Page 1: Month 8 Endocrine and Chakras - YogaLife Institute 8: Yoga for Endocrine Function •Glands and Hormones •Chakra-Endocrine Link •Role of Beliefs Month 8 Announcements •Program

Month 8:Yoga for Endocrine Function

•Glands and Hormones•Chakra-Endocrine Link

•Role of Beliefs

Month 8 Announcements

• Program Level III Questions?

Month 8 Overview Saturday

• Endocrine Anatomy• Endocrine Practices• Belief System Drives Endocrine/Chakras• Chakra Practices with Kristen• Money Relationship• Seminar Review• Giving Lectures Review

Month 8 Overview Sunday

• Meditation and Endocrine System• Home Study Review• Sound and Chakras with Mark Moliterno

Page 2: Month 8 Endocrine and Chakras - YogaLife Institute 8: Yoga for Endocrine Function •Glands and Hormones •Chakra-Endocrine Link •Role of Beliefs Month 8 Announcements •Program

Month 8Yoga Therapist Tip

• Discussion of Yoga Therapycase studies during the month.

• Questions?• Insights?

Yoga Therapist Tip:One-to-One Check-in

• During your practice sessions thisweekend and in the future, know it is ok toask a student how they feel things aregoing.

• This is only needed after a few sessionsprogress; keep the Feedback loop open!

Check-in Questions

• Take less than 5 minutes for this exercisebut it can help the student feel free to offerfeedback as necessary:– Yoga Therapist may say:

• Is this exercise making sense to you?• How do I come across to you?• What do you need from me?• Is there something I can do better?

5 Minutes Max for Check-In

• Do not dwell on these questions• Just keep the feedback loop open.

• You may also do a Student Check-in– How are you doing with your homework?– Are you patient with yoga and yourself?– What motivates you?– Relevant questions for them.

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Chakra System Chakra System Overview

• Draw Your Own Chakra Chart• Tree Model• Use symbols for each Chakra Area• Connect Chakras that overlap• Use lecture to trigger insights

Energetic System

• Kundalini Upanishad describes howChakras energy systems relate to bodysystems

• Yogic Chakra system spoke of glandularactivities before science

• Practices balanced bodily hormonesbefore they were discovered/understood

Endocrine System via Chakras

• Belief System is the key for Yoga’s relationto glands

• Science in infancy regarding Endocrine• Yoga relates to glands for centuries• We know that stress disrupts subtle

functions of body• Next survey of Yoga for Glands via Chakra


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Chakra Imbalance Exercise

• Brainstorm various lifestyle imbalanceswith regard to Chakras that confuseglandular function

• What mind-body impact(s) does thatlifestyle have on the glands asdemonstrated by language of the affectedChakra(s)?

• Encourage Chakra Drawing exercises inthese situations (and others in life)

Chakra Self-Assessment

• Using facets of Chakras discussed, go in-depth with your current situation(s)

• Recognize that Chakra imbalancesprobably mean imbalances in thecorresponding gland/glandular area

• Do your own Chakra Drawings tomaterialize these imbalances

View Chakras in 3 Dimensions

• Seek to understand subtle relationshipsbetween various chakras versus fallinginto a linear approach where each Chakrastands in isolation.

• Western thinking isolates• Holistic approaches considers multiple


Chakra-Gland Link begins withCrown

• Hypothalamus – Master Gland(coordinates both neural impulses andblood signals)

• Directly impacts pituitary and adrenals• Pituitary Gland – “Master Gland”

(influences many glands, stimulated byhypothalamus)

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Yoga Practices for Crown

• Inversions and forward folds (head surrendered); child’spose and rabbit/Yoga mudra

• Balanced lifestyle (diet, exercise, attitude, stress, beliefs,etc.)

• Alternate nostril breathing (olfactory sense links directlyto hypothalamus and limbic system)

• Corpse pose (promote relaxation to realign circadianhypothalamic cycles)

• Brahmari (humming bee) breath (direct vibration in skull)• Spiritually Driven Personal Practices/Chanting

Chakra 6: 3rd Eye, Pineal Gland

• Meditation, visualization• Yoni mudra (light sensitive)• Complete head inversions• Upward bow, Cobra• Child’s pose, Yoga mudra• Silent mantra for the Third Eye (sat nam)• Yoga Nidra

Chakra 5: Throat Chakra• Jaladhara Bandha and neck articulations• Throat stretches (as in pigeon, camel, cat/cow, and fish)• Inversions such as shoulderstand, plow and bridge

poses• Ujjayi breathing• Chanting (deep vibrations)• Perception (meaning) of Sound• **Note the the above three glands are in very close

proximity and thus asanas and pranayamas are usuallysimilar

Chakra 4, Heart: Thymus• Naturally atrophies with age, important predominantly in

early development• Heart openers with deep chest breathing (such as cobra,

proud pigeon, fish, boat, bow, bridge, support heartopener, etc)

• Supporting Poses like Childs, focusing on Back of HeartChakra

• Pranayama such as ujjayi and kapalabhati

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Chakra 3: Fire: Pancreas• Seated twists and forward folds• Yoga Mudra• Uddiyana Bandha• Prone postures with rooting abdomen (sphinx, bow,

locust)• Kapalabhati• Yogic diet (natural foods, limiting refined ingredients)

Chakra 3: Fire, Pancreas

• Too little Fire, balance with warmingexercises

• Breath of Fire, Bellows Breathing• Twists• Core Stregnthening/Toning, rapid• Hero, Warrior poses with Attitude

Similar Practices

• Similar to Crown and 3rd Eye,

• Practices for Root and Water Chakrasare similar;

Chakra 2 Water: Adrenals• (Non-vigorous asanas and pranayamas by default

decreases stress hormone)• Side bends and twists (supine knee-down twist, simple

side bend, triangle)• Forward folds and backbends (cat/cow, wheel pose,

camel)• Diaphragmatic breathing• Restorative yoga and relaxation to reset and decrease

sympathetic response to stress• Karma Yoga precepts for perceived stress reduction• Relaxation Yoga Nidra• Sublimation of sexual/creative energy

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Chakra1: Root

• Moola and Uddiyana Bandhas• Goddess, yogic squat, bridge• Prone postures with rooting pelvis (cobra,

bow, crocodile, frog, seated mountain)• Dietary choices (bio-similar estrogen-like

compounds in vegetables)

Psychosomatic Aspect of YogaPhilosophy

• 7th Chakra and 4th Chakra connectionexample:

• Theory – Quote for Study: Yoga SutrasBook II, Verse 44 “From Study andRepetition of Mantras communion with thedesired deity is established.”

• II, 45 From Devotion to God,Samadhi is attained.”

Belief System;Align Changing and Constant

• Rigid beliefs are the core problem withaltering behaviors.

• This translates as Crown Chakra andpituitary.

• Knowing the true Psycho-spiritualtransformation occurs when the beliefsystem aligns with reality. The endocrinesystem responds to this.

Spiritual Exercises• Power of any exercise that aligns a person to a larger

reality (Spiritual Experience)• Practice chanting where folks let go of themselves.• Mention how music is powerful.• Laughter – Anatomy of an Illness, do some laughter

exercises.• Be in Awe of Nature• Religious experiences: have a person utilize religious

beliefs to motivate daily practices.• Hatha Yoga or Meditation

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Daily Spiritual Practice Helps

• Discuss the power of helping honor aperson’s Spiritual or Religious beliefs inthe role of health to the glands andencouraging the person to practice thoseeach day, not just on Sat/Sunday at theTemple.

Connecting to Higher Reality

• 5 Yoga Personality Types:• Bhakti: Moment of Prayer• Tantra: Spiritual Practice• Raja: Meditation• Karma: Practicing in the Moment• Jnana: Self Inquiry

Chakra Yoga Practice Root and Water ChakraExercises

• Feet Wake Up Exercise (w/ tennis ball)• Balancing Poses connect with 3rd Eye• Proprioception and Concentration• Moola Bandha• Moon Salutation/Goddess Pose Sequence

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Feet Wake Up Exercise

• (w/ tennis ball)

Balancing Poses

• Connect with 3rd Eye• Concentration to abate worry• Proprioception and Balance• Balancing on one foot

Moola Bandha

• Practice Squat with root contraction• Level 1, normal breathing.• Level 2, suspend breath.• Level 3, retain breath.

Goddess Pose Sequence

• Practice sequence with sense of rootness.• Also, feel creative energy flowing.

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Meditation Exercise

• Affirm the power of Meditation• Advanced practice• For students, use the mind-quieting

practice that suits their level.


Client Guidelines &Charging Fees Homework

• Concise info for client to direct.• Custom made to your population• Includes fees chart• Includes Yoga Therapist expectations of

clients• Schedule• Special points for your audience• Show to studio owner

How to Charge Fees

• Going rate for your geographic area• Offers? Free Phone Consult? First

Session Half Price?• Fee usually $10 higher than Private Yoga

Class• Package of 5 is usually $10 off each

session; $75 per one session; 5 x 65 =$325

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Relationship to Host Studio

• Studios may rent you space for 10 to 20per hour.

• Studio takes a percentage; depends onwho finds the client. Higher percent if thestudio brings the client in versus youbringing the client to the studio.

• We feel Yoga Therapist makes $40 to $50per session, $50 is best. Studios may seeit otherwise, be open with the policy!

Expectations of Student

• Yoga student expected to do practice athome.

• Ideal to bring in written questions or studytopics

• Keep a yoga journal, for some• Go to a weekly yoga class• Your Choice

Cancelation Policy

• Have a policy.• You don’t have to enforce it.• Most require 24 hours notice of

cancelation• You may say 50% or 25% due if class

missed. You have to pay rent, etc.• Each Niche is different.

Homework; Write Your Policy

• One page of simple points• Make it a Rough Draft, can be handwritten• You can write it now!• Month 9, we will review these in groups• You will be able to edit this• Discover how your own boundaries

function and the benefits of clarity!

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Money Homework Exercise

• Briefly Review Answers

• Discuss any Questions

Money ExerciseDigging down to the Roots

• Complete  the  following  sentenceswith  the  first  words  that  come  tomind.  Don't  censure  what  you  get  orlook  for  the  “right”  answer.  Letyourself  go  with  your  very  firstreac@on.  And  do  it  quickly.  You  canalways  change  your  responses  later.

• Exercise from the book: Overcoming Under Earning byBarbara Stanny

1. My biggest fear about money…

2. My father felt money was…

3. My mother felt money was…

4. In my family, money caused…

5.  My  early  experience  with  money  was…

6.  Money  equals…

7.  I'm  afraid  if  I  had  more  money,  I  would..

8.  In  order  to  have  more  money,  I’d  need


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9. When I have money, I usually…

10. If I could afford it, I would…

11. People with money are…

12. I’d have more money if…


Seminar Idea Brainstorms

• Join Local Groups for Support• Share ideas for your workshop• You may learn from one another’s ideas• Offer positive feedback• Question areas of weakness• Offer support for improvement

Notice Your SeminarsCreating a Niche

• Notice your Seminar Tendencies• Help define each other’s Niche• List your niche to your group• Examine how your focus has a positive

charge.• I am compelled to help xyz population.

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How to Give a Lecture

• EASI Formula• Exemplify• Amplify• Simplify• Inspire


• Avoid using personal life examples.• Stories: news, fables, observations• Citing Health Research or Philosophy.• Metaphor; Daily life example.• Inspirational Success Case• Historical Perspective• Quote from Well-Known Source.


• Relate the Example to all types of people:• For example: if you were discussing

Asana benefits:• Yoga poses can be adapted – poses for

fitness, PreNatal poses, poses formeditation, poses for stretching, strengthfor overall wellbeing, for the elderly and forkids.


• Summarize your basic message into oneor a few points:

• Yoga teaches that all people need to workon cultivating their consciousness,however, each person’s program isunique!

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• In a normal speech this type of step is themost difficult and may need to be partlyextemporaneous.

• In a Yoga-based seminar, you may inspireby giving the group an activity thatexpresses the message of the openinglecture.

• Now, let’s try a few exercises…

Endocrine System Anatomy

Chakra Self-Assessment II

• Take Chakra Drawings from yesterdayand swap with a friend!

• Analyze assessment• View Chakras as a Hologram• See 7 Chakras at One Hologram

Chakra Drawings viaStudent’s Viewpoint

• Have Student Explain Drawing• Question Assumptions• Be Careful of Your own Projections• Be Careful of Your own quick Judgements• Understand Student’s Perspective

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Lead Studentto Express Connections

• How is this chakra so strong?• Why is this one so weak?• Do you see any relationship there?• What is the cause of this one’s state?• What does it relate to?

Each Chakra is a Hologram

• Tell me more about this front of thischakra, how is it expressed?

• Tell more about the back, how do youreceive in this area?

• What is the history of this Chakra?

View System as aHologram

• How are all the Chakras relating.• Let’s look more at this area, Chakra ABC• What else is related to this Chakra?• What lifestyle factors are related to this


Chakra Drawing: RelationshipsInsights via Shifts in Charts

• Client may draw their Charkas in variousrelationships

• Draw their chart while at work, whatchanges from their personal chakrassystems.

• Draw Chart while at home, while withextended family, in nature, duringchildhood, in any situation

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Chakra Drawings inRelationships

• Draw Students Chakra Chart next to theirspouse or loved one.

• Draw their chart next to any othersituation.

• Examine this in relation to the originalchart.

Chakra Insights

• Use Chakra Insights as you would use anyother information.

• Notice how these insights effect the entiresystem.

From Devotion to Samadhi

• YS II, 44“From study and repetition of mantras

communion with the desired isestablished.”

• YS II, 45“From devotion to God, Samadhi is


Role of Belief Systems

• Beliefs, like all of reality, are changing– Nothing is ever constant– What did you believe 5, 10, 20 years ago?– Rigid beliefs are core problem in altering

behaviors• Link to Crown Chakra and pituitary gland• True psychospiritual transformation occurs

when beliefs align with reality– Endocrine system responds to this

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Realignment Exercises

• ANY exercise that alights to larger reality– Practicing chanting where people let go– Power of music (playing and listening)– Laughter (recall Month 7)– Awe of nature– Religious experiences from your past– Yoga Poses – Connected to Infinite– Many Individual ways.

Religious Beliefs

• Most important to honor others’ personalreligious or spiritual beliefs– No one is “right” in these regards, accept

where we all are• Encourage practice of healthful beliefs

daily (not just Holy day or at the temple)– Health of glands linked to consistant practice

repeated each day, 5 minutes per day betterthan 2 hours one day.

Use Prana Vayus

• Brainstorm how the Prana VayusAssessment can be used.

• Both members can observe how it wouldapply.

• This assessment is used the least forstress management activities, but may berelevant in some situations.

• If not relevant, see Chakra relationships

Chakra Tuning

Page 19: Month 8 Endocrine and Chakras - YogaLife Institute 8: Yoga for Endocrine Function •Glands and Hormones •Chakra-Endocrine Link •Role of Beliefs Month 8 Announcements •Program

Chakra Toning• 1. Theory, how does sound actually open chakras and

energy system• 2. Brief history of seed sounds.• 3. Religiousity and Chakras, what are the issues?• 4. How to use this with a client.• 5. How to assess a clients chakras• 6. 15 minute sound exercise for us.• 7. How folks transform voice when spiritual growth


7-Fold Journey Chakra Sounds

• Crown i-ng tongue to mouth roof• 3rd Eye mmm nasal• Throat eee even• Heart aaa hay, feel back• Fire ah feel power• Water uuu playful• Root oo feel Earth

Homework Review Homework Summary for Month 9

• Networking List• 5 Seminar Ideas and one seminar – you

may have finished this exercise or finetune it.

• Rough Draft List of your Client Guidelinesor Bill of Rights

• Brochure study: Research professionalbrochures, bring a few in to share.

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Networking Homework

• List out 5 to 10 practitioners and theiraddresses, emails and phone numbers.

• Pick fields that do not conflict:• Dentists, Doctors, Colon Hydrotherapist,

Healthy Restaurant; Natural Food Stores;Physical Therapists; Others.

• Bring a copy in for Month 9.


• Bring in one finalized Seminar• Bring in 4 other topics in title form• Optional is to write 1 page outlines on the

other 4 seminars.• Let the Seminar help define a Niche

Bill of Rights Policy Homework

• One page of simple points• Make it a Rough Draft, can be handwritten• You can write it now!• Month 9, we will review these in groups• You will be able to edit this• Discover how your own boundaries

function and the benefits of clarity!

Brochure Review

• Bring in a few brochures from variousprofessions.

• Share these with your neighbors• Decide Key Elements of a Brochure during

Month 9’s Class• Bring in any brochure or marketing

materials you may already have.• This will be a topic for Month 9 & 10

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Extra info if time permits follows; Nutrition for the Glands

• Overall Yogic Lifestyle• Whole Foods -

– Vitamin D– Dark green vegetables– Omegas: Many vegetable oils, nuts, fish

• Deep Breathing esp. Alternate Nostril• Feel Spiritually Connected

Gross to Subtle

• Meaning• Emotional Reaction• Feeling• Sense• Desire - ( un / conscious)• Belief (un / conscious)• Ego (sense of I-ness)• Urge (unbiased)• Source (human-divine)

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