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SWEET 16! Moravian College’s own Bryon L. Grigsby ’90 takes the podium after being formally installed as president.For more inauguration coverage, visit page 12.

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2 PreludeIvan Backer ’49 Recalls his Life Following hitler’s Occupation of Czechoslovakia

4 President’s LetterBryon L. Grigsby ’90 Refl ects on his First Year in Offi ce

7 Advocating for Moravian Alumni help Students Obtain Internships From the Inside

10 Examining the Value of Leadership A. Reed Raymond ’74 Invites Students to the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

12 The Dream Becomes A Reality Grigsby Formally Installed as College’s 16th President

16 Moravian Greyhounds in Paris Noel Fowler hedges ’96 & Eric Kniskern ‘96 Celebrate 20 Years of Friendship With Trip to France

5 Out & About

20 Greyhound Sports

22 Alumni News

24 Class Notes

Moravian College Magazine : Tommy Kopetskie, editor; Mark J. Fleming,sports editor; Christie Jacobsen ’00, web manager; Susan Overath Woolley, director of publications; Michael P. Wilson, director of public relations and marketing.

Photography: John Kish IV, Tommy Kopetskie, Michael Wilson.

Alumni relations: Patricia Murray hanna ’82, assistant director;Barbara Parry, administrative assistant.

Copyright 2014 by Moravian College. Photographs and artwork copyright bytheir respective creators or by Moravian College. All rights reserved. No portionof this publication may be reused or republished in any form without express written permission.

Cover: Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary celebrated the installation of Bryon L. Grigsby ’90 as the 16th president of Moravian College on Saturday, April 12, in Archibald Johnston hall. Photo by John Kish IV



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prelude Stories from the Moravian community

Ivan Backer ’49 returned to

Bethlehem on April 10 as part of an

on-campus screening of the award-

winning documentary, Nicky’s Family. The film highlights the

remarkable story of Sir Nicholas

Winton, who is credited with saving

the lives of 669 children at the

outbreak of World War II. Backer

was one of those children, and he

shared the story of his interrupted

childhood with the College’s

campus community.

Image Courtesy of Menemsha Films

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‘Why Was I Spared?’Ivan Backer ’49 Recalls His Life Following Hitler’s Occupation of CzechoslovakiaBy Ivan Backer ’49

I did not know the man who saved my life or the lives

of 668 other children following Hitler’s occupation of

Czechoslovakia in 1939.

I can remember the occupation itself vividly. I was on

my way to school, walking with my best friend, and sud-

denly we saw people in the road crying. When we came to

the main street in our neighborhood, there were German

troopers rolling in with their trucks and motorcycles,

brandishing their rifles. We knew immediately what was

happening – and it was frightening. I was not quite 10

years old.

I returned to campus this past April for the screening

of Nicky’s Family, a documentary that tells the story of

Nicholas Winton, who organized the trains that took chil-

dren from Czechoslovakia to England and so saved 669

Czech and Slovak children before the outbreak of World

War II. Personally, the film is so interesting because I

never knew about who was responsible for these Kinder-

transports and saved so many of us.

The documentary captures the history of what led up

to the Nazi occupation, which I find most important. But

on a personal level, the film really helped me identify with

all the children who were saved, and who helped make

Nicky Winton’s story public.

My on-campus discussion following the film was

similar to ones I’ve done seven or eight times before, but

I always look forward to speaking with young people.

It’s an opportunity to make those events more immediate

and memorable. While there were consequences for me

personally, I was one of the fortunate ones, later reuniting

with my parents and brother.

I hope that seeing Nicky’s Family and hearing my

experience will help audience members remember the

history that led to the Second World War.

As a proud Moravian alumnus, I was also excited to

return to Bethlehem to represent the class of 1949 in the

processional for President Grigsby’s Inauguration.

I came to Moravian in January 1946, one of about

180 enrolling students — but just one of three who were

recent high school graduates. Here I was a young 16-year-

old, living on the third floor of Comenius Hall with all

these veterans returning home from service. These were

grown men, and I was a boy wet behind the ears.

I received quite an education listening to them, but it

was great for me because they were very serious students.

They wanted to learn, graduate college and get on with

their lives. I didn’t know what I wanted then — but even-

tually I realized my path.

The haunting question of my life has been, “Why was

I spared when so many thousands of others perished in

the Holocaust?” That question alone made me a person

who wanted to do something to make my life worthwhile.

That is what propelled me throughout my career and life.

So I tried my best to serve the community, which included

directing the Southside Institutions Neighborhood Alli-

ance in Hartford, Connecticut, which worked to improve

the area’s neighborhoods and its residents.

My message to Moravian students, especially this

year’s graduates, is to think about their purpose. All

people search for some kind of meaning in their lives, but

there is something more to living than simply making a

living. That’s just not enough. It’s important to support

your family, but it’s also important to be a member of

society — a constructive and contributing member. W

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President Grigsby greets community members during the academic procession prior to his inauguration ceremony April 12.

Dear Moravian Community,

While I’m traveling to meet alumni, the most common attribute I hear about Moravian College is the sense of community one feels about this institution. It is born in the students, faculty, staff and alumni. Community is one of our founding beliefs dating back to the Moravians’ original settling in Bethlehem in 1741 and starting the first school to educate women in America. Led by a woman, Benigna von Zinzendorf, the Moravians had a single idea: that we could all live, work and love in a community that shared common values and beliefs to make the world a better place. We still believe and practice this today.

This May, we welcomed 424 new Hounds to the more than 18,000 in our alumni body. These new brothers and sisters are part of the family that now calls Moravian alma mater. In this edition of the magazine, we focus on how the alumni take care of one another. Pete Lega ’85, Keith Bachman ’88 and Angel Gable ’01 are three alumni truly embracing the next generation, providing internship opportunities for our students. These internships have enabled the students to put theory into practice, allowing them to utilize the skills honed in our liberal arts college in the world of work. You will also read about A. Reed Raymond ’74, alumni and trustee, who invited students to the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia to discuss how to be effective leaders. Within these pages are also practicing leaders, such as Shane Burcaw ’14, who has an upcoming book release, Heather Karp Goldan ’01, who turned photography into a career that balances her family commitments, and Ivan Backer ’49, who discusses his life during World War II and his return to campus this spring. Finally, we have the lasting relationships of Noel Fowler Hedges ’96 and Eric Kniskern ’96, who celebrated 20 years of friendship with a trip to France, and we honor Dawn Ketterman-Benner’s outstanding 43-year career and love affair with Moravian College.

Moravian College’s sense of community is as strong as ever. The College is here to serve and transform students, but it is owned by the alumni. With ownership comes responsibility to the generation that is currently being educated and to the well-being of the institution. Within Moravian’s walls, we build community and that sense of ownership. We learn to give back to our community through volunteer efforts and the devotion of time, talent and resources. Today is truly a great day to be a Hound.

Bryon L. Grigsby ’90


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W Joel Nathan Rosen, associate professor of sociology, teamed with Roberta J. Newman, master professor in the Department of Liberal Studies at New York University, to write Black Baseball, Black Business: Race Enterprise and the Fate of the Segregated Dollar (University Press of Mississippi), an authoritative social history of the Negro Leagues. The book examines how the relationship between black baseball and black

businesses functioned, particularly in urban areas with signifi cant African American populations. Inextricably bound together by circumstance, these sports and business alliances faced destruction and upheaval. Black Baseball, Black Business was published in March 2014.




Bill Cosby, the legendary entertainer who made the Huxtable family and JELL-O pudding pops famous, visited campus as part of the United Student Government’s Prestigious Speaker Series April 2. Cosby discussed issues of leadership and his life’s journey during the exclusive lecture for the College community in Johnston Hall. Cosby didn’t disappoint Andrew Papanastasiou ’17, who like so many others grew up watching The Cosby Show. “He had me laughing hysterically,” said the criminal justice major who sat right off stage. Stephanie Chilingerian, parent of Harry Chilingerian ’14, summed up Cosby’s lecture best, posting on social media, “Seeing Mr. Cosby … was like meeting up with an old friend.”

Bill Cosby Captivates on-Campus Crowd

• Named One of 332 ‘Green Colleges’ by The Princeton Review; One of just 24 Pennsylvania Colleges Listed

• Recognized as a 2014 Top Workplace in the Lehigh Valley by The Morning Call

• Canines Now Welcome on CampusThanks to Adopted Dog-Friendly Policy

moravian making Headlines

During the spring semester, the College presented honorary degrees to National Geographic explorer and Andean archeologist Constanza Ceruti and South African HIV/AIDS educator and researcher Lesley Wood. An expert in the fi elds of high-altitude archaeology and the anthropology of sacred mountains, Ceruti is the director of the Institute of High Mountain Research at the Catholic University of Salta and a scientifi c investigator with the National Council for the Scientifi c Research in Argentina.A research professor in education sciences at North-West University in Potchefstroom, South Africa, Wood is a fearless advocate for action research-based approaches to HIV/AIDS and general wellness education in an African context. Additionally, Wood served as Action Researcher in Residence within the College’s Education Department in early April.

visiting Scholars ReceiveHonorary Degrees

aBovE lEFT: Following Constanza Ceruti’s April 22 lecture, hilde Binford (from left), chair of the Department of Music, Constanza Ceruti and President Bryon Grigsby gather together. aBovE RIGHT: President Grigsby (from left), Lesley Wood and Joseph Shosh, chair of the Education Department, pose for a photograph following the presentation of Wood’s honorary degree April 10.

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College Celebrates Distinguished Alumni with Unforgettable NightCollege Celebrates Distinguished College Celebrates Distinguished Alumni with Unforgettable NightAlumni with Unforgettable Night

a Night of Stars Honorees ✵ Andrew Borghesani ’10 ✵ John Callahan ’91 ✵ Robert Freeman ’78 ✵ Marta Boulos Gabriel ’92 ✵ Linda Shay Gardner, Esq. ’74 ✵ Manuel Gonzalez, Ed.D. ’84 ✵ Michael Grillo, Esq. ’04 ✵ Laura Allan haffner ’86 ✵ Keene Jabbour, Esq. ’74 ✵ Barbara hassler Martell ’73 ✵ Gary Martell ’76 ✵ Anthony Morelli ’59 ✵ Amy Pektor ’05 ✵ Kurt Poling ’89 ✵ Austin Rock ’12 ✵ hillary Martin Wandall, Esq. ’93 ✵ Walter Wandall ’93

Save the Date A Night of Stars returns next year on Friday, april 17, 2015.

Moravian College hosted its inaugural “A Night of Stars,” billed as a blend between the Academy Awards and a wedding reception with a great band, on April 26. The event offered attendees an evening of dancing with the always terrifi c Philadelphia Funk Authority, as well as an introduction to several of the College’s shining stars. 

With a red carpet entrance complete with paparazzi, Moravian took over the ArtsQuest Center’s Musikfest Café in Bethlehem for an unforgettable night, recognizing 17 alumni who have shined in their respective communities. Additionally, the event benefi ted the College’s student fi nancial aid.

“There are so many Moravian alumni who have distinguished themselves in their community, and A Night of Stars allowed us an opportunity to recognize some of those individuals,” explained Gary Carney, vice president of institutional advancement. “This event was designed to be a fun-fi lled night for everyone who attended – Greyhound or not – and I really think we achieved our goal. We are already looking forward to next year’s A Night of Stars!”

as a blend between the Academy Awards and a wedding reception with a great band,

Save the DateSave the Date


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Not so long ago, Andy hart recalled meeting with his department’s directors at Tiffany’s & Co., inquiring about why they didn’t hire interns and take advantage of what a few ambitious students might have to offer. Soon thereafter, the directors realized the mutual benefi ts and told hart they’d contact New York University and Columbia University for prospective

students right away. “No, that’s not what we are going to do,” the senior vice president – diamonds and gemstones recalls telling his colleagues.

“I want interns from Moravian.” And so Tiffany’s representatives attended a campus career fair and came away impressed.“As Moravian alumni, we need to be helping students and providing them with opportunities to network in the business

world,” hart says. “I have seen students from Ivy League schools, and I know our students can compete with anyone. The education and background we provide at Moravian is second to none.”

Just as hart said, students like Patrick Perone have succeeded, seizing the opportunity to intern at one of the world’s most recognizable businesses. Perone came away impressed by the responsibilities he was entrusted with, which included ensuring the integrity of the diamond supply chain. “When you think of internships, you might think of busy work, but that was not the case at Tiffany’s,” he said. “I handled a lot of tasks my boss handled the previous year. It was the perfect situation to learn in.”

Not so long ago, Andy hart recalled meeting with his department’s directors at Tiffany’s & Co., inquiring about why they didn’t hire interns and take advantage of what a few ambitious students might have to offer. Soon thereafter, the directors realized the mutual benefi ts and told hart they’d contact New York University and Columbia University for prospective

students right away. “No, that’s not what we are going to do,” the senior vice president – diamonds and gemstones recalls telling his colleagues.

“I want interns from Moravian.” And so Tiffany’s representatives attended a campus career fair and came away impressed.“As Moravian alumni, we need to be helping students and providing them with opportunities to network in the business

world,” hart says. “I have seen students from Ivy League schools, and I know our students can compete with anyone. The education and background we provide at Moravian is second to none.”

Just as hart said, students like Patrick Perone have succeeded, seizing the opportunity to intern at one of the world’s most recognizable businesses. Perone came away impressed by the responsibilities he was entrusted with, which included ensuring the integrity of the diamond supply chain. “When you think of internships, you might think of busy work, but that was not the case at Tiffany’s,” he said. “I handled a lot of tasks my boss handled the previous year. It was the perfect situation to learn in.”

Alumni Help Students Obtain Internships From the Inside

Advocatingfor Moravian

Intern: Patrick Perone ’15Alumnus: Andy hart ’90Employer: Tiffany & Co.

What’s the best evidence a Moravian College student will succeed at an internship? You. That’s exactly how Amy Saul, associate dean of students and director of career development at Moravian, explains it.

“Our alumni are proof of what a Moravian education can provide an employer,” Saul says. “And they are our strongest advocate for students landing internships and, ultimately, launching their careers.”

Moravian’s Career Center advertised 223 internships on its CareerHound website during the 2013-2014 academic year, a more than 25 percent increase over the previous year. A majority of the internship leads trace back to engaged alumni.

“Our alumni are our biggest ally in helping obtain employment and internship opportunities for our students,” Saul reasons. “They are our key partners because they can advocate for Moravian College from inside their companies, organizations and businesses. They understand the value of a Moravian education, and they know how well prepared our students will be when they get there.”

ot so long ago, Andy hart recalled meeting with his department’s directors at Tiffany’s & Co., inquiring about why they

Here are four such stories:


Page 10: Moravian College Magazine Summer 2014

Angel Gable understands the trials of being a Moravian intern, which undoubtedly helped her own intern Marisa Clark this spring. Beginning in 1999, two years before she graduated, Gable began interning at ArtsQuest. That role eventually

transitioned into a full-time position, and “I never left,” she shrugs happily. Gable, ArtsQuest’s graphic arts manager, and Clark met at a Coffee and Connections

event and discussed the undergraduate’s goals, which eventually led to an interview and portfolio review. Gable has had success with Moravian interns in the past, and there’s defi nitely a familiarity and comfort level accepting students from her alma mater.

“With Moravian interns, I know what their program is doing, and I know what ways I can help, which is a big advantage,” Gable says. Interns really earn their keep, managing a portion of the organization’s large project workload. “This is real work, and if they weren’t handling it, then I would be,” she adds.

“After working in the fi eld, I am positive that I have made the right decision with my major,” Clark says. “The real-world experience at ArtsQuest is very helpful in planning my future and has helped me make connections in my fi eld.”

Thanks to a connection by Professor John Rossi III, Wendy Fomby served as a tax accounting intern in Keith Bachman’s Whitehall offi ce this spring. having landed a position at PriceWaterhouseCoopers during her senior year, Fomby sought an internship at a public CPA fi rm during her fi nal semester.

“Now, I feel ready to conquer my dream at a national fi rm because of the positive experience I’ve had here,” she says. “To see the passion Keith displays for this profession, the advice he provides, and hearing his experiences show me life beyond Moravian will be great because of the wonderful community we have.”

Not that Bachman made it easy. “I told Wendy, ‘I’m going to challenge you, and you let me know when you get to your job at PriceWaterhouseCoopers how prepared you feel,’” he explains. “Wendy will fi nd that her initial training at Bachman CPA and Company will provide her with an advantage over her peers when her training commences at PWC.

“I want interns who want to learn and prepare for the start of their careers in the professional world,” Bachman concludes. “We have had excellent students interning with our fi rm, and I attribute that to Moravian’s programs – and also to Professor John Rossi. I’m an advocate for Moravian.”

Thanks to a connection by Professor John Rossi III, Wendy Fomby served as a tax accounting intern in hanks to a connection by Professor John Rossi III, Wendy Fomby served as a tax accounting intern in Keith Bachman’s Whitehall offi ce this spring. having landed a position at PriceWaterhouseCoopers Keith Bachman’s Whitehall offi ce this spring. having landed a position at PriceWaterhouseCoopers during her senior year, Fomby sought an internship at a public CPA fi rm during her fi nal semester. during her senior year, Fomby sought an internship at a public CPA fi rm during her fi nal semester.

“Now, I feel ready to conquer my dream at a national fi rm because of the positive experience I’ve had here,” “Now, I feel ready to conquer my dream at a national fi rm because of the positive experience I’ve had here,” she says. “To see the passion Keith displays for this profession, the advice he provides, and hearing his she says. “To see the passion Keith displays for this profession, the advice he provides, and hearing his experiences show me life beyond Moravian will be great because of the wonderful community we have.”experiences show me life beyond Moravian will be great because of the wonderful community we have.”

Not that Bachman made it easy. “I told Wendy, ‘I’m going to challenge you, and you let me know when Not that Bachman made it easy. “I told Wendy, ‘I’m going to challenge you, and you let me know when you get to your job at PriceWaterhouseCoopers how prepared you feel,’” he explains. “Wendy will fi nd you get to your job at PriceWaterhouseCoopers how prepared you feel,’” he explains. “Wendy will fi nd that her initial training at Bachman CPA and Company will provide her with an advantage over her peers that her initial training at Bachman CPA and Company will provide her with an advantage over her peers when her training commences at PWC.

“I want interns who want to learn and prepare for the start of their careers in the professional world,” “I want interns who want to learn and prepare for the start of their careers in the professional world,” Bachman concludes. “We have had excellent students interning with our fi rm, and I attribute that to Bachman concludes. “We have had excellent students interning with our fi rm, and I attribute that to Moravian’s programs – and also to Professor John Rossi. I’m an advocate for Moravian.”


Intern: Wendy Fomby ’14Alumnus: Keith Bachman ’88

Employer: Bachman CPA & Co., P.C.Location: Whitehall, Pa.

Intern: Marisa Clark ’15Alumna: Angel Gable ’01

Employer: ArtsQuestLocation: Bethlehem, Pa.

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Interns: Myles Barros ’14 & Alek Szilagyi ’14Alumnus: Pete Lega ’85Employer: Merck & Co.Location: Whitehouse Station, N.J.

Advocating for Moravian

Recently, a colleague at Merck charged Pete Lega with a simple request: Go fi nd young computer science majors who remind you of yourself 25 years ago. “So, I called Ben Coleman and asked, “Who do you recommend?” he explains. On the computer science professor’s endorsement, Myles Barros and Alek Szilagyi secured internships

at Merck this past spring.“Myles and Alek have had an opportunity to craft future-present healthcare technology , and they have just eaten

it up,” says Lega, director of emerging technology at Merck & Co.That’s exactly the outcome Lega expected from Moravian students. “I think the quality of the program is fantastic,”

he says. “The Moravian education is almost timeless in a way because students are given skills that translate well and that’s critical because our technology changes all the time. At Moravian, students are learning how to learn, collaborate and adapt. The liberal arts components they experience also provides a wonderful rounding out of their soft skills and holistic view of their work.”

Szilagyi enjoyed the opportunities to work with “groundbreaking technology” outside his Moravian classroom. “Merck has been incredible at providing an environment that is both challenging but forgiving,” he explains.

Barros credits Moravian for getting him ready for the real world, noting he never feels “overwhelmed” thanks to his preparation. “I feel my education at Moravian has prepared me extremely well for all of the challenges I will face once I leave college,” he says.

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Considering that the Moravian College students shared the

same four walls as nearly $7 billion in U.S. currency, the topic

of conversation during their November 2013 trip to the Federal

Reserve Bank of Philadelphia wasn’t what one might think.

At the invitation of A. Reed Raymond ’74, more than a dozen

Moravian undergraduates traveled to Philadelphia — nearly with-

in earshot of the Liberty Bell — to investigate not the economy or

banking regulations, but rather the importance of leadership and

issues relating to diversity and inclusion.

“These are topics that are very important to us here at the

Federal Reserve Bank, and I’m sure very important to you at

Moravian,” said Raymond, vice president and chief administrative

offi cer of the Reserve’s Department of Supervision Regulation and

Credit. “So, today, we are not talking about money, but leader-

ship. And this is to be interactive, so we want to hear from you.”

leadership & Diversity are lifelong Efforts

Inside one of the Reserve’s meeting rooms — a short elevator

ride from the building’s very secure vault — Raymond, a member

of the College’s Joint Board of Trustees, was fl anked by nearly

half a dozen of the bank’s top associates. These experienced

professionals were well versed in banking, human resources and


After general introductions, students broke into groups for

a discussion of leadership led by Stephen G. Hart, assistant vice

president of organizational learning and development. Hart,

armed with four fl ipboards, challenged the student groups to

complete sentences involving key words addressing diversity,

inclusion and leadership.

“I can tell you that leadership and the practice of diversity in-

clusion is a lifelong effort,” Hart said. “You really never get where

you want to be, but you have to start. Your journey to becoming

a great leader starts now.”

After the exercise, one fl ipboard read, “The true power of di-

versity and inclusion comes when people can look beyond surface

level differences and explore new possibilities together.”

Another said, “Good leaders fi nd a way to motivate people to

action. Great leaders inspire people to take action on their own.”

The students were then instructed to share a story, anecdote

or situation that they thought illustrated their sentence’s meaning.

This transitioned into a conversation noting the strengths and

characteristics of several noted leaders, including Martin Luther

King Jr., Steve Jobs and Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa, a world-

renowned brain surgeon at Johns Hopkins University.

Kush Solanki ’14 introduced the surgeon, explaining that

Quinones-Hinojosa immigrated to the U.S. illegally. “He was

given nothing and now he’s one of the world’s most well-known

brain surgeons,” Solanki said. “He inspires people to make some-

thing of their lives.”

Expanding on a Good Idea

While Raymond served as the quintessential host, Moravian’s

Philadelphia trip was the brainchild of Christopher Hunt, repli-

cating leadership workshops he participated in as an undergradu-

ate at West Chester University.

Hunt, now associate dean of students and director of intercul-

tural advancement and inclusion at Moravian, visited presidents

at Cornell University, Villanova University and SUNY Bingham-

ton as part of West Chester’s “Leadership on the Road” series.

“As a student, I had a great opportunity to interview these

presidents, getting to know them on a personal and professional

level, and seeing how they got to where they were in life,” Hunt

explained. “It was that concept that I wanted to bring to our

students at Moravian.”

The trip to the Federal Reserve Bank was one of two such

experiences the College initiated last fall, and Hunt envisions

continuing the visitations with prominent leaders in the Lehigh

Valley area. (Moravian students also visited with Javier F. Ceval-

los, the former president of Kutztown University.)

Hunt credits Raymond for enthusiastically embracing the

By Tommy Kopetskie

A. Reed Raymond ’74 Invites Moravian Students to the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia



A. Reed Raymond ’74, a member of the Moravian College’s Joint Board of Trustees, invited more than a dozen undergraduates to the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia last fall. Raymond led the students in a discussion about the importance of leadership and issues relating to diversity and inclusion. Coincidentally, the students also attended a panel discussion by two Tuskegee Airmen in recognition of Veterans Day. The Reserve Bank hosted the talk, highlighting a group of veterans who displayed tremendous leadership while serving our country.

Page 13: Moravian College Magazine Summer 2014

concept and expanding on the idea.

“My original thought was to take students to sit with Reed for

about an hour, ask him questions, and then leave, but he really took

the ball and ran with it,” Hunt said. “He planned a whole day for us

and took the idea so much further than we could have hoped.”

Bridging the Gap

Following lunch, Raymond expanded on the leadership discus-

sion, sharing his three characteristics of a good leader: a person who

establishes an environment of trust, who appreciates diversity, and

serves as a “bridge” for others.

“It is really important, especially today given the changing de-

mographics, that everyone feels comfortable offering their ideas and

perspectives and contributing to their fullest potential,” he explained.

“Good leaders need to be bridges. Leaders have to be able to create

an environment where everybody can feel included, and comfortable

helping to connect the dots. Good leaders create an environment

where people can express a differing view knowing it will be fairly

examined and seriously considered for acceptance.”

Hart charged the students to personally accept the challenge to

be leaders, even if their positions don’t require it.

“No matter what job you hold, everybody is a leader. If nothing

else, you’re a leader of yourself,” Hart explained. “You’re a leader of

your career, you’re a leader of your attitude, and you’re a leader of

your best self. And you have to take that obligation very seriously.”

As a trustee, Raymond explained to the students his interest in

creating a culturally diverse, and educationally rich, atmosphere at

his alma mater. He commended Moravian for its diverse population,

something that was lacking during his own college education. But

diversity for the sake of diversity isn’t enough, he reasoned.

“Yes, the campus is more diverse, but are we advancing our-

selves?” he asked. “Are we having the important conversations we

need to be having? Are people feeling as though they are part of the

whole Moravian community? That’s what will make Moravian bet-

ter, and it will make all of us better.” W


“I was ready to come back, but only if I could help improve the experience of the students coming to the College now.”

Photos courtesy of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

aBovE lEFT: Brianna Wright ’15 was one of the Moravian students to visit Philadelphia last fall. aBovE RIGHT: Kristopher Joint ‘14 adds to the conversation in a meeting room in the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.

Raymond Reconnects with alma materBefore A. Reed Raymond ’74 was a Moravian

College Trustee, interested in creating a platform for stu-dents to discuss leadership and diversity, he was a Moravian student heavily involved in social justice issues on campus.

At the conclusion of last November’s student trip to Philadelphia, Raymond hosted a candid discussion of his own educational journey, as well as his professional path, highlighted by his 36 years at the Reserve Bank.

As one of just nine minority students in his undergradu-ate class at Moravian — and one of only two who even-tually graduated — Raymond acknowledged he didn’t feel “connected” to the College’s community as a student.

“It was a different school then, and the Vietnam War was coming to an end,” he said. “It was a period in the country when there was a lot of social change taking place.” he explained he felt the College lacked diversity in its cur-riculum at that time, and he pushed for programs highlight-ing African American studies. (The College started such a program during his sophomore year, Raymond pointed out.)

“Looking back at it, my initial experience at Moravian wasn’t a good one, and I be-came somewhat disconnected from the College for a number of years,” Raymond admit-ted. As the years moved on, however, a friend convinced Raymond to re-embrace his alma mater, and he was even-tually elected as a trustee.

“I was ready to come back,” Raymond explained of his return. “But only if I could help improve the experience of the students coming to the College now. I want Moravian to be the best. That’s why I ask students questions like, what’s it like in the classroom? Are the conversations they are having enriching the conversation for everybody there? Does it feel like you can be a part of the community?”

These are questions all organizations must ask themselves, Raymond reasoned. “That’s a challenge not only for Moravian, but for everywhere. That’s a challenge here at the Federal Reserve,” he said.

“I can tell that Moravian is a different place from when I was there, and I’m glad to hear that,” Raymond told the students. “Moravian really is a great place to learn, and I hope you are seeing and experiencing that every day.”

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The Dream Becomes A RealityGrigsby Formally Installed as College’s 16th President

On April 12, in front of a Johnston Hall crowd at his alma mater, Bryon L. Grigsby ’90 was offi cially welcomed home. In a ceremony steeped in tradition and pageantry, featuring prominent academic and community members, Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary formally installed Grigsby as the College’s 16th president. Grigsby used the occasion to refl ect on the College’s history, his own educational experiences on campus, and the future of the institution, calling for Moravian to become a “new type of liberal arts college.”

“I am truly honored to be here today and humbled,” he concluded. “This is an immense honor to serve my

alma mater — to serve my “soul mother.” Alma mater means soul mother. To become the president of Moravian College and Moravian Theological Seminary has indeed been a dream for me.”

The inaugural weekend included a series of other celebrations, including the Hall of Presidents rededication in Comenius Hall, featuring the unveiling of former president Christopher M. Thomforde’s portrait, and a panel discussion by former presidents Herman E. Collier Jr., Roger H. Martin and Thomforde. Additionally, a campus volunteer event, titled “Hounds Around the Grounds,” was held the morning of the inauguration.

A CelebrAted InAugurAtIon:Forty-fi ve class delegates, dating back to James Hughes ’47, and 60 representatives from colleges and universities celebrated Grigsby’s inauguration.

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Inaugural Quotes


“President Grigsby, as a young leader, you have inspired me ... You drop casual terms like ‘20-year plan’ to me. It makes the students know you are going to be here for the long run. Because you care about this place and you care for the people in it.”

— Tim Semonich ’15, USG President

“Back in 1990, after Bryon graduated – and he graduated well – he came up to me and said, ‘Doc, someday I’m going to be president of Moravian College.’ I swear, he told me that.”

— Bob Burcaw ’51, Professor Emeritus of English

“When Bryon and I first met in September of 1986, as we were moving into the third floor of the Bernhardt dormitories as freshman Greyhounds, I don’t think we would have predicted this day. In hindsight, maybe we should have. As it happened for many of us, Moravian was able to play an important and special part in the development of who we were to become.” 

— Andy Hart ’90, Inaugural Co-chair

A CelebrAted InAugurAtIon:Forty-five class delegates, dating back to James Hughes ’47, and 60 representatives from colleges and universities celebrated Grigsby’s inauguration.

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Shane Burcaw ’14Laughs At his ‘Nightmare’ Through humorLaughs At his ‘Nightmare’ Through humor

Following its October 2014 release date, Shane Burcaw’s book will be available in most bookstores, online or at

Over the years, the Burcaw family has been a constant presence on Moravian’s campus, including Shane’s father, Jon Burcaw ’83 (left), and grandfather, Bob Burcaw ’51 (second from left), professor emeritus of English. Also pictured is Shane’s brother, Andrew Burcaw.

By Marie Mikols ’17

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Cameras, sound mics and a small fi lm crew engulfed the young man sitting in the corner of the HUB, eagerly capturing his every word. Nonchalantly, he continued

joking with his friends, a broad smile across his face as if unaware of the crew’s presence. His name is Shane Burcaw ’14, and the gathered audience was on hand this April afternoon to celebrate his literary accomplishments — of which there are many. As part of his recorded talk, the English major read an excerpt from his fi rst book, Laugh-ing At My Nightmare, which will be published in October 2014. “For a while I’ve wanted to be a writer,” Shane states, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Although the title of Shane’s book might seem jarring, it serves as a reminder of his everyday challenges. While Shane is a typical 21-year-old who loves to make others laugh and spend time with family and friends, his life is anything but ordinary. Born with spinal muscular atrophy, Shane has been wheelchair-bound since he was two years old. The disease continues to deteriorate the muscles in his body — even robbing him of the ability to type — and eventually it will end his life. Instead of focusing on those grim realities, Shane embraces a humorous approach, realizing his “story is worth something to people.” This realization came from the blog he started a few years ago.

When asked what inspired him to write, Shane grins as he says, “I got bored one day and thought I had some funny stories to share.” Almost overnight, Shane’s creative outlet became an internet sensation and many people began urging him to write more. Encouraged by the feed-back, he continued. The writing process has allowed Shane to express himself in a unique way, telling others, “Don’t look at my wheelchair, look at me,” he explains.

Shane’s blog entries are unapologetically honest, in-cluding this personal description of himself from 2011:

“My arms and legs are slightly fatter than a hot dog and slightly skinnier than a fat piece of sausage (I have no idea why I chose that comparison… yes I do, I’m hungry). Also, my elbows and wrists are extremely atrophied; they look exactly like Tyran-nosaurus Rex arms when I hold them against my chest. I am a few inches shy of 5 feet, and when I sit in my chair, it seems like I am even shorter, not midget short, just super short. Also, my head is normal human size, which looks ridiculously funny/creepy sitting on top of my ****ed up, tiny body. Imagine me as a bobblehead doll … in a wheelchair. I don’t even blame people for staring; if I were them, I would probably stare at me, too.”

Over time, Shane has realized his “wheelchair doesn’t defi ne” him, and his sense of humor enabled the young man to connect with others. His writing style is very matter of fact, and he acknowledged it can drip with sarcasm.

“Shane has always been a prolifi c writer, which I think can be attributed to his distinct voice,” explains John Jesse McHugh ’14, one of Shane’s close friends. “His unique per-spective on the world, along with his sense of humor and wit, create a tone that is so undeniably human, and simply hilari-ous, that it captivates you instantly.”

As Shane’s blog became more popular, reaching more than 500,000 followers, his readers started asking for advice. While fl attered, he points out, “I don’t have the whole world fi gured out yet.” Shane hopes his writings help others discover the humor in their own lives, suggesting perspectives that helped him overcome his challenges. He says, “It’s different for everyone though,” and what worked for him may not work for everyone.

Inspired by his supporters, Shane launched his own nonprofi t organization for spinal muscular atrophy with his cousin, Sarah Burcaw ’13. The cousins named the organiza-tion after Shane’s blog, Laughing At My Nightmare, Inc. To date, the nonprofi t has raised thousands of dollars for muscular dystrophy research. After graduation, Shane plans to continue to promote the organization, including speaking tours to share his message and initiatives.

Through an independent study program, Shane began writing his book, which highlights his life and disease, while at Moravian. He worked with Joyce Hinnefeld, chair of the English Department, and the two conducted many long hours of editing and revising before completing a fi nal draft.

“Working with Shane has been a joy for me for many reasons,” says Hinnefeld. “He writes well, but he also accepts editing and revision suggestions with grace, and with the seri-ousness of a true writer. That has made my job as his teacher — and also, at times, his editor — such a pleasure.

“Shane brings a sense of urgency to his writing,” she adds. “He has boundless energy for writing, and he has so much that he wants to say.”

While he has lots to share, Shane explained during his April talk that it’s important that his message isn’t misinter-preted. He might poke fun at his own challenges, but it’s not to undervalue someone else’s.

“I’m not trying to say, ‘Look at me, so be happy with your life,’” Burcaw explains. “That is not at all the perspective I am trying to give people. Everyone has problems and your prob-lems are your problems. There is no comparing them.

“I’m just saying, ‘This is my life, and this is howI handle it.’” W

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In addition to his upcoming published works, Shane Burcaw ’14, along with FireRock Productions, a Lehigh Valley video production company, created an Emmy Award-winning video, titled Happiness is Always an Option. This six-minute glimpse into Burcaw’s life features the same fun-loving tone that helped his blog, Laughing At My Nightmare, become a worldwide phenomenon.

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Not long after her graduation, Noel Fowler Hedges ’96 hit the jackpot.

It wasn’t the lottery or Publishers Clearing House-type money, but rather a meager slot machine payout on a Canadian ferry. Noel felt compelled to share the news with best friend, Eric Kniskern ’96, immediately. Unfortunately, this was the late 1990s, and Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat were a few years away. So, in a letter to Eric, Noel scribbled a picture of the slot machine to capture the moment. “I could see for myself what the three 7s looked like,” Eric laughs. “I kept that letter. I just loved that.”

Not a moment later, Noel interrupted Eric to remind him of their pact to minimize self-incriminating stories that might embarrass one another. “The line, Eric! The line,” she laughs.

When you’ve been friends for two decades, like Noel and Eric have, there is no line that can’t be crossed. It’s the type of relationship you celebrate, so the Moravian College friends did just that, visiting Paris last November, commemorating the 20th anniversary of their friendship. For three days and two nights Paris was theirs — except that they couldn’t fi nd a darn accordion player performing “La Vie En Rose.”

“It’s the moment you want to have in Paris,” explains Eric, recalling that just moments before boarding their shuttle home, they fi nally heard it. They did a little dance in the street and tipped the accordionist all the euros they had.

“It was the perfect ending,” Noel adds. “It was like the exclamation point on the fi rst 20 years of our friendship.”

The Foundation of FriendshipGive Noel credit, she predicted her friendship with Eric.In 1993, at the start of their sophomore year, Noel and Eric met

one evening through mutual friends in a Main Hall dorm room. Eric, now director of admissions at Widener University School of Law, remembers a sense of ease with Noel immediately.

“We just hit it off,” he recalls. “Everything she said, I laughed at and vice versa. At some point in the evening, I can’t remember what I said, but Noel looked at me and replied, ‘I think we are going to become good friends.’ And that’s exactly what happened.”

It was easy to identify why their friendship fl ourished: they let down their guard. “The beauty of our friendship stems from the fact that we could make each other laugh at ourselves,” Noel explains. “And neither of us had been able to laugh at ourselves for whatever reason.”

Following graduation, Eric and Noel — then living in Massachusetts and New Jersey, respectively — were compelled to stay in touch. Because of the expense of phone calls, they wrote letters, exchanging hundreds, including the one that prominently featured a slot machine. “It is funny some of the stuff that we

thought was worthy of writing down,” Eric laughs.Eventually, Eric moved to Harrisburg for law school, and they

planned trips to Washington, D.C., every few months. Those visits were offset by weekend stays in Bethlehem — ironically the half-way mark between their residences. “It was so typical that on a Friday, if one of us had had a bad week or a bad day, we would call and meet in Bethlehem,” Eric explains.

In 1998, Noel also moved to Harrisburg, and the two lived together for the fi rst time. It was a “make or break” moment, Eric says, but the roommates fi gured out how to make the arrangement work. The experience helped prepare them for the future signifi cant others, Noel adds.

It was about this time that Noel met her husband, Andrew.

So Why Paris?How did Eric and Noel end up in Paris? It starts with England

— where Noel’s husband hails from. In 2000, Noel and Andrew were married, with Eric serving as a groomsman, of course.

With Noel and Andrew enjoying marital bliss in New Jersey, the two Moravian friends couldn’t help but think the dynamics of their relationship were about to change. “There was a fear that it would change for the worse,” says Eric. “That we would grow apart.”

To both of their surprise, the opposite occurred. Andrew simply became a part of their group, and then Noel’s daughter, Libby, just added to the fun. “We realized this wasn’t going to ruin the friendship, it just got more mature,” explains Eric, who is Libby’s godfather.

Shortly after Libby’s arrival, Eric met his partner, Kevin, and their circle of friends grew by one. The trips to Washington and elsewhere continued, even with the addition of Noel’s second child, Owen.

Their families could not have been more supportive. “They understand the need for us to have our ‘Eric and Noel time,’” Noel says. “Sometimes we need to step out of the reality and into our little world.”

In 2007 and 2008, both Moravian graduates found themselves needing each other’s supportive shoulder. First, Eric’s mother died just four months after a cancer diagnosis. The day before her death, Noel could sense how distraught Eric was. She promptly made the six-hour roundtrip to see him for just an hour-long stay. “I didn’t ask her to do it, but she knew I needed her,” Eric explains.

A year later, Noel made the exciting and diffi cult decision to move to the United Kingdom, a choice Eric supported even though it meant face-to-face meetings would be replaced with FaceTime calls. Eric had just one request: Noel must accompany him on a cross country trip to retrieve his late mother’s effects at her Nevada home.


Moravian Greyhoundsin ParisNoel Fowler Hedges ’96 & Eric Kniskern ‘96

Celebrate 20 Years of Friendship with Trip to France


“Noel and I said the most disappointing part of Paris was being on the Eiffel Tower,” laughed Eric Kniskern ‘96. “When you look out over Paris, you want to see the Eiffel Tower, and you can’t see it because you are standing on it.”

By Tommy Kopetskie

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“During the trip, we realized that we were at a crossroads in our lives — again,” Noel says. “But Eric didn’t question it once. He thought moving was the best thing for me, for my marriage and for my children.”

In the years since, Noel, a contracts management professional at Huntswood CTC Limited, often travels for work and Eric has happily accompanied her, visiting Hong Kong and London, among other destinations. (Noel lives about 40 minutes outside of London.)

As their 20th anniversary approached, they decided to visit Paris, a city Noel subconsciously avoided without Eric. They planned the trip to the minute and hit all of the iconic landmarks they could, including the Musee d’Orsay, the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe and, of course, the Eiffel Tower.

They walked the stairs of Notre Dame, took a cruise on the river Seine, and dined at a little bistro near their hotel, drinking wine and sampling absinthe. “Because when you are in Paris, you have to try it,” Eric explains.

The two of them hunted for an accordionist playing Édith Piaf’s “La Vie En Rose” — or “Life Through Rose-Colored Glasses” — until they fi nally found their perfect ending.

The Story of Eric and NoelToday, Eric and Noel’s weekend jaunts to Washington

and twice daily phone calls have been replaced with scheduled FaceTime video chats and Noel’s children mugging for the camera. It’s been a transition the friends have made together because it’s worth it to them.

“These 20 years have been amazing, and we give Moravian the credit,” Eric says. “It was the place that gave us these years together.”

“Moravian has been a big part of our friendship,” Noel adds. “It has given us that common thread for all these years. Personally, I like to think of our friendship to this point as just the fi rst couple of chapters of a great story.” One Noel is only too happy to share with her and Eric’s expanding families. It’s a fact Noel’s 12-year-old daughter Libby, who considers herself the duo’s “third amigo,” knows well.

“If she is ever bored or wants my attention, she knows just what to say to me,” concludes Noel. “She’ll look at me and say, ‘Mom, tell me an Eric story.’” W


Since Noel’s relocation to England, the Moravian friends have enjoyed several international adventures together, with stops in hong Kong and London, among other destinations.

While they became friends at Moravian, their schedules didn’t make it easy. Eric, a history major, and Noel, an accounting major, never had a class together. While they were both members of Greek organizations, their paths hardly ever crossed – until senior year. “It made us seeing each other more of a treat,” Eric realized. This photo was taken the night before they graduated in 1996.

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ThE MORAVIAN EFFECT:Heather Karp Goldan ’01

Heather Karp Goldan ’01 Turned Photography intoa Career, While Maintaining Her Family Balance By Matt Morgan

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Parents who approach Heather Karp Goldan ’01 aren’t always sure how to describe what they want out of their child’s photographs. They don’t expect perfection. They’re not concerned with a spotless outfi t. They just want their

child — their personality, their heart, what makes them them — in a 5 by 7 frame.

Sometimes perfection might be easier, but Heather, owner of Sleepy Owl Studios in Clinton, N.J., loves the challenge. Her photo shoots are informal, more of a play session with the kids than a posed setup in the corner of a department store.

Her camera is secondary, only popping up occasionally as the child runs or grabs for a treasured toy. Then, without anyone knowing, Heather will — click — get the shot that escaped the parents’ vocabulary earlier.

“When I can get that in a picture and the parents say, ‘That’s my child,’” Heather says. “That is the best part for me.”

Lisa Reed Basara ’01 is one of those parents. A Moravian graduate and Heather’s former roommate, Basara has employed her friend to photograph her family twice.

Basara has twin boys, Patrick and Dominic, who were two years old when they had their most recent photo shoot. The brothers are like most boys their age — loud, energetic and hard to corral. The exact client you’d imagine would be most diffi cult for a photographer.

But 10 minutes into the shoot — right about the time Basara apologized for the 20th time — she remembers Heather calmly looking at her and saying, “Don’t worry. This is what I do.”

Heather has a relaxed nature that puts everyone at ease, Basara explains. She knew how to engage with the boys and make the process fun. Heather even let Patrick take a few photos with her camera.

“What photographer lets you do that?” Basara says.The results were even better than the experience. Basara

cried when she fi rst saw the images. A photo of Dominic, who is autistic, holding his Lightning McQueen toy is her favorite.

“It just completely captured him,” Basara explains. “It still gives me goose bumps.”

Three years ago Heather was a stay-at-home mom, a former elementary school teacher who left the classroom to raise her three children. She never planned on rejoining the workforce — she loved being with her kids too much — but a conversation with a friend made her wonder if she could have both.

Heather has always loved taking photos. She grew up using an old Polaroid camera and her interest in photography continued into high school and at Moravian. Despite being a sociology and psychology major at the College, she enrolled in photography classes. She credits Moravian for allowing students to study topics outside their majors, letting them to pursue their own individual interests.

As a mother, Heather was always the one with the camera, scratching the itch by chronicling her children’s lives.

After that conversation, she decided to take photography from a hobby to a career. Within six months she was full time. Today, she’s booked four months in advance and never needs to advertise.

“It’s been an amazing three years,” Heather says. “I never feel like I work.”

Heather is a family photographer, but she’s best known for her work with newborns. Her images are on permanent display at two hospitals, St. Luke’s University Hospital in Bethlehem and Hunterdon Medical Center in Flemington, N.J. She considers it an honor to be involved in such a special time for parents.

Perhaps the most amazing part of Heather’s journey is that her new career hasn’t affected her family life. She purposely schedules her work assignments to ensure that business never comes before time with her boys. And she never misses a special moment, often with her camera in hand.

“My kids are super proud of my business,” Heather says. “I think it’s good for them to see that their mom can be at their games and cook dinners, but also have a great career that other people are proud of and they’re proud of, too.”W

oPPoSITE: heather Karp Goldan ’01, owner of Sleepy Owl Studios in Clinton, N.J., has developed a knack for making children — including Lucy, pictured — comfortable during their photo shoots, allowing their personalities to come alive. aBovE: While her photography business has thrived, heather continues to make family and her three boys — Carter, Grant and Landon — a priority.

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Five Greyhounds Named all-americansFive Moravian student-athletes concluded their stellar spring seasons by earning the title of All-American.In track and fi eld, Kristopher Joint ’14 (triple jump) and Timothy Lorah ’14 (javelin) earned All-America honors at the 2014

NCAA Division III Outdoor National Championships at Ohio Wesleyan University May 24. Joint earned his fourth career All-America honor after placing third with a jump of 14.79 meters. Lorah garnered All-America honors for the second consecutive year with a fourth-place throw of 64.67 meters.

On the diamond, right fi elder Matt Hanson ’15 was selected to the 2014 All-America Second Team, while relief pitcher Chris Soltys ’14 earned a spot on the All-America Third Team. Hanson, also named to the 2014 American Baseball Coaches Association/Rawlings Division III All-America Third Team, posted a .408 batting average — the sixth best mark in school history. Soltys tallied a 6-1 record and four saves, while allowing just four earned runs over 41.2 innings.

Softball fi rst baseman Jenn Dalickas ’15 was named to the 2014 Louisville Slugger/National Fastpitch Coaches Association All-America Second Team. Dalickas paced Moravian with a .505 batting average, tallying school records in home runs (12), RBIs (53) and total bases (106).

Pictured (from left) are Jenn Dalickas ’15, Matt hanson ’15,Kristopher Joint ’14, Timothy Lorah ’14 and Chris Soltys ’14.

College to Elevate lacrosse to varsity Status in 2016Moravian will elevate its men’s and women’s lacrosse teams from club to varsity

status beginning in 2016. Since 2011, both the men’s and women’s teams have competed in the National College Lacrosse League for club teams. Previously, Moravian’s women’s team completed at the Division III varsity level from 2003 to 2010. The men’s team squad competed on the varsity level from 2004 through 2010.

President Bryon Grigsby ’90 called the move “another step in Moravian College’s growth and revitalization.” “There is a growing interest in playing lacrosse among college-bound students in the mid-Atlantic region,” he explained. “We intend to attract those student-athletes with a transformative quality education and an outstanding intercollegiate sports experience.”

According to Director of Athletics Scot Dapp, the College expects to have head coaches in place by fall 2014.

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SUMMER 2014 21

After 43 years at Moravian, a tenure where she changed the image of women’s athletics, making them a vibrant part of the College’s sports scene, Dawn Ketterman-Benner announced her retirement this spring.

The longtime women’s tennis coach leaves behind not only an accolade-laden resume, but also a career full of memories and a long line of student-athletes she’s positively infl uenced.

During a May 8 reception honoring retiring faculty members, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty Gordon Weil commended not only Ketterman-Benner’s longevity, but also her passion for Moravian.

“She has given her heart and her soul to Moravian College like no one I know,” explained Weil.

Following a standout athletic career at East Stroudsburg University, Ketterman-Benner arrived at Moravian in 1971 as a health and physical education professor. In her early years, she coached badminton, archery and cheerleading, along with assisting with the fi eld hockey team and intramurals. Over her career, she has also served as Moravian’s primary women’s administrator, which eventually became the senior women’s administrator under the NCAA, associate athletic director and the chairperson of Moravian’s Physical Education Department.

After Title IX was passed in 1972, Ketterman-Benner helped Moravian re-introduce women’s basketball and eventually helped add cross country, soccer, softball and volleyball. She served as the fi rst head coach for the volleyball program, leading the squad from 1975 until 1987, compiling a record of 165-103.

In 1987, Ketterman-Benner took the reins of the women’s tennis program from the late Betty Prince. Over the past 28 seasons at the helm, she’s led the women’s tennis program to a 288-117 record, coaching 11 teams to conference championships and a pair of NCAA Division III Tournament berths.

She has earned a number of coaching accolades during her career, including her fi rst Landmark Coaching Staff of the Year award this spring – her fi fth Coach of the Year honor overall.

“Being named the Landmark Coach of the Year is a fi tting tribute to Dawn as she ends a long and illustrious career,” explained Director of Athletics Scot Dapp. “her coaching record speaks for itself as her teams, year in and year out, are always in the championship hunt.”

Ketterman-Benner’s efforts and interests weren’t limited to the playing fi eld. In 1975, she revived the dance program at Moravian, creating what is now known as the Moravian College Dance Company, and she helped created the LVAIC Dance Consortium and Lehigh Valley Dance Forum. Moravian just hosted its 39th annual performance in March – a source of tremendous pride for her.

“Forty-three years has given me numerous memorable moments,” Ketterman-Benner explained. “Seeing the women’s sports program grow and succeed at Moravian, the growth and success of the Moravian College dance program, my successful tennis teams, my work as chair of the Physical Education Department and keeping the Moravian Community focused on health, wellness, and fi tness.”

Always a coach, Ketterman-Benner doesn’t see her retirement as “game over,” just the end of regulation. “Retirement is an end for some things, but also a new beginning for others,” she said.

Ketterman-Benner plans to continue working as an adjunct for Moravian’s Education Department and fundraising for the DKB Dance Endowment Fund. Additionally, she will serve as a guest choreographer and future consultant for the dance company. Off campus, she hopes to be more active in ESU alumni activities and may return to high school coaching and/or teaching at a community college.

“What I’ll miss most about leaving is interacting with the wonderful students here at Moravian,” Ketterman-Benner said.

Ketterman-Benner Calls It A CareerLongtime Coach Gave ‘Her Heart and Her Soul,’ Says Dean Weil

“Being named the Landmark Coach of the Year is a fi tting tribute to Dawn as she ends a long and illustrious career.” — Scot Dapp

For 28 seasons, Dawn Ketterman-Benner led the Moravian College women’s tennis program, compiling a record of 288-117 and 11 conference championships along the way.She announced her retirement this spring.

Ketterman-Banner was recognized during the Moravian College Dance Company’s 39th annual spring concert in March 2014.

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alumninews TO REACh ALUMNI RELATIONS: 610 861-1366 OR WWW.moRavIaN.EDu/alumNI

The 272nd Founder’s Day celebration of the Women’s College kicked off on the morning of May 16 with a reception, the traditional Lovefeast, and a luncheon on the Priscilla Payne Hurd campus. Later that night, at the historic Hotel Bethlehem, alumni enjoyed a gala dinner. A full calendar of events followed the next day, highlighted by President Bryon Grigsby’s State of the College Address and the 50+ Club Breakfast. Additionally, the class of 1964 hosted a fantastic evening at its class party in the HUB. More than 30 class members, plus guests, enjoyed food, drinks and dancing.

6 7

6 Pearl Stein ’57 (left) and Pat Miller helfrich ’57 reconnect at the May 16 reception in the Payne Gallery. helfrich established the Founder’s Day event 32 years ago. 7 helen Desh Woodbridge ’54 (left) and Gloria Badel hilbert ’53 wore the school colors of the Women’s College — purple and gold — while participating in the Lovefeast in Peter hall.

alumni Return Home to moravianOn May 16 and 17, the College welcomed back to Bethlehem alumni and guests for Alumni Weekend and Founder’s Day celebrations. Among those in attendance were members of the classes of 1944 to 1964 celebrating their milestone reunions.

1 2 3

1 Joe Merola ’64 (from left), Andy Semmel ’64, Beth Merola and Ron dePaolo ’64 reminisce before the class of 1964 champagne toast at the hotel Bethlehem. 2 President Bryon Grigsby ’90 presents his State of the College Address. 3 Members of the class of 1959, along with President Grigsby and Bertie Knisely ’69, enjoy the gala dinner at the hotel Bethlehem. 4 After their induction into the 50+ Club at the 50+ Breakfast, members of the class of 1964 pose for a 50th reunion photograph. 5 Doug Wilkins ’64 and John Landis ’64 talk at the champagne toast for the class of 1964’s 50 Year Reunion.

4 5



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Ken Blom ’07 led a session at the ‘Backpack to Briefcase’ event titled “Social Media and You,” educating students on how they can create a positive social media presence.

Preparing Students for life after GraduationMore than 60 juniors and seniors took a major step toward reaching their career goals in January, participating in “Backpack to Briefcase,” an interactive two-day program coordinated by the Career Center. The conference-style program, which aims to help participants build a solid foundation for their professional future, included presentations by industry professionals, many of them former Greyhounds. Among the Moravian alumni on hand were Daniel Carusi ’89, vice president of global education, Deltek; Michelle Hanna ’12, Ph.D. candidate in psychology, Lehigh University; Dylan Stroup ’10, advisor at AXA Equitables; Laura Queen ’96, vice president of human resources, G & W Laboratories, Inc.; and Ken Blom ’07, associate director of social discovery at Buzzfeed.

Brubakers Host Philadelphia EventLaurie Riley Brubaker ‘82 and her husband, Lloyd, hosted

the College’s Philadelphia Regional Event at their Phoenixville home March 29. Pictured (from left) are Lloyd and Laurie

Brubaker, President Bryon Grigsby ’90 and Lea Glembot. Laurie Brubaker, president of Aetna’s Pennsylvania, Delaware

and West Virginia operations, received the2010 Moravian College Comenius Award.


lifelong learning Program Talks Healthy ChoicesThe Alumni Association’s Lifelong Learning Program hosted its Spring Symposium March 22, drawing approximately 60 people to its health-minded workshops. This year’s theme was “The Year of the Hound: How to be happy and healthy in 2014.” Michelle Litzenberger Trent ‘93 (pictured), a food coach, nutrition educator and owner of the Joyful Elephant, was one of the conference’s presenters. She led a workshop focused on plant-based nutrition and how diet affects disease.

SAVE THE DATES!For details or registration, contact 610-861-1366or

Sept. 6Chicago Alumni Reception

October 17-18 Homecoming – Reunions 1969-2009

November 14Athletic Hall of Fame Dinner &Induction Ceremony

November 16Harrisburg/Lancaster Alumni Reception

December 5-7, 12-14 Vespers

December 1314th Annual Alumni Awards Ceremony

accounting Club Honors Popowycz, WalkerOn March 23, the Accounting Club held its awards ceremony, recognizing Michael Popowycz ’78, vice chairman and chief fi nancial offi cer at Case Farms, Inc., with the “Pinnacle Award” and Kasey M. Walker ’05, senior associate at PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, with the “Young Accounting Alumni Award.” Prior to the ceremony, the College dedicated Comenius Hall’s room 213 in honorof John Gehman, associate professor emeritus of accounting.

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Fulbright Scholar and the distinguished chair in biodiversity and sustainable development at the National University in Bogota, Columbia.

For his work with public health policy issues and outstanding display of leadership, Russell E. morgan Jr. was awarded the 2013 Haupert Humanitarian Award. This recognition was highlighted by the Peace Corps’ Peace by Piece newsletter in February.

1966David Berg; [email protected]

We are sad to report that Stephen v. magyar Jr. passed away on Jan. 29, 2014. After graduat-ing from Moravian, Stephen went on to Rider University, where he graduated in 1971 with his M.A., and Fairleigh Dickinson University, where he graduated with a M.B.A. in 1974. During his life, Stephen worked for the RCA Corporation as a safety and workman’s compensation adminis-trator; Cooper Petroleum Equipment Division as a safety director, Raytheon as an industrial safety manager; and Medway as a professional safety consultant. He was a certified safety engineer since 1975, a member of the American Society of Safety Engineers, American Philatelic Society and American Numismatic Association, as well as a supporter of Moravian College, Rider Uni-versity and Fairleigh Dickinson University. During his life and into his retirement, Stephen was active in professional conferences, a published author, a GED instructor, and a woodworker, where he made furniture and cabinetry.

1967Kathie Broczkowski Klein; [email protected]

Jeffrey a. Richards provides a distinctive, focused, fresh look at the principles of synergism and how they can be applied to high performance teamwork in his unique new book, The Principles of Synergism: Radical Empowerment. It has been published by Trafford Publishing.

1968Jill Stefko; [email protected]

Carol Henn writes that she retired in February 2012 after 18 years as CEO of the Lehigh Valley Community Foundation. Carol’s successor is another Moravian graduate – Bernie Story ’80. Carol retired to have time to write and get back to her art work. The latter is still on the back burner, but her first book, Oilcloth Stories, will be

sophomore in high school. Harriet graduated from Amherst last June and works in New York City. Granddaughters Julie and Regina are still in high school. Kathy wishes all a happy and healthy 2014.

Frances Webber Horton writes that she had a very busy 2013. Her year included trips to the Outer Banks, N.C., Seattle, Wash., and a cruise from Baltimore, Md., to Bermuda. She continues her Philadelphia Orchestra subscription.

1954Helen Desh Woodbridge; 3574 Browning lane; Bethlehem, Pa 18017; [email protected]

marjorie Eaton martin writes: Sorry I was not with you all on May 17. Ironically, I was in England on that day attending a celebration at my old school and class reunion. All is well with me, my children, grandchildren and great grandchild as well. Best wishes to all.

1963Bill leicht; 16819 N. 59th Place; Scottsdale, aZ 85254 [email protected]

The Lehigh Valley Arts Council presented G. Bruce Boyer, fashion writer, editor and exhibition curator, in its first program in the Arts Alive 2014 series. The program was titled Curat-ing Fashion. Additionally, Boyer spoke about his career in fashion, as well as his exhibition, Elegance in an Age of Crisis: Fashions of the 1930s, at the Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology from February 8-April 19, 2014.

1965 Robert Houser; [email protected]

We are now in 2014 and that means our 50th reunion is right around the corner. If anyone in the class is willing to help put this big event together, let me know. We need to start reaching out to every classmate with a personal invite. Let me hear from you. Many hands make light work.

Bob Houser writes: I’m willing to head up our 50th class reunion, and I am looking for some help to reach out to our classmates. Let me know if you are willing to pitch in.

Gary Hartshorn retired on his 10th an-niversary (September 2013) as president and CEO of the World Forestry Center in Portland, Oregon. Gary has been named a 2014-2015

1949Norma Boldt Wynne; [email protected]

Katherine meland Freeny writes: I wish that I could have been at reunion weekend in May. I spend the summer months living in Washington state, and this would have been too far to travel alone. I continue to enjoy excel-lent health. I retired at age 80 from Schreiner University where I taught chemistry and math. I continue to try to stay active, hiking, biking, dancing and singing. During tax season, I volunteer doing income taxes.

1952mary T. Pongracz; 321 W. Fourth St.; Bethlehem, Pa 18015

Kathryn Horwath Hartman writes that she and Ray have been very blessed. Christmas 2013 was their 59th Christmas together. Kathy taught middle school for 29 years, and Ray was privileged to serve as a pastor, preacher and councilor. They are quite proud of their two sons, Gregg and Kirk, and their families. Grandson Ben recently graduated from high school and headed off for college. Matti is a

Moravian College Magazinepublishes all class notes that we receive. We reserve the right to edit for space or style. Some information may appear only online at

All class correspondents with an email address are listed within the notes. Some correspondents without email access are listed on page 32. If your class year is not shown or does not list a named correspondent either here or online, email your information to [email protected] or mail to Pat hanna, Alumni Relations Office, Moravian College, 1200 Main Street, Bethlehem, PA 18018.

DEaDlINES FoR SuBmISSIoNS: August 1 for the fall 2014 issue. December 1 for the winter 2015 issue.

PHoTo PolICY FoR ClaSSNoTES:• Please send us your image as a jpg file

at 300 dpi.• We publish one photo per wedding or birth.• We welcome photos of gatherings of alumni

and will publish as many as space permits.


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looks forward to enjoying her Koi fi sh ponds and gardening.

1975Susan Bacci adams; [email protected]

Denise oldenhoff writes: I celebrated my 60th birthday in October with a party that was attended by my college roommate, Nikki arrigo Washcalus ’77. I have been retired for more than a year and spend my time conducting therapy work at the hospital with my two toy poodles. They participate in agility lessons and competi-tions. We attend doggie camps in Vermont, Lake George and the Berkshires.

1976lisa mansback Berk; [email protected] June Rhoda; [email protected]

Hello, friends from the class of 1976. After many years of wondering where you all are, June Rhoda and lisa mansback Berk have decided

1973Dennis Jones; [email protected] Priscilla Barres Schueck;[email protected] Nanette Paden muth retired from teaching after 35 years in the Bethlehem Area School District on June 11, 2011. She spent the last 26 years teaching kindergarten. Nanette writes that she could not have chosen a better profession, noting, “I loved teaching. I was a mentor/co-op to many Moravian College elementary major students for approximately 20 years.” She con-tinues to mentor elementary students at William Penn Elementary and read to preschoolers at her local library. During her retirement, Nanette has focused on healthy eating and fi tness. She enjoys taking Zumba and yoga classes and stay-ing active. Recently, Nanette and her husband, Martin, vacationed for two months around Florida in their newly purchased RV. “We escaped the brutal winter at home,” she said. Once home, she

published in 2014. She also has three other books in various stages of development, so there is no chance she will be bored in the next few years.

Judy Henry Jackson writes that she retired after 30 years in the meetings, incentives and event business in 2010 and moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, to be closer to her two sons and their families, which includes four grandchildren. She is doing some substitute teaching, as well as dabbling in international travel, consulting with her LLC Unique Discoveries in Travel by Judy Jackson. Judy also enjoys watercolor, oil painting and exploring her new Ohio Valley home.

Refl ecting on the class of 1968’s 45th reunion, held Oct. 4-5, 2013, Jackson wrote the following: Memories fl owed warmly and easily among the 30 class members, plus guests, present for our 45th. Beyond memories, there was much sharing of life happenings since we last met. Our hopes are that even more of our fabulous class members turn out in the future, especially for the big 50th reunion coming up in 2018! Thank you committee members and all involved in putting the whole two days of events together.

Jackson noted that she, and the South Hall Gang of 8 minus 3, arrived a bit early for the re-union and took in a wonderful dinner at Molinari’s on 4th Street on southside of town and a drive through the “Stacks” of the former Bethlehem Steel Corporation. They also enjoyed lunch at the one and only Tally Ho – that looks exactly like it did in 1968!

1972Terrell mcmann; [email protected]

maria Corpora, a private attorney who specializes in fi nancial services and real estate transactions, was recognized during the month of April by the Philadelphia Volunteers for the Indigent Program (VIP), which provides indigent individuals access to the legal system in civil matters by referring them to volunteer lawyers, paralegals and others who provide legal services free of charge. Corpora began volunteering with VIP in 2008 at the start of the fi nancial crisis as a volunteer attorney handling mortgage foreclo-sure cases.

virginia Gonzalez-Belles, a counseling professor at Northampton Community College, took part in a Feb. 18 panel hosted by NCC’s Hispanic American Culture Club. Gonzalez-Belles shared her personal and professional journey, beginning with her childhood growing up in Bethlehem.

Jackie Collette Fox ’05, a son, Logan Richard – March 24, 2014

Christina Wallace Garr ’05 and Cliff Garr ’07 are the proud parents of Wesley Clifford. Wesley was born on June 20, 2013, and was eager to get into daddy’s football gear to cheer on the Hounds!

Shawn Nelson ’05 and Karinne Dieser Nelson ’07 celebrated the birth of their fi rst child, Connor Nelson, in November 2013.

marissa Perez laub ’06 and her husband, Matthew, are the proud parents of a son, Brady, born July 18, 2012.

Gerald venturino ’06 and Stefanie Risko venturino ’07 are the proud parents of their new son, Zachary, who was born on March 29, 2013.

Dan larson ’07 and lynsey augustus larson ’08, a son, Gustave – April 2013

Heidi Domedion mack ’08 and her husband, Joshua, welcomed a daughter, Adalynn Grace, in February 2014.


Alexandra May Sterner

Aidan Patrick Driscoll

Wesley Clifford Garr

Heather Whary Turner ’97 and her husband, Marion, welcomed a daughter, Colbie Snow, on Feb. 22, 2014. Colbie joins her sister, Baxter Peach, and brother, Quinn Charles.

Courtney Rice Schnyderite ’01 and her hus-band, James, welcomed their second child, Jordyn Alanna, on Sept. 10, 2013.

Carl Sterner ’04 and his wife, Linda, are the proud parents of a new daughter, Alexandra May, born on Nov. 1, 2013.

Jennifer Dinowitz Burns ’05 and her husband, Charles, welcomed a child, Brantley, in January 2014.

michael Caffrey III ’05 and his wife, Jenna, welcomed their fi rst child, Bryna Caffrey, on March 18, 2013.

Jennifer Kunes Driscoll ’05 and Justin Driscoll ’05 now have a second child, Aidan Patrick, born on Oct. 7, 2013.

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to take over our communications in the alumni news. If you didn’t get a note from us personally, it is because we don’t have your email address. Please send it to us and update us on what you’ve been up to in recent years. We want to stay in touch as time marches on, 38 years past graduation. We did hear from many friends; here are some of the stories they shared:

Irene Silverio Kane – After completing a master’s degree in social work at the University of Pittsburgh, Irene moved to Northern Virginia where she worked in the counseling depart-ment of a health maintenance organization and later as co-director of an outpatient mental health center in Washington, D.C. In 1980, Irene married Mike, a fellow Philadelphian. They cur-rently live in Vienna, Va., where Irene is a school social worker for Fairfax County Public Schools. Irene and Mike have four children. Alexa is a reading recovery teacher with a master’s degree in teaching from University of Virginia, and has two boys, Theodore and Nathan. Jackie is a special education teacher with a master’s degree in teaching from University of Virginia. She married in May 2013 and is expecting her first child in September. While working at the National Institutes of Health, Michael earned his master’s degree in electrical engineering from George Mason University. He works now for a private firm specializing in video conferencing technology for health care and education. Sean is a second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps and is training as an aviator in Pensacola, Fla. All of the three eldest children and their families live close by to Mike and Irene and serve as a great source of joy.

Sue Trummel laRose – I moved out to Missoula, Mont., five years ago. The outdoor lifestyle really appeals to me; in fact I’m going snowshoeing this afternoon! I work remotely as a marketing consultant for a photographer and underwater videographer in Philadelphia and will continue as an estate gardener for one family this summer. My son, Willie, lives and works in Los Angeles, and I try to get there to visit when I can.

amy Greiner Hawley – I’ve been attending career counseling events for Moravian College students for the past 10-plus years. I’ve been reviewing their resumes, conducting mock inter-views to prepare students for job interviews, and discussing the job market in the Lehigh Valley region. As a commercial-industrial broker in the Allentown area, I’ve been able to place students in internships and careers with local employers that have been my clients. There have been some dinner programs at the College where students interact with alumni who are employed with local companies. I have kept in touch with some of the

students who have graduated and are pursuing their professional life. The reconnection with some of the alumni has been a nice aspect of these activities as well. I’d be glad to keep in touch with you to let you know about upcoming College events. I encourage my fellow class-mates to become involved with the students and their career pursuits.

Betsy Stahl Worthen – For myself, I have just mere months until that big number becomes a part of my life, so I am in denial. Our big celebra-tion year was 2013 since my husband, Ken, and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary and our daughter’s graduation from Princeton University. I was fortunate enough to take advantage of an early retirement package from the Neshaminy School District after working for them as a school social worker and director of student assistance services. I use my retirement to do some volun-teer work, audit a class at Princeton, read, cook and keep in touch with friends. While my daugh-ter was in college, she was a varsity athlete so it was nice to have the availability to travel to her meets. My husband is a track coach so I try to support his teams as much as I can.

Ruth Kirby Child megill – I have been mar-ried to Jack megill ’75 for 34 years. We live in Mount Holly, N.J., where I’m a dentist and Jack works for Bristol-Myers Squibb in Hopewell, N.J., as a research scientist. We have three children; our two daughters are married and we have one beautiful 14-month-old grandson and two wonderful step-grandchildren. I belong to a ladies “birthday” club, and we go somewhere special every year for those milestone birthdays. This year it was my turn to choose since it’s my big “6-0”, so we headed off to Charleston, S.C. in May for a four-day getaway. Our family also vacations every summer in the Outer Banks, N.C., and has been for 20 years or so. Last September our younger daughter had her destination wed-ding in Duck, N.C.

Betty-Jean Herrmann Wrase – I continue to work at the Stony Brook University’s School of Social Welfare as a clinical assistant professor and the director of field education. I still enjoy working, but I do sometimes think about retire-ment. I have two wonderful grandchildren and enjoy them so much. They live very close so I get to see them often.

Susie Hyer – I turn 60 in August and to cel-ebrate I am going on a June hut trip to paint with Dave Santillanes and some other crazy painters, visiting a 10th mountain division hut that you hike to, similar to the one we snowshoed to in January at 11,000 feet to paint in the freezing cold. On top of being 60, Jeff and I are celebrating our official 25th anniversary, as well as being together for

30 years. So we are having a 25-30-60 trip to Belize for a couple weeks to celebrate all that stuff. I was published in an amazing coffee table book called Art of the National Parks: Historic Connections, Contemporary Interpretations and am honored to be included with some of this country’s top landscape painters. In April 2014, I was also published in Southwest Art Magazine.

Rob Stevens – I live in Allentown and work in corporate communications at Lehigh Valley Health Network. I have been at it for 27 years; before that I was tech writer with Air Products and a freelance journalist. My wife, Donna, and I have a 27-year-old son, Dan, and a 19-year-old daughter, Abby. We also have two rescued pups, Bella and Bono. I’ve stayed in the Lehigh Valley since graduating except for the three years I spent in Africa with the Peace Corps and USAID. Additionally, I teach at Muhlenberg College. In my free time, I enjoy swimming laps, riding my bike, and listening to music.

June Rhoda – I’m back living in the Philadelphia suburbs, Huntingdon Valley, after 20 years in the White Mountains of New Hampshire where I enjoyed skiing, hiking, horseback riding, raising a son and a daughter, and working at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center as a nurse practitioner in oncology. I continue to work full time, but I’m creating more time to travel and paint, following Susie Hyer to the Rocky Mountains, Sedona and Montana for a visit with Sue Trummel laRose where my granddaughter was born. I’ve also been fortunate to make my way to West Africa, Mali, when my daughter was in the Peace Corps and Sierra Leone for volunteer work.

A group, including Scott Burke, Rich Ziegler, lisa mansback Berk, Irene Silverio Kane, Chris moore Young, Susie Hyer, George Bork and Kemper morse, enjoyed a nostalgic party at Gary Boyajian and his wife’s home in Saddle River, N.J. The event allowed the friends to travel down memory lane, inspired by Gary’s classic collec-tion of MoMo group shots that span our years together at Moravian.

Carol mitrani Santoro – married to Jim Santoro – lives in Seattle, Wash. She recently shared exciting news of the sale of her retail bookstore – reported in The New York Times in April. She owned Santoro’s Books in the Phinney Ridge/Greenwood area of Seattle, and she recently sold her store to Tom Nissley, an author, former Amazon books editor and eight-time champion on Jeopardy! Santoro is keeping the Santoro’s Books name for her wholesale busi-ness providing books for schools and libraries.

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1978Dawn allen; [email protected]

michael Popowycz, vice chairman and chief fi nancial offi cer at Case Farms, Inc., was presented with the “Pinnacle Award” at the Moravian College Accounting Club’s awards ceremony March 23. Popowycz oversees Case Farms’ entire operations, including live produc-tion, processing, administration, sales and fi nance. It employs more than 3,200 workers and generated $874 million in sales last year.

1980molly Donaldson Brown; [email protected]

Rt. Rev. Samuel J. Gray was named the re-cipient of the John Hus Alumni Award, created for the purpose of “giving special recognition to an alumnus or alumna, who, through outstand-ing service and loyalty to ministry, has brought distinction to the work of the ministry and to Moravian Theological Seminary.”

1982lori vargo Heffner; [email protected]

William P. Feigley, Ed.D., was honored at the Bethlehem NAACP 69th Annual Freedom Fund Dinner on Feb. 16. Honored for his dedica-tion and service to minority students in the Bethlehem community, Feigley was presented with this year’s award by Esther M. Lee, presi-dent of the Bethlehem NAACP. He has been a school counselor in the Bethlehem Area School District for 26 years and is currently assigned to Freedom High School.

linda mosher – I’ve been very involved with historic preservation in Clarence, N.Y. Additionally, I’ve been a grandmother since 2012 to a wonder-ful grandson. For three years, I have been moving day events coordinator for the National Parkinson Foundation, Western New York chapter. We raised more than $60,000 with more than 400 walkers and 90 volunteers. Since graduation, I have had two careers: real estate, where I owned my own brokerage business; and positions in the banking and fi nancial services fi eld. Life is full of twists and turns, but I look back on the time I spent at Moravian with great fondness. I am grateful for all I learned from the professors and classmates. I only wish there are more alumni in Western New York.

lisa mansback Berk – For the last 35 years, I have lived in Binghamton, N.Y., and continue to follow the passion that I found in college: working in the outdoor/ski business. We have two wonder-ful children fi nding their way in this complicated world we live in. This year we celebrated 30 years of marriage and spent our anniversary travelling in Iceland.

Celia Zucker Craig – Celia lives in Rockaway, N.J., and has a consulting fi rm that provides expert witness services to attorneys in technical and engineering litigation. For her 60th birthday, she was thrilled to become a grandmother.

Stephen Kowitz – Steve lives in Easton and has been married for 34 years to Debbie. They have two children. Currently, he is embarking on new employment and career counseling.

Finally, we heard shout outs from Dianne Cleasby Cook, Tom Englert, Joe Bender andamy mende.

1977John Fauerbach; [email protected]

Denise Torma, East Penn School District’s assistant superintendent, has been awarded the Moravian College Alumni Association’s Benigna Education Award. The award recognizes the im-pact that Denise has had in the classroom. After serving in a number of principal and leadership positions at East Penn, she became the district’s assistant superintendent in 2005.

Kathy ozzard Chism reunited with Jon vanvalkenburg, and they live together near Syracuse, N.Y.

Kim viebrock Jankowitz continues to work for Johnson & Johnson after more than 30 years. She fi nds this pretty amusing since she originally went there on a two-week temp assignment.“I tell people that ‘I forgot to leave,’” she said. Although her spare time is limited, she enjoys horseback riding, fl y fi shing and scrapbooking photos from her trips. Ken and Kim live in Yardley.

Bob Kafafi an was recently honored at the Association for Management Information in Financial Services (AMIfs) Annual Profi tability & Risk Conference in Las Vegas. The president and CEO of The Kafafi an Group (TKG), Kafafi an was presented with the AMIfs Lifetime Member Award for his achievement in the fi eld of bank management accounting. In addition, he served as one of the March conference’s keynote speakers, addressing the convention’s theme of “C.A.P.I.T.A.L - It’s a part of everything you do!” Kafafi an is a past president of the AMIfs’ Board of Directors. TKG, based in Parsippany, N.J., is a fi nance, strategy and operations consulting fi rm.

Jason Fedor ’05 and Kathryn Semanoff – Aug. 3, 2013

Joyce owens ’06 was married to James Arrizza Jr. on Oct. 5, 2013, at St. Anthony of Padua Church in Easton.

matthew Kosensky ’08 and Jennifer Jaman – June 15, 2013

megan Palmer ’08 married Stephen Strella, III, on Aug. 24, 2013, in Bethlehem.

Claire Freedman ’09 and David Kusnetz – January 2013

Jessica Jonas ’09 married Andrew Sillers – Oct. 20, 2012

alexandra Shimer ’09 and Kenny McPherson – Oct. 19, 2013

Sandra Tress ’09 married Ngure Kanjumba in Daytona Beach, Fla., on Dec. 29, 2013.

lillian Shad ’11 and Enzio Goble – July 2011

Jessica olonovich ’11 and James Kuri ’13 – Oct. 13, 2013

With several Moravian alumni in attendance, Elizabeth Festa ’09 and mark Gasdaska ’08 were married on Oct. 12, 2013, at The Barristers Club in Allentown. Pictured (front, from left) are Rachel mcCausland ’08, Kristina Crescente ’09, Erin macmillan ’09, Elizabeth Festa Gasdaska ’09, (back) lindsey Rice ’08, megan Palmer Strella ’08, liz Koles ’09, mark Gasdaska ’08, Tyler Dolph ’09, Stephanie mount Dolph ’10, Willie Reynolds ’03, Julia Gasdaska ’07 and Jared Hanna ’09. Absent from photo are molly Russo ’10 and Kelly Dileo ’08.

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laurie Riley Brubaker has been appointed by health insurer Aetna to head its operations in Pennsylvania, Delaware and West Virginia. Brubacker, who has worked for the company for 25 years, will oversee sales, provider network, medical economics, quality improvement and customer relations in the three states, where Aetna says it has 1.8 million members.

1984Diane Sciabica mandry;[email protected]

Christine Blaschak Charles of Vynecrest Vineyards hosted a wine education session and tasting at the College’s Spring Symposium March 23. The session was part of the Alumni Association’s Lifelong Learning Program.

1985lynn muschlitz laBarre; [email protected]

lori Scholz mauger has two articles appear-ing in national magazines this summer. The fi rst will be featured in The Bark, a magazine for the modern dog enthusiast. The second will appear in AMLE Magazine, a professional publication for middle school educators.

Pam Bradley, assistant professor of reading at Northampton Community College, presented a Spring Symposium workshop, titled “Happy Wife, Happy Life? A session on health and happiness,” March 23. It was part of the Alumni Association’s Lifelong Learning Program.

1990mary Beth Sierzega affl erbach;affl [email protected]

michele Stocklas anderson writes that 2013 was a challenging and very diffi cult year for her. She was diagnosed with a reoccur-rence of lymphoma in April. Her fi rst bout with cancer was stage 4 in 2003. This time she was stage 2; however, the lymphoma had morphed from an indolent type to a more aggressive type. Therefore, she needed in-patient chemo – round the clock for fi ve days then home. “Five rounds of that nearly did me in, but for my three children, Erik, Gunnar and Brynn, who had just turned 14, I forged onward,” she said. “Next came six rounds of total body irradiation, then a bone marrow transplant in September.”

Thankfully, Michele was told that she was cancer free in December 2013. “I have survived once again,” she said. “I can’t wait to return to teaching in the fall and get my strength and stamina back to enjoy life fully.”

Michele noted that the positive highlight during this awful year was seeing how her com-

munity responded to help her children. Dinners were dropped off nightly, and fundraisers were set up to help her kids make their band trip quota. Erik (trumpet), Brynn (mellophone) and Gunnar (bass drum) marched along with their classmates in the Liberty High School Grenadier Band that partici-pated in the 125th Tournament of Roses Parade on New Year’s Day in Pasadena, Calif.

1991melissa dePamphilis Jarman;[email protected] or Christine a. Palermo-Wallach; [email protected]

Nora Kubat Diaz was recently named the lead consultant, employee relations for North American retail at Offi ce Depot, Inc.

David Zinczenko, author of 14 New York Times best sellers, with more than 10 million books in print, co-founded Galvanzied Brands, a global branding, marketing and media fi rm. The well-ness, nutrition and lifestyle editor for ABC News, Zinczenko has teamed with Stephen Perrine to create the company, which prides itself on being a non-traditional media and content fi rm, breaking down “traditional barriers between media, ensur-ing consistent, on-brand content and audience engagement.”

1992John S. Nunnemacher; [email protected] michael Q. Roth; [email protected]

mark Richardson, who has undergone two organ donations, participated in the Lehigh Valley Coalition for Organ and Tissue Donation’s fashion show on April 5.

Dave Turco, coach of St. Joseph of Metuchen, recently lead his boys basketball team to a title in the NJSIAA Tournament of Champions. In the past two seasons, St. Joseph of Metuchen has compiled a record of 57-7, with two state group titles. Turco was also named The Star-Legder’s Middlesex County Coach of the Year.

1993michelle litzenberger Trent, a food coach, nu-

trition educator and owner of the Joyful Elephant, presented an on-campus workshop during the College’s Spring Symposium March 23. The work-shop, which was part of the Alumni Association’s Lifelong Learning Program, focused on plant-based nutrition and how diet affects disease.

1994Denise Bradley; [email protected]

ann Schlottman discussed her personal battle against diabetes in an article on the Lehigh Valley Health Network’s website.

1995Beth Rosenthal was inducted in her high

school’s Hall of Honor in May, recognizing her life-long volunteering and for starting the nonprofi t, It’s Just Benign. Beth graduated from John P. Stevens High School in Edison, N.J. Past honorees include politicians, an FBI agent, a strategist at Merck, an iPhone developer, and musicians David Byran (Bon Jovi) and Dave Rosenthal (Billy Joel Band). Beth is very proud to be part of this honored group.


Eman Jarrah ’97 (second from left), Lehigh County’s deputy county solicitor, co-taught the College’s new Science and Intellectual Property course with George Fairchild, adjunct professor of chemistry, this spring. The inaugural course focused on patent law for science majors, and how patents apply in the fi eld of science. While the former chemistry major spent most of her own undergraduate career in Collier Hall, Jarrah pursued law instead of the laboratory post-graduation, eventually receiving her J.D. from the University of Dayton School of Law. “Law school was cake compared to being a chemistry major,” Jarrah laughed. “I say that with all honesty.”

Alumna Leads Intellectual Property Course

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LEGACY GRADUATESFor many of our alumni and students, a Moravian education is a family tradition. There were several members of the class of 2014 carrying on this proud legacy. Pictured are recent graduates who followed in the footsteps of their parents, siblings and other loved ones who are Moravian alumni.Joseph Baurkot ’18, Karen Baurkot,

Lisha Baurkot ’14 & Raymond Baurkot ’81

Danielle Brogan ’14 & Francis Brogan ’88 David Burke ’14 & Scott Burke ’06 Anna D’Achille ’10 & Arielle D’Achille ’14 Jason DeStefano ’09, Jaclyn DeStefano ’14& Lauren Pochron ’08

John Kolchin ’57 & Macaire Kolchin ’14

Sally Breidegam Miksiewicz ’84, DanielMiksiewicz ’14 & Ron Miksiewicz ’84

Gabrielle Sommer ’14 &Jean Sharkazy Sommer ’83

Manuel Gonzalez ’84, Tara Williams &Emma Demuth Williams ’62

Jesse S. Kiefer ’63, Justin Kiefer ’14& Jesse Kiefer ’83

Cheryl Derby Maula ’88, Katelyn Maula ’14& Anthony Maula ’87

Professor Ed Roeder, Alicia Roeder ’14 &Tracy Campbell Roeder ’81

Megan Weaver ’12 & Kevin Weaver ’14

Samantha Dunn ’15, David Dunn ’14& David Dunn ’80

Michaela LaBar ’14 & Zachary LaBar ’12

hadia Riaz ’10 & Anika Riaz ’14

Kelly Torres ’14 & Christopher Torres ’12

Robert Dolan ’80 & Erin Dolan ’14

Lauren Koncz ’14 & Andrea Malavolta Koncz ’86

Victoria Mordan ’14 & Angela Mordan ’05

Danielle DuBois ’10, Philip Spence ’10,Kyle Spence ’14 & Elizabeth Spence ’17

Erika Blair ’14 & Alexandra Blair ’12

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1996Deb Yuengling Ferhat; [email protected]

Richard Pletz has been named the chief execu-tive officer of Acuity Specialty Hospital Ohio Valley – located in Steubenville and Bellaire, Ohio.

1997Tiffany Shenman; [email protected]

michael Hillis has been named a 2014 Forty Under 40 honoree by Lehigh Valley Business. Hillis is the owner and president of The Hillis Group, LLC, a general contracting and excavating services company in Easton.

2002Brienne Wilson Rodriguez; [email protected]

Kristie Cupples has announced her engage-ment to Thomas Snaith. They currently live in Conshohocken. Kristie is a school counselor at Paul V. Fly Elementary. Thomas is a transportation and logistics specialist at Thoroughbred Direct. Their wedding is planned for July 12, 2014, in Farmington.

Emily Shertzer, a former member of Moravian’s cross country and track teams, became the first female Guard member to win the Lincoln National Guard Marathon in its 37-year history. She finished in 2:50.36. The marathon, held in Lincoln, Neb., is run on a citywide course that starts and finishes on the campus of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

2003Regina lacombe laine; [email protected]

Justin Porembo left the Lehigh Valley Association of Realtors to serve as chief of staff for Robert Donchez, mayor of Bethlehem.

2004Jessica Naugle; [email protected]

michael Grillo is engaged to Jessica Preston ’08. The couple resides in Trenton, N.J., and a May 2014 wedding was planned.

2005Regina laCaruba; [email protected]

Jennifer Dinowitz Burns and her husband, Charles Burns, have two children. Addisyn was born in 2013, and Brantley followed in January 2014.

Stephanie Webb graduated with a master’s degree in gifted, talented and creative studies from Arkansas State University in December 2013.

Rebecca Stewart received her master’s degree in taxation from Villanova University.

Hillary Dowling Raining received her M.Div. from Yale Divinity and received her D.Min. from Drew University in May.

amy miller has been named a partner with the law firm of O’Keefe, Miller & Thielen. Amy was previously an associate with O’Keefe & Sher. 2006lauren Bahnatka Bachner; [email protected]

Courtney Werner and Brendan Wright became engaged in December 2013. A fall 2015 wedding is planned. Brendan recently received his Ph.D. in political science from the University of Michigan.

lauren Devaldenebro will attend DeSales University, studying in the school’s master’s program in physician assistant studies.

Jonathan latiano participated in the Maryland Art Place’s 2014 speaker series Young Blood Revisited, which brings back former participants in MAP’s Young Blood exhibition program to speak about their art practice post their Masters of Fine Arts degree. He currently resides and works in Baltimore, Md., and teaches at The Corcoran College of Art and Design in Washington, D.C. Jonathan, who received his Masters in Fine Art from the Maryland Institute College of Art in 2012, has exhibited in Baltimore, Washington, D.C., New York City and London, England. In May 2013, he was the recipient of the Mary Sawyers Baker Prize. In March 2014, Jonathan returned to campus to provide the Rose and Rudy Ackerman Visiting Artist Lecture.

2007laura Sahlender Boyer; [email protected]

Christina lavecchia was recently recognized as an outstanding graduate teaching assistant by the graduate school at the University of Cincinnati. She was named a College of Arts and Sciences recipient of the 2014 Excellence in Teaching Award. Christina received her award at a luncheon with the graduate school’s dean and associate dean, as well as the university’s provost.

michael D. DiCindio, Esq., left the Chester County District Attorney’s Office to go into private practice at the Law Offices of Michael T. van der Veen in Philadelphia. His main areas of practice are criminal defense and personal injury.

Dan larson and lynsey augustus larson ’08 are the proud parents of Nola (born August 2010) and Gustave (born April 2013). They reside in downtown Dover, Del., where they are currently preparing to open a children’s boutique named Stinky Toad. They celebrated their five-year wedding anniversary in June.

Kristin maddaloni received her master’s degree in biotechnology from Johns Hopkins University.

Timothy Guider received a Master of Science in mechanical engineering from Lehigh University and is currently pursuing an M.B.A. with a concentration in finance from Lehigh.

Christina lavecchia is pleased to announce her engagement to her longtime partner, Inuk Zandvakili. They are planning a January 2015 wedding in Cincinnati, Ohio.


In May, mark ’74 and martha ’75 Walker Jones hosted a Beta Lambda Chi reunion at their home, with several Moravian alumni in attendance. Pictured (from left) are Gary marsh ’74, Bob mende ’74, Charlie Pohl ’74, Jim Spengler ’73, Bob Korutz ’74, mark Jones ’74, Kevin Jones ’74, Sunny modjadidi ’73 and Tom Kwiatek ’73.

Beta Lambda Chi Hosts Reunion in May

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Sylvia Paz writes that, after 30 years, she retired from the Lehigh County Court of Common Pleas in December 2011. She enjoys writing fictional short stories, poems and short novels.

Ryan Shelley received a M.F.A. in graphic design from the Maryland Institute College of Art.

Joanna Herren graduated in May with her M.Div. from Moravian Theological Seminary.

Kathleen Fenner Stellerine received her master’s degree in education, curriculum and instruction from Winthrop University.

Christina Fleck received her Ph.D. in ap-plied organizational psychology from Hofstra University.

2008Geoffrey Roche has been named a 2014 Forty

Under 40 honoree by Lehigh Valley Business. Roche, a member of the College’s Alumni Association Board of Directors, serves as direc-tor of community and government relations at Pocono Medical Center.

matthew Kosensky received his certifica-tion of tenure at the Flemington-Raritan School District as an eighth-grade science teacher. He has led and coordinated a variety of research and industrial grants to further enhance the practice of science within the classroom.

morgan maragliano received her J.D. from Touro in May 2013 and was admitted to the New York State Bar in March.

Rachel Kieser is attending Villanova University for her master’s degree in taxation. She expects to graduate in 2016.

Katie Pulizzano received her master’s degree in music education from Loyola University in Maryland in May 2013. Additionally, Katie competed in the Ironman World Championship in 2012, and she was also part of Team USA and competed in the Sprint World Championships in London in September 2013.

ashley alvernes received her M.A. in school and community psychology from Seton Hall University in 2010 and her Ed.S. in school and community psychology from Seton Hall in December 2012.

Heidi Domedion mack received her M.S. in clinical counseling psychology with a concentra-tion in marriage and family therapy from Chestnut Hill College.

2009Cassidy Thomas; [email protected]

Scott Hettinger received his M.B.A. in May 2013 from Alvernia University.

Claire Freedman planned to graduate from the Columbia University School of Social Work in May 2014.

Jessica Jonas completed her M.F.A. in cre-ative writing and publishing arts at the University of Baltimore.

lee Gustin is engaged to Jaclyn Eichelberger. A May 2015 wedding is planned.

matthew velekei serves as the varsity boys volleyball coach at Easton Area High School.

Nathan Snyder is currently enrolled in Fordham University’s CLAIR Ph.D. program.

2010Kelly Schneider; [email protected]

Sarabeth Brockley, a graduate student studying environmental policy design at Lehigh University, has conducted research in the Lehigh Valley and in South America.

mark William Newman is working toward earning his M.Div degree at Moravian Theological Seminary. He expects to graduate in May 2016.

Danielle DuBois and Phil Spence plan to get married in July.

loura Khallouf is attending Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM), Carolinas Campus, to pursue her degree as an osteopathic physician. She expects to graduate in 2017.

2011Rachel Kleiner; [email protected]

Stephen Gross was recently promoted at The Morning Call and is now the Allentown news-paper’s beat writer for the Philadelphia Phillies.

amie Ball is engaged to Nicholas Guerriero ’12.

Cassandra Cleveland is now director of development for the College of Engineering at Drexel University.

Nicole Hadeed is a medical student at New York University School of Medicine.

lillian Shad married Enzio Goble in July 2011. Their daughter, Laila, was born in December 2012. Lillian is attending Fordham University School of Social Service to get her master’s degree in social work and will graduate in 2016.

Emily Doll ’12 (left) and Jean DesJardin, assistant professor of education at Moravian, recently published an article, titled ‘Parental Support for Language Development During Joint Book Reading for Young Children With Hearing Loss,’ as lead authors in an issue of Communication Disorders Quarterly. Their co-authors hail from San Diego State University, the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California, and the Indiana School of Medicine. ‘Jean’s work with Emily epitomizes the best in the Moravian student/faculty relationship,’ said Joseph Shosh, chair of the College’s Education Department. Doll recently accepted a research assistantship position in the Master’s Speech-Language Pathology program at East Stroudsburg University.

Doll, DesJardin ‘Epitomize’ Student/Faculty Relationship

Page 34: Moravian College Magazine Summer 2014



additional Class Correspondents1943 • Margaret L. Albright, 129 N. 11th Street, Allentown, PA 18102 June Bright Reese, 801 N. Wahneta Street, Apt. 203, Allentown, PA 18109; bjreese@ webtv.net1945 • Jane Smith Ebelhare, PO Box 360 Masonville, CO 80541; [email protected] • Ada Zellner Flower, 834 hilltop Road; Oyster Bay, NY 11771; [email protected] • Margaret Loveless Browne, [email protected] George Kirkpatrick, 11250 Caravel Circle, No. 308; Fort Myers, FL 33908-52361955 • Helen Varady Keyser, 2038 Kemmerer Street;

Bethlehem, PA 18017

1957 • Pearl Stein, [email protected] • Daneen Jones Phelps,

[email protected] • Kathy Werst Detwiler,

[email protected] • James Houser, [email protected] Peter French, [email protected] • Sam Maczko, [email protected] • Merr Trumbore, [email protected] Emma Demuth Williams, [email protected] • Tim Tedesco, [email protected] • John Madison, [email protected] • Cyndee Andreas Grifo, [email protected] • Craig “Kegger” Bartlett, [email protected]

1983 • Karen Skoyles, [email protected] • James and Lynda Farrell Swartz, [email protected] • Diane Hvizdak Taylor, [email protected] • Dianne Pelaggi Irr, [email protected] • Kerri Selland Pepoy, [email protected] • Jennie Joshi, [email protected] • Christina Fulton, [email protected] • Faithann Cheslock Barron, [email protected] Lisa Hahn-Egan, [email protected] • Courtney Parrella, [email protected]

For Comenius Center alumni notes: Dee Lohman, [email protected] or Sherron Quinn, [email protected]

olivia musselman Barnes ’38 • Dec. 26, 2013

lois Yerger Fischel ’41 • Feb. 6, 2014

Esther Carpenter Scott ’42 • Feb. 13, 2014

Gloria Bachman Rivers ’44 • May 18, 2012

Bernard Boyer ’47 • March 28, 2014

Barbara Siegfried Kilpatrick ’50 • Jan. 19, 2014

Harold Shimer ’50 • Feb. 23, 2014

Bessie Zeleski o’Brien ’51 • March 8, 2014

Rev. victor vogel ’52 • Dec. 6, 2013

Doris Thierolf Paine ’52 • April 17, 2014

Shirley Beck Dutt ’54 • Jan. 5, 2014

Walter Haftl ’54 • April 13, 2014

Betty ann Boone Wallwork ’54 • March 16, 2014

maureen Cashman Campbell ’57 • Nov. 6, 2013

Robert Palladino ’60 • Dec. 23, 2013

Wilhelmina Wright ’62 • Dec. 27, 2013

Joseph Csordas Jr. ’63 • Jan. 17, 2014

John lawrence ’64 • Dec. 27, 2013

marie oravec Jacobs ’66 • Dec. 21, 2013

Stephen v. magyar Jr. ’66 • Jan. 29, 2014

olindo Zanchettin ’67 • Dec. 20, 2013

Judith Springman Ruth ’68 • April 11, 2014

Charles J. Horwath ’69 • March 1, 2014

John W. Kasten ’72 • Dec. 26, 2013

leonard Righi ’72 • Dec. 18, 2013

Carol Rutledge Fogle ’74 • Feb. 17, 2014

Dean S. Smith ’74 • Feb. 15, 2014

Stanley a. Gawlik ’76 • Jan. 22, 2014

David P. o’Brien ’78 • March 1, 2014

Elizabeth Bartlett St. Clair mTS ’85 • April 1, 2014

Brett C. Weber, Ph.D. ’91 • March 16, 2014

Thomas R. Grape Jr. ’04 • Jan. 22, 2014

In Memoriam‘May the Souls of the Faithful Departed Rest in Peace.’

megan Re has joined the Peace Corps. She will leave in June for 27 months in the Eastern Caribbean Islands. Megan will be teaching primary literacy education.

2012ali Zucal; [email protected]

Sarah Keenhold is currently attending Kutztown University, working toward her master’s degree in school counseling.

anna Whetstone was accepted into Rutgers University’s physician assistant program and will start in the fall.

Joel Blaxland completed his M.A. at Lehigh University and is now a Ph.D. student in political science at Temple University.

Caitlin Worrich was hired as band director and extended-care coordinator at The Swain School.

Casey Schweppenheiser has accepted a yearlong position as a certified legal intern for the Chester County District Attorney’s Office. She will conduct preliminary hearings in criminal cases on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Casey will graduate from Villanova University School of Law with a Juris Doctorate in May 2015.

matt lutcza captured first place at the 2014 St. Luke’s Half Marathon in Allentown April 26, completing the race in 1:09.32.

Katherine Pritchett is enrolled at Kutztown University in the Master of Social Work program.

2013michael o’Gorman; [email protected] or Emmy usera; [email protected]

Kimberly Gatski competed in the Miss Greater Hazleton Scholarship Program, which is an official preliminary event to the Miss America Pageant. Kimberly’s platform is “Youth Against Tobacco.” She danced to “Jumpin’ Jack.”

Karen Purkey won a coveted five-month paid internship with Samaritan’s Purse in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Samaritan’s Purse works in more than 100 countries pro-viding aid to victims of war, natural disasters, disease, famine, poverty and persecution.

Page 35: Moravian College Magazine Summer 2014


CREATING CAREERS Christopher Skorton ’13Financial Analyst

SERVING THE COMMUNITY Margaret DeOliveira ’13Future Doctor and Leader in Service

MAKING MUSICMelissa Zirkel ’13Honors in German and Music

TEACHING AMERICA Michael O’Gorman ’13Teaching and Studying in D.C.

Page 36: Moravian College Magazine Summer 2014

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Heather Karp Goldan ’01 is one of thousands of Moravian alumni who followed the

passions they discovered at Moravian and today are leaders in their fi eld.

Heather Karp Goldan ’01Owner/Photographer

Sleepy Owl Studios

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