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EPA Vapor Intrusion Update

Former NAS Moffett FieldRestoration Advisory Board Meeting

February 13, 2014

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MEW Area – CommercialBuildings Summary

• Over 66 buildings sampled in MEW Area – South of101.

• Interim vapor intrusion control measures taken –when indoor air or pathway concentrations exceededTCE indoor air cleanup level of 5 micrograms percubic meter (e.g., seal conduits, modify buildingventilation system, install sub-slab or crawlspacevapor mitigations system).

• New commercial buildings built with vapor intrusioncontrol systems

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= TCE Hot Spot Area

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Indoor Air Sampling ResultsSummary

• EPA sampled over 90 residences in expandedresidential areas, and over 140 residences

• No TCE was detected in most residences sampled.

• TCE was detected in some residences, but belowindoor air cleanup levels. These homes were re-sampled to confirm TCE below indoor air cleanuplevels.

• TCE was found in only two residences exceedingEPA’s TCE indoor air cleanup level of 1 microgramper cubic meter.

• Vapor intrusion control systems were installed tomitigate TCE indoor air concentrations to belowindoor air cleanup levels.

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• Results from all indoor air sampling showed vaporintrusion not a problem in most residences sampled.

• Based on groundwater and air sampling to date,areas outside the high priority areas that overlie lowerTCE groundwater concentrations are considered aslow vapor intrusion risk.

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Ongoing and UpcomingWork

• Ongoing vapor intrusion sampling in commercialbuildings.

• EPA planning additional subsurface investigation thisspring, which will include groundwater and soil gassampling along Fairchild Drive.

• EPA will continue to update the community on theplanned work and our findings

• EPA conducting streamlined Five-Year Review forthe MEW Site.

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EPA Contact Information

Alana Lee

EPA Project Manager - Vapor Intrusion & Potential Source Investigation


[email protected]

Penny Reddy

EPA Project Manager – Groundwater Cleanup


[email protected]

Alejandro Diaz

EPA Community InvolvementCoordinator


[email protected]

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