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Geo Searches for Health Care Pricing Data

Robert Stewart

Senior Architect, Castlight Health

[email protected]



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Castlight Health

The Business and Technical Problems

Initial Solution

MongoDB, Geo Haystack Index and SSDs

Replica Set Flipping


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Hosted web and mobile applications providing unbiased information on health care cost and quality

Customers are employers and health plans

Founded in 2008, raised $181 million in VC funding

#1 on Wall Street Journal’s list of “Top 50 Venture-Backed Companies” for 2011


Castlight Health

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Home Page

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Search Results

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Business Problem

Support searches for

Prices for a procedure performed by any in-network provider in a geographical area

Prices for all procedures performed by a single provider

Sub-second response, even if returning data on thousands of prices

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Need a very fast geo index

Rate count doubled in last 3 months to 600 million

Major rate updates monthly

Difficult to index data to ensure sequential reads

Sometimes lots of random reads

Technical Problems

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Pricing Retrieval Architecture

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Initial Solution

Store pricing data in MySQL

When Pricing Service starts, create two in-memory indexes and cache most of the rates

55 GB JVM Heap with lots of GC tuning

20-minute service startup time to build indexes

3 hours for background caching of most rates

Trouble Brewing: Total rates growing quickly Rolling restart becoming unacceptably slow If rates not in Java or MySQL cache, retrieval was very slow

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Enter the Mongo


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Geo Indexes

Tried standard geo 2D indexes in MongoDB

Too slow for my use case

Geo Haystack index

Conceptually similar

From “A haystack index is a special index that is optimized to return

results over small areas. Haystack indexes improve performance on queries that use flat geometry.”

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Mercator Projection with 10 degree grid

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Geo Haystack

We chose degrees long-lat for x-y coordinate system

25 miles is our default search radius Roughly 0.5 degrees in middle of the US


{ loc: "geoHaystack", pm: 1 },

{ bucketSize: 0.5 })


{ geoSearch: "priceables_1",

near: [-122.4, 37.79],

maxDistance: 0.5,

search: { pm: 6757 },

limit: 50000 })

maxDistance calculated using great circle algorithm

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Geo Haystack Pros

Very fast when retrieving many documents in a relatively small search radius

Great when you also need to apply a secondary filter Compound 2dsphere index in Mongo 2.4 has even better support

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Geo Haystack Cons

Supports only one extra filter in index SERVER-2979

A bug if unindexed query on only the second part of the key SERVER-8645

> db.priceables_1.find({pm: 6757})

error: { "$err" : "assertion src/mongo/db/geo/haystack.cpp:178" }

Second part of index can’t have an array value

Location part of key can’t be null

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For uncached data on HDD, Geo Haystack was twice as fast as custom Java geo index and MySQL

Still close to 1 minute for big queries with full data set

Death by random read

Tested with a $200 Samsung SSD Typical query dropped to 20 millis Big query only about 150 millis

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Random 4k block reads, 5 GB file, 16 threads

Mongoperf on SSDs

Env SSD Read Ops/s Read MB/s

Prod Samsung 200GB SLC 74k 288

QA VM Samsung 200GB SLC 30k 117

Dev Samsung 830 256GB SATA MLC 47k 183

Env SSD Write Ops/s Write MB/s

Prod Samsung 200GB SLC 1074 289

QA VM Samsung 200GB SLC 405 196

Dev Samsung 830 256GB SATA MLC 438 210

Sequential write of the 5 GB file

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Requirements Major price updates monthly Minor updates more frequently

Huge bulk loads with no impact on active replica set

I/O bound, not CPU bound

Low Impact Pricing Updates

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Two replica sets

Lowered cost with two SSDs on each pricing server

scp compressed files from QA to passive replica set Protip: to compress and uncompress

tar cvf - pricing | pigz > ~/pricing.tgz

pigz -dc pricing.tgz | tar xvf -

Page in index and data db.runCommand({ touch: "priceables_1", index: true, data: true })

Pricing Service operation to atomically flip

Replica Set Flipping Solution

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Replica Set Architecture

Physical Servers




Server pricing1

mongod 28001primary

mongod 28002secondary

Server pricing2

mongod 28001secondary

mongod 28002primary

Server db1

mongod 28001arbiter

Server db2

mongod 28002arbiter

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Obviously, increased cost, but only for SSDs

Recently added caching of remote pricing lookups TTL collections

Cache is lost during a flip

But, usually flip late at night

Cache eviction time is only a few hours

Replica Set Flipping Drawbacks

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Geo search speed with cold cache acceptable

Geo search speed with warm cache awesome

Pricing Service startup down to a few seconds

No production impact for major rate updates

Lowered risk for minor rate updates

Overall Results

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Geo Haystack Index great for … Retrieving lots of documents in a constrained search area Geo searches with a secondary filter

SSDs great for … Random reads Reducing need for lots of complex indexes

Replica set flipping great for … Instant swap of large amounts of data Primarily, if not solely, read only Trading cost for operational flexibility

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Q & A


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