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Washing th*. Screen f ^ ' ? f | 1 i . I I i f f fiL )| *

Deiperate And Lonely •* i*Wr-

• i ' the is

# .


SEPARATE TABIDS" at f-qcw's Tiiortef this wee!?

•I t)c,|i< wan. nunc Ami heart* tugging aim of jgioat divine tiijft iMing w«h svliat Is pLoti &bh- one of tfec VQIWS saddest ai1" 'ut?—loneliness-

-Wife ADUl/iS OJNrjtf film nam|5mtcd Ailists lias'AfcBlJ* tliavvrt fiqm tho dining loom seating an augments m a. stni-vll, JilJ)glish seaside- Hotel, Ja-

. vorerrbv "What tjtve-filjn—Itself crtK "the desperate imd the

i * i



' *

cailtnaXna \alurmtiti "Will* r — mnlimrjWior In it Srniitn, '

lonely," The pioeeediitgs con­cerns hul * day ot two of erjsis in the Ti"\cs ii its inmates/

• kooKnig around the diAlhg loom we find -shy JOebouh&err .living * pathetic life under the-domination of her stein moth-

,(!}', Gladys , Cooper. There. is David Hiven, phony British army officer, who brings the hopp of ronranee into hei bleak heart - <

F01 his poxtuyal of the shy and JdWMioartcd man raitsqueiv ading behind a eloak of bluff tn& bravado,- Niven his le- . _teived_ihe^ -Nate: Jfoik _Eilm-_sun ^SeiUU Ait-axd fji t h e Best Ac* r _, ,„ , .„ , , , , , t&. of 1958. Don't Iter surprise*! v J 2 i e

M i l i ^ ! n » * n ^ M ™ * *

10H Sol '*JM{- -Auburn.. Jr, A,


nothing w, either'tftr^

FREE BOOK f.ll»liovyj 1 llwcrlbct Belton«'|

n»Vr IPvTVISIBLlE, wiy to licur, lde*l lor conductive MMT

*wkiiy xnoder t l i i JOBW* TNTo cord ii", *

/ f t > *

Mfmom ./«-yaur"«MHfiir

lj you henr his, name' mentioned Q>e night- xif Apxil 6th when our f Uend j ' G s u r " hasTinother "Blrthflay in HoltywboS. —'""

A T THE" O'HIER" tables "we-find BufF-LanoisU;r, American Wiiter, tiying to ^rbwn his love

-for his^Jisti'angod "wifc7^J^it». Hayworth, m alcaijol Theavj seems to be liope for Wm \^^n ,

-romance blossoms with lVendy. Hiller, the very practical man-acsr of the inn, ohly to have it expiate A\heh Kita arrncs-and begins to exercise- hpr old

, glamour' { • 1 •

/iW*t have explosives In all' these situations—Uiven Is c \ pp^td not only as" s M e but as a molester of women in. the Bsrjcness bf theaters. AVendy's strong will saves him and po1* *ibly Deborah's j o m a n t c -l^il^e-wise,-3ho is: thei lueroinc'who bring; ioout a reconciliation'of Buit an^ Rita.

This; misfellstjlcQus coll.ceUoi} of misfits turlfs in. a sot "of, superlgtivo peitorniapccs In :this r . ""holyy* .ftiovle .whose: •theme, ls 'stri^Jy for aaulH'l v

AD01JLSCENTS a -hfghdUfis Westem set -%x\ A gold mining camp in thcJMonUnd Temtory of the 1870s,, 'feuhnicoloi en hanecs the mafinifiecnce-of out WPstein country m tho hcetio period of the Gold Rush?

Gary Coojiei is the tutitilrn mybterious s i r a n g c i Mho drifts into the town with a scalpel, a Coll, and an in-i,lSe straight. Our TH,D,'s fust action is to Tetane young Ben Piazza fr«jm * lyncli-minded mob. Hiv-sccond is to take on the lccovciy of MarJa Sthcil who is 111 and Minded by the

JCarl Maiden who plays the e\al gold piospector who wants Pi­azza's life, Coopers money, and "Miss-SchcH's—affectionsr more or less in that oidei

Top'' ine given f i e a a good cist m a-western .With a "twist" foi an enjoyable evening of entertainment for adults and adolcscqnts

Mssfcmen Gite Gains v Home — ( N O — A total of 357,950-ijew-Catholics wc\ie bap lized, duiihg the past year jn ei^jnisslohs <f&dueted by the Wftife Patheis thloughout Afn-ta

This was revealed in official statistics ldcasod hero at the h,cadquniteis of the White Fa-theis The numbei of Catholics m the White fathers' mission ai eas now total 4,336,552, with an additional 1,138,564 catechu^ mens-receiying instructions.

GERHARD V O P T I C H I C B - 69 MfllU ST. ^

T\T Tests

For-Priests London — (NC) — £amera

tcsts-fop pi tests toie 'held here and m Birmtnghom to select* a do/en new "television priests"

HA, «-08jS8;

» t

r\ J

" X H r H A N - G a - M G TREE" comes tq- jK'^iK'afajholint Thea-

;.. I tat <dl§fm£ io-i'AOtlljTS Am> ^ • ^

CustiQin Orclers i Repairing Slock shades in wjde variety

P 1 -58?i^^40T-MO»E0E A^,-

The 12 selected will take a week « long studio—training course to piepaie them for ap­peal ances on religiwis- feature piograms of the Biitish inde­pendent,., oi^cpmmorcial, net-w o i k . - - , ^ t • - f

mua Thcatei starting this Fr i ­day, rebruanu20 for ADULT^,. ONLY -See last week's review of this Witching film *

"EERFECT rUHLOUGH" is the not tao-pcifect offeung a t the Palate Theater with-Tony Curtis $ thcu-big name 4& <his conrcdy. The ads tell us that there are 287 certifjed laughs itt this movie but thS'situations ' HOBNELL, "WATCII OUT — and c d s f f l ^ i n ^ o f c a f i o n j n r l •paOUBLS. i t ' s ' t o o bad the, some- « • these ^gg l f e , inaEes Ma]cstic-THeatei* has to spoi? S 1 i S ^ S 1 ^ B I ? ? T I 0 N A B L E

1 ^ the Friday and Saturday, Feb FART FQR ALL, | 20-21, bill by coupling a ','B"

movie "Scrcamn\g Mimi''' with an action Adults and Adoles­cents 1'The Last Bhtzkreig,"

I JSJUMlf tA ' 'BE'LL, ttlOK,

AND1 HANDLE' is at the CI-' " " * ! — ' • I w j

Amon? 'Women


The Cana Story *Zm


Cana in t he paflsh'has been. , designatci the March. feature |;of the-iyamily and Parent Edu-I ention Comniittco of the Dioc­

esan Council of Catholic V/om-en, according to. a stgry in thE: Fcbrnai'y issue of The Counsel­lor, t he official bulletin'of the

"Those who participate In a ream^Conference. are shown a .vision of fiow' marriage can be lived in Clirlsti. ivlth His Love penetrating their family so that i ts life is dnly a radiance of -IJis. . ^ ' '


af$.$'Mif¥ SAUISGE "" m^i aof's .

:rc«' frnrn cms #MV« SAUS«8FSlt6CKWUHSI *


ANft. 4rHAMl5l


, - ' j j - he official I Councn;^***".

I n an article entitled "The Oana Story" adapted from an AVe Maria article t h e Counsel­lor reminds u s that mauringe. i s the ^waj: -toost ipeople jwill achieve earthly happiness and. qCernal joy ,-ff the^-will woriv at it. As married couples they Will fiiidihfr routine duties of fajmlly lite instrtfrneiits- of hBli-ness and happiness, not-obsta­cles, : • ' • !>• \ C , t * i ,

"NAMED FOR_thc occasion pf Chrisl's first public miracle, the Carta Conference is a wide*-, spread and tremendous teacb>: lng force, educating u?;on the beauty of Christian mamage-;«s the Church teaclies i t ' *,..

"Those'.resuhqd bjt thfe pro­gram ' A f e t i v e »f .tHprougSi grounding- 4*ot only-*n the spir­itual-and- OToral -side--o|Mii»r~ Hage but also lit the psycho­logical and material aspect's, for the'-ichuitfa, reepgnfees—that n happy 'nitttriajge depends 'tipon "both the natural and- the super-' tottiral.

Under the heading "Cana in the Parlsh"™theHMlDWlng basic goals of the Family l i f e Bu­reau, National <3atholic Welfare Conference a r e recommended for incprpgration' into every psvh#:-

t Miify parish should have prc-Carrhf Cottfcren^cs- not only In Lent hut regularly through-! out t he year.

A Met tradition was established wliert , Carmen died, poor girl,

n.«f$ -tragic death went ifoal.

Behind The S c e n e s

B y MiLTjON OROSS "With-whom,ai'« you assocI-*casls i s that more slips don't 1 ated?" t * M the dowager. In m$ n<jarly thirty years as.

Snnouhlcr f o r " the, greatest show on air" —? the Satiifday ihatlnee pQrfonnances ot" t he :Meti'opolltan ^)p'0» — I havft she rnqu'ired. - * experienced m a n y moments when, tears o r laughter all bu t chokia jtiy. word?... •

"Columbia,*' replied the pro­fessor. • . •

I'Becords o r throadcastlng?'*

But -despite the dignity

"Neither,? said he.

- "0b,'« she sniffed disdaihful-jaf *y> "you're in trade?" ,N

"Yes, we inannfacture Jiovel-ties," he retorted,

Jjlve mirtutes later she learn-. ed on the »ir -who ht^vas , artd s i p n .*««?»« *** «» bsn^tA

2. Every parish should have one o,F~two Cana Conferences

teach j-ear.

3. There should b e larent training fli how to teach chil­dren the love of God;, i n under­standing the 'parent-school re­lationship. . .

4 . Faflby study xluSs, Moth­ers Circles,and "Mr, and Mrs." dfscuslion*clubs should be en-courajied,

-S5 Wherc-tberer -is—marriage- -trouble, some .recognized au­thority—lawyer, doctor, social worker, efe, should h e avail­able for counsel. •

the l l e t and t h e great talent of Its artists, many of t he horse­laugh* I've had to stiffle Wfere .never intended fer t he Dia­mond. Horseshoe.

U4N FACT^ while 1- was .pre­paring iny notes for the- first opera broadcast on CJBS -radio , this s«asdn, Bteet's ' 'Carmen,".! recalled an ttnin'.entiomally tip*-rdarleto*-"Canaen" of another year "Which gave ttoe t o oft» 1ft-tlcrlawwnltet tradition.

The star, Jteanae Gordon, sang t he title" role eofctumed i n *;l}o©p sltiii lehich; w*f the *n-;thcntie dfoss of the period. A t the close of-fjie fourth act Dpn Jose, Armand Tokayatt, jstabbed her. Much to bis imrprise, when she "fell to t h e it«se her htiap skirt rose, - ' . •

Hastily, he pushed the skirt down, up i t e*me- D&Ra'hc pushed it, una held it there as he s t o g hlscloslhg phrases. But on t h e high note, he loosed b i s hold apnd Up pepped the sWrt.

Carmen riled, IKMSF s l r l , iitiid rbart of l»ashje,r from* theloiogrsi, hut before he: eohidVtn.-audleaee. An* Rom tkat d*y tojish Hi?.lady sped off In pur-thls,* €«rmeii 3iM <Mr*f agalii wora a hoop jklrt i t thf Met.

occur, 'We have never had a real disaster, despite t he fact thlt t h e Metropolitan Opera is the longest,, biggest and most varied slio^ on the air..

In t h e course of the three or four hours of braadcastitig, there axe do?er« of occasions when Piings could go wrong. The health, timing arid temper^ Tnonl. o f numerous' singors, a | -contluptor, an orthestra, »nd participants on the tatermfcv



w t i A R l Rcu^Cr

The only thing known about Ch'kttreuse is that Vou'fZ /1A5 it I The r«at, the £op secret formula of this rare, ^iter-dinner liqueur, B*s remained closely guarded for well over three and * half cen­turies at, a Monastery high In tJfc French Alps Chartreuse Is superb served strmght or over ice—does delicious things to vaiuIU ice cream or fresh or frozen fruit.

•'Couples' are made aware itiitTurijfty. JhcoUgh lOvertwhlch Mrfiasjthe' love of *Cf?r$li and Jlis Church) is tlfe wlijle mean-: ihg of .irt.aj-iiag(!.-tfhe man is the head, the cenier of aulhori-ly? the >Ife, theiheart, the cen« tor of affection. He lo^cs-'her as Christ loves the church;, she

6. THE CATHOliie poslttori anu^ifi-Jiuituy... shnfiia he_maM

l d ^ i f j d serv«5h$n *S;tfw-'parjs»'-tdafiS»a; Church loves and serves Christ.

i ,k th* pattetn-for f5hris-f This, t ia f i

*«ANA SHOWS that in tHis sacrameht, Christ has stored an Inexhaustible supply -of grace, to heip couples saj*d their pt'ob-lems and. make their marriage holy. Gana further demonstrates this by i'lving pfaMcal answers to real jrobieiris, combining t he wl sde f f i "^ Catholic theology with the newest findings.of so­ciology' and economics. "

known *o t h e community so that We can influence miri'iage iegH&ation,. etc . -

Practical suggestions of waySi in which a parish society could assist a pastor In Cana Work are;

- 1 , Encourage coUpleTiriTouf

12,01)0,000 mystified listeners heard her gasp, "That Wasn't a bit.fiinnyl" ,

TJ*0(JGn I have repcjrlod a thousand "deaths". tha t hive taMifc pl*ce; onstage a t t h e Met, none, has bees as embarrassing­ly palhlul as that suffered b y a ia«nbusir*«male JniprMarlo durln* one Of our Texace Opera Quiz intermission fea­ture*.

TMs4li=fated Ia.dybuttbn)ioted j a prominent muslcblogist,' who j wai also op t h e otib panel tha t ' Sajurday afternoon, afiff whis-pejedi -

"Who wrote the first opera? I "just overheard the atilzmas-ter talking the producer, It's solnif to - 0 | a tjucstiph' on the m i l r . " . • • *-.

"Most people ijcee i t Was Monteyirdi,'' began the, musics

Suit of a l le t ioprtnb.

And,. X thank my lucky stars that I have not erred more th&n I have Sn-nearly three decades of brbadcastfng. .._•

Gos Furnact £|wcMJp CojmpIeU inspMtion In . . _ _ _

jnimtjk Exlrsi^hiirc* tor9*f* * «

;tf .

! j i - ~

Mefzger & Brayir Ce*, 485J.YELL AVE.' Jinc. 3 « !

GL. 3-0421


' " " c ^ i i f l r l Repair«d

tYour old TIIJI -cm be ! nrnit te look hlct new "spin! All rugs" trt i fi/pt«cted by irmirance ;»ri«st ilr« (ltd T*tft ; while in cur pwjessipn.


G««*nfi«!d 3-49-47


Daily Arrivals

n K c S> H . couohT



BA. 5-1S10 Mi

banners of a Spellrnan Ai derit MiCTiei airport: here

.-, .. - . ., -,_. , ^^whenJhr Mqch of t h e credit for the question was posed, t h e lady1* broadening, of the audience f o r

operi mus t i» tp Texaco,'which h«« spgnsor^d thf b'roadeiftU for *S seHioM.aS.a'piiWic sef-> vice. Still anfl all, jftobb«y.

a prominent society •matron and an equally notable Colhmbia t l n i v e r s i i y professor were --guests on oiir Intermis­sion feeatur& "Opera News' ori LheJUr." —

band shot up Immediately. "Most, people agrcfe. i t Was Mohte'vc^ai. Isn't that right,

m —r ' ;|he^ausleologist re .p 11edt from time to tlrnfc .•'*^y? ' f^IptHPopTe agree, yes. ^ b -

from time to Time- , #m.JM theyfrwrdng. It.was Alevrycars ago, for instance,

'The impresario was silent and sullen -throughout the re­mainder of thf fluiz. She has never spofien to the mati sinec , THE nilRACbE. 61 our hroad-

2. Handle publicity for Caria 'and^pre-Caria * <Conf orebces;

3. Take cafe of paner work— mimeographing agendas, etc.*,

^ t P r e p a r c t h e chnrch hall,, set u p chairs, literature dis* plays; ^ >

5. Donate and server reffeshr mfintsx

6. Offer to care if or children of couples attending."'"

v ^y-y 1




Become o Medical Secretary

**" A complete D i p l o m a Course in 15 months in­cludes business and medi­cal subjects, medical dic­tation, t e r ' m ' i n o l o g y , l abora to ry -techn'ques, procedures, d i e t e t i c s ,

• personality improvement, 1 cultural and social acfivi-f ties. Write for folder.


f^«&1iday,llov,Z4 The demand for Medical Secretaries is increasing, Pre­pare for this new fascinating career, free placemen!-iorvice. Morning classes. Visit new modern medical laboratory and meet Mrs Mary WeBean, R. N , Direc­tor of School of MedieaLSecreiarial Science.

ROCHESTER BUSINESS INSTITUTE 172 Clinton A v e , S. , I- HAmiltori i-0680





CLASSIFIED A D S •1?i*jES — 7{ o word. Sfcfmps or cash t o coyer cost of t h § od must b e in .this offic5,-35 ScT i Street, 48 hours before publfcgrrorr dote, . * *

(Slni« « M ) . 'Cr'-T, CMtmtii, 4 « Tfewer, -C!fr * * . p i , 7 S i - J » m O n i

' o( llotheatir'* mhii imiuteltnaj ^oe^ t *«iiS«W *»nJ- rtSiitiWrti ""

Jlllmra*, itlhtlfb »itf; hbm* poftriits, liliotoiEripto itstoftd KolorJittft IGimt(l) Studio), "IIS fr«nkUnd Bo«». COii^re»» S-t?68'

Help Wanied M*li->Ol)R M F S " r . ««t'» *»>!(' D l _

>l»i«m o r A l c o » . N*»t *£pt*iAiiM. iitltjmUte mc*«»prr. Wi l l lr*lh B*> uptrnnl) p»r* ^inie mert i t l t ht Ton-!ld«r«d G l * m }-74?8-R »nr «i«T

Help Winied F«male TUPPEnWARE J)FAtiF.hS nttdti m

(hi* nt-'i X Dirt,,, tint* job v i l l i full t int Iny . No tftllfcUont, no •Iclhcrh/ , C»r jiic*««ar». Cill BA. 5 « O S no<r, ' m Callmlie Iticlorr. Ttetereiiajii I n linteir l.«kt» rtrion. Box CCJII Confer JMit-n.t

WOMEN WITH CATHOIJC SCHOOL CONTACTS, m ll(l» » « « p«rl or /nil time. M"»t 1»v» ltl(-'<ilioli{, c fr ,

, fi ~ ' *

cortfmiMlon V?n- *o«4

.-— — °'lt» cf;

ilid itllhl» tltperilnct tatii rj|<Wi - " ftccounl t l m w l n j * ; t i n i ( liberal

jlroposKinii W "the rltM.fMvtri i l « t » ref(r(nrt»

-ihi flO«]IIIc»iy»!ii In iletiir Phoiu illnnbtr Ihtmnlitlc Inter1ieiti ill Titiir to^Jl (Jeiiffy Creallmi^ 1^* W iSth S t . Net? l o r k 1, Ne*-

Painting-Paperhanging fAIN'TING P A T m P L A S r a M N f t

Vi*. c»n n p » r _ a n ; crick ^r rough

Jlittler (,ii«r»ii^ctil ni>t to ihbw IV. 2-S515 D«7«, Bit 1 <191 Er«.

i i lns*

Unwanit&t Hair SUPEBTMJOttS IfAltn, p?n*»n^nlly

rfm»tcd Mtdieally »pllroi*i!' (SrB-

|Jii.T^^ *^' l h r w u ?

C6liA3Uid T l t ^ . VV*llj a«d r|»or«-lILenwoda.ViSSS-'W, Gtittwotd 4 -5181-5}, . •

KfiSmfiNmATt, conmeicMi', ! liidm--Iftai. • Immiflialt i irt len. JtlJWJojlliMe i«Ifc»i . C*J«C5#TIII*1 El«ctric :Co.» CK»r-, J-380S-*. '

ffi (.LASS, yarnllrtH

th fn .



N o w In Rehtdrsal: "Fintan'* lalnbow**


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WATCHING YOUR WEIGHT? Delicious Low -Caloric

"IST Ei ieW-

Vitamin^! IN HPER l O t T l E S , . . AT Y01IR STORE—Oil AT T0UIIHNJB,



e Road East

Roy Burnt

Slirurd«jrr»tmd»r. U(S _ thi l l

Moving Moynft,: c»u chrii nrptnMit.

I(aunth1c, foiirWouii r r e i n t i ' * matcit MAmi(ion ( 1708;. gAlitr 5-

lU»' or t-Air>lsit- 81133. T\t bur li\ii IirrnttUrc.

Carpenter GINpItAL rimoddhtj; marahlctd l»t-

iifactitin, rt-*« tiiHiiiin, mi 2-M1S- D.y i , B B t-titl, E\atUt Hpusewivii—Mothers

ViVL, D M W K W CO. ha« Ihrw bi»iliim> »«1UI«U tt>r rt»rncd iorrttn mlh I I i o 13 TIDUTS i | » »

. (lin* [*>rnlriiri< S3.i in f5ff iiiid Ktekl; ilT <*Jrk—fltxlhlf nqrlirir llnurt dfullmr or f icnmet Cliil-drin no lurllatiln. For Inttrvlt* »t>-tolritimnt 'call OR. 31*1S, rttsori-ll int trntr 'niceMlrj 1 , N o informa-Iterr—*it»l»-»on phone On« iuper-rlmi-v Dq»iUf>n ivalUUe on a full ]l^« W«ll 7

t House for Sale 18 BTvOSllOM CiinCtr TAST, Sp«cl-

o|/f 3 <trt. yiiuna—I bedroom l a -Wonstl rtilttmnorarj rolomnl, 2<<. iittU) ilrlfjirnod r»nllly rhom oil rutin jjorir. Vfalkinir dltixnrt In tKrcr l l l t h , lriiliin Jitidmr Scitoqla, FllUmi Park Jlhtkclv f-nh.*>ifi -ra^it l u T u r t h , . ' i f t n ^ v .

tMlTDEl-EMM Assixsirtiittj PAiitsii' ' f l I aurimrt, > . T .


AIR CONDITIONED 76 S o Main St., Fairport, New York

illllllllll imiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiuAumiiiim HOLY FAMKA PARiSU-


MSnclellheirtt:•-•* has Served t l a bed-ridden oF ths -oldest has iiiirsed I 4as -ueeh del Service* S h e t l j eS jek , ' ' :

| FUNERAL DIRECTORS 1 | 828 JAY ST. L FA. 8-23231 2ii|}iMfiiiiniiiiiiii!iiiiiii>iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifniiiiiiiiiiiiiiLit'ipiiiii[iiiiniii->

Cotujiir* Hii luxarlhit'»nnm« ftct Hi Tivllif irta. for llilk pr>c* »n»-hktrt hi 'nrtjhWri Br oiciler —

. . iralc t p l i e f


Wil lum j , Elliott prank L . Kliclc oruce H O DclP

r t u m «2—W*h»\<r, K.f.

ST M A i n ' S , CArTAJiNlAlGUj*.

JF, E, McElwee i Son - 484 South M»H St.

151 MA1K &TKELT S. Phbne 56Z-T323,

"Home of flualllY yutillnH™'


A ftme *e» Cmk tmat N«r Memwiil ^ridgi (Off Strett Parking)

•Jo j> fi.)>ii.^,y .-;.o^^r.,v*'..,..

V- - .^'

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