budget, (6) school surrounding and culture, and (7) community contribution and partnership.

In addition, DBE1 saw the need for District Facilitators to be retrained to refresh their knowledge and understanding on the process and provide better facilitation techniques to schools and madrasah. DBE1 also realized the fact that participating schools and madrasah as well as members of working groups were already occupied with routine school activities such as preparation of new students admission, examinations, and school holidays.

To meet this challenge, DBE1 provided various alternatives that participating districts can use to assist facilitators and schools depending on the situations and needs in the field. To help school and madrasah working groups understand the process better, they were provided with more forms as examples they could use in transferring the required data. In Year 4 of the project, DBE1 will provide an additional 100 days of support for District Facilitators to facilitate DBE1 programs, including updating school development plan and producing the RKT. For Cohort 2 schools in Bireuen, Aceh, several schools received phase 3 and 4 RKS development training. It is expected that all Cohort 2 SD and MI in Aceh will complete the RKS development training by December 2008.

Junior Secondary Schools (SMP/MTs)

At the SMP/MTs level, North Sumatra, West Java and Banten, Central Java, and South Sulawesi had largely completed their school/madrasah development plan (RKS) process. In East Java, out of 40 participating SMP and MTs in the province, 27 schools already completed the process. Two MTs had been trained through an ADB project so they had already completed RKS, and one national standard school (SSN)

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had completed its RKS under a special MONE program2. Several districts had already begun to present their plans to district stakeholders.

West Java and Banten and Central Java already began to produce annual work plans (RKT).

Anticipated Next Steps

• Complete updating RKS and production of annual work plans (RKT) • Continue to support and district facilitators through DF forums • Continue to provide support to MONE to strengthen school based

management • Sanctioning RKS manuals by MONE and MORA.

3.2 School Database System (SDS) The school database system is DBE1 unique initiative that enables schools to enter basic data into a user-friendly computer system and produce reports in formats previously designed to meet variety of MONE requirements such as school profile for school development plan (RKS), School Operation Funds (BOS) reports, and school accreditation data, and reports for community members and parents on annual school performance (School Report Card) (Figure 1). SDS will improve school based management, increase transparency and accountability and will provide school and community with data to enable them to voice concerns, needs and aspirations to district level decision makers (i.e., better governance.)

Figure 1: Initial Page of SDS v.4.0

2 We expect both MONE and MORA to sanction the DBE1 RKS methodology.

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After several months of development and testing, during the July – September 2008 quarter DBE1 produced the final version of SDS i.e. SDS v.4.0. An accompanying implementation manual has been developed and distributed to trainers. The program is implemented in a series of workshops to train trainers and schools to process data and produce reports (Table 3). Two persons from each district have been identified as trainers for the schools; they have been trained in Train the Trainer courses (TOT). These trainers are mainly district education supervisors, district education office staff, and teachers who are computer literate.

Table 3: SDS Detailed Activities Detail Activities Sub-

Milestone Milestone

1. Provincial level TOT Training Report


2. Pre-Workshop Facilitation Session Observation Form


3. Cluster Level Workshop (3 days per cluster)

Training Report

Softcopy of SDS filled in with data

4. Final Facilitation Session -

a. Final Facilitation Session I Observation Form


b. Final Facilitation Session II Observation Form

Softcopy of SDS filled in with data [verified & validated]

When we began to develop this program several months ago, some doubted that poor rural schools would have the ability and motivation to use a computer system, but we found that they are both capable and very eager to use it. In fact, several schools are prepared to use their own funds to rent computers for this purpose.

The SDS final version also underwent national review which was carried out from July 22 to 24, 2008. This event was attended by DBE1 provincial ICT team, USAID (Ibu Mimy Santika, USAID/EDU), Bapak Budi Susetyo - BOS MONE Designer, and three representatives from MONE’s statistics center (PSP): Bapak Ade Nasrun, Bapak Agus Purwadi, and Bapak Eru Achmad S.

In the workshop, Bapak Budi Susetyo from MONE explained that that the new BOS program which will be funded by World Bank requires more transparency and accountability. He said that the SDS would certainly help in this area and wants to consider MONE support for implementing SDS nation-wide.

Three representatives from MONE’s statistics center (PSP were enthusiastic with the SDS, and said they wanted to be involved in the process. They mentioned that the whole process and system would provide lessons learned for MONE and might be used as a model to overcome problems encountered in MONE’s national EMIS (PadatiWeb).

SDS will be implemented in about 500 Cohort 2 schools by December 2008. In addition it will be pilot tested in junior secondary schools in two districts in South

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Sulawesi where the district governments have provided funding for the trial. The status of implementation is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: SDS Status by Cohort-2 Districts

Cluster-1 Cluster-2 Cluster-1 Cluster-2 Cluster-1 Cluster-2 Cluster-1 Cluster-2

1. Kab. Aceh Tengah √ √ √ √2. Kab. Bireun √ √ √ √3. Kab. Pidie1. Kab. Tapanuli Selatan2. Kota Tanjung Balai3. Kab. Dairi √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √1. Kota Bogor √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √2. Kab. Subang √ √3. Kab. Garut √ √



1. Kab. Blora2. Kab. Demak √ √ √ √3. kab. Grobogan4. Kab. Purworejo1. Kab. Pasuruan √ √ √ √ √ √2. Kab. Nganjuk √ √3. Kab. Bojonegoro √ √ √ √ √ √4. Kab. Sampang √ √ √ √5. Kab. Tuban (2) √ √ √ √1. Kab. Pinrang √ √ √2. Kab. Enrekang √ √ √ √ √3. Kab. Jeneponto √ √4. Kota Makassar √ √5. Kab. Soppeng √ √ √ √

Note: √ : Conducted







Cohort-2 DistrictsProvince

Cluster Level Workshop

Final Facilitation Session I

Final Facilitation Session IIProvince

Level TOT

Pre-Workshop Facilitation

Anticipated Next Steps

• SDS roll out for SD/MI in the remaining Cohort-2 schools. • Develop SDS for SMP/MTs and pilot test in two districts in South Sulawesi. • Follow up with MONE regarding the nationwide use of SDS.

3.3 Education Finance

District Education Financial Analysis (AKPK) During the reporting period DBE1 specialists have continued to provide support to the district teams to help them conduct AKPK analyses. Draft final reports presenting the analysis results were completed for ten districts: Sukabumi (West Java), Karanganyar, Boyolali, Klaten (Central Java), Sampang, Nganjuk, Mojokerto, Tuban (East Java), Pinrang, Jeneponto (South Sulawesi). AKPK analyses for another four districts are nearing completion: Indramayu (West Java), Pasuruan (East Java), Sidrap (South Sulawesi), and Tapanuli Utara (North Sumatra). Progress in West Java/Banten has accelerated during the reporting period as a result of fielding a new Budget and Finance Specialist, who has been very quick in mastering the methodology and has proved to be effective in facilitating the analysis process.

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Analysis results of a sample of seven AKPKs show the following: (i) the education sector is by far the largest district government sector as between 30% to 43% of total district expenditure is used for the education sector; (ii) teacher salaries is by far the largest expenditure component taking up between 63% to 80% of total education sector expenditure; and (iii) funding for school operations remains low with only 2% to 6% of total education sector expenditure. Sukabumi clearly constitutes the exemption as this district allocates 18% of total education sector expenditure to fund school operations. The following table clearly shows the small amounts allocated for school operations.

Sukabumi Indramayu Lebak Karanganyar # of

Students Rp/Student/

Year # of

Students Rp/Student/

Year # of

Students Rp/Student/

Year # of

Students Rp/Student/

Year SDN 265,362 180,160 192071 3,478 170,606 0 74,830 10,742SMPN 41,575 100,024 48878 56,425 34,444 100,052 28,847 89,886SMAN 12,732 123,084 10804 91,705 11,176 165,374 8,497 73,490SMKN 2,697 452,911 6223 85,874 2,112 127,286 1,909 399,831

Bojonegoro Sampang Pangkep # of

Students Rp/Student/

Year # of

Students Rp/Student/

Year # of

Students Rp/Student/

Year SDN 96,680 21,862 96,175 11,903 43,218 0 SMPN 30,684 70,483 11,092 245,072 13,523 52,873 SMAN 9,466 159,022 3,951 397,896 5,363 157,346 SMKN 6,515 374,458 689 374,157 1,898 359,318

The table also shows that funding for public primary schools (SDN) strongly varies between districts with an annual allocation of Rp 180,160 per student in Sukabumi to a mere Rp 3,478 per student in Indramayu and no support at all in Lebak and Pangkajene Kepulauan (Pangkep). The allocation for school operations in Sukabumi may look generous when compared with the other districts, but this amount is still insufficient to fully cover school operation cost, that are estimated at Rp 792,000 per student per year on the basis of the calculations made by the district’s BOSP team. When taking account of the Bantuan Operasional Sekolah-BOS grant of Rp 254,000 per student per year, it is clear that even in Sukabumi funding for school operations is still insufficient, let alone in the other districts. By combining AKPK and BOSP results, district stakeholders have the necessary information to make informed-decisions about school funding.

AKPK is also used in preparing the education sector financing strategy as the analysis provides information on education sector spending by the different levels of government. This information is used to develop alternative scenarios of funds availability, which are then matched with education sector development needs identified during the Renstra development process.

AKPK results have been presented to stakeholders in a number of districts during the reporting period. In all districts stakeholders have shown great interest in these presentations, which in turn have helped to deepen the policy discussion on education finance.

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Presentation of BOSP results to Vice Head of District of Soppeng, South


Anticipated Next Steps:

• Complete AKPK in all remaining DBE districts • Review and improve completed AKPK reports • Ensure better integration with Renstra and improve presentation of AKPK

results • Revise AKPK manual and training materials

School Unit Cost Analysis (BOSP) Up to September 2008, the BOSP program has been implemented in a total of 29 districts (4 in NAD, 2 in North Sumatra, 6 in South Sulawesi, 3 in West Java/Banten, 6 in Central Java, and 8 in East Java). 15 districts have finalized the analysis and 14 districts still in the process of conducting the analysis.

The urgency to have clear estimates of how much it cost to operate schools has only increased after the recent issuance of Government Regulations No. 47 re. Compulsory Education and No. 48 re. Education Financing, as both regulations explicitly stipulate that local governments are required to provide free primary and junior secondary public education. To have a clear picture of the funding needed to provide such education, districts must know how much it costs to run their schools, which is the purpose of the BOSP program.

Over the past months the BOSP program has become very popular and it is safe to say that most, if not all, DBE supported districts are interested to get assistance in this area as this program is very useful to them. Moreover, the DBE1 approach to help

district staff, school principals and teachers to prepare the estimates themselves has proved to be effective and has the potential to be adopted by non-DBE districts. As district capacity is the key to program sustainability, it positive to note that district officials are now able to update the calculations themselves in the future.

The BOSP program in NAD is a special and interesting case for two reasons. First, NAD is the only province where the program has been implemented at the request of the provincial Education Office

(Dinas Pendidikan Propinsi). Because of special education funding arrangements for NAD, the province wanted to have a clear picture of the funding needed to operate the schools in the province, on the basis of which an estimate was made of the provincial support required to introduce free basic education in the province. Second, as the province requested fast results, DBE1 opted for an accelerated implementation mechanism by mobilizing DBE1 BOSP specialists from South Sulawesi, East Java,

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Some Participants of Renstra Training for Kudus, Boyolali, and Purworejo,

Central Java

North Sumatra and Jakarta, which made it possible to implement the program simultaneously in four districts. In addition to providing support to districts and schools, provincial government staff were trained in BOSP techniques and they are now able to provide support to non-DBE supported districts in the province.

District stakeholders have shown great interest in the presentations of BOSP results and these in turn have helped to deepen the discussion on free-education.

Anticipated Next Steps:

• BOSP finalization for remaining districts • Further dissemination of BOSP results via district forum, multi-stakeholder

workshop and other events to deepen the understanding of stakeholders on education finance issues

• Preparation of a first report

3.4 Education Planning and Management By the end of the plan period five Renstras have been completed, another 15 have almost been completed and again another four half way of completion. The planning work is taking longer than initially planned, which is partly due to the routine work pressure on members of the district government planning teams and partly due to the complexity of the work. As to the latter, an example may illustrate this: Kabupaten Indramayu has over 1600 schools -not including learning groups for non-formal education- that provide schooling to over 320,000 children. The district employs around 17,000 teachers and educational personnel and total education sector expenditure for the five year period is over US$ 125 million. The sheer size of the sector makes planning work very demanding.

In Central and East Java and South Sulawesi where we are already working with a second cluster of districts, we see that the planning work is progressing faster, which is partly due to the following three reasons. First, long before the planning process commenced substantial preparatory work was undertaken to ensure that school data sets were up-to-date and (more or less) complete and incorporated into the Data Planning Information Support System (DPISS). This meant that data analysis results were already available at the time of training

which in turn made the training much more interesting for the participants. Second, DBE1 specialists have become more experienced in facilitating the planning process which also has helped to accelerate the process. Third, we have included more out-of-

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One of Renstra facilitation sessions in North Sumatra

office planning sessions, which made it easier for district officials to really focus on the planning work without being disturbed by routine activities.

In July a 5-day workshop was organized for DBE1 provincial planning and information specialists. The workshop provided a platform for sharing experience among the specialists, and reviewing draft plans, the planning methodology and the delivery mechanism. Over 50 suggestions were made by the specialists for improvement in the planning methodology, which are currently being worked into a new version of the planning methodology. Three officials from the Ministry of National Education briefed the planning specialists on recent developments in the sector, namely progress in the implementation of MONE’s Renstra, the Ministry’s high priority programs, and the new government regulation on Education Financing (PP 48 of 2008).

In the majority of districts multi-stakeholder consultations on the draft plans were stimulating events: often participants expressed their gratitude for having had the opportunity to give their opinion on the draft plan and to suggest improvements. More than once, they explained that this was the first time that they had this opportunity. Further, the greater part of participants were happy with the data-based planning approach which made it easier for them to understand what was planned and more importantly why.

In spite of the progress, it is clear that the road to building adequate planning capacity at the district level is still long as it is not realistic to expect that the districts will be able to make good plans after having gone through a single planning cycle. In the months to come, much effort will have to be put into reinforcing what was learnt, which will be done by providing assistance in translating the medium-term plans into annual plans and budgets.

Anticipated Next Steps:

• Renstra finalization for another 15 districts during the first quarter • Planning manual updating on the basis of provincial planning specialists

inputs • Development of a special methodology to work school planning results into

district plans

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3.5 Education Governance GGSP has gained momentum during the reporting period. After the mapping exercise, efforts focused on the organization of multi-stakeholder workshops which had as their purpose to clarify functions and responsibilities and build communication and ideally some form of trust among them. In addition to this, the workshops had a strong substance focus, as considerable time was devoted to such key subjects as the principles of good governance in education provision and the regulatory framework for the education sector, in particular minimum service standards and national education standards. Multi-stakeholder workshops had been conducted in 34 out of 49 districts.

On the basis of the positive results of the workshops, the majority of districts decided to continue the cooperation among stakeholders at the district level by establishing a GGSP forum bringing together representatives from local parliament (DPRD), Education Council (Dewan Pendidikan), CSOs, teachers and parents. In 25 out of the 49 districts a GGSP forum was established. It is interesting to note that the forums in Sukabumi and Tangerang are chaired by a member of the local legislature, which is more an exception than the rule.

Although progress differs among districts, in a number of districts the forum has moved from unstructured discussions covering a wide variety of topics to focusing its attention by formulating a policy agenda. For instance, the GGSP forums in a number of districts in East Java have already prepared their respective policy agenda. Key issues featuring high on the agendas include how to streamline the process of school entry by new students; school assessments and evaluations, including national examinations; and the medium-term Education Development Plan (Renstra Dinas Pendidikan). Further, there is a strong movement toward strengthening the regulatory framework for education provision at the district level by preparing Local Government Regulation(s) in the districts that do not yet have such a regulation (for instance Bangkalan and Sampang) and refining the framework by issuing lower level regulations in the districts that have already such a regulation (Mojokerto and Sidoarjo). In the districts where LGSP is also active, DBE1 and LGSP advisors work together to provide the technical assistance. In Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) DBE1 has been actively involved in preparing a provincial government regulation on how to make best use of the special funds available for education development in the province (special autonomy fund and oil and gas revenue-sharing fund).

Another positive development worth mentioning is that the discussions among stakeholders and between stakeholders and the executive have gained in quality and depth. Presentations on AKPK and BOSP results, the education profile and the related education key issues, and education priorities as outlined in the draft education development plan have helped to bring the discussions to higher levels as they are now information-based. It is fair to say that stakeholders are pleased to get informative, attractively presented and easy-to-understand information on education sector key issues and in number of districts initiatives have been developed to act upon this information. For instance in Bojonegoro, Tuban and Nganjuk, stakeholders

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During North Sumatra Education Council Conference, DBE1 team

members assisted participants from Sibolga

propose to issue a government regulation relating to school funding after they learnt about AKPK and BOSP results.

DBE1 will continue to help make education governance better informed. For instance, by analyzing DBE1 PDMS, education issues will be identified and brought to the attention of stakeholders. During a workshop held in Yogyakarta in September first analysis results were discussed which were related to a serious lack of toilet facilities and poor conditions, unequal teacher distribution, large numbers of unofficial teachers (honorarium based), inadequate supply of school furniture (3 children per table) and a shortage of books.

Education Conference for Education Board (Dewan Pendidikan) Two conferences for Education Board (Dewan Pendidikan) members took place, one in the province of North Sumatra and the other in East Java. The mapping results clearly showed that the majority of Dewan Pendidikan members are rather old with the majority of them retired Education Office officials. Despite this challenge, it was heartwarming to see how much the conference was appreciated by the members of the education board, an institution often ignored because of its ineffectiveness.

Besides experience sharing between Dewan members, a considerable amount of time was devoted to emphasizing the importance of monitoring as monitoring results constitute the foundation for identification of policy issues. It is only by knowing the reality on the ground, that the Dewan can play its role effectively. DBE1 developed a special monitoring instrument which is basically a long list of aspects that can be monitored. After the conference, the Dewan should select from the long list the issues that they think are relevant for their district.

In general, we see that Dewan Pendidikan are gradually becoming more active and that the relationships with the district Education Office are improving. For instance in Tebing Tinggi the district Education Office has involved the Dewan in a variety of training activities. In Tanjungbalai, the Head of the Education Office regularly meets with Dewan members in the GGSP forum and briefs them on program development and implementation, challenges faced and funding allocated. The Dewan Pendidikan of Sibolga gets financial support (Rp 72 million) from the local government.

Education Finance: Another Education Governance Issue Over the past year we have noted a clear shift in the way the education sector is funded. First, free basic education has become a popular policy promise for politicians

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running for office, but more often than not this promise is not founded by a clear plan on how to implement the policy and prevent adverse effects on education quality. With newly elected office holders in large numbers of DBE districts and provinces, DBE1 specialists promote that this issue is put high on the policy agenda. Second, we see that provinces are increasing funding for the education sector. This is partly a result of the promises made during the election campaigns, but we think also as a result of the Constitutional Court Decision that all levels of government, including the provinces, are required to allocate a minimum of 20% of their budget to the education sector. As provincial contributions in the past did not meet this requirement, provincial funding for education development will increase substantially in 2009. Third, central level funding is also expected to increase as the government intends to meet the 20% requirement. Fourth, initial analysis seems to suggest that the call on district resources to finance salaries and allowances is becoming larger, which means that funding for education development is becoming smaller. By combining the above developments, we see that there is shift in education development funding from the district to the higher levels of government. To harmonize the efforts undertaken by the different levels of government, DBE1 specialists have been promoting that the Renstra will become the basis for fund allocations by higher levels of government, or, in other words, that these levels of government “buy” into district education development plans. To this end, initial discussions have taken place with provincial Education Offices and Planning Boards, which will be followed upon during the next quarter through meetings and workshops. In North Sumatra the DBE1 team had an opportunity to bring this issue to the attention of the Governor during a special meeting.

Anticipated Next Steps:

• Continue special training for Dewan Pendidikan • Continue multi stakeholder forums with emphasis on results of development

planning and financial analysis • Begin to hold meetings and conduct workshop with provincial stakeholders to

support district plans

4. Increased Community Participation in the Provision of Education: Leadership & School Committee Training

Principals’ Leadership Training The last of two rounds of leadership training for elementary school principals was completed in the previous quarters in all provinces excepting Aceh and North Sumatra where the second rounds will be completed in the next quarter. Through training and discussions, participants learned about different leadership types. They were also provided with the opportunity to conduct self-assessment to determine their leadership style. Participants learned the related government laws on leadership, relationship between School Based Management and the need for effective leadership, and roles of principals as EMASLIM (Educator, Manager, Administrator, Supervisor, Leader,

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Principals participated in one of leadership training activities in Bireun,


Innovator, and Motivator.) Different methods of trust building as well as conflict prevention and resolution that could be used among different groups in schools were reviewed to provide participants with better school management skills. As a result of these sessions, school principals were expected to implement leadership and school management style that is efficient, effective, and participative of all school stakeholders. In addition, these training sessions also aimed to improve the principals’ capacity to support

development of school plans (RKS.)

For junior secondary principals (SMP/MTs), first round of leadership training sessions were held in West Java and Banten. Training in the remaining provinces will begin in the next quarter. Only one round of leadership training is planned for junior secondary. DBE1 will investigate the possibility of including the leadership modules in the DBE3 program.

School Committee Training Because involvement of School/Madrasah committee in school based management is crucial in improving quality of education in general as well as in developing and implementing school/madrasah plans, DBE1 designed a five-phase training program that committees can use to improve their capacity and quality of participation. These modules cover subjects such as participants self assessment, roles and functions of committee and committee empowerment through fair representation of gender. Participants can also learn to build effective and inclusive relationship with parents and community members through participative, transparent, and accountable methods. This training also discusses alternative funding resources to support schools/madrasah programs as listed on their school/madrasah plan.

In this quarter, school/madrasah committee training was held in Aceh, North Sumatra, West Java and Banten, and Central Java. Although training often

had to be adjusted to accommodate members busy schedule, these sessions provided input and empowerment methods for participants. In Aceh, for example, participants were encouraged to be more active in community organizations

School Committee member from Tanjungbalai, North Sumatra, took part

in the discussion session

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Replication Workshop in Aceh Besar

and take advantage of organizations’ available programs which could benefit schools/madrasah. As a result of this training, committee members in several schools and madrasah in Bogor, West Java, would like to reshuffle their organizations to better follow government’s rules and regulations. In Central Java, training sessions covered subjects such as the need of representation of gender and minority groups as well as organization of committee. Participants showed great interest when discussing these subjects as they were considered as new topic.

Anticipated Next Steps

• Complete round 2 of leadership training in Aceh and North Sumatra • Complete school committee training in all DBE elementary schools and one

round of training in junior secondary schools.

5. Replication of school level programs At the school-level, DBE1 was designed to improve management and governance of participating schools and madrasah through development of school and madrasah plans as well as empowerment of principals and school/madrasah committee. To implement this program effectively, a focused and selective approach was used, targeting only a small number of schools and madrasah in approximately 50 districts in 8 provinces. Also, as part of the strategy, DBE1 uses the experience and best practices obtained from this endeavor as real samples that

district governments and related institutions could see first hand and, using their own financial resources, replicate in more schools and madrasah.

Following up on replication workshops conducted in all provinces during the April to July 2008 period, during the quarter provincial offices continued their efforts to

support replication with workshops at district level. Participants of usually consisted of district-level stakeholders such as Head of District or representatives of District Development and Planning Board, Education Council, Finance Board, Office of Religious Affairs, District Parliament, Education Office, and schools and madrasah.

Responses from stakeholders throughout these workshops continued to be positive. In Central Java, for example, Boyolali,

Training to develop madrasah development plan in Surabaya, East


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Number of School

APBD SELF FUNDED TOTAL APBD SELF FUNDED TOTALNanggroe Aceh 2 35 42,000,000 - 42,000,000 50,000,000 190,000,000 240,000,000 North Sumatera 6 195 487,291,000 3,000,000 490,291,000 509,361,200 8,200,000 517,561,200 Banten 3 45 197,600,000 17,500,000 215,100,000 - - - West Java 3 154 475,000,012 25,500,000 500,500,012 - - - Central Java 7 1578 748,000,000 - 748,000,000 2,239,500,877 - 2,239,500,877 East Java 8 1826 408,000,000 44,000,000 452,000,000 658,000,000 60,000,000 718,000,000 South Sulaw esi 9 213 563,000,000 - 563,000,000 662,065,000 145,000,000 807,065,000 Total 38 4,046 2,920,891,012 90,000,000 3,010,891,012 4,118,927,077 403,200,000 4,522,127,077

Total Budget 2007 Total Budget 2008Province

Number of


Supervisors in Aceh Besar took part in activities of District

Facilitators/Supervisors Forum

Karanganyar, and Kudus districts promised substantial funds for replication in 2009. In East Java, efforts of DBE1 to replicate its programs were fully supported by provincial government because of East Java Education Office decision that all schools in all districts must complete School-Based Management program by 2011. Further, Surabaya Office of Religious Affairs also encouraged madrasah to take part in this replication program. Using their own funds, a total of seven madrasah (two MIN, 4 MTN,

and one MAN) in Surabaya participated in a three-day madrasah development plan training session facilitated by DBE1. In South Sulawesi, many district governments expressed interest in replicating DBE1 programs as these programs will help districts in planning and implementing their “Free Education” initiative.

However, it is also important to note that almost all stakeholders requested that replication of DBE programs to include DBE2 and 3, not only DBE1 programs on school and madrasah management and governance.

Compared to last quarter, total number of districts taking part in replicating DBE1 programs increased from 33 to 38 and number of participating schools and madrasah doubled from 2,489 to 4,046. Total amount of money allocated to support replication through district budget as well as self-funded3 resources in 2008 went up from Rp. 3,6 to Rp. 4,5 billion. Details of districts response to DBE1 programs replication effort as of September 2008 can be seen in table 4 below.

Table 4: Replication Effort as of September 2008

District Facilitators have been playing an important role in implementing DBE1 programs at school level. As local school supervisors who were trained by DBE1 they are part of the local education system who fully understands how the system works. By including these supervisors as programs facilitators, DBE1 hopes that they will

3 Self-funded resources include funds from school, local community, or institutions used to support DBE1 training in school/madrasah development plan and capacity building of principals and school committees.

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continue to apply their knowledge and skills and support the improvement of schools and madrasah after the completion of the project in 2010.

In this reporting period, DBE1 efforts were also focused on the establishment of District Facilitators/Supervisors Forum in all participating districts. In this forum, participants include not only DBE1-trained supervisors but also other supervisors from different districts/sub-districts. DBE1 provincial staff, supported by District Coordinators and existing Facilitators, usually conduct training in subjects such as establishment of school/madrasah development plan working groups, methods to develop school/madrasah plan, leadership, and school committee.

In general, district government and supervisors reacted positively to the establishment of the Forum as it improves their capacity and helps them to be more aligned with Permendiknas 12/2007 (Standards of School/Madrasah Supervisors.) In East Java, to anticipate high level of DBE1 program replication request from districts, 20 DBE1-trained district facilitators were selected as provincial facilitators. These provincial

facilitators will then train other supervisors in the province. In South Sulawesi, supervisors agreed to use education-related forums such as Principal Forum, Teachers Working Group ((Kelompok Kerja Guru/KKG,) or Subject-Based Teachers Association (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran/MGMP) to train schools. Encouraged by what they learned from these training sessions, several supervisors will even use their own funds to train principals to develop their school/madrasah plan.

To assess performance of replication of the DBE1 RKS program, from March to May 2008, DBE1 conducted a study in 92 sample schools from 17 districts in Central Java, West Java and Banten, South Sulawesi, and North Sumatra. The report will be submitted to USAID in October 2008. The study concludes that the following factors are required to support successful replication efforts:

1. Replication to include all stages of training and facilitations.

2. Community should be involved in school/madrasah development process. Data indicates that schools/madrasah that have been successful in implementing DBE1 programs are those that have high level of community participation.

3. Limit number of target schools to ensure that funds and human resources to support the training and facilitation sessions are available.

4. Recruitment of more school supervisors who will be trained as mentors/facilitators of the whole process.

Some Participants of East Java Provincial Facilitators Training

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5. Role of Education Office in selecting the target schools/madrasah and in supporting the replication process as a whole.

6. Role of Principal in ensuring that the schools/madrasah will produce development plans.

7. School visits will be more effective if followed up with training activities.

8. Clear district plan on replication budget implementation. For example, district replication plan should include number of participants. Plan should include detailed information on participation in training and facilitation sessions.

The study made the following recommendations for implementing replication:

1. Encourage link between planning at school level with planning and budgeting at district level. DBE1 district-level programs such as Governance or Renstra should ensure that school and madrasah plans will be used as input for district planning, budgeting, and policies.

2. Results of DBE1 replication study should be disseminated to decision makers at district, province, and national level. This study could also be provided to potential donor organization such as Ministry of Religious Affairs, Muhammadiyah, and education-based foundations.

3. Support districts and other replication partners to plan and implement the replication programs in clusters located close to DBE1 participating schools.

4. Encourage involvement of Head of Sub-Division Office (Kepala Cabang Dinas/KCD ) in schools and madrasah selection process.

5. Encourage District Education Office to plan detail budget to support all activities related to replication, to follow training stages as recommended, and to ensure community participation.

6. Data and Information Management

6.1 Strengthening EMIS through ICT USD 350,000 has been set aside by the project to assist Ministry of National Education (MONE) in strengthening its EMIS. Based on an assessment conducted in Aceh in the previous quarter, DBE1 has proposed a pilot project to test technology to improve the flow and accuracy of EMIS data from schools to districts. The proposal was discussed with the director of MONE’s statistics and information center (PSP), his staff and Ibu Mimy Santika of USAID in May 2008. The director enthusiastically supported the project and assigned his staff to be part of an implementation team with DBE1 staff. The results of the pilot will be useful for MONE in improving its EMIS.

During the quarter follow up meetings were held between MONE and DBE1 staff. The results of the meetings were development of five scenarios for carrying out the project. The scenarios have been under discussion with USAID. USAID decision is expected in the next quarter. If USAID approves of the MONE/DBE1 proposal, work will start immediately.

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The proposal has three integrated components to improve information use with regard to its supply, demand, and capacity (Figure 3):

1. Enhancing existing resources for information and data management in district and sub-district education offices in two selected Aceh districts based on actual needs.

2. Strengthening capacity and role of school supervisors to act as key liaisons (and “information nodes”) between schools and sub-district education offices.

3. Strengthening the capacity of school principals and administrators to manage EMIS data at the school level in (i) the use of data for planning and decision making, e.g. in school development planning or community outreach; and (ii) more timely and accurate reporting of EMIS data.

Figure 3: Supply, Demand, and Capacity Affect Information Use

The most innovative feature of the proposed pilot is the use of smart phones/PDAs by school inspectors (pengawas) who will collect EMIS data directly from schools. Pilot project schools will be given computers for this purpose. This will allow the inspectors to verify the data at the time of collection and will prevent spread of viruses, which is very common when schools that have access to computers transmit data from local internet cafes (Warnet) or flash disks.

The results of the pilot will help to support implementation of the following MONE regulations:

• Permendiknas No. 12 year 2007 (Standar Pengawas Sekolah/Madrasah) regarding school supervisor competencies

• Permendiknas No. 19 Year 2007( Standar Pengelolaan Pendidikan) concerning supply, demand, and capacity of data and information.

The activity features two phases: preparation and implementation (timeframe and work plan for Phase I and II are shown in Figure 4). The two phases will be implemented in close cooperation with MONE and activity stakeholders.

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Figure 4: Targeted Time Frame and Work Plan for Piloted EMIS Strengthening at District and School Level

Anticipated Next Steps

• Finalize pilot plan and objectives based on USAID feedback • Mobilize MONE staff and conduct assessments in Aceh • Begin procurement process

6.2 DBE Website 4 As of September 2008, the DBE website received 678,856 hits since the website was launched in 2005. This quarter total hits (122,078) is fewer compared to last quarter’s total hits (160,407), but it has more total hits compared to the first quarter (104,683 hits). This quarter’s monthly average hits is 40,693. August had the fewest hits (36,075). July and September hits are almost equal; the difference is only 1,949 hits (see right side of Figure 5). The average weekly hits in this quarter is 8,930 hits - ranging from 13,026 (14 Sep – 21 Sep period) to 6,272 (17 Aug – 24 Aug period) (see left side of Figure 5).


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Figure 5: Website Hits

During the quarter, DBE1 continued to upload information from DBE123 into various sections of the Website, primarily: News, Good Practices, and Resource Materials. Annex 4 contains a list and description of uploaded information. The top ten requests for documents during the quarter were for resource materials uploaded by DBE1 related to various ministerial decrees. Also among the top ten downloads were DBE1 and DBE3 manuals (see Table 5 below).

Table 5: Top 10 Requests for Documents during the Quarter


Date Upload (mm-dd-yy)

Duration since upload date (days)

Daily Download Frequency

Attachment for BSNP regulation No.No.984-BSNP-XI-2007 regarding SOP for SMP, MTs, SMPLB, SMA, MA, SMALB, DAN SMK National Exam year 2007/2008

6180 27-Nov-07 303 20.40

National Education Minister Regulation number 34 year 2007 regarding National Exam Year 2007-2008

5200 27-Nov-07 303 17.16

Komite Sekolah: Mempersiapkan Komite Sekolah untuk Mengikuti Musrenbang Desa 219 17-Sep-08 13 16.85

School Committee: Preparing School Committee to Participate in 'Musrenbang Desa'

175 17-Sep-08 13 13.46

National Education Minister Regulation number 12 year 2007 regarding School Supervisor Standard

1258 28-Apr-08 152 8.28

Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi untuk Kehidupan, Pembelajaran dan Pekerjaan

6004 31-Jul-06 780 7.70

Attachment for BSNP regulation No.9 No.983-BSNP-XI-2007 regarding SOP for Integration of National Exam with UNTUS for SD, MI, and SDLB Education Year 2007-2008

2111 27-Nov-07 303 6.97

Letter of Directorate General of Basic Education Management No. 643/C/KU/2007 regarding Implementation Guidelines for 2007 Fiscal Year 2007 Specific Allocation Funds

2496 02-Aug-07 418 5.97

School Committee: Alliance 2090 17-Sep-07 373 5.60 School Committee: Simple Accounting Methods 1757 17-Sep-07 373 4.71

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Anticipated Next Steps

• Continuous improvement, maintenance, and update on website content. • Continuous update on Geographic Information System (GIS). • Event list improvement to display calendar activities filtered by province or by

DBE components. • Add new feature called photo gallery to depict various DBE activities. • Add search engine facility to help website users retrieve information.

6.3 Project Data Management System (PDMS)5 Most of PDMS activities during the quarter focused on the modification of PDMS user interface (screen display) and the enhancement/development of some modules. The PDMS user interface was modified to be more user-friendly. In the quarter the Simple Query module was enhanced and a new DBE1 Project Implementation Status module was completed.

PDMS User Interface Modification The user interface modification was carried out by arranging the layout of the existing menu options. These menus were grouped into three categories: interactive menu, basic project information, and project management. Sub-menus under each category are as follows:

INTERACTIVE MENU Simple Query Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) Geographical Information System (GIS) Correlation Analysis

BASIC PROJECT INFORMATION Fact Sheet for DBE Program Public Private Alliances Results Matric District Level Information Elementary School Level (SDMI) Profile Junior Secondary Level (SMP/MTs) Profile Non-Formal Education (PLS) Profile


o Project Implementation Tracking System o Project Completion Status o Training Activity o ICT Program o Performance Indicator for DBE1 o School Program Priority Profile o DBE1 Internal Document


o Training Activity • Number of Training Activity

5 PDMS address:

Username: viewer Password: pdmsviewer

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• Number of Trainees • Number of Training by Province • Partner

Simple Query Module The previous Simple Query menu had weaknesses such as limited variable options, number of results available, and types of outputs. During the quarter, this feature was improved so that users can easily get information they need. Figure 6 shows the type of information that can be queried and the form of outputs: on the screen or in the form of MS-Excel file. A sample result of a simple query is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 6: Screen Shot of Simple Query Menu

Figure 7: Sample of Simple Query Result in MS-Excel File Form

Information Scope : schoolAgregate Level : nationalData Year : 2007/2008Cohort : all

Province Name Electricity Availability

Connected to Internet

Television Availability

Radio Availability

Multimedia Availability

Principal Room


Teacher Room

AvailabilityNanggroe Aceh Darussalam 131 1 8 39 29 61 95Sumatera Utara 145 2 28 68 37 146 98Banten 15 7 24 35 13 39 41Jawa Barat 134 12 38 71 34 118 118DKI Jakarta 7 0 6 7 5 7 7Jawa Tengah 81 14 66 165 48 135 186DI Yogyakarta 10 0 3 8 1 7 8Jawa Timur 145 4 91 115 44 154 161Sulawesi Selatan 159 7 50 132 49 152 106

Result from Simple QueryQuery Parameter:

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DBE1 Project Management Module During the quarter DBE1 completed a PDMS tool to track implementation of planned activities. DBE1 activities are carried out in each district in a number of steps from start to finish; for example, producing BOSP requires 6 steps in the form of workshops and consultations. Each step in the activity is designated as a milestone. Each activity is documented in the form of a training report, observation sheet or final report. Provincial specialists are responsible for creating the documents; the provincial ICT team uploads the documents in PDMS. At the same time the provincial ICT teams note the milestones completed. With this tool DBE1 central and provincial project management as well as authorized users such as USAID can determine the status of program completion in any DBE district at any time. Figure 8 shows the status of implementation of major DBE1 programs for all DBE districts at a point in time.

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Figure 8: Sample of Project Completion Status Report (Source: PDMS 18 September 2008)





















ite S






ite S

























asi M









K (D















I. ACEH1. Kota Banda Aceh To Do To Do N/A N/A N/A N/A To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

2. Kab. Aceh Besar To Do To Do N/A N/A N/A N/A To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

3. Kab. Aceh Tengah To Do To Do N/A N/A N/A N/A To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

4. Kab. Bireun To Do N/A N/A N/A N/A To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A N/A

5. Kab. Pidie To Do To Do N/A N/A N/A N/A To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

II. NORTH SUMATRA 1. Kota Sibolga To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

2. Kab. Tapanuli Utara To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A

3. Kab. Deli Serdang To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A To Do N/A N/A

4. Kota Tebing Tinggi To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

5. Kota Binjai To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

6. Kab. Tapanuli Selatan To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

7. Kota Tanjung Balai To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

8. Kab. Dairi To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

III. WEST JAVA1. Kab. Karawang To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A

2. Kab. Indramayu To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

3. Kab. Sukabumi To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A

4. Kota Bogor To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

5. Kab. Subang To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

6. Kab. Garut To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

IV. BANTEN1. Kota Cilegon To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A N/A

2. Kab. Lebak To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

3. Kota Tangerang To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A


VI. CENTRAL JAVA1. kab. Jepara To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A N/A

2. Kab. Kudus To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A N/A

3. Kab. Klaten To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A

4. Kab. Karanganyar To Do To Do To Do N/A

5. Kab. Boyolali To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

6. Kab. Blora To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A To Do N/A N/A

7. Kab. Demak To Do To Do N/A To Do N/A N/A

8. kab. Grobogan To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

9. Kab. Purworejo To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A To Do N/A

VII. EAST JAVA1. Kab. Tuban To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A

2. Kota Mojokerto To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

3. Kab. Sidoarjo To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A N/A

4. Kota Surabaya To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

5. Kab. Bangkalan To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

6. Kab. Pasuruan To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

7. Kab. Nganjuk To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

8. Kab. Bojonegoro To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

9. Kab. Sampang To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A N/A

VIIII. SOUTH SULAWESI1. Kota Palopo To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

2. Kab. Soppeng To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A

3. Kab. Pangkep To Do To Do To Do N/A

4. Kab. Enrekang To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A

5. Kab. Jeneponto To Do To Do To Do N/A

6. Kab. Pinrang To Do To Do To Do N/A

7. Kab. Luwu To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

8. Kab. Sidrap To Do To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A

9. Kota Makassar To Do To Do To Do N/A N/A N/A

≤ 25% ≤ 75% To Do To Do

≤ 50% ≤ 100% N/A N/A


Anticipated Next Steps

• Continuous improvement of PDMS menus, submenus, and output. • Data for districts undergoing splitting will be updated as it becomes available. • Dissemination (replication) of DBE1 program on district or school level will

be included as it becomes available. • Final drafts of user guides for PDMS in English and Bahasa Indonesia

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T2 -





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T1 -








T2 -







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T2 -





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T2 -





T2 -






T1 -






Last Quarter Disbursed (USD) Current Quarter Disbursed (USD)

7. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

ICT Grant Disbursement DBE1 has been disbursing grant funds over the last four quarters. Total value of grants awarded was $246,284 (equivalent to IDR 2,216,556,000). As of September 2008, $111,786 (equivalent to IDR 1,006,070,478) has been disbursed to the grantees in the form of equipment, which was procured directly by DBE1, and cash to cover training expenses. Only one grantee, CV Cosmo Jaya, conducted the procurement itself because they have good procurement management. In the quarter, four grantees, YPK Amanah, CV Almagada Jaya, CV Trisatya Pratama, and CV Cosmo Jaya, received grant disbursement – see Figure 9. The other grantees did not receive any grant disbursement because grant payment was not scheduled in the quarter or due to delayed milestone. For instance, PT ITS Kemitraan was scheduled to disburse equipment in this quarter, however; it was delayed due to procurement procedure compliance.

Figure 9: ICT Grant Disbursement •

Each grantee has agreed upon certain milestones to be reached in developing their programs. Once a milestone is reached, the grantee submits a progress report and proposal for next funding stage. Figure 10 shows the amount of grants disbursed compared to the obligated amount. Almost all of grants awarded in early 2007 have a high disbursement rate, which means that some of the grants will be completed soon. On the other hand, the grants awarded in late 2007 have relatively low disbursement rates due to delayed milestone achievement. Two such examples are PT Indomaya Wira Sejahtera and PT Trisatya Pratama. These two grantees will be monitored further. Grants awarded in early 2008 (T2 - PT ITS Kemitraan) also have low disbursement rates due to procurement problems. Constraints in implementing ICT Grant are mainly due to lack of confidence of the DBE1 provincial teams in terms of managing procurement and assisting the grantees in reporting. Thus they rely heavily on guidance from the DBE1 Jakarta team for support and frequent checking.

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448 $6

















680 $9



















$1,919 $1,981$534






T1 -











- YP



T1 -





T2 -




T2 -




ya T1 -





T2 -





T1 -





- PT




T2 -




T2 -





T1 -


















Disbursed (USD) Obligated Amount (USD)

However, this communication is normally good and ensures more reliability in the process.

Figure 10: ICT Grant Realization vs. Obligated Amount by Date of Grants Awarded

Anticipated Next Steps

• Finalize Tapanuli Utara, North Sumatra pre-award process. • Special monitoring of grantees that do not show significant progress. • Review for completeness and compliance of general reporting requirements

upon the receipt of each grantee progress report. • Conduct ICT Grant Indicator Monitoring & Evaluation using developed ICT

Grants Program Indicators and Customized Grantee Indicator Tracking Sheets.

8. Public-Private Alliance

8.1. BP Alliance – Papua Barat DBE1 completed the recruitment of a Provincial Coordinator for Papua Barat. The selected person will begin in November and be responsible for Kota Sorong, Kabupaten Sorong Selatan and Kabupaten Manokwari. In October, he will receive training in Jakarta on DEFA, Renstra and Admin/Finance.

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8.2. ConocoPhillips Alliance: Central Java and Yogyakarta

School Reconstruction/Rehabilitation Grants In this quarter, total of 35 Phase 2 grants were approved and awarded by USAID/DBE1. Total value of the Phase 2 Grants awarded was Rp. 8.267.740.000,- (equivalent to $918,637.78).

Table 6: School Reconstruction/Rehabilitation Grant Status



1 SDN 01 Babadan 0209604-G-08-014

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 647.976.000,-

Start reconstruction process: fifth week of April. Progress: 95,64 %

2 SDN 01 Granting 0209604-G-08-015

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 185.264.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: first week of May. Progress: 100 %

3 SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Wedi


Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 200.000.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: first week of July. Progress: 71,60 %

4 SDN Tangkisan Pos 0209604-G-08-026

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 249.133.000,-

Start reconstruction process: first week of June. Progress: 100 %

5 SDN 01 Somopuro 0209604-G-08-027

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 257.471.000,-

Start reconstruction process: first week of June. Progress: 100 %

6 PKBM Marsudi Karya 0209604-G-08-029

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 180.933.000,-

Start reconstruction process: fourth week of July. Progress: 87,35 %

7 SDN 02 Demangan 0209604-G-08-030

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 229.709.000,-

Start reconstruction process: second week of July. Progress: 59,16 %

8 SDN 03 Palar 0209604-G-08-031

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 212.351.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: third week of July. Progress: 89,74 %

9 SDN 02 Mlese 0209604-G-08-032

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 200.000.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: third week of July. Progress: 35,70 %

10 MI Muhammadiyah Blanciran


Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 146.700.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: first week of August. Progress: 61,79 %

11 SDN 02 Tanjung 0209604-G-08-036

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 173.425.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: third week of July. Progress: 40,17 %

12 SDN 01 Jambu Kidul 0209604-G-08-037

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 172.033.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: fourth week of July. Progress: 50,26 %

13 SDN 01 Karangnongko 0209604-G-08-038

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 145.086.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: first week of August. Progress: 25,46 %

14 SDN 02 Pokak 0209604-G-08-041

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 195.712.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: third week of July. Progress: 65,80 %

15 SDN 02 Kanoman 0209604-G-08-042 Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Start rehabilitation process: first

week of August.

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Phase 2: Rp 147.685.000,- Progress: 22,42 %

16 SDN 01 Mandong 0209604-G-08-043

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp 214.040.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: first week of August. Progress: 42,74 %

17 SDN 01 Jurangjero 0209604-G-08-044

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 220.000.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: first week of August. Progress: 33,10 %

Total Phase 1 Grants: Rp. 102.000.000,- Phase 2 Grants: Rp. 3.777.518.000,-


1 MTs Al Falaah 0209604-G-08-016

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 298.750.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: first week of May. Progress: 100%

2 MI Miftahul Ulum 0209604-G-08-017

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 589.286.000,-

Start reconstruction process: first week of May. Progress: 87,98 %

3 SMP PGRI 0209604-G-08-021

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 350.284.000,-

Start reconstruction process: second week of June. Progress: 95,54 %

4 MTs Hasyim Asy'ari 0209604-G-08-023

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 350.000.000,-

Start reconstruction process: fifth week of July. Progress: 48,84 %

5 MTsN Gondowulung 0209604-G-08-024

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 468.131.000,-

Start reconstruction process: first week of June. Progress: 100 %

6 PKBM Candirejo 0209604-G-08-028

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 120.279.000,-

Start reconstruction process: fifth week of July. Progress: 64,31 %

Total Phase 1 Grants: Rp. 36.000.000,- Phase 2 Grants: Rp. 2.176.730.000,-


1 SMPN 15 0209604-G-08-018

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 201.838.000,-

Start reconstruction process: fifth week of May. Progress: 100 %

2 SMP Pangudi Luhur 2 0209604-G-08-022

Fase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Fase 2: Rp. 300.921.000,-

Start reconstruction process: first week of August. Progress: 59,43 %

Total Phase 1 Grants Rp. 12.000.000,- Phase 2 Grants: Rp. 502.759.000,-


1 SD Muhammadiyah Tengahan


Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 274.504.000,-

Start reconstruction process: first week of August. Progress: 71,74 %

2 SDN Kowangbinangun 0209604-G-08-020

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 193.789.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: second week of June. Progress: 98,00 %

3 MI Ma'arif Blendangan 0209604-G-08-034

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 152.043.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: fifth week of July. Progress: 52,05 %

4 SDN Nglahar 0209604-G-08-035

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 175.000.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: second week of August. Progress: 31,82 %

5 SDN Salakan Lor 0209604-G-08-039

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 168.436.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: second week of July. Progress: 100 %

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Vice Head of Bantul District (right) gave part of “tumpeng” to

representative of Nahdlatul Ulama.

6 SDN Potrojayan 2 0209604-G-08-040

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 149.017.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: third week of July. Progress: 90,79 %

7 PKBM Gita Lestari 0209604-G-08-045

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 156.000.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: first week of July. Progress: 100 %

8 SDN Kledokan 0209604-G-08-046

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 226.980.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: first week of August. Progress: 35,59 %

9 SD Muhammadiyah Ambarketawang 3


Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 155.829.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: fifth week of July. Progress: 44,87 %

10 MI Al Huda 0209604-G-08-048

Phase 1: Rp. 6.000.000,- Phase 2: Rp. 159.135.000,-

Start rehabilitation process: first week of August. Progress: 62,62 %

Total Phase 1 Grants: Rp. 60.000.000,- Phase 2 Grants: Rp. 1.810.733.000,-

Grand Total Phase 1 Grants: Rp. 210.000.000,- Phase 2 Grants: Rp. 8.267.740.000,-

Inauguration Ceremony of MTs Al Falaah, Bantul After three months in the process, rehabilitation of Al Falaah Madrasah was officially completed on August 14, 2008. To commemorate this important milestone, the madrasah held a celebration attended by Vice Head of Bantul District, Head of Bantul District Education Council, representatives from Yogyakarta Province and Bantul District Office of Religious Affairs, religious leaders, and madrasah neighborhood community. Also present were the madrasah principal, teachers and representatives of DBE1 Yogyakarta.

“Hadroq” musical performance by MTs Al Falaah students

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MTs Al Falaah, Bantul, before the rehabilitation process, May 2008

MTs Al Falaah, Bantul, after the rehabilitation process, Agustus 2008

Monitoring & Evaluation On 23-30 June and 18-12 July 2008, DBE1 Jakarta conducted monitoring and evaluation of the school reconstruction/rehabilitation process in Kabupaten Bantul, Sleman, Klaten and Kota Yogyakarta. The objective of this monitoring was to assess preparation and implementation of school reconstruction/rehabilitation process and to assess the extent to which the school reconstruction and rehabilitation process meets guidelines and standards incorporated in the implementation manual that has been developed by DBE1. The second phase of monitoring and evaluation is planned to be conducted in the next quarter.

School Reconstruction/Rehabilitation Process In the quarter the reconstruction and rehabilitation process has commenced in 35 school/madrasah/PKBM. Out of these 35 schools, reconstruction/rehabilitation process in eight schools: MTs Al Falaah, MTs N Gondowulung, SDN 01 Somopuro, SDN Tangkisan Pos, SDN 01 Granting, SMPN 15 Yogyakarta, PKBM Gita Lestari, and SDN Salakan Lor were completed.

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MTs N Gondowulung, Bantul, before the reconstruction process, June 2008

MTs N Gondowulung, Bantul, after the reconstruction process, September


SDN 01 Somopuro, Klaten, before the reconstruction process, June 2008

SDN 01 Somopuro, Klaten, after the reconstruction process, September


SDN Tangkisan Pos, Klaten, before the reconstruction process, June 2008

SDN Tangkisan Pos, Klaten, after the reconstruction process, September


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SDN 01 Granting, Klaten, before the rehabilitation process, May 2008

SDN 01 Granting, Klaten, after the rehabilitation process, September 2008

SMPN 15 Yogyakarta, before the reconstruction process, May 2008

SMPN 15 Yogyakarta, after the reconstruction process, September


PKBM Gita Lestari, Sleman, before the reconstruction process, July 2008

PKBM Gita Lestari, Sleman, after the reconstruction process, September


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SDN Salakan Lor, Sleman, before the rehabilitation process, July 2008

SDN Salakan Lor, Sleman, after the rehabilitation process, September 2008

Coordination and Evaluation Workshops On 16 – 24 September, DBE1 Yogyakarta team conducted coordination and evaluation workshops in Kabupaten Bantul, Sleman, Klaten and Kota Yogyakarta. All schools receiving reconstruction/rehabilitation grants attended the workshops. Principals, school committee members and school rehabilitation committees attended these workshops, and total of 252 people, 197 male and 55 female took part. To reduce traveling time of workshop participants, schools were grouped based on their geographical proximity to each other and workshop venue was selected based on its distance to these schools.

The workshops were aimed to improve coordination and communication among school management, school committee, committee of school for rebuilding and DBE1 Yogyakarta team. Throughout the interactive sessions, participants of these workshops were encouraged to share experiences, problems occurred and best practices in managing the reconstruction/rehabilitation processes. Because schools faced different kinds of challenge in the process, participants were provided with the opportunity to learn from each other about different methods to solve their problems. Participants were also able to learn about different ways to manage the budget. For some schools, although budget was limited, with thorough planning and additional help from community they were able to build more items or space than originally planned such as school fence and bicycles parking space. Some schools also used the budget to improve the school yard condition.

In these workshops, DBE1 Jakarta team presented the results of monitoring and evaluation conducted in July. Also taking part during the workshop in SDN Jurangjero, Klaten was representative from USAID/Education Office and Deputy Chief of Party of DBE1.

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Coordination & evaluation workshop, SDN Nglahar, Sleman, 12 September

Table 7: Number of participants taking part in the coordination and evaluation workshop in Kabupaten Bantul, Sleman, Klaten and Kota Yogyakarta


No Stakeholder M F


1 School Committee 31 2 33

2 School Principal 21 13 34

3 Committee of School for Rebuilding 145 40 185

Total 197 55 252

8.3. Developing New Alliances In March 2008, DBE1 met with Chevron Geothermal Indonesia in Kabupaten Garut to explore the possibility of Chevron to support schools in Garut to replicate DBE1 programs. Because of change of personnel in the Chevron’s office, it is therefore anticipated that the alliance with Chevron will take much longer to be finalized. There is also a possibility that the cooperation will not go through.

Anticipated Next Steps:

• Resume PPA Papua Barat activities. • Follow up with Chevron Geothermal Indonesia regarding plan to support

replication of DBE1 programs in Garut. • Monitor the implementation of school reconstruction/rehabilitation.

9. Gender DBE1 continues to highlight gender issues throughout its management and governance interventions. As a result stakeholders become more aware of gender issues in education. During this quarter, school committees in Tanjungbalai and Tapanuli Selatan (North Sumatra) and Purworejo and Grobogan (Central Java) opted to choose Gender as topic for training.

Coordination & evaluation workshop, SDN Jurangjero, Klaten, 16 September

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However, the number of women participating in DBE1 training programs for school committees and district officials and stakeholders remains disappointing. The percentage of women who participated in 2007 was 27%, but in 2008 this decreased to 25%. Because the participants for training are chosen by others, DBE1 has little direct control over participant selection. DBE1 will continue to emphasize importance of gender considerations wherever possible.

10. Conflict In July 2008 DBE1 carried out an assessment to determine feasibility to implement DBE1 in non DBE districts in Aceh. The study recommended that DBE1 district level programs, primarily Renstra, AKPK, BOSP and governance, be implemented in all remaining 18 districts in the province in collaboration with the provincial government. Several of these districts are former conflict areas. If the programs are implemented in the post districts, the peace process will be strengthened because DBE1 interventions can result in increased access and improved quality of education.

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III. Training for project beneficiaries

Compared to the previous quarter, the July to September period recorded a significant increase in number of training activities and number of people trained by DBE1. During the April to June period, the number of training activities was 388 whereas in this quarter, the number went up to 580. The number of people trained by DBE1 also increased from 4,902 to 6,214.

(Please see Table 8 and Table 9) below for more detail of number of training activities and people trained.)

Out of 6,214 total participants of DBE1 training sessions, 1,316 were school/madrasah committee members who took part in RKS/M updating process and other school-level activities. Meanwhile, there were 2,353 school principals and teachers who took part in activities such as training for RKS/M updating as well as School Database System (SDS.) In addition, a total of 641 service users (representatives of Education Council, District Parliament, Civil Service Organizations, and NGOs) and 712 service providers (District Facilitators, Supervisors, and others) were also trained by DBE1. This shows the continued focus of DBE1 to improve capacity of stakeholders on district management and governance on education-related issues and to support replication in the long run.

Please see Annex 3 for more detailed analysis of training beneficiaries by institution and activities.

Table 8: Number of training activities from July to September 2008 Month

No. Province July Augt Sept Total

1 Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam 11 34 8 53 2 North Sumatra 40 16 33 89 3 Banten 5 22 14 41 4 West Java 27 19 42 88 5 Central Java 40 58 45 143 6 DI Yogyakarta 3 0 0 3 7 East Java 30 53 37 120 8 South Sulawesi 18 14 11 43

Total 174 216 190 580

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Table 9: Summary of persons trained from July to September 2008

Participant Category Male Female Total District Facilitator 175 47 222 School Principal 788 432 1,220 School Committee 1,068 248 1,316 School teacher 481 604 1,085 District Education Staf 628 137 765 MORA District Staf 99 12 111 Local Government 142 38 180 Parent 100 57 157 CSO 20 1 21 DPRD 80 10 90 Education Board 165 7 172 Other 688 187 875 Total 4,434 1,780 6,214

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IV. Next Quarter Activities The major activities planned for the next quarter are summarized in this section. The first quarter of the DBE1 Year 4-5 Workplan has been revised and updated following discussions with USAID regarding implementing recommendations of the Midterm Review. The Workplan revisions are primarily dropping proposed Cohort 3 activities; all other originally proposed activities are either modified to deepen the interventions or timing and sequencing of activities have been modified in accordance with the decision to extend and deepen activities in Cohorts 1 and 2. The workplan may be updated further in the month of October 2008 to better align with the contract modification which is currently being defined. The numbering of the activities below follows the number of activities in the original version of the Year 4-5 Workplan.

Table 10: Planned October – December 2008 Activities Major Work Plan Activities October November December Notes


Task 1: District Coordination District Coordination & Exit Strategy


Task 2: Project Reporting Submit Quarterly & Annual Reports

& Workplan

Workplan through April 2010 to be submitted in October. Quarterly report 14 to be submitted in October.

Produce reports related to Deliverables

Reports on Deliverables 9,10,11,12,13,24 to be submitted by December 2008 in accordance with draft revised SOW. Deliverable 14 was submitted in September 2008

Task 3: Monitoring & Evaluation Complete Impact Study on School

level interventions Original RPS impact study is being revised

Revise PMP:Indicators and targets


Task 4: Project Data Management System Enhance user interface of Project

Tracking system Ongoing


Task 5: School Committees (SC), Leadership, RPS/RKS & SDS for elementary & junior secondary Complete preparation of Active

Learning (PAKEM) replication module for SD/MI & instructional leadership module for jr. secondary with DBE2/3 and others

Initial discussions with DBE 23 have been held

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Cohort 2: Implement School Database System (SDS) in elementary schools

Complete elementary RKS in Aceh, and leadership for elementary & jr. secondary in Aceh, Jabar, Sulsel


Task 6: Improve District Education Governance Complete round 1 multi-stakeholder

workshops Aceh, Jabar, Jateng

Complete training for Dewan pendidikan in Sumut, Jatim & Sulsel

Task 7: Improve District Educational Planning,Management & Finance Continue AKPK and BOSP in

districts not yet completed To be completed in at least 35 districts by March 2009

Continue Renstra in districts not yet completed

To be completed in at least 35 districts by March 2009

Commence provincial workshops to enable districts to share experience with province on outcomes of DBE1 programs

Finalize methodology for assisting districts to develop personnel policies and manage personnel

Finalize pilot in Kudus and prepare for roll out in January quarter

Begin preventive maintenance manual development


Task 8: Partnerships for ICT Hot Spots Monitor Implementation Compliance

by Grantees

Ongoing. Initial monitoring report to be submitted in December 2008

Prepare EMIS pilot software & design in Aceh

In collaboration with PSP/MONE


Task 9: Continue to Implement Existing Public-Private Alliances Finalize AKPK 3 districts and

conduct multi-stakeholder workshops & commence school mapping under PPA with BP in West Papua

Work will resume in October

Continue training for ConocoPhillips PPA grant & construction activities in Klaten/Yogyakarta

Work to be completed in December

Explore further PPA with Chevron Geothermal in Garut



Task 10: Contribute to the Development of National Policy and Practice Place staff at MONE’s Secretariat to provide networking and liaison

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between MONE and USAID/DBE123

Routinely include national stakeholders (MONE, MORA, Bappeda, Dewan Pendidikan, DPRD, CSO and press) in province, district and school level DBE1 activities

Provide short term technical assistance to Bappenas in implementing sub-sector assessments for MONE’s Renstra

To be done under direction USAID

Select and prepare reference districts

Task 11: Assist Districts to Replicate DBE1 School Level Programs

Assist Districts to Plan, Budget & Implement Replication

Task 12: Document & Disseminate Project Data & Best Practices Publish and Disseminate Manuals,

Training Materials and Best Practice


Formal launching event for all school based management manuals and materials

Task 13: Prepare Service Providers for Sustainability Set standards for service providers

With MONE and World Bank

Form working group and identify service provider(s) in education management and governance

Table 11: Short Term Technical Assistance Planned October – December 2008

Major Work Plan Activities Dates STTA Details

Continue Reconstruction planning/supervision in Klaten & Yogyakarta

Ongoing through February 2009

Consultants contracted and working. Two month extension to enable final reporting will be requested.

Prepare district asset management program and materials

October, 2008 – April 2009 Recruitment under way

Implement education finance activities (AKPK, Unit Cost)

October - December 2008 Contracts in E. Java and N. Sumatra extended through December 2008

SDS/ Junior Secondary software development

October – December 2008 Programmer initially recruited for 3 month assignment for PDMS will be extended for additional 3 months to complete SDS software.

Finalize report on RPS implementation

October - November 2008 Dr. W. Wirkus to be requested for 10 day assignment to work with DBE1 M&E Specialist

Produce 2nd report for deliverable 11 after consultation with USAID

October - November 2008 Dr. W. Wirkus will be requested for 30 day assignment beginning in September 2008.

ICT Program Integration Assessment

November – December 2008 Mr. Gordon Cressman of RTI will be requested for 5 week assignment

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V. Monitoring and Evaluation

The fourth monitoring report was completed and submitted to USAID in June 2008. In this quarter, DBE1 was in the process in analyzing data for the fifth monitoring report. This report will consist of: (1) The result of Measure 5 for Cohort 1 schools; (2) the result of Measure 2 Cohort 2 schools; (3) Measure 1 of RKS at Junior Secondary Schools (SMP); and (4) Measure 1 for some indicators at the district level such as Education Strategic Planning (Renstra SKPD Dinas Pendidikan); DPISS (District Planning Information System), District Education Finance Analysis (DEFA), and School Unit Cost Analysis (SUCA).

In addition to routine monitoring of Project Performance Indicators, DBE1 conducted two special studies: study on replication of RKS program and school rehabilitation and renovation in Central Java and Klaten funded by ConocoPhillips. The report on replication will be submitted as a Special Monitoring Report in October; the monitoring report on rehabilitation was submitted in August 2008. The results of these two activities are briefly described next.

Replication Study By the end of December 2007, a total of 27 districts in 7 provinces allocated budget to replicate DBE1 program. Majority of the budget is from the district budget (APBD) and in some districts, DBE1 the replication is funded by foundation (such as Muhammadiyah) and in some schools such as Tuban funded by the schools themselves (self funded).

The findings are varied. In some districts, some programs were limited to ‘socialization’ or a study tour, with no follow up. In other districts, some replicators had faithfully implemented the full DBE1 model with staged training programs for school stakeholders (KK-RKS) and on-site mentoring (pendampingan) by trained district facilitators. The following tables show how the replication program is conducted differently among districts.

Table 12: Training Phases in Replication Districts Training process

Districts RPS socialization First training Second training Combined training Mentoring

1.Boyolali √ √ √

2.Karanganyar √ √ √

3.Klaten √

4.Mojokerto √ √ √

5.Tuban √ √

6.Sidoarjo √ √ √ √

7.Surabaya √ √

8.Lebak √ √ √

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• Self funded √ √ √

• APBD √

10.Karawang √

11.Pangkep √ √ √

12.Enrekang √ √

13. Soppeng √ √ √

14. Palopo √ √ √

15.Deliserdang √ √ √

16. Taput √ √ √

17.Tebingtinggi √ √ √

DBE1 assumes that training process will have significant impact on the completion of the RPS. Based on our study, it was found that there is a relationship between the number of DBE1 phases and the degree to which the plans were completed. Table 13 illustrates how training phases has relationship with the completion of RPS.

Table 13: Training Phases and RPS completion

RPS socialization First training Second training Combined

training Mentoring RPS Progress for most part of the


1.Boyolali √ √ √ Completed

2.Karanganyar √ √ √ Not completed

3.Klaten √ Not completed

4.Mojokerto √ √ √ Not completed

5.Tuban √ √ Not completed

6.Sidoarjo √ √ √ √ Almost completed

7.Surabaya √ √ Not completed

8.Lebak √ √ √ Almost completed


• Self funded √ √ √ Completed

• APBD √ Not completed

10.Karawang √ Not completed

11.Pangkep √ √ √ Completed

12.Enrekang √ √ Not completed

13. Soppeng √ √ √ Completed

14. Palopo √ √ √ Completed

15.Deliserdang √ √ √ Almost Completed

16. Taput √ √ √ Not completed

17.Tebingtinggi √ √ √ Completed

* As of September 2008.

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School Renovation and Rehabilitation School renovation or rehabilitation in Jogja and Central Java was funded by ConocoPhillips through a Public Private Alliance. These schools were damaged by the earthquake that hit these regions in the end of May 2006. 35 schools received grants: 21 SD, 4 MI, 4 SMP, 3 MTS, and 3 PKBM (Pusat Kegiatan Belajar masyarakat). Monitoring was conducted in June and July 2008.

Some findings

a. Committee for School Rebuilding (P3S) All of schools surveyed have established a Committee for School Rebuilding (P3S). The members include Head, Secretary, Treasurer, Construction Supervisor, Logistics and Procurement Coordinator; and Security. Most of the members come from school neighborhood community or are teachers. Those heading the committees are people who more or less have experience in building or house construction. At one school, the committee head is a school guard. Although he is only a school guard, he is highly experienced in construction work. The findings indicate that the committees are well trained and functioning well.

b. Construction Coordinator (CC) Each school implementing reconstruction/rehabilitation program is assisted by a Construction Coordinator who is temporary DBE1 staff. The Construction Coordinator provides technical guidance on building construction. Each Construction Coordinator is responsible for about 12 schools. Some of the roles of CC are: regularly visit construction sites for inspection, guidance and supervision; conduct active discussion with all parties involved in reconstruction/rehabilitation activities; and check the accuracy and quality of physical construction works. The findings indicate that they are performing their tasks well and are very much appreciated by the schools.

Construction Coordinator review the quality of building materials whether or not meet the technical specification

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c. Community Participation Reconstruction/rehabilitation process using community participation enables the community to participate in the construction works as well as monitoring the progress. The findings of the study indicate that in most schools, the community has made contributions such as volunteer labor, labor which is paid below the market price, or contribute building materials such as sand, brick, cement and others.

Follow up monitoring will be undertaken in the next quarter.

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VI. Collaboration with Government

World Bank Meeting: August 14, 2008 DBE1 was invited to share its work with the World Bank team Jakarta on August 14, 2008. The Bank’s aim in having the meeting was to gain information on good practices and to discuss capacity development for districts to receive development funds if the GOI (in collaboration with the Bank) provides the conditional grants to the district in improving districts’ capacity for decentralized education management & governance. The Bank informed DBE1 about its efforts to develop the concept for Basic Education Capacity Building (BEC) Grants program for districts.

LGSP Workshop in Banda Aceh: August 26-28, 2008 During August 26 – 28 DBE1 representatives participated the National Workshop on Basic Public Services held in Banda Aceh and organized by LGSP : “Reflection on the development process, implementation and acceleration efforts in the legislation proces”

The purpose of this event was to increase DPRD capacity in legislation to improve public services. Specifically this event is aimed to (i) increase common understanding on the basic services problems and state policy; (ii) analyze important elements in making public service’s local regulation; (iii) analyze important factors in making and legitimating (approval) of public service’s local regulation; and (iv) formulate follow up activities to accelerate legislation process to ensure the quality of basic public services.

DBE1 shared its experiences in supporting education management & governance in more than 1000 state and private schools/madrasah and 55 districts, including multi stakeholder consultations.

Workshop on School Based Management: August 7-8, 2008 DBE1 organized and hosted a workshop for MONE’s School based management Secretariat. Representatives from the following organizations attended: Unesco, Unicef, DBE2-USAID, AIBEP, Lapis/Elois, World Bank, World Vision, Direktorat TK & SD. The Director of MONE’s kindergarten and elementary school directorate (TK/SK) also attended. Procedures for a unified approach to school based management were discussed. The workshop will be followed up with meetings between DBE1 and MONE with the aim of full endorsement of DBE1 materials by MONE.

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Meetings with MONE on ICT: July - September 2008 In July Bapak Budi Susetyo, MONE BOS program manager, and three staff from MONE’s statistics center (PSP) discussed the SDS program and current issues regarding MONE’s EMIS. MONE expressed interest in SDS as a means for BOS reporting. This meeting was followed by another meeting in September with more members of MONE’s BOS implementation team. MONE continued to express interest in SDS but its adoption by MONE must be discussed further with other MONE technical offices in the next quarter.

Meetings with MONE on Aceh EMIS Pilot: August 2008 As follow up to an initial meeting on three Aceh pilot that was held in MONE’s PSP office on June 16, 2008, which was also attended by Ibu Mimy Santika of USAID, on August 25, 2008 DBE1 staff met with MONE members of the Aceh ICT pilot study team that had been appointed by PSP director. The meeting resulted in five scenarios for implementing the study. These were submitted to USAID for approval. Feedback is expected in the next quarter.

Meeting with MONE to discuss Renstra: July 2008 Three officials from the Ministry of National Education briefed DBE1 planning specialists on recent developments in the sector, namely progress in the implementation of MONE’s Renstra, the Ministry’s high priority programs, and the new government regulation on Education Financing (PP 48 of 2008).

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Annex 1: Provincial Reports

Aceh DBE1 activity July – September 2008

School-level programs

Leadership Training

A total of 54 school principals from Banda Aceh and Bireuen were trained in Leadership Training 2 (M:23, F:31.) Through out the sessions, participants were actively engaged in different discussions. They suggested DBE1 to incorporate more examples and study cases involving schools and principals from Aceh area. To improve relations with School Committee, some principals expressed the need for District Coordinators to encourage better communication between principals and school committee members. According to the principals, this improvement is needed because some school committee members are either too involved or not involved at all in various school activities.

School planning (RPS/RKS)

School Planning in Cohort 1 After completing the RKS/M development process in all Cohort 1 schools last quarter, the process progressed to development of Annual Work Plan (Rencana Kerja Tahunan/RKT.) Some of the challenges of the updating process included:

• Although all schools already completed their School Work Plan (RKS/M,) the document was not accompanied by supporting data.

• Some schools were not able to provide correct conclusions in their document.

• Full assistance was needed for some schools to transfer information from six categories listed on the document to seven groups required in the Annual Work Plan.

• Some District Facilitators were not fully familiar with document updating process, in particular the different stages involved in budgeting.

To solve these challenges, District Facilitators need to receive refresher course prior to providing facilitation sessions to schools. During facilitation sessions, participants need to see more tables and forms as sample when transferring data from RKS to Annual Work Plan. School Planning in Cohort 2 Training for RKS/M development phase 3 and 4 for seven schools in Bireuen was conducted on July 18 to 19. The sessions were often slowed down by KKRKS inability to analyze supporting

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DBE1 activity July – September 2008 data and understand the document development process as a whole. Meanwhile, for 102 Cohort 2 schools which already completed their RKS/M development process, they were involved in updating their document to Annual Work Plan. Total of 221 people took part in these updating workshops (M:151, F: 70.) In addition to challenges similar to those of Cohort 1 schools (as mentioned above,) several Cohort 2 school principals were new and additional time had to be spent to train them.

School Database System (SDS)

District-level School Database System (SDS) training was conducted in Bireuen and Aceh Tengah. Participants were excited to learn about the system although some of the schools did not own a computer or have administrative staff in charge of data entry and maintenance. Although four schools in Bireuen and two in Aceh Tengah still did not have electricity, this condition did not hamper the staff enthusiasm to learn the system.

Strengthening School Committees

School Committee Training: SD/MI Training phase 2 was conducted in Bireuen from September 20 to 24 for all schools. In addition to discussing regular training subjects, these sessions provided important information that committee members could use to support their committees and improve the members capacity:

• Musrenbang (Planning and Development Communication Forum) can be conducted not only at sub-district level, but also school level.

• Musrenbang can be used as forum to discus issues related to education not only development and maintenance of infrastructure.

• Various resources such as Program Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (National Program of Community Empowerment,) Anggaran Dana Desa (Village Budget) and Program Pemberdayaan Kecamatan (Sub-District Empowerment Program) could be used to finance efforts to improve education quality in schools.

Also, members agreed that involvement of local stakeholders and community members were crucial to support the effort to improve quality education in schools.

District-level programs

District Education Governance

Good Education Governance (Good Governance Sektor Pendidikan/GGSP) As a result of interview and Focus Group Discussion in Aceh Tengah, stakeholders expressed interest in establishing GGSP Forum in the region.

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DBE1 activity July – September 2008

District Education Planning and Capacity Assessment

District Education Planning (Renstra) In Aceh Tengah, Vice Head of District who attended the Renstra third and fourth workshops mentioned that Aceh Tengah main problem was the uneven distribution of teachers especially in remote area schools. Meanwhile, several conditions were consistently identified throughout the Renstra development process:

• Team members workload already heavy with regular work commitments and responsibilities.

• Lack of adequate human resources to support development process.

• Lack of sufficient data especially of Junior Secondary level (SMP and MTs) which delayed completion of data analysis as required in the document’s third chapter.

As a result of the workshop, team was able to complete Chapter Four of its renstra and 60% of the Third Chapter.

District Education Finance

School Unit Cost Analysis (Biaya Operasional Satuan Pendidikan/BOSP) DBE1 Aceh held provincial-level workshop which was attended by representatives of Education Office, Development and Planning Board, Ministry of Religious Affairs, District Advisory Board, Parliament, and school and madrasah from all levels. This workshop was conducted to review districts’ current needs regarding cost analysis. As next step, district-level workshops were conducted in Aceh Besar, Banda Aceh, Pidie and Aceh Tengah. Stakeholders showed a great deal of interest in the analysis process. In Banda Aceh, the event was officially opened by the Vice Mayor. In Pidie and Aceh Tengah, the respective Head of District took part in the event as well. Results of workshops were: District SD/MI SMP/MTs SMA/MA SMK Banda Aceh

499.000 1.261.000 1.180.000 3.535.000

Aceh Besar

403,439 565,586 735,485 1.510,4411,872,478

Pidie 548.841 1.249.511 1.474.484 -Aceh Tengah

559.983 820.826 1.353.033 3.532.951

As can be seen above, two different analysis results were produced for SMK (Vocational School) in Aceh Besar. Result for SMK Mesjid Raya (SMK with room and board facilities) was Rp. 1,872,478 and while for SMK Jantho (regular SMK) was Rp. 1,510,441. In Pidie, Education Office decided to use standards

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DBE1 activity July – September 2008 from National Education Standard Board and did not include calculation for SMK.


Supervisors and District Facilitators Forum

Supervisors/District Facilitators Forum was carried out in Aceh Besar, Pidie, and Bireuen. A total of 37 people (M:22, F:15) took part. Most supervisors were interested to learn about DBE1 programs, in particular RKS/M development process. However, the forum had to find solutions to challenges such as lack of coordination and communication among members as well as geographical location that prevent supervisors from non DBE regions to attend.

District Commitment

The following commitment to support replication of DBE1 programs by various districts were expressed during this quarter:

• Aceh Tengah: Rp. 500 million from 2008 Budget and Rp. 100 million from 2009 Budget.

• Banda Aceh: Rp. 42 million from this year’s Budget to support RKS development in one cluster.

• Aceh Besar: Rp. 50 million allocated from 2008 Budget to support RKS development in 7 schools and madrasah.

• Pidie: Rp. 80 million from 2009 Budget. • Bireuen: Rp. 300 million taken from Budget of 2009 to

support replication of RKS development process and capacity building of School Committee and Principals.

ICT & Data Management ICT/Hotspots and Grants

No activity in this period.

Monitoring and Evaluation Routine Monitoring

No activity in this period.


Engaging District, Province Stakeholders

Aceh Education Sector Working Group Based on request of Provincial Education Office to study the possibility of expansion of DBE1 programs in Aceh, assessment was conducted in Aceh Jaya, Aceh Tamiang, Kota Langsa, Aceh Timur, Aceh Utara, Aceh Tenggara, Aceh Singkil, Gayo Lues, Kota Subulussalam, and Aceh Selatan. Although most of the districts stakeholders expressed interest to take part in DBE1 program, these districts still lack sufficient human resources and data availability required to carry out the programs successfully.

Meeting With Other Donor

Focus Group Discussion was held by Aceh Provincial Government with AusAID, UNICEF, and USAID (DBE1) to

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DBE1 activity July – September 2008 Agency

review guidelines and regulations related to budget allocation to the province education sector. Currently, lack of regulations affect planning and implementation of education program in the province and districts. Bappenas will assist Aceh Provincial Government to develop Main Plan of Education. DBE1/USAID is expected to assist in calculating school unit cost. Results of Discussion will be provided to Governor as support in Governor Decree (Peraturan Gubernur) in allocation, education program planning and implementation for province and districts.

Discussion between DBE1 and Ministry of Finance

In an informal discussion with Kasi Pendataan, Ditjen Perimbangan Keuangan, Ministry of Finance, it was suggested by Ministry of Finance that results of DBE1 School Unit Cost analysis should be used as input for Districts Education Office in allocating their budget to support education in their respective area. Representative of Ministry of Finance also mentioned that SUCA results should be provided to Ministry of Home Affairs as input for financing and budgeting in accordance with Permendagri 59/2007.

North Sumatra DBE1 activity July – September 2008

School-level programs

Leadership Training

Leadership Training for Principals: SD/MI Training of Module 2 was conducted throughout July 8 to September 11 and attended by 76 people (M:37, F:39.) Principals were very interested to take part in the sessions. Many felt that the training length (one day) should be extended to allow participants to learn more. Leadership Training for Principals: SMP/MTs In accordance with DBE1 Work Plan for 2008-2009, training for Module 2 will be conducted in the next quarter.

School planning (RPS/RKS)

School Planning for Cohort 1 and Cohort 2 SD/MI Training for RKS Updating and Annual Work Plan was conducted for all schools and madrasah in Cohort 1. A total of 396 (M:185, F:211) took part. Except for Dairi, participating schools and madrasah in other districts are currently in the process of finalizing their Work Plan which will be used as input for respective School Database System (SDS.) Some members of the working group (KKRKS) had difficulties when updating programs and activities according to the new format in the School Action Plan as required by Permendiknas 19/2007. By using District Facilitators Forum, facilitators will be trained in

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DBE1 activity July – September 2008 facilitation techniques and be more efficient in assisting working groups to complete their Annual Work Plan. School Planning for SMP/MTs District level workshop for SMP/MTs was conducted in six districts (Binjai, Dairi, Tapanuli Utara, Tapanuli Selatan, Tanjungbalai, and Deli Serdang) throughout August 11 to September 18. In addition to representatives from schools, workshops were attended by district level stakeholders such as Head of Education Office, Education Committee of District Parliament, and District Development and Planning Board. A total of 134 people took part (M:97, F:37.) Similar workshop for Sibolga and Tebing Tinggi will be carried out in the next quarter.

School Database System (SDS)

Training on School Database System for schools in Dairi was held from September 8 to 10 and attended by 32 people (M:10, F:22.) Because about 75% of participants were not familiar with the software used to support the system (Microsoft Excel,) more facilitation sessions to get schools familiar with Excel are needed.

Strengthening School Committees

School Committee Training: SD/MI School Committee training phase 3 for Cohort 2 schools was conducted between July 3 and September 13. These training sessions were attended by 254 people (M:154, F:100.) Phase 4 training will be carried out in the next quarter. School Committee Training: SMP/MTs Training phase 2 for SMP/MTs will be carried out in the next quarter.

District-level programs

District Education Governance

Good Education Governance (Good Governance Sektor Pendidikan/ GGSP) Assistance was provided to GGSP Forum in Sibolga, Tebing Tinggi, and Tanjungbalai to establish forum work plan and to identify issues related to education in the region. Meanwhile, Tapanuli Selatan, Dairi, and Binjai were in the process of establishing their GGSP Forum. After multi-stakeholder workshop 1 in September 2007, DBE1 North Sumatra continued to support Education Councils in participating districts to improve its capacity. One effort was Education Council Conference which was carried out from August 26 to 28 in Medan and attended by Council representatives from seven districts. Education Council members from Deli Serdang were not able to attend due to local political situation that hindered the establishment of Council’s administration. The workshop was

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DBE1 activity July – September 2008 opened by Acting Head of Education Office on behalf of North Sumatra Governor. Until September, the results of efforts to develop Good Governance were:

• Establishment of Education Council in Tapanuli Selatan supported by Head of District Decree.

• Establishment of Dairi Education Council after being inactive for more than one year.

• Allocation of Rp. 72 million from Sibolga Annual Budget to support Education Council activities in the district.

Meanwhile, challenges that were faced in implementing GGSP program in North Sumatra include:

• Difficulties to engage stakeholders from Dairi and Tapanuli Utara since most of them are concentrating their efforts to support the election of Head of District at the end of October.

• Limited involvement of Parliament members in GGSP Forum activities since most of them are engaged in District Annual Budget and Budget amendment activities.

• Stakeholders’ political differences which negatively affect their working relationship and hamper their ability to cooperate with each other.

District Education Planning and Capacity Assessment

District Education Planning (Renstra) The preparation of Tapanuli Utara and Sibolga Capacity Development Plans was completed in July to September 2007 period. These documents were used to support development of renstra for both districts. Facilitation sessions to develop renstra in Tapanuli Utara and Sibolga continued in this reporting period. Renstra activities in Tapanuli Utara and Sibolga included:

• Workshop to compare results of renstra development so far. • Internal workshop to obtain input from respective District

Education Office. • Workshop to finalize drafts of Education Office Education

renstra • Public consultation workshop on September 25 in Tapanuli

Utara. In addition to stakeholders directly related to renstra-development process (Education Office, District Parliament, District Development and Planning Board, and others) participants included representatives of other offices such as District Office of Finance and Asset Management and Welfare and General sections of Tapanuli Utara District Government. In this workshop, the finalized renstra document was presented by Head of Education Office.

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DBE1 activity July – September 2008 Participants also provided crucial input related to teachers’ qualification requirements and proficiency levels, teachers distribution in schools, and availability of sufficient infrastructure to support teaching-learning activities. After completion of Tapanuli Utara Head of District election on October 27, District Development and Planning Board will use the finalized renstra as input for the newly-elect Head of District development plans.

In both districts, only some of the renstra team members could attend the facilitation sessions because they had other work commitment. Support to Renstra: District Planning Information Support System (DPISS) Required DPISS data for Tapanuli Utara and Sibolga was completed and used to develop district renstra as mentioned above.

District Education Finance

District Education Finance Analysis/Analisis Keuangan Pendidikan Kabupaten/Kota (AKPK) Workshops and facilitation sessions continued in Tapanuli Selatan, Tapanuli Utara, and Sibolga. In general, three districts reached 75% of completion of their analysis. Some DEFA team members were not able to attend all of the workshops and facilitation sessions because they were engaged in activities related to District Budget Amendment for 2008 and Planning of District Budget for 2009. School Unit Cost Analysis/Analisis Biaya Operasi Satuan Pendidikan (BOSP) Between July 10 to September 20, workshop 1 to 4 and subsequent activities were conducted in Sibolga and Tapanuli Utara. Results are as follow: District SD/MI SMP/MTs SMA/MA Sibolga 456.000 758.000 1.174.000 Tap.Utara 615.000 725.000 1.293.000


Replication Workshop and District Commitment

To support replication efforts, DBE1 North Sumatra carried out replication workshop in Binjai and Tapanuli Selatan, coordination meeting with Education Office of Sibolga, Tapanuli Utara, and Tebing Tinggi, as well as school visits and presentation of DBE programs to stakeholders in Tanjungbalai. As result of these activities, several districts allocated money from its 2009 Annual Budget to support replication:

• Binjai: Rp. 225 million • Tanjungbalai: Rp. 100 million

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DBE1 activity July – September 2008 • Tebing Tinggi: Rp. 300 million • Sibolga: Rp. 375 million • Tapanuli Utara: Rp. 75 million

ICT & Data Management

ICT/Hotspots and Grants

Change of Tapanuli Utara lead grantee from CV Indoukm Insis to PT Webmedia Internusa Tata Utama. The new lead grantee is expected to perform in accordance with the program requirements.

Monitoring and Evaluation Routine Monitoring

Data was being collected for monitoring and evaluation of DBE1 programs at SD/MI, SMP/MTs and district levels.


Engaging District, Province stakeholders

Provincial Coordination On July 9, DBE1 North Sumatra met with recently-elected Governor and other provincial-level stakeholders to discuss DBE1 district level programs such as Renstra, DEFA, SUCA, and GGSP. The Governor responded positively to the meeting and, to ensure effective coordination, requested DBE1 to work together with Provincial Education Office and Ministry of Religious Affairs.

Collaboration with DBE23

On August 26, StaffDel of US Congress and Consul General to Medan visited SDN 020263 and MTsN Binjai in Binjai Utara. These visits were aimed to learn about DBE123 programs directly at the school level.

West Java & Banten DBE1 activity July – September 2008

School-level programs

Leadership Training

Leadership Training SMP/MTS Training of Trainers for Cohort 1 and 2 SMP/MTs was carried out from September 8 to 10. Principals from Lebak, Cilegon, and Tangerang were trained together in Serang while simultaneous training for principals from Sukabumi, Karawang, Bogor, Indramayu, Garut, and Subang were conducted in Cianjur. Participants analyzed Module 1 “Leadership for School Principals.” In general, these training sessions went smoothly as planned.

School planning (RPS/RKS)

District-Level Workshop. Completed RKS/M for SD/MI and SMP/MTs were presented to stakeholders in Karawang on June 24 and in Cilegon on August 26. These events received a lot of support from related stakeholders. In Karawang, the Head of District took part in the opening ceremony

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DBE1 activity July – September 2008 while in Cilegon the Head of Education Office attended the presentation. During the event, stakeholders were also informed about next plan to update the document to school Annual Work Plan. Workshop to develop Annual Work Plan for Cohort 1 and 2 schools District level workshop was conducted in Lebak (July 17,) Cilegon (July 18,) Sukabumi and Indramayu (July 22,) Karawang (July 25,) Garut (July 25,) Subang (July 31,) and Tangerang (August 25.) District stakeholders from Sukabumi and Indramayu stated that Annual Work Plan is needed by respective Education Office to support their effort to improve education quality at school level.

School Database System (SDS)

From June 17 to 20, School Database System training of trainers was conducted and attended by total of 22 people (M:19, F:3.) As a follow up, cluster-level workshop was conducted in August for schools in Bogor (Tanah Sareal and Bogor Tengah.) Schools representatives were enthusiastic to learn about the system as it would help them prepare many documents as usually requested by District Education Office. Although at the beginning most participants were not familiar with computer and Excel, they continued to learn.

Strengthening School Committees

School Committee Training: SD/MI Training for Cohort 2 schools was carried out in this reporting period. In this training, discussion included legal basis of school committee establishment and implementation. As a result, several committees plan to reorganize their organization to fulfill the legal requirements.

District-level programs

District Education Governance

Good Education Governance (Good Governance Sektor Pendidikan/GGSP) The following GGSP activities took place in West Java and Banten in this quarter:

• Multi Stakeholder Workshop for Tangerang and Lebak attended by Parliament, Education Council, CSO, Media, Education Office, District Development and Planning Board, and Ministry or Religious Affairs representatives. In addition to creating awareness among participants about the roles and functions of governance in developing and implementing education-related policies, next action plan for both districts were established.

• Mapping in Garut and Bogor. • Establishment of GGSP Forum in Sukabumi (Forum

Komunikasi Lintas Pelaku Pendidikan Kabupaten

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DBE1 activity July – September 2008 Sukabumi,) Karawang (Forum Peduli Pendidikan,) Lebak, and Tangerang. As part of the Forum action plan, efforts will be conducted to improve cooperation among stakeholders and obtain their commitment to improve education.

• Assistance for Sukabumi and Karawang Forum to develop their working plan. Results of the Forums will be provided to respective District Education Office as input for the Office renstra development process. In both districts, stakeholders expressed the need for complete GGSP related data to support their activities.

District Education Planning and Capacity Assessment

District Education Planning (Renstra) Assistance to develop renstra was carried out in Sukabumi, Indramayu, and Lebak in July and August. In Sukabumi, district renstra team was able to complete the Education Office renstra for the next eight years. In Indramayu, DBE1 West Java and Banten met with Head of Education Office and renstra team to discuss steps required to complete the document. As a result, it was estimated that, with support of two to three district personnel, the district’s renstra could be completed after three workshops and six to eight facilitation meetings. Meanwhile, workshop 4 and 5 were carried out in Lebak. As in other districts, renstra development process was often hampered by team members’ already busy schedule and other work commitment. Some of the lessons learned from these sessions were:

• Participants’ increased awareness of importance of valid data and information to support proper and sufficient analysis.

• Participants’ decision to use Budget Work Plan (Rencana Kerja Anggaran) as template for renstra document. This form includes discussion of Work Plan and yearly evaluation of document.

• Using DBE1 guidelines, development process will be conducted according to capacity of local stakeholders.

District Education Finance

District Education Finance Analysis (Analisis Keuangan Pendidikan Kabupaten/AKPK) From 23 to 26 June, DBE1 West Java and Banten team together with Budget and Finance Specialist of DBE1 Jakarta visited Indramayu, Sukabumi, and Serang, to discuss DEFA in detail and review each district’s current condition prior to commencement of the analysis. These visits were followed up by facilitation sessions in Sukabumi (August 6 to 8) and Indramayu (August 11 to 14.) Some of the challenges included team members’ inability to attend the sessions completely and difficulties in getting data from other

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DBE1 activity July – September 2008 units. However, stakeholders from both districts expressed their commitment to conduct DEFA for 2009.


Replication Workshop and District Commitment

Provincial-level replication workshop was carried out in Bandung from June 15 to 17. Officially opened by Head of West Java Education Office, the workshop was attended by 29 people (M:21, F:8.) In this event, Head of Provincial Education Office expressed the province’s support of DBE1 program. Follow-up district level workshops were conducted between July 15 and August 19 in Garut, Bogor, Karawang, Indramayu, Sukabumi, Cilegon, Tangerang, and Lebak. Results of these workshops were:

• Karawang: Rp. 150 million for RKS/M, School Committee and Leadership training.

• Cilegon: Rp. 35 million from Education Office was originally allocated for introduction of RKS/M to schools in the area. However, the plan was changed to supporting development of RKS/M in 6 SD and 2 MI instead.

• Lebak: Rp. 100 million from 2009 District Annual Budget to support RKS/M development.

Supervisors and District Facilitators Forum

Support for Supervisors and District Facilitators Forum was provided in Indramayu, Sukabumi, Karawang, Lebak, Bogor, Garut, and Subang. In addition to learning about DBE1 programs, in particular those implemented at school level, supervisors were trained in school planning working group (Kelompok Kerja RKS/KKRKS) establishment process. For Subang, school supervisors agreed to establish one KKRKS for non-DBE1 elementary schools in each sub-district.

ICT & Data Management

Data and Information Management

PDMS During this quarter, DBE1 West Java and Banten continued to update training data in PDMS.

ICT/Hotspots and Grants

ICT Grants DBE1 assisted grantees in Sukabumi, Tangerang, and Karawang in grant implementation stages as well as in preparing required reports. In Karawang, grantee collected data such as teachers and students information prior to development of Data Center Lab and Labnet. For grantees in all three districts, they must adjust procurement of hardware and other supporting items due to recent price increase.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Routine Monitoring

School-level data collection for Measure 5 (Cohort 1 SD/MI,) Measure 2 (Cohort 2 SD/MI) and Measure 1 (SMP/MTs) was

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DBE1 activity July – September 2008 carried out in this reporting period. Meanwhile, data for district-level monitoring and evaluation activities were collected in the following districts:

• Sukabumi, Lebak, Indramayu: Renstra and DPISS • Sukabumi, Lebak, Indramayu, Karawang: SUCA and


Partnerships Collaboration with DBE23

No activity in this period.

Meeting With Other Donor Agency

Provincial Coordinator and other members of DBE1 West Java and Banten team took part in UNICEF Training of Trainers for Provincial School Based Management program on July 15. In this meeting, DBE1 West Java and Banten provided information on DBE1 programs and activities implemented in the provinces in the last three years.

Central Java

DBE1 activity July – September 2008

School-level programs

Leadership Training

Leadership Training for Principals Cohort 1 & 2 Leadership training for Cohort 1 was completed in March 2008 while for Cohort 2 in April 2008.

School planning (RPS/RKS)

School Planning for SD/MI and SMP/MTs All participating SD/MI and SMP/MTs completed Annual Work Plan (Rencana Kerja Tahunan/RKT) for 2008/2009. The development process of these documents was slightly delayed because of difficulties in transferring data from previous format to the new format required by Permendiknas 19/2007. Schools were also busy with year-end examination activities. These Annual Work Plans were then presented at cluster level prior to presentation to stakeholders at district-level.

School Database System (SDS)

In Demak, training for School Database System (SDS) facilitators was conducted from September 3 and 4. This training was followed by SDS pre-workshop in two sub-districts on September 10 and 11. During pre-workshop, school and madrasah representatives were presented with review of SDS and allowed to have in-depth discussions regarding the system’s benefits for schools. This type of approach proved to be effective to encourage participants and convince them to take part in the whole process. SDS workshop at cluster-level in Demak was then conducted from September 23 to 25. Although participants were very keen to learn about SDS, additional time had to be spent to teach most of the school representatives on how to use computers and Excel.

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DBE1 activity July – September 2008

Strengthening School Committees

Cohort 1 Purworejo and Grobogan districts conducted School Committee training phase 3 in this period. Other Cohort 1 districts have completed this training while Cohort 2 districts will conduct their training in October. Training materials included Gender, Minority, and School Committee Organization. In general, participants were interested to learn about issues related to gender and minority as they felt that these subjects were rarely discussed in other forum. Because of diversity of school committee members’ professional background, it was rather difficult to find common time for all members to meet and be trained. School committee diverse backgrounds also pushed facilitators to use a more focused facilitation techniques. To better prepare facilitators, DBE1 Central Java Provincial Specialists and District Coordinators trained facilitators on issues related to gender prior to facilitation sessions. In addition, Specialists and DC accompanied facilitators while conducting training on School Committee Organization. This way, District Facilitators were able to conduct facilitation session effectively.

District-level programs

District Education Governance

Good Education Governance (Good Governance Sektor Pendidikan) GGSP Forum was formed in Boyolali, Klaten, Karanganyar, Kudus, and Jepara. In these districts, Forum will be involved in activities related to development and implementation DBE1 programs such as RKS/M, SUCA, DEFA, and Renstra. Forum members consisted of representatives from Parliament, Education Council, Education Office, District Personnel Board, District Development Planning Board, and other institutions. At the beginning of the GGSP program implementation in Central Java, some stakeholders were not clear on roles and functions of the Forum. In some districts, some of the Education Office representatives were not too supportive of the Forum establishment as they originally felt that the Forum could be used as medium to criticize Education Office. To overcome these challenges, DBE1 Central Java held discussions with stakeholders about Forum’s roles and functions. DBE1 also held meetings with District Secretary or Head of District to provide a clear picture about the Forum. So far, response from district stakeholders have been encouraging:

• Karanganyar: Rp. 7 million was proposed by district government to support GGSP Forum activities

• Kudus: Using funding from District Development and Planning Board, GGSP Forum was requested to conduct analysis on school unit cost (SUCA.)

• Klaten: Involvement of District Secretary and District Development and Planning Board in Forum activities encouraged Klaten Education Office to be more involved as well.

In Karanganyar, GGSP Forum, using results of district’s School Unit Cost Analysis (SUCA,) recommended to district government to establish performance indicator for teachers and principals. This indicator would be needed to improve schools and madrasah performance that were still below standard.

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DBE1 activity July – September 2008

District Education Planning and Capacity Assessment

Support to Capacity Development Plan: HRD Management, Asset Management, and School Supervision Pilot testing of Management Information System for Unique Number of Educator and Education Staff (Sistem Informasi Manajemen - Nomer Unik Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan/SIMNUPTK) was completed in Kudus in this period. The System was aimed to support decision making process of Kudus Education Office in matters related to education planning and management, in particular even distribution of teachers in schools, improvement of teachers qualification, and teachers certification. As next step, the System will be installed and implemented at Kudus Education Office. Incomplete data as well as high number of teachers from all levels that needed to complete the required information were the two main challenges of this process. District Education Planning (Renstra) Development of renstra in Karanganyar, Jepara, and Klaten is expected to be completed at the end of October 2008. Meanwhile, training for renstra development was conducted between July 14 to 17 for Kudus, Boyolali, and Purworejo. As of September, renstra development team in Purworejo already completed profile assessment while Kudus and Boyolali renstra team members were able to determine districts programs and activities. As in other districts, renstra development process was slowed down by incomplete data and participants’ high absence rate. To solve these problems, DBE1 Central Java requested commitment of participating Education Office to complete the required data prior to facilitation sessions. To enable team members to concentrate fully on the development process, both DBE1 and Education Office shared costs to support facilitation sessions which will be conducted outside of districts. Support to Renstra: District Planning Information Support System (DPISS) Using 2007/2008 school data, DPISS has been completed in Jepara, Boyolali, Karanganyar, Klaten, Kudus, and Purworejo.

District Education Finance

District Education Finance Analysis/ Analisis Keuangan Pendidikan Kabupaten/Kota (AKPK) Out of nine DBE1 districts in Central Java, eight received facilitation in this quarter. After completing the document’s analysis stage, Karanganyar and Boyolali were in the process of writing the final report. Jepara and Klaten, meanwhile, were finalizing their analysis. The rest of the districts (Demak, Kudus, Grobogan, and Purworejo) were in the process of analyzing the required data. School Unit Cost Analysis/Biaya Operasional Satuan Pendidikan (BOSP) Up until September, cost analysis was completed in Boyolali, Klaten, Demak, Grobogan, Karanganyar, and Blora with the following results:

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DBE1 activity July – September 2008

District SD-MI SMP-MTs SMA-MA Boyolali*) 393.592 556.687 988.640 Klaten 483.138 764.159 1.096.314 Demak 365.973 586.858 896.517 Grobogan 367.576 608.328 902.473 Karanganyar 406.113 606.409 991.888 Blora **) 408.655 660.423 -

*) Boyolali results listed on Quarterly Report 13 is slightly different than the results in this Report. In the previous report, figures were rounded up. **)Blora did not calculate SUCA for high school level in accordance with PP 48/2008 which stated that district government must support school operation cost for elementary and junior secondary levels only.


Replication Workshop and District Commitment

Replication workshop was conducted in eight DBE1 Central Java districts. In Purworejo, replication program was introduced informally to district stakeholders. As a result of these workshops, districts decided to allocate Rp. 2.2 billion from 2008 Annual Budget to support replication in 257 schools (SD/MI and SMP/MTs.) Districts will allocate Rp. 5.3 billion from 2009 Annual Budget for replication of DBE1 programs in 768 SD/MI and SMP/MTs. Using funds from district annual budget, training and facilitation sessions on RKS development process was implemented in Boyolali, Karanganyar, and Kudus. At the same time, School Committee and Leadership training was conducted in three sub-districts in Boyolali. Supervisors from 17 sub-districts in Karanganyar also received capacity improvement training by DBE1 district facilitators. In addition, self-funded replication in RKS development was also conducted by three sub-districts in Karanganyar (Jumapolo, Gondangrejo, and Jatipuro.) Throughout the workshop and replication process, stakeholders often expressed the interest to take part in complete replication of DBE123 programs. To respond to this request, DBE1 Central Java will coordinate its efforts together with DBE 23 and district stakeholders.

District Facilitators Forum

Facilitators Forum activities started in Boyolali, Kudus, Jepara, Karanganyar, Grobogan, and Demak. One particular challenge that was faced by these forums was inability of DBE1 Provincial Specialists to fully take part in Forum activities. As way out, all forums were requested to submit schedule and details of activities in advance so that Provincial Specialists could plan their activities and provide facilitation to members of the Forum. DBE1 Central Java also decided to distribute the facilitation responsibilities to District Coordinators. With this arrangement, Facilitators and Coordinators will be involved in school planning and annual work plan while Provincial Specialists will support the members in facilitation techniques and leadership and school committee training subjects.

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DBE1 activity July – September 2008

ICT & Data Management

Data and Information Management

PDMS Data in PDMS continued to be updated in this quarter. District Coordinators continued to use data included in PDMS to complete their district profile.

ICT/Hotspots and Grants

In Klaten, a coordination meeting with grantees and participating stakeholders was conducted on September 17. In this meeting, CV Cosmo Jaya (lead grantee) presented program implementation plan including installation of hardware and local area network. Stakeholders also provided input for the design of Education Office website.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Routine Monitoring

School-level data collection for Measure 5 (Cohort 1 SD/MI,) Measure 2 (Cohort 2 SD/MI) and Measure 1 (SMP/MTs) was completed.

Special Monitoring

Data was collected to review level of RPS implementation in 79 Cohort 1 SD/MI in four districts. Results showed that 85.2% of schools implemented programs listed in RPS, 13.4% delayed, and 1.4% cancelled. For monitoring and evaluation of Renstra/RPK, data collection was completed in Boyolali, Kudus, and Jepara. Data was collected by interviewing Head of Education Office and/or personnel of planning and finance of Education Office, and reviewing Renstra and RPK documents. With this completion, data from all nine districts has been submitted.


Engaging District, Province stakeholders

District Coordination On July 15, DBE1 Central Java met with Head of Karanganyar District, Secretary of District Development and Planning Board, and Head of Finance Sub Division Office to discuss about progress of DBE1 programs in Karanganyar. In this occasion, Head of District expressed her support for DBE1 programs and hope that the programs will be extended in the future. Provincial Coordination Coordination meeting was carried out with Central Java Provincial Education Office to review progress of DBE1 work at school and district levels.

Collaboration with DBE23

DBE1 continued to work together with DBE2 to support replication in Boyolali. DBE1 also plans to work together with DBE2 and 3 to plan replication efforts in other eight districts for 2008 and 2009.

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East Java DBE1 activity July – September 2008

School-level programs

Leadership Training

No major activity in this period.

School planning (RPS/RKS)

School Planning for Cohort 1 SD/MI Until September 2008, updating workshop was conducted for all 82 Cohort 1 SD/MI. Out of these 82 schools, 36 schools completed their Annual Work Plan (Rencana Kerja Tahunan/RKT.) With updated Annual Work Plan, schools were able to manage their programs more efficiently. However, since schools were already busy with their own activities and some schools did not see development of Annual Work Plan as priority, they needed longer time than scheduled to complete the updating process. School Planning for Cohort 2 SD/MI All SD/MI in Cohort 2 already presented their RKS/M during community consultation event. A total of 69 schools completed their Work Plan. Most of School Committee of these schools encouraged display of school activity and budget plan (Rencana Kegiatan dan Anggaran Sekolah/RKAS) in easy to read places and more than 60 schools have done so. School Planning for SMP/MTs Development of RKS for SMP/MTs took longer than scheduled. Out of 40 schools, 27 schools completed their RKS and 9 schools presented their document during community consultation events. The delay in RKS development process was due to several factors, namely, several schools already developed their own RKS and the request of other institution such as Ministry of Religious Affairs for schools to use the institution’s guidelines in developing their RKS.

School Database System (SDS)

A total of 79 schools and madrasah were trained in cluster-level workshops in this quarter. Although 25 out of 98 schools did not have computers, participants rented computers to allow them to learn about the system. In Beji sub-district, Pasuruan, all schools in the region, including non-DBE1 ones, received introduction of SDS and one day training as well.

Strengthening School Committees

No activity in this period.

District-level programs District Education Governance

Good Education Governance (Good Governance Sektor Pendidikan/GGSP)

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DBE1 activity July – September 2008 With establishment of GGSP Forum in Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Bangkalan, and Pasuruan in last quarter and in Nganjuk and Sampang in this quarter, DBE1 efforts were focused mainly in providing support to these forums. In Tuban, however, although stakeholders agreed on the importance of GGSP Forum, their varied understanding of the governance concept and related-program implementations still delayed the forum establishment. Education Council Conference Education Council Conference was held from August 27 to 29 and attended by 27 people (M:26, F:1) from nine districts. Challenges faced by Education Council included:

• Some Council members were former district stakeholders, reducing Council’s independence in analyzing districts education-related situation and in carrying out one of its functions as supervisory body to district government decision making process.

• Lack of available district budget to support Council monitoring activities

• Policy recommendation (if any) from the Council is often based on one person’s input, not the Council as united organization.

Despite these challenges, level of interest among Education Council members remained high to learn more and improve their capacity. As could be seen from their Future Action Plan, Education Councils agreed to establish indicators-based monitoring program and to set up recommendations for other stakeholders based on results of the monitoring program. As first step, members of Education Council will use local radio to introduce the Council and its roles and functions to the community.

District Education Planning and Capacity Assessment

District Education Planning (Renstra) Completion of Renstra SKPD development process in Nganjuk, Tuban, and Mojokerto. Meanwhile, after workshop for Bangkalan, Pasuruan, and Bojonegoro recently, facilitation sessions were carried out in Bangkalan. The process of developing renstra in many districts were rather challenging for DBE1 East Java. In addition to incomplete supporting data and team members commitment to other work responsibilities, some of them still do not perceive renstra as necessity for districts.


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DBE1 activity July – September 2008

Training of Trainers, Replication Workshop, and District Commitment

Training of Trainers on Replication was held in July and attended by district-level stakeholders representing planning, finance, and basic education divisions. Replication workshops was then conducted in seven districts and resulted in commitment of stakeholders to support replication in more than 1,000 SD/MI. This replication effort will receive financial support from participating districts 2009 annual budget, amounting to more than Rp. 7 billion. DBE1 plan to replicate its programs was met with positive response from East Java stakeholders because of Permendiknas 19/2007 and East Java Education Office recent announcement that by 2011 all districts must complete School Base Management (Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah/MBS) program. To reach these goals, Sidoarjo, for example, allocated its 2008 budget to introduce Permendiknas 19/2007 prior to taking part in RKS replication efforts in 2009. In Surabaya, the Head of Education Office stated that all elementary schools in the region must have their own planning document. Also in Surabaya, training of trainers for RKS development for 80 school supervisors and 100 Elementary school principals will be conducted this year. This activity will be funded by amendment of Surabaya 2008 Budget.

District Facilitators Forum

Improving District Facilitators capacity to be effective Provincial Facilitators. To respond effectively to districts needs to replicate DBE1 programs, DBE1 East Java trained 20 District Facilitators to be Provincial Facilitators. These Provincial Facilitators are expected to be the main engine behind efforts to replicate DBE1 programs not only in their districts, but in other areas as well.

ICT & Data Management

ICT/Hotspots and Grants

In Tuban, implementation of ICT grant program was carried out as planned. Tuban District Library continued to provide books to library users using SIPUS while Internet Café continued to function well. DBE1 East Java Data Information Specialist provided assistance to grantees in preparing reports, including quarterly report and end-of-program report. These reports will be reviewed in October 2008. In the mean time, in Surabaya, for Tier-2 program, grantees worked on improving link between Education Office Portal and Digischool systems. For Tier-1 grant program, grantees were in the process of testing the system prior to presenting progress report and system simulation to the Head of Education Office.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Routine Monitoring

School-level data collection for Measure 5 (Cohort 1 SD/MI,) Measure 2 (Cohort 2 SD/MI) and Measure 1 (SMP/MTs) and district-level data collection for Renstra/RPK was completed.

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DBE1 activity July – September 2008


Engaging District, Province Stakeholders

Signing of Terms of Reference DBE1 East Java and District Government of Bangkalan signed Terms of Reference on September 10. At the time of signing, Head of District announced allocation of Rp. 1,089 billion from District Budget to support replication of DBE1 programs in the area.

South Sulawesi DBE1 activity July - September 2008

School-level programs Leadership Training

No activity in this period.

School planning (RPS/RKS)

School Planning for SD/MI Through out August, updating workshop was carried out for all districts SD/MI. In this workshop, schools planning working groups (Kelompok Kerja Rencana Kerja Sekolah/KKRKS) were trained to use School Work Plan (Rencana Kerja Sekolah/RKS) to develop the school Annual Work Plan (Rencana Kerja Tahunan/RKT.) Some participants expressed their appreciation for the process especially because the new format (Annual Work Plan) allowed programs to be divided into strategic and operational categories. These divisions helped schools to plan their future programs more effectively. School efforts to update their RKT complement the provincial and district government Free Education program. In Soppeng, for example, although the format of School Budget and Expense Plan (Rencana Anggaran, Pendapatan, dan Belanja Sekolah/RAPBS) designed by Education Office was different than that of DBE1, Education Office suggested DBE1 schools to use process and format developed by DBE1. This was because DBE1 format was more complete and based on Annual Work Plan. In general, these updating workshops went according to plan. Majority of participating schools were able to complete draft of Annual Work Plan. Further facilitation will be provided by District Facilitators and Coordinators not only to finalize the documents but in programs implementation as well.

School Database System (SDS)

SDS training was carried out in Pinrang from August 26 to 28 and in Enrekang from August 29 to 31. Each school sent their principal, teacher, and treasurer to attend these training sessions. A total of 44 people (M:20, F:24) took part. Because of this training, many principals who did not have prior experience in using computers had to learn to use the machine and

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DBE1 activity July - September 2008 input the required data. As a result, principals from Enrekang were motivated to learn more and plan to buy computers for their school. They believed that knowledge and usage of ICT-related technologies was important asset to help schools to improve.

Strengthening School Committees

No activity in this period.

District-level programs

District Education Governance

Good Education Governance (Good Governance Sektor Pendidikan/GGSP) In August, DBE1 met with stakeholders of participating districts to discuss formation of GGSP Forum. These meetings were attended by GGSP-related stakeholders and representatives from schools, school committees, and Education Office. Three districts, Pangkep, Palopo, and Enrekang have established GGSP Forum membership. In Pangkep, Forum will establish regulations on free education for schools which will be used as input for establishment of legal base for Head of Education Decree on free education. For other districts which have not established GGSP Forum, stakeholders agreed to convey the Forum programs to district government and obtain government’s support. In Makassar, a core team was created to fulfill these objectives. Ever since GGSP Forums were set up, composition of Forum membership continued to change due to local political requirements or district government recent decisions. For example, Head of District Parliament in Palopo, who was an ardent supporter of Palopo GGSP Forum was elected to be the Vice Mayor of the city. In Pangkep, memberships of District Parliament Education Committee were changed due to recent Parliament’s reorganization. One concern expressed by district stakeholders was the need for GGSP Forum to determine its roles and functions clearly and not replicate roles and functions of Education Council and other forums already in existence.

District Education Planning and Capacity Assessment

District Education Planning (Renstra) Facilitation was given to renstra teams in Soppeng, Pinrang, Jeneponto, and Pangkep. In Soppeng, from July 8 to 9, assistance was provided to the renstra team to complete its document, in particular in methods of Monitoring and Evaluation. In Jeneponto, renstra document was completed and presented to stakeholders on September 18. In Pinrang, renstra team members are waiting for stakeholders availability to attend presentation of finalized document. One of the most significant challenges faced by renstra team members was availability of data, in particular for high school level

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DBE1 activity July - September 2008 (SMA/MA/SMK.) As a result, data for this level’s education service was collected and analyzed manually.

District Education Finance

District Education Finance Analysis (Analisa Keuangan Pendidikan Kabupaten/AKPK) Pinrang, Sidrap, Jeneponto, Enrekang, and Makassar DEFA teams were in the process of completing their report in this quarter. Jeneponto DEFA public consultation was held on September 18 while Pinrang consultation will be carried out in the near future. Meanwhile, Pangkep DEFA team presented their work results to Government of Pangkep district during ICT Grant program launching at the district’s Education Office on August 12. This document will also be presented to the Head of District’s Education Office and Parliament. School Unit Cost Analysis (Biaya Operasional Satuan Pendidikan/BOSP) Workshops for Pangkep, Pinrang, and Soppeng were carried out as planned. These workshops were attended by stakeholders from Parliament, District Development and Planning Board, Secretary of District Office, Education Office, and representatives of schools (all levels.) In one of the workshops, representatives from DBE2, NGO, Media and School Committee were also invited. Throughout the process, participants often had to balance their responsibilities between participating in SUCA activities and many school events. Participants also were faced by limited time in completing tasks as required by the program. DBE1 had to provide further support to some participants as there was the tendency to use their schools particular programs as the only base of calculation. In Pangkep, completed SUCA document together with the above-mentioned DEFA results were presented to stakeholders on August 12. This SUCA document will be used by district government as input for the district’s program on free education. In Soppeng, completed analysis and document was presented on August 14 while in Pinrang on September 15.


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DBE1 activity July - September 2008

Replication Workshop and District Commitment

Workshops to support replication of DBE program were held for all districts in South Sulawesi in July 2008. Participants included Head of District, District Development and Planning Board, Education Council, District Finance Board, Ministry of Religious Affairs, District Parliament, Education Office, and representatives of schools and DBE123. In Pinrang, district government stated their support for replication by allocating funds from its 2009 district annual budget to finance RKS/M development and training of school committees and principals. Other districts also expressed commitment and interest to support replication efforts in their region. They requested DBE123 to work together with District Education Office and provide replication work plan and budget estimate.

Supervisors and District Facilitators Forum

Monthly meeting to support Supervisors/District Facilitators Forum continued to take place in South Sulawesi in this period. Participants, in particular supervisors of non DBE1 schools, were excited to take part in this rare opportunity to improve their capacity as supervisors and learn more on Permendiknas 12/2007 on Standards for Supervisors, RKS, and facilitation techniques. School supervisors will use forums such as Principals Forum, Teachers Working Group (Kelompok Kerja Guru/KKG,) or Subject-Based Teachers Association (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran/MGMP) to train schools. Encouraged by what they learned from these training sessions, several supervisors will use their own funds to train principals to develop their School Work Plan. In Pinrang, the Head of Education Sub-Division Office agreed to train all schools to develop their RKS and use BOS funds to support this endeavor.

ICT & Data Management

ICT/Hotspots and Grants

Monitoring and evaluation of ICT Grant implementation in Jeneponto was conducted at the District Religious Affairs Office. Prior to program implementation, staff members of the Religious Affairs Office were not able to use computers or other ICT-related technologies to complete their work responsibilities. For example, to correspond with other offices, letters had to be manually written and then typed on the computer by interns. With availability of computers and the Internet, staff members become more familiar with the technology as well as the Internet. Meanwhile, launching of ICT Grant program in Pangkep was conducted on August 12 and attended by district-level stakeholders as well as USAID/Education Office and DBE1 Jakarta and South Sulawesi representatives. During the grant launching ceremony, education stakeholders’ took part in a point-to-point video conferencing demonstration between the Office of Education, Office of Religious Affairs and the grantees. Representative of USAID/Education Office and DBE1 also traveled to SDN 129

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DBE1 activity July - September 2008 located on Salemo Island to see the latest stage of grant implementation. Although the school already received computers bought with grant money, internet connection was still to be established. DBE1 South Sulawesi is currently in the process to procure equipments required to set up the internet connection. In Enrekang, as part of district’s ICT Grant implementation, training sessions for teachers were carried out for two weeks, starting from August 13. These training sessions aimed to improve teachers’ ability to use computers to support their teaching activities.

Monitoring and Evaluation Routine Monitoring

Data for Measure 5 (Cohort 1 SD/MI,) Measure 2 (Cohort 2 SD/MI,) and Measure 1 (SMP/MTs) was collected.


Engaging District, Province Stakeholders

Representatives of DBE1 Jakarta and South Sulawesi met with South Sulawesi Provincial Accreditation Body, Provincial Education Council, and Head of Junior Secondary Sub-Division Office of South Sulawesi Education Office. In this meeting, the three provincial-level stakeholders expressed their support of DBE1 program and stated that the RKS/M for SMP/MTs developed by DBE1 will be considered as the schools mid-term work plan by School Accreditation Team.

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Annex 2: Success Stories

District Facilitators learned valuable skills to support School Database System program.

Although District Facilitators have been playing a crucial role in implementing DBE1 programs at school level, their tasks and responsibilities so far did not require them to be computer literate. With the recent introduction of DBE1 School Database System program to schools and madrasah, this situation changed significantly. With School Database System, schools/madrasah use Microsoft Excel to input their profile, programs, and BOS transactions to produce a variety of data that can be used for their accreditation, BOS allocation report, and others. As facilitators of all DBE1 school-level programs, they now need sufficient knowledge on how to use computer and its software applications to support the schools and madrasah to learn about SDS and take full advantage from this program.

In Klaten, Central Java, because most of facilitators are Head of Sub Division of the Education Office who used to rely on their assistants for computer-related tasks, the recent SDS Training of Trainers event in Solo was especially beneficial for them. The ToT exposed these facilitators to computers directly. They were trained to use Microsoft Excel to input all the data and produce the SDS forms. They learned that SDS allows methodical organization of school data and output that can be accessed at any time. Because of the training, they realized that computer literacy is important not for SDS but as a skill and knowledge that everyone must have in this technology-driven world. Some participants even decided to buy their own lap top or tablet PC and agreed to meet every Monday at the District Coordinator’s Office to continue the learning process.

With this newfound knowledge and appreciation for the technology, they try to convince schools to start using computers too. Encouraged by the District Facilitators enthusiasm, schools in Delanggu Sub District, Klaten, agreed to buy one computer per school to support their SDS and other activities.

District Facilitators from Klaten, Central Java, during SDS Training of Trainers event recently.

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School Supervisors in South Sulawesi responded positively to District Facilitators/Supervisors Forum.

Responding positively to DBE1 programs to improve schools and madrasah management and governance and to build school supervisors capacity to support these programs, many districts have established district facilitators and supervisors forums. These forums provide opportunity for supervisors to learn from their colleagues who have been trained by DBE1 in techniques to develop school/madrasah plans as well as to facilitate the whole development process. In the forum, supervisors also learn the necessary skills to train school/madrasah committees and principals.

In many districts in South Sulawesi, the forums have been held on a monthly basis and receive positive responses from stakeholders and participants. In Jeneponto, participants were enthusiastic because the forum provided rare opportunity for supervisors from different areas in the region to meet and be trained on school plan development and facilitation techniques. Participants also discussed in detail issues related to education such as the Permendiknas 12/2007 on Standards for School/Madrasah Supervisors and Permendiknas 19/2007 on Standards for Education Management.

One of the participants in Pinrang, Bapak Hambali, mentioned that “This activity is very positive. Before these forums came to existence, only teachers got trained. As a result, many of the teachers have better teaching skills and school management knowledge than us. It was rather difficult for us because, as supervisors, we were supposed to guide the principals and teachers in conducting their responsibilities and managing their schools.” During one of the Forum meetings in Pinrang, participants were encouraged by the presence of Head of

Sub-Division of the Education Office, Bapak Drs. Abdul Hamid M.Pd. They felt that his show of support was important as school plan development process and training sessions in the area will be conducted by using funds from School Operational Grants (Biaya Operasional Sekolah/BOS.)

These school supervisors were determined to continue their endeavor to empower themselves and more of their colleagues. Supported by DBE1-trained facilitators, they are planning to use existing forums such as Teachers Working Group (Kelompok Kerja Guru) or Subject-Based Teachers Association (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran/MGMP) to disseminate the knowledge that they have to others.

Bapak Jihad from Jeneponto talked about challenges faced by supervisors

in implementing Permendiknas 12/2007

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Annex 3: Analysis of Training Beneficiaries6

Table 1: Analysis of Training Beneficiaries by Institutions Component Male Female Total

Internal DBE

DBE-DBE1 95 28 123

DBE-DBE2 5 2 7

DBE-DBE3 4 2 6

104 32 136


DP-Kantor Cabang Dinas 14 3 17

DP-Kepala Bidang 118 25 143

DP-Kepala Dinas 32 32

DP-Kepala Seksi-KCD-UPTD 230 49 279

DP-Kepala Unit 39 2 41

DP-Staf 195 58 253

628 137 765


KD-Kepala Bidang 3 1 4

KD-Kepala Kantor 6 6

KD-Kepala Seksi 36 3 39

KD-Kepala Unit 3 3

KD-Staf 51 8 59

99 12 111

School Committee

KS-Lainnya 225 64 289

KS-Orang Tua Murid 423 126 549

KS-Paguyuban Kelas 16 5 21

KS-Tokoh Masyarakat 404 53 457

1,068 248 1,316

Local Government

PEMDA-Bapedda 69 22 91

PEMDA-Dinas Terkait 31 2 33

PEMDA-Kantor Pemda 42 14 56

142 38 180


Sekolah-Guru 481 604 1,085

Sekolah-Kepala Sekolah 788 432 1,220

Sekolah-Lainnya 28 20 48

1,297 1,056 2,353

Service Provider

SP-District Facilitator 175 47 222

6 The data refers to head counts for each activity. The number of beneficiaries reported here does not meet USAID reporting requirements which define a training beneficiary as one who receives 24 hours of training and who can only be counted once in a year. DBE1 does track that data which will be submitted to USAID for measuring its Standard Indicators in the next quarter.

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SP-Lainnya 12 6 18

SP-Pengawas 384 88 472

571 141 712

Service User

SU-CSO 20 1 21

SU-Dewan Pendidikan 165 7 172

SU-DPRD 80 10 90

SU-Lainnya 46 16 62

SU-LSM/NGO 53 10 63

SU-Media 54 1 55

SU-Orang Tua Murid 100 57 157

SU-Paguyuban Kelas 7 14 21

525 116 641

Grand Total 4434 1780 6214

Table 2: Analysis of training beneficiaries by activities Activity M F Total


BOS Impact Analysis Workshop 167 34 201

167 34 201


Internal consultation in office 22 6 28

Pendampingan 1 67 15 82

Workshop #1 (Fasilitasi Penghitungan - out office) 7 7

Workshop #2 (Fasilitasi Penghitungan - in office) 29 7 36

Workshop #4 (Fasilitasi Penghitungan - in office) 2 2

Workshop #5 (Pembuatan Laporan - out office) 7 3 10

Workshop #6 (Presentasi untuk stakeholder) 57 10 67

Other Activity 14 2 16

205 43 248


FORUM DF/Pengawas 797 190 987

Leadership Training #1 59 29 88

Lokakarya Tingkat Kabupaten 200 35 235

Pelatihan Komite Sekolah #1 243 59 302

RKS/M Lokakarya #1 66 27 93

1,365 340 1,705


Asistensi Penyusunan Raperda 64 20 84

Asistensi/Fasilitasi untuk Dewan Pendidikan 103 8 111

Asistensi/Fasilitasi untuk DPRD 4 4

Fasilitasi Pembentukan Forum GGSP Kab/Kota 112 20 132

Fasilitasi Pengembangan Forum GGSP 142 15 157

Mapping GGSP 9 1 10

TOT Dewan Pendidikan II 26 1 27

Workshop Multi Stakeholder GGSP I 31 5 36

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Other Activity 16 16

507 70 577


Anggaran Dasar & Rumah Tangga 24 26 50

Identifikasi Sumber Sumber Belajar 154 100 254

Kepekaan Kelompok Marginal 23 19 42

Organisasi Komite Sekolah/Madrasah 23 19 42

Pengenalan Isyu Gender & Minoritas 245 88 333

Pengenalan Peran dan Fungsi Komite Sekolah/Madrasah 60 25 85

Program Kerja Komite Sekolah/Madrasah 86 66 152

615 343 958

Leadership (SD/MI)

Leadership Training #2 59 72 131

59 72 131


Pendampingan 1 Entry Data DPISS 91 43 134

Pendampingan 2 Analisis Layanan 36 15 51

Pendampingan 3 Visi, Misi, Tata Nilai 65 9 74

Pendampingan 4 Tujuan Strategis 9 4 13

Pendampingan 5 Program, Kegiatan 22 3 25

Pendampingan 6 Biaya dan Pendanaan 108 21 129

Revisi & Finalisasi 29 13 42

Training Staf Dinas 52 18 70

Workshop #5 Detailing Workshop Result 7 3 10

Workshop #6 Biaya dan Pendanaan 9 3 12

Workshop #7 Finalisasi Dokumen 36 15 51

Workshop Public consultation (Uji Publik) 33 19 52

Other training Activity 51 41 92

548 207 755


Lokakarya Tingkat Gugus 17 12 29

Pelatihan Gugus II (Tahap 3 & 4) 18 11 29

Pelatihan Tingkat Sekolah 75 69 144

Pendampingan 2 3 6 9

Penyusunan RKS dan RKA-SM (RKT) 290 143 433

Replikasi RKS/M 14 2 16

RKT 239 189 428

Other Training Activity 355 268 623

1,011 700 1,711


Lokakarya Tingkat Kabupaten/Kota 14 1 15

14 1 15


Pendampingan Finalisasi SDS (Pendampingan SDS I) 32 31 63

Pendampingan Finalisasi SDS (Pendampingan SDS II) 5 11 16

Pra Workshop SDS 95 76 171

Workshop SDS Tingkat Gugus 231 170 401

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363 288 651


Internal Consultation 37 8 45

Presentasi untuk stakeholder 68 12 80

Workshop # 1 223 64 287

Workshop # 2 251 69 320

Workshop # 3 Cluster Level 223 60 283

Workshop # 4 Finalisasi Laporan 48 12 60

850 225 1,075

Update RKS/M (SD/M)

Pendampingan Finalisasi Updating RKT S/M 436 169 605

Pendampingan Pra Updating RKT 70 32 102

506 201 707

Update RKS/M (SMP/MTs)

Pendampingan Finalisasi Updating RKT S/M 109 11 120

Pendampingan Pra Updating RKT 32 2 34

141 13 154

Other Training (Uncategorized)

Other Training Activity 84 35 119

84 35 119

Grand Total 6,435 2,572 9,007

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Annex 4: Materials Uploaded on Website during the Quarter

News update: Improving Student’s Life Skill Through Peer Mediation September 24, 2008 Dissemination in Boyolali for 2008 September 24, 2008 US Congress Delegation Observe the Grade 4 Students and Cluster Resource Center in SDN 020263 Binjai Utara, North Sumatra September 12, 2008 Welcoming DBE 2 Grants Tier 2 and 3, CRC Karya Mandiri Guru “Go International” September 12, 2008 Demanding replication in West Java September 12, 2008 Completion of MTs Al Falaah, Bantul, rebuilding process September 4, 2008 DBE Program Replication: Better Teaching and Learning Training September 4, 2008 US Congress Visited DBE Primary School and Kindergarten in East Java September 1, 2008 UNS and Dinas Pendidikan Boyolali District Sign Agreement for Conducting In-Service Training September 1, 2008 DBE3 introduced the toolkit prevention materials to the district of Pangkep, South Sulawesi September 1, 2008 Training on Interactive Learning Application Development commenced in Enrekang District, South Sulawesi September 1, 2008 A remote island in Pangkajene Kepulauan, South Sulawesi, received computers as part of USAID/DBE1 ICT Grant implementation August 21, 2008

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To support good governance, Education Conference for district parliament held in South Sulawesi July 11, 2008 The Development of Low-Cost Materials Catalogue by DBE 2 July 11, 2008

Resource Materials update: Explanation on Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation number 47 year 2008 regarding Compulsory Basic Education July 31, 2008 Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation number 47 year 2008 regarding Compulsory Basic Education July 31, 2008 Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation number 32 year 2008 regarding Guideline for District Annual Budget (APBD) compilation Year 2009 July 28, 2008 Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation number 48 year 2008 regarding Education Funding July 18, 2008

Top 10 downloaded documents: Attachment for BSNP regulation No.984-BSNP-XI-2007 regarding SOP for SMP, MTs, SMPLB, SMA, MA, SMALB, DAN SMK National Exam year 2007/2008 (6180 downloads) Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi untuk Kehidupan, Pembelajaran dan Pekerjaan (6004 downloads) National Education Minister Regulation number 34 year 2007 regarding National Exam Year 2007-2008 (5200 downloads) Letter of Directorate General of Basic Education Management No. 643/C/KU/2007 regarding Implementation Guidelines for 2007 Fiscal Year 2007 Specific Allocation Funds (2496 downloads) Integrasi Kecakapan Hidup dalam Pembelajaran (2160 downloads)

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Attachment for BSNP regulation No.9 No.983-BSNP-XI-2007 regarding SOP for Integration of National Exam with UNTUS for SD, MI, and SDLB Education Year 2007-2008 (2111 downloads) School Committee: Alliance (2090 downloads) School Committee: Simple Accounting Methods (1757 downloads) Panduan RPS/RPM tingkat SD/MI (1565 downloads) Pengajaran Profesional dan Pembelajaran Bermakna (1478 downloads)

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Annex 5: ICT Grant Updates

1. T1 – PT Rekayasa Teknologi Informasi, District : Enrekang, South Sulawesi

Business Plan Sustainability Factor

: CD-ROM of Multimedia Teaching Aids Training on animation and graphic design

multimedia software

Proposed Number of Institutional Users


Baseline Measure-1 Schools 21 21 Libraries 1 0 District Offices 3 2

Proposed Number of Persons as Users


Baseline Measure-1 Students - - Teachers 21 21 District Staff - - Community - -

Updates :

The objective of the program is to produce a set of 21 ready-to-use multimedia teaching aids in CD ROM format for a variety of subjects that teachers can access either through the District Public Library (DPL) or though the mobile library. These modules will form an embryo of e-learning “kiosk” at the DPL which will be available for all teachers in the district. The teaching aids modules will be developed by 21 elementary teachers who will be selected from a candidate pool of about 300 teachers in the district.

Ceremony to commence implementation of ICT grant in Enrekang, South Sulawesi, took place recently on August 13, 2008. Head of Education Office, Head of District Parliament, and Head of District Public Library took part in the event, together with representatives of USAID/Education Office, DBE1 Jakarta and DBE1 South Sulawesi. The ceremony also

initiated training in development of module using animation and graphic design multimedia software such as Macromedia MX 2004, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Corel Graphic Suite 12.

2. T1 – CV Turatea Computer Center District : Jeneponto, South Sulawesi

Business Plan Sustainability Factor

: SIMPADU (integrated information management system software)

Training on basic computer and maintenance,

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operating system, application software, and local area network (LAN)

Proposed Number of Institutional Users


Baseline Measure-1 Schools - - Libraries - - District Offices 1 1

Proposed Number of Persons as Users


Baseline Measure-1 Students - - Teachers - - District Staff 30 30 Community - -

Updates :

Turatea Computer Center (TCC) provide computer training to increase the skills of 30 District Religious Affairs Office (Kandepag) staff, including 12 female staff, through a series of training courses and on-the-job post-training support. The training courses are comprised of six modules: 1) Introduction to Basic Computer, 2) Introduction to Operating System, 3) Introduction to MS-Office application, 4) Computer Maintenance, 5) Local Area Network, and 6) Internet Usage (email and browsing). The course lasts approximately 270 hours (72 hours of theory and 200 hours of

practice) and one-two days per month of post-training follow on support.

Training on basic computer and maintenance, operating system, application software, and local area network (LAN) had been conducted. All participants had never been trained on ICT and hence the 30 participants from Kandepag stated that the training was beneficial to them. Next activity is to conduct M&E on training impact including participants’ ability to operate existing SIMPADU.

3. T2 - YPK Amanah District : Pangkajene Kepulauan, South Sulawesi

Business Plan Sustainability Factor

: Internet Service Provider (ISP) services Internet Café Training provider on technical local area

network, internet, and computer technician

Proposed Number of Institutional Users


Baseline Measure-1 Schools 2 18 Libraries - - District Offices 3 2

Proposed Number of Persons as Users


Baseline Measure-1 Students - -

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Teachers 40 36 District Staff 60 20 Community 20 0

Updates :

The objectives of the program are: (i) to improve communications between District Education Office (DEO) and Kandepag and their branch offices and schools in a radius of 15 Kilometers from the DEO office, and (ii) to introduce ICT to schools and community in a hard-to-access island that is part of Pangkep district.

The first objective will be accomplished by establishing a broadband Internet Service Provider (ISP) and LAN/Wifi 2.4 GHz which will be used initially by DEO and Kandepag. The grant will provide necessary equipment to YPK Amanah to both operate the ISP and to provide skills training for DEO and Kandepag staff. These will activate the existing ICT equipment in DEO and Kandepag offices; and also enable YPK Amanah to open a warnet (internet café) which will be available to the public.

The second objective will be achieved by providing equipment needed to establish an intranet/internet system in one school in the island which can be used to process data electronically and thereby facilitate communication between the school and DEO. The intranet system will also be available to teachers, students and community members who will be able to access information through CD ROMs containing information that can be down loaded from the internet. This is expected to be a showcase for introducing ICT to surrounding islands, and as the first step for eventually connecting these islands to the internet.

On August 12, 2008, Vice Head of Pangkajene Kepulauan (Pangkep,) Head of District Parliament and other stakeholders together with USAID Education Office and DBE1 representatives attended inauguration of ICT grant program. During the launching ceremony, point-to-point video conference was conducted and received good feedback from participants, as this facility would help stakeholders’

coordination and communication efforts. The Pangkep District Government decided to revise its annual budget to allow establishment of internet access in its offices in the region.

As part of the program, computers and generator were provided to SDN 29 and community of Pulau Salemo. Located 45 minutes away by boat from Pangkep, there are around 600 families who live on Pulau Salemo. With electricity available only from 6 pm until midnight and limited contact with the mainland, the addition of computers and generator are greatly appreciated by the island population. To ensure that

students will benefit from the available computers, teachers had already been trained by DBE1 in general computer usage. As the next step, DBE1 will establish internet

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access for the school to allow better communication with the District of Education Office and to reduce the island isolation from the world.

4. T1 – PT Tridata Cakrawala District : Tuban, East Java

Business Plan Sustainability Factor

: Library Information System software Internet Cafe

Proposed Number of Institutional Users


Baseline Measure-1 Schools - Libraries 1 District Offices 1

Proposed Number of Persons as Users


Baseline Measure-1 Students 60 Teachers - District Staff 10 Community -

Updates :

The objective of the program is to improve library management and services by: (i) developing and installing an automated Library Information System, called “Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan” (SIPUS), to handle user registrations, collection processing, cataloguing, collection transactions, and periodic reporting; and (ii) establish a “Warung Internet’ (Warnet) to expand library users’ access to the

internet. PT Tridata Cakrawala has developed SIPUS and installed the Warnet, whereas CV Samodra will assist in the training of 10 DPL staff on SIPUS operation and maintenance. The existing computers at the DPL are used for the application software (SIPUS) while the grant has provided 6 additional computers and network peripherals for the Warnet. The grant will pay for Internet access for eight months; it is expected that after that period the “Warnet” will generate sufficient funds to cover its operating costs.

The launching of the Internet Café in Tuban was carried out on Wednesday, November 14, 2007. Two local organizations, PT. Tridata Cakrawala, and CV Samodra worked together with Tuban District Public Library in developing Library Information System software to improve library materials management. The three parties were also involved in establishing a Warung Internet/Internet Café to provide internet

access to the library users and general public in the region.

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The Internet Café was officially opened by Head of Tuban District, Dra. Haeny Relawati Rini Widyastuti, M.Si, Also present were Vice Head of Tuban District, Chief of Tuban Police, representatives of Committee C of Tuban Parliament, Head of Education Office, and other personnel of Tuban Government Offices. Consul General of the United States to Indonesia in Surabaya, Ms. Caryn McCllelland, was also present. More than 100 people, consisting of school principals, teachers, and students took part in this ceremony as well.

In her statement, the Head of Tuban District mentioned that Internet Café and SIPUS should function as a gateway to information, in particular science and humanity. Moreover, the presence of the Café and SIPUS will support Tuban Government effort in providing education system that is based on aspects such as full participation and analytical thinking. She also hoped that all personnel of the District Government Offices would use the new facility and access the Internet on regular basis. At the same time, the Consul General of the United States to Indonesia in Surabaya hoped that the full cooperation which has been established as a result of this program would grow stronger in the effort to provide better education for Indonesians in the future.

5. T2 – Indo Komputer District : Soppeng, South Sulawesi

Business Plan Sustainability Factor

: English and Science Multimedia Teaching Aids

Training on multimedia interactive module development

Proposed Number of Institutional Users


Baseline Measure-1 Schools 5 0 Libraries 1 1 District Offices 2 1

Proposed Number of Persons as Users


Baseline Measure-1 Students - - Teachers 5 5 District Staff - - Community - -

Updates :

The objective of the program is to develop and test a package of training programs for producing multimedia teaching aids and self-instructional multimedia aids in CD ROM format for teaching English and science. DPL will offer both training courses to teachers who wish to become certified in developing multimedia as well as the CD ROM based teaching aids. Teachers who opt to take the materials development course may qualify for support through Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olah Raga (Dikmudora) teacher’s quality improvement program and receive certification for completing the course.

The consortium of Indo Komputer and the Dikmudora and DPL of Soppeng district has been conducting training courses that will last approximately 430 hours, including

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180 hours of basic training on FrontPage and Macromedia Flash, 50 hours of mastering FrontPage with program application, 100 hours video editing, and 100 hours of program facilitation. As part of program development, Indo Komputer will train five Dikmudora appointed English and Science teachers (including female teachers) on a rolling basis over a consecutive four sessions who will later become permanent trainers in the DPL. Indo Komputer will provide follow up support in assisting DPL to market its new services to schools in 7 sub districts.

6. T2 – CV Almagada Jaya District : Tangerang, Banten

Business Plan Sustainability Factor

: Warnet

Proposed Number of Institutional Users


Baseline Measure-1 Schools 6 12 Libraries 8 9 District Offices 4 5

Proposed Number of Persons as Users


Baseline Measure-1 Students 480 12 Teachers 45 34 District Staff 5 8 Community 60 30

Updates :

The grant is to provide better and integrated education data and information for education managers and to improve ICT capacity for government employee, teachers, students, and public visiting the DPL. Through USAID DBE1 ICT grant the consortium will carry out the following program activities: (i) Conduct needs assessment to determine kinds of information to be developed for specific portal services. (ii) Install e-Hotspot equipment (1 center layer and 8 clients layer); (iii) Develop DPL Online Catalog and school Net web applications software. (iv) Provide

training on Internet, email, and web functions for 500 trainees (480 students and teachers (80/target school) and total 20 DEO, DPL, Kandepag and Bappeda staff based on the average of 5 persons per office. (v) Market e-Hotspot portal services to school managers (including school committee), other government and private offices,

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and to establish “warnet” (Internet café) to enable them to either establish hotspots or up grade the existing hotspots, and (vi) Form e-Hotspot Community (called SD-Net)

to disburse news and information regularly. It is expected that the grant will help education managers carrying out better education planning, improve education user’s ICT capacity, and become a portal and e-Hotspot model for promoting expansion of the program by having Tangerang e-Hotspot Community.

The grantee, CV Almagada Jaya, has installed 35 meter tower at Kota Tangerang DPL, the center of the “E-Hotspot” ICT grant program. Other

towers have also been installed at District Education Office, District Office of Religious Affairs, and six schools: SMPN4 Kota Tangerang, SMP Nusa Putra, MTsN Kota Tangerang, SDN Sukasari, SDN Karawaci I and MIN Buaran.

All eight “E-hotspot” points have been linked and the project was officially launched on 28 August 2008. SekolahNet and E-Catalog website is now accessible by the public. Currently, the grantee is in the process of completing the website contents with data like school profile, book catalogue, teaching materials and other materials to support District Education Strategic Plan (Renstra SKPD).

7. T1 – Yayasan Tarbiyah Islamiyah District : Sukabumi, West Java

Business Plan Sustainability Factor

: Internet-based Digital Library software Internet Cafe

Proposed Number of Institutional Users


Baseline Measure-1 Schools - 30 Libraries 1 5 District Offices 1 5

Proposed Number of Persons as Users


Baseline Measure-1 Students 200 200 Teachers - 30 District Staff 5 30 Community 100 40

Updates :

The objective of the program is to improve library management and services by: (i) developing and installing automated Library Information System, called “Perpustakaan Digital Berbasis Internet” (Internet-based Digital Library), to handle user registrations, materials processing, cataloguing and transactions, and periodic

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reporting; and (ii) establishing a “Warung Internet’ (Warnet – an Internet Cafe) to expand library users Internet access. The Warnet provide Internet services through DPL desktop computers and hotspots areas (Internet access using access/member card and user-owned portable computer).

On Tuesday, April 8, 2008, Head of Sukabumi District, Bapak Drs. Sukmawijaya, MM., officially launched Digital Public Library and Internet Café in Sukabumi, West Java.

The Sukabumi District Public Library now can offer an Internet Café consisting of five computers with Internet access, wireless Internet access in its vicinity, and computer training services to the public.

Following the launch, community members can make use of a six months special promotion offering one hour of high speed Internet access at just Rp. 3,000. The establishment of the Internet Café was the first of several activities under this grant. Other activities will include the development and launching of a web-based digital library system to facilitate timely information and resource retrieval, as well as intensive training on computer and system use for both library staff and the community.

Also present in the ribbon-cutting ceremony was Head of Sukabumi Education Office, Bapak Drs. Zaenal Mutaqin, M.Si, Head of District Library, Dra. Hj. Elly Kurnia, M.PD, Head of Sukabumi District Parliament Committee 4, grantees, and others. Representatives from DBE1, Bapak Dinn Wahyudin, Provincial Coordinator for West Java and Banten, Ms. Carmen Strigel, and Ibu Tita Rachmaniah, Grant Program Managers and ICT Specialist also attended the event. In addition to the launching of the Digital Library and Internet Café, an introductory workshop on the functions of and advantages offered by the Library was also conducted and attended by representatives from various schools.

As stated by Head of Sukabumi District, it is expected that Internet-supported facilities such as the digital library will help accelerating the effort to improve quality of education in the area. Further, the Head of Sukabumi District also hoped that with the implementation of the digital library, Internet access for general users and children’s reading habits will also be improved.

8. T2 – CV Trisatya Pratama District : Karawang, West Java

Business Plan Sustainability Factor

: ICT-based Education Data Center LabNet Training & Business Center MP_Ka@Network (Education Information

System software)

Proposed Number of Institutional Users


Baseline Measure-1 Schools 25 Libraries -

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District Offices 4 Proposed Number of Persons as Users


Baseline Measure-1 Students 100 Teachers - District Staff 80 Community 20

Updates :

The objective of the program is to provide access to education information for education managers and students and improve data and information sharing among education managers by establishing an ICT-based training center and intra/Internet-based computer laboratory for education stakeholders and end users. Through the grant the consortium of CV Trisatya Pratama, PT Indosat Karawang, district Bappeda (Bidang Sosial Budaya), Dewan Pendidikan, DEO, Kandepag, and UNSIKA will: (i) establish an ICT-based Education Data Center at Bappeda (Bidang Sosial Budaya) building which will provide education information for education users timely and accurately; (ii) provide quality education information to support education quality improvement; and (iii) establish an intra/Internet-based computer laboratory (LabNet) for teachers, schools managers, and students; and support education leading sectors (DEO and Kandepag) and stakeholders in the quality education improvement framework.

9. T1 – PT Indomaya Wira Sejahtera District : Karanganyar, Central Java

Business Plan Sustainability Factor

: LAN development Library automation system Training on Network administration and

system operator functions

Proposed Number of Institutional Users


Baseline Measure-1 Schools - Libraries 1 District Offices 4

Proposed Number of Persons as Users


Baseline Measure-1 Students - Teachers - District Staff 23 Community -

Updates :

The objective of this program is to improve the DPL ability to provide better services to its visitors. Through USAID DBE1 ICT grant the consortium will implement the following activities: (i) Install local area network (LAN) infrastructure, (ii) Develop library automation system, (iii) Improve the library’s Human Resources through training on network administration and system operator functions, (iv) Introduce the

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web-based system through workshop, training on web-based course, and visit to relevance government district offices, and (v) Conduct periodic (quarterly basis) monitoring and evaluation. It is expected that the grant will help the DPL to improve its services by having digital catalog, to improve library management, and to improve staff’s ICT capacity.

10. T2 – PT Indomaya Wira Sejahtera District : Karanganyar, Central Java

Business Plan Sustainability Factor

: Develop LAN at DEO, Kandepag and 2 sub district offices

Establish WAN to provide communication channel linking LAN at those offices

Internet connection for The LAN and LAN Karanganyar School Information network

portal- Karanganyar Cyber and Education Community

Integration of DGlib into WAN Training of the use of software application,

data input and tools for operators, admin and site managers

Proposed Number of Institutional Users


Baseline Measure-1 Schools - Libraries 1 District Offices 4

Proposed Number of Persons as Users


Baseline Measure-1 Students - Teachers - District Staff 50 Community -

Updates :

The objective of this grant is to increase public access to district education data and information which will promote transparency and accountability in education and improve education management and planning through sharing of education data among DEO and Kandepag staff.

Through USAID DBE1 ICT grant the consortium will implement the following activities: (i) develop Local Area Network (LAN) Infrastructure at DEO, Kandepag and one sub district DEO office as a pilot; (ii) establish Wide Area Network (WAN) Infrastructure to provide communication channel to link LAN established by activity ‘i’; (iii) provide Internet connectivity for the WAN and LAN; (iv) develop Karanganyar School Information Network application software so that DEO, DEO Sub-district office, Kandepag, DPL as well as parents and community members will able to access the information; (v) integrate Karanganyar DGLib Data Center into WAN to publish digital collection; and (vi) improve district human resources through training

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workshops followed by on the job training for stakeholders, primarily operators, administrator, site managers, and other local government officials. It is expected that the grant will increase public access to district education data and information and improve ICT knowledge through various training workshops, which will improve stakeholders’ ability and capacity to use ICT for better planning, management and governance.

11. T2 – CV Cosmo Jaya District : Klaten, Central Java

Business Plan Sustainability Factor

: Network Operation Center (NOC) and coordinate internet connectivity among DEO, Kandepag and DPL

Establish DEO website to provide better access to information and increase transparency and accountability

Establish LAN at kandepag Internet Café hotspot Training for trainers for DEO, kandepag and

DPL staffs on Advanced MS-Office, Internet and Internet Business, LAN, ICT program and data networking

Proposed Number of Institutional Users


Baseline Measure-1 Schools 3 Libraries 1 District Offices 2

Proposed Number of Persons as Users


Baseline Measure-1 Students - Teachers - District Staff 15 Community -

Updates :

The objective of this grant is to support GOI objective to provide education for all that incorporates hardware, software, and brain ware development by providing students, parents, and the wider community with the opportunity to gain knowledge and access to school, DEO, DPL, and Kandepag information. Through this program the local government will be able to provide stronger and more appropriate support for education activities especially through enhanced distribution and dissemination of knowledge and information.

Through USAID DBE1 ICT grant, the consortium will implement the following activities: (i) DEO will develop an infrastructure of network operation center (NOC) to integrate and coordinate Internet connectivity among DEO, Kandepag, and DPL and management information system (DikbudKlaten Online); (ii) Kandepag will establish local area network and develop Kandepag management information system (Depag Online); (iii) DPL will

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establish an Internet Café hotspot and develop DPL library internet based information system (PerpusKlaten Online). Through the grant, training on advanced MS-Office, Internet and Internet Business, local area network, and Klaten eWow ICT program and data networking will be provided for 60 staff from DEO, Kandepag, and DPL.

12. T2 – PT ITS Kemitraan District : Surabaya, East Java

Business Plan Sustainability Factor

: Development of District Education PORTAL Development of DigiSchool PORTAL Training on Education PORTAL and

DigiSchool PORTAL

Proposed Number of Institutional Users


Baseline Measure-1 Schools 13 Libraries - District Offices 1

Proposed Number of Persons as Users


Baseline Measure-1 Students - Teachers 26 District Staff 34 Community -

Updates :

The objective of the program is to create education information portals that will become part of the existing Surabaya wide area network (WanKota) which has been established through a MONE grant. The program is targeted for Surabaya DEO, 2 Sub-District Education Offices (Gubeng and Kenjeran), and 13 schools (9 public elementary schools, 1 private elementary school, 2 elementary madrasah schools, and 1 school for children with special need/SLB).

Through USAID DBE1 ICT grant the consortium will implement the following activities: (i) development of District Education PORTAL (PORTAL Edukasi), including SMS Center, which will provide materials for teachers, students and administrators such as: School News, School Agenda, School Lesson Plans, Learning Materials, Online Practice and Exams, School Grades, discussion and consultation board, virtual class rooms, online library, and link to other education websites; (ii) development of DigiSchool PORTAL which will provide education stakeholders data and information on: education finance, inventory, academic activity, human resources, and school enrollment; and (iii) training for 30 DEO staff, 26 teachers and 4 District Education Board members on how to maintain or input website content. The grant will assist teachers and students to access materials and information that will improve the quality of education and help increase public access to district education data and information, which will improve education governance in the district.

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13. T1- PT ITS Kemitraan District : Surabaya, East Java

Business Plan Sustainability Factor

: Office Software Training Web Design and Programming Training

Proposed Number of Institutional Users


Baseline Measure-1 Schools 13 Libraries - District Offices 1

Proposed Number of Persons as Users


Baseline Measure-1 Students - Teachers 52 District Staff 28 Community -

Updates :

The objective of the program is to carry out office automation and web design/programming trainings and to improve ICT capacity of Surabaya DEO staff. The program is targeted for 40 staff of Surabaya DEO and 2 Sub-District Education Offices (Gubeng and Kenjeran).

Through USAID DBE1 ICT grant the consortium will carried out capacity improvement through two phases of training: 1) Office Automation and 2) Web Design and Programming. Both trainings will be offered to 40 DEO staff. Each training will requires 20 training hours (5 days @ 4 hours per day) while the follow up support will be carried out for at least ten months. It is expected that as a results of this USAID DBE1 grant program: (i) The DEO will have 40 trained district and sub district staff with improved ICT capacities in office automation and web design/programming; (ii) The DEO and Sub DEO staff will be able to take advantage of Jardiknas equipment to better manage education data and information at district and sub district level, (iii) Improve services related to the education management information system at district, sub-district, and school level; and (iv) The community will get a well managed district, sub district, or school education data and information due to improved staff’s ICT capacities.

14. T2 – Web Media District : Tapanuli Utara, North Sumatra

Business Plan Sustainability Factor

: Pre-award process In progress

Proposed Number of Institutional Users


Baseline Measure-1 Schools Libraries District Offices

Proposed Number of :

Baseline Measure-1

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Persons as Users Students Teachers District Staff Community

Updates :

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Annex 6: Abbreviations, Acronyms and Glossary

APBD Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah [District Government Annual Budget]

APBN Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara [National Government Annual Budget]

AusAID Australian Agency for International Development Bappeda Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah [Regional Development Planning

Agency] Bappenas Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional [National Development Planning

Agency] BIA BOS (Bantuan Operational Sekolah) Impact Analysis BOS Bantuan Operational Sekolah [school grants] BOSP Biaya Operasional Satuan Pendidikan [School Unit Cost] BP British Petroleum BRR Bureau for Reconstruction and Rehabilitation (Aceh and Nias) BSNP Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan [National Education Standard

Board] CA Capacity Assessment CLCC Creating Learning Communities for Children COP Chief of Party CSO Civil Society Organization DAU Dana Alokasi Umum [general budget allocation from central government

to local governments] DBE USAID Decentralized Basic Education Project DBE1 Decentralized Basic Education Project Management and Governance DBE2 Decentralized Basic Education Project Teaching and Learning DBE3 Decentralized Basic Education Project Improving Work and Life Skills DEFA District Education Finance Analysis DPISS District Planning Information Support System DPRD Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah [district parliament] DSC District Steering Committee DTT District Technical Team EMIS Education Management Information Systems ESP Environmental Services Program [USAID project] GDA Global Development Alliance GDP Gross Domestic Product GGSP Good Governance Sektor Pendidikan (Good Governance in The

Education Sector) GOI Government of Indonesia IAPBE Indonesia-Australia Partnership in Basic Education [AusAID project] ICT Information and Communication Technology ILO International Labor Organization Jardiknas Jaringan pendidikan nasional – national education network KADIN Indonesian Chamber of Commerce KKG Kelompok Kerja Guru [teachers’ working group] KKRPS Kelompok Kerja RPS [school RPS team] LG Local government

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LGSP Local Governance Support Program [USAID project] LOE Level of Effort LPMP Lembaga Penjamin Mutu Pendidikan [Education Quality Assurance

Body] M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MAPENDA Madrasah dan Pendidikan Agama [Religious and Madrasah Education] MBE Managing Basic Education [USAID project] MBS Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (SBM=School Based Management) MCA Millennium Challenge Account MGMP Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran [Subject-based Teachers Association] MI Madrasah Ibtidaiyah [Islamic primary school] MIS Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta [private madrasah; MIN State Madrasah] MOU Memoranda of Understanding MSS Minimum Service Standards MTs Madrasah Tsanawiyah [Islamic junior secondary school] NGO Non Governmental Organization P4TK Pusat Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Pendidik dan Tenaga

Kependidikan [Center for Educators and Education-Related Personnel Capacity Building]

PAG Provincial Advisory Group PAKEM Pembelajaran Aktif, Kreatif, Efektif, dan Menyenangkan

[AJEL: Active, Creative, Joyful, and Effective Learning] PADATIWEB Pangkalan Data dan Informasi berbasis WEB. MONE database system PCR Politeknik Caltex Riau, Pekanbaru PDIP Pusat Data dan Informasi Pendidikan [Education Data and Information

Center] PDMS Project Data Management System PKBM Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar [Teaching and Learning Center] PMP Performance Monitoring Plan PPA Public-private alliances Ranperda Rancangan Peraturan Daerah [Draft of District Regulations] RAPBS Rencana Anggaran, Pendapatan, dan Belanja Sekolah [School Budget

Plan] RKAS Rencana Kegiatan dan Anggaran Sekolah [School Activities and Budget

Plan] RKS Rencana Kerja Sekolah [School Work Plan] RKTL Rencana Kerja Tindak Lanjut [Future Action Plan] RPPK Rencana Pengembangan Pendidikan Kabupaten/Kota [District Education

Development Plan] RPS Rencana Pengembangan Sekolah [School Development Plan] RTI RTI International SBM School-based management (see MBS) SD Sekolah Dasar [primary school] SIMNUPTK Sistem Informasi Manajemen - Nomor Unik Pendidik dan Tenaga

Kependidikan (Management Information System of Unique Number of Educator and Education Staff)

SMK Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan [middle vocational school] SMP Sekolah Menengah Pertama [junior secondary school] SOAG Strategic Objective Agreement [USAID and Menko Kesra] SPM Standard Pelayanan Minimum [Minimum Service Standard]

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STTA Short-Term Technical Assistance SUCA School Unit Cost Analysis TraiNet TraiNet Administrator & Training [USAID reporting system] UPTD Unit Pelaksana Teknis Dinas [Technical Implementation Unit] USAID United States Agency for International Development WIB Waktu Indonesia Barat [Western Indonesian Standard Time]

Glossary Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah

District Government Annual Budget (APBD)

Badan Kepegawaian Daerah District Personnel Board

Balitbang Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan

Bantuan Operational Sekolah School operational grants (BOS)

Bappeda Local development planning board

Bappenas National development planning agency

Bupati Head of a district

Departemen Agama Ministry of Religious Affairs

Departemen Keuangan Department of Finance

Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Ministry of National Education

Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah

District Parliament (DPRD)

Dinas Provincial, district, or city office with sectoral responsibility

Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Dinas P&K)

Provincial or district educational office

Gugus School cluster

Kabupaten District (administrative unit), also referred to as a regency

Kandepag District Religious Affairs Office

Kanwil Agama Provincial Religious Affairs Office

Kecamatan Sub-district

Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Head of provincial or district education office

Kepala Sekolah School principal

Komisi Committee in national or local legislatures

Komite sekolah School committee

Kota City (administrative unit)

Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Islamic primary school (MI; MIS Swasta; MIN Negeri)

Madrasah Tsanawiyah Islamic junior secondary school (MT)

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Madrasah Pendidikan dan Agama Department of Religious Affairs directorate for Islamic religious schools (Mapenda)

Menko Kesra Coordinating Ministry for People’s Welfare

Pengawas School inspector

Rencana Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Sekolah

School Income and Expenditure Plan (RAPBS)

Rencana Kerja Tahunan Annual Work Plan

Rencana Pengembangan Kapasitas

Capacity Development Plan (RPK)

Rencana Pengembangan Sekolah School Development Plan (RPS)

Renstra Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (Renstra SKPD)

Strategic Plan for local government work unit (e.g. District Education Development Plan)

Sekolah Dasar primary school (SD)

Sekolah Menengah Pertama junior secondary school (SMP)

Surat Keputusan Decree/defining conditions, outcomes of a decision

Wali Kota Mayor

Widyaiswara Trainer

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