  • Monthly Marijuana Update

    By Blaine Stum, LA to Councilmember Jon Snyder

    State Licenses

    - The Liquor Control Board has issued a total 81 producer licenses in Spokane County.

    o Tier 1: 24

    o Tier 2: 31

    o Tier 3: 26

    - The Liquor Control Board has issued a total of 62 processor licenses in Spokane County.

    - The Liquor Control Board has issued a total of 12 retail licenses in Spokane. One of those

    licensees does not currently have a valid location.

    o Five retailers are in the unincorporated county.

    o Four retailers are in the City of Spokane

    o Two retailers are in the City of Spokane Valley.

    Sales Figures

    - Monthly, state wide marijuana sales continue to increase: total sales were $16.9 million in

    December and $18.4 million in January.

    o Total state wide sales since July: $100,647,687

    o Total excise taxes due since July: $25,161,922

    - Total sales in Spokane County as of Feb 3rd (latest available data) are $10,766,574.

    o Total taxes from sales in Spokane County: $2,696,139

    Other Information

    - Colorado:

    o Total medical and recreational marijuana sales totaled almost $700 million for 2014.

    o SCOTUS allowed Colorado an extension to respond the lawsuit brought forward by

    Nebraska and Oklahoma. The Court has not yet indicated whether they will hear the


    - Alaska marijuana legalization went in to effect on February 24th.

    - Marijuana is now legal in Washington D.C.

    - New National Highway Traffic Safety Administration study finds that marijuana consumption is

    not associated with an increased probability of getting into an accident:

    o Link:

    - A new comparative risk assessment study of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other illicit drugs

    finds that marijuana is the least risky recreational drug.

    o Link:

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