  • 7/28/2019 Monotheism Part 5-13 Allah is the Only True God Because in His Hands is the Life of Nations


  • 7/28/2019 Monotheism Part 5-13 Allah is the Only True God Because in His Hands is the Life of Nations


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    Monotheism: Part 5-13: Allah is the only true God because in His Hands is the life of Nations

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    He does seize the nations when they cross the limits of

    committing wrong-doings.

    Allah is only one true God Why?

    Allah is the only true God because in His hands is

    the life of nations, & their rise and downfall.

    }5{And these towns - We destroyed them when they committed

    iniquities. For the destruction of each We had set a definite term.


    (O Prophet), if they reject you, then before them the people of 'Ad

    and Thamud, also rejected (their Prophets), and so too did the

    people of Abraham and the people of Lot; and so did the dwellers of

    Midian, and Moses too was branded a liar. Initially I granted respite

    to the unbelievers for a while and then seized them. How dreadful

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    Have they not travelled in the land and seen what

    was the end of those who

    was My punishment!How many towns have We destroyed because

    their people were steeped in iniquity: so they lie fallen down upon

    their turrets! How many wells lie deserted; and how many towering

    palaces lie in ruins!Have they not journeyed in the land that their

    hearts might understand and their ears might listen? For indeed it is

    not the eyes that are blinded; it is rather the hearts in the breasts

    that are rendered blind.

    They ask you to hasten the punishment. Allah shall most certainly not

    fail His promise; but a Day with your Lord is as a thousand years of your

    reckoning. How many towns did I respite at first though they were

    steeped in iniquity, and then I seized them! To Me are all destined toreturn.

    }1{)O Prophet), how many are the towns that had greater power than

    your towns that drove you out? We destroyed them and there wasnone to protect them.


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    Have they not travelled in the land and seen what was the end of

    those who had gone before them? They were more numerous and

    greater in strength and left behind more splendid traces in the land.

    Yet their attainments did not avail them. When their Messengers

    came to them with Clear Signs, they arrogantly exulted in whatever

    knowledge they had. They were then encompassed by what they

    had mocked. When they saw Our chastisement, they said: We havecome to believe in Allah, the Only One, and we reject all what we

    had associated (with Allah in His Divinity)". But their believing after

    they had seen Our chastisement did not avail them. That has been

    Allah's Way concerning His servants. And the unbelievers courted

    utter loss, then and there.

    9}29{ Swearing by Allah their strongest oaths they claimed that if there

    came to them a warner they would be better-guided than any other

    people. But when a warner came to them, his coming only increased

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    their aversion (to the Truth). They began to wax even more proud on

    earth and contrived evil plans although the contriving of evil plans

    only overtakes their authors. Are they waiting, then, for anything

    except what happened to the nations before them? You will not find

    any change in the Way of Allah; and you will not find anything that

    can ever alter the Way of Allah. Have they not journeyed in the

    earth to behold the end of those who went before them though they

    were stronger than them in might? Nothing in the heavens nor on

    earth can frustrate Him in the least. He is All-Knowing, All-Powerful.

    If Allah were to take people to task for their deeds, He would not

    leave any living creature on earth, but He grants them respite to an

    appointed time. When their appointed time comes to an end, surely

    Allah fully observes His servants.}4442{

    Has it not, then, become clear to those who have inherited the earth

    in the wake of the former generations that, if We so will, We can

    punish them for their sins, (they, however, are heedless to basic

    facts and so) We seal their hearts so that they hear nothing. To those

    [earlier] communities - some of whose stories We relate to you -

    there had indeed come Messengers with clear proofs, but they were

    not to believe in what they had once rejected as false. Thus it is that

    Allah seals the hearts of those who deny the truth. We did not find

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    Some qualities of those wrong-doers who are seized by Him.

    most of them true to their covenants; indeed We found most of

    them transgressors.

    -}8281{ Allah sets forth the parable of (the people of) a town who were secure and

    well content and whose sustenance came in abundance from every quarter.

    But then the people of the town showed ingratitude towards Allah for

    His bounties, so Allah afflicted them with hunger and fear in punishment

    for their evil deeds. Most certainly a Messenger came to them from

    among them; but they rejected him, calling him a liar. Thereforechastisement seized them while they were engaged in wrong-doing.

    }5{ And how many a town have We destroyed whose inhabitants

    exulted on account of their affluence. These are their dwellings in

    which very few dwelt after them. Eventually it is We Who inherited


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    Granting respite before chastisement and

    Destroying the iniquitious people Gradually

    Your Lord would not destroy a town until He had sent to its

    centre a Messenger who would recite to them Our verses. Nor

    would We destroy any town unless its inhabitants wereiniquitous. -}{ When We decide to destroy a town We command the affluent

    among them, whereupon they commit sins in it, then the decree (of

    chastisement) becomes due against them and thereafter We destroy

    that town utterly. Many a generation has been destroyed by Our

    command since Noah's time. Your Lord is well aware and fully

    observant of the sins of His servants.

    }8{ And if Allah were to seize people for their wrong-doing immediately,

    He would not have spared even a single living creature on the face of

    the earth. But He grants them respite until an appointed term. And

    when that term arrives, they have no power to delay it by a single

    moment, nor to hasten it.

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    Surely Allah does not wrong people; they rather wrong themselves.

    }}21 As for those who reject Our signs as false, We will lead them,

    step by step, to their ruin without their even perceiving it.And

    (for this purpose) I grant them respite. My plan is


    }4} Surely Allah does not wrong people; they rather wrong themselves.

    }5}4 And We sent to Midian their brother Shuayb. He said: My people,

    serve Allah and look forward to the Last Day and do not go about

    the earth committing mischief."But they denounced him as a liar.

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    So a mighty earthquake overtook them, and by the morning they lay

    overturned in their houses.

    And We destroyed Ad and Thamud, whose dwellings you have

    observed. Satan had embellished their deeds for them and had

    turned them away from the Right Path although they had visions.

    And We destroyed Qarun (Korah) and Pharaoh and Haman. Moses

    came to them with Clear Signs but they waxed arrogant in the land

    although they could not have outstripped (Us). So We seized each

    for their sin. We let loose upon some a violent tornado with showers

    of stones; some were overtaken by a mighty Cry; some were caused

    to be swallowed up by the earth, and some We drowned. It was not

    Allah who wronged them, but they wronged themselves.-}54{

    You are behaving just like those who went before you: they had

    more power than you, and possessed greater riches and had morechildren than you: they had enjoyed their portion of the good things

    of the worldly life and you, too, have enjoyed your portion of the

    good things like them: you are also engaged in idle discussions like

    the discussions they held. Consequently in the end everything they

    did, proved vain in this world and shall be vain in the Next World:

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    Chastising the wrong-doers by setting in ruthless

    authorites over them.

    Repelling one set of people by means of another to

    surely they are the people who are the losers______ Has not the

    story reached them of those who had gone before them-the people

    of Noah, tribes of `Ad and Thamud, the people of Abraham and the

    inhabitants of Midian and of the overturned cities? Their

    Messengers came to them with clear signs; then it was not Allah

    Who wronged them, but they wronged their own selves.

    }{ And recall when Your Lord proclaimed that 'He would continually set

    in authority over them (israilites), till the Day of Judgement, those

    who would ruthless oppress them.' Surely, your Lord is swift in

    chastising; and yet He is All-Forgiving, All-Merciful.


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    There is not a town but

    Accordingly, when they marched forward to fight with Goliath and

    his armies, they prayed, "Our Lord, bless us with fortitude, make

    firm our foothold and give us victory over the unbelieving host."

    Consequently, by Allah's grace, they routed the unbelievers, and

    David killed Goliath; and Allah gave him kingship and wisdom and

    taught him whatever other things He willed.

    And if Allah had not been repelling one set of people by means of

    another, the earth would have been filled with chaos. But Allah is

    bountiful to the world (and so repels chaos in this way). These are

    Allah's revelations, which We are conveying to you accurately. And

    O Muhammad, most surely you are of those who have been sent as


    If Allah were not to repel some through others, monasteries and

    churches and synagogues and mosques wherein the name of Allah is

    much mentioned, would certainly have been pulled down. Allah will

    most certainly help those who will help Him. Verily Allah is

    Immensely Strong, Overwhelmingly Mighty.


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    It is He Who has the power to send forth

    There is not a town but We will destroy it or upon which We will

    inflict severe chastisement before the Day of Resurrection. This is

    written down in the Eternal Book (of Allah).

    9}{Whenever We destroyed a town, a definite term had previously

    been decreed for it. No people can outstrip the term for its

    destruction nor can delay it.

    }-8}9It has been ordained against every town that We ever destroyed

    that they will not return.


    Say: "It is He Who has the power to send forth chastisement upon you

    from above you, or from beneath your feet, or split you into hostile

    groups and make some of you taste each others' violence. Behold, how

    We set forth Our signs in diverse forms, so that maybe they will

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    And your Lord is not such as would wrongfully destroy human

    habitations while their inhabitants are trying to reform.

    Do the people of the towns feel secure that

    Good Tidings for the Righteous

    understand the Truth". Your people have denied it even though it is the

    Truth. Say: "I am not a guardian over you. Every tiding has its appointed

    time; you yourselves will soon know (the end)."

    }5{Do the people of the towns feel secure that Our punishment will not

    come to them at night while they are asleep?Or, do the people of

    the towns feel secure that Our punishment will not come to them by

    daylight while they are at play? Do they feel secure against the

    scheme of Allah None can feel secure against the scheme of Allah

    except the utter losers.

    }8}8 And your Lord is not such as would wrongfully destroy human

    habitations while their inhabitants are righteous (trying to mend).

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    The Rewards of Seeking Forgiveness


    Allah would not punish them while they are seeking


    }8}42 I (Noah) said to them: Ask forgiveness from your Lord; surely

    He is Most Forgiving. He will shower upon you rain in

    abundance from heaven, and will provide you with wealth

    and children, and will bestow upon you gardens and rivers.8}{ And that you seek forgiveness of your Lord and turn to Him inrepentance whereupon He will grant you a fair enjoyment of

    life until an appointed term, and will bestow favour on

    everyone who merits favour. But if you turn away (from the

    truth), I fear for you the chastisement of an Awesome Day.

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    The Rewards of Believing, being God-fearing & Following

    the Divine Revelations for Nations }} Had the people of the towns believed and been God-fearing, We

    would certainly have opened up to them blessings from the heavens

    and the earth; but they rejected [their Prophets] and so We seized

    them for their deeds. }9{ Had the People of the Book only believed and been God-fearing, Weshould surely have effaced from them their evil deeds, and caused

    them to enter Gardens of Bliss. Had the People of the Book followed

    the laws of the Torah and the Gospel, and all that had been revealed

    to them from their Lord, sustenance would have been showered

    over them from above and risen from beneath their feet.


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    Individual Rewards of being a God-fearing & Righteous Believer

    Allah has promised to those among you who believe and do

    righteous deeds, that He will make them successors (to the

    present rulers) in the land just as He made those who passed

    away before them, and that He will establish their religion,

    which He has approved for them, on strong foundations and will

    change their (present) state of fear into peace and security. Let

    them worship Me and associate none with Me; and the one whodisbelieves after this, shall be of those who are perverse

    transgressors. Therefore, establish Prayer, pay the Zakat dues

    and obey the Messenger; it is expected that you will be shown

    mercy. Do not think about those who have disbelieved that they

    will be able to frustrate Allah in the land; their abode is Hell and

    it is a very evil abode.

    }{ Whosoever acts righteously - whether a man or a woman - and is

    a true believer, We will surely grant him a pure (good) life; and

    will surely grant such persons their reward according to the best

    of their deeds.

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    Nations and the way of Allah

    Verily Allah does not change a people's condition unless they

    change their inner selves.

    }{9 Allah will find a way out for him who fears Allah,and will provide

    him sustenance from whence he never even imagined. Whoever

    puts his trust in Allah, He will suffice him. Surely Allah brings about

    what He decrees; Allah has set a measure for everything.

    }}1 This happened because Allah is not one to change the favour

    which He has bestowed upon a people until they have changed

    their attitude. Surely Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. Their case

    is like that of the people of Pharaoh and those before them: they

    rejected the signs of their Lord as false and so We destroyed

    them for their sins, and caused the people of Pharaoh to drown.

    For they were wrong-doers all.

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    Verily in this Divine History there are great Signs for

    And when the command of your Lord came to pass, the gods besides

    Allah whom they had called upon, did not avail them in the least.

    Lesson of Monotheism


    Verily Allah does not change a people's condition unless they change

    their inner selves. And when Allah decides to make a people suffer

    punishment, no one can avert it. Nor can any be of help to such a

    people against Allah.


    And admonish them by narrating to them anecdotes from the Days

    of Allah (Divine History)." Verily in it there are great Signs for

    everyone who is patient and gives thanks (to Allah).


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    So, O people! be careful and serve Allah alone Who is

    your only God lest you are destroyed and

    That is an account of some towns which We narrate to you. Of them

    some are still standing and some have been mown down. We did

    not wrong them; it is rather they who wronged themselves. And

    when the command of your Lord came to pass, the gods besides

    Allah whom they had called upon, did not avail them in the least.

    They added nothing to them except ruin.

    Such is the seizing of your Lord that when He does seize the towns

    immersed in wrong-doing, His seizing is painful, terrible.

    }-}5 You will find none even to inquire of Us what happened to you?

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