Page 1: MONTHLY Issue 5 201… · 的导师小组的集会主题是“ 人际关系”,这激发了观众反思自己与朋友及家人的关系,并且重审了浪漫的

MONTHLY NEWSLETTER March 30, 2018, Issue 5



AIC Fun Day


Reading Graphic Novels


Yueying and William Assembly


CAS Trip

IB Diploma Subject Selection Information Afternoon for Grade 10 Students


Page 2: MONTHLY Issue 5 201… · 的导师小组的集会主题是“ 人际关系”,这激发了观众反思自己与朋友及家人的关系,并且重审了浪漫的

AIC Fun DayBy Michelle Bradbury

The third AIC Fun Day as an annual parent-child charity event was organized by parents association and supported by AIC, which took place on last Saturday, March 10th. In the past two years AIC has raised 4000 yuan, and nearly 13000 yuan respectively. As before, the money raised from the event will be donated mainly to Couleurs De Chine, (Couleurs De Chine is an association founded in 1990 by Francoise Grenot-Wang, which gives priority to supporting young Chinese minorities, especially the young girls from the Miao, Dong and Yao minorities who are deprived of their rights to study but are keen and very eager to learn).

Last Saturday was a bright sunny day. Both students and staff were so excited that some gathered early, preparing for all the games and decorations, setting up the tables and chairs, and blowing balloons. Lots to do for such an exciting event.

Around 10am, Frank gave a warm welcome speech to everyone, and explained the purpose of the event, the key values connected to this event and the itinerary for the day. A key point was that, everyone should buy and use the AIC coins, rather than cash (to simplify the transaction and collection of

donations), for transactions. His speech was followed by some wonderful performances from our talented students. The introduction was rounded off by another speech from representatives of AIC Parents Association to wish everyone could win many prizes from the games and most importantly, enjoy the AIC Fun day!

One could feel the enjoyment on the running track where all the booths were located. The games offered were varied, ranging from basketball free throwing, archery, popping balloons, to drawing bags, twister … However, the most exciting game was sponge throwing at Chris, our Director. Poor Chris, but as he said, all for charity! Fortunately this was also the most popular event. We also had a wild range of food from Chinese style food: Chinese tea eggs, Taiwan style rice, meatballs etc. to western style pizza.

While everyone was busy enjoying the fun moment, the singing competition took place in the theater, but a lot of us didn’t have the chance to witness the competition. Luckily, the top 3 competitors performed again at the closing ceremony. AIC staff member Elisabeth and DP2 student Butogwa won the first prize.

Congratulations to them! All of the performances were wonderful. Both students and teachers had a chance to show their talents for singing.

In addition to all the fun crazy games and competitions, we had a football match and a basketball match for our mutual entertainment, students playing against their teachers and parents! The football match ended as 5:2 with the students winning. Congratulations to these exuberant youths.

Time flies when you are having fun. The event drew to a close in the afternoon whilst everybody was still elated. We all re-grouped in the theater where the closing ceremony was held. The lucky draw was definitely a highlight, catching everybody’s attention. Many of us had some useful household items as prizes, like laundry liquid, coffee cup, IWODE T-shirt, vase set, etc.

The third parent-child charity Fun Day was a success. We would like to thank members of AIC Parent Association, parents, all the students, staff and faculty for supporting the event and making a success. Most of the fund raised from the event will go to the Couleurs De Chine.

Page 3: MONTHLY Issue 5 201… · 的导师小组的集会主题是“ 人际关系”,这激发了观众反思自己与朋友及家人的关系,并且重审了浪漫的

Newsletter Issue 5 03

Page 4: MONTHLY Issue 5 201… · 的导师小组的集会主题是“ 人际关系”,这激发了观众反思自己与朋友及家人的关系,并且重审了浪漫的

AIC亲子慈善日饶展兰 译

3 月 10 日,由 AIC 家委会组织,AIC 全体师生参与支持的年度大型社区活动 —— 第三届 AIC Fun Day(亲子慈善日)正式开始了。在过去两年里,首届 AIC Fun Day 筹集了 4000元,去年则筹集了将近 13000 元的善款。跟以往一样,此次活动所得善款我们将捐赠给慈善机构 —— 中国色彩。(“ 中国色彩 ” 成立于 1990 年,由 Francoise Grenot-Wang 创立,优先资助中国少数民族特别是苗族,侗族,瑶族那些没有机会上学但急切盼望学习的年轻女孩。)


上午 10 点左右,Frank 上台为慈善活动致辞,他非常感谢参与本次活动的 AIC 社区成员,并向大家讲解了活动的目的和当天的行程安排。活动的一个关键点是:此次活动不以现金交易,而是使用 AIC 的代币,以此简化捐款流程。演讲结束后,我们多才多艺的学生给大家带来了精彩的表演。开幕式以我校家委会主席的致辞圆满结束,她祝愿大家能在比赛中获得奖品,并享受 AIC 亲子慈善日!

各种各样的游戏在跑道摊位上增添了无限乐趣。我们准备了各种有趣的游戏,比如自由投篮、射箭、扔气球、绘画书包、扭扭乐 …… 然而,最激动人心的游戏是向我们的主任 Chris

抛海绵。可怜的 Chris,但正如他所说,所做的一切都是为了慈善!幸好这项活动也是最受大家欢迎的。我们还准备了既有像茶叶蛋,台湾卤肉饭,肉丸的中式食物又有像披萨这样的西式风味食物。

正当大家都在享受这个有趣的时刻时,我们的歌唱比赛在剧院同步进行着,很多人没有机会目睹比赛的过程,但是我们在闭幕式时欣赏了前三名选手的表演。AIC 教师 Elisabeth 和DP2 学生 Butogwa 在此次歌唱比赛中获得了一等奖。祝贺她们!所有的表演都很棒,不仅学生,还有我们也发掘了一些老师的歌唱天赋。

除了这些好玩的游戏和唱歌比赛外,我们还有一场足球和篮球比赛,学生们与老师和家长进行 PK !足球比赛最终以 5:2 结束。祝贺这些朝气蓬勃的学生取得胜利。

时间在大家欢声笑语中飞逝,下午活动结束时大家仍兴高采烈。最后我们又重新回到剧院举行闭幕式。幸运抽奖绝对是闭幕式中的一个亮点,这吸引了所有人的关注,大部分人都抽到了实用的家居用品,如洗衣液,咖啡杯,IWODE T 恤,花瓶套装等。

最后,我们第三届亲子慈善日取得了圆满成功。 感谢家委会,家长,所有学生和教师为这项活动取得圆满成功所做的努力。我们将把该活动筹集的大部分善款用于 AIC 社 “ 中国色彩 ” 慈善事业。

Page 5: MONTHLY Issue 5 201… · 的导师小组的集会主题是“ 人际关系”,这激发了观众反思自己与朋友及家人的关系,并且重审了浪漫的

Newsletter Issue 5 05

Yueying and William Assembly

On Friday March 23, students and staff gathered to enjoy an extravaganza of musical and dramatic delight. The assembly of Yueying and William’s mentor group had the theme of relationships, and provoked those present to reflect on their own interactions with friends and family, as well think about the real meaning of romance.The first treat in this line-up was a song, performed by the DP1 Chinese Ab initio class – Sorry, my Chinese is not that good. This fun, cheerful song highlighted the bond of friendship between the international students on stage, as they need to face similar difficulties living away from home (as well as singing this song on stage!!) but can succeed and even enjoy their time with the support of a group. Grade 10 Aro and grade 9 Sunny linked all of these sections together with their expert M.C. skills.The theme of friendship was continued by an informative presentation including many gems of wisdom from famous writers collected by Tony in grade 9. This provided the background for a simple but extremely exciting game – how well do you know your friend? The premise of this game is that pairs of friends both have to answer a set of questions about one of them and the teams receive points for matching answers. Family was the next form of relationship, and the link between children and their parents was highlighted with a video and performance of the song from the classic TV show Baba qu

nar? (Where are we going Daddy?) This linked to a dramatic production, written by students about an elderly man with no family, taken in by a father and son. This piece acted as a social commentary of some of the real issues of the older generations, as well as the importance of human kindness in modern life.Our final section was focused on romance, and opened with a Chinese rap song performed by Kevin in DP1. This was a song about the feelings of a young man after breaking up with his girlfriend. This was followed by a video of interviews conducted with married couples working in AIC. Although there were several questions, the general theme was,” what are the most important things in a long term relationship?” And although flowers and chocolates might be nice, true romance is putting another person’s needs as being more important than your own. This of course is the same key feature of any meaningful relationship.

By Yueying

Page 6: MONTHLY Issue 5 201… · 的导师小组的集会主题是“ 人际关系”,这激发了观众反思自己与朋友及家人的关系,并且重审了浪漫的


stnemeriuer muminim era noitacilbup


3 月 23 日,星期五,学生和教职工欢聚在学校礼堂,欣赏着音乐和戏剧的欢乐。Yueying 和 William的导师小组的集会主题是 “ 人际关系 ”,这激发了观众反思自己与朋友及家人的关系,并且重审了浪漫的真谛。

在这个系列中,第一个节目是由部分 DP1 国际学生带来的歌曲《对不起,我的中文不太好》。这首欢快、有趣的歌曲突出了国际学生之间的友谊,虽然他们都面临远离家乡的问题,(也包括在舞台上唱这首中文歌遇到的的挑战),但他们却能在相互的支持下顺利完成并享受他们的表演。10 年级的 Aro 和 9 年级的 Sunny 用他们娴熟的主持技巧将活动的所有部分紧密的联系在一起。

9 年级的 Tony 根据收集的名人名言,再次对人际关系的主题做了一个的生动演讲。这为一个简单而刺激的游戏提供了背景 —— 您对您的朋友有多了解?这款游戏的前提是,两个好友回答一组关于他们其中之一的一些基本问题,然后根据他们答案的匹配率得分。


我们的最后一个环节主要讲的是浪漫,首先由 DP1 Kevin 演唱了一首中国的饶舌歌曲开场。这首歌主要是关于一个年轻人失恋后的感受。接下来是一段视频,内容是对一些在 AIC 工作的已婚夫妇的采访。尽管只有几个问题,但总的主题是:“ 在长期的感情中最重要的是什么? ” 尽管鲜花和巧克力很不错,但真正的浪漫是把对方的需求放在自己的需求之上。这无疑也是任何有意义的人际关系的关键特征。

Yueying 和 William 的集会

Michelle 译

Page 7: MONTHLY Issue 5 201… · 的导师小组的集会主题是“ 人际关系”,这激发了观众反思自己与朋友及家人的关系,并且重审了浪漫的

Newsletter Issue 5 07

CAS Trip -- Dragon

AIC will carry out the volunteer-travelling activities in May. In our general knowledge about May, it represents labor and the consciousness of unity. This would be one of the most important points in this activity.

The four-day event (from May 1st to May 4th) is, as usual, divided into four big groups called Houses. Among the four groups, we will focus on the news of Dragon House. Dragon House will go to Qingyuan and Conghua, and all relevant pre-trip arrangements have been made. According to the plan, students will visit the residential areas and experience the life and culture of the local people. Throughout the trip, the spirit of serving others and working actively will be promoted.

Students showed unprecedented enthusiasm when preparing for the trip and actively cooperated with teachers in organizing the trip. They

eagerly completed the assignment according to the requirements and planed the related activities. Students’ engagement helped improve their organizational skills as well as self-motivation. We hope that the trip will enable Chinese students to learn from real life experience, and foreign students to broaden their horizon and understand the Chinese culture more.

The design of the trip and related activities is based on the concept of Service in CAS, promoting service as well as the idea of learning by doing to ensure the development of well-rounded and diversified students.

Specific activities: visiting senior homes, going to local parks to do cleaning-up and creating a good public environment for local people. We hope that the citizens of Conghua and Qingyuan can feel the enthusiasm and active involvement of AIC students.

CAS 户外项目周 -- 龙队

AIC 将于五月进行旅行义工活动。正如大家所知道的,五月象征着劳动,象征着团结意识,这将会是此次活动的重点之一。

此 次 为 期 四 天 ( 五 月 一 日 至 五月四日 ) 的活动依旧按照四个学院(House)来分配。其中四个分组当中我们将采访并着重报道一下 dragon house 的消息。dragon house 将前往清远和从化。大家在旅游之前已经完成了所有相关的安排。按照计划同学们会走访居民区,体验当地人的生活和文化。并着重发扬服务他人,积极劳动的精神。



这次活动中我们也将坚持贯彻AIC 为人服务的理念,以实践教育为本质,保证培养全面发展的多元化学生。

具体活动:这一次的义工活动我们不仅要走访多个老人院,还会自发前往公园清理杂物。为当地市民创造便利,营造一个良好的公共环境。让从化和清远的市民体会到 AIC 同学们的热情和积极。

By Dragon House

龙队 著

Page 8: MONTHLY Issue 5 201… · 的导师小组的集会主题是“ 人际关系”,这激发了观众反思自己与朋友及家人的关系,并且重审了浪漫的

Lion House CAS Trip

The Lion House will go on a four-day CAS trip on 1st May 2018 to the destination of Zhu Hai which is approximately 100kms away from school. This trip will include services such as a cultural performance in front of a shopping mall, entertaining the elderly in a nursing home, and cleaning up a polluted beach. While serving at the nursing home shows kindness to the elder generation and spreading Chinese culture, cleaning up the beach is basically about showing respect for nature. We also will get a bit of exercise at other times.

While we are at the nursing home, we will help the elderly organize their rooms; clean up the general facilities and entertain the residents. We will bring our own cleaning supplies and prepare a series of performances beforehand, including the playing of various musical instruments and singing. A major problem for the residents of the nursing home can be loneliness. Our house members will share personal and interesting stories to entertain them.

It is always a pleasure to spend some time at the beach. Unfortunately, some people throw garbage on the sandy shore. As a service to our community, the Lion house will clean up the beach at Zhu Hai by picking up the garbage which is hidden in the sand. We will probably spend the whole afternoon doing this so that we can pick up as much trash as possible. Finally, we are going to set up signs for tourists to help raise awareness about protecting the environment and keeping it clean.

We will also be visiting a root carving factory near Doumen ancient street, where we will create short films with our mobile phones and take photographs for a photography presentation upon return to school. On the last day, we are going to trek close to the hotel, exploring the surrounding area while enjoying each other’s company. We will end our trip around 3pm on the 4th of May, and will arrive back at school around 5pm.

狮子队的 CAS 之旅饶展兰 译

狮子队将于 2018 年 5 月 1 日前往距离学校约 100 公里的珠海,进行为期 4 天的 CAS 之行。这次旅行将包括诸如在购物中心前的文化表演,为敬老院老人带去欢乐以及清理被污染的海滩等服务。服务老人,表达了对老一辈人的关心和传播了敬老的中华文化;清理海滩则表现了是对自然的尊重。在空余时间我们也会做一些其他活动。



我们还将参观斗门古街附近的根雕工厂,我们将在那里用手机拍摄短片,并在重返学校后进行照片展示。在最后一天,我们要在酒店附近跋涉,探索周边地区,同时享受彼此的陪伴。我们将于 5 月 4 日下午 3 点左右结束我们的行程,并将在下午 5 点左右回到学校。

By Lion House

Page 9: MONTHLY Issue 5 201… · 的导师小组的集会主题是“ 人际关系”,这激发了观众反思自己与朋友及家人的关系,并且重审了浪漫的

Newsletter Issue 5 09

We are going to Dongguan to serve the elderly at Zhangmutou Home for the Aged and to help clean up a nearby park, Guanyin Mountain National Park.

When we go to the elderly Zhangmutou Home we will clean their house, and chat with them. We will also prepare some fruit for them to eat, and maybe we will do some brush painting with them. We will have two groups - group 1 will go to elderly home first and group 2 will go to the park for cleaning (we are ordering some tools for picking up the trash), and the next day the two groups will swap their places. This CAS trip will show that we are caring and communicators (from the IB learner profiles), because we need to communicate with the elderly, which is not easy because we have a language barrier with them, and they might not like talking with young people.

We also have leisure activities planned, such as movie night, strawberry picking, cycling and board games.

We expect to achieve the CAS learning outcomes, such as undertaking challenges, and working collaboratively in planning the CAS experience.

This trip will be very interesting for most of us, because I think most students have not gone to an elderly home to help them or have cleaned a park. This will be different from last year because we have some leisure activities. Last year we didn’t have leisure activities. So many students are more excited for this CAS trip.

We put a lot of effort into planning this trip so we hope this trip will be fun and we will help others!

Phoenix House CAS Trip By Phoenix House

Page 10: MONTHLY Issue 5 201… · 的导师小组的集会主题是“ 人际关系”,这激发了观众反思自己与朋友及家人的关系,并且重审了浪漫的

我们的 CAS 旅行将去广东东莞,为樟木头养老院的老人做义工,并帮助清理附近的观音山国家公园的垃圾。

我们去樟木头养老院的时候,我们会帮老人们整理的房间,和他们聊天。我们也会为他们准备一些水果,也许我们还会和他们一起做粉刷墙之类的事。我们队将分为两个小组,第一组先去养老院,第二组去清理公园(我们正在订购一些清理垃圾的工具),第二天,两个小组会交换。这次的 CAS 之旅将展示我们关心他人和善于交流的 IB学习者特征。我们需要与老年人交流,这并不容易,因为我们与他们不仅有语言障碍,他们甚至可能不喜欢和年轻人交谈。


我们期待能够获得 CAS 学习成果,例如敢于挑战,并在计划 CAS 之旅时的团结合作。

这次旅行对我们大多数人来说都会很有趣,因为我想大多数学生都没有去过福利院帮助过老人或者清理公园。与去年有所不同的是,今年我们有一些休闲活动,所以很多学生对这次的 CAS 之旅都充满期待。


凤凰队 CAS 之旅Michelle 译

Watch out, Monkey Kings are going away to Foshan!

By Weisheng Wang

With a long history dating back approximately 5,000 years, Foshan gained its name from the three Buddha statues unearthed in this area in the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Thriving handicraft industries, commerce, and the arts made Foshan one of the four most famous towns in Tang and Song (960-1279) dynasties. It has a reputation as the home of Chinese ceramic arts, Cantonese operas and martial arts. The Monkey King house will go there for a CAS trip in May.

The trip will last for 4 days and 3 nights. On Day 1, we will go to help arrange the shared bikes at Zumiao Road in the afternoon and use our creativity to make our own food at the BBQ party in the evening. On the morning of Day 2, we will go to the Rescue Station for Homeless People to do service. In the afternoon, we will go to Nanfeng Kiln to create our potteries. On the morning of Day 3, we will do service at Foshan School of Children

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Newsletter Issue 5 11

of Special Needs. We will bake cookies with the children, tell them interesting stories, teach them English and play some games with them. On that afternoon, we will go to Cultural Park to ride bicycles. On the Morning of Day 4, we will go to Qinghui Garden to pick up the trash there. This activity will not only help make the garden cleaner, but also make the public be aware of environmental protection. On that afternoon, come back to AIC. This CAS trip to Foshan will give us valuable experience of being creative and caring.

The CAS trip is aimed at improving our students’ communication skills it will make the students become more principled, also, during the CAS trip Monkey Kings will take care of their partners, there will be no danger when in our protection. Also, being IB students, we need to be good thinkers, we have already planned our trip, and we thought a lot about our service. We will improve ourselves during the amazing CAS trip by Monkey Kings!!!

饶展兰 译

佛山的历史可追溯到五千年以前,它的名字源于唐代(618-907)挖掘的三尊佛像。繁荣的手工业,商业和艺术品使佛山成为唐宋四大名镇之一(960-1279)。佛山有中国陶瓷艺术品、粤剧和武术之乡的美誉。猴王队将于五月前往佛山进行 CAS 之旅。

此次旅行将持续 4 天 3 夜。在第一天下午,我们将在祖庙路摆放好共享自行车,并在晚上的烧烤派对上制作创意食品。第二天早上,我们将去救援站帮助无家可归的人。下午,我们将去南丰古灶制作陶器。第三天上午,我们将在佛山市特殊儿童学校做义工。我们将与孩子们一起烤饼干;为他们讲有趣的故事;教他们英语,并与他们一起玩游戏。当天下午,我们将去文化公园骑自行车。在第四天的早晨,我们将去清晖园捡拾垃圾。这项活动不仅有助于花园的清洁,而且能让公众提高保护环境意识。当天下午,我们将回归 AIC。此次佛山之行将为我们提供创意和懂得关怀他人的宝贵经验。

CAS 之旅旨在提高我们学生的沟通技巧,让学生变得更自律。同时,在 CAS 之旅期间,猴王队的成员将会彼此照应,减少危险的发生率。此外,作为 IB 学生,我们要勇于思考,所以我们计划了我们的旅行,并且对我们的服务项目投入很多心思。我们将在精彩的 CAS 之旅中提升自己!

注意,猴王队要去佛山啦 !

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Liannan CAS Trip

In May 2018, AIC students will get on board a 4-day journey to Liannan, located in the north of the Guangdong province. Many activities have been planned to do in Liannan, thus many goals will be set for us to achieve.

On the first day, we will volunteer in the nursing home, where we will help the elders to clean their houses, share our stories and do a performance for them.

On the second day, we will participate in a BBQ competition, where we will be given a fixed amount of money to come up

By Liannan trip organisers

with original, creative dishes. This will allow us to demonstrate collaborative teamwork and learn to share our voices.

During the Liannan trip, we have many goals and learning outcomes to accomplish.

- Explore, learn about and make connections with the traditional Liannan culture.

- Take responsibility for managing and organizing activities.

- Demonstrate perseverance and commitment to all activities.

- Present the IB Learner Profile attributes over the course of the trip.

- Learn to work collaboratively, effectively and effciently with the team.

- Be able to step out of our comfort zones and share our voices.

Each of the activities will lead AIC students to approach different learning outcomes.

By the end of the trip, we should have upgraded ourselves to a more knowledgeable and extroverted IB learner who is willing to take risks.

连南之旅饶展兰 译

2018 年 5 月 1 日,AIC 学生们将去往美丽的连南(位于广东省清远市)完成这个学期为期四天的CAS 旅行。在前往之前,我们做了大量准备工作。

第一天,我们将去敬老院完成志愿者工作,为他们带去欢乐同时也会帮老人们打扫卫生,我们还准备了一些故事和表演节目准备和他们一起分享。第二天,我们将举办一次 BBQ 竞争 , 我们将会奖励做出最具有创造性的菜肴的小组。 在活动中能体现我们的协作团队精神 , 学会分享我们的意义。我们还将去游

岭连南小学支教。在那里我们将会教那里的学生一些基本英语用语和他们一起玩耍。第三天,我们将去连南民族高级中学和当地学生交流。我们将会和他们一起玩 bench ball, 我们也会和他们分享我们学习英语的经验,在这些活动结束后,我们会变得对自己更自信和敢于挑战。除此之外,我们还将参观连南当地的博物馆,去学习和了解一些关于连南本土风情和文化。相信这 4 天下来充实的安排能为我们留下一次深刻而又独特的经历。

在旅行过程中,我们还需要目标等着我们去实现与完成, 他们分别是:探索、学习和联系传统文化。

— 对计划好的活动进行管理和


— 展示毅力和对履行对所有活动的承诺。

— 在旅行过程中展示与体现 IB精神

— 学会工作协作 , 有效和高效的团队。

-— 能够走出自己的舒适区 , 分享我们的声音与看法。

每个活动将会让 AIC 学生从不同方面获得学习机会,并得到学习成果。在这次旅行结束的时候 , 我们应该变得更加知识渊博和外向,愿意承担应承担的风险,做一名合格优秀的 IB 学习者。

Page 13: MONTHLY Issue 5 201… · 的导师小组的集会主题是“ 人际关系”,这激发了观众反思自己与朋友及家人的关系,并且重审了浪漫的

Newsletter Issue 5 13

AIC would like to invite the current Grade 10 students and their parents to the Subject Selection Information Afternoon. The event is scheduled to start at 14:30 on April 20th, 2018 in the AIC Theatre. In this event Grade 10 students and their parents will learn about the IB Diploma Program and the DP requirements.

Additionally, students and their parents will have the opportunity to talk to teachers and the University Counsellor informally at the end of the session to ask questions they may have. This event is organized so that students and parents become aware of the IB Diploma Program, subjects students can choose from, and the process and procedures involved in selecting subjects for the IBDP at AIC.

We would also like you to know that during April and early May, mentors, and DP students will share their knowledge and experience of the IBDP to help Grade 10 students with their subject choices as well. It is important for our Grade 10 students to listen to these informal conversations in their mentor groups, to ask questions they may have, and to utilize the support system at school to make well-informed decisions.

The current Grade 10 students will have to make their choices by May 11, 2018 and submit their completed forms to Lynda, their L2L teacher and school librarian. Once these forms are collected, student will be invited to meet with Bob, Chris or Lynda to discuss their subject choices. The purpose of this activity is to check that the course chosen is possible and suitable for the individual student.

We look forward to seeing all the parents and our Grade 10 students on that day. Please, arrive early to make sure that you do not miss any important information.

By Bob

IB 课程 2018-2019 学年选课信息会

亚加达国际预科(AIC)特此邀请 10 年级的学生和家长参加于本月20 日下午 14:30 在学校举行的选课信息会。此次活动主要向 10 年级的学生及家长详细介绍 IB 文凭课程以及完成文凭的学术要求。


校老师以及负责学生升学的老师。这次举办信息介绍会的主要目的是让学生和家长更好地了解文凭课程(IBDP), 学校在下个学年所开设的课程,以及选课的程序。

此外,在四月及五月初,我们的导师,DP 年级的学长学姐们也会与同学们分享有关 IBDP 课程的一些知识和个人体会,以帮助学生更好地选择适合自己的学科。在导师组进行分享时,Grade 10 的学生要认真倾听,提出问题,确保了解了足够的信息,并利用学校的支持系统


10 年级的同学们需要在今年五月十一号前做好科目的选择,然后递交填写完整的选课表给图书馆老师 Lynda。 一旦提交,每个学生分别需要与主任 Bob,Chris,和 Lynda老师就所选的课程进行面谈,其目的是再次确认同学们选定的课程是适合他们学习的,是最佳的选择。

我们期望所有的 10 年级学生及家长都能准时出席会议。请尽量早点到,以防遗漏重要消息。

Page 14: MONTHLY Issue 5 201… · 的导师小组的集会主题是“ 人际关系”,这激发了观众反思自己与朋友及家人的关系,并且重审了浪漫的

AIC Conducted a Fire Drill

In order to increase AIC community’s awareness of fire safety, AIC conducted an unannounced fire drill on the afternoon of March 13.

Chris, Academic Director of AIC, meticulously formulated the drill plan in light of our current situations

By Michelle

and allocated the responsibilities to specific staff to ensure the success of the fire drill. For example, an emergency team consisting of faculty and administration was set up; a fire drill coordinator was appointed, and floor wardens were assigned to make sure that

everybody evacuated the building.

The alarm went off, and the teachers and floor wardens reacted promptly and worked closely to help evacuate students from the building according to the fire drill plan.

After everyone evacuated to the assembly points located at the football pitch, teachers in each mentor group immediately checked the number of students in each mentor group to make sure that each and every student had safely evacuated. The mentor would raise green card to indicate that all the students in their group were present. If students were found to be absent, they would be registered on the form.

This fire drill went smoothly due to careful arrangements and thorough preparations as well as routine training. AIC boarders conducted similar fire drill the week before. As David Cao, the Executive Director stressed, “time is the most important thing for escaping from a fire. Fire drills are something we do to ensure the safety of the community members.

It is known that the dense smoke from the conflagration is very toxic, and once the building is on fire, it will only give people three to five minutes to escape. These fire drills do not only enhance the teachers’ and students' knowledge about fire safety, and improve their ability to cope with emergencies, but also remind families and society that “we must not be negligent with fire safety.”

Page 15: MONTHLY Issue 5 201… · 的导师小组的集会主题是“ 人际关系”,这激发了观众反思自己与朋友及家人的关系,并且重审了浪漫的

Newsletter Issue 5 15AIC 开展消防安全应急


为提高师生的消防安全意识,切实保障师生在突发事件来临时的生命安全,3 月 13 日下午 AIC 举行了消防应急疏散演练。

为了保障演练的效果、演练的安全保护,教学主任 Chris 先生结合实际情况认真细致的制定了演练活动方案,明确职责要求。例如,成立了演练应急小组,分教学及行政两大组别;设立消防演习协调员;设立楼层监督员,确保在疏散过程中有着清晰指引。



这次演练如此之迅速有序,不仅仅得益于这次演练的细心安排和准备,而且还得益于我校每年都会认真组织相关活动,真正做到切实保障学生的安全。如上周三晚上 9时 15 分,住宿生在宿舍楼率先完成了消防应急演习。正如曹旭东执行董事强调的:“ 时间,是消防逃生最重要的。AIC 组织的多次演习是让所有学生、教职工增强自我保护意识。“


浓烟毒性非常强,一旦住宅发生火灾,留给人们的黄金逃生时间也就只有 3-5分钟。通过此次消防安全应急演习,不仅是增强了师生的消防常识,提高学校应对突发事件的应急能力,更是为了带动家庭、倡导全社会要时刻牢记 “ 消防安全不可疏忽大意 ”。

黄建文 著

Fire DrillBy Andrew James.CARR-HYDE

One of the highest priorities in the dorm is ensuring the safety of our students. It is something that is always on our minds and we try to ensure that in all aspects of the AIC dorm, safety is the first consideration.

With this in mind, we conducted a

fire drill on March 7, 2018. During the previous dorm meeting students were prepped on how to respond when they hear a fire alarm and what the procedures are in such a scenario. At around 9:30pm we set off the alarm. As expected the alarm sounded throughout the dorm and could clearly be heard anywhere, loud enough to wake up anyone sleeping. All doors automatically

opened and emergency lighting came on. I’m pleased to say that students acted as instructed and calmly walked to their nearest exits, without rushing or panic. We were able to leave the building and assemble in under two minutes. Once students were all accounted for we all returned to the dorm.

However, as ever, we want to ensure that our procedures are as effective

Page 16: MONTHLY Issue 5 201… · 的导师小组的集会主题是“ 人际关系”,这激发了观众反思自己与朋友及家人的关系,并且重审了浪漫的

as possible, so we will be conducting a few more announced and then unannounced drills. By doing so, we hope to refine the procedures further and ensure everyone reacts instantly in the event of a real fire. We are ever vigilant against possible causes of fire as well, and ask for cooperation from students and parents in this regard.

Although we all hope never to need it, there are extinguishers, hoses and sprinkler systems throughout the dorms. As such, we can be reassured that we are well prepared in the event of a fire.

消防演习Michelle 译

学生宿舍里最重要的事情之一就是确保我们学生的安全。这是也是我们一直关注的事情,我们尽力确保宿舍各方面的安全 。

考虑到这一点,我们在 2018 年 3 月 7 日进行了一次消防演习。在之前的宿舍会议上,学生们已经被告知在听到火警警报时该如何应对。晚上 9:30 左右,我们拉响了火警警报。正如预期的那样,警报声响彻整个宿舍楼,在任何地方都能听到,响亮的警报,足以惊醒任何熟睡的人。所有的门和紧急照明都自动打开了。我很欣慰地说,学生们都按照指示行事,不慌不忙的从最近的出口离开。我们最终在两分钟内离开了宿舍大楼并集合在一起。在清点完学生后,我们再次返回宿舍大楼。



Reading Graphic novels 阅读图画小说

The Graphic Novel collection is becoming more and more popular, probably because this form of book is such a fun way to read an exciting story!

Bii (DP2) really enjoys graphic novels, here’s the latest one she tried! Her comment was “Like a graphic novel of Sherlock Holmes”

The good thing about a series is that if you like one, you have many more to read!

You can even get amazing non- fiction to help you understand ideas, like this “Manga guide to the Universe”

All reading is good so come

and try a graphic novel…

or two!


Bii (DP2) 真的很喜欢图画小说 ,,她最近看的是这部作品!她的评论是 " 像夏洛克 · 福尔摩斯的图画小说一样 "。


你甚至可以看一本令人惊叹的非小说来帮助你理解想法,比如这本 “Manga guide to the Universe”。

所有的阅读书籍都很好,所以可以来图书馆借一本图画小说 ...... 或者两本!

By Lynda Michelle 译

The Slam Dunk and Maximum Ride series are great reads too.《男儿当入樽》和《疾速天使》系列也很受读者欢迎!

Manga guide to the Universe

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