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Module 6: Learning Photography & Imagery

When it comes to Fashion and Lifestyle Blogging, a picture really does tell a thousand words. In no other

blogging niche is having excellent photos more important than in Fashion and Lifestyle, and you’ll find

that the photos are often what attract your audience to your blog, drawing them so that they then read

your writing.

6.1 Your Imagery

6.2 Cameras

6.3 Preparation

6.4 Shooting your photos

6.4 Editing

6.5 Sharing and storing your photos

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6.1. Your Imagery

When it comes to making sure your blog stands out from others in the Fashion and Lifestyle niche,

your photos will quickly determine how professional your blog looks, and how seriously your readers

take you.

Your imagery should be unique, while showcasing who you are, and what your blog is about.

6.1.1. Choose your theme

Maybe you’re aiming for a girl-next-door look, or you want your images to look like something out of

vogue. The trick is to have a theme which is uniquely you, and one which you will keep for the majority

of your photos. If you love to travel, you may want to incorporate interesting backgrounds into your

photos, however if you want to focus on showcasing the clothes you might consistently go for a plain


Your images should be true to you, and whichever theme or technique you like to use, you should try to

be as consistent as possible so your audience will know what to expect.

6.1.2 Think of your audience

Before shooting, think about your audience. What do you want them to get from the photos? What do

you want them to think? How will the photos help them? It’s important to keep your audience in mind,

while ensuring that you remain comfortable with your work.

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6.2 Cameras

When it comes to cameras, you may have a brand or type of camera you prefer to shoot with, or you

may be brand new to the world of photography, and don’t know where to start.

The good news is that there are so many different cameras and lenses available, that you’re sure to

find one which suits you and your blog.

6.2.1 iPhone Photography

iPhone Photography is becoming increasingly popular, as cameras in the phones get better and

better, and Instagram and Snapchat attract more users every day.

The good thing about iPhone Photography is that it’s easy to have impromptu shoots if you find a

great location, excellent light, or simply don’t want to take a big camera out with you. If you're serious

about using your iPhone for most of your photo shoots, check out Hitcase, which sells some of the

most durable iPhone cases on the market, along with tripods, mounts, and wide-angle lenses which

can be attached to your phone.

An iPhone won’t have the same ability to isolate you from your background, or options for depth of

field, so it’s more important that you choose an environment which isn’t too crowded.

Here are some of the best apps for shooting and editing on your iPhone:

App Best for

Simply B&W Getting “arty”with Black and White Images or capturing light and emotion

Manual Giving you a huge amount of control, including ISO, focus, white balance, and exposure

Snapseed Editing, sharpening, and fine tuning images

PS Express When you want to use a healing brush and noise reduction. Excellent for finer edits.

Hydra Balancing lighting and shooting amazing HDR photos at up to 32 megapixels

Camera+ When you want an easy to use app with more information and control than the IOS app.

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6.2.2 DSLR’s

While you’ll probably start out with a simple point-and-shoot or an iPhone, you may want to upgrade to

a DSLR as your blog gains in popularity and you move into experimenting with different types of


A DSLR is often thought of as the camera type which separates amateurs from more advanced

photographers. DSLR stands for digital single-lens reflex camera, and generally they have much better

quality than point-and-shoot cameras. DSLRs have built-in mirrors inside, allowing you to look through

the viewfinder and see how the image will look.

The best part of owning a DSLR is the ability to switch out lenses and adjust your photos depending on

the situation. They’re also more versatile and have bigger image sensors, meaning your photo will have

less noise and will look much better.

DSLR’s are no longer as expensive as they used to be, and as the prices have dropped significantly

they’re now within reach of more people.

6.2.3 Canon or Nikon?

Asking someone if they use a Canon or Nikon can open up a can of worms, as most photographers

are incredibly loyal to their cameras, and can passionately argue the benefits of their brand versus

anything else.

While there are plenty of other brands of DLSR’s on the market, most people will choose to shoot

with a Canon or Nikon simply because the brands are so prevalent and have the market cornered,

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especially when it comes to the huge range of different lenses available. Whichever brand you

choose, you’ll be investing in a well-supported and extensive system which caters for both beginners

and experts.

Many Canon cameras will have a flip screen which will allow you to view the image while you’re aiming

the camera at yourself. This is especially helpful if you’ll be shooting yourself using a tripod and remote

as you can see if you’re in the photo, and how the overall photo looks.

If you have friends with Canons or Nikons, ask if you can play around and spend a couple of hours

shooting with them. Ultimately the choice between Canon and Nikon will come down to your preference,

so do some research, spend some time using both types, and you’ll find that you will probably prefer one

over the other.

You may find that none of your friends have a DSLR. In that case, try Borrowlenses, a company which

rents out equipment. You'll have the chance to compare different cameras and lenses while you do your

photo shoots and can decide whether you like a type of camera before you make the financial


Remember, an excellent photographer could take an amazing photo with an old point and shoot, and a

bad photographer could take a terrible photo with one of the most expensive cameras in the world.

While upgrading to a new camera can help with your photos, the secret to improving your photography

is to practice every chance you get. Digital Photography School has some excellent blog posts, articles,

and e-books which can greatly help you master the skill of photography.

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6.2.4 Lenses

While a DSLR will make it easier to take good photos, the look of the photos are primarily

determined by the lenses you use. Once you’re comfortable with the basics of photography you may

want to begin investing in lenses which will give you the looks you’re going for.

A good place to buy lenses is, which ships worldwide and often has promotions and

deals available. They also have used equipment available if you're just starting out and trying to save

some money.

Generally the kit lens which comes with the DSLR won’t be great, so here are a few of the most

common lenses which you will use:

6.3 Preparation

Before you begin taking photos, it’s important to prepare. If you’re new to photography or using a

DSLR camera, you may want to take a photography course. These can be just a few days or a few

weeks, and can greatly help you with your technique.

You may also want to study some books on photography, or subscribe to some photography

magazines. There are some excellent blogs on photography, including Digital Photography

School and Digital Camera World which have tons of tips for beginners, and the internet is a wealth of

information for any questions you may have about aperture, ISO, metering, or exposure.

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6.4 Shooting your Photos

Some people may feel intimidated at the thought of shooting their own photos. However practice makes

perfect, and you could find yourself becoming a natural- both behind and in front of the camera.

6.4.1 Photographing yourself

If you don’t have anyone to take your photos, you may be wondering how you’re going to be a Fashion

and Lifestyle Blogger- after all, you’ll need to be featured in at least some of the photos on your blog.

Or you may be shy in front of the camera, and prefer to get used to posing before you convince someone

else to help you with your blog.

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Whatever the reason, it’s definitely possible for you to take excellent, professional- looking photos by

yourself. You’ll just need some creativity, a little more time, and a lot of practice.

Some of the most successful bloggers began taking photos of themselves by balancing their camera

on tables, chairs, shelves, books, rocks, and tree trunks, and simply used trial and error until they

were happy with the photos they took. However a tripod is ideal if you will be shooting yourself a lot,

and you can get plenty of good, portable tripods either brand new or on eBay.

Setting your cameras self timer and then running back and forth between your shot position and the

camera can be awkward and annoying, and you can easily find a remote shutter release which plugs

into your camera. You simply hold it in your hand. and each time you half press it the lens on your

camera will focus. Hiding the remote from the camera can be easily accomplished by turning your

body slightly or dropping it on a soft part of ground.

6.4.2 Working with a photographer

Some of the most well-known Fashion and Lifestyle Bloggers have partnered with boyfriends and

husbands who are photographers, and this can be an intimidating trend in the industry.

Keep in mind that if you want someone else to take your photos, there are plenty of ways to find a

photographer, and they don’t necessarily need to be your significant other. Post an advertisement in

your local classifieds, or try a website like Craigslist.

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You may find that a photography student needs some practice and will be happy to help, or a newbie

photographer who is looking to build up a portfolio. Here are some tips for working with a



Outline what you’re hoping to get from the shoot before you get started. Make it clear which look you’re

going for, but be open to suggestion.


It can take a lot of work to make someone look great, especially if it’s not the right time of day, the

camera isn’t ideal, or the conditions are hard to work with. Always respect your photographer and show

them that you appreciate their expertise.


Always keep in mind why you’re a Fashion and Lifestyle blogger, and remember to have fun. Ultimately

your pictures will show whether or not you’re enjoying yourself, and this will be communicated to your


6.4.3 How to take great photos - Lighting

Whether you’re taking your photos yourself or someone else is shooting you, there are a few things

you need to focus on to ensure that you’re taking the best photos possible. While you should

definitely keep these tips in mind, you’ll find that you’ll get better and enjoy photography as you

practice and become more comfortable with your camera.

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This is one of the most important things to think about when you’re aiming to produce focused,

clean, and clear looking images. Natural light is preferable, however you want to avoid times when

the sun is at its peak.


If you’re shooting indoors, try not to use artificial lighting, as this will often cast an orange glow over

you or your subject. Instead, aim to get close to window which will let in natural light. You can also

invest in professional lighting equipment which will give your photos the look of natural light, even

when you’re inside.


Whenever possible, aim to be shooting in the “Golden Hour”. This is within 1-2 hours of sunset, and

is the perfect time to get a soft, natural light which is flattering and needs little retouching. The sun

will hit you when it’s almost horizontal, and this eliminates the harsh shadows which are common

during midday. Early morning just after the sun has risen is also a good time to get a nice shot,

although this may mean getting up super early if you’re shooting your outfit.

Cloudy days are also really good for shooting photos, as clouds make the sun less harsh. If there

aren’t any clouds, try to shoot in the shade under a tree or in the shadow of a building. This also

eliminates glare and shadows.

6.4.3 How to Take great photos - Composition

Your composition will vary greatly, depending on what you are taking a photo of. If you’re taking

photos of jewellery or beauty products, check to make sure that there’s nothing else in the

background, and be creative about how you position them. Generally you should avoid placing them

in the middle off the shot, and instead position them to the side. A piece of white card can also give

you a professional studio look.

If you’re taking self-portraits, try to ensure that you fit your entire self into the shot, along with some

close up shots of your shoes or accessories. You may have an innate sense of composition, and

what looks good in the frame, but this can also take some time to learn.

6.4.4. Composition - The Rule of Thirds

The rule of thirds basically means that if you draw four lines across your image, the points where

they intersect is where you should aim to place your points of interest. This balances the photo for

your audience, as their eyes are naturally drawn to one of the intersecting points.

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6.4.5. Composition - Framing

Framing is a technique which is used to draw attention to the subject of your photo, by blocking other

parts of the photo with something which is happening in the scene.

This gives your images a sense of layer and depth, and leads the eye towards the subject. Clever

framing can include the use of windows, tunnels, doorways, arches, overhanging branches, or even

a few other people.

You may want to consider whether you want your frame to be in focus since having it blurred can

help add a sense of depth and mood to your photos, while having it in focus can help intrigue your


6.4.6. Composition - Filling your frame

This isn’t the same as framing, and instead is about ensuring that your subject isn’t getting lost in the

picture. That means that if you’re taking photos of yourself, you ensure that you’re not wasting

space. Ask your photographer to get close or zoom in, and ensure you’re the main focus of the


6.4.7 Location

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Choose a location which is nice and quiet so you aren’t distracted and you can take your time. Often

your location will depend on your theme- e.g if you prefer city scenes or nature, or like to use a plain

background. You may want to use the location to tell a story, or to help express the look you’re going

for with your clothes. If you’re in a busy area, keep in mind that often having other people in the shot

can be distracting.

6.4.8. Check as you go

It’s important to keep checking your photos as you shoot, so you can get an idea of how the photo

will look on the web. While you can edit your photos after shooting, it’s much easier to take a good

photo and apply a few touch-ups, than to spend a lot of time trying to change a photo in photoshop.

Try plenty of different angles, and remember that it’s much better to have a few excellent photos

than numerous mediocre ones, so take your time.

6.5 Editing

Some people assume that good photographers can just take a photo and then share it with their

followers, however there is usually a lot of editing that goes on in the background.

Most cameras take pictures in the format JPEG, but DSLR’s and some newer point and shoots have the

option of using the RAW format, which means that all of the information from the camera is stored in

that file. This means that the camera hasn’t “thought for itself” and adjusted the shot, and all creative

control is in the photographers hands as it is completely unedited or “raw”.

Raw files have all of the image data which was recorded by the camera’s sensor, while a lot of the

information is lost when you’r shooting in JPEG. This means you can produce images which are of a

higher quality, and correct problems in the images which would be uncorrectable if only shot in JPEG.

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When you shoot in JPEG, the camera is doing its own processing, and converting the RAW

information into a JPEG file. However your brain is smarter, and your computer more powerful than

your camera. Shooting RAW gives you the power to do that processing yourself, and make

decisions to change the way the image will look, producing better results.

RAW files are much bigger than JPEG files, and so will take up much more space. You may want to

consider investing in a portable hard drive for backing up and keeping your RAW files. It’s also

important to have an SD card which is big enough to hold plenty of RAW files so you don’t run out of

space when shooting.

6.5.1 Editing Programs

There are so many editing programs available that you’re bound to find one you like. Most pros use

Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom, which gives you a huge amount of control, especially when you’re

shooting RAW. However these can be expensive if you’re just starting out, so you may want to play

around with one of the many free editing programs while you learn how to get the most out of your


Here are some excellent free programs for editing your photos:

Picasa This is an efficient and fast way to both organise and edit your photos. Picasa is Google’s free

software, and connects to Picasa Web online. You can also use it as a desktop application and apply a

range of image adjustments and effects, without modifying the original photos.

Apple Photos If you have a Mac, Apple photos is better than iPhoto, with powerful editing tools which

allow you to sync your adjustments with any other IOS devices you have via iCloud.

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Fotor This is another free editor which has a huge array of tools, effects, and adjustments in an easy-to-

use interface, making it excellent for beginners.

Pixlr Editor The great thing abut this photo editor is that you can use it either on your mobile device,

your laptop, or the web. It also has a wide range of tools, and a sidebar full of options which is similar to


Gimp This is the closest image editing software you’ll get to photoshop, and it’s completely free. This

offers more tools and options than any other free photo editor, and it’s the perfect option if you’re

thinking about eventually moving into photoshop.

Canva This website allows you to create awesome images with text. Those cool Facebook images

advertising blog posts? They were probably made with Canva, so be sure to check it out.

6.6 Sharing and Storing your Photos

6.6.1 Storing your photos

With the invention of the cloud, storing your photos has gotten much easier. Remember, unless you

have your photos stored in at least two places then they’re not backed up. And if disaster strikes you

could find yourself losing all of your memories and blog photos.

Here are some ways you can store your photos:


Dropbox can be used as an extra folder on your laptop, however all of your information is stored in

the cloud. It's also a great way to store documents and blog posts if you’re still working on them.

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Flickr is a popular place for bloggers to store their photos, as it offers a massive 1TB of storage free.

Photos can be organised into albums and collections, and you can also be part of groups for

sharing, commenting, and tagging.

Google Photos

Google photos offers both a website, and apps for Android and IOS, so uploading photos is fast and

easy. In fact you can set up automatic uploading on the mobile app, so any photo you take is

immediately backed up. An outstanding feature of Google photos is that it will highlight your best

photos, help you create GIFs or panoramas, or enhance them to make them look even better-all

automatically. If you have a Google account, the service is free with unlimited storage as long as

your photos aren’t too big.


Photobucket is currently hosting almost 10 billion photos, and it offers unlimited video and photo

storage, album organisation, mobile apps, and Facebook integration. This is one of the best

platforms for sharing, and also offers built-in editing tools.

6.6.2 Sharing your photos

As a Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger, sharing your photos will be one of the most important things you

do, and a huge part of how you will reach out to your audience.

Here are some ways you can share your photos with your audience:

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