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Money and Success (Persuasive)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Only people who earn a lot of money are successful.Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Money nowadays seems to be produced with a natural homing instinct for the Treasury. – Duke of Edinburgh

Nice people, with nice habits, but they’ve got no money at all. – Nat Mills & Fred Malcolm

I’ve been poor and I’ve been rich - rich is better. – Sophie TuckerPoverty is no disgrace to a man, but is confoundedly inconvenient. – Sydney Smith

Blessed are you who are poor. – Jesus of Nazareth

Money may give us comfortable lives. Lots of money may give us leisurely lifestyle. It could also lead us to vices and debauchery. People who strive to lead upright lives, however, do not use money as their gauge for success.

Most of us work hard to earn money. We use money as a means to purchase goods and avail services. The more money we earn, the better our lives can be. Adequate salary can uplift us above the poverty line. We have more choices every time we shop. We are no longer limited in buying the cheapest brand or model. Having enough money can get us out of the slums. Even our household chores will be lighter because we can avail electric appliances.

Wage earners who are diligent workers are usually promoted and financially rewarded. With higher earnings, their families can purchase more products and services than before. Aside from the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, and education for the children, they can now have leisure activities. They can now afford to travel and enjoy the delights offered to tourists.

Earning and spending money may be the preoccupation of the majority of the world's population. There are certain groups who work in another way. These groups have a different goal and money is not the ultimate measure of success. Religious groups and civic-minded citizens would rather work for the welfare of the people rather than financial gains. Some of them are so noble that they even work as a volunteer. They would rather have good deeds above monetary pursuits.

The satisfaction of basic needs may drive people to work for the money. They toil and strive to earn as much as possible. An excess of worldly accomplishments may also be bad because it could lead to illegal and immoral activities such as drug trafficking. Those who would like to contribute to society do not think of material wealth. They serve the people in order to have peace and harmony within the community. They may be in civil service or religious institutions promoting the welfare of the people instead of personal gains.


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