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Accredited Governor Training Programme

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• Accredited by University of York St John• Level 0 (accessible)• 10 credits• Student benefits for Governors

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Underpinning Knowledge

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Formal Instructor-led Workshops

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But what about the termly training programme?

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• Regular workshops for:– New Governors– Chairs– Clerks– Plus a School Improvement Module for all

• Everything else available by request, and chargeable:– For bespoke full GB training– Cluster groups

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“Governors need a wide range of training if they are to play an effective role in improving education for all children and young people. If all the training were done face-to-face, this would take a considerable

amount of time and money. We recognise that governors are busy people and we are keen to offer training in a way which is accessible, convenient and


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But cost-savings must have been a factor....................?

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“Clearly, another big factor for us was about savingmoney. One classroom-based session for eightgovernors would cost around £44 per head percourse, which compares to the cost of ModernGovernor of £5 per head per year for access tomultiple courses. Ultimately, we’ve been ableto target our limited resources more precisely

and effectively.”

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But Governors won’t use e-learning!

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Enrolments and Completions


2010 (to date)

0 50 100 150 200 250


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How did that happen?

A. It's now available to every school B. The launch eventC. We emailed all governors direct with details

about MG rather than go through Chairs of Governors (who may or may not pass on the information)

D. Word of mouthE. Full GB use of Modern Governor as a group

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But Governors PREFER face-to-face training!

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Feedback from York Governors





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But they won’t see e-learning as a “quality” method of learning!

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Would your recommend Modern Governor to other Governors?


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The Final Word.....SueI just read your case study on Modern Governor. For many years, I have been fairly critical of the quality of Governor training in the City. I think this is largely because the wide range of Governors' abilities makes it almost impossible for speakers to pitch to both ends of the spectrum within the same audience. The result is that they befuddle some people or patronise others. However, I must say the e-training is excellent. I've now completed several of the modules - most of the relevant ones to me, in fact - and all have been very good. I'm also delighted to see what astounding value for money it is, my modules so far amount to less than a pound each! You made a very good decision in finding and selecting it, well done!(York School Governor)

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