Page 1: Mohit Yadav - Haryana - Essay 1

Haryana is a small state, and comparatively richer than most of the Indian states1.

However Haryana like most other Indian states suffers from plethora of problems and

most of these problems originate from the sociological framework of the state.

The foremost problem that every Chief Minister (hereinafter CM) will have to

encounter is Crime against women. The state has an image of strong patriarchal

society and is strongly associated with female infanticide, honour killing, dowry

death and many more crime against women. As per the National Crime Records

Bureau, Haryana had 5562 cases of crime against women during the year 20102. The

figure amounts to almost 14 percent of the total crime against women. Therefore this

is an issue which needs attention at the earliest. Since this problem has its root in

sociological context, the only way to eradicate these problem are by changing the

view of the society towards the problem. Women are seen as a liability on parents.

Therefore there is a need to educate women so that they become self independent.

The state has implement policies lake 'Ladli Yojana3' where parents with two

daughters are given Rs 5,000/- per annum as financial incentive but this is not

enough. The next step is to make education completely free for women as only

education could bring a change at the grass root level as education would ensure

economic independence of girl child so that they would be able to raise voice against

injustices done upon them by family or others without being dependent on others.

Various stringent laws like Domestic Violence Act, 2005, The Dowry Prohibition

Act, 1961 have been passed to ensure safety of women by the legislature but due to

trials taking as long as 10 to 15 years to be adjudicated lesser people are approaching

such forum, speedy justice should be ensured in such cases which would not only be

a relief to the victim but would also act like a deterrence to the potential wrongdoers.

If these steps are taken the state's sex ratio may change for better.

The second biggest problem is a set of problems related to agriculture. The state's

majority population is based on agriculture for their survival. With the Monsoon

becoming less unpredictable with each year the farmer are becoming more and more

reliant on groundwater and water from canals. Not a single summer passes when

Haryana doesn't have disputes with neighbouring states like Punjab, Delhi, and

Rajasthan etc regarding distribution of water. In order to conserve the ground water

and become less dependent on neighbouring states for supply of water the state

should make rainwater harvesting in major urban cities. The state before

1 Highest Per Capita income in Larger States of India ( 2 Crime Against Women - 3

Page 2: Mohit Yadav - Haryana - Essay 1

implementing the model should have a look at the already existing successful models

in Chennai and Bangalore. The second problem is related to electricity; from

corporate houses to farmers. Everybody needs electricity. In order to ensure a stable

supply of electricity subsidized solar cell be provided to the farmers and be made

compulsory for the corporate. This would also help state save revenue spent each

year to disburse defaulter farmers who are not able to pay their electricity bills. The

third problem is related to excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers by farmers. The

farmers should be made aware about the damages that could be caused because of

over usage of such chemicals. Also the state should promote organic farming which

will also works as an economic incentive for farmers. Also a system of quota system

could be implemented for subsidized fertilizers and pesticides given to farmer on the

basis of land they have. This will not only reduce the excess consumption of these

chemicals but would also save state's revenue in providing these subsidies. State

should also increase its spending on research sector in agricultural based institutes

such as Chaudhary Charan Singh Agricultural University so as to increase the quality

and output of the produce.

The exploitation of natural resources by illegal mining in Aravali, or be the

widespread deforestation needs to be taken care of. The government could put a

check on these illegal activities by having more stringent patrolling, providing strict

punishment to the offenders, and by carrying out awareness campaign in nearby areas

of potential threat such as that of landslide by these activities so that these localities

also voluntarily oppose and act against these activities. Educational campaign could

be carried out in schools and colleges to promote afforestation, and need of keeping

the environment clean.

The lower literacy rate and unemployment is also a concern. The literacy rate of

Haryana is 67.91 percent, which is comparatively higher than the National average of

64.80. The literacy rate for males and females are 78.49 percent and 55.73 percent

respectively4. Despite the comparatively higher literacy rate the state has yet to

achieve literacy rate of the likes of states like Kerala. The higher literacy rate would

also help reduce the unemployment rate in the state and thus saving the state

expenditure on unemployment allowance.


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