


 Mobile Usage Causes Shift in Consumerism

July 27, 2011

By Molly Troha

There has been a massive shift in consumerism, and most of us are contributing to this change without even realizing it. More minutes are now spent on the mobile market than the traditional internet. This means handheld devices are being utilized more than notebooks and laptops.

As we all know, there is an app for everything. People now use them for many of the things they would previously have used the web for. They are turning to their smartphones to search, research and shop.

A digital change is occurring in terms of consumerism, and many businesses are now adapting accordingly. Websites in the automotive industry, like DealerApp Vantage, have created apps that allow the consumer to quickly and easily access their information. This also aids in connecting consumers to specific dealerships because of the ability for dealers to place ads and links with features like, “build your car now.”

In order to retain customers, dealerships have also started providing free apps that allow the buyer to view their owner’s manual, see their maintenance schedule and schedule appointments. These types of features establish a more secure relationship between company and client; this ultimately ends up being beneficial for both parties.

Flurry found that consumers spend an average of 9% more time using mobile apps than the web. Morgan Stanley’s report on online trends predicts that the mobile web will rule by 2015. As more people are turning to smart phones for the majority of their online usage, companies need to be ahead of the curve if they want to procure, interact with, and retain clients.

Interesting Statistics from Mashable:

• 48% of internet users come from five countries (Brazil, Russia, China, India and the U.S.)

• Real-time technology and location-based services are expected to drive mobile retail

• Online ad sales are growing, but virtual goods, premium content and other models are big business, especially on the mobile web.

Infographic from Microsoft Tag:


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