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MEGAN E. MAXWELL 14300 Waterside Lane I-2 [email protected] Broomfield, Colorado 80023 720.290.1424 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Independent Consultant February 2013-Current

Policy and Regulatory Review: provided technical and review of Federal agency policy documents relating to “Special Status Species” and “Emergency Stabilization and Rehabilitation” programs.

o See, Megan Maxwell, “BLM’s NTT Report: Is it the Best Available Science or a Tool to Support a Predetermined Outcome?” (Unpublished report prepared for the Northwest Mining Association), May 2013; available at:

o See, Megan Maxwell, “Policy Barriers Impede Restoration of Low-Elevation Sagebrush Habitats” (Unpublished report prepared for American Exploration & Mining Association), March 2015.

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Document Review: served as primary consultant for review of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents, and other Federal agency documents by providing technical review and comments as part of the administrative and procedural process.

Greater Sage-Grouse Literature Review: served on the scientific team for the review of several important greater sage-grouse scientific, regulatory, and policy documents.

CTL Thompson, Inc. Denver, Colorado Environmental Scientist/Biologist March 2008-August 2010

Provided efficient and thorough environmental services including Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments, Threatened and Endangered Species assessments, wetland determination, NEPA Compliance.

Project Experience Includes: o Biological Evaluations, Colorado: served as Biologist on various evaluations involving the Endangered

Species Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act; conducted field investigations to assess potential habitat, performed presence/absence surveys, prepared biological evaluations, and impact mitigation plans. One major project involved the Burrowing Owl and other migratory birds. For this specific project I worked closely with the former Colorado Division of Wildlife to delineate a buffer zone; performed on-going buffer zone and owl monitoring during site development, and made recommendations regarding the on-going presence of Burrowing Owls and their nestlings during site development.

o NEPA Compliance, Colorado and Wyoming: served as Biologist and Environmental Scientist for environmental assessments and categorical exclusions; provided recommendations on construction and mitigation techniques which enabled the client to qualify for a lower level of compliance under NEPA.

o Wetland Determination Evaluations, Colorado; served as Biologist, conducted wetland delineations following methods described in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual and assisted clients with wetland permitting, including obtaining Nationwide 404 Permits for projects in Colorado.

EDUCATION: University of Denver-Sturm College of Law Denver, Colorado Master’s of Natural Resources Law and Policy December 2012

Relevant Coursework: o Natural Resources Law: introduction to and overview of natural resources law; subject matter included: water

law; mining law; oil and gas law; public land law; environmental law; and energy law.

o Environmental Law: covers the major federal laws and programs for environmental protection including: National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA); Clean Water Act (CWA); Clean Air Act; Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); Endangered Species Act and Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA); common law remedies are also discussed.

o Hazardous Waste and Toxic Substances: review of the major federal environmental protection programs, with an emphasis on CERCLA and RCRA. Coursework also includes toxic torts, the CWA, Safe Water Drinking Act, the Clean Air Act, and the Colorado state voluntary cleanup program (VCUP), toxicology, and immunity issues. The course emphasizes practical application of major environmental laws.


o Public Land and Resources Law: an overview of law, policy, and procedures governing United States land managed by the federal government; subject matter included application and issues relating to NEPA, Federal Land and Policy Act; National Forest Management Act; federal wildlife laws, minerals and energy laws.

Research Assistant, Professor Jan Laitos; Spring/Summer 2012 o Contributed to the article “Cyanide, Mining, and the Environment,” Pace Environmental Law Review, Summer

2013. Metropolitan State College of Denver Denver, Colorado Bachelor of Arts, Biology; Minor in Environmental Studies December 2005 MEMBERSHIP: Ecological Society of America National Association of Environmental Professionals American Exploration & Mining Association

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