
Edited Transcript

EDITED TRANSCRIPTHey there, Dr. Dave, and welcome back to the Mega-Bundle. This is

actually module number 13. It's called Reputation Matters - Get Better Reviews on Google and Yelp. Now, I will tell you something. These days, getting online reviews is probably one of the most important things you can do. It's crucial and we’re going to add something. I’m going to give you a special little bonus. I'm going to talk about Google, I'm going to talk about Yelp, but I'm also going to throw in a third review site you might not even realize it's a review site, but I'm going to talk about Facebook because you can get reviews on Facebook. And I've been doing some research and when I Google a dentist’s name with reviews, After that the three sites that come up most are: Google, Yelp, and Facebook. So you need to be on all three of these. You want to make sure your pages are configured properly and then we'll talk about how to go about getting reviews making sure they are really good and also what to do about bad reviews if you do get them. And if you have enough reviews you will get bad reviews sometimes, because you know something? It's not that you are necessarily doing a bad job, but we’re human we mess things up. The Madow Brothers, we’re not perfect; we mess things up. I was going to say all the time, not all the time, but occasionally

Module 13Your Reputation Matters

something goes wrong and there are people out there that are really, really critical. If you cross somebody the wrong way that happens to be really critical they go online and they can kill you online, so we’re going to talk about what to do about that.

But let's talk about the three sites first because I want to make sure that you are on all three of these and they're all properly configured. Let's talk about Google first -- I'm not going to say even any of them are more important than the other because I think all three of these are very, very important. So the importance of Google is that let's face it, it is the most popular search engine and to these days Google, Google Plus, YouTube, the Google maps they are all integrated. So when somebody does a search for you online, they’re searching for you as a dentist. We actually want you to come up on Google very high up on the search engine results page. But not only that, we want to make sure a map of your practice comes up, but your views also come up, your phone number come up right there. And you can do this, here's what you do -- I want you to make sure that you have actually registered your office, your practice with Google. It doesn't cost any money. Google doesn't charge for this, but I want to make sure you're doing this all right. So you need to go to and they will walk you through the steps it takes - if you haven't done this yet- walk you through the steps it takes to get registered and set up with Google, Google Plus, Maps, everything. Now it's really crucial, because once you do that and as I said somebody does a search for you, let's say they’re searching for Dr. David Madow, dentist and I'm all hooked up and configured with Google, Google Plus. When they do a search what's going to happen is not only am I going to come up on the left and side, but on the right-hand side of that search and results page it's going to have my name really big, my practice. It's going to have a map, it's going to have my reviews right there, it's going to have a click here to call. It's all integrated and it's crucial that you set up on Google this way. So go ahead and Google your office and see if you come up this way and if not make sure you definitely go to

and get set up the right way. Google will actually confirm one way or another. They’ve got ways to confirm that you are the owner of that practice. They need certain credentials from you and then you'll be allowed to make any changes or adjustments you need to that page, but it's really crucial that you do this.

Yelp is very, very similar. You have to prove that you are the owner of the practice and you've got the right to that name. You've got to prove that and they walk you through. So here's what you do with Yelp. You go to and from there a little page is going to come up and it's going to ask for your practice name, it's going to ask for your ZIP Code or your city, state and once you plug all that in it's going to let you know whether you already claimed this Yelp page or not. If you've already claimed it, you have the right to go in and make edits on it. If you haven't claimed it, they'll ask you to prove you are who you say you are and once you do if you’ve got the right credentials -- you can't go to claim somebody else's dental practice. You can't do that, it doesn't work like that. It's got to be your own and once you prove that you are credentialed for that and you on that page as well, meaning, you can do things on, put things, even edit things on that page. Some people have asked in the past on Yelp if you can have control enough to like…once you own that page, once you’ve claimed your page, I should say if you can put a video on your page. And the answer is yes and no, because as you know, Rich and I love video. We think video these days is so important to integrate with your… not only with your website but with YouTube. It's just been shown that if you have a video, a practice video online, someone's going to search for you and since Google and YouTube you know of course are owned by the same company, everything is all intermingling comingling whatever the word really is, it's important, so we’re a firm believer in video.

I was actually doing some research the other day to see if you could put your practice video up on Yelp. The answer is again yes and no. You have to pay for like the higher-level membership in Yelp to be able to have a video

online there and then even when you do that and I'm not saying that's good or bad you may want to do that, but even when you do pay for the higher-level membership in Yelp, they have control over the video you put up. You just can't submit your video and say here's my video, put it on my page. It doesn't work like that. I believe Yelp, actually - it sounds kind of crazy - Yelp will actually send somebody out to do I think it's 30 seconds to one minute just a short video of your practice and they will have control over that and they will put that on your Yelp page. You just can't go ahead and upload any video, that won't work like that. So it’s up to you whether you want to try that. I'm not suggesting you do that. At first, you could have a really really solid video on your website and on YouTube which is searchable and I think that will be every bit of good if not better than having it just on your Yelp page.

By the way, if you… I don't really know if we talked about this on another module or not but if you are interested in having a really good video for your website and for YouTube… and let me tell you something I'm going to say 95% of the videos out there online, the introductory videos from dental offices 95% of them are horrible, I mean, really really bad. Rich and I have done extensive research, we've googled so many offices for videos all over the country -- most of them are horrible. If you're interested in this little sidebar for a quick second, Rich and I along with our video producer that we work very closely with, Jason, Jason has done all of our videos you've probably seen for TBSE, our music videos, party videos, testimonials, dental reels all the things we've done. He's the guy that’s top notch, he knows how to do dental videos. So if you're interested to give us a call our office number, as usual, is 888-88MADOW. If you're a numbers person, if you don't want to deal with letters it’s 1-800-258-0060. We can hook you up with Jason, get your great introductory video for your website that would be better than anybody's out there I promise you, so we can do that for you video is really important.

So I told you also how to claim your page on Google. I'll say it one more

time in case you missed it Again, it will walk you right through. It's very very easy to do and then you've got complete control over what your page actually looks like there. Now, the last one we’re going to explain, which is really important, again, in no order because I think all three of these are very important for you to do is your Facebook page. How do you get reviews on your Facebook page? I'm going to show you. I'm going to show you right now how to do it because it's a little bit more complex than just going on Google and Yelp and clicking on the business page. It's a little more complex but I'm going to show you exactly how to do it because it's really important. So the first thing you have to do is you have to make sure your Facebook page for your dental practice is under the category called local business. It's very important. Otherwise, this won't work, nothing else will work. So make sure, go in if you're the administrator, make sure your Facebook pages under the category called local business. Once you're sure that it is, on that page click the about button. It's below your page’s cover photo. It says about. Click that button, then click where it says page info in the left-hand column, so when you click the about button, there's going to be a bunch of stuff that shows up in the left-hand column click where it says page info. Once you do that, click to edit the address section. Add your address and then click save changes. After saving changes, there is going to be a map that appears right in this section. When it does, click to edit the address section one more time, so the map shows up again you click to edit the address section.

Now, below the map, it sounds complicated, but it's really not, you can just replay this and follow along on your computer as I am telling you what to do. Below the map, click to check the box next to… it's going to say show map, where it says show map you're going to make sure that that box is checked, also where it says check-ins and star ratings on the page. I'm going to say that one more time, click to edit the address section again below the map, click to check the box next to show map section and the star ratings on the page. I hope that makes sense, it's easy to do and then click save

changes. So you want to make sure those things are clicked where it says show map, checking and star ratings. Those three have to be checked. Click save changes and once you do that you're done and then you can get people to ask for reviews actually on your Facebook page, which by the way is really powerful and a lot of people do not know about this. because again when somebody does a search for your dental practice the three top review sites, I mean, we can start talking about Dr. oogle and all those… and Health Grade and all those others stuff that comes up. But I'm telling you, the three main review sites that you want to be really concerned about and do these right are Google, Yelp, and Facebook. So now these are all configured you've got these right, how do you go about getting the reviews on them? Well, it's not as easy as it sounds, because you would think that you ask all your patients to give you a review, well, here's the deal. First of all, how are you going to answer them? Are you going to send an email out to all your patients? Well, you could but then you should be sending regular emails. Anyway, we talked about this in another module. You should be sending regular email communication and sure, as long as you're giving great information and not bombarding your patients with ads and talking about your practice and specials and promotional things, every once in a while, absolutely, you can ask them to do you a favor which would certainly be to give you a good Yelp review and go on your Facebook page and give a review, go on to Google and give you a review. In reality, not many people will do that if you send an email out or even if you ask them. I mean, here's the reality. People are busy, they are distracted. We've got so much stuff going on these days and it's very difficult to get a patient. I'm sure your patient comes to your practice, they like you a lot I'm sure, but they've also got a busy life and it's not so simple to get them to actually open up their computer or open up their smartphone and navigate through it and give you a review, it's not so simple.

So other then like asking, asking. How do you do it subtly? Having a placard, a sign a little thing in each treatment room at the front desk that

says “review us on Yelp” or “we're on Yelp,” very subtle thing. But have enough of them all over the place people will get the hint and then know you're on Yelp and the text savvy ones will gladly go on and review. Now, here's an example, I go to restaurants and I think I've never had a restaurant owner say after my meal, “Dave do me a favor, go to Yelp and review us.” I don't think it has ever happened, but do I review restaurants? Sometimes I do especially if I have a really good experience or a really really bad experience. Sometimes it's in the middle, in the middle you just don't do it – a really really super experience or a really bad experience I will on my own go on Yelp or Google or maybe sometimes even Facebook and give a review.

So you've got a percentage of people in your practice who are like me. I'm kind of text savvy and they know these things are out there. They know they Yelp is out there, they know that Facebook is out there, they know that Google is out there and they will automatically without you asking give you a review, does it help to ask? It probably can't hurt, but you need to be aware of things especially with Yelp. Yelp is really really tricky and if you ask people to give you a review on Yelp especially if they do it from your office on their smartphone, I don't know how this works so I am not going to pretend even to guess, but I can tell you one thing with Yelp, again, I don't know how they do this, but Yelp somehow, some crazy way in their algorithm they can detect if you're asking a bunch of people just to give you reviews. And again I don't know how this works but I'm telling you from reading the research on Yelp, Yelp is really difficult. So it's much better on Yelp if it's organic. In other words, organic means you're not really asking people. They're going online themselves and giving reviews because they've had great service from you. That really works the best and, of course, people that have more reviews if they are reviewing a lot of different restaurants and docs and other services in the area they are more prone to stick on Yelp because Yelp sometimes can have a review of somebody that they think is not... I can't remember the exact wording they use, not qualified? I can’t think of the exact words, may be irrelevant. I think somebody's not relevant. That's a terrible thing to say

about somebody, that you're not relevant. So Yelp can somehow detect these things and again I'm not sure how to do it. But you've got to be careful with Yelp because just because somebody goes and then gives you a great review Yelp might highly thinking that it's not relevant, thinking that you coerced somebody to do it or you begged somebody or you handed them your iPad in your office and had them do it. They can tell these things, again, I'm not sure how they can so you've got to be careful.

Goole Plus I believe, Google not so much. I believe pretty much if somebody gives you a review on Google I'm pretty sure it's going to stick, it's not going filter it out and did the same with Facebook. But I think really... And I think you know this already, you know what I'm going to say. But the best way to get really great positive reviews from a lot of your patients is the keep offering the best service you possibly can, the absolute best patient service, customer service whatever you want to call it. Dr. David Moffett calls it the UPE, the ultimate patient experience. I believe he calls it, UPE. If you just keep wowing your patients day in and day out and treat them like they're gold, they’re the best, that's really the best way to get reviews instead of begging. It's kind of like referral. You know, if you just keep begging people to send you referrals, sending you their friends and families they're not going to do it. It could get confrontational and the same thing with asking everybody for reviews. Just let them do it: treat them great, have the little hints around the office that you're on Yelp, tell them about your Facebook page, Google let them know and then let them do it themselves. That is really the best way and hopefully, you'll get a lot of great reviews over time. It’s not going to happen overnight, but over time, but the more exposure you have these signs and these little hints in your office the better.

I'm going to talk about quality reviews, types of reviews that you're getting. Hopefully, you're getting mostly good reviews and if you're treating your patients really really well then you're going to get good reviews, it's the nature. Are they all going to be fantastic? No, but if you've got 35 great reviews on Yelp and one horrible one and I'm looking for a dentist and I see

35 glowing reviews and one schmuck said you were not a good dentist and he or she was treated horribly, then I'm going to discount that, I'm not going to believe that all. If you, on the other hand, have 10 really really good reviews and 10 really really bad reviews then my little meter is going to go off and I'm going to start saying something is wrong. They've got some good reviews but they also have some really bad ones and I'm going to stay away probably, but the office with one or two bad reviews I don't care. It's funny I'm going to equate this to restaurants again. My wife and I go out to eat and sometimes it's helped being in another city and even Rich and I if we’re traveling for business. Sometimes I’m doing a seminar out of the city, we'll check reviews on Yelp or we find a restaurant and the same thing with hotels. Invariably, even if it’s a nice place, looks very good invariably, they're going to be a few wackos that go in there and say it's the worst place they've ever eaten in or the hotel is dirty it has bedbugs. But again, I know almost every time I'm going to see somebody that hates the place, or hates the restaurant or hates the hotel almost every single time. But again if 90%, of most people, are saying this is very good they're very consistent and a few wackos here and there are saying it's not good, then I'll throw away that. But again my detector goes off it if it's more even if there a significant number of dislikes or bad reviews, so hopefully yours will be mostly good.

What do you do if you get a bad review? I'll tell you what not to do. The worst thing you could possibly do when you get a bad review and I'm not saying if you get a bad review, I'm saying when because you will get bad reviews. The worst thing you could possibly do is go back online and have a pissing contest with this person that gave you a bad review like make some kind of negative remark towards them. That is the worst thing you could do. What's going to happen? You're going to go into a downward spiral. They're going to come back and say something, you're going to argue and it's all visible to the public and it's horrible. Instead of arguing or telling them they're stupid or telling them they’re wrong, instead of doing that, the absolute best thing to do and, again, you know this already, I'm just going to

say it but probably know it, the best thing to do is to apologize. Put yourself in your situation. Apologize and say, “Mrs. Jones, we're so sorry you had a bad experience on your last visit. As you probably know we've been here for ten years and our goal: we strive to make every patient comfortable and not have to wait. And we do the best we possibly can, but occasionally we’re human and maybe we had a bad day the day you came in and for that we totally apologize. And to make good on this Mrs. Jones we’d like to invite you back for whatever a free cleaning, a whitening whatever may it be just to show you that we had an off day and just to show you that we can really take great care of you.” And I'm just kind of winging that, making that up but you kind of get the gist of it. Instead of arguing turn it around to an apology and then ask them to come back so you can prove to them that you can do better. Again I put myself in the situation of the restaurant. If I went to a restaurant and had horrible service maybe if it was dirty, the waitress was rude and I gave them a very bad review on Yelp and I got either a personal note or something back on Yelp, more likely something back in Yelp saying: “Dr. Madow we are so sorry you have had a bad experience, we pride ourselves in great customer service and great food and for that reason would like to invite you back for a meal for two on us and when you're here we’ll make a special reservation for you, we’ll show you that we can do a great job and we know you’ll like our food, give us another try please.” Now, number one whether I take them up on that offer or not, they are so kind and made such a genuine offer to me that I would have to be a total jerk go back on and blast them again. There's no way I would, even if I didn't want to go back to the restaurant most likely even if I were semi-reasonable I would say thank you so much for the offer let me think about it and then the arguments over. It's done because you're not going to go on and keep blasting them so what the restaurant or your dental practice have done is you've kind of mitigated the damages. You stopped them cold. They're not going to say anything bad again. But what could happen is if they come back and you treat them really well they could go back on Yelp and totally change the

review and modify it. And you can modify the review on Yelp -- anywhere you can modify review and say great things about you, that is the ideal thing to do.

So again please remember, the same thing with Facebook too. Please remember never to argue... The old saying is, never argue with a pig because you both get dirty and nobody wins that's not the right quote, but it's something like that. Always take the high road, it's just a business principle that always works, not only in business principle but it's also like a life principle. If somebody insults you or tries to fight with you even in life could be your spouse…we’re going little off tangent here but let me out talk to about this. What I found in life if you take the high road there and instead of getting into a fight with this person, whoever it may be: a spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, business partner or whoever it may be, if you kill them with kindness and apologize: “maybe I was wrong I need to look at it a little differently”, kill somebody with kindness and the fight is over, it's done and that's the end of it and hopefully, there'll be a good ending to that. It's just something I've learned to live, fighting rarely works, rarely works. So I think I’ve covered everything I'm going to cover on this module -- mainly getting you onto Google, Yelp, Facebook. Making sure you claim your page. Making sure you are getting as many reviews as possible and again that's simple by offering the best patient experience you possibly can and then what to do when you do get an occasional bad review. If you master this, I think you've done one of the most important things you can for the good of the marketing of your practice online. It’s really really crucial, I mean, any prospective patients these days is going on and one way or another checking your reviews. That's just natural they are doing that, so make sure you things look good and if you're listening to this I think you're going to do a great job.

Thanks again for being a part of this module 13, If you’re doing them in order you’ve got two more to go, if you’re not doing them in order, I have no idea how many more you have to go. But what I’m going to recommend also is the ones you really enjoyed the most go back and play them at a team

meeting. You can review these since you own these. You can review these as often as you want. Rich and I know that if you incorporate a lot of the ideas we are giving you right now into your practice, I am positive, Rich is positive your practice is going to grow, you’re going to have more fun at what you’re doing, have a better team, patients will be happier. I mean, this is the way to do it. So thanks again for being with us we appreciate it and I’m Dr. Dave. We’ll see you in the next module. I might be by myself or I might be with Rich you never know, see you later.

[End of recorded material]

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